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01x14 - I Shall Believe

Posted: 03/02/04 05:02
by bunniefuu
[Surgery Room]

(Lucas is lying with doctors working all around him)

Nurse: We got a code blue. We are losing him.

DOCTOR: Charge the paddles to 200.

NURSE: Charging

DOCTOR: Clear (his heart starts just for a second then is flat again) Charge the paddles to 300. Clear. (His heart rate goes back up to 60) He’s a go.

DOCTOR 2: Okay lets go in.

[Another hospital room]

(Keith is being patched up)

KEITH: How long will this take?

DOCTOR: We’re just about done here now.

KEITH: I don’t mean me I’m talking about my nephew, Lucas. How long will he be in surgery?

DOCTOR: Well it depends on how serious his injuries are. (Keith gets out his phone and dials a number)

[Haley’s Room]

(Picking up where they left off talking in bed)

HALEY: I’m sorry what did you just say?

NATHAN: About what?

HALEY: About the way that we started. (Her phone is ringing in the background)

NATHAN: Nothing. Just when I first came to you for tutoring, I figured the easiest way to mess with Lucas was to hook up with you, but…

HALEY: So everything between us has been a lie?

NATHAN: No that’s not.

HALEY: I cannot believe this, Lucas was right about you all along. (Her answering machine picks up)

KEITH: (voice) Haley, pick up. There’s been an accident. Lucas is hurt pretty bad. Haley?

HALEY: (Picks up the phone) Keith, hey. He’s going to make it right? Okay, thanks.

NATHAN: Come on, I’ll take you to the hospital.

HALEY: I can’t talk to you right now, Nathan.

NATHAN: Haley, look I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.

HALEY: Just go. Just go. (Dials a number on the phone and Nathan leaves)

[Peyton’s Room]

(Peyton is still trying to tell Brooke about her and Lucas)

BROOKE: Hey you know you can tell me anything, what is it?

PEYTON: It’s just…There’s something you should know. (her phone rings) Hello? Haley, what’s wrong? (Looks shocked and grabs her bag)

BROOKE: Peyton, what?

PEYTON: Lucas. There’s been an accident. You should go to him.


(Keith is sitting alone when Karen comes in)

KAREN: Keith. I’m so glad you’re okay. Where is he?

KEITH: I’m so sorry. I didn’t see the other car.

KAREN: Where’s the operating room? I need someone to tell me what’s happening.

KEITH: They asked us to wait here and they’re going to let us know when he’s in recovery.

KAREN: I couldn’t get a cab and then the only thing I had to pay with was Euros. He’s got to be alright, Keith. I wont’ lose him.

KEITH: I know

KAREN: I can’t

KEITH: Excuse me, Doctor. Were you in the operating room with Lucas Scott?

KAREN: He was in a car accident. He’s my son.

DOCTOR: Dr. Hill is an excellent surgeon. The kid’s lucky his father got him here so fast.

KAREN: His uncle.

DOCTOR: No his father. He may have saved your sons life.

KEITH: Um, Dan saw the accident. He pulled Lucas out of the car, and he drove us here.


KEITH: Yeah, he knew Lucas was in bad shape so he couldn’t wait. And Dan gave the surgeon permission to operate.

KAREN: How could he?

KEITH: He said he was Lucas’ father.

BROOKE: (Comes in crying) Keith. Keith is he okay?

KEITH: Oh honey, we don’t know yet.

BROOKE: I was supposed to see him tonight. He was supposed to come over after the airport and…

KEITH: Um Karen this is Brooke

BROOKE: I’m Brooke, Lucas’ girlfriend. Hi.

DOCTOR: Who’s here for Lucas Scott?

KAREN: I’m his mother. Is my son okay?

DOCTOR: He’s stable and in recovery.

KEITH: (To Brooke) Could you just, give us a second?


DOCTOR: He needed a lot of work. His right lung collapsed and had to be repaired. I had to remove his spleen but there shouldn’t be any long term repercussions.

KAREN: So you’re saying he’s going to be fine?

DOCTOR: He’ll need physical therapy to his shoulder. It separated in the crash but we were able to reset it. Other than that he has a concussion and some bruising. But there was a complication during surgery.

KAREN: What?

DOCTOR: Your son lost a lot of blood. Which caused his heart rate to drop. We lost him for a few seconds. But as I said he’s stable now. And all of his vitals look good. So we just have to wait for him to wake up.

KAREN: When will that be?

DOCTOR: Could be a couple of hours, could be a couple of days. That’s up to him.

KEITH: Thank you.

DOCTOR: You’re welcome.

KEITH: (hugs Karen) I’m so sorry.

[Haley’s Room]

(She’s sitting on her bed; Peyton comes in)



PEYTON: I thought you’d be at the hospital.

HALEY: Why aren’t you there?

PEYTON: I dropped Brooke off. It’s just kind of weird, she’s still with Lucas.

HALEY: She doesn’t know about you guys yet?

PEYTON: We were going to tell her tonight. Don’t you want to see him?

HALEY: Yeah I do. I just can’t.

PEYTON: Why not?

HALEY: If you don’t mind I’d really like to be alone right now.

PEYTON: Yeah. Yeah okay. But I’m sure his mom would really like to see you.

HALEY: Peyton, I’ll go when I’m ready.

PEYTON: Sure. (leaves her room)

[Hospital front desk]

KAREN: They took my son out of recovery. The nurse had me fill out these insurance forms.

RECEPTIONIST: What’s your sons name?

KAREN: Lucas Scott.

COP: Scott, from the car accident?


COP: Yeah I need to get a statement from that driver, Keith Scott. He’s a lucky guy.

KAREN: Yeah, a couple of stitches.

COP: Well that’s not exactly what I meant. See your husbands blood alcohol level was just shy the legal limit. Another hundredth of a point, he’d be in big trouble right now.

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Keith is sitting by his bed, Karen comes in and kisses Lucas)

KEITH: I’ll never forgive myself if he’s not okay.

KAREN: Were you drinking tonight?

KEITH: Karen…

KAREN: Were you?

KEITH: I wasn’t drunk.

KAREN: That’s not what I asked you. Were you drinking before you drove Lucas?

KEITH: Yes, but…

KAREN: I trusted you. I want you to leave. (Saddened Keith grabs his jacket and leaves)

[Karen’s Café]

(Haley is working, Peyton comes in)

PEYTON: Haley what are you doing?

HALEY: Inventory.

PEYTON: Lucas is lying in a hospital why can’t you just go see him?

HALEY: Because he wouldn’t want to see me.

PEYTON: What are you talking about? You guys are best friends.

HALEY: Not last night we weren’t. We got into a fight.

PEYTON: About what?

HALEY: You, him and Brooke. The last thing I said to him was “I don’t like the person you’re becoming” and “The next time we see each other don’t talk to me”

PEYTON: You didn’t mean it.

HALEY: Peyton, what if I can’t take it back? What if he doesn’t forgive me.

PEYTON: He will but you just need to see him. I’ll tell you what. Whenever you decide that you’re ready, I’ll go to the hospital with you. Strength in numbers.

HALEY: Yeah, yeah okay thank you

PEYTON: I’ll see you.

[Hospital Waiting Room]

DEB: Hi. Nathan told me about Lucas. I’m so sorry. How is he?

KAREN: He’s still unconscious. But the doctors say his vital signs are strong.

DEB: Oh that’s good news. I figured you hadn’t had a chance to grab any food.

KAREN: I’m really not that hungry.

DEB: Well at least have some decent coffee. I don’t want you to worry about anything other than Lucas. I’ll take care of the café as long as you need.

KAREN: Thanks, Deb. I appreciate that.

DEB: (Giving her coffee) Here you go.

KAREN: All night I sat up watching Lucas. And I kept thinking I’m the one who can’t wake up. This has to be some sort of dream. Cause if this isn’t a dream it’s got to be some sort of punishment.

DEB: Punishment for what?

KAREN: For being selfish. I mean if I hadn’t gone to Italy, this wouldn’t have happened.

DEB: You can’t think that way. This is not your fault.

KAREN: And if you had told me yesterday that the Scott brother that I would feel grateful to is Dan I would have said you were crazy.

DEB: What do you mean?

KAREN: He didn’t tell you?

DEB: Tell me what?

KAREN: Dan brought Lucas to the hospital. If it wasn’t for him, Lucas wouldn’t have made it.

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Peyton comes in alone)

PEYTON: Hey, it’s me. Can you hear me? (Holds his hand) Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, okay? Never mind. Um, I just came by to tell you that I’m probably not going to be around very much. With Brooke here it’s just kind of weird. But I’m with you Lucas, you know that. And I’ll wait forever if I have to. (Karen comes in) Oh I’m sorry. Nobody was here.

KAREN: You don’t have to go. He’s allowed visitors.

PEYTON: Okay. I’m Peyton.

KAREN: I know. Lucas has talked about you. (puts down Deb’s basket of food) Its nice that people want to do something but the last thing I can think about right now is food.

PEYTON: You’ll be glad you have it in a couple of days. I swear the cook at this hospital gets a bonus for making people sick.

KAREN: Sounds like you’ve spent some time here.

PEYTON: Yeah, when my mom died.

KAREN: I’m sorry.


KAREN: How’d she die?

PEYTON: A car accident.

KAREN: You’re a good friend to visit. I’ve been expecting Haley to come on by.

PEYTON: She and Lucas got in some argument and she’s really beating herself up over it.

KAREN: They’ll patch it up. Best friends can forgive each other anything.

BROOKE: (Walking in with a bunch of bags) Hey stranger. Check it out, I dropped so much cash at the gift shop I think they’re going to name it after me. And I got something for you too Karen. Nothing makes me feel better when I’m blue than chocolate and I figured we could be in a better place if we dipped into a sugar coma so…(Peyton looks at her and Karen looks down) I’m sorry I’m such an idiot I didn’t…

KAREN: It’s okay, Brooke.

BROOKE: (walks over to Lucas and kisses his cheek) Hey baby. How you doing?

PEYTON: Listen, I got to go.

BROOKE: Okay. I’ve got him now but, see you later?



PEYTON: It was really nice to meet you.

KAREN: You too.

[Karen’s Café]

(Haley is serving food, Nathan comes in)

HALEY: Here you go, enjoy your meal.

NATHAN: How’s Lucas?

HALEY: Like you care.

NATHAN: Haley, come on that’s not fair. Look we’re not tight but I don’t want to see the guy in the hospital.

HALEY: Why because if he’s out of circulation than you can’t use me to piss him off?

NATHAN: Hey would you just stand still for a second so we could talk about this?

HALEY: Not a chance in hell.

NATHAN: Alright fine, don’t talk to me, but at least let me take you to see Lucas today.

HALEY: You know what Peyton’s already doing it after my shift and even if she wasn’t I wouldn’t go with you. (walks away from him. Deb comes in)

DEB: Hey, is she alright?

NATHAN: No, not really. So this split with you and dad. This is real, huh?

DEB: Yeah, honey it is. How do you feel about that?

NATHAN: Actually I’m fine. How sad is that? (he leaves)

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Haley and Peyton walk in, Karen is asleep next to the bed)

HALEY: I can’t. (Turns and walks into the hall)

PEYTON: Haley wait. It’s alright.

HALEY: No it’s not. He’s lying in there and there’s nothing that I can do about it.

PEYTON: Well you could be there for him. Just go talk to him, you’ll feel better.

HALEY: I don’t deserve to feel better. I mean giving him an apology is not worth anything if he’s awake to hear it. You know if I go in there I’m just going to start crying and that’s just the last thing Karen needs.

PEYTON: Why don’t you let her be the judge of that?

HALEY: I cant. (walks away)

[Scott Body Shop]



DEB: I just wanted to see how you were doing. I left a couple of messages about Lucas.

KEITH: Yeah, yeah. Thanks. Is there any change?

DEB: No. Have you talked to Karen today?

KEITH: She doesn’t want me at the hospital. I can’t say I blame her.

DEB: Well she’s just in shock right now, Keith. Once Lucas gets better things will go back to normal.

KEITH: I’m not so sure about that, Deb. Karen isn’t speaking to me, Lucas is unconscious and I’m to blame. That’s a tough one to bounce back from.

DEB: Just give it some time.

KEITH: It’s funny you know. I wasted all those years being too afraid to tell Karen how I felt. And then she kissed me at the airport and suddenly everything I hoped for seemed possible all I had to do was wait 6 weeks. Just 6 weeks. Yesterday should have been the best day of my life. Now it’s all gone.
[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Brooke reading a magazine and Karen watching Lucas)

BROOKE: You follow astrology?

KAREN: Not really.

BROOKE: Me neither. It’s actually not as accurate as numerology.

KAREN: You two been dating a long time?

BROOKE: A little over a month now. (a woman comes in)

AMY: Ms. Roe? I’m Amy Quinn from the billing department. I had a couple of questions about your insurance.

KAREN: Sure come in.

BROOKE: I’ll just go do something.

AMY: I was wondering if you had any supplemental insurance?

KAREN: No just the regular hospitalization, why?

AMY: Well the care your son needs will almost certainly cost more than your coverage maximums.

KAREN: Oh wow. I never figured I’d need more than that.

AMY: Expenses do add up these days.

KAREN: Could we set up some sort of payment plan?

AMY: Why don’t you come talk to me after things settle down? We’ll see what we can figure out.

KAREN: Thank you.

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Karen is fixing his covers and singing You Are My Sunshine)

KAREN: You never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away. Open your eyes Lucas. Come on honey. (she sees his tattoo under his sleeve) Is there anything that didn’t change while I was gone? (Someone knocks on the door)

WHITEY: How’s he doing?

KAREN: The same.

WHITEY: How about you?

KAREN: I’m fine.

WHITEY: You got a lot of talents, Karen, but lying is not one of them.

KAREN: (Hugs Whitey) When Lucas was a little boy we used to play this game. “What would you do”. What would you do if I blacked out? What would you do if the house caught fire? I was his only parent I wanted to prepare him if anything happened to me. But I wasn’t prepared for something happening to him.

WHITYE: Why don’t you take a break?

KAREN: How could Keith be so careless? I trusted him with the only thing in the world that matters to me.

WHITEY: Lucas matters to Keith too. (Karen sighs) Look, Karen, you have every reason to be angry, Lord knows. But no man ever loved a boy anymore than Keith loves Lucas. That ought to count for something.

[River Court]

(Mouth, Junk, Fergy, and Skills are sitting on the benches. Jake walks up)

JAKE: Well it looks like we all had the same idea, huh? Better to think of Lucas here than in the hospital right?

SKILLS: What you seen him?

JAKE: Yeah, no change

JUNK: This sucks.

MOUTH: (Turns on his video camera and tapes himself) Hey Luke, its Mouth. I just want to say, we’re pulling for you.

SKILLS: Right cause you the dawg. Yep you my dawg. Hey don’t think I’m about to spot you any points when you bring your little scrawny @#%$ back out on this court man. Ain’t gonna happen.

FERGY: Yeah spleen or no spleen, When you bust out, it’s on.

MOUTH: And although the ethics of broadcasting prohibit me from gambling, I can say unofficially, my money’s on Scott.

JUNK: What money? You borrowed $10 from me last week. Hey Luke, Mouth can keep his cash if you come back soon, alright?

MOUTH: Jake, any thoughts?

JAKE: We need you back man. Simple as that.

[Karen’s Café]

(Deb is in the back, Dan comes in)

DEB: What are you doing here? We’re supposed to meet at the mediator’s office

DAN: I know. But I wanted to tell you in person, I’m not going.

DEB: We both agreed to mediation.

DAN: We also both agreed till death do us part. You didn’t have any trouble backing out of that one. Maybe you’re wrong about what’s best for this family too.

DEB: What family? We haven’t been one in a long time.

DAN: That doesn’t mean we cant be one again. We chose each other. We built a life together. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?

DEB: Don’t put this on me, Dan. We’ve both made mistakes, it’s time to correct them.

DAN: Our marriage was not a mistake. And Nathan is too important to me to just see him on the weekends. He needs both of us.

DEB: Don’t make me hire a lawyer.

DAN: I’m asking you not to. And I’m asking you to remember, when you were the one who needed forgiveness. When you were the one who almost lost this family.

DEB: That was a long time ago.

DAN: Exactly. And we made it through that. And I’m glad we did. So don’t throw us away. Give us one more chance.

DEB: I’m all out of chances, Dan.

DAN: I may not show it in the way you want but this family is my life. I’m not giving up. I wont agree to a divorce.

[On the Roof]

(Haley is sitting alone, Peyton comes up behind her)

PEYTON: Deb said I might find you up here.


PEYTON: This place is cool.

HALEY: Yeah it is. Lucas and I built this, back when it was the two of us against the world. Sorry I ran out of the hospital.

PEYTON: No don’t sweat it. I’m probably not the best person to be giving moral support anyway. Maybe if you went with Nathan.

HALEY: Nathan and I are taking a little break.

PEYTON: What happened?

HALEY: He was using me to get to Lucas.

PEYTON: Okay, Haley, I don’t believe that. I know Nathan and he’s into you.

HALEY: It doesn’t matter. Anyway why do you think that you’re no good for moral support?

PEYTON: You said that you were disappointed in Lucas for betraying Brooke and I just figured you felt the same way about me.

HALEY: Actually, no I don’t. I know what it’s like to need Lucas in your life.

PEYTON: I never let myself need anybody. Ever. Not since my mom died. But with Lucas, he looks at me and he really sees me. You know? Just right down into my soul.

HALEY: I just want to tell him that I love him and I’m sorry.

PEYTON: I just want to tell him I’m in love with him.


[Hospital Front Desk]

KEITH: Excuse me could I drop this off for Lucas Scott?

RECEPTIONIST: It’s visiting hours, you could give it to him yourself.

KEITH: Could you just let him know it’s from Keith Scott? (She nods) Thank you.

RECEPTIONIST: Oh wait. You’re my sticky note. Billings got some questions about a payment discrepancy. They need to talk to Lucas Scott’s mother or father. That’s you right?

KEITH: Which way is the billing department?

[Peyton’s Room]

BROOKE: That hospital seriously needs a makeover. You know it’s not a wonder to me that everyone who’s there is sick.

PEYTON: How’s Lucas?

BROOKE: He’s the same. Kind of scares me.


BROOKE: I know what the doctors said I’m just worried he’s not going to wake up.

PEYTON: Brooke don’t think that.

BROOKE: I know. It’s just the thought of losing him now. Anyway, um, I was going to go and grab a bite to eat and then go back over there. You want to go with me?

PEYTON: You know I cant, right now. Maybe later?

BROOKE: You’ve been saying that for two days. Look I know it’s hard for you.

PEYTON: You do?

BROOKE: I know your mom died in that hospital. Lucas needs his friends right now and even if it’s hard to be around him in that place, he’s worth the trouble.

PEYTON: Yeah, he is. I’ll try to come by tomorrow.

BROOKE: You’re the best. I‘ll see ya. (Hugs her and leaves)

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

KAREN: (reading the sports paper to him) Let’s see, LeBron James is first among rookies in points and assists per game. Carmelo Anthony is second.

BROOKE: (coming in with a poster) You a big basketball fan?

KAREN: It’s important to Lucas so I like to try and keep up.

BROOKE: Yeah I know what you mean. I’m suffering through Salinger for him. Would it k*ll a guy to read a little Jackie Cohens? (takes down a picture on the wall and hangs up a home made get well sign with pictures on it)

KAREN: Did you make that?

BROOKE: Yeah. I figured it’d be nice for Lucas to have when he wakes up. That’s us at a Bear Creek game, and those are coasters from the place where I kicked his butt playing pool.

KAREN: Nothing from the tattoo parlor.

BROOKE: Okay that’s totally on me. He’s just so serious all the time, you know, I thought a tattoo might lighten him up.

KAREN: And you couldn’t take him to a comedy?

BROOKE: So you’re not a big tattoo fan.

KAREN: Not on my son. No.

BROOKE: I’m sorry. Honestly, I think I could probably set myself on fire and my mom wouldn’t notice, so it’s kind of hard to remember that some moms would.

[River Court]

(A lot of people are drawing on the court with chalk. Haley and Peyton pull up)

HALEY: What is this?

PEYTON: It started last night. People wanted to do something for Lucas.

HALEY: Is that Tim? He’s always been such an @#%$ to Lucas.

PEYTON: Maybe it’s his way of saying he’s sorry.

HALEY: Wow. Why am I not surprised Nathan isn’t here. (She starts to walk around reading everything)

JAKE: Hey you gotta love watching people make sense out of the way they feel for Lucas.

PEYTON: Yeah who knew Tim could spell, right?

JAKE: Yeah right. So how are you doing?

PEYTON: Hanging in I guess.

JAKE: Hey look I know we don’t really run together but if you need someone to talk to, I’m around.

PEYTON: Thanks, Jake. (Jake nods and walks onto the court)

[Nathan’s Driveway]

(He’s sh**ting hoops and missed a shot. Peyton comes up behind him)

PEYTON: Your free throws look like crap.

NATHAN: Glad to see you’re picking up the slack in my dad’s absence.

PEYTON: He’s not around?

NATHAN: He moved out. My parents are getting a divorce.

PEYTON: Oh wow, um. I’m sorry, Nathan, I didn’t know.

NATHAN: It’s alright. They suck together anyways. Speaking of. What are you doing here?

PEYTON: Haley. Actually. Um, listen I don’t know what you did to her but I do know that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

NATHAN: You including yourself in that?

PEYTON: Yeah I am.

NATHAN: Well yeah she is. She just doesn’t believe me.

PEYTON: So what happened?

NATHAN: I told her that I only went after her at first to screw with Lucas.

PEYTON: You’re a real jackass you know that?

NATHAN: Yeah I was. But it hasn’t been about that with me and Haley for a long time.

PEYTON: Nathan, Haley needs your help. She can’t face Lucas.

NATHAN: That’s not really my place, is it? I mean Lucas isn’t exactly my biggest fan.

PEYTON: Doesn’t mean you couldn’t try. For Haley.

NATHAN: So is this advice for me or for you? Well this is kind of weird huh? The two of us talking about each others relationships.

PEYTON: It’s all weird.


[Billing Department]

KAREN: Thank you for making time to see me

AMY: No problem. Sorry you had to wait. Okay, here’s your receipt.

KAREN: Um, I’m sorry, I’m a little tired. I don’t understand.

AMY: The bill’s been taken care of, if you accrue any other expenses we’ll charge the credit card on file.

KAREN: What credit card? Who paid this bill?

AMY: Let me just check. Your husband. Keith Scott.

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Brooke is sitting alone at the bed, Karen comes in)

BROOKE: Are you okay?

KAREN: Ever since I landed, nothing has been the way I expected it to be.

BROOKE: Including your son’s new girlfriend, right?

KAREN: That’s not true, I don’t really know you, Brooke.

BROOKE: Look I know I talk a lot when I’m nervous, actually I’m pretty gabby all the time. But my stupid quotient kind of goes sky high when I’m flipped out and meeting my boyfriend’s mother in the hospital with all this going on is pretty much off the stress charts for me. But I’m here for you if you need anything.

KAREN: Thank you.

BROOKE: And, just so you know. The only thing I really want to see is Lucas laugh again. You know, hear him sing off key and watch him roll his eyes at me when I steal French fries off his plate. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m crazy about your son. And I hope that’s enough for you.

KAREN: Actually that’s more than enough. (Deb knocks and comes in)

DEB: I figured if I kept bringing food you’re bound to eat sometime.

BROOKE: Oh my God I’m starving. But that’s probably not for me. Example of that stupid quotient thing. Okay I think I’m just going to go.

KAREN: No no, why don’t you stay? We could have dinner together. I mean if you’re interested.

BROOKE: I’d like that


BROOKE: I’ll go get drinks.

KAREN: (Looking at the Karen’s Café delivery bag) That looks great.

DEB: Oh yeah a start up company gave us 100 for free as a test run. I know it’s the last thing on your mind but business is fine.

KAREN: It’s a strange world when the least important thing is doing well, and the most important thing is just hanging on.

DEB: Yeah. Is there anything else I can do?

KAREN: Yeah could you thank Dan for me? I haven’t had a chance things have been so crazy, but as soon as I can leave the hospital I’ll stop by the house.

DEB: Dan isn’t living at the house anymore.

KAREN: What do you mean?

DEB: We’re getting a divorce.

KAREN: This may sound crazy but I’m sorry.

DEB: Thanks. See ya. (Deb leaves)

KAREN: It was only six weeks.

[Dan’s Shop]

(A woman walks in and Dan comes out oh his office)

DAN: That car is perfect for you.

WOMAN: How is that?

DAN: Smooth lines, sleek styling. Dan Scott.

WOMAN: Pleasure to meet you, Dan. Cynthia Price. Your wife’s new attorney. I came here to tell you I’ve read the mediation agreement and I think it’s more than fair. I wanted to give you a last chance to accept it.

DAN: Sorry sweat heart, I’ve got a lot invested in my marriage and my family. Deb’s not getting rid of me that easy.

CYNTHIA: Is that love talking or just a bruised ego?

DAN: Roll the dice and find out. But first, you go back to your client and you ask her if she’s ready for what will come out about her if she does go to trial.

CYNTHIA: (leaving) See you in court.

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Karen is sleeping in a chair. Nathan comes in and sits by Lucas)

NATHAN: Hey man. I kind of need to talk to you. So I’m here because everything’s screwed up. I know you don’t trust me with Haley, but I like her a lot, you know? She’s hurting right now too. She needs you to open your eyes man. She feels like she can’t be forgiven. And I’m sort of in the same place. (leaning in more; puts his hands on the bed) This accident, might not turn out so bad, you know? You get to take a break from the game. The pressure and peoples expectations. I wish I had that chance. This might be hard to believe but maybe you’re the lucky one. You can get out. (Lucas’ fingers lift up onto Nathan’s hands and his eyes open) Hey.

LUCAS: Water. (Nathan gets a cup and helps him drink) What are you doing here?

NATHAN: It’s a long story. Let me get your mom. (He goes over and wakes up Karen)

KAREN: Nathan?

NATHAN: I think Lucas wants to talk to you. (She goes to the bed and Nathan leaves)

KAREN: Lucas? Wake up sweetie, come on. Talk to me.

LUCAS: (Singing) Don’t take my sunshine away.

KAREN: You heard that.

LUCAS: I’m glad your back mom.

KAREN: You too. Now I can k*ll you for that tattoo.

[Karen’s café]

HALEY: Nathan I am not in the mood right now, okay?

NATHAN: Lucas’ is awake. I was there when he opened his eyes. I went to see him.


NATHAN: Cause I knew you couldn’t. I wanted him to know that you were thinking about him. Look I know that it was wrong to go after you for the reasons that I did. I can’t apologize for it. I’m glad I did it. I’m not that person anymore. It’s because of you. Let me take you to him.

[Scott Body Shop]

(Keith is sitting alone. He opens a ring box and looks at it then closes it)

[River Court]

(Peyton is drawing a large heart with the #3 in it in chalk on the court)

[Dan’s Shop]

(Karen comes in)

DAN: He handed me the consent forms, he needed surgery you have a right to be upset but…(She hugs him)

KAREN: Thank you. (Dan nods)

[Lucas’ Hospital Room]

(Brooke is sitting on his bed, Haley comes in and Brooke goes to the door to stand with Nathan. Haley sits on his bed)

LUCAS: Hey buddy. I missed you. (Haley nods and lays on his chest and cries)

[Karen at Home]

(She walks in and sees the “We missed you” banner and dried up flowers. She sits down and cries)