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02x05 - I Will Dare

Posted: 11/02/04 11:03
by bunniefuu

(Lucas is at his locker, Haley and Nathan round the corner holding hands and talking to themselves. Brooke and Peyton open their own lockers, next to each other. Nathan opens his locker as Haley inspects an envelope.)

NATHAN: (Looking at Lucas.) What’s up man?

(Lucas pulls a rectangular envelope, with his name printed on the front, out of his locker and, wordlessly, shows it to Nathan. Nathan pulls one out of his own locker with his name printed on the front. Haley’s looking at hers.)

HALEY: Brooke?

(They all look at Brooke and Peyton; they both have their own envelopes. They’re as confused as everyone else. Felix walks past and smiles at them all.)



(Felix puts an invitation on the table which reads; ‘You are cordially to a night to drama, excitement and intrigue. Be at Karen’s Café tonight at 7:00 p.m.’)

FELIX: It’s called ‘Dare Night’. One night, two teams, multiple dares.

(Brooke, Peyton, Haley, Lucas, Nathan, Skills, Fergie, Mouth and Tim are gathered around the table. They are all staring at Felix.)

FELIX: (Holds up and envelope.) Each envelope contains a two-part dare. Part one is on the front; part two is on the back. Each dare is worth a certain number of points. This cell phone (Holds up the phone.) has picture and video.

TIM: Oh sweet(!) (Reaches for the phone. Felix sh**t him a look and he stops.)

FELIX: You do the dare; you send proof of it to the other team. At midnight, time’s up. We meet back here and declare the winner.

MOUTH: And what do we win?

FELIX: You Mouth, win an excuse to be out till midnight. (Mouth laughs.) The rest of you, get a night to remember.

LUCAS: And you get to humiliate us. Why would we do that?

FELIX: Look guys, there’s nothing in these envelopes that’s harmful to you or anyone else. It’s all about having fun, testing your limits. Every once in a while, you gotta wake yourself up. (Looks at Brooke.)

TIM: You wanna do it Nate? All anybody does in this town is brood and…pout, get married.

HALEY: (laughs) I’ll play. (Throws her envelope onto the table.)

PEYTON: Yeah, what the hell. (Puts hers on the table too.) I’m up for something daring.

(Felix looks at Nathan who throws his on the table.)

FELIX: Who else is in?

(Mouth, Fergie and Skills throw their envelopes on top of the others. Tim throws a beige envelope with his name, which he wrote himself, onto the pile. Felix picks up the envelope and looks at it inquisitively. Everyone laughs.)

TIM: (pleadingly) Come on! I wanna play. I didn’t get invited.

FELIX: Tell you what; you can play if…Brooke and Lucas play. (Points to them.)

(Everyone looks at them. Brooke begrudgingly puts her on top of the pile and after a few moments, so does Lucas.)

BROOKE: Pick the stupid teams.

FELIX: Alright. Boys against the girls. You six guys against the three girls…plus me. I count as three anyway.

TIM: (stupidly) Yeah, three girls(!) (Everyone looks at him.)

FELIX: Sweet. Teams are set. (He puts a key on Lucas’ envelope.)

LUCAS: What’s this?

FELIX: That my friend…is your first dare.

(Lucas raises one eyebrow at him and Felix smirks.)




(Lucas opens a locker and pulls out a bag. Nathan, Tim, Skills, Fergie and Mouth are standing around him. He pulls out a gold envelope and reads.)

LUCAS: Return these clothes to stores in the mall.

NATHAN: What’s so hard about that?

LUCAS: (Reads the back.) (Laughs) While wearing them.

(The guys laugh. A cell phone rings. Lucas opens a bag and pulls the phone out.)

LUCAS: Hello?

FELIX: (Through the phone.) You guys ready to forfeit yet? (Rounds the corner with Brooke, Peyton and Haley.)

SKILLS: You talk a big game little booty, but we about to light your ass; up.

FELIX: Game on. (Walks off with the girls.)

LUCAS: Alright. (Hands Nathan a gold envelope.) Nate you got your picture phone?


LUCAS: Beautiful. Skills. (Gives him a picture phone.)

SKILLS: I got one.

LUCAS: Alright boys, that game is to divide and conquer. (Nathan hands out gold envelopes.) Alright, I’ll catch up with you guys later. If not, we meet at the café at midnight.

NATHAN: You really gonna do this dare?

LUCAS: Yeah. You know why? Coz he doesn’t think I will.

NATHAN: Strong. (Bangs fists with Lucas.) Tim, you’re coming with me.

TIM: (happily) I’m in it to win it.

NATHAN: Just say yes, Tim. (They walk off.)

SKILLS: (Holding up a black bra with pink lace.) Damn, he is good.

LUCAS: But I’m better.

(Skills puts the bra back and gives the bag back to Lucas.)

LUCAS: Catch you guys later. (Leaves)

SKILLS: Let’s do this.

(Lucas walks past Felix and smiles.)

FELIX: OK, hate to break up Charlie’s Angels but…(Hands Peyton the phone.)…you guys take the Cingular phone and do these. (Gives Haley some gold envelopes.) There’s nothing too crazy on there.

BROOKE: Why do I have to go with you?

FELIX: Because this (Holds out a gold envelope to her.) is your first dare.

BROOKE: (Takes it with a roll of her eyes. She opens it to look and laughs.) Pleas(!) I could do that in my sleep.

FELIX: Great(!) Prove it. (Snatches the envelope back and walks away.)

(Haley, Peyton and Brooke laugh and walk off-screen.)



(Andy is putting up a picture of ‘The Constantines’ on his bookcase.)

KAREN: (o.s) A little to the left.

(She’s standing in the doorway. Andy turns his head and sees her. She smiles and he shifts it to the left slightly. Laughs approvingly.)

HARGROVE: You like ‘The Constantines’?

KAREN: Sure. (Walks into his office.) I mean as much as anyone can like a band they’ve never heard of. (They laugh.)

HARGROVE: So um…how’s it going? Um…is everything OK?

KAREN: You’ve stopped in for coffee every morning this week and well I-I-I enjoy seeing you it’s just, well I’m-I’m not sure it’s appropriate.

HARGROVE: Well you know, in some cultures ah, you can buy coffee without actually having to have sex with the café owner. Um, you know, those cultures aren’t nearly as much fun for me but what you gonna do? (He laughs.)

KAREN: (Mortified) I-I have, I’ve jumped to conclusions. (pause) I’m sorry. Um…forget that I came by.

HARGROVE: Absolutely. Won’t mention it again. (Stands)

KAREN: Thank you. (Make moves to leave.)

HARGROVE: (hurriedly) As long as you have dinner with me.

(Karen’s shocked and all she can do is stare open-mouthed. Andy smiles.)



(Lucas stands at the entrance to one of the clothes shops. He’s wearing a red, girls, top and leather pants. The cashier sees him and stops.)

LUCAS: (Unbuttoning the top to reveal the bra.) I’d like to return this shirt. (Nods) Oh, I happen to have the receipt. (Gives her the receipt.) Here it is, yeah. (Straightens out the bra and groans, trying not to look embarrassed.)

CASHIER: Can I ask you why you’d like to return it?

LUCAS: Um…wrong size?

CASHIER: (Smiles and looks at the bra.) Can’t we get you another size?

LUCAS: (quickly) No, thanks, no I’m good. I’m good. (Looks around.) Oh um…(To a shopper.)…excuse me?

(She looks up.)

LUCAS: Would you mind taking a picture?

(Shopper smiles as she takes the phone.)

SHOPPER: Smile! (Laughs and takes a picture of Lucas and the cashier.)



(Peyton and Haley are at the front of a food court.)

PEYTON: (To the worker.) Hi, can we have five pickled eggs please? (Makes a disgusted face.)

HALEY: So I had an idea, why don’t we just get a picture of you eating one egg and then tell them you ate five.

PEYTON: Haley James-Scott, we don’t cheat.

HALEY: Well you did with Lucas.

PEYTON: Don’t make me smack you! (Haley smiles.) Here! (Gives Haley the phone.) (To the worker) Thank you.

HALEY: Alright, are we doing this now?

PEYTON: Here we go(!)

HALEY: Do it, do it. Go go go.

(Peyton hesitates and then takes a bite out of the red egg. Haley takes a picture and makes a grossed-out sound.)

HALEY: Four and a half more to go!

(Peyton retches and grabs a napkin to spit the egg out into.)

HALEY: Oh, make the five. Mmmm(!) Not cheating tastes good(!) (Peyton shoves the napkin under Haley’s nose.) (laughing) Get that away from me you crazy-

(Peyton looks disgusted.)



(Nathan and Tim walk in to the beauty parlour. It is lit wit candles.)

NATHAN: Well this is it. Massage and Spa.

TIM: What’s the back say?

NATHAN: (Flips the card over.) Ask for the special.

TIM: (Grabs the envelope.) It’s the Happy Ending. (Nathan’s confused. Tim furiously rings the bell.)



(Felix and Brooke are standing near the entrance of the dimly lit restaurant.)

BROOKE: OK, so all I have to do is get a table?

FELIX: With no waiting. It’s the hottest restaurant in town.

BROOKE: (Walking with him to the reservation table.) If you insist on wasting my time, at least come up with better dares. (To the waiter.) Hi, I was wondering-

WAITER: (Without looking at her.) Name?

BROOKE: Brooke Davis.


BROOKE: You didn’t even check your list.

WAITER: (pause) Perhaps there’s another name.

BROOKE: Angelina Jolie.


BROOKE: The Queen of Sheeba.


BROOKE: The Queen of Hearts.


BROOKE: How about Queen Latifah?

WAITER: I’m afraid not. (Looks back down.)

(Felix smiles and takes the waiter away from Brooke’s line of hearing. He whispers something to him and Brooke looks smugly.)

WAITER: Table for two. Right this way sir. (Walks to a table.)

BROOKE: (astounded) How did you do that?

FELIX: I made a reservation for two last week. (Walks to the table.)

(Brooke stares open-mouthed as she realises that he planned it all.)

FELIX: (o.s) Come on team mate.




(A woman is looking around at the cars. Keith comes up to her.)

KEITH: Can I uh…help you?

WOMAN: (hurriedly) forty-one thousand four hundred and sixty seven dollars.


WOMAN: (hurriedly) I know exactly what the dealer invoice on this car is. MSRP, tax, freight. I don’t wanna haggle over scotch or…floor mats or anything. (Breathes deeply.) (slower) Take it or leave it.

KEITH: And you’re sure you want this car?

WOMAN: Absolutely(!)

KEITH: (Nods) Hmm. Well maybe you wanna test-drive it before you over-pay me.

(She just stares at him as he smiles.)



(Lucas walks out of the clothes shop. People are standing around looking at him in his leather pants and bra and laughing. He looks down at his phone and smiles. He walks off-screen to find the next shop he has to strip in. a security guard stops and looks at him.)

SECURITY GUARD: (Into a walkie talkie.) Cameras, are you seeing this?

(Lucas enters the bra shop.)



(Skills, Mouth and Fergie look at people practising hitting baseballs against machines.)

MOUTH: (Reading from the card.) It says we have to get a hit on the fastest pitching machine.

SKILLS: (Putting a helmet, he is holding, on.) Oh man, this all good, back up.

MOUTH: Using your head.

SKILLS: (Stops. Takes the helmet off and pushes it at Mouth.) Well come on man, get in there. We aint got all day. Let’s go.



(Brooke and Felix are sitting at a small table eating.)

BROOKE: So what, you can’t get a date. Move to new towns and trick people into eating with you?

FELIX: Wow, you totally exposed me. Seriously, I mean mostly naked here. (Brooke smiles snidely.) How bout you? What’s your story?

BROOKE: Bored and ignored.

FELIX: Bored maybe…but you never been ignored by a guy in your life.

BROOKE: I meant at home genius. Guys are easy. They usually fall for me over the first…pathetic…little…dinner.

FELIX: Yeah? What do they fall for first? The shoplifting or the eating disorder?

BROOKE: (Laughs and calls a waiter.) Excuse me(!) (He comes over.) Hi. Just curious; what’s your most expensive entrée?

WAITER: Well, we have-

BROOKE: (Cuts him off.) Sounds great. I’ll take two. I’m really hungry.

FELIX: (Smiles and claps.) Nicely played. (Wipes his mouth.) I’ll be right back. (He gets up and walks away.)

(Brooke glares at him, crosses her arms and leans back in her chair.)



(Tim is lying on one massage table and Nathan is lying on the other.)

MASSEUSE: OK(!) Full body treatment.

TIM: (Assuring her.) The special. We want the special.

NATHAN: What exactly is the special?

MASSEUSE: Oh the special is very nice. Who’s first?

TIM: (Puts his hand up.) Me(!)

MASSEUSE: (Pats him on the back) OK. I’ll just peel back your sheet.

TIM: (moaning) Oh yeah(!)

NATHAN: So this is legitimate right? This is…like a massage?

TIM: Dude, shut up! I am concentrating.

NATHAN: (anxiously) Yeah, you know what, I-I really don’t think I need to be here for this. (Makes to get up.)

MASSEUSE: Oh…it won’t take long.

NATHAN: Yeah, I’ll bet. (Sits up.)

MASSEUSE: OK, one special(!) Full…body…wax! (Yanks a wax strip off Tim.)

(Tim yells in pain.)

NATHAN: I’m out(!) (Wraps the sheet around his waist and runs out of the room. Tim, in pain, reaches out Nathan as he runs past.)



(Mouth stands in front of the pitching machine, waiting for it to release a ball. One comes sh**ting out, Mouth dodges.)

SKILLS: Come on Mouth, toughen up dawg!

MOUTH: It’s gonna hurt!

SKILLS: So what? Be a warrior.

FERGIE: Yeah, take one for the team Mouth.

MOUTH: But what about you guys?

SKILLS: Man, I’m takin the pictures.

FERGIE: I’m helpin him.

(Mouth prepares himself as a ball flies at him and hits him on the head. He reels back in pain, hanging onto the netting. Skills takes a picture a little too late.)

SKILLS: (whispers) Dang(!) (Louder to Mouth.) Man I missed that one. You gonna have to do it again. Come on, back on the plate.



LUCAS: (Gives the cashier his receipt.) Uh…I need to return some pants.

CASHIER: you have them?

(Lucas, humiliated, pauses before reaching to unbutton the leather pants. A girl stops and looks at him.)



(Felix’s phone, on a gold envelope, rings and as he’s not there, Brooke answers it.)

BROOKE: Hello?

FELIX: (At Karen’s Café.) You know, you shouldn’t be answering my phone.

BROOKE: Where the hell are you?

FELIX: I’m at the café.

BROOKE: (astounded) What(!)?

FELIX: Flip the dare card over, and read it.

BROOKE: (Reaches for the dare card and flips it over. It says ‘Dine and Dash’.) You did not just leave me here(!)

(Felix laughs. Brooke looks around at the full restaurant and waiter.)

BROOKE: Look, I don’t have the money to pay for this and I am not walking out on the cheque(!)

FELIX: Why not? I’ve seen you steal before. (Through the phone.) Besides, I dare ya. (Hangs up.)

(Brooke gawps and shuts the phone.)



(Lucas pulls down the leather pants, leaving him in his boxers and nothing else. The cashier looks over to see. Lucas looks up and she laughs embarrassedly. He puts the pants on the counter.)

SECURITY GUARD: (Standing and watching.) OK. Just stay put son. (Reaches for his walkie talkie again.)

(The girl who was watching him earlier pushes down a clothing rack to distract the guard and begins to run.)

ANNA: (To Lucas.) Follow me! Hurry up!

(Lucas flips his phone open, quickly takes a picture of himself and the cashier and runs for it. Two guards run after him.)



(Brooke sits at the table, taking deep breaths. She picks her bag up and slowly walks away. A waiter sees her going.)

WAITER: Excuse me Miss! Your bill!

(Brooke doesn’t slow down. She walks past the attendant and out of the restaurant.)



(Anna and Lucas are running through the mall.)

ANNA: My car’s outside!

LUCAS: (Stops)

ANNA: (Walks back to him and grabs his arm.) Trust me. (She runs again.)

(Lucas looks around at the shoppers, sees the guards and runs after her.)




(Anna gets into the drivers seat with a bag of Lucas’ clothes.)

ANNA: Ha, mission accomplished. (Hands the bag over.)

(Lucas takes his clothes out.)

ANNA: (Holding out the key.) You want the locker key back?

LUCAS: No thanks(!) Look, I’m sorry about all of this. I…just…dare night thing. Just didn’t wanna back down. (Puts his shirt on.)

ANNA: Oh yeah. I-I saw you earlier and I figured it was something like that. I didn’t want you to get busted for just having a little fun.

LUCAS: (laughs.) Thank you. So what’s your name?

ANNA: Anna.

LUCAS: I’m Lucas. You from Tree Hill?

ANNA: Yeah, but…we…wouldn’t have met.

LUCAS: Why not?

ANNA: Oh, I tend not to roll with guys in bras and leather pants.

LUCAS: (laughs) You’re funny. (Half serious.)

(Anna smiles. Lucas climbs into the front seat.)

LUCAS: Oh sorry. Anyway, I owe you one.

ANNA: Well…how bout you pay me back by letting me play too.

LUCAS: (shrugs) OK.

ANNA: So? What’s next?

LUCAS: (Reaching for his back pocket.) Um…I don’t know. (Pulls out the envelope.) Lets find out. (He reads it and laughs.)



(Nathan looks at their next dare.)

NATHAN: (o.s) Sell a box of cookies. (Smiles at Tim.)

TIM: Great. (Finishes putting his clothes back on.) I get my…crack waxed and you get…cookies.

MASSEUSE: (Smiles and holds out a box.) Felix left this for you.

(Nathan opens the box and he and Tim look inside.)

NATHAN: You know, I really don’t like this Felix kid.



(The door opens and we see Nathan and Tim standing on a woman’s doorstep wearing a green checked hat and skirt with a white shirt and a green sash that says ‘Lady Leprechauns’ in gold. They are also wearing white, knee-length socks and heels. Tim is holding out two boxes of cookies.)

NATHAN: (Reading from the card.) Good evening Mr and Mrs Tree Hill resident. We’re selling these delicious cookies to raise money for ‘Lady Leprechauns’.

(Tim holds the boxes higher and smiles widely.)

NATHAN: (pause) An organisation that empowers us girls to be strong, beautiful, independent women of tomorrow. (Lowers the card.)

(The woman slams the door in their faces.)

(Nathan and Tim walk away from the house. Nathan takes off his hat and throws it.)

NATHAN: Screw this dare night crap! Can’t believe I’m wearing a skirt(!)

TIM: Yeah, in public.

NATHAN: When we get back to the café, I’m gonna beat on that kid. Felix(!)

TIM: I think he’s kinda cool.

NATHAN: You would. (Reads the dare card.)

TIM: I’m just saying. One week it’s Lucas, now it’s Felix. Just tell me who we’re hatin on next week Nate coz…I’m kinda having trouble keeping up.

NATHAN: Yeah well you wouldn’t have that problem if you got a life of your own and quit living mine.

(Tim, hurt, looks at him for a while.)

TIM: Whatever(!) (Turns and walks away.)

NATHAN: (regretful) (sighs) Tim, I didn’t mean that. Wait up man. (Tim has difficulty walking after the waxing.) Come on(!)

(Keith and the woman drive by in the car. He looks at Tim and his nephew in disbelief.)

KEITH: So, um…where was I?

WOMAN: You’re trying to force me to get the CD changer(!)

KEITH: I wasn’t forcing you. It’s just an option I thought you might like. (She isn’t convinced.) There’s um…also the leather interior, the…optional touring package…and (Watches her pass a stop sign.) option to pause at stop signs!

(She drives onto the pavement. Keith stares at her.)

WOMAN: OK, that wasn’t my fault. The thing just jumped out at me.

KEITH: The stop sign?

WOMAN: It practically pounced!

KEITH: OK(!) Um…I think maybe I should drive us back.

WOMAN: No, I’ll be fine. I just get a little nervous. I only have so much money and this is a big decision for me. Besides, car sales men are always such jerks. (Keith smiles.) Why are you smiling at me?

KEITH: My brother owns the dealership, I’m just helping out. I’m actually a mechanic.

WOMAN: Oh. (pause) (smiles) I like mechanics.

(Keith grins at her.)



(Brooke runs of to the café entrance. Felix is sitting down at a table, writing something. Brooke opens the door and advances on him.)

BROOKE: Oh, you are such a jerk!

FELIX: Come on, it was just a dare. You got us big points for that one. Lock it up! (Holds out his fist.)

BROOKE: (Throws the phone and envelope onto the table.) You should be locked up(!) (Turns to exit.)

FELIX: (hastily) Brooke, I’m sorry! Don’t go.

(She stops and turns.)

FELIX: It was just part of the game. I promise. (She just glares at him.) I didn’t know you’d be so upset. OK? (Scoffs and looks away from him.) How bout you read the next one? (Holds out an envelope to her.)

(She snatches it and yanks the card out of the envelope forcefully.)

BROOKE: Go to the cemetery. Hm! (Turns the card.) And take a photo in an open grave(!) That’s perfect. Since I plane on k*lling you, (Shoves the envelope and card into his chest.) anyway!

FELIX: I think we get bonus points for that.

BROOKE: (Stops and turns at the door.) Great!

(Felix follows her out.)



(‘Karaoke Night’ is written in big letters outside of the brightly lit bar.)

SKILLS: (v.o) Hey yo, Fergie, what’s the next dare?

FERGIE: (v.o) Karaoke.




(Mouth is on the stage with a mic.)

MOUTH: #I like big butts and I can not lie,

You other brothers can’t deny,

(Skills and Fergie are standing behind Mouth on the stage.)

MOUTH: When a girls walks in with an itty bitty waist

And a round thing in your face

You get sprung!

(The women in the audience look a little shocked.)

Wanna pull up front

Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed



(Lucas and Anna are taking money out of a fountain.)

ANNA: (Counting the money in her hand.) OK, I got three dollars aaand…eighty cents!

LUCAS: Alright, we need five dollars. (Counting his own money.)

ANNA: Oh, a quarter! (Reaches into the water again.)



MOUTH: #Fellas


MOUTH: Fellas


MOUTH: Has your girlfriend got the butt?

SKILLS AND FERGIE: (hell yeah)

MOUTH: Well shake it,


MOUTH: Shake it,


MOUTH: Shake that healthy butt

Baby got back

(Mouth does some strange and hilarious butt shaking. The females are enjoying it.)



(Peyton is standing in front of the pitching machines with a helmet on, waiting for it to release a ball. Haley holds the phone out.)

HALEY: OK, hold on a second.

(The ball flies out and hits Peyton on her helmet covered head. She falls down, dazed.)

HALEY: Oh, oh my gosh! Are you OK? It look- (Another one flies out and hits Haley on the back.) Oh(!) (Another ball comes flying.) Ooh. (She runs off the field.)



(Mouth is doing a weird dance and the audience is going crazy.)

MOUTH: #So ladies

AUDIENCE: (yeah),

MOUTH: Ladies

AUDIENCE: (yeah)

MOUTH: If you wanna role in my Mercedes

AUDIENCE: (yeah)

MOUTH: Then turn around (Turns to the side.)

Stick it out (Sticks his butt out.)

Even white boys got to shout

MOUTH, SKILLS AND FERGIE: Baby got back(!)

(Skills takes footage of the audience going nuts. Mouth is still dancing crazily.)


(Mouth continues to dance.)



(Shot of the river and a hotdog stand near it.)

KAREN: (o.s) So this is dinner.

HARGROVE: I want you to have anything you want. I’m rich you know.

KAREN: Well I’m getting chilli on mine(!)

HARGROVE: (To the man.) Thank you. (They slowly walk to the rails.)


HARGROVE: So uh…I know that my class is obviously the highlight of your week (Karen laughs) but what else do you like to do?

KAREN: Mostly school and the café and my son.

HARGROVE: (Looks at her.) You have a son? Nice.

KAREN: (Eats) Yeah. (nods)

LUCAS: Well he’s got a tough mom. I think it’s so great that you went back to school in your late twenties you know. (Gives him a look.) Early thirties?

KAREN: Hmm. (Shakes her head. They stop at the rails, overlooking the river.)

HARGROVE: My god, how old are you?

KAREN: Old enough to have never heard of that band, ‘The Constantines’.

HARGROVE: Ah, but you see, now you’re one of the hip kids.

KAREN: (laughing) Hardly. So I was uh…thinking about what you said last week; about challenging yourself, moving forward. Well I had a plan that I would open another business here in Tree Hill and I discussed it with my business partner and…we decided to take the plunge.

HARGROVE: Can I invest?

KAREN: (Pretends to think.) No(!) But what would you say to some ice-cream?

HARGROVE: (joking) Oh it’s fine but I’m not really made of money Karen.

KAREN: (Laughs) My treat. (Turns and walks slowly.)

HARGROVE: (following) Well I love ice-cream but…if you bought me ice-cream, ah-you, does this mean that uh…

KAREN: You know, there are some cultures where you can actually have ice-cream-

HARGROVE: Yeah, I get it.

KAREN: Yeah.

HARGROVE: I-I get it.



(Lucas and Anna are sitting at a table in some restaurant, eating.)

LUCAS: (Throws a napkin onto the table.) How much do I owe you for the pizza?

ANNA: Nothing. (He gives her a look.) I took a little extra from the fountain. (Lucas laughs.) This is…weird. Isn’t it? Oh I mean, people don’t just meet and hang out like this. Unless it’s a hook-up. (He laughs again.) And it’s not?

LUCAS: (Shakes his head.) I didn’t think it was. Besides, not doing that anymore.

ANNA: (Smiling) Anymore?

LUCAS: (Stops drinking.) Long story. Trust me.

ANNA: Do you think two people can get to know each other…without ever going into their long stories?

LUCAS: Sure. (He’s not telling.)

ANNA: But isn’t who you were a part of who you are?

LUCAS: (Sighs) Maybe, but I guess I’m saying that; I don’t really need to know the person that you used to be. As much…as the person that you’re trying to be.

ANNA: (Smiles) Yeah…me too. (They look at each other for a beat.) You ready for our next dare?

LUCAS: (Catching himself.) Oh, yeah. Um…(Pulls out the envelope and gives it to her.) Do the honours.

ANNA: (Reads it.) Take a photo, with a stranger…(Obviously meaning herself.)…in a photo booth.

LUCAS: Hmm. (They look around and Anna spots one.)

ANNA: Come on.

(They walk inside it and sit down together. Lucas struggles to reach for his money while in the small booth.)

ANNA: So. (pause) I have a confession to make. (Lucas looks at her.) The card doesn’t say take a photo with a stranger in a photo booth.

(Lucas laughs and puts four quarters into the slots.)

LUCAS: No? (He pushes the slider and the money disappears.)

ANNA: No. it says…make out with a stranger in a photo booth.

(Lucas grins and one photo is taken.)

LUCAS: Ah, here’s the thing, ah-

ANNA: Look, it’s just a dare, right? I mean…it’s no big deal.

(Lucas kisses her and another photo is taken.)

LUCAS: There’s a part two right?

ANNA: (Reads the back.) Ah; bonus points. You’re gonna have to get out for this one.

(Lucas groans and makes to leave but she grabs his shirt – there are still two more pictures left to take. She pulls him back and kisses him. The third photo is taken.)

LUCAS: Mm, (Slightly dazed.) enjoy. (Walks out of the booth.)

(She moves into the middle, and Lucas waits outside. Anna closes the curtain all the way. He waits for a moment and the last picture is taken. She step out, straightening her top.)

ANNA: OK(!) What’s next?

LUCAS: You gonna tell what it was?

(The pictures come out of the slot but the fourth one is covered. She pulls it out, hiding the fourth one, and puts it into her belt strap.)

ANNA: Maybe(!) (Walks past him. Lucas laughs sardonically and follows.)



(Brooke and Felix walk through the cemetery. Felix is holding a flashlight.)

BROOKE: (Whispering) OK, so I’m kinda thinking that…maybe we don’t really need these points so much.

FELIX: Come on(!) I’ll protect you. (Holds her arm.)

BROOKE: (Pulls her arm free.) Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m counting on.

FELIX: Well maybe you prefer Lucas.

BROOKE: (Stops and turns to face him.) What did Mouth tell you?!

FELIX: (Stops too.) Nothing. We move around a lot, school cliques are easy to read; who rolls with who, that kinda thing. You and Lucas obviously had something.

BROOKE: Yeah we had something. (Her pain is still evident.) (Pause) We had something fake and painful that I’m not gonna discuss with you and a bunch of dead people. (Pause) What about you anyway? I can’t imagine anyone would actually date you.

FELIX: The question is; why would I date them? When I could just hook up with them instead. (Brooke glares.) You know, friends with benefits. No strings attached.

BROOKE: I don’t think that works. Somebody always ends up getting hurt. (Begin to walk again.)

FELIX: Not if you’re upfront about it. Think about it; you had sex this year, and so did I (Pause) but I didn’t end up in a cemetery talking about how painful it was.

(Brooke looks at him. He’s right, it might not be ethical, but he’s right.)

FELIX: Oh perfect(!) (Walks up to an open grave and shines a torch down into it.) This one will do. (Looks at Brooke.) in you go.

BROOKE: Oh no! You haven’t done anything tonight. Why do I have to go?

FELIX: I gotta work the camera phone. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to pull me out.

(Brooke looks into the grave.)

BROOKE: (Miserably) I really don’t like you. (He smiles.) OK. Eurgh. (Kneels down.)

FELIX: Be careful.

BROOKE: (Sits at the edge of the hole. He takes her hands, she holds on and he lowers her in.) Argh! (Lands on her feet with a thump and grumbles angrily.)

FELIX: (Rubs his hands to free them of dirt.) OK. See you later. (Begins to walk away.)


(Felix takes a few steps and stops. He turns back laughing.)

FELIX: I’m just playing.

(Brooke sneers.)

FELIX: Hold on. (Takes out the phone.) Let me get a picture.

(He holds the phone out, Brooke makes a face. A cop car drives past, shining a light into the cemetery and at them. Felix jumps into the hole before they can see him and pulls Brooke to the side, against him.)

BROOKE: What’re you doing!?

FELIX: (Switches the torch off.) Sushhh.

(The car drives away.)



(Camera pans to show snakes of all sizes and types in glass tanks. Fergie, Mouth and Skills creep into the snake house. Skills is looking very uncomfortable and just a little bit scared.)

(Skills bumps into Mouth.)

MOUTH: (Whispering) Stop it(!)

SKILLS: Yo man, this dare is totally screwed up dawg.

FERGIE: Borrow a wild animal for the zoo?

MOUTH: It’s like that movie where they try to steal the cougar but…

SKILLS: (Scared) But what?

FERGIE: Cougar ate their ass didn’t it?

MOUTH: Sort of.

(Fergie nods.)

SKILLS: (Looks at a cobra rears its head up.) Mouth man, I said a bird man. We in a damn snake house! Man, I’m not stealin no snake, dawg. Nothing with teeth, fangs or claws. Man forget it(!)

(Fergie and Mouth look behind them to a snake that’s climbing its glass house. They walk off. Skills follows quickly. We hear snakes hissing and rattling.)

MOUTH: I guess we could try for a fish.

SKILLS: Uh-uh. Too slimy.

(Mouth and Fergie just look at him.)

SKILLS: Look, I got a problem with animals OK? I’ve never had a pet. I bet you Felix knows that too. I mean that dude is psychotic.

FERGIE: (Correcting) Psychic.

SKILLS: Yeah, dat too.

(They nod and walk off-screen. Close up of a yellow and white snake hissing.)



(The cop car flashes it’s light and drives off.)

FELIX: OK, I think they’re gone. Gimme a boost.

BROOKE: Are you kidding? Your shoes are muddy.

FELIX: It’s either you give me a boost or be buried alive girly girl.

BROOKE: Huh(!) Fine(!) (She puts one hand one top of the other, and holds it out.)

(He puts a foot on and boosts him out while making disgusted noises. He climbs out.)

BROOKE: OK. Get me out. (Holds out her arms.)

(They struggle as he helps her out. He laughs. She angrily brushes dirt out of her hair.)

BROOKE: Stupid dare night. Where did you come up with this ridiculousness anyway? I mean, what is the point!?

FELIX: (Seriously) The point is simple; see how far you’ll go. You face your fears. And sometimes you’ll do things you wanna do because calling it a dare makes it OK for a night.

BROOKE: Things like what?

FELIX: Like spending time with me.

(Brooke scoffs and turns away from him.)



(Haley and Peyton stand at the front of the church, looking at the cross and stained glass windows.)

PEYTON: So we never really talked about the wedding. Like…how you got there.

HALEY: I told you; I got dressed, I…threw up at my parent’s house, brushed, flossed and…went to the beach.

PEYTON: OK, hard image to forget. (Haley laughs.) Uh, but, I meant more like, uh, I don’t know; how your heart got there. Marriage is big. I don’t know how you trust somebody for your whole life. I can’t even…date somebody with that escape hatch.

HALEY: (Pause) I don’t know if it was so much about trusting Nathan - which I do - it was…more about trusting myself.

PEYTON: Yeah, my old friend; self doubt. I dunno, sometimes everything seem…really simple and then-

HALEY: It’s not?

PEYTON: (Pause) Yeah. (beat)

HALEY: Alright, so what does this card say again? (She’s holding an envelope.)

PEYTON: Uh, we’re supposed to…go to the confessional and read whatever’s on the card except you’re not supposed to read it until we get in there.

HALEY: Right, right, right. So um…OK, so here’s the deal; I’m actually trying to avoid eternal damnation (Peyton smiles.)…so…I’m gonna pass.

PEYTON: Alright. (Takes the envelope that Haley holds out while laughing.) Give it.

(Peyton walks into the confessional. Haley sits in one of the seats and Peyton sits inside the booth and sighs. The priest opens the window…thing.)

PEYTON: (Reads from the card.) Bless me father for I have sinned. (She turns the card over and it says; ‘Bless me father for I have sinned. You see, lately I’ve been having impure thoughts about my neighbour’s dog.’) You see, lately I’ve been having impure thoughts about…

(She trails off. We see a shot of her eyes, red and filled with tears.)

PEYTON: (Ignoring the card.) Um…actually, I haven’t been doing very well lately. This is…the first time I’ve been in a church since my mom died. (She looks down desolately.) (Whispering) I think about her every day(!) I just…I wonder what she would say to me right now if she could see me and see how I’ve been living. (Pause) And I wonder if she knows and most days, I fall short of being the person that she wanted me to be. Or…(Crying) I wonder of she saw me do that line of coke last week(!) And the thing is…I don’t even know why I did it. You know, my life is pretty good, (nods) it is. Um…but…I was just searching for something to make it great. S-something to make it matter (Pause) so…I don’t know, I guess last week when I had the chance to change that and it was…it was right there in front of me, I guess I was just scared to let that go. Um…but I know it was wrong. And I want my mom to know that and um…I want her to know that I am not that person. And I’m not going to be.

PRIEST: I’m sure she knows.

(Peyton looks down crying. Shot of the outside of the confessional.)

NATHAN: (v.o) Tim, wait up(!)



(Nathan is trying to get Time to stop.)

NATHAN: I said I was sorry. I didn’t mean to tear you down(!)

TIM: Then why did you?

NATHAN: Because I was pissed at Felix alright? And you were defending him. I just don’t like him flirting with Haley.

Tim: It’s always about Haley.

NATHAN: No it’s not always about her. Tim, what do you want me to say? She’s my wife now.

TIM: (Stops and turns.) You know, we used to be tight(!) It was always you and me. (Nathan sighs.) Now you’re constantly with Haley or Lucas, and there’s never any time for us to hang out. Don’t you miss your ‘Tim Time’?

NATHAN: Do I miss hanging out with you? Yes. Do I miss you saying things like ‘Tim Time’? No. (Tim looks away.) Look, Tim, I know a lot of things have changed but us being friends isn’t one of them. We’ve been boys a long time now. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Especially now that everything’s so crazy. Alright?

TIM: (Looks down.) Can we at least finish ‘Dare Night’?

NATHAN: Yeah absolutely.

TIM: Good. Coz this next one’s great. (Turns and walks over the rope bridge. Nathan smiles and follows.)



(Keith walks back into the shop with the woman – who is now called Julez.)

KEITH: Well I’d, uh, point out the safety features but I think that fact that uh, you know, we got back in one piece speaks for itself.

(He enters the office. She stands in the doorway.)

KEITH: Look Julez; you picked a good car. But um…the price you offered me was a grand too high and uh…I couldn’t take a penny more.

JULEZ: (Squints at him.) Is this some new car selling trick?

KEITH: How would I know? I’m just a mechanic.

JULEZ: (Smiles.) How bout if I think about it?

KEITH: Was my counter offer too low?

JULEZ: No, I just figured that if I wait a few days, then you’ll have to call me. (Smiles) You have my number. (Walks out.)




(Peyton walks up to where Haley’s sitting and sits down.)

HALEY: Eternal damnation for you?

PEYTON: (Pause) I-I think jury’s still out on that one.

HALEY: Are you OK?

PEYTON: (Thinking) Yeah. (Pause) Thanks for hanging out with me tonight Haley. (Haley nods.) You’re a good friend.

HALEY: (Laughs, slightly confused.) Thanks. This was fun. I’m glad we did this. I needed a night like ‘Dare Night’.

PEYTON: Yeah, me too.

(They look at each other. Peyton smiles.)



(Nathan and Tim walk onto the course. Shot of a tiki god.)

NATHAN: Steal the Tiki God from the second hole right?

TIM: (Gives Nathan the envelope.) Here, check out part two. (Pulls his pants down.)

(Nathan looks at the card.)

TIM: Get it? Dude, the hole’s number two(!) (Tim bends down and Nathan looks at him.)

NATHAN: There is something wrong with you. You know that right?

(Tim struggles. Nathan looks away.)


TIM: (o.s) What? I didn’t write the dare card.

(Nathan sighs but can’t hold back a smile.)

TIM: Dude, hand me the camera and give me some leaves alright?



(Karen and Andy enter his office.)

HARGROVE: Thanks for hanging out tonight.

KAREN: Well thank you. (Pause) Well um…I better get going. I’ve got a business class in the morning and my teacher is a tyrant.

HARGROVE: Yeah, I heard about that guy. (He smiles as she starts to leave.) Karen, um, (Pause) I think you’re doing a great thing; going after you new club. It’s a (Points to The Constantines picture.) ‘Loosen up your collar’, ‘Run like a river’, ‘Glow like a beacon fire’.

KAREN: Constantines?

HARGROVE: Oh, see how cool you are?

KAREN: (Laughs) Um Andy, what I said earlier…I did misread the café visit right?

HARGROVE: (Nods) Absolutely not. I’ll see you in class Miss Roe. (Karen nods and leaves. Andy smiles.)



LUCAS: So, it’s almost midnight. The dares are done, we should head back.

ANNA: Actually, I can’t. I need to take off.

LUCAS: You know, uh, I had this…weird history of meeting girls and them…disappearing at the end of the night. (She smiles.) You sure you can’t meet my friends?

ANNA: (Pause) Not tonight. (Lucas is disappointed.) But how bout…you give me your number? (Give him her phone so he can save it in the phonebook.)

(He saves his number.)

LUCAS: Can I have yours too?

ANNA: Luke, it was just ‘Dare Night’, right? (She takes the pictures out of her pocket and tears it in half, giving him one half and keeping the other. He laughs; she’s not going to show him what the second part of that dare was. He takes the pictures.) No bonus points for you.

(She opens her car door.)

LUCAS: Anna? (Pause) I dare you to call me.

(She smiles, gets in the car and starts it up. Lucas watches her drive off and looks at the picture. He smiles.)




(Everyone except Mouth, Skills and Fergie are around one table. Felix is counting up the points.)

FELIX: The guys trail by a hundred and fifty points.

PEYTON: (Claps) Yes(!) (Sniggers at Tim.)

MOUTH: We’re here.

(Mouth, Skills and Fergie enter with a box.)

LUCAS: What is that?

(Skills and Fergie put it on the table.)

MOUTH: We had to capture a wild animal from the zoo.

SKILLS: (Seriously) Yeah, you might wanna back up. This thing is kinda ferocious. (Partially hides behind Mouth.)

(Fergie lifts the lid to reveal a saltwater turtle. Everyone yells and laughs. Haley laughs.)

SKILLS: Go ahead and laugh, but you shoulda seen this thing before we tamed it. I’m telling you, it was vicious. I mean it was snapping and-and…oh man!

(Everyone laughs again. Haley pets the turtle.)

FELIX: Well, well. With your other dares, it appears to be a tie.

TIM: Oh no, no. Wait, don’t forget this. (He pulls out the phone and shows Felix his last dare.)

(Tim smiles.)

FELIX: (Shocked) DUDE! What the hell are you doing?!

TIM: (Shows the card.) It says it right here on the dare card.

FELIX: (Laughs) Man, that’s a typo. It’s supposed to say take a shot on the second hole.

(Tim is mortified, everyone back away from him disgusted.)

HALEY: Tim(!)

BROOKE: Gross(!)

FELIX: (Laughing) No dice. It’s still a tie (Tim throws the envelope onto the table.) and I just happen to have a tie breaker. (He gives Brooke an envelope.)

BROOKE: (Takes it with a roll of her eyes.) (Laughs sarcastically.) Kiss a team mate on the mouth.

NATHAN: Well I guess you guys win. (He’s not kissing any guy.)

TIM: Damn it(!)

BROOKE: Convenient(!) (Throws the letter onto the table.) OK. (Stands up, puts her arm on Felix’s shoulder and leans across him, kissing Peyton on the mouth!)

(Peyton yells.)

BROOKE: Sorry!

(Peyton shoves Felix and laughs. Tim is amazed.)

NATHAN: (Stunned, grinning.) OK! (Clapping) Alright.

FELIX: (Smiles and shakes his head.) (Shrugging) Unless any of you guys…kissed a stranger in a photo booth…that’s the only dare you didn’t do.

(Lucas looks shifty while all the other guys shake their heads and shrug.)

PEYTON: (o.s) Anybody?

(Shot of Lucas’ jeans pocket. He half takes out the picture of himself and Anna.)

PEYTON: (o.s) Come on(!) (Peyton has her arms around both Brooke and Haley. They wait in anticipation.)

(Lucas covers the picture and puts it back into his pocket.)

LUCAS: Sorry guys. Guess they win.

(Haley, Peyton and Brooke jump and yell excitedly. The guys shrug and mope slightly, Tim does. Nathan and Lucas smile.)



(Mouth, Skills and Fergie take the box with the turtle to the river.)

MOUTH: You know Skills, you could always keep him. He could be your first pet.

SKILLS: (Holding the box.) Man, I’m not bout to keep some creepy looking turtle, dawg. (Mouth laughs.) Besides, caged up aint living. He need to be free.

(He opens the box and takes it out. He puts it on the ground and it scuttles off into the water.)

SKILLS: There you go.

FERGIE: You realise that was a saltwater turtle right?

(Mouth and Skills give him a ‘now you tell us’ look.)



(Haley, Nathan and Tim enter the apartment and Haley turns a light on.)

HALEY: (To Nathan.) Hey, did you have fun tonight?

NATHAN: Eventually, missed you though. (He kisses her.)

(Haley opens the fridge and hands out beer.)

TIM: (Dejectedly) I guess I’ll see you later then. (Turns away.)

NATHAN: Tim. (Tim stops.) How bout a game of NBA Live?

TIM: (Happily) Alright. (Jumps onto the couch.)

(Haley winks at him and walks into the bedroom. Nathan sits next to Nathan.)

TIM: You see, the ‘Tim’ is on the house and you better recognise th-

NATHAN: (Interrupting) Just say you’re gonna beat me Tim. (Nathan smiles at Tim. Tim smiles back and Nathan shakes his head.)



(Peyton sits on her bed with her sketch book out. She stares at the blank pages, pen in hand.)



(Keith looks at Julez’s test drive form. It shows her phone number and age – which is 26. Keith smiles.)



(Felix and Brooke walk to their houses.)

FELIX. Admit it; you had a good time tonight.

BROOKE: By a good time, you mean wasting an entire evening of my life that I can never get back? Then sure. (They stop at her doorstep.) I have a question for you. (Felix raises his head.) You said you read people and that’s how you knew to invite all of us tonight. (He nods.) So how’d you read me?

FELIX: (Pause) I don’t know about you yet. (Pause) Gonna have to watch you a little more. (Smiles and she smiles back.) (Brooke turns to enter her house.) So I guess this night makes us friends(!) (She stops and turns smiling.) Right?

BROOKE: (Pause) Maybe.

FELIX: Friends with benefits?

BROOKE: (Gives him is jacket.) I’ll think about it.

(He takes it and she walks into her house. He smiles as he watches her.)



(Anna is on her bed, looking at the pictures of herself and Lucas, her thumb is covering the last picture. Someone walks in front of the camera.)

FELIX: How was the mall?

(Anna sees him and covers the picture.)

ANNA: You don’t know?

FELIX: (Leans on her door, confused) How would I?

ANNA: Fine. So, what’d you do tonight?

FELIX: (Shakes his head.) Not much. Just explored really. (He smiles.) Trying to figure this place out.

ANNA: I think we’re gonna like it here Felix.

FELIX: Yeah. (Pause) Me too. (Anna smiles.) OK. Goodnight little sister. (Walks out of her bedroom.)

(Anna looks at the picture again.)



(Shot of Lucas’ pictures with Anna. Cut to Lucas looking at them. He smiles. Karen walks to his doorway.)

KAREN: Hey. (Lucas hides the picture.) How was your night?

LUCAS: Was good(!) Yours?

KAREN: It was good. (Lucas smiles.)