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04x21 - Deck of Armor

Posted: 08/19/22 16:55
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

we gotta go straight
to the source

And destroy
that secret w*apon
of theirs.

They're one step
ahead of us.

The ruins may
have been destroyed,

But there are copies
of the inscriptions
at a museum.

It's in florida.

Tea: there you are.

In 'case
ya haven't noticed,

Somethin' weird's
goin' on.

If ya ask me,

I'd say this
whole train ride
is another trap.

Oh, no!

Grab my hand!

Pharaoh! Tea!

Come on,
we have to find a way
to stop this train.

[Yami-yugi and tea

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

take my hand.

We're back
where we left off.


Now all we hafta do
is follow those tracks.

That's right.

if all goes well,

Assuming they haven't
wandered off.

They better be there.

We hafta do
what we set out to do--

Figure out where
this dartz creep
hangs out

So we can set free
everyone he captured.


I only wish
it were that easy.

it's your turn.

I've been luggin'
dis geek

For, like,
hours already.

try minutes.

But since I'm nice,
I'll play you for it.

Rock, paper, scissors.


I dunno
how you're doin' it,

But you're cheatin'.

Dat's the fifth time
in a row you won.

You're just delirious, man.

I've won by playing
scissors every time.

Look, I can't move
another inch.

What if I promise
ta buy you
a pepperoni pizza

When we reach


Come on,
we got places ta go.

Hold on!

I said "what if"
I get ya a pizza.

I tell ya what.

I'll play ya
rock, paper,
scissors for it.

Mai, voice-over:
just leave joey wheeler ta me.

you'll do nothing

Until master dartz
gives you an assignment.

What is this,
third grade?

I decide who I'm gonna duel
for myself.

I don't wait
for the homework assignment.

Why don't you show
a little respect?

Come on, raf,

As if little
miss loud mouth
knows respect?

What'd you call me?

Raphael: relax.

Look, I was doing
perfectly fine

Until johnny stuntman
over there stepped in.

If it wasn't for you,
I woulda won.

As for you,

I don't need
some scrawny freak

Dictating my every move.

I'm outta here, losers.

Just let her go, valon.

She can try
to run away from fate,

But in the end
she'll get
what she deserves.

Mai, voice-over:
it's time to finish
what I started.

Man: we've got company.

Looks like someone
wants to ride
with the big boys.

Pardon me.

[Man laughing]

Nice bike, kid.

I'm surprised
you took the
training wheels off.

Yeah, go back
to the playground.

Mai: a'right,
move it or lose it.


Was that a threat?

Mai: no,
that was a warning.

You're only warning.


She's gonna beat us up
with a hologram, boys.

Oh, no!

It's a real monster!

Mai: can't say
I didn't warn 'em.

Great, more company.

And he wants
ta play hardball.

You're on.

Mai: let's see
who's got more guts.

Didn't I tell you
to stay outta my way,
tough guy?

I came here
so I can help ya.

Haven't you done
enough already?

You need me,
n' I need you.

We'll take wheeler down
as a team.

Look, I duel alone.

You're the last thing
I need.

Doncha remember
the day we met?

'Course I do.

So what's your point?

I saved you, right, mai?

You were at
the end of your rope,

Tired of living
in the shadow

Of your so-called

But then I stepped in
and took away the pain.

I can do that again, mai.

I can help you get
what you've always wanted.

and what's that?


No, you've already
got that.

You want revenge

And the satisfaction
of knowing that wheeler
got what he deserved.

Trust me.

First, we'll beat him,

Then we'll
take on the rest of
the world, mai.

Can't you take a hint?

I don't like you!

Come on,
you don't mean that.

I know that deep down

You feel the same way
I do, mai.


That's why
we found each other.

You're just like me--

and misunderstood.

Is that so?

Well, speak for yourself.

We need each other.

You have no idea
who I am.

Mai valentine
works alone,

And that is never
gonna change.

But, mai,
I'm telling ya,
this can work.

Just gimme a chance.

Should we have left
so soon?

Of course.

Time is running out.

We hafta catch up
with the others now.

Besides, gramps can get
just as much rest
on the road.

Plus, we can't
translate those ancient ruins
without his help, duke.

It's mai valentine.

But what's
she doing here?

Wait a sec!

That guy...

I recognize him.

He's one of those
biker punks

That brainwashed mai.

He works for dartz.

Stop the car, duke!

Duke: rebecca!

Hold on!

We're dealing with
a lunatic here!

tell me what you did
with yugi.

You guys had no right
ta take him.

Sorry, kid.

Never heard of 'im.

Well, maybe this'll
refresh your memory.

I win, you talk!

Let's duel!

No, rebecca,
it's too dangerous!

I'll be fine.

I've dueled
tougher opponents
than this.

So whatta ya say,

Do we have a deal
or not?

You can't be
serious, kid.

Here's your big chance.

Why doncha show me
your stuff?

Let's go.

I don't have
all day.

Well, why not?

She could use
a lesson in manners

And I've got minutes
ta k*ll.

Plus, I can show off
a few 'a my new
duelin' strategies.

Alright, you talked me
into it, mate.

Let's have a go.

Hold on!

If you're duelin' her,

Then you're duelin' me,
too, tough guy.


Then I'll take both
'a you blokes on.

Pay attention, mai.

This is for you.

don't let him play
the seal of orichalcos.

Got it.

All: let's duel!

Duke: we're gonna
wipe the floor with you.

Yeah, then you're
gonna tell us

Where you sickos
are keeping yugi.

Now let's do this.

I'll start things off
with this...


Psychic armor head
in attack mode.

That thing's got
no attack points.

I don't trust this guy.

Yeah, he must be
up to something.

I bet he wants us
to attack.

But he's in for
a disappointment.

That's all for now,

Let the fun begin.

Now I activate this,
my summon dice magic card.

But before I can use it
I hafta give up
life points.

Duke, voice-over:
if I roll a or a ,

I can summon two monsters
in one turn.

If I roll a or a ,
I can summon a monster
from my graveyard.

But I really want
a or a .

Oh, yeah!

Now I can summon
a powerful monster

Without sacrificing
something first.

Meet orgoth
the relentless!

My turn ta kick
a little butt,

Starting with
luster dragon #
in attack mode.

Then I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

Rebecca, voice-over:
it's his move now.

Thanks to our monsters,

We should be ready
for anything.

it's show time, folks!

First I activate
my psychic armor head's
special effect.

In case you're wondering,

It allows me to choose
any armor monster
I want from my deck

And move it to my hand.

Then I sacrifice
my psychic armor head

To summon
double cloth armor!

Next I'll place
one card facedown
and call it quits for now.

Duke, voice-over:
what's this guy thinking?

He summoned another monster
with zero attack points.

Since I already know
I'm gonna win,

Why don't I help
you two out a bit

By tellin' you
what my new friend can do.

If you're dumb enough
to attack
my double cloth armor,

Your monster
will automatically
be destroyed

Right on the spot.

Then half your monster's
attack points

Are subtracted
from your life points.

Duke, voice-over:
let's see.

That means if I attack
his double cloth armor

With my orgoth
the relentless,

I'll lose
life points.

But after that,
he'll have nothing
on the field

To protect himself.

Thanks for the tip,
big shot.

I place this face down.

For this to work,

I'll need
rebecca's help.

Alright, orgoth,

double cloth armor

With diamond blade

I warned ya.

take him out.

It'll be my pleasure.

I place one card face

Then I sacrifice
luster dragon #

To summon the original
luster dragon.

Luster dragon,
attack his life points

sorry to burst
your bubble,

But I was expecting that.

So, go, magnet armor!

This little number
allows me to summon

Any armor monster
I want from my graveyard
back to the field.

You know what that means--

My double cloth armor

Oh, no!

now for your life points.

Duke: are you alright?

I'm fine,
and I've got one
trap card left--

Rope of life!

I'll activate it
by discarding
my entire hand.

Now I can use my rope
to pull luster dragon
out of the graveyard

And back to the field.

But this time,
it returns with
extra attack points.

Nice work, bec.

I'll take it from here.

I activate sword revival.

Here's the deal.

Whenever a dragon monster
is revived from the graveyard,

This card kicks in.

It lets me sacrifice
that dragon

And summon another dragon
in its place,

And the new dragon
becomes rebecca's monster.

Meet diamond head dragon!

My diamond head dragon
absorbs all of luster dragon's
attack points,

Plus it gets an extra
, attack points
on top of that.

Thanks, duke,
you're the best.

One more turn
and you're done, creep.

[Valon laughs]

What's so funny?

Did you think
I'd let you win
that easily?

Sorry to
disappoint ya, mate,

But I'm just
getting warmed up.

Check this out.

I'm about change
all the rules.


Time ta use a card
that's power
is unmatched,

A card unlike any other
in the game of duel monsters.

Valon, voice-over:
this move is sure
to impress mai.

Once I'm done,
she'll be begging
to run away with me.

Hold on!

You're about
to activate the seal
of orichalcos,

Aren't you.

Don't flatter yourself.

You two numbskulls
are hardly worthy
of the seal of orichalcos.

I've got something
much more fitting
in store for you--

Armored gravitation!


Oh, man,
he merged with the card.

Don't worry.

He can't stand up
to our monster.

Valon: wrong.

Lemme fill you in.

When I attack you,
I win the duel,

Thanks to my armor's
special ability.

Ya see, it destroys
every monster on the field

And the damage comes out
of our life points.

Are you nuts?

If you do that,
won't you lose
the duel, too?

Let's find out.


I don't think so,

'Cause you just
activated my mirror
force trap card.

That card's useless!

Oh, no.

It's been fun, mates,

But all good things
must come to an end.

Mai, voice-over:
I gotta admit,
that was impressive.

fine, you won.

Now leave us alone.

Get lost.

I gotta message
for wheeler.

Tell that punk
he's next.


Where ya goin', mai?

Mai: I told you,
I work alone!

Tristan, remind me
why we're carrying
dis pipsqueak

Who we don't even like
all ova creation?

'Cause he needs
our help,

And because
we're nice guys.

And last I checked,

It's your turn
to be nice.

Now I'm seeing things.

Hang on.

Me, too.

Yami-yugi: tea,
do you see what I see?

You mean all those
weird lights?

I fear it's the great beast.

The same thing happened
when it emerged
the first time.

We're running out of time.

Yes, great leviathan.

Keep feeding, my child.

You're almost ready.


you think its true, seto?

I mean, could yugi
really have lost

To one of alister's partners
in a duel?

And does that mean
he's trapped somewhere now?

It just means
yugi's not as perfect as
everyone thinks he is,

And he's not worth
my time.

We've got more
important things to do.

Hey, come 'ere,

You gotta
check this out.

What is it now?

I dunno,
but it looks cool.

Whatta ya think's
going on out there?

I have no idea.

But I don't trust it.

Man, on intercom:

We may be experiencing
some mild turbulence.

Please fasten
your seat belt,

Just to be safe.

