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04x35 - A Duel with Dartz – Part 3

Posted: 08/19/22 17:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on

Yami: dartz!

You were expecting
someone else?

Look, I want my
company back,

So can the small talk.

As for me...

I want your souls
for my wall.

Then let's stop talking
and start dueling!

Not alone.

This lunatic is
far too dangerous.

So, why don't
you join him?

And when I defeat you,

I'll get two souls
for the price of one!

Behold a power
that has existed

Since the dawn of time!

Arise, orichalcos gigas!

Go, master of
dragon soldier!

Mokuba: what's gong on?!

Seto: what's that?

Dartz: you're getting a glimpse
of the legendary city

Of atlantis
when I ruled as king!

You were king?!

Indeed, I was.

And I shall be
once again.

For when I defeat you,
paradise shall return!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Dartz: behold!

The lost city of atlantis
in all its glory--

Just as it was
, years ago.

A perfect civilization--

Or so I thought.

Surrounded by ocean as
far as the eye could see,

We were isolated from
the rest of the world.

Our lives were simple.

We existed side by side with
all of earth's creatures...

And we knew nothing of v*olence.

But then, that changed.


Darkness descended upon us...

And a strange substance rained
down from the heavens...

A substance that would
change our lives.

The orichalcos.

Please tell me
that story time's over.

I'd like to duel.

The tale of my past
directly affects

The fate of your future.

So, if I were you I'd
pay close attention.


Thanks to the stones
of the orichalcos,

The people of atlantis
made advancements

In technology that were
never before imagined.

And, soon, I ruled over the most
highly developed civilization

The world had ever known!

However, with
progress comes greed

And eventually v*olence.

I knew what had
to be done...

But my father,
former king ironheart,

Had different ideas.

Ironheart was
your father?!

But how?

If you ask questions,

This ridiculous story
is never gonna end.

That old fool never had
what it took to be king...

And on my st birthday,

He allowed me to take over

And fill his
unimpressive shoes.

So, as technology
continued to advance

And the hearts of my
people continued to sink

Deeper into the darkness--

It was up to me to
remedy the situation.

The citizens of atlantis

Were growing more
and more selfish,

And if I didn't act soon,

I would lose
complete control.

But even I couldn't
have imagined

What would happen next.

The orichalcos
began to test us!

It revealed the truth
about who we were.


Dartz: those who were
wicked on the inside

Became wicked
on the outside.




Come back!


What's going on!?




I didn't realize
it at first,

But the true colors
of my people

Were revealed
to me that day.

But why?

Why is this happening?


I couldn't understand
how a society

As perfect as ours
could crumble like this.


But soon the orichalcos

Would answer
all my questions.

The people of
atlantis were evil,

And I had been chosen
to wipe them out

And start over again.


But I couldn't accomplish
such a task on my own.

I was but one man.

So, the orichalcos
gave me a gift.

Something powerful enough

To lead my fight
against mankind.

For deep below
the earth's surface

Lurked the most incredible
creature that ever lived--

The great leviathan...

And it was mine!

And, shortly, this
great beast will return

To finish what it began!

I was ready to
begin my task

Of recreating
civilization on earth,

But one person
stood in my way.

My son...

You know what
you have to do!

Destroy those
orichalcos stones

So we can return to
the life we once knew!


Do you honestly
believe we can

Go back to the way
things were?

It's too late
for that, father.

But, dartz--

The true nature of our
people has been exposed.

We now know that
the citizens of this planet

Are evil and must
be destroyed.


You heard me, old man.

We should be thanking
the orichalcos

For showing us
the truth,

Not blaming it for
the faults of mankind.


This mysterious substance
that rained down from above

Has opened up my eyes.

Not only has it shown me
what's wrong with the world...

It's given me
the tools to fix it.

For I now have the power

To awaken a mighty creature
known as the great leviathan!

And by the power
of the orichalcos,

This beast will rise up
from the depths of the earth

And fight by my side!

And when I'm through...

I shall rebuild




What's going on?


Meet my
orichalcos soldiers!

Grandpa, I'm scared!

If you join my side,

You have nothing
to fear.

If not, then farewell.

We'll never join you.


Let's go, chris!


Have it your way.




The time has come
to cleanse the world
of its impurities!

So, arise my children,

And conquer
the people of earth!

And this planet
shall be yours!


What are we
gonna do, grandpa?

Your father is
under the control
of an evil force,

And he must be stopped.

The future of our
planet depends on it.

Through there. Hurry.



What's this?

Why are those monsters
carved in stone?

We've come here to
ask for their help.


Dartz: and so, the battle
of atlantis began.

You see, my father had
opened up a gateway

To the dominion
of the beasts,

And he used
the monsters within

To form an army of his own.

Tell me.

What was
the battle's

Neither side
was victorious,

And atlantis sunk to
the bottom of the sea.

My father's monster
army was scattered

Around the world
and sealed away

Until they'd be
needed again.

The leviathan was
drained of his power

And also sealed away.

It's taken me
, years

To gather the energy
necessary to bring it back.

All that's left
for me to do

Is defeat you two
in this duel.

Then your souls will awaken
the great leviathan,

And my plan will
finally come to pass.

Hold on.

We already
defeated you!

Our master of
dragon soldier

Should have wiped
out the rest of
your life points!

Perhaps it
should have...

But I'm afraid
it didn't!

Your pathetic attack
fell short of its target.

So, this duel's still on.


Hey, check it out!

They're back!


Go, seto!

No way!

You didn't lose one
single life point!?

Didn't I just tell you
your attack didn't work?

Thanks to the special
ability of my kyutora,

My damage was
reduced to zero.

That's crazy!

He dodged an attack by
their strongest monster!

And what's worse,
it's his turn now!

Orichalcos gigas,

I told you,

Each time his gigas
is destroyed,

It comes back
even stronger!


Dartz: face it,

You'll never
defeat me.

The power of the orichalcos
will swallow you both.

Now, back to the duel.

Since my gigas returned
to me, I can't draw a card.

But no matter.

Everything I need
is in my hand.

So, I'll enhance the power
of the seal with this--

The magic of orichalcos


What's going on?

Somehow he's
made the seal of
orichalcos stronger!


Dartz: gentlemen...

Welcome to the second
level of darkness!

The what!?

I don't know how...

But dartz just added
another layer

To the seal
of orichalcos!

Right, so what
does that mean?

The first benefit of my
orichalcos deuteros

Is the addition of
life points each turn

For every monster
I have on the field.

since I have two,

That's , points!


How are we supposed
to wipe him out?!

You're not.

It makes me invincible!

Next, I'll attack your
master of dragon soldier!


Go, my orichalcos gigas!


Nice try!

But my dragon's
too strong!


Absorb all
the damage!


My life points
are safe!

And now,
my gigas returns!


That creep!

He's letting his
orichalcos gigas

Get its butt kicked
on purpose,

So it can come
back stronger!

that can't be it.

His monster would
have to be destroyed

More times before it
could defeat my dragon.

So, there must be
more to his plan.

Perhaps the secret
lies in his kyutora

And its ability to
absorb attack damage.


That creature must have
another special ability!

All right, dartz,
my move!

as long as that eyesore
is on the field,

It's pointless to attack
his orichalcos gigas

Because dartz won't
lose any life points.

Plus, gigas will just
come back stronger.

But if I attack
dartz directly,

I should be able
to win the duel!

I place one card
facedown on the field!

And next...

I summon my
blade knight!

And since I have only
one card left in my hand,

Blade knight gets
another attack points!

I think that'll do for now.

he's setting himself
up for something.

yugi better not
screw this up for me.

Time to pick up
where I left off!

Yugi, hold on!

I'm sacrificing
my blade knight

To activate this card!

Reflect energy!

All right, yugi!

It's up to you to blow
this freak-show away

With your dragon soldier!

Once you attack,

My reflect energy satellite
will redirect the blast

To his life points
and wipe him out!

All right.

Dragon soldier,

Attack with
dragon saber blast!


They were able
to flatten that
freak together!

Of course they were!

Oh, no!

That attack was
supposed to hit dartz,

Not his monster!


It's a force field!

But how did he
create it?

By using the second layer
of the seal, of course.

Whenever my life points
are targeted...

My orichalcos deuteros
steps in to defend me.

It's simple.

I make a sacrifice so that
your monster takes the hit.

[Both gasp]

You know what
that means, right?

Your dragon just
att*cked itself!

Both: pharaoh!

Do something!

I activate...

My de-fusion!

Talk about luck
of the draw.

It's not luck.

It's through teamwork
and determination

That we have avoided
your att*cks.

You have a little
speech for everything,

Don't you, pharaoh.

You must get so tired of
being right all the time.

Well, don't worry,

'Cause that all
ends here.

So, listen closely
as I teach you

A little lesson
of my own.

And I assure you it
has nothing to do

With teamwork
or friendship.

And it all starts...

With this!

A magic card known
as orichalcos mirror!

Now all I have to do
is sacrifice a monster

From my hand
in order to summon

My mirror
knight calling,

Which, in turn,
calls knights

To the field
to protect me!

He played
in one turn?

You poor fools.

You'll never get past
my mirror knights!

And, thanks to my
orichalcos deuteros...

I gain ,
more life points!

That's insane!

Now, pay close attention
to the mirrors' reflection.

All right,
what's going on?

Each knight reflects
something or someone

On your side
of the field.

That dictates the value
of their attack points.

So, that means...

Yes, it does!

My knights receive
the same number
of attack points

As their target.




Dartz: what's wrong?

Scared of your
own reflections!?

As long as my mirror
knight calling crystal

Is on the field,
my monsters' shields
will always return.

Which means...

My mirror knights
can't be destroyed!

So, go ahead and summon
whatever you'd like.

Fine, I will!

But first...

I think I'll activate
my card of demise!

This lets me
draw new cards,

As long as I
discard my entire
hand in turns.

But it's worth it
for a fresh start.

Next, I'll play...

My silent doom card,

So I can summon
a monster

From my grave
in defense mode.

And I choose
blade knight!

And now...

I sacrifice
blade knight...

In order to summon
kaiser glider!

And last, I'll place
one card facedown.

I must say
I'm impressed.

Your kaiser glider is
safe from any monster

With the same number
of attack points.

So, my knights
can't crush it.

kaiba may be
safe for now.

But we need to find a way
to destroy his monsters...

Not hide from them.

All right, dartz,
my move!

Mirror force!

This should help!

First, I'll place
one card facedown,

And then I'll summon
my big shield gardna

To the field
in defense mode!

That's all for now.

How pathetic.

Now, then...

Since it's the start
of a new turn for me...

I gain another
, life points.

We must stop him
and fast.

when dartz att*cks,

I'll activate
my mirror force

To counteract his
mirrors and destroy
his knights!

Hold on, folks!

I activate my
trap card!

Your knights
are only safe

If your mirror
knight calling magic
card is in play.

So, now I'll squash it...

With ring of destruction!

Now when your knights
are destroyed,

They can't come back!

Hey, wait!

What's going on!?


Recognize anyone?


But how?

I control the souls of your
companions, remember!?

Let them go!

Attack my knights

And you'll be
attacking your friends.


Yami: if I had played
my mirror force...

That would mean...

My friends would
be gone forever...

By my own hand.

No matter what
you do, you lose!

It's impossible
to defeat me

Without destroying
these monsters.

And you can't
destroy my knights

Without destroying
the souls of your friends!

