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04x03 - Legend of the Dragons

Posted: 08/15/22 18:38
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Great deities of domination
I call upon thee.

Use the pharaoh's force

To penetrate the dominion
of the beasts

And liberate the fury
of , years.



Joey: yugi!

What's wrong!?

Yami-yugi: I feel...
As if a dark presence

Is draining the power of
the egyptian god cards!

[Woman screams]

[People talking at once]

You gotta be
kiddin' me!

It's like
a horror flick
out here!

Tristan: someone's duel disk
musta gone haywire!

isn't it.

That's my boy!

Yugi: hey guys!

Yugi moto!

You're just the person
I need to see.

I have a theory that
all of these monster sightings

Have something to do
with you!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Rafael: I've activated
the auto pilot,

So let's do this!

Valon: oh I love
this part 'a the job!

Valon: whoo-hoo!

Valon: last one there's
gotta polish me boots!

Uhh! Ha ha ha ha!

give it a rest valon!

seeing these carvings

what I suspected
all along, yugi.

You share a common bond

With a , -year-old

Do you know
what this means!?

Yeah, that my life's more
confusing than most kids'.

Perhaps I can shed more
light on the subject.

I've spent the latter
part of my career
studying duel monsters.

It started as
more than a game.

Egyptian sorcerers
discovered a way

To seal
real monsters away
within stone tablets.

They would periodically
release these monsters

To display
their great power.

As more monsters
were collected...

The sorcerers' powers
grew stronger

Until eventually
this shadow magic
spun out of control

And threatened to
destroy all life
on earth.

But one man was able
to face this madness,

And turn the darkness
to light...

The great pharaoh,

Whose power you carry
around your neck.

How does that explain
what's happening now?

Did these ancient monsters
come back or something?

I'm afraid so.

But there's another
piece to this story
you need to know.

Ever hear of
the lost city
of atlantis?

I read a great book
about it once!

Joey and tristan:
what!? You nerd!

Ha ha ha!

In my latest expedition

I may have discovered
that very city--

An underwater world

That existed long before
ancient egypt.

But what really
puzzled me

Were the carvings
I saw on the walls.

Take a look...

Hmm? No way!

Duel monsters!


So these monsters
didn't originate

, Years ago
in egypt...

They lived over
, years ago

In what I believe to be
the legendary city
of atlantis!

atlantis was real!?

Do you know
what this means!?

Your discovery
could completely
rewrite history!

There's still quite
a bit I don't know.

Look at this!

Looks like the monsters
are attacking the city!

If you look at
the picture more closely

You'll notice that only
some of the monsters
are destroying the city.

Hey, you're right!

So...if only some
of these monsters
seem to be evil,

Does that mean that
the other monsters
are good?

I haven't collected
enough evidence
to confirm that...

But I believe
there's a parallel
world of monsters

That exists
alongside our world.

And throughout history

Certain humans have
been able to release
these monsters.

Some of them
have helped mankind,

Others have tried to
destroy it.

Gimme a break...
Ya nutty professor!

Ow! The pain!

Rebecca: good!

That's my grandfather
your talkin' about!

Ya got that, punk?

Anyone who messes
with him messes with me!

So keep your comments
to yourself!

It won't happen again!

Hawkins: don't worry,

I'm no stranger
to ridicule.

Besides, it is a bit of
a far-fetched theory.

but it's true!

Joey: ahem.

I believe ya,

ha! Figures.

After all da weird stuff
we've been through...

I'd believe anything.

Like da time I fought marik
in dat shadow game.

All those monster att*cks
felt pretty real ta me.

And did ya forget da times

Dat both mai
and bakura got blasted
into da shadow realm?

Let's face it,

There's plenty 'a stuff
out there dat can't be

Like how there's a pharaoh
living in my puzzle.

our hypothesis suggests

That the supernatural
you experienced

May actually find
its roots in atlantis.

Whoa! Those are some
pretty big words

Especially coming from
such a little kid.

A kid!?

I'm a college student,
thank you very much!

All: college student!?

My granddaughter
is quite gifted.

Oh, grandpa.

I'm just your average
child genius.

G. E. N. I. U. S.

Very impressive,

But can she spell

I heard that!!

Now, rebecca...

Is that the behavior
of a college student?

Sorry, gramps.
Go on.

Now, the point
that I'm trying to
make here is this...

When egyptian sorcerers
conjured these monsters
, years ago,

The pharaoh was there
to save mankind from

Now it seems that pharaoh's
been reborn in you.

Which could mean
mankind needs
his help again.

Yeah but...
I wouldn't even know
where to begin, professor.

I mean, do we try 'n get
all these monsters to go
back to their own world?

[Monster growling]

Or should we focus on
finding out

What that weird
motorcycle g*ng
is up to?


This is where
my knowledge of
the situation ends.

Wait a sec...
I may have a clue.

Ever see anything
like this before?

That's awesome.

What've you got
there, yugi?

M'not sure...

The guys we dueled against
last night left it behind.

Hmm. Incredible...

This stone is
remarkably similar

To something
I discovered
on my expedition!

Would you mind
if I held on to
this stone, yugi?

No, of course not,

I'd like to
take it back
to my lab.

I have a feeling
it may hold

The answers to many
of our questions.

you kids be careful.

I'm going to take
arthur and rebecca
to the airport.

Mmm. Good bye, cutie.


good riddance!

just when I thought things were
getting back to normal,

They went and got
times weirder!

Yes, and this time
the situation seems more
treacherous than ever.

Dark magician girl:
please! Help me!


Hey, you a'right
there, yuge?

Weird. Did you hear
someone call for help?

Tristan: nah,
this place is
a ghost town.

don't say ghost.

Come on, it's been an
exhausting day, guys.

Let's go catch some z's.

easy for you to say.

After that story
it's gonna be nightmare
central for me!

Hawkins, voice-over:
there's a world of monsters

That exists alongside
our world.

can't sleep, can you?


Right now...
All I can think about

Is what
professor hawkins said.

I feel
the same way, yugi.

If his theory about
these duel monsters
is true...

This could be our
toughest fight yet.

Rafael: we located
the pharaoh, master.

Unfortunately, we weren't
able to capture his soul.

I didn't expect you
to defeat him this soon.

We've just begun.

But you know me, master.

I never come back
empty handed.


The egyptian gods.

At long last.

I've waited an eternity to hold
their power in my hands.

I finally possess
the supreme force necessary

To awaken the great beast!

Soon we shall rid the earth
of mankind!

And rebuild civilization
as it once was.

Serpents of the orichalcos,
please hear my call.

I offer thee
the gods of egypt.

Use their divine might

To unlock the sacred chamber
of the great beast.

Awaken him
from his ancient slumber

By accepting my offering!


The time has arrived,
my friends.

After , years...

The great leviathan
shall rise again!

Dark magician girl:
pharaoh! We need you!

Dark magician girl:
help us!

Someone needs us.

But where are they?

Dark magician girl:
please! Where are you!?

There it is again!

Dark magician girl:

This way!

Dark magician girl:

Whoever that is,
they could be
almost anywhere.

Dark magician girl:
can you hear me!?

Any ideas?

Let's split up
and search.

Got it.


Anyone here?

How are we supposed
to find someone
in this place!

There's way too many

[Kuriboh calling]

It's kuriboh!

What's he doing here!?

Maybe he's trying to lead us
to whoever needs our help!

Let's go!

Yugi: right!

This must be it.


Yugi: be careful!

Who knows what's on
the other side!

[Both gasp]


I've never seen
this room before.

Nor have i.
So stay close by.

Dark magician girl:
pharaoh! Are you in here!?


Dark magician girl:
follow the sound of my voice!

This way!

[Both screaming]

What's happening!?!

This is weird.
Where are we??

Hmm. It appears to be
some kind of kingdom.

[Monster growling]


we're not alone.


Whatever it is,
it doesn't look
too friendly!

[Monsters snarling]


Do you see what I see?


Some sort of statues,
made of crystal.

They appear to be

They're huge! I'm glad
they're only statues!

Dark magician girl:
you're here!

I knew you'd find me!

You're dark
magician girl!

Tell us, why were you
calling out for help?

Both of our worlds
are in danger.

And without
your help

We will all cease
to exist.

But how!?

Wait! So professor
hawkins was right!

Dark magician girl:
as long as mankind
has walked the earth,

The dominion of the beasts
has existed

Side by side
with the human world.

We have lived this way
for thousands of years.

Although our worlds
are separate,

We depend on one another
in order to survive.

But now something
is threatening that survival

And it must be stopped.

A gateway between us
has opened,

And now the great beast
will swallow us all.

It lives above the sky,

Feasting on the life-force
of monsters and humans,

As it did in the past.

We need you.

All of us need you.

If this continues,
we'll be gone forever.

You two are our only hope.

We'll help.

Yeah, but how?

What're we
s'posed to do

To stop this
giant monster?

Dark magician girl:
these three dragons

Once served as the protectors
of my world.

They defeated the great beast
, years ago

When it first appeared...

But for this
they paid a price.

Now they're frozen in time,

Unable to defend my dominion
as they did so long ago.

But how
can we help?

The legend states
that three brave warriors
will awaken these dragons

When they are needed again.

Pharaoh...i believe that
one of these warriors is you.

And if I'm correct,

You will be able to remove
that sword from the ice.

And what will happen
if you're wrong?

I'm not wrong.

I know that you once saved egypt
from the shadow games

And I believe you can do
the same for us.

Ready yugi?




Did it work
or not?

I guess so.

Dark magician girl:
you've released timaeus!

Now, according to
the prophecy,

You and timaeus
will become linked together

As soon as you call
his name!

Well, here goes...


It's worked!
Now join forces!

I can feel its power
surging though me!

I can't take much more!


Is it morning already?

Wait a sec.

That's not the sun!

[Monster screeches]

[Monsters roaring]

What's going on!?

The monsters seem
to be trapped in
that light.

Oh no. It's happening!

What's happening!?

[People talking at once]


getting worse!

Or at least,
they're getting weirder.

Joey: yeah, any idea
what dat is up there?

Yugi: I think I do...
And it's not good!

[Monsters roaring
and screeching]

[All gasp]

Joey: what's dat!?

Tea: I don't
wanna find out!

[Dartz laughing]

Now great leviathan...

Time to show the pharaoh

What true power
is all about.

uh guys...?





Yugi! No!




It's that dragon
we released!

Now I summon...timaeus!

Look at da size
'a dat thing!


Protect us
from that monster!

Protect us
from that monster!


This is impossible.

This is impossible.

We did it.


We've only
just begun.

The great beast
is still weak

So he retreated
for the moment.

And for that
my companions and I

Are truly grateful
my pharaoh.

But many of us
remain prisoners
on the other side.

What's next?

The great beast
will return again...

And his power will grow!

He must be stopped
before he is fully

Time is running out!

Yugi: seems like
timaeus is strong

But not strong enough.

We must release
the other two dragons.