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04x18 - On the Wrong Track – Part 3

Posted: 08/19/22 16:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

My prehistoric pets are
gonna walk all over you!

Save it,

Look out!

I sacrifice gilasaurus
and giant rex...

So I can summon
tyrant dragon!


We both have
giant dragons now.

But only one's gonna
remain standing!

Weevil: looks like the end
of the line for you!

Yugi: we'll see.

Now, gaia, attack!

You just triggered
dna surgery!

It lets me change
every monster

On the field
into an insect!

And as you know,

My insect barrier blocks
all insect att*cks!

My insect army is slowly
infesting the playing field!

Just a few more turns
and you're bug bait!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Weevil: this train's
been rerouted!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Next stop: loserville!

Not if I play
my trap first!

natural selection!


You heard me,

There's been
a change of plans!

My trap card
creates a clone

Of one of
your monsters

And adds it to my
side of the field.

Then it destroys
the original!


It's quite possible!

See for yourself!


No! My insect queen!

You can't!

Do you actually believe

You can defeat me
at an insect game!?


I'm the master
of all insects!

Meet my armored

All right!

Destroy his kuriboh
with your poison fangs!

I'm afraid there's more.

My armored centipede
gains attack points

For every insect
it destroys,

And your kuriboh
was part bug!


And since I'm done...

So is your queen!

that's right.

The effect of my trap
card has worn off,

my insect queen!

Now the only thing left

On my side of the field
is weevil's cocoon--

And it's about to hatch!

Rex: it's a dragon showdown,
and yours is toast!


Tyrant dragon...

Incinerate his
red-eyes now!



Sorry, red-eyes.

You don't have to say
your good-byes just yet.

'Cause my trap card
brings him back!


Chain of the underworld!

I don't get it!

Why would you
revive my monster?

What better way
to t*rture you

Than to destroy your
red-eyes twice!

And since my trap

Also detracts points
from your dragon...

Once I attack,
you're history!

If joey loses all
his life points,

The orichalcos
gets his soul!

This was my plan
all along!

Ya see, my tyrant dragon

Can attack twice
in one turn,

As long as my opponent

Has another monster
on the field...

And thanks to my trap card,
you've got one!

Look, rex...

That thing on
your forehead

Is screwing up
your brain!

Those people you
teamed up with

Are not your friends,
and they'll turn on you!


They already gave
me what I needed...

The power to annihilate you!

Now, go ahead
and draw your card!

What do you mean!?

My chain of the underworld
lets you draw...

But I wouldn't get too
excited if I were you.

It won't help!

I'm warning you, rex...

Don't do this.


Your messing with
supernatural powers

That you could
never understand.

Save it for
someone who cares!

I know what
I'm doing!

Tyrant dragon,

Attack his red-eyes
and end this duel!


Nice try, pal!

But you
just activated

My celebration of
creation trap card!

So what?

My tyrant dragon is
immune to all trap cards!


And what makes
you think

I'm using this card
on your dragon?!

My card takes effect

Whenever a monster is
summoned to the field

Using a magic
or trap card.

And it automatically
ends your turn

Right on the spot!

Which means...

My red-eyes black
dragon is safe.

What!? No way!

I'm afraid so.

And now that he's back,
he's not going anywhere.

You'll never get
away with this.


Your time's up!

It's been turns
since I transformed

Your obnoxious celtic
guardian into a cocoon!

Which means it's time for my
secret w*apon to emerge!

Say hello to
poison butterfly!



Hey, wheeler!

Looks like
you're down to

Your last
life points!

Now, make your move

So I can finish
you off for good!

I'm the one
who's gonna be

Doing the finishing,

You got that?!

Look out!

Now I call to the field

the iron knight!


Next, I activate
the magic card...

Pot of greed!

Now I can draw
two more cards!

You're going down!

How do you figure that?

If you shut up...

I'll tell you.


Thank you.

It's time to teach you
a thing or two--

And I suggest you
listen closely.

Now every card in
the game of duel monsters

Has a story behind it,

And this is one of
my favorite tales.

What are you,
mother goose!?

Once there was
a warrior so powerful

That every time
he used his sword,

The world shook.

He caused so
much devastation

That this swordmaster
feared his own power.

So he decided to
do something about it.

He built a suit of iron
to limit his strength.

And from then on

He became known as
gearfried the iron knight.

And now the time's
come to set him free!

So, I play the magic card,
release restraint!

Now, gearfried,
I release you!

Show your true self!

Joey: gearfried
the swordmaster!

You went through

That whole boring
folk tale for that guy!?

He's useless to you,


Oh, that on
the other hand...

Might help you.


What's wrong?

You should be thrilled

You have such
a strong monster.

So what if it takes away
of your life points

For every turn it
stays on the field?

Ha ha ha ha!

Yugi: I wouldn't be
laughing if I were you.

What did you draw!?


Come on!

What is it!

Aagh! No!

It's one of those
legendary dragon cards!

I'm doomed!

How right you are!

I've drawn the eye
of timaeus!

Show yourself,
my beast!



Now, merge with poison
butterfly to form...

... My dragon!


He's abandoned me!


You realize what
happened, don't you?

The dark magic
of the orichalcos

Is still within you!

What do you mean!?


Don't you remember!?

When the pharaoh played
the seal of orichalcos

In his last duel,

He turned his back on
all his monsters!

Now, timaeus is
returning the favor!


Don't listen to
a word he says!

He's right.


My turn's done.

Music to my ears!

That means poison
butterfly's effect

Is about to activate,

And you lose
of your life points!

if the pharaoh
loses this duel,

He's a goner, and we'll
never rescue yugi!

You've done enough
damage for one turn...

It's my move!


I'll place one card
facedown and end my turn.

Hee hee!

I take it you
recognize the claw
of hermos, right?


this is not
gonna be fun!

Last time he
played that card,

He totally rocked
mai's world!

It's all over, rex!

I activate
claw of hermos!

I'm afraid
there's more.

Next, I'll combine it
together with my red-eyes!

Together my two monsters
form the ultimate w*apon:

Red-eyes black
dragon sword!

And who better to use it
than my swordmaster!

Plus, he gets an extra
attack points

For every dragon
monster on the field!


That means my
tyrant dragon

Makes your monster
even stronger!

Plus the sword
gives him ,
more attack points!

So, now my swordmaster's
got , points!


Now he's stronger
than my tyrant dragon!

Not that it matters

'Cause, thanks to
his special ability,

He doesn't need
any points!

The dragon sword
allows him to destroy

Any monster

Now give tyrant dragon
a permanent vacation.


My monster's gone,
and your swordmaster

Still hasn't officially
att*cked me yet!

if I beat rex,

The orichalcos
gets his soul!

But if I don't,
I'll never save yugi!

I have no choice,

Wait, wheeler!

Please don't do it!

I gotta.

But don't worry,
when I save yugi...

I'll save you, too.

Now, gearfried
the swordmaster, attack!

Wipe out the rest
of his life points!



No! This can't be!


Rex: please!

Save me!


sorry, rex.

It was the only way.



Come on man!

Wake up!


I know you're
in there somewhere,

So snap out of it.

It's no use,

The orichalcos
has him now.

But I promise
we'll get him back--

As soon as we find
pegasus and yugi.

Yeah, but how?

Well, first we
gotta figure out

Where this dartz
guy hangs out.

Find him...

And we'll find them.

You hear me, dartz?!

We're coming
to get you!

And we're not leaving
without our friends!

I believe
it's my move now.

Hurry up!

I can't wait to deliver
your soul to master dartz

So he has a matching set!

You'll do nothing
of the sort, weevil!

This duel's not over.

So, I call forth breaker
the magical warrior!

Why, thank you!

You've triggered
my trap card--


The first thing it does

Is drain attack points
from each of our monsters.

But it doesn't stop there!

Next, the attack points
we lost are added up

And subtracted from
our life points!


It's just about over!

Poison butterfly strikes
when your turn's done.

And since you're down to
your last life points,

You'll automatically
lose the duel!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no.

My turn's not over yet.

Who cares!

I still have almost
all my life points!

You can't win!

I tell you what.

Because I feel
sorry for you...

I'd be willing to
do you a little favor
before you lose.

I have a card
in my pocket

I think you'd
like to see.

I can't wait to see
the look on your face!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Relax, pharaoh,

I'm just trying
to be nice.

It's the least I can do

To repay you for
ruining my life!

You want to
see yugi, right?

His spirit is trapped

Deep in the caverns
of dartz's lair...

And I know how
to set him free.

Tell me how
to save him...

Right now!

Ha ha ha ha!

Very well.

In order to
release his soul,

You'll need
a special card.


And I've got it
right here.


Then hand
it to me now!

That's not a nice
way to ask.

Why don't
you try saying

"Pretty please
with sugar on top!"

Oh, well, too late.

So, it looks like
I'll have to

Teach you a lesson
on manners.

Now, say good-bye!

Yugi's gone forever!





Poor yugi.

You snake!

Ha ha ha ha!

Don't you know a joke
when you hear one?

I tore up a useless
bug card.


that's not funny!

You people have
no sense of humor!

You'll pay for that!

Hear me, weevil!?

Ha! Huh?

You'll pay dearly!

Weevil: there's nothing
you can do now, pharaoh!

I'm going to have
to disagree.

Now, breaker
the magical warrior,

Activate your
special ability!


Big deal.

So, you can destroy
a magic or trap card.

Oh, wait! That's bad!

Sounds like
you've realized

I plan on destroying
your insect barrier,

Allowing me
to attack you

With the poison
butterfly you gave me!


Now, breaker
the magical warrior,

Destroy insect barrier!


I told you you'd pay
for that stunt you pulled

Just a few moments ago,
didn't i?

I may have weakened
my warrior's attack power

By using his special ability,

But it was well
worth the price--

For now I can
destroy you!

Prepare to feel the wrath
of your own monster...

Poison butterfly!


It's all over for you!

Go, poison butterfly!

Attack his
armored centipede!

And now...

Attack him directly,



Nice try,
but it looks like

Your turn just
came to an end!

Which means
poison butterfly

Takes the rest of
your life points!


Guess I win!

Too bad I'm
not done yet.


Now quiet down

So I can
complete my turn.

What are you
talking about?!

Both your monsters
have att*cked already!

There's nothing
more you can do!

I can still play this!

Go, berserker soul!

What are you gonna
do with that!?

First, I must
throw out

My entire hand!

Now, I shall continue
to draw cards

From my deck one by one,

And I'm not to stop

Until I draw a magic
or trap card!

Meanwhile, with each
monster card I draw

I can attack you
with a creature

From my side
of the field--

As long as that
creature has ,
points or less.

, !?

Wait a sec!


I may have weakened my
warrior's attack power

By using his
special ability,

But it was well
worth the price,

For now I can
destroy you!

yugi's been planning
this all along!

It's the beginning
of the end for you!

I've drawn
queen's knight!

And since
it's a monster...

My warrior
can attack!





Yugi: looks like
you're out of luck.

Attack again!


I draw again!

Another monster!


This just
isn't your day!



Attack him again!


Let's see...
Oh, well!

Please, pharaoh!

No more!

Let me go!

You can stop now.

It's over.

You've already
won the duel.

The seal of
orichalcos is gone.

We have to put
an end to all this.

tea's right.

I have a promise
to keep.

So many souls,
so little time.

The great leviathan
is growing impatient.

I must supply him

With the power he
needs to awaken...

And for that, I need
the soul of the pharaoh.

Tell me where yugi is!


It's no use.

You won.

So the seal of
orichalcos took
weevil away.


[Brakes squealing]



I need him alive!

Tea: whoa.

You all right?

Yugi: barely.