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04x16 - On the Wrong Track – Part 1

Posted: 08/19/22 16:52
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Dartz: hold the rock fragments
in your hands.

If they deem you worthy
of their power,

You'll be able to grasp them.

[Rex and weevil grunting]


And welcome to our family.

Joey: we gotta go
straight ta a source

And destroy dat secret w*apon
'a theirs!

Duke: they're one step
ahead of us!

Don't give up so easily.

The ruins
may have been destroyed,

But there are copies
of the inscriptions at a museum.

It's in florida.

Rebecca: I'll book
our flights,

And we'll take a train
to the airport.

Deliver to me
the soul of the pharaoh

And his companion
young joseph wheeler.

The orichalcos is with you.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Tea: how long is this
train ride, anyway?

too long.

[Tea sighs]

Any chance you wanna go
instead of me, duke?

No can do, tea.

I gotta stick with
professor hawkins

In case those
biker punks come back.

Duke's right.

Plus he's gotta
keep an eye on
rebecca, too.

I wanna go, too!

They need
a brain like mine

To figure out
how ta save yugi!


It's too dangerous.

And the pharaoh
has enough on
his mind already.

The last thing he needs
is the responsibility
of looking after you.

His closest friend
in the world's been
taken from him.


You don't understand
anything, grandpa!

Hawkins: rebecca, wait!
It's for your own good!

Duke: ya better get on
before you miss your ride.

Joey: we got
plenty 'a time.

No, we don't.

Like I said,
"all aboard!"

take care, duke!

[Train whistle blowing]

Ha ha ha ha!

Smell ya later,

hey, let's hit
the dining car.

Joey: now you're
talkin' my language!

[Train whistle blowing]

Joey: nothin' like
cold soda,

A bag a chips,
and good friends!

Ha ha ha ha!


He's barely said
a word all day.

I gotta get him
to say something.



Whoa! The view
is awesome!

Come on.
Check it out!


Florida has
the best beaches!

Aw, man...

I think
I forgot to pack
my bathing suit!


The pharaoh must
really miss yugi.

I guess it's like
a part of himself
is missing--

The fun,
carefree side.

I miss 'im, too.

Come on.
You gotta cheer up.

I promise
we'll get yugi back.

But in the meantime,
you can't just
sit around moping.

It might feel better
to talk about it.

We can even
come up with
a plan together.


Sorry, tea.

Oh, poor guy.

I think he needs
to be alone for
a while, ya know?

He's already alone.


Isn't dat
the whole

He's crushed.

But he'll be good
as new soon enough!

'Cause we're gonna
rescue yugi,
right, guys!?

There's no doubt!

How could I have been
so selfish?

I gave in to the darkness
within my heart...

And yugi paid the price.

For my next sacrifice,
I choose...

My useless
dark magician girl!

Fire catapult!

Rafael: you let
your rage take over.

Now look into the eyes
of your monsters!

Please forgive me for
what I've done to you!!

It's too late now.

So say goodbye to your soul,

Now, guardian eatos!

Destroy his monsters
and the rest of his life points!


Rafael: time to
seal you away forever!


Yugi! No!

What are you
doing here!?

It only needs one of us,

So I'm letting the seal
take me instead!

Nooooo! Yugi!


I've lost him

[Train whistle blowing]

He's been gone
for a while.

Hey, hold on.
He's not
the only one!


Call me crazy...

But wasn't this train
completely filled
with passengers

Just a minute ago?!

What's the deal!?

How can a train full
of people all of
a sudden be empty!?


Tea: a'right.

Now I'm officially
freaked out!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

A vacant train is the least
of your problems,

My young friends.

I'm just getting warmed up.

[Train whistle blows]

Tea: anyone
in there, joey?

Not a soul.

Tristan: do ya have
to say "soul!?"

Joey: it's a complete
ghost town in here!!

Tea: don't say
"ghost" either.

Tea: there you are!

Joey: 'case ya
haven't noticed,

Somethin' weird's
goin' on!

if ya ask me...

I'd say this
whole train ride
is another trap!

I'm sure those
same slime balls
are behind dis!

And I bet
they're onboard.

Well, what are we
standin' here for?

Let's get 'em!

Oh! Oh! Oh, no!

grab my hand!

Aah! Uhh!


pharaoh! Tea!

Whatta we do

Get help!

Come on!

We have to find
a way to stop
this train!

Tristan: hey!
We're slowin' down!

You heard 'em.
We gotta get help.

I know...
But there's a problem.

We're in da middle
'a nowhere!

And we don't even
know where dose two
are gonna end up.

Bye, guys. Hang in there.

Guess it's just
you and me now.


Ha ha ha!

Huh? Rex!?
Whatta you doin' here!?

Ha ha! Uhh!

I still have
a score to settle
with you, wheeler.


You took
my red eyes black dragon.

Dis is not da time!

It's the perfect time...
For revenge!


Mr. Conductor?

Anyone there!? Hello!?

[Sighs] uh-uh.

Yugi! What are
you doing!?

I've got to get
in there

So I can stop
this train!

But how?

I have an idea!

There may be
an emergency hatch
on the roof!

Be careful!


weevil underwood!

Are you
behind this!?

You'd better start
explaining yourself!

Tea: weevil?

Whatta you want
with us, worm-boy!

Whatta ya think I want?

A rematch with
the king of games!

Are you nuts!?

I'm just in the mood
for a friendly duel.

Weevil, who put you
up to this?

No one did.

I figured
this was a good time

To test out my new secret
w*apon, that's all.

it's that
magic rock

The professor
told us about!

Where'd you
find that thing,

I knew it!
He's workin' for dem!

Yami-yugi: you've been
brainwashed, weevil!

Wake up!
Those guys'r
just using you!

Who cares!

As long as I have
ultimate power!

You're wrong.

Then just duel me!


wait a minute!

Tea! No!

It's too dangerous!

Don't you realize

That if
you go through
with this duel,

One of you guys
is gonna lose
your soul forever!?


Of course I do!

That's the whole reason
I'm here!

To make him pay
by sealing him away!!

Oh, no!

Don't worry.

Soon you'll be locked away
with your friend yugi, pharaoh!

Ha ha ha ha!

Where is he!? Tell me!

I'm afraid the only way
to find out is to duel me!

So if you back down now,

Then you'll never see
that little twerp again!

Very well!

Then let's duel!

Ha ha ha ha!
Wise choice, pharaoh!

I'm gonna enjoy this!

Wha'ju do ta
my friends!?


Weevil's dealing with
those losers

While I handle you two.

So he's in on
this thing too?

Rex, you guys picked
the wrong side ta join!

Oh, really?

Well, we'll just see
about that, won't we?

I've been given
more power

Than you ever
dreamed of!

Look, rex, not only
can I duel circles

Around your sorry behind

But you're half my size!

So why doncha
get outta my way
before I step on ya!

Sorry, pal. I'm not goin'
anywhere till we duel!

So draw your cards
and let's get it on, chump!

I've got a duel ta win!

now what?

I warned 'im.

Now let's trample
dis geek

And then go find
yugi and tea.

Good call.

Oh, yeah?

You'll change your mind

When I activate this card!


Ha ha ha ha!

Look familiar!?

Tristan: the seal
of orichalcos!

Drop the card!
Dat thing's evil, rex.

I'm tellin' ya, you have
no idea what yer doin'!

You're not so tough now!
Are you, wheeler!

Ha ha ha ha!

He played it!!

[Joey and tristan grunting]


No, tristan!

Ahh! Ha ha ha!

That's what I call power.

What was he thinkin'
playin' dat!

Careful, man!

He just raised the stakes 'a
this duel big time!

Now whoever
loses the game,
loses their soul!

Joey: gee,
danks for the reminda.

Let's do this.
It's payback time!

Sorry, rex.
I won't duel!

You don't have
much choice!

I've improved
since our last duel.

But you'll see that
for yourself soon enough!

You can't do this!

Get back in the train, tea.

But why?

it's too dangerous up here,

And there's no telling
what weevil will do.

I won't keep you in suspense
any longer!

Ha ha ha ha!
It's my move!

And I think I'll play
the seal of orichalcos!

don't be a fool.

What seems to be the problem?

You've played this card
before, haven't you?

If I'm not mistaken,

This is what you used
to lock little yugi away!

Ha ha ha!

Now it's my turn!

I need to experience
this card's power firsthand!

And when you lose,
you'll join your
little friend!

Weevil! If you activate
that card,

You're putting yourself
in danger also!

Thanks for the advice, tea!

But who asked!?


Oh, no!



Are you alright?!

Yeah! I'm ok!




I'm ready to duel!

Looks like the battles
are underway.

Rafael: yes, master.
And if all goes well,

The soul of the pharaoh
will soon be yours.

Of course, we win
no matter what,

Because whatever
the final outcome is,
we get two souls.

Ha ha ha ha!

since I challenged you,
I'll start things off!

And I'll play...

My good friend
pheromone wasp!

It's not strong now...

But the power of
the seal of orichalcos

Gives it
a -point boost!

Next I'll place
two cards facedown
and end my turn.

Very well! My move!

I summon obnoxious
celtic guardian!

A stronger monster
than yours!

He better not attack!

Weevil has
two facedown cards!

Hold on! Don't do it!

Celtic guardian,

Crush his
pheromone wasp now!

I don't think so!
You just activated my trap!

A handy little card
called mimesis!

Oh, no!

Yup! It allows me
to trade in

My insect monster
for another one!

So I get to choose
which monster

Your obnoxious celtic
guardian att*cks!

And now, my pheromone wasp...
Return to my hand!

And my parasite caterpillar
will take its place!

Not that!

It has the power
to infect my monster!

Ha ha ha ha!

You're absolutely right!

Your guardian's
been infected!


Weevil: you're only half
the duelist I remember!

Is that 'cause you lost
your other half!?

Ha ha ha ha!

Rex: are you
gonna duel, wheeler?

Or just stand there
like a loser

While I take you apart?

I got no choice.

A'right. I didn't
wanna do dis...

But you got yourself
a duel!

Are you sure!?

It's the only way
to save yuge, so yes!

Good answer!

I've been waiting for
this moment for years!

As much as I hate
dis little runt,

I can't let
the orichalcos take 'im.

No one deserves dat!

By the way...

Before my turn begins,
I can play this!

Say what!? Before
your turn begins!?

That's right!

If I have a gilasaurus
in my hand,

It automatically jumps
to the field before
I make my move!

And I've got two!

So you'll hafta deal with
double the dino now!

I'm not off to
a great start!

So now what!?

I'm not finished yet!

I summon kaitoptera!

Aw, man!

Dis guy's already got
monsters on the field

And I've got zip!

Plus the seal
of orichalcos

Makes my dinosaurs
even stronger!

Ha ha! Now dat
I think about it,

You just lucked out

By getting dealt
a good opening hand.

But you can't win a duel
with just luck!

That's funny!

You only beat me last time
because you got lucky!

What'd you say!?

You know, he's right!

Tristan! Whose side
are you on, anyway!

Just tellin' it
like it is!

I think I'll take it easy
on you for now

And finish up by placing
one card facedown.

So let's see what you got!

I only have one monsta
in my hand

Dat can stand up
ta his lizards!

I summon
panther warrior!

And I'll put 'im
in attack mode!

The only problem is,

My panther warrior
can't attack

Unless I sacrifice
another monster first...

So let's see
what I can do.

My scapegoats'll
do da trick!

A'right! I'll place
one card facedown
and then end my turn!

This next insect
should look familiar.

It's pheromone wasp!

My only monster
has been infected

By his parasite

That means
it's no longer able to
defend my life points!

Go, my pheromone wasp!

You ok!?

That's not all!

Attacking you directly
just activated
his special ability!

Which means my wasp
allows me to summon

Any insect monster
in my deck

Directly to the field!

And I know just who
I'm going to choose!

I summon a leech
known as leghul!

Then I'll activate
the magic card
insect barrier!

Ha ha ha ha!

This barricade

The perfect

Against any
insect monster

You try
and attack with!


What's he
talking about?

You don't have
any insect monsters
in your deck!

That's not true!

Take a closer look
at the field, tea!

Your celtic guardian's
been contaminated
by my parasite,

Which makes him
part insect!


He's slowly transforming
into a new creature

Known as poison butterfly!

And even though it has
, attack points...

It can't hurt me
thanks to my insect barrier.

And since it can't
attack or defend,

It's virtually useless!

Ha ha ha ha!

Weevil is a much
stronger duelist
than I remember.

Now that he's infused
with the power of the

He seems unstoppable!

But I refuse to let him
stand in the way of
rescuing yugi!

Alright! My move!

Ha ha ha ha!

It won't be long now.

The soul of the pharaoh
is nearly in my grasp.

After all, we have
the perfect bait!

Ha ha ha ha!