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02x04 - You Can't Always Get What You Want

Posted: 10/26/04 10:47
by bunniefuu
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(Lucas pushes the door to Dan’s hospital room open.)

DAN: (o.s) I’m glad you came son. I wanna do something I shoulda done a long time ago.

LUCAS: (v.o) Went to go see Dan.



KAREN: What did he say this time?

LUCAS: That he was sorry.



(Karen and Keith stand in the empty café.)

KAREN: Before the proposal we were friends Keith, I mean can’t we at least try to go back to the way we were then?

KEITH: I don’t think so.



(Dan is signing some papers.)

DAN: My doctor’s put me through some cardiovascular rehab; I thought you might like to join me.

LUCAS: (Smiling sardonically.) So you wanna be workout buddies?

DAN: Give us a chance to spend some time together. Get to know you.

LUCAS: You had my whole life to do that.



(Karen and Deb are in the café enjoying some alcohol.)

KAREN: I thought the divorce went through.

DEB: Well technically no, Dan had the heart attack before signing the papers. While signing the papers actually.



(Lucas opens the lockbox and sees pictures of himself at various ages.)

DAN: (v.o) Look, would you do me a favour and put a copy of this in the lockbox in my bottom desk drawer?

(Lucas flips through the pictures.)



(Brooke stands with Peyton as she tries to get her money out. The screen flashes ‘INSUFFICIENT FUNDS, PLEASE SEE BANK PERSONNEL TO RECLAIM YOUR CARD’.)



(Haley and Nathan lie on the bed in the dark room.)

HALEY: You are the one that I want.

NATHAN: Yeah, me too. (She kisses him.)





(Camera pans to show Brooke lying on her bed sleeping. A distant splash is heard and she opens her eyes, slightly confused. She gets up, pulls back her gauzy, yellow, curtains and sees a guy swimming naked in her pool. She hurriedly leaves her room.)

(The guy continues to swim as Brooke comes into view.)

BROOKE: Excuse me! (He ignores her and continues swimming.) Hello?! (Uncertainly) Hola?

FELIX: (smiles) Hola.

BROOKE: OK (Attempting to stay calm.) Look, I don’t know what my mom told you, but here’s the drill, pool boys don’t get swimming privileges.

FELIX: (Speaks Spanish and I won’t translate because, mainly, I don’t know Spanish.)

BROOKE: Right I…ciento you too. Um…(Attempting very bad fake English.)…get aye outay. (Makes hand gestures to emphasize her point.)

(Felix Gets out but not before showing her all of his naked glory. Brooke looks on, half impressed but still trying to stay calm.)

BROOKE: What? You lose your suit?

FELIX: (Speaks more Spanish.)

BROOKE: OK (pause) I ditched Spanish the day they covered the naked verbs. (here here) You (points to him.) no (Shakes hands) swim (Imitates swimming.) here. (Points to her house.) OK?

FELIX: (In a heavy Spanish accent.) OK. (Speaks even more Spanish.)

(Brooke stares flummoxed and rolls her eyes.)



(Haley is singing.)

HALEY: #Every night I watch you sleep,

Peace in dreams I hope you’ll keep.

(Nathan smiles impressed as he listens to her. Haley moves around the kitchen.)

HALEY: Until your death,

With your last bre- (Stops and tries a different note.)Breat-brea. (Shakes her head and opens the fridge.)

NATHAN: (Eating breakfast.) Are you writing a song or are you planning on k*lling me?

HALEY: Uh, officially I’m writing a new song, unofficially; I’d watch your back. (Nathan smiles.) By the way, I found a new car on the internet. It’s great.

NATHAN: Hm, define great.

HALEY: Five-hundred bucks great, which is actually thirty-six bucks less than we’ve got in the wish dish (laughing) so we could probably spring for a full t*nk of gas.

NATHAN: Well you know; my wish was more along the lines of TeeVO…surround sound.

HALEY: Well a car will get you off the bus before Keith fires you for being late. (Nathan smiles, nodding.) Will you just take a look at it? If it’s a piece of junk we’ll keep looking.


HALEY: Deal?


HALEY: (Kisses him) And um…make sure the trunk’s big enough to fit your body. (Coughs slightly.) Just in case. (Nathan laughs.)



(Dan is sitting in front of the TV, his stubble growing worse than ever, just lazing about.)

DEB: Dan? Are you OK?

DAN: Yeah. I’m gonna order some lawn gnomes. Front yard looks a little bare.

DEB: It’s a nice day. You wanna try a walk?

DAN: Maybe later.

(Deb looks at him and then leaves.)



(The café is full as Peyton walks in. Karen sees her.)

KAREN: Hey Peyton.


KAREN: You looking for Lucas?

PEYTON: Um…actually I was looking for you. (Something’s obviously on her mind.) I just wanted to say I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you and my dad. I was (pause) really enjoying getting to know you.

KAREN: Yeah I liked that too.

PEYTON: So I was hoping maybe we could keep in touch. (Hurriedly) Unless that’s weird.

KAREN: (Shakes her head.) No. That wouldn’t be weird at all.

PEYTON: OK. Great. Can I ask you for some advice? You’re just the only woman I know that runs a business and I’ve got this crazy idea.

KAREN: Well I like crazy ideas. What is it?

PEYTON: OK. It is impossible to see good live music in this town without a fake ID so I went to THUD and I suggested they sponsor an ‘all-ages’ night. You know, not like here at the café but…like a club night.

KAREN: That sounds great.

PEYTON: Yeah, I thought so too but (shrugs) no takers so far. The club managers find out I’m in high school and it kinda ends there.

KAREN: It only takes one person to say yes Peyton. If you believe in it, see it through. Eventually someone else will see it too.

(Peyton bites her lip and smiles.)



(Nathan is polishing up a car hood in what was formally ‘Keith Scott Body Shop’ and is now ‘Dan Scott Service Annex’. Keith is standing at the back talking to somebody. The cardboard cut-out of Dan is there.)

NATHAN: (Talking to the cut-out and mimicking the hand gesture.) Hey dad! How’s it going? (Pretending to be Dan.) Oh, pretty good son. You know I’m proud of you. How’s Haley? (Shakes his head and walks back to the car.)

KEITH: Well at least the cardboard one’s polite. (Nathan smiles.) You know, Nathan, you’re not gonna be detailing cars forever. I’m gonna find you something, you know, better.

NATHAN: No, you know, it’s cool. Whatever I have to do. I mean just…treat me like any other employee who has no skills and whose last name isn’t Scott.

KEITH: (Happy) OK, I will. (Starts to walk away.)

NATHAN: Oh yeah, Keith? Uh…I have a-a favour to ask.

KEITH: Oh see now you are like any other employee.

NATHAN: Well…me and Haley have been saving up for a used car and uh…well she found one she likes but I don’t know anything about cars. (pause) So I was wondering if you could, check one out for me tomorrow?

KEITH: I’d be happy to. Long as you don’t spread that ‘I don’t know anything about cars’ around the dealership. (Nathan smiles and nods.) Look I know this isn’t exactly glamorous…but you’re doing a good job. I’m glad you’re here. It’s a-it’s nice to be around family.

(Nathan sighs happily.)





(Deb is behind the counter sorting out receipts. Lucas comes up from the back.)

LUCAS: Alright, I’m gonna take off.

DEB: Oh Nathan.

(Lucas gives her a look. He doesn’t look anything like Nathan.)

DEB: (Apologetically) Sorry. Force of habit. (Gives him his backpack.) Lucas.

LUCAS: It’s OK. Actually that reminds me. I left my history book in the kitchen. (Walks to the back again.)

KAREN: I’m gonna be late for school. First day.

DEB: You’re gonna do great.

KAREN: You sure you’re gonna be OK here? I mean if Dan needs you, I can get Lucas in after school.

DEB: Oh no, it’s fine. I don’t think I’m what Dan needs anyway.

KAREN: What do you mean?

DEB: Oh he’s withdrawn, he’s depressed.

KAREN: Well the doctor did say mood swings were pretty common after a heart attack right?

DEB: Oh well, it’s more than that. He just…he sits around watching TV. He won’t do his rehab. I can’t reach him. And, without Nathan around; I don’t know who can.

(Cue the shot of Lucas eavesdropping.)

KAREN: (o.s) I’ll see ya.

DEB: (o.s) OK, bye.



(Dan is still sitting in front of the TV, writing something down on a red book.)

DAN: (Looking up as Lucas enters.) Lucas.

LUCAS: Um…door was open.

DAN: Wanna have a seat?

LUCAS: Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go out.

DAN: Um…not thanks. I’m not really up for it today.

LUCAS: Listen, you said you wanted to rehab together; here I am.

DAN: well maybe later.

LUCAS: (Putting his foot down.) Today only. Take it or leave it.



(Dan and Lucas are walking down the street. Dan is still finding it hard.)

LUCAS: You think you can make it to the corner?

DAN: Of course. (pause) You been sh**ting around at all?

LUCAS: Some. You know, this isn’t a race. You know, we can slow down if you want.

DAN: Easy for you to say.

LUCAS: What is that supposed to mean?

DAN: Nothin. It’s just…it’s hard to be less than what you once were. You might not understand that.

LUCAS: Yeah, I do. You know, I’m not sure I’ll ever play basketball the same level ever again. Think about it every day.

DAN: Nathan doing OK?

LUCAS: You really wanna know?

DAN: Yeah, I do. After all that’s happened, he’s still my son.

LUCAS: He’s good, you know. He and Haley are happy. He…really likes it at the dealership.

DAN: (Stops walking.) My dealership?

LUCAS: Yeah, uh, Keith took him on. I thought you knew.

DAN: (Not pleased.) (Harshly) We’re done here.

LUCAS: Hey come on. It’s not that far to the corner.

DAN: I said I’m done. My health, my call.

LUCAS: OK. Well let me at least take you back to the house.

DAN: (Puts out a hand to stop him.) Lucas, go to school. (Turns and walks away.)



(Karen sits at her desk with a laptop. Someone sits next to her.)

MAN: So, Business 101 huh? You a business major?

KAREN: I’m not sure yet. It’s uh, my first college class.

MAN: Are you taking it with Hargrove? This guy’s tough.

KAREN: Really? (Worried) How tough?

MAN: I heard he shot a guy, it ‘B’ school, just to watch him die.

KAREN: You’re kidding?

MAN: Yes. (They laugh.) Well about him sh**ting someone. Not about him being tough though. Good luck. (He picks up his briefcase and heads to the front.) Morning folks. My name is Andy Hargrove, (Karen looks at him shocked.) welcome to my class. When I was twenty-one I made my first million with a B2B search engine. The next year, I tripled it and then I tripled that. Did an IPO, got really rich, cashed out and wound up here. Well there’s a couple of hangovers in this side trip to Nepal between there and here but that’s not important right now. (A few murmurs from the class, Karen smiles.) OK. (Claps his hands) Let’s talk about…(Grabs a chalk and begins to write ‘greed’ in the board.)…greed. Can’t run a business without it. Anyone disagree with me? (Karen puts her hand up.) There’s one in every class. OK. So, what’s your name?

KAREN: Karen, and granted, I run a small café but I’ve found that if your treat people well, they come back. If you price things fairly, if you make a…quality product; you don’t have to be ruthless to be successful.

HARGROVE: Does uh…does anyone agree with her?

(Karen looks around but nobody puts their hands up.)

HARGROVE: Well that’s too bad coz she’s right. Guy co-look, I know that this class is titled Business 101, but I like to think of it as Zen Business. Who here wants to do well?

(Everyone puts their hand up.)

HARGOVE: Everybody. Who here wants to do good?

(Karen smiles and they all put their hands up again.)

HARGROVE: Coz there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do both. And since I’m the teacher, let’s just presume I’m right about that for now OK? Alright so uh, everybody flunks today’s lesson, except for Karen. (points to her.)

(Karen looks shocked as he smiles at her. There is the distinct impression that he is flirting with her in front of the entire class.)



(A speeding BMW nearly mows Lucas over. He moves just in time. The drives races into Brooke’s parking space. She gets out angrily.)

BROOKE: (To Lucas.) Are you OK?

LUCAS: Yeah, unless we’re both dead.

BROOKE: Hey buddy! That’s my spot! (She stops as she sees it’s the pool boy.) What are you doing here? You’re the pool boy.

FELIX: You (points to her.) no (Waves a finger at her.) park (Imitates a wheel) here. (He smirks, laughs and walks off.)

LUCAS: Do you know this guy?

BROOKE: No. I’ve just seen him naked! (Gestures and gets back in her car.)

(Lucas looks between the pair.)




(Brooke runs in her heels.)

BROOKE: Pool boy! Wait up!

FELIX: Running and gunning baby. You gotta keep up with me.

BROOKE: You speak English(!)

FELIX: Figured we wouldn’t get very far if you kept trying to speak Spanish.

BROOKE: Who the hell are you anyway? Hey! Buddy these are two hundred dollar shoes (Grabs his arm) don’t make me speed walk!

FELIX: I’m your new neighbour which makes you, the girl next door. And in the movie, she was a porn star.

BROOKE: Ha, well I don’t believe you coz if you were my neighbour, you’d know that house has its own pool.

FELIX: I like yours better. Look, this thing between us, it’s inevitable.

BROOKE: What thing? (Gestures between them.) There is no thing.

FELIX: Come on! We fight, we flirt. Maybe even slap me but eventually, we end up in the sack together so how bout we skip the anger and cut right to the sex?

BROOKE: How bout we cut right to the slap?

FELIX: OK. It’s part of the sex.

MOUTH: Hey Brooke. Who’s your friend?

BROOKE: He’s no friend of mine. (sh**t him a dirty look and walks away.)

FELIX: (Watches her walk off.) Girl I love it when you’re sassy! Haha. (Turns back to Mouth.) Oh how you doing man? (Shakes his hand.) I’m Felix; the new guy.

MOUTH: I’m Mouth; the been-here-forever guy.

FELIX: Right, so tell me something man; how’s the talent around here?

MOUTH: Sports?

FELIX: Keeps up with me Mouth; women. The girls. How’s the stock? Are they all like your friend Brooke?

MOUTH: Oh um…I don’t really…

FELIX: Oh you don’t know. That’s OK. I need someone to show me around. You up for that?

MOUTH: Sure, guess so.

FELIX: (Checking out girls at random.) Great. Look here’s the thing; we gonna act strong now. We’re not gonna hurt anyone but we’re gonna break a few hearts, it happens. They live, (Points to a girl) you learn. (Claps Mouth on the back.) Occupational hazard. Alright, who do you like that’s available?

MOUTH: Who do I like?

FELIX: For me Mouth. OK? Don’t be selfish.

MOUTH: (Looks at some girls whispering.) How bout her?

FELIX: (Eyes them.) Nah, too young. You wanna hit it, not baby-sit it. (Mouth nods.) Look, onto of that, I’m the new guy. I mean my game is strong anyway, but new guy status is hardcore. (They stop at Haley and Peyton.)

MOUTH: Peyton, Haley. This is Felix.


FELIX: How you doing? (Looks at Haley, he likes her.)

HALEY: Hi, nice to meet you. (Shakes his hand.)

FELIX: Girl, you are totally fine.

HALEY: (Laughs stonily.) Dude I’m totally (The smiles fades.) married. (Shows her ring.)

FELIX: (surprised) Really? (Looks at her stomach.) Who’s the father?

NATHAN: (Approaches from behind) Little close aren’t you?

FELIX: Oh, guess it’s you.

(Nathan and Haley turn and leave.)

MOUTH: She’s not pregnant but they are married.

FELIX: Yeah yeah, I saw the ring. Guess she likes poor guys. (Smiles at Peyton and walks away.)

PEYTON: (To Mouth.) This should be interesting. (Pats Mouth and leaves.)

MOUTH: Yeah!

MOUTH: (v.o) So I showed him around and he seems pretty cool.



(Lucas, Fergie and Mouth are there sh**ting hoops.)

MOUTH: His family, they move like almost every year.

FERGIE: Witness protection?

MOUTH: Uh-uh, doctors without borders. They’ve been all over the world. His parents are opening up a private practise over here.

NATHAN: (Walks onto the Rivercourt.) Who we talking about?

MOUTH: Felix, the new guy.

LUCAS: You met him?

NATHAN: Sort of, he was hitting on Haley. (Lucas sh**t a basket.) (Concerned) I thought you weren’t supposed to be playing.

LUCAS: Hey look, a little pick-up every now and then aint gonna k*ll me. Wanna run?

NATHAN: I was on my way home. Got a tonne of studying to do and I gotta work tomorrow. (Catches a basketball.) One shot. (He aims, he sh**t, he scores.) Yes(!)

LUCAS: How’s work anyway huh? Boss not riding you too hard?

NATHAN: No man, Keith’s cool; a lot cooler than my dad ever was. It’s kind of weird how…my closest contact with him now is a cardboard cut-out.

LUCAS: Oh yeah, listen, I may have screwed things up…for you, with Dan. He asked about you…and I kinda…mentioned the dealership gig.

NATHAN: (Smiling) But you talked to him?

LUCAS: Yeah. (pause) Look, your mom’s having trouble getting him to rehab. So I figured maybe I’d…give it a shot. If that’s cool with you.

NATHAN: Honestly; after everything you know about the guy are you sure you wanna let him in?

LUCAS: (pause) You know, when Dan had his heart attack, I figured; well that’s it. You know, we’re never gonna know each other. But…he didn’t die. So it kinda makes me wonder if-if I don’t take a chance now, will I regret it someday?

NATHAN: You do what you need to do man. You should know who he is.



(Dan walks into the kitchen, talking to someone.)

DAN: I want you to fire Nathan. Name over the front door still says ‘Dan Scott Motors’.

KEITH: (walks into the kitchen behind Dan.) As long as I’m running things, I’m gonna make hiring decisions as I see fit. You know, word is you actually got a heart in your chest Dan; why don’t you try thinking of Nathan.

DAN: You know Keith, if Nathan can support a wife, he’ll never realise what a colossal mistake this marriage is.

KEITH: He’s emancipated Dan! (Softer) That’s his mistake to make and if you want him fired, then you’re gonna have to look him in the eye and do it yourself when you come back to work. Until then…he stays.

(Close in on Dan’s face.)



FELIX: It’s all attitude Mouth. It’s gotta work with the vibe you got.

MOUTH: (Laughing) Geeky and shy are not a vibe.

FELIX: Packaging my man; you’re not geeky, you’re sensitive. You’re not shy, you’re mysterious. (Laughs and opens his locker.) Girls love that. Anybody special you looking to impress?

MOUTH: (Looks at Brooke.) Nah, nah, I’m just um…you know, I’m playing the field.

(Lucas approaches.)

LUCAS: Sup Mouth? (Pats him on the shoulder.)

MOUTH: Hey Luke. (They bang fists.)

LUCAS: (To Felix.) Run anybody over today?

FELIX: I feel you man. It’s hard when the big dog comes to town. (Lucas smiles annoyed.) Not sure where you stand anymore. I get that. Hang tough bro. (Punches his shoulder.) It gets easier. (He watches Brooke and Peyton approach.) (To Brooke.) Still mad?

BROOKE: (Loses her smile.) (Snarks) Still here?

FELIX: (Laughs and then eyes Lucas.) So what happened between you and Brooke? Or was it Peyton? Tell me it was both at the same time.

(Lucas looks at Felix like he wants to punch his face in. He looks at Mouth accusingly.)

MOUTH: (Defensively) Dude, I never said a word. I swear. He’s got like…psychic super powers.

FELIX: (Giving Lucas a disturbing look.) Nah…I just been in eighty schools in the past ten years. You learn how to read people. So; Brooke? Peyton?

LUCAS: We’re all just friends.

FELIX: If that’s your story. (Walks off.)

MOUTH: (Uncomfortably) Um…see you later. (Follows Felix.)

(Lucas watches Mouth and Felix.)




(Haley walks in tired. Nathan comes up behind her.)

NATHAN: How much do you love me?

HALEY: Do we get the car?!

NATHAN: Close you eyes.

HALEY: (Confused) It’s a car in our apartment?

NATHAN: Haley, come on.

HALEY: Come on, let m-alright alright, I’m closing my eyes.

NATHAN: Alright, come here. (He turns her around) Wait a second.

HALEY: Wha-uh.

NATHAN: Wait a second. (Stop her in front of a huge keyboard on a stand wrapped in red ribbon. Haley opens her eyes, expecting to be surprised and stops dead.) (Uncertainly) You love it?

HALEY: (pause) (Turns to him.) What did you do?

NATHAN: Now you have something to compose on.

HALEY: But you were going with Keith to look for a car.

NATHAN: Yeah we did but Keith said it was no good so…(Points to the keyboard.)

HALEY: (Emotionally) Oh. (Turns back to it.) (Tearfully) Nathan um…you have to take this back. (Walks into the bedroom. Nathan stares after her.)

NATHAN: You don’t like it.

HALEY: Of course I like it. It’s beautiful. But we need a car.

NATHAN: Haley, we can get a car anytime.

HALEY: With what?! Magic beans? I mean. Look, I know. I know you’ve never had to deal with money before but things are different now. You can’t just go out an-and buy a…keyboard because you feel like it! We agreed on a car!

NATHAN: Haley! You are a really good musician! OK? I have a feeling about your music. It’s gonna take you places.

HALEY: (Turns back to him.) It means a lot to me Nathan. It does but what is gonna take you to work?

NATHAN: Alright, you know what; I was just trying to do something nice for you. OK?

HALEY: Fine. You wanna do something nice for me? Get us a car like we talked about. (Leaves the bedroom.)



HALEY: It’s a beautiful gift but…we worked so hard to save that money. (Hangs some lingerie up.)

BROOKE: Hales, boys are clueless. I swear to you, I’m thirty years away from giving them up for good.

PEYTON: (exits the changing cubicle in a black and white suit with jeans on.) OK, so, what about this? Does this say…‘let me promote and all-ages club night’?

BROOKE: No. Not enough skin. Try…this. (Throws a small top that matches the suit at her.)

(Peyton sighs and re-enters the cubicle.)

BROOKE: (Picks up a bra.) Oh god. That much for two doilies and a piece of wire? (She puts it on the mirror.)

HALEY: You’re not gonna try it on?

BROOKE: Not today.

PEYTON: (Sticks her head out.) Not today? Brooke Davis, this is a shopping day you will never ever get back again. (Throws the suit top at her. Brooke makes a face as she catches it.) Hey listen, if you’re still waiting on your ATM card, I can front you the cash.

BROOKE: Nah, it’s cool. My dad just…spaced a deposit to my account.

PEYTON: OooKay! (Pulls back the curtains. She is wearing a black top and black, with white stripe, jacket.)

BROOKE: Ah, now we’re talking. If this band manager is a guy, you are golden!

HALEY: You know, speaking of guys, can we just do five minutes on this Felix person? (Brooke is disgusted.)

PEYTON: Yes! He is hot and totally vibing on you married girl. No wonder Nathan’s jealous.

HALEY: It’s kinda weird, I’ve-I’ve never had anything like that happen before.

BROOKE: OK, but guys, how can he make Nathan jealous? This boy is repellent! I mean he’s been here what, five seconds and he’s already butting in everybody else’s business, bossing people around and acting like he owns the place, come on!

(Haley and Peyton laugh.)

BROOKE: What!?

PEYTON: Earth to Brooke, he’s you…in pants.

BROOKE: (Throws a pink top at her.) He in not!

HALEY: (laughs) Kinda is.

BROOKE: Argh! Argh I hate you both! (Looks at the bra and laughs.)



(Karen is sitting outside a café, putting sugar into her coffee. Andy Hargrove comes up behind her.)

HARGROVE: Any verdict on college yet?

KAREN: Well my teacher’s a little unorthodox. And younger than I expected.

HARGROVE: Ahh, so you’re one of these ah, maturity…likers. (Karen gives him a look. He laughs.) Sorry, I suck at grammar.

KAREN: So, why did you pick me out of the class? I mean you-ah, always find somebody to torment?

HARGROVE: I like to find the student who can give me a run for my money.

KAREN: Ah, which is a lot of money of my google search is correct.

HARGROVE: (pause) Yeah, it is.

KAREN: What kind of guy cashes in on a fifty million dollar business?

HARGROVE: A guy who wasn’t happy. Oh no look I mean I-I started with a small business you know? Like your café and uh…I got bored, I took some risks, business picked up and when I hit fifty million, obviously I realised I could just…coast on that forever. (pause) What’s the point you know? No getting challenged.

KAREN: And teaching is that challenge for you?

HARGROVE: Yeah. Yeah, scares me to death. I just know that one of those weasels in the front row is gonna ask me a question that I can’t answer. So what about you? You ever thought about growing your business?

KAREN: Oh sure. I even drew up expansion plans but it was never the right time.

HARGROVE: Never is you know. Just gotta figure it out ask you go along. But if you ask me, the object of the game is to make a difference. (Karen nods.)



(Peyton is badgering the manager of a band.)

PEYTON: OK, all I’m saying is that a lotta kids would support live music if they had a night of their own. Now you manage more than one band. OK, so if you would just work with me on this, I know we could get a club owner to agree to try it out.

MANAGER: Look. My band doesn’t play to kids. We play to shot and beer crowds, not high school proms.

PEYTON: OK but what I’m saying is that an all-ages club could work in this town.

MANAGER: Sorry, no dice. I’m just not interested.

(Two artists come into the camera shot.)

ARTIST 1: Swear to god, this is the last time I hire a singer off a flier at Kinko’s.

ARTIST 2: You know nothing, absolutely nothing about music man. I went to Berkley ass-face; studied a little something called composition. You might want to look into it.

ARTIST 1: Yeah I will, the next time I look in the audience and they’re ignoring us.

PEYTON: (laughs) Plant and Page.

ARTIST 2: Have we met?

ARTIST 1: Who’s this?

PEYTON: I was in the crowd the night that you guys played together the first time.

ARTIST 1: (looks) Go on.

PEYTON: There were what, like twenty people in the crown that night? But your energy was…I mean it was so real! You know, you guys looked like you were gonna explode up there on stage but that’s what made it work. That’s the tension that made Led Zeplin work and it’s the same tension that sets your music apart.

ARTIST 2: The Key Club.

PEYTON: Um-hum.

ARTIST 1: That was a good night.

PEYTON: Well…yeah, they could all be good nights if you guys would just quit your bitching and…focus on what matters. But then again, what do I know you know I’m just a kid. But if I were you guys I’d put my energy into the music otherwise…you’ll be lucky to play at the high school prom. (Waves to them as they leave. She looks at the manager.)



(Dan is checking through a maroon convertible.)

DAN: Hey, thanks for coming back. (Lucas appears in the shot.) Sorry about the crappy mood the other day. Shouldn’t have taken it out on you.

LUCAS: It’s cool but if it starts to become a habit; find yourself another trainer. New car?

DAN: (Polishing it.) Dealership. I like to drive all the new models so I can tell the customers what they’re getting. Problem is, the doctors won’t let me drive yet. (Looks at Lucas.) You mind?

LUCAS: Mind what?

DAN: Taking it for a spin. Tell me how she handles. Any kind of feedback would help. We can stop somewhere along the way and do some rehab. You game? (Lucas looks away laughing, trying to say no.) Lucas, I can barely take a walk without gasping for air right now. At least I have my work. (Takes the keys.) You’d really be helping me out. (Holds them up for Lucas to see.)

(Lucas looks at the car trying to contain his excitement. He holds his hand out. Dan drops the keys into it.)



MANAGER: The job doesn’t end getting the band you know? You gotta take care of them. You gotta be part cheerleader, part babysitter, part therapist. (Holds up a beer but Peyton declines.)

PEYTON: It’s no problem, I can handle that.

MANAGER: What I’m saying is…you gotta look after all their needs; food, drink, dr*gs. (Peyton stops, shocked.)

PEYTON: Um, dr*gs?

MANAGER: Oh don’t worry, I’ll set you up with the guys I buy from. (Places a square of glass on the table and takes out the dr*gs.) They’re reliable. I mean, they’re drug dealers, you don’t wanna mouse it or anything…(Peyton really doesn’t want to do it.)…but…they won’t burn you. (Splits the dr*gs with a blade.) I got a good sense about people. You’re young but you…might be worth the risk. (Holds up a rolled dollar bill for her to inhale it through.)

PEYTON: (Uncomfortably shaking her head.) No thanks.

MANAGER: Here’s your shot kid. (Pushes the glass to her.) What do you say? (Camera freezes on her troubled face.)



(Peyton enters Brooke’s bedroom while she’s painting her toenails.)

PEYTON: Brooke? (Brooke looks up tearfully.) What’s wrong?

BROOKE: I just keep screwing up this toe. (Rubs at it with cotton wool.)

PEYTON: (coaxing) Brooke.

BROOKE: You know how I told you that my credit card got declined because the bill got paid late? (Peyton nods. Brooke shakes her head.) It’s a load of crap.

PEYTON: Well what happened?

BROOKE: (crying) I’m broke. (Peyton’s shocked.) My dad’s company went under and…doing this stupid bankruptcy thing and my mum’s telling me we might have to sell the house.

PEYTON: God Brooke. I’m so sorry.

BROOKE: Yeah me too. I love being rich, I’m good at it.

PEYTON: So is that why Felix is getting under your skin? Coz he’s…the rich guy next door.

BROOKE: I dunno, maybe.

PEYTON: Brooke, its just money. You know. There is so much more to you than that.

BROOKE: Yeah but that’s my favourite part. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. How was your meeting?

PEYTON: (pause) It’s not gonna work out.

BROOKE: Really?

PEYTON: (Shakes her head.) Um-um.

BROOKE: I’m sorry.

PEYTON: Yeaaah…me too. (Smiles at Brooke.)



(Dan and Lucas are in the car, driving along a deserted road.)

DAN: g*ns and Roses, Whitesnake, Metallica, Aerosmith.

LUCAS: (laughs) Please tell me you’re kidding. You didn’t actually listen to metal?

DAN: Even had my own spandex.

LUCAS: (Groans loudly.) Man that is not a vision I wanted to have in my head. (They laugh.)

(Felix pulls up next to them in his BMW.)

FELIX: Lucas right?

LUCAS: (pause) Yeah.

FELIX: Nice wheels.

LUCAS: (Wishing he would leave.) Thanks. You know you’re on the wrong side of the road right?

FELIX: Yeah I know. Wanna air it out? (Revs his engine.)

LUCAS: (Turns to Dan and smiles, shaking his head.) Maybe some other time(!)

FELIX: Come on. Race your for that girlfriend. What’s her name? Brooke? (Revs his engine again.)

LUCAS: (Coldly) Ex girlfriend.

FELIX: Which was inevitable once I got to town. Don’t hate the player; hate the game. (Revs his engine.)

DAN: Hey, tell me you’re gonna wipe the smirk off that punks face. Come on, my T-Bird coulda taken him.

(Lucas glares at Felix, g*ns his own engine and off they go. Lucas starts off behind Felix.)

DAN: Go go go go go go! Woah!

(Felix stays in the lead, looking at Lucas in his rear view mirror and smirking. Lucas moves to the side to overtake. Felix sees and moves in his way, Lucas moves to the other side.)

FELIX: (laughs)

(Dan’s annoyed by the cut off and sighs. Lucas puts him flip-flopped foot down on the gas and the car goes up to 80 mph. Lucas pulls up level with Felix and Dan grins cockily at him.)

DAN: (Laughs as Lucas overtakes.) Woah!

(Lucas moves in front of a pissed Felix. Felix moves to the side, level with Lucas again and suddenly they’re playing ‘chicken’ with an oncoming truck. Lucas looks to Felix, the truck and then back at Felix, realising that he’s not going to move.)

LUCAS: What the hell are you doing?!

FELIX: Come on chicken! (laughs) (Lucas doesn’t know what to do.) Yeah baby!

(Finally, Lucas slows down. The truck beeps and Felix moves off the wrong road. They both pull to a stop and Lucas bangs on the wheel annoyed.)

DAN: You did the right thing.

LUCAS: (nods) Yeah.

FELIX: (Walks up to them.) Don’t sweat it. (Nastily) Chicken’s not for everyone. (Lucas shakes his head.) Who you got riding shotgun?

LUCAS: Uh…this is uh…(Doesn’t know what to say.) Uh, this is my-

DAN: Dan Scott. Scott Motors. When you’re ready to trade up, come on down to the dealership. (Felix smirks and walks off.)

(Lucas shakes his head, trying to explain.)

DAN: (laughs) We probably should get going. (Lucas smiles.)



(Karen opens the door to Deb.)


DEB: Hi, uh, the printer dropped off the proofs for the new menu, I-I wasn’t sure if you were coming by the café today so…

KAREN: (Looks at them.) These are great.

DEB: Yeah. (Looks at the plans of extending the café.) What’s this?

KAREN: Café expansion plans from million years ago.

DEB: Oh.

KAREN: I was gonna add a bar.

DEB: (They sit.) Why didn’t you go through with it?

KAREN. Ah, you know, the timing was never right. I was…busy all day at the café and I didn’t wanna give up my nights with Lucas too.

DEB: Are you reconsidering?

KAREN: I’m writing a business plan for class. A start-up for a new venture. The more I play around with these fake companies, the more I’m thinking…maybe it shouldn’t be just an exercise. I’d always hoped to branch out some day. Is that nuts?

DEB: No, not at all. In fact, I’ll be one of your investors.

KAREN: (Shocked) You don’t even know what I’m proposing.

DEB: But I know you and I know how hard you’ll work. Ah besides, what’s life without a few risks. (Laughs and looks at the plans again. Karen smiles.)



(Brooke is back in the lingerie store. She picks up the bra she was looking at before and, looking around, slips it into her bag. She walks to the door, straight through the barcode detectors and sets the alarms off.)

ASSISTANT: Excuse me!

(Brooke turns around looking exceptionally guilty.)

ASSISTANT: I need to check your bag.

BROOKE: (Takes her bag off her shoulder.) OK. Sure.

ASSISTANT: (Looks in and pulls out the bra.) What’s this?

(Felix comes up beside her.)

FELIX: It’s a birthday present, for me. She’s shy about buying stuff like this. But hey, I guess that’s part of the turn-on right? (Brooke, trying to look like it’s not news to her.) I would have come in to check it out sweetie. (Puts his arm around her shoulders.)

BROOKE: I was just…gonna take it outside to show him.

FELIX: Blue’s perfect, that’s your colour. We’ll take it. (Turns the assistant away so that he can pay for it.)

(Brooke leaves the store.)



(Lucas skids to a halt smiling.)

LUCAS: (Turns off the engine and takes the key out.) I gotta admit…it’s a great car.

DAN: (laughs.) (seriously) You want it?

LUCAS: (pause) You can’t buy me. (Gets out of the car.)

DAN: Come on Lucas, it’s not like that. (Gets out of the car too.) This is what I do for people I care about.

LUCAS: (Doesn’t believe Dan.) What, you care about me now?! You don’t even know me!

DAN: I want to. More than you know. We both know I owe it to you.

LUCAS: (Laughs, hurt.) You almost had me, you know that? Shame on me, right? I mean I actually (pause) enjoyed a day with you. (pause) Till now. (Walks away.)

(Dan looks down. He’s blown it.)




(Felix approaches a despondent Brooke holding a paper bag.)

FELIX: Some town you’ve got here. (Laughs, looking her up and down.) I mean, all the relationships are inbred. One of the hottest girls get married, if that’s even legal and the rich girl shoplifts for kicks. (Shakes his head.)

BROOKE: What were you doing in there?

FELIX: I needed the new catalogue. Besides, you meet the trashiest girls in lingerie shops.

BROOKE: Look, I don’t…I mean I’ve never done anything like that before.

FELIX: Well clearly. You suck at it. Have fun?

BROOKE: No(!) It’s just (Pause. She’s not gonna tell him.) It was a mistake and I’d like it to stay between us.

FELIX: I can keep a secret.

BROOKE: Promise?

FELIX: You’ll just have to trust me.

BROOKE: I don’t know you well enough to trust you.

FELIX: You will. (Holds up the bag.) You might as well have it. I’m planning on seeing you in it soon.

BROOKE: (Snatches the bag away.) Not a chance in hell(!) (Looks at him appalled and leaves.)

FELIX: You’re welcome Winona.

(Brooke waves and he watches her.)



(Nathan gets into the maroon convertible, pulls down the eye guard and the keys drop down into his hand. Dan comes out.)

DAN: You weren’t even gonna come inside and say hello?

NATHAN: (avoiding) I’m working. We got a call to pick up the car.

DAN: Oh sure, you’re working. You’re emancipated now right? Course your old man still sets the table.

NATHAN: I gotta get back.

DAN: Hey, I had a heart attack. I coulda died.

NATHAN: Dad, we both know that’s never gonna happen. You can’t jerk anybody’s chains if you die. (Looks at him. Gets ready to leave.)

DAN: OK, just wait. Let’s just talk.

NATHAN: Bout what?

DAN: I dunno. How’s your wife?

(Nathan looks as him mom steps out of the house and looks at them.)

NATHAN: Lot happier than yours. (Starts the engine and pulls out. Deb walks back into the house.)



(Nathan is sweeping the floor.)

KEITH: Hey Nate, come here, I wanna show you a couple of the basics. (Nathan puts down the broom and walks over.) Alright, you see this battery clamp? Well, if it gets corroded, then the current can’t get through to the starter and then you get that ah, that noise when you crank it.

NATHAN: Yeah the (Makes a very embarrassing screechy noise.) noise.

KEITH: And everybody thinks it’s a big deal but it’s not. You just, uh, (Picks up a wire brush.) you just clean it, with a wire brush and…you’re good to go.

NATHAN: That’s so cool(!) My dad never taught me this stuff. He didn’t want me to be- (Stops when he looks at Keith.)

KEITH: He didn’t want you to get grease under your fingernails like me. (smiles)

NATHAN: Look, that’s my dad Keith. That’s not me.

KEITH: So how did it go at the house?

NATHAN: Uh…pretty much what you’d expect. As a matter of fact, I think I had so much fun, I’m gonna go back tonight and I’m gonna disappoint Haley some more.

KEITH: Haley didn’t like the keyboard?

NATHAN: Oh no, she liked it, she just wanted it to have four wheels and a trunk.

KEITH: Huh. (Smiles and then thinks about something.) I think I might be able to save your marriage. (Shot of a pretty beat-up car.) What do you think of this?

NATHAN: I think it was probably a pretty sweet ride back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.

KEITH: (laughs) Yeah, I was gonna sell it for parts but, you know, we could work on it together. Fix it up and…then you can have it.

NATHAN: So it’s like a family project?

KEITH: Yeah, you bet. (Throws a rag on it and the side falls off. They look at it, bewildered.) We’ll fix that.

(Nathan smiles happily.)



(Haley is playing on the keyboard. The ribbon is still on it. Nathan enters. Haley gets her keys wrong and mopes.)

NATHAN: If I’da known you couldn’t play any better than that, I wouldn’t have bought it home. (Haley smiles and begins to say something.) I wanna apologise. Alright? That was your money too.

HALEY: Oh it’s not that Nathan. I totally overreacted. Partly because I love this gift and I love you for getting it for me. But partly because we just can’t be as careless as we used to be. Not if we wanna make this marriage work.

NATHAN: I know, you’re right and…I don’t know the first thing about managing money, it was just always around.

HALEY: (laughs) Yeah well…at least you don’t have that problem anymore.

NATHAN: (laughs) Hales. (pause) I want you to keep this keyboard. OK? You have a talent, you need to use it.

HALEY: Nathan I-

NATHAN: We’re keeping it. (smiles) Besides, there’s an old car that Keith said I could fix up.

HALEY: (astounded) He’s gonna help you?!


HALEY: (Looking open-mouthed at the keyboard.) Oh! I really wanted to keep it! (Hugs Nathan.) Thank you.



(Dan is looking through some old pictures of Nathan and some not-so-old ones of him in basketball gear. He smiles.)

DEB: He didn’t wanna see me.

DAN: He didn’t wanna see either of us. (Deb looks down.) Remember when he was little? I used to take him to work with me on Saturdays. He’d have to get up early but he didn’t mind. He wanted to hang out with his dad. (Deb smiles.) Now I’m thinking it was all a lie. What if I spent my life chasing the wrong things Deb? Success, money, respect. What if it turns out none of it matters because I lost my family along the way? (pause) (Looks at Deb searchingly.) Can I get it back? Is it too late?

DEB: (Lost) I don’t know(!) (Puts her hand in his.)

(Dan stands, kisses her on the head and leaves the living room.)



(Peyton is sitting in her chair, harshly drawing. It’s a picture of the manager offering her dr*gs. The speech bubble on it says ‘Here’s your chance, kid whaddaya say?’. Her phone rings. The last time we saw that phone was when Brooke was taking a picture of Peyton’s behind so either they have the same phone or the show has used it on two different people and hoped we wouldn’t notice.)

PEYTON: (Answers) Hey Karen, what’s up?



(Peyton and Karen are in the hall which held Nathan and Haley’s party.)

KAREN: You know it was such a good…space for Nathan and Haley’s party? And I think, it would make a great club. (Peyton’s getting it.) The only thing is, I’m gonna need someone who can run…my all-ages night. (Peyton stands shocked.) You had a great idea Peyton and I know you’d be worth the risk. What do you think?

PEYTON: (Looks around amazed.)



(Dan sits in the armchair and looks off at nothing.



(Lucas is looking at an Aerosmith CD.)



(Andy Hargrove walks into the café. It’s deserted except for Karen.)

HARGROVE: I’ll give you a thousand dollars…for a decent cup of coffee. (Karen looks at him and smiles.)



(Brooke is skinny-dipping in her pool. She looks up.)

BROOKE: You’re right.

(She gets out and Felix gives her a towel for our innocent eyes’ benefit.)

BROOKE: My pool is better. (She holds it to her front and walks off, not bothering to cover her behind but the camera doesn’t go that low.)

(Felix looks and smiles, probably his first normal one ever.)