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04x33 - A Duel with Dartz – Part 1

Posted: 08/19/22 17:05
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

it's time to bring out
my ultimate monster!

Huh!? What's that!?

Say hello to
my guardian dreadscythe!

My move.

What are you holding?

A card that
forces you to take

A closer look
at yourself--

Underworld circle!

What on earth
does that do!?


It's time to take
some responsibility

For what you've done,

Underworld circle,

My monster's gone!

Yes, and so is mine.

your true darkness!!!

Tea: let's just hope
when the smoke clears,

It's the pharaoh
that's standing!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Tristan: the pharaoh's
trapped in there
with that creep!

Oh, no.

how did this happen!?

Mokuba: I know.

He played
that underworld
circle card!

That's strange.

Is this another vision
generated by the seal
of orichalcos?


Underworld circle
lets us bring back
monsters we've lost.

Perhaps I've somehow
been transported to
the card graveyard!

Rafael: this wasn't
part of my plan.

Who's there?

It's rafael.

Young rafael:


That looks like you!

That is me!


Rafael! Wait!

This could be a trap!

Please! Come back!

Hold on!

It's too

We don't know
where we are.

Maybe you don't,

But I know exactly
where we are.

Where's that?

[Dartz laughing]

it's all starting
to make sense.

Dartz once
took me here

To expose me
to the truth.

This must be
the day we met.

You mean...

This is a vision
from your past?

Always remember,
my child...

Life is cruel.

It's a sad fact.

But the sooner
you learn that,

The sooner
you can start over.

Since the accident...

Your family has forgotten
all about you.

They seem
to have moved on...

And you should as well.

Just let go.

[Dartz's voice echoing]

[People screaming]


Guys! Come back!

Quick! Grab my hand!



I sent you here

So you can bury your past
and leave it behind...

For it's all over now.

And today is the day
you begin your new life.

Just do as I say,
and the pain will be gone.

I'm your family now, rafael.

However, unlike your previous
loved ones...

I won't abandon you.

Now, listen closely!

There's one final task
you need to perform.

You must tunnel your way
into the ground

And unearth your destiny!

It's just over there.

Dartz: use the anger inside
to guide you.

Focus on the pain
of your past...

And you'll find the tools
to rebuild your future.


[Dartz laughing]

The strength you seek
is in your grasp.

Now, dig...

And don't stop
'til you find it.

I don't understand,

What are you
looking for?

Dartz: let the darkness
consume you!

[Dartz laughing]

I'm close.
I can feel it.

Rafael, tell me.

What is it that
dartz forced you to
uncover that day?

behold your future.

Young rafael: huh?

Guardian eatos!?

What are you doing here?

Dartz: forget
that creature!

It's part of
your past.

Where were we?

That's right.

Embrace your destiny.

You're almost there.

Now, activate that card,

And your transformation
will be complete.


Don't fight
against it, rafael.

Allow the seal
of orichalcos
to set you free!

The events
that came before
are meaningless.


you have been reborn!




Dartz: you have
a new guardian now.

Meet the custodian
of darkness!


This creature
was formed

From the rage
within your heart,

My young friend.

Because of that,
you are forever bonded.

Your journey is over.
Welcome to my family.

Now do you understand

The brilliance
of master dartz?

He knows exactly
how the world works,

And more importantly,
he knows how to save it!

Then tell me this:

If you're so loyal
to this dartz,

Then why
do you deliberately
disobey him, rafael?

He told you to
let go of the past,

Yet you stay loyal
to your guardians!

You don't get it,
do you?

He was trying
to help me move on.

Wake up!
Dartz is a madman!

And the only person
he's helping is himself,

By convincing you
to hate the world

And abandon everything
you care about!

Are you done?

Master dartz gave me
the power I needed
to survive!

And now it's time
to unleash it on you!

Guardian dreadscythe!?
That's impossible!

check it out!

The smoke cleared!

Tea: is the pharaoh

My underworld circle
magic card

Should've destroyed
every single monster
on the field!

It also forces us
to remove

Every monster card
from our decks

For the rest
of the game!

After that,
the only creatures
we're allowed to use

Are the ones
in our graveyard.

That's why my
dark magician girl
is gone now!

So why is
your dreadscythe
still on the field!?

By eliminating a card
from my hand,

My guardian dreadscythe
is able to automatically
revive itself!

What do you mean!?

I mean my monster's
got a mind of its own!

But how?!

It was created to be

So not even I can
get rid of it!


Does that mean
the pharaoh
can't win!?

Thanks to the effect
of my magic card...

I have access to every monster
in my card graveyard now.

But your graveyard is off limits
thanks to your dreadscythe!

Didn't I tell you!?
There's no turning back!

The monsters
I sacrificed are gone,

And I don't need them.

There's only one creature
I need now!

Yami-yugi, thinking:
dartz gave him that beast

To feed the darkness
in his heart!

So perhaps if I destroy it,
I can set rafael free!

The power
of underworld circle

Lets me bring back
my dark magician!

He may have a shot
after all.

Yeah. Now that
he can play cards
from his graveyard,

He should be able
to start kicking
some butt!

I place this facedown...
And that ends my turn!

You're done, pharaoh!

Not as long as
my magic card's
in play!

It lets me
bring back

My jack's knight
as well!

That's awesome!

He can summon monsters
on his opponent's turn!

You don't scare me!

Your pathetic monsters
are still no match for mine!

Dreadscythe, attack
his dark magician now!

Not so fast, rafael!
Activate zero gravity!

Thanks to the power
of my trap card,

Every monster
on the field
in attack mode

switches to
defense mode!

Hey! He just stopped
that zombie thing

Dead in its tracks,
you guys!

I don't think so!

No! What now!?

I activate my trap
spirit hunting!

This card switches
my guardian dreadscythe
back into attack mode!

Now it can pick up
where it left off!

Oh, man!


Ah! Oh, no!

Rafael destroyed two
of his monsters at once!

It's my move!

And my magic card
allows me to bring back
my dark magician girl!

Next I'll activate
my altar of restoration!

By discarding two cards
from my deck,

I can rescue
another monster
from my graveyard!

And the card
I choose is...

Eye of timaeus!

Now, timaeus and
dark magician girl...

Merge together!

he thinks he can use

His new dragon's
special effect

To destroy my guardian.

Alright, pharaoh,
let's see what you got!

Now, dark magician girl
the dragon knight...

Destroy his dreadscythe!

I guess that's
the end of that
freak of nature!

Rafael: ha ha!
You don't listen
very well, do you!?

I told you dreadscythe
is indestructible.

Thinking: he knew that monster
could revive itself,

So why did he attack it!?

I place this facedown
and end my turn!

yugi better not let this chump
defeat him again!

I'm the only one
who deserves that glory!

Time to finish you off!

not so fast!

I'm using
my underworld
circle card

To bring back
my queen's knight!

Just face it!
Your strategy's
not working!

Now, watch this!

By discarding one card,

I can activate
the orichalcos
sword of sealing!

Well, that's gonna
leave a mark...

Wouldn't ya say,

And now, dreadscythe,

Attack dark magician girl
the dragon knight!


This duel's over!


Hey, wait!!

How can you
be standing!?

I've activated
my reduction barrier!

Which means the number
of life points I lose

Is reduced to %.

He saved

Yeah, but he's
only got life
points left.

Oh, man!

This duel's
still on!

I'll fight 'til
my last point
is gone!

And that's
a promise, rafael!

Suit yourself.
It won't be long now.

And once I crush you...

Your soul will belong
to master dartz!

You've been

Blinded by
your own darkness!

But I believe
there's still
good inside you!

And I plan
to bring it out

With this move!

First I'll use
the magic of
underworld circle

To bring
my big shield gardna

Back to the field!

Then I'll activate
my pot of greed!

This lets me draw
two cards!

Thinking: excellent.

That's just the card
I've been waiting for!

Time to face
what you did...

When you betrayed
your heart!

For now I activate
the magic card
spider web,

Which lets me use a card
from your graveyard!

What's the point
of all this!?

I'm using
my spider web

To bring back
your monster
reborn card!

And I'm planning on
using it to save you

By setting you free
from the darkness!


I use monster reborn

To revive a creature
that once saved your life

And that you, in turn,


Tea: what's he gonna
do with that card?

hopefully win.

One more thing.

Thinking: joey...

I can only accomplish this
with your help.

I summon the claw of hermos!

Hey, joey!
Check it out, man!

He just summoned
your boy!

And now,
hermos and queen's knight...

Combine together
to form goddess bow!

That doubles the attack points
of guardian eatos!

And since eatos
has been removed
from your graveyard,

Your dreadscythe
gets weaker!

What are you up to?
Our monsters are even now.

So if you attack,
they're both destroyed.

But mine comes back!

We'll see about that!

I have a few more
surprises planned!

Yami-yugi: eatos,
attack his dreadscythe now!

I activate the special ability
of my goddess bow!

Now every time your dreadscythe
revives itself,

Eatos can attack again!


and don't forget,

With each attack,
you lose another card!

Of course!

If rafael runs
out of cards,

His monster
can't come back!

the dark flame
of your dreadscythe

Is now extinguished.

Come back!

Now do you understand
what you've done?

You turned your back
on your monsters.

At one time, they meant
the world to you.

But then dartz
convinced you

To abandon everything
that was important
to you.

He fed you lies
about your family
and fueled your rage.

And in a moment
of weakness,

You allowed your heart
to become consumed

By the dark magic
of the orichalcos.

But I could tell
the real you

Was still in there
fighting to break free.

And I knew
what I had to do...

Force you to face
the darkness.

There's only one problem
with your plan, pharaoh.

The seal of orichalcos
still needs to capture
one of our souls.

So whatta ya say
we finish this off
and see who goes.

No! Wait!

Too late! My move!

I'll use the power
of underworld circle

To bring back
my guardian grarl!

What are you
planning to do?

Next I'll activate
my soul charge magic card,

Allowing me to summon
even more monsters
from my graveyard!

Whoa! That's

Look, any monster
that's summoned by
using soul charge

Can't attack
for one turn,
so he's safe.

Then why do it?
What's his plan?

Well, that's it.

My graveyard is
completely empty.

My guardians are free.

That's true. Now what?

I think you know, pharaoh.

Each monster
I brought back
from the grave

Cost me points.

Game over.



It's eatos.

Yami-yugi: you've
made the correct
choice, rafael.

The darkness
has lifted.

You're right. Thank you.


We missed you!

We'll see ya soon!

Yeah! Real soon!

Rafael, thinking:
I get it now.

This is a vision
of what's inside my heart.

Everyone I turned my back on
is still here.

And they'll always be
with me.



Hey, the seal is gone!

Where'd it go?

Doesn't it usually
put on a big green
laser show?

Rafael: yeah,
and it usually takes
someone's soul, too.

Tea: wait.

So you're
still here?!

I'm lost.

I have a theory.

The seal
of orichalcos

Is powered
by the darkness

Within the person
who plays it,

But rafael was able to
conquer that darkness.

So my soul was spared!
I'm free.


Tea: what's
going on!?

Oh, no!

Oh, yes.

what!? Is it
an earthquake!?

Yami-yugi: I'm afraid
it's much worse than that!