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04x05 - Deja Duel! – Part 1

Posted: 08/15/22 18:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: this place looks
nothing like back home.

Tristan: of course not.

This is
san francisco, dude!

Home of the golden gate

Not to mention
all the seafood
you can eat.

This isn't a vacation.

We're here to see pegasus.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
she's right,

And based on the message
he sent us,

It sounds like pegasus
is already in trouble.

This card--

Guard it with your life!

They mustn't find it.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
let's just hope we get to
him before those thieves do.

Mokuba, voice-over:
seto, we're approaching
duelist kingdom.

I'll try to make
this quick.

The less time I
spend here, the better.

Me, too.

This place
has nothing but
bad memories.

Initiate the landing
sequence now.

You got it.

We're beginning
our descent into
duelist kingdom.

I'm sure his majesty
is somewhere
in that castle.

Time to give him
a royal beating.

looks pretty empty
in there.

I guess pegasus' staff
is on vacation or something.

That means less people
to get on my nerves.

Now let's find
this lunatic
so we can leave.

P.a.: Airport staff
is not responsible

For lost or damaged luggage.

Rex, voice-over:
this was your dumbest
idea yet, weevil.

Weevil, voice-over:
who's weevil?

Tristan: you gotta love
these steep roads.

Joey: hey, check it out.

That's the golden gate
bridge, right?

The one and only.

It doesn't look gold
to me.

You takin'
all this in, yuge?

Huh? What did
you say?

Tea: hello?

Earth to yugi.

Sorry, guys.

I can't stop thinking
about everything

We found out this week.

It's not every day
that a magic gateway

Opens up between
our world

And a world
where monsters live.

And on top of that,

Some kind of giant
super-monster is trying
to destroy both worlds,

And the only protection
we have against
it is this card.

But even that doesn't
seem to be enough,

'Cause that mega-monster
is still out there

I just don't know where.

We got to get
to the bottom of this

Before it strikes again.

Mokuba: maybe pegasus
just chickened out.

That is so not cool!

We could have fell down

I've just about
run out of patience.

Show yourself,

Unless you've
come to your senses
and gone home.

[Pegasus laughs]

Pegasus: your lack of patience
never fails to amuse me.


You're as irritating
as ever.

Come on.

Where's the love,
kaiba boy?

After all,
we've been through
so much.

I didn't come here
to catch up.

I came to duel you
so you'll get out
of my life.

That's not nice.

What did I ever do
to deserve such hatred?

It's a long list
and I'm short on time.

Most recently,
you stuck your nose
where it didn't belong

When you started
buying up pieces
of my company.

And I'm sure
you're the one

Who's been ruining
my reputation lately

By starting
this monster scare,
aren't you?

Admit it!

You made it look
like duel monsters

Are taking over
the world

Just to get some

Do you honestly
believe that

Or are you afraid to admit
what you truly think--

That maybe these
duel monsters are real?

Ha! You should
know by now

That I don't believe
in your hocus pocus
magic tricks,

And I certainly
don't believe
in real monsters.

You're still
trying to get away
with that

"I don't believe
in magic" speech?

Don't you think
it's time to give that one
a rest already?

Especially after
the time we shared

Not so long ago
in this very castle...

His soul is mine!

But don't worry.

He won't be alone
for long.

[Mokuba gasps]

Kaiba: no!

Beat me in a duel
and I'll release him,
as promised.

But fail,
and not only will his soul
remain in bondage,

But yours will join it.

And of course, as always,
I stayed true to my promise,

But you already know that.

Not only did you lose
our duel, kaiba boy,

You've lost
the only chance you had

At rescuing
your baby brother.

You let him down.

But don't worry,
my dear friend.

I'll spare you the agony

Of carrying on
in this world
without him.

Meet the final fate
of your soul, seto kaiba.

That's enough!

What's wrong?

Did it suddenly
become a crime

To reminisce
about old times

With good friends,
kaiba boy?

if you're trying
to mess with my head

By bringing up
what happened
in the past,

I'm afraid
it won't work.

That's old news!

This time it's you
who's gonna suffer.

Then let's get this duel
on the road.

It's time for the rematch
of the century!

I think you'll find
that this arena looks
frighteningly familiar.

Well, well, well.

Here we are again
in the exact same spot

Where I devastated you
last time.

So, ready for
a repeat performance?

Who knew I'd get
to destroy you
twice in one lifetime?

Let's get this duel
over with.

The sooner
I annihilate you,

The sooner
I can get
out of here

And move on
with my life.

Yeah, my brother's
gonna take you
apart, pegasus.

Mokuba, I see that
you're still kaiba boy's
one and only fan.

Mokuba, just stay back.

What are

You talking

Look, we both know
what this madman
is capable of

And I want you
at a safe distance.


I'll stay.

The ultimate rematch
is about to start.

We're making history.

Kaiba: the only thing
that's gonna be
history is you.

Mokuba: I guess I'll
be safe up here

If pegasus decides
to pull something.

I just hope my
brother's all right.

Seto, time
to beat this jerk
at his own game!

Let's start.

You've wasted enough
of my time already,

Is it me,
or are you always
in a bad mood?

We're about to play
a friendly game here,

So why don't you
do yourself a favor
and lighten up?

I will...

Just as soon
as I tear you apart.

Here we go.

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Now, since we're playing
on my field today

I get to go first.

Batter up.

I'll start by summoning

Toon alligator
in defense mode.

I know
this strategy.

Next, I'll place
one card face down.

Step up to the plate,
kaiba boy.

I know
what you're up to.

Oh, really?

And what's that?

You're using
the same monsters

You used
in our first duel

To mess with my head.


Who? Me?

Honestly, you're thinking
about this way too much.

Is that so?

Well, here comes
a little something

For you to think about.

Spear dragon, attack
his toon alligator
with cyclone blast!

Your pathetic
little toon is gone,

But since
it was in defense mode

Your life points
are safe, right?


Thanks to my dragon's
special ability,

You lose of 'em.

Then spear dragon
automatically switches
to defense mode.

I place two cards
face down.

That ends round one.

Way ta go, seto!

[Rex and weevil shuddering]

Rex: I ian't
feel my legs..

those are my legs.

[Both scream]

Man: look what
just dropped in.

Hey, we don't want
any trouble.

Second man:
you twerps should have
thought about that

Before you landed
on our street.

Any ideas?

Rex: here's one--



This card should
spice things up a bit.

Ha ha! It's a magical
little number

I like to call
"toon table of contents."

What on earth is that?

It's a magic card
that allows me to draw
any card from my deck

With the word "toon"
in the title.

Not again!

Toon world?

Don't sound
so disappointed.

Of all the cards
I've created,

This one's by far
my favorite.

I'm sure once you see it
you'll change your tune.

Presenting toon world.

This magic card
allows me to summon

Any and all
of my toon monsters
to the field.

And on world's cost
of admission is
a mere , life points!!

Now, why don't
we start this show

With a new favorite
of mine, shall we?

Toon masked sorcerer!

He may seem harmless,

But he has quite the temper.

[Pegasus cackling]

Pegasus: you're in
my world now, kaiba boy!

Now that pegasus played
his toon world card

He can summon
any toon monster he wants,

And he's got tons of 'em.

It's time
to give you a taste

Of your own medicine
with this--

My cloning trap card.

Why don't you try dueling
with some originality?

What's the problem,

Are you annoyed because
I've made it pointless
for you to attack?

What do you mean?

I mean that
one of us was using
his brain today,

And I'm not
talking about you.

Now if you attack me,

You'll destroy your own
monster as well.

Care to give it a shot?

You've saved yourself
for now.

No kidding.

Next, I'll play
my favorite card.


I sacrifice
spear dragon

And toon masked

Oh, no!

Is that what
I think it is?

I summon my blue-eyes
white dragon!

That's what
I'm talkin' about!

He's hungry,
and your toon
is on the menu.

He'll have to starve,

'Cause in case
you've forgotten,

My toons
can only be destroyed
by other toons.

I'm well aware of that,

But I won't let
a technicality stop me.

Well, then maybe
I can stop you
with this trap.


I activate toon mask.

This card lets me
trade in my sorcerer

For a toon version
of your monster.

A what?

Say hello
to my blue-eyes
toon dragon.

You know how much
I hate that thing!

Your cartoon dragon
is a disgrace

To the original

Don't you realize
cartoons have feelings, too?

Well, let's see
how he feels about
my next card.

I activate
the magic card

It makes
your puny dragon
even punier.

So what?

He's still

All you did
was make my monster
more loveable.

I'm through dealing with
your pitiful excuse
for a dragon,

So let's focus
on the real blue-eyes.

This card
makes its attack
even more fierce.

It isn't going to work.

Which part of
"toons can't be destroyed"
didn't you understand?

Blue-eyes, attack
with white lightning!

Are we clear now
on the whole toons being
indestructible thing?

Yes, but you seem
to have forgotten

About my charm
of lamentation
magic card.

What about it?

As long as it remains
on the field,

I get to draw
one card from my deck

Every time my blue-eyes
white dragon

att*cks and fails.

And since your toons
can't be destroyed,

I'll keep drawing cards.

The key to beating
this washed-up has-been

Is somewhere in my deck.

I just have to keep
picking cards

Till I find it.

Back to me.

I'll start by
giving up
of my life points.

This allows
my blue-eyes toon dragon

To attack
your life
points directly.

The time has come,
my angry little toon.

Unleash your fury
upon kaiba boy.

I don't think so.

Negate attack!

You're no fun.

This trap card

puts an end
to your attack

Before it's able
to hit its target,

So you spent
your life points
for nothing.

I have to disagree,

Thanks to a magic card
called toon rollback.

This lets me
rewind our duel,

Giving me a second chance
to attack.

Hold on.

The rollback card
doesn't work
that way, pegasus.

Your blue-eyes
toon dragon

Still can't attack
twice in one turn.

That's not my plan.

Shame on you.

I'd suggest paying attention
instead of jumping
to conclusions.

Just go.

As I was saying,

I have no intention
of attacking you
with my dragon again.

No, he's no longer
of any use to me.

So I've decided
to trade him in
for something better.

Oh, toon
dark magician girl...

Attack kaiba boy's
life points, won't you?


She packs quite
a little punch,
doesn't she?

And so do i. Watch this.

attack his toon
dark magician girl.

But those toon monsters
can't be destroyed
by blue-eyes!



every time my blue-eyes
attack fails, I draw.


I must have
missed the joke.

You are a joke, pegasus.

You're just as outdated
as your strategies.

Your toon monsters
may be indestructible,

But only as long as you
have your toon world
magic card on the field.

Without it,
they're history.

So? What's your point?

I activate
the magic card

A wingbeat
of giant dragon.

What do you plan
to do with that?

First I'll return
my blue-eyes to my hand.

Then I can wipe all
magic and trap cards

From your side
of the field,

Which means
your toon world
is toast.

Which means
your toon world
is toast.

My precious toon world.

nice one, seto!

Ya did it.

I never doubted
ya for a second.

I'll finish by
summoning versago
the destroyer

In defense mode.

Your move,


Last chance,
then I win.

I'm taking your silence
as a forfeit.

Not that I blame you.

I'd quit, too,
if my strategy was
as lame as yours.

You're using
the exact same tactics

You used the first time
we dueled here.

In fact, you've almost
made the same moves
card for card.

What's the deal,

You' a lot of things,,

But predictable
isn't one of 'em.

I just haven't been
myself lately.

In fact...

[Voice changes]
I mean that
quite literally.

What's going on?


I've waited for this day
for a long time, kaiba boy.

You're gonna pay
for tricking me
like that.

[As pegasus]
pretty good imitation, right?

Identify yourself.

Alister's the name,
kaiba boy!

Now let's duel!!

This magic card
is about to change

seal of orichalcos.

What's that?

This is nuts!

Explain yourself now!

Oh, as if you're gonna
believe me?

Try me.

We're trapped in here
till the duel's over.

Then once I crush you,
I'll be able to get out.

Of course, you,
on the other hand,

Won't be quite as lucky
as myself, kaiba boy.

What do you

When you lose,

Your soul will be
locked away
for all eternity...

But this time,
you won't be set free.