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04x12 - Fate of the Pharaoh – Part 1

Posted: 08/19/22 16:47
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Let's focus
on the pharaoh.

Once we get him
out of the way,

The others
will fall right
into our hands,

One by one.

But how do ya know
the pharaoh will duel?

Because my plan is
already in place.

It's only
a matter of time.

Yugi, voice-over:
I know what I hafta do.

Time to face these creeps.

We can't miss the showdown
between yugi and those guys.

It's yugi.

He's getting ahead.


Put the pedal
to the metal.

I'm ready for you, pharaoh,

Thanks to my deck
and the power it holds.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Duke, voice-over:
buckle up, boys.


Who needs roads
when ya got one a
dese bad boys?

Yeah, now step on it
so we can find yugi.

- .

Hang on, fellas.



Joey: mommy!

Are you two
still in one piece?

They're in no piece!

I told them to buckle up.

Maybe we're safer
on foot.

Gimme a piggy back
and you got a deal.

Man, voice-over:
the pharaoh should be
arriving shortly

For his final duel.

Let's do this!


very impressive, cowboy,

But you'll need more
than a few rodeo tricks

To get yourself
outta this.

You see,
while my associates
are satisfied

With stealing the souls
of your friends, I'm not.

I did my part.

Now release
the professor
as you promised.

He's already
been set free,

But since you've come
all this way,

You might as well
stay awhile.

So you're gonna
stick around, right?

'Cause like I said
before pharaoh,

Your friends
aren't good enough.

I need to capture the soul
of the pharaoh himself

So I can save the world.

Save the world?

Don't you see
that what you're doing

Is going to
destroy the world?

Or are you so insane
that you can't tell
the difference?

I'm just fine.

It's you who's blind
to what's going on.

You're fighting
on the wrong side.

Explain yourself.

This world's a dark
and lonely place to live.

It's been poisoned
by mankind.

All I'm trying to do
is fix what's been ruined
by people like you,

And I'll do it
by locking your spirit
away for good.

Who do you think
you are?

Look, the name's rafael,

And I called you here to duel,
not sh**t the breeze.

I've waited for this moment
long enough

And I have no intention
of putting our fight off
for another minute,

So let's go.

You've given me
no choice.

But know this,

In the end,
will prevail

And justice
shall be served.

That's just what
I'm hoping for.

Both: let's duel!

Yugi, voice-over:
something seems different
about this guy.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I agree, yugi.

He has some sort of
hidden power.

I'll start things off,
if ya don't mind,

By playing a magic card
known as guardian treasure.

It allows me to draw
two new cards

As long as I toss out
the that are in my hand.

Plus, I can draw more cards
every round from now on.

Yugi, voice-over:
I don't get it.

Why would he get rid
of his entire hand
just for that?

He's searching for
the seal of orichalcos!

I summon a monster
in defense mode,

And then I place
one card face down
on the field.

That ends my turn.

You oughtta be
thanking me, pharaoh.

I just gave you
a head start.

Since I played two cards,

I have nothing left
in my hand.

Yugi, voice-over:
he may be toying with me,

But he does have a point.

If I destroy
his defensive monster,

I can take an early lead.

Yami-yugi: here goes!

I fuse together
gazelle and berfomet

In order
to form chimera,

The flying
mythical beast!

I'm sure
your defensive monster

Won't stand a chance
against chimera.

Now, my mythical beast,

[Rafael laughs]

Now what were you saying
about my monster
not standing a chance?

My backup gardna
has more than enough defense
points to stop you.

Back to me.

I activate
the magic card
gravity axe.

This allows me to summon
an all-powerful monster,

So meet guardian grarl!

And if you think
my monster's strong now,
just wait,

'Cause when I add
gravity axe,

My guardian grarl
gains an additional
attack points.

, Points?

Now, guardian grarl,
attack chimera.

My monster
may be gone now,

But his special ability


Big deal.

So your
two-headed pipsqueak

Left behind
an even weaker monster.

I'm shakin'.

You should be.

I'm afraid
you're gonna hafta do
better than that,

'Cause I have a deck
full of guardian monsters

And each one
is more powerful
than the next.

What do you mean,
guardian monsters?

Tea: professor hawkins?

Your gramps
has the right idea.

We could all use
a couple 'a zs.

Rebecca: not me.

I've been doing
some research
on the web

And I think
I'm on to something.

Wait a sec.

You're not trading
duel monsters cards
again, are you?

No. I found this
strange article.

It's about a cruise ship
that sunk about ago

And a boy who saved himself
by swimming to an island.

He spent years
of his life all alone
on that deserted island.

And according to this story,

He did nothing but practice
playing duel monsters

Over and over again
until he was rescued.

And get this,
his name was rafael.

The guy
who's dueling yugi?



Let go of me!

Relax, rebecca.

Yugi can handle
that guy.

You sure?

You could never understand
the connection I have
with my cards, pharaoh.

I'm afraid
you're mistaken.

I also share a bond
with my deck.

I trust and respect
every one of my cards.

Oh, yeah?

Well, take a look
at these.

Yugi, voice-over: whoa!

His cards are almost
completely worn out.

I've played these cards
hundreds of times,

And even though
they're falling apart,

I'll never replace them.

I've sworn to protect them
the way they protected me,

'Cause years ago,
these monsters saved my life.

When I was a kid,

I was fooled into believing

The world was a happy place.

But soon
I discovered the truth,

That nothing's fair
and no one gets
what they deserve.

What a sad way
to see the world.

Yeah, well, life is sad,

And the sooner
you realize that,

The better off you'll be.

I oughtta know.

I used to have everything
a kid could ever want,

Until one day,
when everything
was taken away from me.

Man: do you recommend
the escargot?

Second man: so tell me
all about your week
in the french riviera.

Third man:
the caviar is superb
tonight, isn't it?

Fourth man: garcon,
more water please.

Happy birthday, raf!

A present?


C'mon, open it.


A guardian eatos

It's perfect.

We only had
to go to stores
before we found it.

That's it?

Don't forget to make
your birthday wish, rafael.

What's it gonna be?


I already have
everything I need.


Man: we're all goners!

Oh, no!



Rafael, voice-over:
I knew something was wrong.

We were heading straight
for a tidal wave

And there was
no turning back.


[People shouting]



Guys, come back!


Grab my hand!



Rafael, voice-over:
that was the last time
I saw my family.


Rafael, voice-over:
the storm was over

Just as quickly
as it started.

My family made it
on to a rescue boat,

But I was left behind.

Young rafael: hello?

Who's there?

Guardian eatos!

I thought my mind
was playing tricks on me,

But surely someone else
was on this island--

Maybe even my family.

Young rafael: mom! Dad!

Rafael, voice-over:
it didn't take long

I once had was gone.


Rafael, voice-over:
who would watch over me now?

All I had were
the clothes on my back

And my duel monsters cards.

I knew I had two choices:

Sit around and feel
sorry for myself

Or toughen up and move on.

And if I wanted to survive,
the decision was simple.

There was no time for weakness.

I learned at a young age
that the world
is cold and lonely.

I lost my childhood,

But I gained something
more important:

The truth...

And an undying trust
for the only family I had,

My guardian cards.

These duel monsters
were everything to me.


Rafael, voice-over:
the guardians kept me strong,

And sane.

They saved me
from losing my mind,

And I owed it to those cards
to save them.

We shared a powerful bond.

Guardian eatos, guardian grarl,
and guardian key'est,

These monsters saw me
through the hardest
years of my life,

And they continue
to protect me.

Rafael, if you truly
respect your cards,

Then why do you use
them for evil?

Evil, pharaoh?

What you consider evil

I look at
as saving the planet
from falling apart

At the hands
of people like you
and your little friends.

It's my destiny.

I always wondered, "why me?"

And after spending
long years on that island,
I finally got my answer.

How could I have missed it?

There was an entire city
right off the coast.

I was saved.


Not again!



Is anyone down there?

Voice: welcome, rafael.

You've come home, my child.

Remember my voice,
for we shall meet again.

Rafael, voice-over: soon after,
I woke up on a rescue boat.

They said
they found me unconscious,
floating on a raft.

I made the cover
of newspapers and magazines
around the world--

"Miracle boy rejoins
civilization after being
stranded for years."



The world I came back to
was anything but civilized.

That island
may have been lonely,

But at least
it was a peaceful
place to live.

And unlike
the outside world,

There was no one
on that deserted island
who could walk out on me

Like my family did.

But I have
a new family now.

How can you blame

For what
happened to you?

I told you,
people are evil!

But it wasn't always
that way.

the world was perfect,

And when I got back
from that desert island,

I saw this ancient paradise
with my own eyes.

Voice: I told you
we'd meet again, rafael.

Now, are you prepared to leave
your old life behind?

[Voice laughs]


Together, we shall rebuild
civilization as it once was.

I don't know what lies
you were told,

But I know that no good
can come of your plan.

Don't worry, pharaoh,

You won't be around
to see how my plan turns out.


I'm not going anywhere.

We'll see.


Well, so much
for that shortcut.

Hey, check it out.

Yugi started
dueling already.

It's my move,

And now I activate
the magic card
star twilight!

Since I have
a level monster
in play,

My star twilight
allows me to summon

New monsters
to the field.

Now say hello to
an unstoppable family
of monsters,

The kuriboh brothers!

My cat's coughed up
more frightening things
than those monsters.

Looks can be
quite deceiving.

Gooooo, my kuribohs!

Combine your powers

To form kuribabylon!

Next, I activate
my pump up magic card.

Its power will now
double my kuribabylon's
attack points

For a single turn.

Now, my beast, attack
with horn of chaos!

I don't think so,
king puff ball!

Go, rescuer from the grave!

You can't play a card
from your graveyard.

I just did.

This powerful magic card
can only be activated

Once it's in
my card graveyard,

And then comes
the fun part--

Well, fun for me.

It instantly stops
your monster's attack.

Yugi, voice-over:
that must be
why he tossed out

His whole hand before.

So where was i?

Oh, right,
I remember now--

Destroying you
by sealing away
your very soul.

After all,
it's the only way
to supply the great beast

With enough energy
to wipe out mankind.

But why stand here
and talk about it?

The sooner I win this duel,

The sooner
you'll be gone forever.

And with that,
I'll place
two cards facedown.

Then I'll play the magic card
purity of the cemetery!

Now here's
how it works, pharaoh.

You lose
of your life points
each turn

For every monster
that remains
in your card graveyard,

And as long as my graveyard
is monster-free,

My card stays in play.

Yugi, voice-over:
I hafta send a monster
of his to the graveyard

Or I'm a goner.

Now I have
one more thing

You may be
interested to know.

I have no intention
of playing

My seal of orichalcos
magic card,

But that doesn't mean
you're safe.

Not by a long shot.

Your fate
is still sealed,

And when you lose
your soul,

It'll be by
your own doing.

My monster
has attack points.

Your multicolored
pom pom sisters

Don't even come close
to the power of my guardian.

Now attack
with gravity axe!

[Rafael laughing]