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01x22 - The Games That Play Us

Posted: 05/25/04 17:39
by bunniefuu
[A raven flying in the sky]

LUCAS (Voice Over): Some people believe that raven’s guide travelers to

their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered

good luck. While a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead. And a raven right

before battle promises victory.

[Basketball Game]

(Mouth is giving his broadcast from the stands)

MOUTH: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome Tree Hill Raven’s

basketball, brought to you by web cast at I’m Mouth

McFadden and the playoffs are finally here, so throw out the perfect record, if

the raven’s lose this one, the season is over.

[Locker Room]

DAN: Tonight’s obstacle is Masonboro. If you win, you’re one step closer to a

state championship, and undefeated season and greatness. Lose, and be losers.

(Nathan and Lucas meet eyes and Nathan bounces the ball to him)

[River Court]

(Nathan and Lucas are playing basketball. Lucas misses a shot)

NATHAN: You know, all this working out doesn’t mean anything if you can’t

hit the shot.

LUCAS: What’s wrong with you?

NATHAN: I’m just saying, it’s a waste of my time to get you ready for this

game if you can’t score when we need it.

LUCAS: Huh. Give me the ball. (He makes the shot) Now, you going to tell

me what’s really wrong?

NATHAN: I guess, uh, I guess I’m just dealing with Haley.

LUCAS: She’s still not talking to you, huh?


[Outside School]

(Haley is looking at pictures of her and Nathan on her cell phone)

DAN: Don’t think I haven’t noticed your part in all this. You know, Haley, if

you’re going to manipulate him, you should aim a little higher. And

remember, pay back is hell. Oh, uh, by the way, nice tattoo. Real classy.

[Basketball Game]

MOUTH: Just moments away from the beginning of this playoff game.

Winners advance. To the losers, well, their season is over. Dan Scott is

standing in for coach Whitey Durham who is out with an illness. Not sure who

signed off on that one, but let’s hope Coach Durham gets well soon.

(Deb is

watching Dan from the stands)

[Deb’s House]

(She is getting ready to sign the papers, Dan walks in)

DAN: Really, Deb, tears. On the eve of our divorce.

DEB: No, actually, I was sitting here having second thoughts. Until I

considered what a hideous monster you’ve been for most of our married lives.

(She signs them)

DAN: Well since we’re frolicking down memory lane, let’s take a stroll back

to the campus the night you told me you were pregnant. You know I came to

you that night to tell you I had made a decision. I was leaving school at the

end of the semester.

DEB: Because of your fictional knee injury.

DAN: No. No, Deb, that’s just what I told you. I was leaving because there

was a girl I left behind. A girl who was carrying my child. And a girl that I

loved very much.

DEB: Karen.

DAN: But when I told you I was leaving you told me you were pregnant.

DEB: I didn’t know you were leaving for Karen.

DAN: I know. All you knew is that I would do right by you and Nathan.

Which is something I’ve tried to do every day since then. And if that makes

me a monster, then so be it.

[Basketball Game]

(The team is still warming up)

LUCAS: You alright?

NATHAN: Have you seen Haley?


[Outside Haley’s House]

(Peyton drops Haley off. Nathan is waiting for her in the rain)

HALEY: Nathan, you’re soaked. What are you doing?

NATHAN: I just went for a run to clear my head, I guess this is where I ended

up. Look, Haley, the picture of Peyton didn’t mean anything, okay?

HALEY: It did to me. Clearly you still have feelings for her.

NATHAN: I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other

ones too, you can go back and look. Her web cam hasn’t even been in her

closet for months.

HALEY: Why didn’t you tell me that last week?

NATHAN: Because, I should have deleted those images a long time ago. I

just felt bad because I didn’t do it. Besides, Haley, I don’t want Peyton. I

want you.

HALEY: Is that it?

NATHAN: You know, my pride says yeah, that’s it. Just walk away and let

Haley deal with the fact that she’s clearly threatened by a sexual relationship.

But my heart says, just forget about your pride you idiot. You love this girl.

And even if you’re going to catch pneumonia, your @#%$ is going to stand out

here in the rain till you convince her to forgive you. So come on, Hales, just

meet me half way here?

HALEY: Why should I?

NATHAN: Because I’m sorry. Because I love you. And Because you’re

looking really hot standing out here in the rain, and I’m thinking, I have to kiss


HALEY: Well, if you have to. (They start kissing)

[Basketball Game]

(Haley sits down in the stands with Keith)



(Team Huddle)

DAN: This is your night, this is your gym. Take no prisoners. Hands in.

LUCAS: Let’s win this one for Whitey.

DAN: Hey, forget the old man, you win it for yourselves.

TIM: Come on boys, When are we going to lose? 1...2...3...Nevermore!

(They break up and start to walk away)

DAN: Hey, there’s no name on your jersey.

LUCAS: Yeah there is. (He points to the Ravens name) Right there.

MOUTH: So Ravens take the floor and we’re all set to go.

[Whitey’s office]

(Dan is at the desk. Lucas comes in)

LUCAS: Listen, um, I talked to my mom. And I guess I’m sorry for

resenting you for not wanting to be in my life. I didn’t know you wanted

custody. I also never said thank you for rescuing me from the accident.

DAN: You should be on the floor by now for practice. Go run 21 sprints.

(Lucas leaves)

[Basketball Game]

(They’re getting ready to start. Lucas is standing next to another player)

PLAYER: You better watch that bad shoulder.

LUCAS: You better watch the score board.

MOUTH: Here we go, ravens fans, the playoffs are underway.

(The game

starts) Ravens control the tip, Nathan Scott brings it up court to the pride of

his hometown crowd. I’ll tell you, there’s a lot of love in the air tonight.

(Brooke and Peyton smile at each other)


(Nikki sits down next to Brooke)

BROOKE: That seat’s reserved for my friend Peyton.

NIKKI: You’re friend, huh?

BROOKE: As far as she knows.

NIKKI: So where is Jake, Brooke?

BROOKE: Buy me a drink and maybe I’ll tell you.

[Basketball Game]

(Brooke and Peyton are still smiling at each other.)

MOUTH: Early in the second quarter, this Masonboro team,

big underdogs, are

giving the ravens all they can handle.

PLAYER: All night, baby, all night.

DAN: Shut up, you little punk.

MOUTH: It could be the time away, or maybe Dan Scott’s influence, but

whatever the reason, the players have dug themselves a whole and they’re

looking at a long road back. (Keith and Karen meet eyes)

[Keith’s Apartment]

(He’s looking at a picture of himself and Karen with Lucas as a baby.)

KEITH: Did you even love me, Karen?

KAREN: Keith, I do love you.

KEITH: Not like that.

KAREN: I don’t know how to answer that.

KEITH: You don’t know how to, or you don’t want to?

KAREN: Keith, I don’t want you to leave like this.

KEITH: It’s a little late for that. But at least let’s tell the truth. Okay? I’m

not leaving for a job or some fresh perspective or because I wanted to get out

of this town. I’m leaving because I can’t look at you anymore without my

heart breaking. How many serious relationships have you had since Dan? I’ll

tell you. None.

KAREN: Why are you doing this?

KEITH: Karen, it was a dark day when you said no to my proposal. But, you

know, I can live with that. I don’t need you to love me. But you got to open

up your heart to somebody. You got to let someone discover how staggering

you are. Just don’t be alone, that I can’t live with.

[Basketball Game]

MOUTH: The ravens grab the rebound and push it up court. Tim Smith

passes to Lucas Scott, over to Nathan Scott for the slam! I see the Ravens are

finally working together.

PEYTON: Go ravens! (Brooke smiles at her)

[Peyton’s Room]

BROOKE: You know you can trust me.

PEYTON: Brooke, it’s really important to me that Nikki never finds out

where Jake took Jenny.

BROOKE: I know it’s important to you, Peyton. That’s why you can trust me

with this.


NIKKI: But she still hasn’t told you?

BROOKE: No, but she will. She thinks we’re tight again.

NIKKI: Not that I care, but, you must really hate Peyton to betray her trust

like this.

BROOKE: Yeah, well, she’s got it coming. If Jake and Jenny meant anything

to her, she’ll know what it feels like to have her heart crushed, won’t she?

NIKKI: Fine by me.

[Basketball Game]

MOUTH: Coming up on half time and Ravens continue the lead. Lucas Scott

with the ball that leads to Nathan. (Nathan makes a jump shot) Caw! The

birds have taken flight. They look a lot sharper now, but something tells me

Masonboro isn’t going away.

[Lucas’ Room]

LUCAS: You okay, mom?

KAREN: I am having a problem letting you go. You’re just a kid, Luke. Part

of me says that you are too young for this, I know I’m too young for it.

LUCAS: You know this isn’t about me wanting to leave you, right? Because

it’s not.

KAREN: Then what is it about? Explain it to me again, why you want to


LUCAS: Do you remember when I first joined the team? The boosters treated

you poorly. You wanted them to see who you’d become. And they could only

see who you used to be. Or at least who they thought you were. I need a

chance to start over. And I don’t want Keith to be alone either. At least for a

little while.

[Keith’s Apartment]

KAREN: I told him he could join you in Charleston.

KEITH: I want you to know, I’ll protect him with my life this time.

KAREN: I know you will. Other wise I wouldn’t allow it. No one’s ever

asked me if I would ever trust you again. And you need to know that if this

was anybody else I wouldn’t let him go.

KEITH: That means a lot to me.

KAREN: I guess I should go then. I’m sorry, Keith. (She leaves and he looks

at the picture of them)

KEITH: Me too.

[Nathan’s Apartment]

(Nathan and Haley run into his room wet and grab towels)

NATHAN: Want a towel?

HALEY: Yes. Well that was a nice walk. (Nathan takes off his shirt and sits

on the bed)

NATHAN: Yeah. (Haley stops and watches him) What? (She takes off her

shirt) Haley.

HALEY: No, it’s okay. It’s okay. (She kisses him and they lie down)

[Basketball Game]

MOUTH: The ravens lead a close one by two as we come up on half time.

Daniel Lawrence gives it to Tim who dribbles out top. Luke breaks free on the

wing, puts up a three pointer, release rotation, splash, ravens lead it by five.

Time for score at half time, ravens 34 and bears 39. This is web cast at (One of the players bumps into Lucas’ shoulder and he falls

to the ground.) Wow. (Nathan pushes the player) Masonboro just hit Lucas

Scott with a cheap shot. (Both teams come into the middle and start fighting)

Nathan comes to his defense and things are getting ugly as the refs hurry back

to the floor to try and break up a brawl. Lucas Scott is still down protecting

his bad shoulder.


BROOOKE: So Jake went to Savannah?

PEYTON: He’s got family there. I don’t know if we would have been

anything, you know, but I really loved Jenny. And I worry about them.

BROOKE: I’m glad you told me, Peyton. You know I’m here for you.

[Nathan’s Apartment]

(Nathan and Haley are still lying in bed)

HALEY: I know you are. What if we’re not good together? What if it drives

us apart?

NATHAN: It won’t. Look, Haley, I want to be with you. And if you don’t

want to be with me, I guess I understand, but, this isn’t going to change


HALEY: Tonight then. After the game.

[Locker Room]

DAN: Already making plans for after the game, boys? Because this is a joke!

You guys are up five points, you should be up fifty points. Oh and while you

have your heads up your asses, why don’t you take a whiff of how you’ve been

playing. Tim, turnovers. Nathan, focus. (He walks over to where the trainer

is looking at Lucas’ shoulder) Hey, come here. (He and the trainer go off to

the side) How are we doing?

TRAINER: Coach, we should get him x-rayed. I think he’s done for the


DAN: Whoa, whoa. Are you sure?

TRAINER: Well I can’t be sure without the x-ray. But if he were my kid, I

wouldn’t risk it. And considering the rehab-

DAN: Shh. (He goes to Lucas) Hey. How you doing?

LUCAS: It just feels a little weird. What’d the doc say?

DAN: He said you’d be fine. But if you want to sit out, I can’t make you

play. But your teammates are counting on you.

LUCAS: I’ll be fine.

DAN: Good man. Kid says he wants to play, doc. But I’ll tell you what, as

soon as the game’s over, we’ll get him an x-ray, okay?

(Nathan comes over to


NATHAN: You good, man? (He nods) Good. Cause all this means nothing if

you can’t knock down that shot.


(Nathan and Lucas are walking together)

NATHAN: Do you know about my dad’s state championship game?

LUCAS: Yeah, Whitey benched Dan.

NATHAN: Not exactly. That’s Whitey’s story. See, they were leading, and

Whitey wanted to go into a stall. My dad didn’t want to, so at the end of the

game, with everything on the line, he sat down. Refused to go back into the


LUCAS: Really?

NATHAN: Yeah. The way my dad sees it, he lost the game, but won the


LUCAS: I couldn’t do that to my teammates.

NATHAN: Yeah, me neither. Although if we lose this game, I’m going back

to hating you. (They stop in front of Whiteys house)

WHITEY: Well, it’s the Scott boys. Together. My eyes really must be

screwed up.

LUCAS: Hey, coach.

NATHAN: We wanted to catch you before you went to the hospital.

WHITEY: Glad you did. How’s practice going with Danny?

NATHAN: The same as with you. It sucks. Well, coach, the players, we all

signed this ball for you. (He hands him a basketball signed by the team) Sort

of a get well card.

WHITEY: You know, I’ve been around this game practically my whole life.

And there’s never been a day that I was as gifted as either one of you.

Remember that. Don’t let Danny take that from you. You boys play with your

whole hearts. You take your sh*ts, no regrets. (He bumps fists with them)
[Basketball Game]

(Lucas passes to Nathan and he makes the lay up)

MOUTH: Reverse lay up by the ravens for another two.

Nathan and Lucas

Scott have taken over, keeping the ravens in close, but it may be too little too

late as Masonboro leads it by five, time running out in the forth.

HALEY: Oh man, I’m scared.


HALEY: Lucas! Luke, I’m scared. Luke, this is so not cool. Come out here

right now, Lucas Scott. (Lucas jumps out from behind a headstone and scares

her. She punches him in the stomach as a reflex)

LUCAS: Damn it, Haley. You’re going to k*ll me. You know Houdini died

like that.

HALEY: You deserve it, dumb @#%$. I told you, I didn’t want to take this


LUCAS: What are you whispering for?

HALEY: Because.

LUCAS: Haley, these people, they’re dead.

HALEY: I know, but if you keep yelling, the stinking zombies are going to

hear us.

LUCAS: Haley.

HALEY: What?

LUCAS: Look, I’ve got to tell you something.

HALEY: What is her name and what did you do that you regret?

LUCAS: I’m going to Charleston with Keith.

HALEY: Alright, for how long?

LUCAS: For good. I’m moving there.

HALEY: What are you talking about?

LUCAS: Keith got a job in Charleston. And I’m going to go live with him

there, after the season’s over. Haley, I need to go. (She turns her back to him)

Come no, don’t do that.

HALEY: Don’t do what?! You can not bring me out in the middle of a creepy

cemetery and tell me that you are leaving Tree Hill for good, that is not fair!

LUCAS: Haley, come on, it’s not that far. I’ll still see you.

HALEY: Not like now. Who’s going to go thrift store hunting with me,

Lucas? Who’s going to buy bad music or lie to the campus lost and found and

claim dumb stuff? Who’s going to do that with me?

LUCAS: Nathan. And me, too. Once and a while. Look, I’ve thought a lot

about this, Haley. Okay? And I feel like I can be a better person if I go now.

I am sure going to miss you. You’re my best friend, Hales. You always will


HALEY: Idiot.

LUCAS: Come here. (He hugs her) You okay?

HALEY: No, I’m scared again.

[Basketball Game]

MOUTH: No going back now, folks. This is it. Down by two, less than a

minute on the clock. The ravens need a stop/

NATHAN: You got anything left in that shoulder?

LUCAS: A little bit.

NATHAN: Well come on, man. Let’s take this thing.

MOUTH: Masonboro inbound, full court pressure by the ravens with under 20


DAN: No fouls!

MOUTH: Dan Scott calls for no fouls. Time is running out and he wants the

birds to make a play. At half court, Lucas Scott pokes the ball free. Nathan

Scott grabs it and time out. A sensational steel. The Ravens have it, down by

two, 12 seconds left in the game.

DAN: Okay, bring it in. Bring it in. Look at me, look at me. Who out there

is scared? Who’s scared? Cause if you’re scared you sit your @#%$ on this bench

I don’t want you on that court. Nathan, look at me. Get the ball in your

hands, okay? Hold the ball tough till there’s five seconds left on the clock then

you bang inside and tie this thing up.

TIM: But they’re going to double him.

DAN: I don’t care if they put five guys on him, Tim! Listen to me, five

seconds, okay? Then you shove it down their throats. Great players make

great plays, Nathan. Hands in.

TIM: Let’s go. Win it on 3. 1...2...3.. Win it! (Lucas and Nathan walk away


LUCAS: Hey, it means nothing if you can’t knock down the shot.

MOUTH: So the Ravens break the huddle. 12 seconds left on the clock. They

need a basket to tie, a three pointer to win, or their season is over. The

standing room crowd is on their feet. Lucas Scott will throw it in. He does

safety. Finds Tim Smith who immediately swings it to Nathan Scott. We’re at

eight seconds. Now seven. Nathan works out top. Five seconds on the clock.

Now four. He spins to the basket. Then passes to Luke for a three pointer and

the win! (The buzzer sounds and the ball hit’s the rim and bounces off. Lucas

falls to his knees. All the players silently walk off court. Nathan pats Lucas on

the back as he walks by)

[Locker Room]

(Dan is clapping)

DAN: Nice work, ladies. Undefeated regular season, conference champs and

all for nothing. Look at me, Nathan. Cause I want to see your face when you

explain to me why you didn’t run the play I told you to. Take off that jersey,

you don’t deserve to wear it. None of you do! Do you have an answer for me

yet? Because I can wait, I have no where else to be. And you don’t either, you

want to know why? Because your season is over! Why did you disobey me

and pass to Lucas when you knew-

NATHAN: When I knew what, dad? That Lucas shouldn’t have been in that

game because of his injury? Because we both knew that, didn’t we?

DAN: Watch it.

LUCAS: I should have hit the shot. It’s my fault.

DAN: You’re damn right it’s your fault. You let your teammates down.

Teammates you shouldn’t have had in the first place, by the way.

NATHAN: At least he took a shot. Unlike you.

DAN: What did you say to me?

NATHAN: You heard what I said. I said at least he took a shot. That’s more

than you did, right dad?

DAN: I wouldn’t go there if I were you, Nathan.

NATHAN: Why not? You’re talking about letting down our teammates.

Lucas was there all game. He played in pain with an injury you knew about.

But he wasn’t a coward like you were.

DAN: Tim, go get security. Tell them my son has been beaten to death.

NATHAN: We played hard. And we lost. We have nothing to be ashamed of.

(He rips the name off his jersey and throws it to Dan’s feet) Except maybe our

coach. (He leaves and bumps fists with Lucas on his way out) No regrets.

[Whitey’s office]

(Keith comes in)

KEITH: It was a tough loss.

DAN: Well if it isn’t the Fredo of the family. How’s that employment line,


KEITH: I just came by to let you know that I’m leaving.

DAN: Really? So what’d you do with the ring? I mean if you’re finally

leaving town after all these years that means you proposed to Karen, and she

said no. So what’d you do with the ring?

KEITH: I’m driving it. ‘89 Land Cruiser.

DAN: I could have given you a better deal.

KEITH: Well, I’ll consider that your goodbye.

DAN: Keith.

KEITH: Yeah?

DAN: Never mind. (Keith leaves)

[Outside the gym]

(Haley waits for Lucas to come out)



HALEY: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

LUCAS: I’m leaving tomorrow, Haley.

HALEY: Already?

LUCAS: Yeah.

HALEY: Okay.

LUCAS: Hey. It’s okay.

HALEY: No it’s not, I really wanted to spend your last night with you, but

Nathan’s waiting.

LUCAS: Hey, go. I’ve got to get my shoulder checked out anyway. I’ll find

you before I leave tomorrow, okay?

HALEY: K. I’m really going to miss you, Luke. (She hugs him)

LUCAS: I’ll miss you, too.

HALEY: Okay, bye. (She walks away)


(Haley walks out to Nathan’s car and gets in)


HALEY: Sorry about the game.

NATHAN: Yeah. (he looks over at Haley who is crying) Hales, don’t cry.

Haley, we don’t have to do this tonight.

HALEY: No, no I want to. More than ever.

NATHAN: You sure?

HALEY: Yeah. No regrets.

[Deb’s house]

(She is putting all of Dan’s things into the fire)


DEB: Hey.

KEITH: I told you I’d help you burn Dan’s stuff if you wanted. Normally I

sit with Whitey after every home game, win or lose, so I hope you don’t mind.

DEB: You leaving tomorrow?

KEITH: Yeah. With Lucas.

DEB: You know, the first time I left Dan, I still believed that I could get out.

I’d just pack my things and escape to a new life. But you can’t. You just put a

new face on the same loneliness. What happened to us, Keith? How did we

become so broken?

KEITH: We fell in love. And at some point, the people that we loved forgot to

love us back.


DOCTOR: Well I’m sorry your season’s over, Lucas, but even if the team

would have won, your season is over anyway. No basketball.

KAREN: Maybe you shouldn’t go. I mean with your shoulder and


LUCAS: Mom, it’s time. I’m going to go see Whitey, okay?

[Whitey’s Hospital Room]

LUCAS: Hey, coach.

WHITEY: Don’t tell me. You lost at the buzzer. They doubled Nathan and

you missed a wide open look.

(Lucas looks at him confused) Web cast. Well it was a good look. Let it go. Doc says this eye thing

might be a little more complicated than they thought it was.

LUCAS: Coach, you’re going to be okay, right?

WHITEY: We’ll see.

LUCAS: Look, um, I just wanted you to know, that I really appreciate

everything you’ve done for me. You believed in me. And for that I will

always owe you.

WHITEY: You want to do me a favor?

LUCAS: Sure.

WHITEY: Take care of Keith. He’s a good man.

LUCAS: So are you, coach. (He hugs him and leaves)

[Deb’s house]

(Dan walks in and sees Deb and Keith sleeping together on the floor. They

wake up and see him and he walks back out)

KEITH: Damn it.


BROOKE: Question. Who is sexy, talented, and knows where Jake is? Oh I

know, it’s me.

NIKKI: So where is he?

BROOKE: Tell you what. I’ll play you for it. You beat me, I’ll tell you

where he went.

NIKKI: I don’t want to play games, Brooke. Just tell me where Jake took

Jenny. (Brooke writes something on a napkin and hands it to Nikki) So that’s

it, huh? (Brooke takes the napkin back) Betrayal of Peyton complete. How

does it feel?

BROOKE: It feels like you should be gone by now because you got your

information. (She burns the napkin)

NIKKI: You know, Brooke, you should really try to be a better person. No

body likes a @#%$. (She walks away. Peyton comes up to Brooke)

PEYTON: Was that Nikki you were talking to?

BROOKE: Yeah. I told her where Jake went. And she bought it, just like we

planned. It’s going to be a long road trip to Seattle. I told you, Peyton, I’m

here for you.

PEYTON: I know you are.

[Beach House]

(Keith and Dan pull up at the same time and get out of their cars)

KEITH: Look, it’s not what it looks like.

DAN: No? Because it looked like you were having sex with my wife. Unless

of course you both tripped and fell. Your clothes fell off and somehow you

ended up on top of her.

KEITH: What I mean is, this hasn’t been going on, okay? It just happened.

DAN: You listen to me, you son of a @#%$. Those are the last words you’re

ever going to speak to me. You are no longer my brother. You understand

that? You do not exist to me. (He punches out his window and walks inside)

[River Court]

NATHAN: I told you if you missed that shot it was all for

nothing. I was

wrong. I figured I’d find you out here. Word is you’re leaving town.

LUCAS: Yeah. I’m just meeting the guys to say goodbye.

NATHAN: You leaving because of the game?

LUCAS: Nah. Keith needs to be with someone right now. I need a change. I

figured since the season’s over, it’s time. Plus, I know I’m leaving Haley in

good hands.

NATHAN: Well, I got to tell you, man. I never thought, when we played

that one on one game, that I’d end up back here, feeling like this.

LUCAS: Like what?

NATHAN: Like I’m going to miss you. You’ve got to do what you feel. I

actually wish you weren’t going to leave. Because you’re one hell of a

basketball player. And because you’re my brother. Take care of yourself,


LUCAS: You take care of Haley. (They hug) I’ll miss you too, little brother.

(Nathan leaves)

[Lucas’ Room}

KAREN: You all set?

LUCAS: Yeah, almost.

KAREN: Come here, I want to talk to you a minute. I know you’re searching

for things, Lucas. And I hope with all my heart that you find the answers to

your questions. But the answers that you’re looking for are closer than you

think. They’re in your heart. And in the hearts of those who love you. And

that is right here. At home. In your life you’re going to go to some great

places, and you’re going to do some wonderful things. But no matter where

you go, or who you become, this place will always be with you. There is only

one Tree Hill. And it’s your home. I love you, my boy.

LUCAS: I love you, too.

[Keith’s Apartment]

(He looks around at the empty room then closes the door. A picture of him and

Dan is left on the wall)

[Peyton’s Room]

(She and Brooke are lying in bed)

BROOKE: It looks like a beautiful morning.

PEYTON: It’s perfect.

BROOKE: Let’s do something great today.

[Outside Peyton’s House]

(An envelope is taped to the front door with Brooke and Peyton’s names on it)

[Beach House]

(Dan takes off his wedding ring. He gets a text message on his phone from Deb saying Please call me. He closes the phone and begins to sign the divorce

papers. He stands up and grabs his chest and falls to the ground)

[Whitey’s Hospital Room]

(The doctor walks in)

DOC: We have your test results.

[Nikki’s Car]

(She is driving down the highway)

[Lucas’ Room]

(Karen is sitting on Lucas’ bed)

[Beach House]

(Dan is lying on the ground. Deb comes in and runs over to him)

DEB: Dan! Can you hear me?

DAN: Deb, you better hope I die.

[Nathan’s Apartment]

(Lucas knocks on the door and Nathan answers)

LUCAS: Hey, is Haley here? I promised her I’d see her before I left.

NATHAN: Yeah, come on in. (He walks in and Nathan goes to the back.

Haley walks by the open door holding the sheets around her)

HALEY: Nathan, where’s your sweatshirt?

NATHAN: It’s in the bathroom. (Lucas looks nervous and Haley comes out

with just his sweatshirt on)


LUCAS: Hey, um, you know, I’m sorry to- I just wanted to say goodbye.

HALEY: No, no it’s okay. I didn’t want you to go without-

LUCAS: No, I’m sorry. I’m just going to go.

HALEY: No, Lucas, please don’t.

LUCAS: Haley! It’s cool, I just, I thought you weren’t ready. I thought that

you were going to wait until you got married. (Nathan comes out and stands

by Haley) I mean, I just figured, I didn’t expect you to-

HALEY: Well we did. We did wait.

LUCAS: What are you talking about, Haley?

HALEY: Um, (She holds up her hand) we got married last night. (Lucas

looks shocked and stares at them)

[Keith and Lucas driving away]

LUCAS (Voice Over): Some people believe that Ravens guide travelers to their

destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered

good luck. While more than one raven together, predicts trouble ahead.

(Many Ravens are flying above the car)