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01x02 - The Cage

Posted: 04/06/11 16:33
by bunniefuu
Episode 2 is preceded by the Pilot episode.

Yeah, Linden here.

Back behind the tape. Yeah, you heard me.

Sarah, sorry about this.

Lieutenant said you were on call, so... where's the body? Conveyor shed.

Homeless guy found her a couple hours ago.

Jane Doe, no I.D., wallet.

Coroner's en route. You're the first one here.

Got to go up the stairs. Follow the ramp.

You'll find her. You want me to walk you through?

No. I'm good, thanks.

You're out of here, what, Friday?

Nope. Today.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ for she's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ for she's a jolly good fellow ♪
♪ which nobody can deny ♪


Bon voyage!

Give her a glass.

Rick, are you still here?



Boo. I so had you.

Unh-unh, Charlie brown with the football.

I think Lucy needs a spanking.

I'm not even gonna ask.

Where's Jack?

Dropped him off at school.

Is he mad?

He's 15. It's his job to hate us.

He'll come around, or I'll make him.

What does, uh, candy cane feel about, uh, Sonoma?

Pop that damn thing before Jack sees it.


What time are the movers coming?

In an hour.

Oh, Regi called and said she wanted to take Jack for a spin on the boat before we leave.

Maybe she can give me away at the wedding.

What'll your parents think about that?

Who cares? What about you?

You ready to do this?

Do what?

Sell the condo. Quit your job.

Move your, uh, kid away from his cool friends.

Marry me.

You know I'm not one for words.

It's a good thing you only need two of them.

Mm. That's me. Uh... why can't you fly down with us tonight?

Candy cane wants to play.

Yeah, okay.

Tickets are on top of the fridge.

Flight's at 9:30.

I do.


Want to marry you.

Tickets on the fridge. Flight's at 9:30.

No, we'll have a few hours before the airport.

It would be great to take Jack on the water.

It's a bad door. Uh, w-what are you doing here?

Uh, who are... can I help you?

Yeah. This is my office.

Who are you?

I'm Holder from county. Are you Linden?

Sar, you there?

Yeah. I got to go. I'll see you tonight, regi.

Yeah, I'm Linden.

I-I thought you'd be out of here by now.

But, I mean, if you need more time, I can wait outside.

No, it's okay. No, no. Come on in. I'm almost done.

I got it.

My bad. I got it.

So, I hear you're moving to L.A.

San Francisco area.

Um, Oakland?


Sonoma. That's nice.


Nice weather, ocean, beaches...

Hate that sh*t.

You must love this place, then.


Crackhead thought she was Picasso?

Crackhead's 6-year-old son drew it.

He get iced, too?


So, what happened to the kid?

Don't waste time moving in, do you?

No. Uh, county cut me loose early, so, uh...

Well, you got a tough act to follow.

You wrapped up here, Sarah?

Yep. All done.

Good. Got a call down at discovery park.

Check it out.

On my last day? My flight's tonight.

You're still on the city's dime.

You can hand it off end of shift, 6:00.

Go on. Do your job.

Take him. Show him how to work a scene.

I know how to work a scene.

Grab a box.

We'll take my car.

All right. Over there.

They tapped me out of the academy at first year... boom, straight undercover.

So I was working vice, narco, and...

I don't know.

I guess narco kind of stuck to me, so...

You? A u.C.?

I never would've guessed.


It's mostly like street-level buys and busts, you know, Joaquim sh**ting Rakim, blah, blah, blah.

You think homicide's gonna be any different?

At least you got a bad guy.

Yeah? Who's that?

Is that why you're running away, Linden?

'Cause you don't know no more?

Detective Linden.

Where's the body?

Still looking.

School kids on a field trip this morning found this.

This park's like tweaker central at nights... you know, ho-bags bringing their tricks down.

Could be some basehead.

Owner's not an addict, at least not the kind who hangs around here.

It's a wool sweater. It looks recently cleaned.

Brought it to the coin wash. So what?

You dry-clean wool.

Do you know any tweakers who drop their wardrobe off at the cleaners?

Anything else?


Atm card.

"Stanley Larsen."

Guy loses his wallet while he's getting his knob polished?

You find anything else, mark it, don't move it.

And, uh, call in sex crimes.

This is theirs for now.

Yo, we got here first.

Yeah, and we don't got a body.

Not yet.

You want to follow it up, go for it.

You're my ride, Linden.

So I'll drop you off at the station.

I need to finish packing up.

I thought you were done.

Flight's not till 9:00, right?

I won't let you miss it. Promise.

Let's have a talk with this Stanley Larsen.

Oh, what's that stink?

I'm here for the pickup. I'm Stan Larsen.

Yes. Come.

Place gives me the creeps.

Nie panikuj. He can hear you, Belko.

Osama here don't give a sh*t. Do you, Osama?

What'd I tell you?

See? Take, take.

Great. Thanks for your help.

My name faisal, not Osama.

I'll bring your paperwork by tomorrow.

Shut up, Stan.

Hey, babe.

Stan, you need to get home right now.

O-okay, you know what?

That's gonna stay broken no matter how many times you wave that damn roll of tape at it.

We can't afford a new one.

I'll get belko to fix it.

You know what?

I am in no mood for that "belko will fix it" bullshit.

Oh, there we go!

Good as new.

Don't even look at that "on" button, Stanley Larsen!

I still got the touch, Ukochana.

Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?

No, no! Aah, you're all wet!

Get off of me! Oh, no! Oh, no!

Oh, no! No, no!

No, no!

You are in such trouble.


You are useless.

You are useless.

Get off of me.

You obnoxious...

Come here.

Mm. I got to go.

Okay. Goodbye.

Come here. Come here. Come here.

I want to talk to you about something. Yeah?

You got to promise me you won't blow.

I mean it. I mean it.

Tell me, baby.

Rosie said she'd apply for colleges.

She just wants to go out of state.

Baby, that is a good thing... come on... that she finally wants to go.

Well, if it's what she wants...

Of course it is, Stan.

I'm not getting into this with you, again.

Mitch, o-out of state? Isn't she kind of young?

She's almost 18.

You got to let her grow up sometime, papa.

I'll think about it.


Stan, got to move.

One more time, right here on the stairs. Come on. Go!

Stop being such a devil.

You ready? Yeah. Let's do it.

Jamie. I'm just on my way.

Hey, Darren.

Good morning. Hey, how are you?

Councilman Richmond.

Times poll just came in.

Adams closed our three-point lead.

Good morning to you, too, James.

Election's in 26 days.

We don't have time to be jerking off here.

Wow. Not an image I want in my head.

Where were you?

I, uh, slept in.

You never sleep in. I did this morning.

I lost my watch, which you, uh, took.

No. It's mine.

It looks like yours, but it's mine.

What time do we have to leave for the school, Jamie?

10 till. I'll gather the troops.

He's more nervous than I am.

And you're surprised by this?

What have we here?

It looks vaguely like a man's timepiece.

Wherever did you find it?

On my kitchen table.

What was it doing there?

With the recent mall sh**t, the press is gonna hammer mayor Adams on the g*ng issue.

Give them a*mo.

Well, he k*lled my midnight hoops tourneys and after-school programs four years in a row.

That's easy.

"Now we have kids stealing and dealing we could've turned around."

You write that? Jamie did.

That's not bad.

Mall sh**t?

Recent g*ng inductees... somalis.

Well, Adams was a fool to ignore them last election.

He'll pay for it this time around.

60 thou and growing.

Registration in rainier valley's through the roof.

If you get them to vote, we got a sh*t.

Forum today could be our turning point.

I had an interesting chat with councilwoman Yitanes this morning.

Ruth is talking to you?

Not only that, she's endorsing me.

We go public tomorrow.

Until then, we keep it under wraps.

The only way we get the unions is with her vote.

Add that to the somalis...

The election's ours.

Hey, Seattle PD.

We're looking for a Stanley Larsen.

He's not here.

You his wife? Yeah.

Do you know where we can find him?

Uh, he's on a job. I-I don't know where at.

What about last night?

Why are you asking about Stan?

Does your husband usually go out at night, Mrs. Larsen, and not tell you where?


Stan's always home with me and the kids.

Last night, too?


We got home late from a camping trip, so he was here.

Have him call us when he gets in.

Are you sure he stayed in last night?

Yeah. I'm sure.


How do you think?

We just wait for this prick to call?

In situations like this, I like to ask myself, "what would Jesus do?"

Don't know. I'll ask him.

Mrs. Larsen, do you have a daughter?

Yeah. Why?

Did she go on that camping trip, too?

No. She stayed. She stayed here for the weekend.

She stayed at a friend's house.

When did you talk to her last?

Um, Friday. Right before we left town.


Did you see Rosie in chem? Unh-unh.

All right. Settle down, guys.

We don't have a lot of time today.

You guys got your questions ready for the candidates?

Yeah? Did anyone do their reading?

Anyone? Anyone? Sterling?


Your question or your cellphone. Your call.

I'm looking for Rosie Larsen.

Um, yeah. Totally.

Rosie spent the weekend at my house.

Did she come to school with you?

Uh, like, I have a zero period.

And I left early, so...

Maybe she slept in. I don't know.

Sterling, are you okay?

Oh, sorry. It happens all the time.


Thank you.

Look, the candidates will be here in less than half an hour.

Can you make sure the seniors are seated by then?

Yeah. No problem, Ms. meyers.

Nice try.


I told you.

How about telling me the truth?

Rosie had dinner with me and the boys, and then she went to that Halloween dance at her school at... I don't know... like around 6:00.

6:00? That's the last time you saw your daughter?


Do you recall what she was wearing?

Uh, you know, tight jeans, a sweater.

She said only freshmen wore costumes.

What color sweater?

I-I don't know. Pink. Why?

W-why are you asking about her sweater and her clothes?

Your daughter have a history of running away, Mrs. Larsen?

Rosie? No, never. That's crazy.

Did you have words with her, a fight?


But you weren't worried when you didn't hear from her all weekend?

I told you, our phone was out of range.

Christ, she's 17.

It's not like we left some little kid behind.



Uh, I-I don't understand.

No, no, I heard you the first time.

Yes. Uh-huh.


That was Rosie's school.

She wasn't with sterling this weekend.

Last anybody saw her was on Friday at the dance.

Press are falling all over themselves.

Those kids can't stay awake.

Adams knew I would come after him on the g*ng thing, and he covered his bases.

Expected countermove. Doesn't take the shine off you.

So why tell me?

Because he's trying to shake you.

Obviously, it's working.

What's really wrong?

Move in with me.

Avoiding my question.

You're avoiding mine.

You can break hearts after you get the single-female vote.

You are cold-blooded.

I know.

That's my job... taking care of you.

So take care of me.

Move in.

Darren, I know where you were this morning.

I wish you'd talk to me about her.

Councilman, the police are here.

And you should be aware that the school is a potential abduction site.

We'll do our best to be discreet with the media.

Surely this can wait, lieutenant.

We can hold off as long as you feel it necessary, mayor.


Can it wait... your investigation?

Missing kids are usually k*lled in the first 72 hours, so, no, it can't.

Well, then, we'll have to cancel.

A missing child takes precedence.

Gwen, uh, you can contact my office to reschedule.

Is that it, lieutenant?

I apologize for the inconvenience.

We'll keep you updated.

Let's go.

Darren, I'd wager you were quite the high-school athlete.

I never cared much for games.

Hmm. Councilwoman Yitanes does.

I wouldn't depend on Ruth's word if I were you.

Assembly is canceled!

Return to your classes.

Everyone, check in with your homerooms, please.

Sterling isn't in class. I don't know where she is.

I'm sorry.

We'll need her home address.

Yeah, yeah. The office will have it.

You were chaperoning at that Halloween dance, right? Yeah.

Who was Rosie with?

Sterling, like always.

Did she leave with her, too?

I-I didn't see.

I was busy trying... do you recall what she was wearing?

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, she was dressed up like a witch.

A witch?

Hat, wand, pink wig.

Most of these girls use Halloween to play stripper, so she kind of stood out.

Rosie... she was a pretty hot piece, though, right?

Yeah. I wouldn't know. She's 17.

Kind of my point.

Anyone hitting that?

I-I don't think she had a boyfriend.

Ask sterling.

Are we done here?


Call if you think of anything else.

Linden here.

Is this Jack Linden's mother?

Yeah. What is it?

This is his school calling. We need you to come in.

Okay. I'll be there.

Put a car on sterling's house.

Where are you going?

And get a k-9 unit out at the park.

I'll meet you there.

Hel... you're my ride, Linden.



Kris, come on, please.

'Sup, sterling?

Where's Jasper?

He's not at his house or school or anywhere.

Did he and Rosie hook up this weekend?

And I should tell you why?

'Cause the cops are looking for her.

She could be in serious trouble. I mean it.

Give me a smoke.

He's on the island at the weekend manse.

Parents are going to Abu Dhabi or some diseased hole like that.

Was Rosie with him?

Jasper scored some "x," so, uh, yeah, he was definitely looking to bone.

You're such an a....

See you, sterling.

Smoking cigarettes at school? Really, Jack?

It's not like I was doing cr*ck, mom. God.

Why do I have to sit around at Regi's anyway?

Because there's nowhere else to go.

That's why.

Did you give our new address to your friends?

Why would I do that?

I don't know. So they can write?

Hello. Facebook.

Kids don't write letters, mom. That's Ret*rded.

Well, it'd be really great for them to visit, then.

Like that's ever gonna happen.

They'll love California.

There's so much to do. It'll be great.

Hey, regi.

Rick's putting together a party, get some of the neighborhood kids together.

He's not my dad.

Hang on.

Linden here.

Hey, it's me.

Yeah. What is it, Holder?

We got the k-9 unit here, starting a sweep of the field.

Okay. I'll be there.

He's trying his best.

We're gonna be really happy in California.

It's gonna be great.


I got to go.

How you been?

All right. What's going on?

Stan, just call me, all right?

Rosie, we're home!

Mom, Rosie promised to bring us biking at the docks.

Can we go, please?

Please! Please!

Wow! Can't even hear myself think here.

What'd you feed them, Terry?

Bag of sugar with a red bull chaser. And it was awesome.

Go put your backpacks away, and aunt Terry will give you more candy.

Awesome! Yes!


Any word on Rosie?

No. And Stan's not answering his phone.

What'd the cops say?


They just asked me a bunch of bullshit, as usual.


Mom, where is Rosie?!

She promised we'd go biking!

She promised!

Denny! Quit your yelling. I mean it.

Rosie's still at school. I'll take you.


Go. Get your helmets. Go.

Sorry. I'm just going a little nuts right here.

I'm telling you, that girl's getting the a... kicking of her life when she gets home.

Look, don't worry.

She'll turn up.

Come on!


Stan, listen, um, it's Rosie.

Why did she lie to us? And where the hell has she been?

She still dating that rich jackoff?

What? Jasper? No.

S-she broke up with him last summer.

What, now sterling's run off, nobody can find her?

What the hell is going on?

Just stay here in case Rosie comes back.

I'm going out.

Stan, the cops were asking about birthmarks and scars and jewelry and anything they could identify her with.

So I told them about, you know, that... that necklace she always wears, that little butterfly necklace?

Why are they asking about that?

She's 17.

She's dumb.

She's not thinking about anybody but herself.



I'll find her. Okay?

Yeah. Yeah.


What do you got?

K-9 picked up a scent.

Started at the fire road where we found the sweater.

Looks like she ran a zigzag through the field, ended up here.

You sweep for possible burial sites? Yep. Nothing.

I don't know. Maybe she's not here.

Where's the map?

Dad's alibi checked out.

The park ranger logged vehicle plates at the campsites.

Larsen's car never left.

Did you have a talk with dad?

He's not a suspect anymore. You need to have a talk.

And get the unis to do another sweep.

We did two, plus the dog.

I thought you wanted to learn how to work a scene.

Been working it, Linden, for hours.

Welcome to homicide. Clock never stops.

I thought you had a plane to catch.

Detective, got something.

Yeah. Linden here. What is it?

Got a possible burial site, northeast corner of the woods.

Adams announced his new anti-g*ng funding package while we were at the school.

Great. Now it looks like he was on board all along.

You shouldn't have canceled. I didn't have a choice.

Wait a second. What if we play into this thing?

Missing kid, desperate family, you pulling out all the stops to find her, campaign be damned?

No, no, no. This is perfect, Darren...

Jamie...... Especially if the kid ends up dead.

Jamie, shut up. Oh, come on. Adams will look like the douche bag that he already...

We're not using a family tragedy for a... a sound bite!

He knew about Yitanes' endorsement.


There any staff we need to worry about?


Darren, it's Meg. The times called.

That reporter again... He's asking questions.

I can't really talk right now.

This is important.

He's asking about when I worked for you.

He knows about your trips.

My trips are public record.

Not all of them.

Only you knew about those, Meg.

Gwen and Jamie knew about them, too, and I'm not the one blabbing.

I got to go, Darren.

Thanks, Meg.

Hey, Jinxie Jo. How you doing?

Where is she?

Where's Rosie?!

She didn't tell me, but his parents are out of town.

And on Friday, she got really dressed up for the dance, and she does that when she's gonna meet him.


She's at Jasper's house, Mr. Larsen.


Rosie's on the island with that kid.

What? With Jasper? Are you sure?


I'm going to pick her up now.

Oh, thank God.

No more worrying, okay, babe?

Yeah, okay.

Okay. Love you.


Found the Larsen girl with her boyfriend.

Friend gave it up.

Sterling? Holder put a car on her.

No, he didn't.

And I didn't authorize you to bring in a k-9 unit either.

Did you talk directly to the Larsen girl?

Some teenybopper got laid. End of story. It's over.

And don't you got a plane to catch?

Linden, got something.


Wrap it up. We're done.

Where is she? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, man.

You need to leave, like, right now, or I'm gonna call the cops.

Where the hell is my daughter?! She's not here! She's not here! She's not here!


She's not here.

She's not here.

She's not here.


Rosie, get up. We're going home now!


I told you Rosie isn't here.

Let's go, Linden!

Hey, babe. I'm thinking pizza.

How about we grab a couple pies after I pick you and Jack up from the airport?

That sounds great, Rick.

Oh, I had this sick idea for Sunday's barbecue.

Jack's gonna be bored out of his skull...

What's the holdup?!

Give me a minute.
...So I'm gonna get one of those bounce-a-rama things...

You said that 20 minutes ago!

Throw him in there with a couple other kids, let them bounce the crap out of each other while the "grown-ups" get wasted.

Come to think about it, I might jump in there myself.

No judgments, right?

Let's go! Let's go! U there, Sarah?

I-I think I'm losing you, babe.




Where does the fire road lead to?

To puget sound. Why?


Rick, I got to go. I'll call you later.

They found her, Linden.

How far is the sound from here?

Way on the other side of the park, okay?

The Larsen girl ran in the opposite direction.

So where are they going with fishing poles?

There's a lake on the other side.



Mitch, Rosie wasn't with him.

Stop it!

What? Where is she? Mom!

I don't know.

I'm at the park.


You said they found her sweater here, right?


I-I don't know that that was hers.

Mom? What's wrong, mom?

Tommy, go... go watch your videos. Go on.


Why does he always get to pick? Go, now.

Stan, she wouldn't be at that park.

I-I don't know where else to go, Mitch.

Why are you there? I-I don't understand.

What is going on?

Can you open the trunk?

What is it? What's going on, Stan?


Stop! Stop now!


What are you doing?

I need you to get back in your truck, sir.

I need you to get back in there and move your truck.


Hey. Wait... wait... wait a minute.

No, sir. Where are you going?

Stan, what's going on?

Please, sir. Hey.



Calm down. Step back.


Detectives, we've got the father here.


Just let me talk to her.

All right, all right. Okay, okay.

You can't be here, Mr. Larsen.

Is it my daughter?

Is it my daughter?

I'm sorry.

You can't be here.


No. No!


Rosie! Rosie!



Stan! Stan!

That's my baby girl!

Stan! Stan!


We ran the plates.

Car belongs to the Richmond campaign.


City councilman Richmond?

Friday, it... it was...

Friday, before Rosie left for school.

She was in the garage getting her bike, and...

Did she seem different in any way?

Did she say anything to you, Mr. Larsen, before she left?

I was on the phone, taking an order.

She just...

She just waved.

And that was the last time you saw your daughter?

Anyone you can think of that might have done this?

Mrs. Larsen?

Her fingernails.

What... what was that?

Her fingernails.

They were broken.


Was your daughter involved in politics?

No, no. She... she's quiet.


Stayed at home most weekends, hangs out with her brothers.

What about this boyfriend... Jasper?

Lasted only a few weeks.

Rosie broke it off...

I think in the summer.

He ever hurt your daughter, Mr. Larsen?

I should have got off the phone.

I should have said goodbye.

Well, these were found on the body.

Keys, jewelry.

Coroner's got no cause of death yet.
You having a talk with the campaign?

Yeah, I'm about to call them.

No, you do it.

Political nature of this case, deputy com's gonna be watching.

So you have to dot your I's on this one.

I handed in my paperwork. I don't work here anymore.

Paperwork's sitting on my desk till I sign off.

You found her, sar.

And I have a wedding to plan.

Yeah, it's in, what, three weeks?

Give me 24 hours, then you can go.

Sir, you... you know I used to work point on a lot of undercover busts down in county, right?

Rick, hold on a second.

Oh, and, uh, car keys were found in the ignition.

Could be somebody inside the campaign.

Keep me posted.

Did you get my message?

Yeah. Uh, where's Jack?

With regi on the boat. He's fine.

Okay. Good.

Oakes is making me stay.

You're kidding me.

Just till tomorrow.

Rick, I'm so sorry. This is crazy.


Well...Cancel the wedding. It's over.

Might as well tell you, I'm in love with another woman.

Strawberry blond, hot.

She has the softest, smoothest, rubberiest skin.

And the best thing about her... she's here.

Oh, and she's naked.

Candy cane's a lucky girl.


Hey, get home to me soon.

I will. I love you. Bye.

I appreciate you keeping this just to family for now.

The first 48 hours are the most important.

When can we bring Rosie home?

Uh, soon.

We'll have a unit over at your house later to go through your daughter's room.

Why did you want to know if she was into politics?

We're looking at every angle.

You should get home, get some rest.

I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Larsen...

Mr. Larsen.

Will you find who did this?

We'll do our best.

Will you find who did this?


Took in close to 24k tonight.

The blue hairs of Seattle were sufficiently charmed.

You must be exhausted.


Well, good, because I have a nice Pinot waiting for us.


Yes, this is she.

I don't... I don't understand.


We'll meet you at the office.

That was the police.

The missing girl from the High School... they found her body, Darren, in one of our campaign cars.

Uh, we'll need to know who had access to your vehicles.


This is...Terrible.

I-I don't understand how our campaign can have anything to do with this.

Where were you this weekend?

Uh, Tacoma Friday night, then back here in the city, attending several campaign events.

I can get you a list.

We were both with the councilman around the clock.

Was Rosie Larsen connected to the campaign in any way?

No. I've checked everything, including our volunteer lists.

So, Friday, you were campaigning out of town, councilman?

I was taking a much-needed break.

I can provide the number of the inn.

The, uh, owner will confirm I was there.

And the owner was with you around the clock, too?

Why don't you start looking through those personnel records?

I'm sure it's a long list.

I put our staff files on a flash drive.

I'll have to send the records from the campaign office.

Is there anyone else who can vouch for you Friday night?

I can. I was with the councilman.

We'll need a statement from both of you.

Not until we issue a press release.

I'd rather not go public now. It's not up to you.

We're in the middle of a campaign.

Whoever did this hid her well.

Our only advantage is he doesn't know we found her.

How much time do you need?

Till midnight, at least.

I'll be in touch.


Oh, screw that!

There is no way we are sitting on this.

Darren, you're not seriously considering it, are you?

What do you recommend I do?

Call a press conference immediately and express outrage at this tragedy.

Yeah, you got to go on the att*ck.

Look, Adams has had his head so far up Columbia domain fund's a... that crime has skyrocketed 12%.

Hell, in fact, if it wasn't for him, dead girl probably would be alive today.

How do you do that with a straight face?

We're a month away from the election.

This thing will sink us.

Not if we play it right.

Court the girl's family.

Speak at her memorial.

And say what, exactly?

That you know what they're going through, because you've been there yourself.


We send out a press release by noon.

Your private investigator, penato... have him start vetting our people.

And find out what the hell happened with that car.

Darren, he's right, you know.

Try to look at this as an opportunity to tell the voters once and for all about Lily.

I am not using my wife.

What are we gonna do about Yitanes?

She'll withdraw her endorsement tonight if we blindside her with this, and you need the unions.

Set up a meeting for noon. I'll tell her then.

A reporter from the record called yesterday.

He was tipped off about Yitanes.

Someone sent an e-mail from the office.


He wouldn't say.

I want you to check everyone's accounts here at the campaign.

Be discreet.

Yeah, I'll get Nathan on that right away.

How old was she...

The girl?

I...I don't know.

We're gonna take a later flight, Jack.

You can start school tomorrow.

No, I'll pick you up in a few hours.

Yeah, you can go on the water with regi in the morning, but don't forget to wear your life vest.

You know, I-I really appreciate the help. You're welcome.

Thanks a lot.

Campaign car was reported stolen Saturday morning by a couple of campaign workers.

Here's the police report.

Who drove it last?

Some female volunteer last Wednesday.

It's been back here in the lot till it got jacked.

What were the keys doing in the ignition?

These dumb a...... keep them there.

Says it makes it easier for the people who drive them off.

So, where to next, boss?

What, you still mad about that, what I said to the Larsens?

I mean, I can handle them.

You know that guy probably punched Rosie in the face before he grabbed her?

That's what they do to kids.

That's why the head wounds.

Do you want to tell that to the parents?

Go ahead.

You want me to get you something to eat?

J......, how could this happen?

How could she be missing all weekend?

I just don't get it.


I didn't tell the boys nothing.

But Tommy's so scared, you know?

Asking questions.

I just don't know what to say to him, Stan.

I could pick them up from school.

They should be here with you, right?

You want me to go get them?

We'll do it.

You got to...

Keep things normal for them.


You didn't sleep, babe.

You should get some sleep.


What's he doing?

That's supposed to be on the truck already.

Come on... come on, guys. You're k*lling me here!


Jonesy, you got to be in greenwood for that pickup.

I told you like two hours ago, man.

I know. I'm on it.


You hear anything about Rosie?

Hey, we ain't paying you to stand around.

Get out of here already. You too. Both of you.

Yeah. I heard you.

Cops called.

They said me and the guys got to go to the station?

What's going on?


Hey, what's your problem, sterling, huh?!

Telling Rosie's dad she was at my house?

What the hell?

Then where is she?

Get off of me. Yeah, like I'd know.

I'm not sticking it to her anymore.



The police are here.

Rosie's missing. They want to talk to you.

You too, sterling. Come on.

I drove Rosie to the dance and we, like, hung out.

But then I couldn't find her, so I left.

I thought... I mean, she was gone all weekend, so I thought maybe she went to Jasper's.

She would do that, you know, go to his house.

But she didn't go there.

I don't know where she went. I'm sorry.

So, Jasper... he wasn't at the dance?

I already told you he wasn't. I'm not lying.

I didn't say you were lying.

Yeah, we have a video...

Of the dance... it's a yearbook thing.

I can get that for you if that will help.


It's not your fault, Rosie disappearing.

I know.

Picked up some old lady Friday night in some bar in Tukwila.

I think Lee Ann, Anna Lee, that...

What, do...Do you want to call her?

Hey, you can't do that.

What's the name of the bar?

The blue moon.

And what time did you meet this woman?


9:00, 10:00. I don't know.

Look, she was on her fourth Miller high life.

Told her I had a six-pack at home.

You know how to charm them.

Yeah, it doesn't take much, ones your age.

How long did you and Rosie go out?

We didn't.

Look, we hooked up for like two seconds.

And then she got bored of you?

What the hell's going on here?

Mr. ames, your secretary said you weren't available.

This is over... now.

Your son's not under arrest. I was just talking to him.

You want to talk to him? You contact my attorney.

Uh, my phone?

She insisted on speaking with Jasper.

I want to be alone with my son.

Dad, I can expla... what'd you do this time?

So, nobody I.D.'Ed the campaign car at the school.

Doesn't mean it wasn't there.

I'm feeling the boyfriend for the perp.

What's Jasper doing driving Richmond's car?

That kid's a douche.

Sorry, little man.

I don't care.

Well, I do.

Got anything in the school locker?

Yeah, books, notebooks, algebra books.

I hate algebra.

Me too.


So, like, check this.

Uh, a biker goes...

Blah, blah distance at 8 Miles per hour.

And then the same fool, he bikes back at 10 Miles per hour.

So what's the average round-trip rate?

I don't know.

And I don't give a sh*t.


Cell calls to home, parents' phones, sterling... not much of a social life.

Till that boyfriend.

What was she doing with him?

Good girl with no secrets.

She lied to her mom about her costume...

And her Fabrizio Bianchis.

There's no way she could afford these.

We're looking at 2gs easy.

How do you even know that?

How do you not?

Mom shops at Ross. That's why.

Maybe you should go get some chips or something.

Jasper could have bought these, trying to win her back.

No candy bars.

Something healthy, like corn chips!

Yeah, funyuns, son!

Get your fiber!

I mean... I mean, that could work out.

Like, raising a kid on vending machines.

Don't feel bad, Linden.

I mean, y-you really ain't that bad.

So, little man and your boyfriend... they get along?

My fiancé. Yeah, they do.

That's good, 'cause my mom's boyfriends... whoo!

I mean, they had it out for me. They were, like, lions.

Like, k*ll the cub to get the female back in heat.

It was like Jasper ames, boyfriend, arrested back in April for auto theft.

Took a neighbor's Maserati out for a joyride.

Guy never pressed charges.

Dad owns half of Mercer island's waterfront.

That's not surprising.

So, how are we doing with Richmond?

Alibi checked out.

Staff records, too.

None of them got kid-tiddling records.

And Larsen's employees cleared.

So it makes Jasper our best bet.

You ready for the bad news?

Richmond's issuing a press release in an hour.

Nathan checked all campaign and office e-mails... nothing.

Have him look again.

Any word on the investigation?

Penato said the cops have been at the school all morning.

Looks like they're focusing there.

Are they close to an arrest?

He couldn't tell.

He also checked our staff against county criminal records and vicap.

We're in the clear.

Well, that's good news.

Oh, it gets better.

The campaign car... reported stolen Saturday morning.

A lot of thefts in that lot the last two months.

Crap security. Lucky for us.

So our connection to this is purely coincidental.

What are you all whispering about?


I was wondering when you'd make your grand entrance.

And I'm dying to know the big, bad secret you're gonna tell me.

Can I get you anything?

A cinnamon latte, double pump soy.

Make it fast.

Sure thing, Ruth.

I'm really looking forward to this evening.

The unions have always been important to me.

Then lose the suit.

Longshoremen and machinists don't take to Armani.

That's what I love about you.

You cut right through the bullshit.

So I will, too.

Hold on.

Something's come up.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

If I could just steal you for a moment.

You can't issue that press release.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Yes, you did.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of a meeting.

Hold off, and I'll tell the press how cooperative you were, how you put this family's tragedy ahead of your own campaign.

And if I don't?

You will be the candidate who obstructed a child's m*rder investigation.

You have until midnight, and then we go public.

Excuse me.


Holder, what is it?

What are you doing? At the school?

Okay. I'll be there.

You can contact me at this number.

Detective Holder will take over the case tomorrow.

Thank you for your help.

You didn't give me much choice, did you?

And, councilman?

You might want to call off your dog at the school.

He won't find anything.

How did you know about him?

I was guessing.

And I just confirmed it.

Thanks for your time.

What are you doing?

Call that reporter you know... Max Michaud.

Tell him he has an exclusive, but embargoed until after Yitanes' announcement tonight.

"Candidate shows character in face of crisis."

Not bad.

We make the cop happy. We control the story.

I'll meet him after the announcement tonight.

What do we do about her?

Now, this may come out in the next few hours or days.

I just wanted to keep you in the loop.

I'm hoping it won't, but you just never know.

Okay. For God's sakes, Darren, what is it?

I smoked pot in college.

It was stupid, I know.

I inhaled, Ruth.

Are you stoned now?



Are you?

Look, just don't get caught with some intern's face in your crotch.

You'll be the next mayor.


That's all you needed to tell me?

Scout's honor.


Why are you here with mom?

What's wrong, mom?

Come here, baby. Let's get that hat on you.

It's cold.

Let's go home, boys.

But I want to fly my kite!

Not now, baby.

Maybe a little bit later, okay?


Hey, it's belko.

There's a bunch of cops here, said they had to look at Rosie's room.

Maybe the boys shouldn't see this, right?

Yeah, let me know when they're done.

Got it.

You did so good.

Cops are at the house.

Hey, we got a little time.

Let's go fly that kite, huh?

All right!

Come on, baby, let's go.

Come on, Tommy.

What do you got?

I got a fish fillet and a veggie burger, but...

What did you call me down here for, Holder?



Here you go.

Found it in the dumpster.

Rosie's wig.

From the dance.

I'm Detective Linden, this is my partner, Detective Holder.

Can I get a show of hands if you saw Rosie at the dance?

Rosie was wearing a witch costume, pink wig.

Maybe one of you saw her after the dance, on her way home, or getting into a car?

None of you saw her?

Should I bring in the next group?


Now, you let me know, Mrs. Parsons, if that disability check doesn't show up.

I know you've been waiting over a month for it.

I will, Mr. Richmond. You know you got my vote.

Thank you.

Take care of yourself, now, all right?

Thank you, Mr. Richmond.


You know, Yitanes is gonna eat you alive if she finds out.

Jamie, she will already have publicly given me her endorsement.

No going back.

Unless she finds out before tonight.

Plenty of time to tell her.

She looks frail... Mrs. Parsons... but she's not.

Took care of her husband, Joe, for a year after he lost his legs in Iraq.

Brought him out to the back porch, bathed him.

Joe was a big guy.


Now she has to fight just to get her disability check.

That's why we're here.

I'm done talking about Yitanes.


How are ya?

I'm doin' fine, councilman.

Oh, it's good to see you. See you too.

Okay, belko.

Call me when they're done, all right?

Yep. Not a problem.


Where's Rosie?


Come on. Let's go over to your mom and Tommy.

But I want to fly my kite!

I know. I know. Come on.

Hey, guys, uh Me and your ma, we... we have something to tell you about your sister.

What, dad?

You remember when Nana was sick, we went to visit her in the hospital?

Grandma said she didn't like the hospital 'cause it smelled bad.


And... and then one day...

She wasn't there anymore, and...

We couldn't visit her.

You remember where I told you she went?

You said grandma went to heaven.


That's where Rosie is now... in heaven.

When's she coming back?

When you go there, you don't come back, dummy!

I'm not a dummy!

She's not coming back, 'cause she's dead!

Tommy, come here.

Come here.

Let me go!

Get off of me! Get off of me!

Tommy, baby, baby, come here. Come here.

We're gonna be okay.

We're gonna be okay.

Right, son?

Thanks for meeting me, Nathan. Yeah.

Gwen tells me you, uh, had all the e-mail accounts checked.

Nothing was sent to the record yesterday.

I checked twice.

How about Gwen, Jamie? You check their accounts?

Um, I-I didn't. No.

Well, do it.

And report back to me.




I got to pick up Jack.

Uh, I think... I think I'm gonna stay for a while, do some digging.

Into what?

We got nothing from those kids.

Yeah, well, you know, it ain't your case no more, so...

But, you know, don't you worry, Linden.

I'll get a ride.

Oh, I won't.

Good luck.


And good luck in, uh, in San Diego.

And t-tell the little man I said, you know...

Yeah, definitely.

Well, the cops didn't bother to clean up after themselves.

And they broke that vase that mom gave you.

Let's go play in your room, boys. Come on.

Hey, he said to go play in the room.

You have to come, too! Come on. Come on.

Let's go. Yeah, well, I'm older.

Stop arguing. Go.

Terry, I-I'll do that. You need to go to work.

I'm not going, Mitch.


Here. Use bleach.

Why didn't you call her?

I mean...

All weekend.

Hey. Look. It's the cute cop.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Are you smoking pot?


You caught me.

Aren't you, like, a cop?

Do you want a hit?

I'm off the clock.

It's not like I'm gonna arrest you.



Go to it, little girl.

Do it again.

You didn't inhale.

Hold it.

Hold it.

Now let it go.

There you go.

That's some crazy sick weed.

I'm so stoned right now.

Yeah? Is that right?

Yeah. Totally.

So, we gonna party?



How old are you?

Old enough.

Yeah. All right.

Here. You keep it. I got to bounce.


There's no place to party here, princess.

I know a place.

In the basement.

The cage.

The cage?


Hey, aren't we gonna party?

If we stay through the weekend, I can go to Nash's party.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is you're supposed to start school tomorrow.

And Rick is waiting for us.

For you, you mean.

What's going on with you, Jack?


I know how hard this move is for you...

How much you're giving up... I get it.

But it's gonna be great.

I got to go to the bathroom.

We leave for the airport in five minutes.

Let's get there early so I can score some duty-free cigs.

Jack okay?

How'd you raise four of them?

Had a wife.

Maybe I need one of those.

What's that?

Uh, coroner's report on the Larsen girl.

Cause of death was drowning.

TOD anywhere from Friday through to Monday.

Tough call 'cause of the water.

Ditto on whether or not she was r*ped.

Rosie was alive when that car went in the water.

It takes, what, 10 minutes to fill a trunk that size?

Ripped off her own fingernails trying to claw her way out.

I'm not staying.

Well, you better get going, then.

I'll have one of the guys drive you and Jack.

Hey, jacky boy! How you doin'?

Huh? You want to go?

Oh! Oh! There we go.

Request available CSU unit, 600 block, Orland Avenue, fort Washington High School.

Tomorrow, look for periods of rain and a high of 45 degrees.

And now back to the news desk.

With 25 days left before the election, three-term incumbent mayor Lesley Adams holds a small lead ahead of city council president and challenger Darren Richmond in the race for Seattle may...



Where's mom?

I don't know.

I'm hungry. When's dinner?

All right, you know, Yitanes is gonna try to do all the talking, so you got to drown her out.

All right, you got your b*llet points?

Seiu is the heart of the city.

The machinists built it.

You are Seattle, the real Seattle, et cetera.

You're gonna do great.

Tonight is your night.

Yeah. I guess so.


This is Darren Richmond. Who's this?

I have no comment.


Y-yes, I'm sure.

That was a reporter...

Wanting confirmation that the Larsen girl was found...

In our campaign car.

You missed your plane... again?

What is this place?

It's where the real Halloween party went down.