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02x08 - Truth, Bitter Truth

Posted: 11/23/04 14:17
by bunniefuu
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(Brooke leans over to whisper to Peyton while the teacher talks.)

BROOKE: OK, could it get any worse? My love life is non-existent, my parents are having a yard sale to sell everything we own. Being poor and horny is no way to go through life.



ANNA: (To Peyton) I’m Anna.

PEYTON: You’re Felix’s sister right?



FELIX: (To Brooke) You know, I was thinking about this whole ‘Friends with Benefits’. Felix with Brooke. FWB.



BROOKE: Come here. (Kisses him and they fall off-screen.)



DOCTOR: (o.s) Dan has a… heart condition known as HCM. It’s a… genetic mutation.



(Jules and Keith stand at the doorstep.)

JULES: So what do you say boyfriend? Wanna sleep over?



(Karen and Andy stand behind the bar at the empty club. He kisses her.)



(Haley finishes playing her song and the crowd breaks out in applause. Haley looks embarrassed.)

CHRIS: You have any idea how many guys in the room wanna nail your wife right now?

(Shot of Nathan’s face.)



(Peyton, with Haley, opens the door marked ‘Private’ at the back of TRIC and comes across Rick and his friends doing cocaine.)

RICK: Relax, it’s cool. Peyton and I did a couple lines the other night. Aint that right Peyton?

(Haley looks at a guilty Peyton accusingly.)




(The camera pans slowly from Felix’s house to Brooke’s.)

BROOKE: (v.o) Someone once said; it’s the good girls who keep diaries. (Brooke’s head and then Felix’s pop out from the back of Felix’s house. Brooke inclines her head, indicating that they go to her house.) The bad girls never have the time. (They run across the gap between the houses, clothes falling everywhere. We only see their legs.) Me… I just wanna live a life I’m gonna remember. (They stop to pick up their clothes. (She yells giddily.) Even if I don’t write it down.

(They run so hard at Brooke’s door that they almost break it down. They open it.)

BROOKE: If I’d known your mom was gonna come home, I never would have stayed the night.

FELIX: (Kissing her as he turns her.) I mean, not that I’m complaining but since when do you spend the night?

BROOKE: That was a onetime only bonus for you getting me home from the club. Now come here.

(They fall hard on what should have been Brooke’s bed only it’s not there anymore. They grunt.)

BROOKE: Where the hell is my bed?!

(She picks up a note on the red shaggy rug where the bed should be.)

BROOKE: (Reading) Got a good price on the queen-size. Single bed on its way love mom?! (Angrily drops the paper.) (Looking towards the door.) I STILL LIVE HERE YOU KNOW!

FELIX: You know. (Plays with the rug.) We could always shag on the shag.

BROOKE: (Scoffs) Moments past Pool Boy. Besides, I have to meet Haley. (Gets off him.)

(Felix lifts his head, shirt half on, and gives her a ‘What For’ look but she doesn’t see it. His head drops back onto the rug.)



(Lucas and Nathan put some overnight luggage into the back of Nathan’s car.)

LUCAS: Gotta say, good call Nate. Road tripping to Charlotte.

NATHAN: Love that NBA expansion.

(Lucas laughs and they shut the boot.)

NATHAN: Third row, floor, right behind the bench.



(Birdseye view of Haley and Brooke getting out of Brooke’s car. Brooke is holding a box.)

HALEY: (Laughing) Anyway, so you take the CD’s that you’re sick of or never should have bought in the first place and you bring them back and they –

BROOKE: And they give me cash?

HALEY: Yeah.

BROOKE: Maybe I can buy my bed back. (Laughs)

HALEY: So, Nathan’s going to Charlotte tonight with Lucas and this is my first night alone in the apartment.

BROOKE: (Gasps) Do you know what we should do? We should have a slumber party.


BROOKE: Seriously, we haven’t done that since like, junior high.

HALEY: (Reluctantly) I dunno. I haven’t done that since… ever. (Laughing it off.)

BROOKE: Haley!

HALEY: I wasn’t popular in junior high.

BROOKE: No! Then we have to. This is like a rite of passage. I mean, when did you learn to put on eye shadow and stuff your bra and make out?

HALEY: (Smiling) I don’t know.

BROOKE: OK, I’m calling Peyton. This is going to be great.

HALEY: Well, look I-I was kinda looking forward to having a night alone in the apartment.

BROOKE: And I was kinda looking forward to being rich but we all adjust don’t we? (They laugh and enter the record store.)

(Haley nods at Chris.)

HALEY: Hey, what’s up(!)

CHRIS: Hey. (Moves behind the counter.) Alright, what you got? (Drops the pricing tool.)

BROOKE: (Passing the box over.) Here you go.

CHRIS: (Sets the box down.) Alright. (Flips through the CDs, stopping at intervals.) Crap. (Flips some more.) Crap. (Looks at a CD.) Crap. (Gets to the end.) Crap(!)

(Brooke and Haley exchange looks.)

CHRIS: (To Brooke.) Lucky for you, crap sells. (Brooke scoffs.) D'ya listen to my demo yet?

HALEY: Um… yeah I did. It’s –

CHRIS: (Pompously) Good; I know. (Brooke looks away, aware that he’s flirting with Haley.) I’m working on this other song I could really use some female vocals on. Maybe you could come by the studio and lay something down for me.

BROOKE: (Looks at him.) Huh(!)

CHRIS: Track. Lay down the track.

BROOKE: (Not believing.) (Whispers as she looks away.) Yeah.

(Chris switches his gaze to Haley.)

HALEY: OK. Yeah… sure. That sounds fine. How’s –

CHRIS: (Quickly) Tonight. Let me get you the address.

(Brooke gapes at Haley.)

BROOKE: Hello(!) Tonight, slumber party.

HALEY: Oh, I’m sorry. Um… I can say no. (Makes to call Chris.)

BROOKE: (Quickly) No(!) It’s fine. I’ll come over early and set up.

HALEY: (Suspiciously) What do you mean ‘set up’?

BROOKE: (Smiling evasively.) You have no idea.

(The camera pans to white.)



(Keith feels space beside him and finds it empty. He sighs and looks over.)

KEITH: Oh great(!) (Sits up on his elbows.)

(Jules walks in with a smile on her face.)

JULES: Hey(!) You’re awake.

(She has a bag in her hand as she sits at the foot of the bed.)

KEITH: I uh… saw you were gone. I thought, maybe…(Shrugs) maybe it was a one-night-stand.

(Jules groans and kisses him.)

KEITH: But it felt good. You can one-night-stand me anytime.

(She laughs.)

KEITH: Where’d you go?

JULES: (Lifts the bag.) Breakfast.

KEITH: Ohhh. Well how’d you get back in? The door locks.

JULES: I jimmied it with a credit card.

KEITH: I should be afraid, right?

(Jules laughs. Keith looks into the bag.)

KEITH: Ahh… chocolate croissants.

JULES: (Pulling the bag back.) Those are actually for me.

KEITH: Uh, there are two.

JULES: I know. (Pulls out a bar.) Energy bar’s for you. Trust me (Smiles) you’re gonna need it.

(Throws it at him.)



(Peyton throws CDs on top of each other and turns around. Karen walks up into the club and Peyton smiles.)

PEYTON: Oh hey! You look beat.

KAREN: Oh, I was up all night. First college paper.

PEYTON: (Laughs) What are you doing here? Go home. (Turns around with some CDs.) Sleep.

KAREN: (Smile fading.) We need to talk.

PEYTON: (Smiles at her.) OK. (Turns her head back.)

KAREN: Haley told me about the dr*gs.

(Peyton stops and freezes, looking straight ahead like a deer caught in headlights. Karen moves around to stand next to Peyton.)

KAREN: Opening night. (Peyton is looking extremely guilty.) This guy Rick was doing coke.

PEYTON: (Open-mouthed, realising Karen doesn’t know it all.) Oh, uh… yeah.

KAREN: Why didn’t you tell me?

PEYTON: (Pause) I don’t know. I’m sorry.

KAREN: Look, I know he’s got a lotta music connections and I know how important that is to you. (Peyton looks down.) But I won’t have dr*gs in my club Peyton!

PEYTON: (Whispering) Of course.

KAREN: And I don’t expect you to handle everything on your own… but you have to come to me if… anything like that ever happens again.

PEYTON: (Stares and then nods.) I will.

KAREN: Promise?

PEYTON: I promise.

KAREN: Good. (Pause while Peyton continues to look guilty.) You know you can always talk to me Peyton.

(Peyton looks down as Karen leaves.)



(Reflection against the car of Haley and Brooke approaching, arm in arm. Lucas drops the hood and they come into view.)

BROOKE: It’s another mechanic stripper! (Lucas stares.) No… (To Haley) just Lucas.

(Haley smiles.)

NATHAN: (Comes from the other side.) OK(!) Guess we’re off.

HALEY: (Claps and walks to Nathan.) Alright! Well go… whoever they are!

NATHAN: Bobcats Haley(!)

HALEY: Alright, well, I love bobcats. They’re so cute.

NATHAN: You’re such a girl.

HALEY: I know. (They kiss.)

LUCAS: Can we go now? (Nathan gives Lucas a look.) You saw her, she’s back, let’s go(!)

NATHAN: Come on, man(!) Look, this is the first night we’ve spent apart since we got married. (Haley smiles and kisses him.)

BROOKE: Well…(shrugs) girls are having a slumber party.

LUCAS: Really?

NATHAN: Oh, that’s cool. (Looks down at Haley.) So you won’t be alone tonight.


NATHAN: What’re you gonna do until then?

HALEY: Uh…Probably just gonna… hang out with Brooke. (Looks at Brooke, desperately hoping she’ll cover.) Right Brooke?

BROOKE: (Pauses for a moment.) Yeah(!) (Pause) Just us girls.

(Haley smiles but it isn’t real. It slips.)




(Peyton walks across the club.)

PEYTON: So, find anything good in the lost and found?! (Stops at the bar where Anna stands, looking through a box.)

ANNA: Not really(!)

(Peyton takes out a pink flower patterned shoe.)

PEYTON: OK. (Holds it up.) How wasted does one have to be to go home with one shoe. (Anna laughs.) It’s like, at what point do you look down at your foot and say ‘hmmm’.

ANNA: Eww, I was thinking the same thing about the two thongs in here. (Holds them out with the tips of her fingers before dropping them again.)

PEYTON: Eww, two thongs?! (Anna laughs.) Now that is what I call a successful club opening.

(The phone rings. Anna laughs and closes the box as Peyton gets out her phone.)

PEYTON: (Laughs as she answers her phone.) Hello?!

(Cut to Brooke who’s in her bedroom on the carpet with a lot of beauty essentials spread around her.)

BROOKE: What’s so funny?

PEYTON: (Through the phone.) oh, hey Brooke. Are you missing any underwear?

BROOKE: (Amused) What!?

PEYTON: (Through the phone, laughing.) Nothing. Anna’s just helping me clean out TRIC.

BROOKE: Thanks for the phone call. (Drops nail varnish into the basket.)

(Cut back to the club.)

PEYTON: What, did you really wanna get up and work this morning?

(Cut to Brooke’s house.)

BROOKE: (Drops more things into the basket.) OK, good point. Well, tonight; Haley doesn’t have a husband, I don’t have a bed, so we’re having a slumber party.

(Cut to the club.)

PEYTON: Oh, how retro.

(Cut to Brooke’s bedroom.)

BROOKE: I KNOW! You bring the music and your ouija board, I’m bringing the beauty arsenal. (Puts more things into the basket.)

(Cut to the club.)

PEYTON: How about Anna? (Anna looks at her before continuing to clean up.) Can I bring her too?

(Cut to Brooke.)

BROOKE: Whatever. Nine o’clock. (Hangs up the phone and puts more things into the basket.)



(Nathan and Lucas drive by in the newly fixed up car.)



NATHAN: (Smiles) This car runs great, man.

LUCAS: (Looks at Nathan.) Yeah, not bad right?

NATHAN: The best part is; Dan had nothing to do with it. (Lucas laughs.) Do need to replace this tape deck though.

LUCAS: Oh, god, definitely. (Reaches into his bag.) But, for now, I got my…(Holds it up.) trusty IPod and cassette adaptor.

NATHAN: Nice(!) Fire it up.

LUCAS: (Presses the eject button to take the tape out. Nothing happens.) It’s stuck(!)

NATHAN: What? (Lucas looks at him.) You telling me you didn’t check the stereo before we left?

LUCAS: (Affronted) I was busy working on the engine.

(Nathan smiles and Lucas presses play. A really strange tune plays.)

SINGER: #A holiday, (Lucas raises an eyebrow and Nathan looks at him.)

A holiday

NATHAN: What is this?

SINGER: Is the best day,

LUCAS: I have no idea.

SINGER: An ice-cream day, (Nathan looks at the tape deck.)

I am only happy,

(Lucas scowls, slightly amused.)

SINGER: When I have,

A holi-



(Karen runs across the ground with her assignment in her hands.)

ANDY: I thought I was gonna have to fail you.

KAREN: (Panting) I know(!) (Gives him her assignment.) it’s been one of those days.

ANDY: (Touching her cheek.) You’re flushed.

KAREN: Well I ran all the way form the parking lot. And um… I’m a little nervous.

ANDY: Bout the paper?

KAREN: (Looks at it.) That too. (Smiles.)

(She looks around to make sure nobody’s watching and then kisses Andy on the cheek. They smile.)

ANDY: Well look, the paper’s in now. So um… how bout dinner tonight? (They walk.) I know this great place. And we past the hotdog stage.

KAREN: I like the hotdog stage.

ANDY: I know. That’s why I liked you. (She laughs.) I’m ready for an upgrade if you are.

KAREN: (Nods) OK, tonight.

ANDY: Good, so it’s a date then.



(Jules lies on Keith’s lap as they watch TV.)

KEITH: Where did you come from?

JULES: (Smiles and sits up.) Me?

KEITH: (Quietly) Yeah.

JULES: Durham. (Sighs) Got a husband and three kids there.

KEITH: No, I’m serious. (She laughs.) We never talk about you.

JULES: (Smiles) What can I say? I’m from the Midwest, I like my parents, I sell real-estate now and again and uh… oh, I have terrible taste in guys. (They laugh.) There is… one thing you should know about me though. (Seriously.) Very important.

KEITH: (A little worried.) OK.

JULES: (Pause) I’m starving! (They giggle and hug.)



(Peyton and Anna get to Haley and Nathan’s apartment door and find it open. Peyton gapes as she pushes it the rest of the way and walks in, Anna at her heals.)

PEYTON: OK, that’s weird. (Whispering) Haley?(!)

(Peyton flips the switch, lighting the room. It’s a mess. The light is on the floor and the cushions are everywhere.)

PEYTON: Oh my god(!)

(Peyton drops her bag and the games and Anna takes a baseball bat out of the rack beside the door. She gives it to Peyton.)

PEYTON: (Talking quietly but forcefully.) OK, I think you should know I have a bat(!)

ANNA: And, we dialled 911.

PEYTON: (Looks at Anna.) Yeah, that too.

(Anna holds onto Peyton’s arm as Peyton signals that they move into the house. They walk quietly to the bedroom door.)

PEYTON: (Quietly) OK, on the count of three. (Holding the bat at the ready.)

ANNA: One… two… three(!)

(They push the door open and Brooke screams. She’s in Nathan and Haley’s bed with Felix. Peyton screams as does Anna.)

PEYTON: Brooke!

BROOKE: Peyton!

FELIX: Anna!

ANNA: Argh, my eyes! I’m blind! (She quickly moves away from the doorway.)

(Peyton glares at Brooke, Brooke groans and covers herself with the covers and Felix smiles. Peyton sighs and leaves the room. The camera freezes on Brooke and Felix still in the bed.)



(Camera focuses on the TRIC logo and pans to Karen standing behind the bar. Rick walks to her.)

RICK: Hey, I’m looking for Karen.

KAREN: That’s me. (He nods.) You’re Rick.

RICK: (Nods again.) Yeah, what can I do for you?

KAREN: You could stay the hell away from TRIC. (He straightens up.) You’re not welcome here. (Rick scoffs.) I won’t have dr*gs in my club.

RICK: Yeah, well you won’t have any customers either. (Karen isn’t wavered.) I control every major band on this circuit. You cut me off, you’re cutting off your talent.

KAREN: (Angrily) We’ll be fine! And by the way, the place was full of kids. What’s wrong with you? (A bouncer appears behind Rick.)

RICK: (Scoffs again.) Dumb move lady.

KAREN: (He leaves.) (To herself.) Actually, it’s the smartest move I’ve made all day.

(The bouncer glares at Rick and shows him out. Karen smiles.)



(Peyton pours a glass of water and sets it in front of Anna.)

BROOKE: (o.s) What do you want from me? OK, I have no bed and rope burns are so last season(!) (Sits on the stool.)

PEYTON: I don’t know Brooke; backseats, hot tubs, closets. You’ve never had a problem before(!)

BROOKE: We were horny OK?

ANNA: (Groans) Eww.

BROOKE: (Looks at Anna for a second and the back to Peyton.) Just promise me you won’t tell Haley.

PEYTON: You are so washing the sheets.

BROOKE: Yeah(!) (Nods)

(Felix comes from the back room.)

FELIX: OK, who saw me naked?

ANNA: I said ewww! Sister in the room, hello!

(Felix picks up a tub of one of Brooke’s beauty essentials.)

FELIX: (Teasing) Huh, hey, I this gonna work for me? You know, coz I got that (Rubs his cheek.) combination skin.

BROOKE: (Gets up and pushes him.) No, you have to go! Go!

FELIX: Hey, whatever you say. Just give me a second to get my stuff.

(Brooke turns and puts the tub back. Peyton glares at Brooke and Anna doesn’t know what to do.)

BROOKE: (To Anna, cattily.) Hi(!) I’m Brooke. We haven’t officially been introduced… but you’re dating my ex boyfriend and I’m sleeping with your brother so it looks like we have a lot in common.

ANNA: (Unsure) Yeah.

PEYTON: (Warningly) Brooke(!)

BROOKE: Oh, And you’re Peyton’s new best friend. (Peyton sighs and looks away.) Sorry, I forgot that part.

(Peyton sh**t Brooke a look, Anna doesn’t know where to look and Brooke just stares. Suddenly, water is heard running from the bathroom. Brooke turns, shocked, in the general direction.)

PEYTON: Is that the shower? (Brooke gapes.) Unbelievable(!)

(Peyton stands.)

FELIX: (From the shower.) Oo, that water is hot and so is Felix,

Oo, the water is wet and so is –



(Music plays and Haley stands, with earphones, in front of a microphone, waiting for her part to come. She’s slightly nervous.)

HALEY: #Dancing when the stars go blue,

Dancing where the evening fell, (She shows

Dancing in my wooden shoes,

I a wedding go –

(Chris appears and stops the music.)

CHRIS: Alright Haley, hold up. I’m just not feeling it.

(Haley sighs and takes the earphones off.)

CHRIS: Hold up a second OK? (Comes into the recording room.) Alright Haley, listen. A lot of girls can see on-key OK? (She collapses onto a chair.) I’m gonna need something a little bit more from you alright? Something… a bit further south than your brain. You know what I saying? Listen, it’s not about technique. It’s about giving me something of yourself. Something that no one else gets to see. You can’t play it safe in here Haley, I’m not gonna let you.

HALEY: OK, well, I’m trying(!)

CHRIS: No you’re not!

HALEY: Yes I am!

CHRIS: No you’re not, you’re really close to something. You know, and you’ve got the talent but for some reason, you won’t go there. (He walks around her.) If you won’t go there, (shrugs) maybe you’re just wasting my time.

HALEY: (Stares at him and then caves.) (Whispers) OK.

CHRIS: Come here.

(She stands up and sighs.)

CHRIS: (To the woman controlling the music.) Play it back. (She walks over to the controls.) Put me in this time. (The music plays.) Just follow along OK? (Haley nods.)

HALEY: (Whispers) OK. (Sighs)

(The music starts and the camera pans down before cutting back to them.)

CHRIS: # Laughing with your pretty mouth,#

(To Haley.) Try this one now.

HALEY: # Laughing with your, broken eyes,

CHRIS: OK, yeah.

# Laughing with your, lovers song,

HALEY: (Lovers song)

TOGETHER: In a lullaby,

CHRIS: Alright, now sing with me on this one Hale.

TOGETHER: Where do you go when you’re lonely, (She looks at the sheet but he takes it from her.)

Where do you go when you’re blue.

HALEY: Where do you go when you’re lonely,

Where do you go when you’re blue, (Chris smiles.)

TOGETHER: Where do you go when you’re lonely,

I’ll follow you,

Haley: Follow you,

CHRIS: Follow you,

HALEY: Follow you.#




(Close up of Brooke using a burner to burn a marshmallow on a metal rod. Peyton closes a cupboard, turns and sighs.)

PEYTON: What the hell is Felix doing in there?

BROOKE: I dunno. (shrugs) Shaving?

(Anna mixes something in a bowl.)

PEYTON: What, his legs? He’s been in there forever.

BROOKE: (Smiling) Yeah, cos your look is so wash and go.

PEYTON: (Pulls a face.) Heh(!)

BROOKE: Heh(!) (They smile and make more faces.)

(All three look to the door as it opens and Haley walks in.)

HALEY: Hey you guys.

PEYTON: (Guilt written all over her face.) Oh! Haley!


HALEY: (Taking her coat off.) Smells good.

PEYTON: (Trying to stall.) Where you been?

HALEY: Nowhere, I’m just gonna go take a shower. (Takes her tops off as she heads to the bathroom.)


PEYTON: Haley?!

(There’s a moment where the door opens and Anna, Peyton and Brooke wait. Then suddenly, Haley screams. Brooke cringes. Haley comes running back on-screen, her top still on.)

HALEY: (Stops and looks at the three of them.) What?(!) (Points to the door.) Ah! (She runs to them and hisses as she waits for Felix to emerge.)

(Felix exits, a towel around his waist, using another one to dry his hair.)

FELIX: Ahh… I love slumber parties. (Smiles)

(Anna looks down. Haley and Peyton look at Brooke while Brooke scowls. Felix rubs his hair, smiling.)



(Andy is sitting at the bar, drinking. Karen comes up behind him.)

KAREN: I’m not always late. (Kisses him on the cheek.) I promise.

ANDY: No worries. (She sits.) You’re worth the wait.

KAREN: Thank you.

(Keith and Jules show up next to them. Jules is laughing at something Keith just said. Karen sees him and her eyes widen.)

KAREN: Keith!

(Jules and Keith look at the pair, Andy turns and looks at them.)

KEITH: Karen.

(An uncomfortable silence follows, punctuated by exchanged looks.)

JULES: (Waves at Andy.) Hi.

ANDY: Hi. (More silence.)

JULES: So… this sucks huh?

(Karen smiles stiffly.)

JULES: What. (Pause) What the hell, I got first round. (Keith smiles.) Drinks?

KAREN: (Quickly) Yes!

(Andy looks between the two. Karen smiles again.)

KEITH: Yeah. (Holds a finger up for service.)



(Nathan and Lucas are in Charlotte. They are driving across the busy roads.)

NATHAN: Charlotte Bobcats, here we come.



(The camera focuses on the lit sign showing ‘CHARLOTTE BOBCATS’ with a cat as a mascot. The mascot, dressed in a red cat suit, rides a tiny motorcycle across the court. The players do back flips, stretches and sh**t hoops before the game actually begins. Cheerleaders cheer and Nathan and Lucas find their seats.)

(They smiles as the lit signs blink, flash and change. The sign says ‘MAKE SOME NOISE’. Lucas puts both arms up, he’s the only one doing it, and Nathan claps.)

(The game gets underway. Nathan and Lucas watch and clap as the players score basket after basket.)

LUCAS: (As one team scores.) Oh!

(More playing. Basket after basket is scored and it is obvious that the Bobcats are winning.)

LUCAS: That could be you someday. Well… actually, it could be me. You’re not good enough.

(They laugh as the game continues and the Bobcats score another one. Nathan and Lucas make some noise. Lucas shakes his head, impressed.)

NATHAN: D’you see that?!

(Camera follows ‘Okafor’ run across the court.)



(Brooke, with a nose strip on, finishes putting the face mask on Haley and Haley frowns.)

HALEY: You know, I’m just not clear on this. So the shower at your house is broken and you (Looks at Anna.) had to have Felix come all the way over here and use mine?

ANNA: (Paining her toenails.) Um…

BROOKE: (Nods) Uh-huh.

PEYTON: Brooke(!)

(Brooke looks at Peyton and makes a ‘shut up!’ face. Peyton make one right back.)

HALEY: Wait a second. Y-you don’t have a bed do you? (Getting it as Brooke looks guilty as hell.) Did you… tell me you didn’t have sex in my bed. Brooke. (Brooke’s mouth stays open for a little too long.)

BROOKE: I’m already washing your sheets.

HALEY: (Looking like she’s going to retch any second.) Oh my god(!) Eurgh! Brooke! Eurgh!

BROOKE: They already yelled at me, what is the big deal?!

HALEY: The big deal is that first of all; you did not thank me for helping you with the CDs. (Brooke opens her mouth to protest.) Second of all; you had sex IN MY BED! (Brooke point to Haley’s bedroom but can’t get a word in.) And third; you ate all the brownies.

(Brooke puts a piece in her mouth.)

ANNA: Actually, I had a couple.

HALEY: (Looking at Brooke but pointing at Anna.) That’s not the point.

(Anna frowns and continues with her nails.)

BROOKE: (Smugly) Haley’s right. The point id that I’ve been deceptive. It’s not so much that… I lied to anyone’s face. (Talking pointedly at Haley, Haley scowls.) It’s more about what I didn’t say.

HALEY: (Throws her head back and groans.) Urgh! OK. There is a big difference between a lie and a little white lie.

BROOKE: Really!

HALEY: Yeah!

PEYTON: (Lifting her green gel eye mask.) OK, wait, what white lie?

HALEY: Nothing!

BROOKE: (Standing) Haley lied to Nathan!

HALEY: (Standing) Not exactly!

BROOKE: Yes you did(!)

PEYTON: About what?!

HALEY: Nothing.

PEYTON: Haley.

HALEY: (Turning to Peyton.) You know what, if we’re talking about bad behaviour, you might wanna sit this one out! (Brooke scowls at Peyton.)

PEYTON: (Standing from the couch and approaching.) What is that supposed to mean?

HALEY: That’s supposed to mean that Peyton’s the one you should be looking at, not me.

(Anna watches from the couch, intrigued.)

BROOKE: Why?! She not the one acting like a perfect-little-Stepford-wife(!)

HALEY: (Outraged) Oh!

ANNA: Why are you picking on Haley? She’s throwing us a slumber party.

BROOKE: Actually, she was throwing us a slumber party, (Points at Anna.) you just butted in!



HALEY: What’re you gonna do? Snort her?

(Brooke looks shocked and Peyton gasps.)

HALEY: Listen, I didn’t throw this slumber party for you, you threw it for yourself and (Points at Brooke.) you know it!

BROOKE: Well, at least I didn’t lie to my husband about hanging out with Chris!


HALEY: Brooke, well… Peyton did cocaine with that Rick guy.

PEYTON: Haley!

BROOKE: (Turns to Peyton outraged.) WHAT!

PEYTON: (To Brooke.) You had sex in her bed!

ANNA: (Trying to bring calm.) OK –



BROOKE: (Turns to Haley, pointing.) LIAR!

(Haley grabs Brooke’s nose strip and rips it off. Brooke yells, Peyton screams and Anna laughs.)

ANNA: Man, Tree Hill’s got some drama. (Open another nail varnish bottle.)

(Peyton, Brooke and Haley exchange furious looks.)



(The stadium is clearing out but Nathan and Lucas stand there, smiling. Lucas with his hands behind his head and Nathan rubbing his hands.)

LUCAS: That was awesome.

NATHAN: Yeah. It was man.

LUCAS: You know, if you want to drive back tonight man, I’m so wired I’m not gonna go to sleep for hours.

NATHAN: (Looking shifty.) No, nah it’s cool.

LUCAS: Oh come on. You can see Hales, I can… crash the slumber party. (Laughs)

NATHAN: Nah, we can’t. Gotta stay the night.

LUCAS: OK. (Pause) Why?

NATHAN: This trip wasn’t just about the game. (Looks at Lucas.) There’s something else.

(Nathan sighs and Lucas knows that it’s serious. Lucas nods.)



(Andy and Karen walk through the dark kitchen with wine glasses in hand.

KAREN: Sorry about dinner.

ANDY: Oh please. (Karen chuckles.) I’m hoping to break bread with all your ex boyfriends.

KAREN: (Pause) He wasn’t my boyfriend.

ANDY: (Smiles) And yet he asked you to marry him. Interesting. Seems like a nice guy though.

KAREN: He is. (Stops and looks up at a painting hanging about his fireplace.) Wow.

ANDY: You like?

KAREN: What’s not to like? You know, I have this print too.

ANDY: (Looks at her. Beat, before pointing at it.) It’s not a print.

KAREN: (Eyes widen and she gasps.) Oh(!) (Andy smiles at looks at it again.) Well, I feel like I’m back in Italy.

ANDY: Yeah. I have a house there too. You wanna go? (Karen laughs.) I could blow off school for a week. (Karen yawns unexpectedly.) Or not(!) Is it my company?

KAREN: (Quickly) Oh, no, god it’s the paper. I… kinda pulled an all-nighter.

ANDY: Spoken like a true co-ed. (Smiles and nods.) Since you mentioned it though, come here. (Karen follows him to his office.) Let’s just take care of this right now shall we? (Takes off his jacket.)

KAREN: (Laughs) Oh boy(!)

(He smiles, dumps his jacket and leans to the pile of assignments on his desk.)

ANDY: Let’s see uh, (Flips through them until he sees Karen’s.) right. (Pulls in out and puts it in front of him. He takes a red marker and writes ‘A’ in capital letters.)

(He picks it up and shows it to her. Karen’s smile drops as she sees what he did.)

ANDY: Congratulations. (He kisses her.)

(Karen looks at it for a long time.)

ANDY: You need more wine. Stay put, get comfortable. (He starts to head for the kitchen.)

KAREN: (Her back to him.) You know, I think I should probably go. (Still looking at it.)

(Andy turns back. She looks up, hurt reflected in her eyes.)

ANDY: Why?

KAREN: (Looks at it again.) I just… (She walks to him, slams her assignment against his chest and walks away angrily.)

ANDY: Karen!



(The stadium is now empty except for Nathan and Lucas. They sit a quarter of the way up on of the bleachers.)

NATHAN: You know about Dan’s heart condition. It’s called HCM and it’s genetic.

LUCAS: (Nods knowingly.) Which means we might have it.

NATHAN: Yeah. This is serious Luke. It’s common among athletes too.

LUCAS: (Nods, troubled.) What do we do?

NATHAN: Well, first of all; if we have it, that’s it for basketball. Or any sport really.

LUCAS: But what does this have to do with Charlotte?

NATHAN: Well the test costs a thousand bucks. There’s a hospital here that does free student-athlete screenings once a month.

LUCAS: (Sighs and laughs.) And that’s tomorrow. (Nathan nods slightly.) And why didn’t you tell me about this upfront?

NATHAN: I dunno, I… I didn’t wanna ruin it; the game, the road trip… us hanging out. (They smile, Lucas nods.) We have appointments tomorrow morning.

LUCAS: Ah, come on man, what are the odds of us even having this thing anyway? Huh(!) (Smiles)

NATHAN: Fifty-fifty. (Lucas stops and looks at Nathan. Nathan looks at him.) One in two.

(Lucas looks at Nathan miserably. Shot of people cleaning the courts and chairs.)



(Peyton and Anna are sitting on the floor not doing much. Haley stands at the kitchen counter, depressed and with marshmallows and Brooke is sitting in a chair, reading a magazine. No one is saying anything.)

(Haley walks past Brooke, holding her marshmallow, a towel wrapped around her. She falls into the chair next to Brooke and sighs.)

HALEY: (Not looking at Brooke.) I’m sorry I freaked out on you about the bed. At least I have one. (Brooke still looks sad. Haley looks at her.)

BROOKE: (Pouting) I’m sorry I called you a liar. (Haley smiles.) You fibbed to Nathan; it’s not a big deal.

HALEY: No, it-it is a big deal.

BROOKE: (Pause before talking to the room at large.) OK, cease fire! (Anna and Peyton look before putting down CDs and standing.) Girl talk.

(Haley lies down in the couch and Brooke taps her on the leg.)

BROOKE: Come on.

HALEY: I should have told Nathan that I was gonna be with Chris (Peyton and Anna join them on the couch.) and I don’t know why I didn’t cos, like, the words started coming out of my mouth and then it was just… too late to take it back.

PEYTON: OK, you don’t have feeling for Chris, do you?

HALEY: (Smiling honestly.) No. It’s just the first time I’ve ever wanted something for me. It’s not for my parents, it’s not for Nathan, it’s just... for me and Chris can… help me get it.

PEYTON: (Smiles) So… what’s wrong with that?

HALEY: Exactly! I-I don’t know why I should feel embarrassed for saying that I know what I want and I’m gonna go after it like…

ANNA: (Sadly) Like a guy.

(Everyone looks at Anna.)

HALEY: Nathan never apologises or… or lies for what he wants. I mean… I don’t know why I feel like I had to.

BROOKE: Haley, trust me, you can go after what you want and still be a girl.

HALEY: I know. I totally know and that why this is so stupid(!) (Anna nods and Peyton looks down.)

BROOKE: On the topic of stupid, (Sits up and sighs as she looks at Peyton.) cocaine, P. Sawyer?

PEYTON: (Sadly) I’m an idiot.

BROOKE: (Shakes her head slightly.) Well you’re not gonna do it again, right?

PEYTON: No! No. Um… I don’t want to. But… (Anna looks, Haley’s sad and Brooke waits.) I’m not going to.

BROOKE: OK. (Nods)

(Peyton nods.)

HALEY: I’m really sorry. (Peyton looks up.) Sorry I just blurted that out. I… (Shakes head) I should have talked to you about it at the club but I just… I just didn’t wanna handle it.

PEYTON: No. It’s um… It’s my fault. But I just… really want us all to be… good enough friends that we can talk about stuff. You know? Even when it’s ugly… especially then.

HALEY: (Softly) Yeah.

(Shot of Brooke still sad. She sticks her hand out to Peyton and she takes it. Peyton smiles but it’s sad and she’s close to tears.)



(Fans queue up outside of the stadium, behind metal railings, waiting for the stars to come out. Nathan and Lucas walk down, past the groups of people and stop at some railings.)

LUCAS: So just like that? Get the test, find out we can never play again.

NATHAN: (He’s holding a red jersey.) Yep. (A camera goes off. Lucas laughs.) What?

LUCAS: It’s just Dan! You know?!

NATHAN: Oh, tell me about it. I can emancipate myself all I want but… the guy still finds a way to control my life. (Lucas smiles and shakes his head.)

(Okafor comes down to where Nathan and Lucas are standing.)

NATHAN: (Holding out his jersey.) Hey, Emeka, you played a great game man.

OKAFOR: (Takes the jersey.) Thanks.

LUCAS: So, how does it feel to be out there? You know, finally making it to the league.

OKAFOR: (Looks at them for a beat.) It was a dream-come-true. (Signs the jersey.) What I was born to do. You guys play?

LUCAS and NATHAN: (Both nod.) Yeah.

LUCAS: We love it.

OKAFOR: (To Lucas.) You gotta bulk up a little bit if you wanna play in the league.

(Lucas laughs.)

NATHAN: (Smiling.) Yeah, he’s skinny.

OKAFOR: (To Nathan.) You too.

(Nathan freezes and looks at Lucas who makes a ‘ha ha’ noise and covers his mouth.)

NATHAN: Yeah, well he’s got no left.

LUCAS: (Looking ‘up’ at Nathan.) You got no range.

NATHAN: (Frowns) What(!)

(Okafor laughs and shakes his head.)

OKAFOR: Please tell me you guys aren’t team mates.

(Nathan stares open-mouthed as he takes his jersey back.)

LUCAS: Nah, it’s worse; we’re brothers.

OKAFOR: Right, well, (Pats Lucas’ shoulder.) you guys… roll strong and hit those weights.

NATHAN: Thanks man.

(Nathan and Lucas look at the jersey that Okafor signed.)



(Peyton, Brooke and Anna are on the floor amidst a lot of pillows and duvets.)

PEYTON: OK, so… are we going to talk about your little ‘arrangement’ with Felix? The ‘Friends with Benefits’ thing.

ANNA: (Looking down.) Do we have to? It’s kinda foul. (Haley appears with a bowl of heaped popcorn.)

BROOKE: What’s foul about it? I mean, besides… Haley’s linens.

(Haley, Anna and Peyton makes equal sounds of disgust. Peyton slaps Brooke’s leg.)

PEYTON: Come on!

BROOKE: Sorry(!)

PEYTON: No. But seriously, like, I know you’re gonna give me your whole… ‘I can have sex like a guy’ speech but… its crap.

BROOKE: (Defensive) Why? You think I’m gonna let myself get hurt again?

PEYTON: I dunno, maybe.

BROOKE: At least I’m having sex. I d-

PEYTON: Yeah, with a guy that doesn’t even respect you enough to have a real relationship with you. (Turning to Anna.) Anna, I’m… I’m really sorry, OK, but everything is on Felix’s terms.

BROOKE: I gave him the Writer so they’re my terms.

PEYTON: But it was his idea!

(Brooke looks away saddened.)

HALEY: Brooke? Don’t you wanna fall in love?

BROOKE: Yeah, I do. Some day, OK?

HALEY: (Soberly) Why not now?

(Peyton looks at Brooke.)

BROOKE: Look, Tutor Wife, I love you but if it was up to you, we’d all be getting our marriage licence with our drivers licence and I-

HALEY: I’m not talking about marriage. I’m just talking about… falling in love.

BROOKE: And I’m tired of feeling bad! OK? I’d rather feel nothing. It’s… better, it’s easier.

PEYTON: (Interrupting) No. it is not better Brooke! Like… it’s not you! Ok, I admire you so much for the chances you take but… this just doesn’t seem like you. (Brooke looks on, sad.) It’s less than you.

BROOKE: It’s just about sex-

PEYTON: OK, we both know… sex is never just sex.

ANNA: I love my brother but there is a double standard for girls and there always will be.

BROOKE: Yeah, and I’m saying screw the double standard!

ANNA: That’s good Brooke. You should say it. And so should I and every other girl who is tired of playing their game… by their rules. Don’t be too fat… or too thin or too… dark or too light… don’t be too sexual or too chased or too smart or too dumb! Be yourself. (Looking sardonic.) But make sure you fit in.

(Everyone looks around, not talking, speechless. The camera pans for a bit.)



(Shot of framed pictures of a younger Lucas. The phone rings. Karen answers it.)

KAREN: Hello?

ANDY: Whatever I did, I’m sorry.

KAREN: (Sighs) Look, Andy, I’m exhausted and I don’t wanna say something I might regret.

ANDY: Obviously I already have. Let me come over.

KAREN: No(!) It’s late and by the time you get here… (Shakes head.) No.

(There a tap at her window. She turns and sees Andy standing there. Hanging up the phone, she opens the door. Andy walks in, her assignment in hand and no phone in sight.)

ANDY: Now I’ve been trying to figure out what happened and, uh, I’ve narrowed it down to, like, this paper or… I don’t know; you’re psychotic or something. (Karen looks at him.) And I don’t think you’re psychotic.

KAREN: (Still upset, takes the paper.) Yu didn’t even read it and you gave me an ‘A’! In your bedroom!

ANDY: I did read it.

KAREN: Then you should know it doesn’t deserve an ‘A’! I mean, I banged this out in one night; it is practically my first draft!

ANDY: Karen(!)

KAREN: Look, Andy, (Pause) This is important to me! Going to school, (Pause) and I have to know that I can do this and I’m not gonna compromise it by seeing you. I can’t!

ANDY: Your paper is good Karen! And you instincts are great! OK, so maybe you haven’t memorised every stupid text book principle but you already… have two successful businesses up and running, right now.

KAREN: Yeah, but I was rushed, I was distracted!

ANDY: OK, so maybe it isn’t gonna be as hard as you think. Maybe being a-a mom and a business woman has prepared you for this in ways that you don’t even recognise. And maybe… maybe you just need to have a bit more confidence. (Stops and takes a deep breath.) In yourself… and in me. (Karen looks at him, deflated.) Now I’ll have one of my colleagues grade that paper if that’s what you want. (Pause) But you deserve that ‘A’ Karen. (Pause) And I know how important that is to you, I-I know. (Steps closer.) I would never do anything to compromise that.

(Karen rushes forward and kisses him.)

ANDY: Lucas home?

KAREN: (Whispering) No, he’s in Charlotte for the night.

ANDY: (Looks at her for a second.) Where’s this print of yours?

KAREN: It’s in my bedroom, it’s in my bedroom. (Drags him to her bedroom while kissing him.)



(Jules and Keith sit on the floor, in front of the open refrigerator with food and bowls spread around them.)

KEITH: (Opens a beer bottle.) Some night, huh?

JULES: It was pretty great wasn’t it?

KEITH: No, it was awful. (Jules laughs.) But… somehow, with you it wasn’t so awful.

JULES: Awww, you’re such a sweetie.

KEITH: I just… I feel so much better… lighter somehow.

JULES: (Smiles) Good. (Pours cereal, on top of her ice-cream, in a bowl.) Cos you’re gonna need room… for my strawberry ice-cream and coco pebbles.

KEITH: (Looks at the concoction.) Yikes.

(She holds out a spoonful to him.)


(Brooke feeding Anna some ice-cream.)

BROOKE: OK, I’ve never had a problem that ice-cream couldn’t solve, and I’ve had some problems.

HALEY: (Shuts the refrigerator, syrup in her hands.) OK, I’ve never had a slumber party (Puts the syrup on the table.) so I’m gonna say this (Uses a remote to turn the music on.) sob-fest is over!

PEYTON: Alright, we’ll see, what d’ya wanna do?

HALEY: (Smacking Peyton from behind with a pillow.) Pillow fight!

PEYTON: (Pauses, eyes wide.) Oh, it is on now! (Turns and runs for a pillow, Haley hits her again.)

(Peyton takes Haley down. Brooke and Anna join in and they have an all out pillow w*r. The popcorn goes flying, pillows tear and feathers go flying everywhere.)

HALEY: Oh, my head!

(More pillows tear and happy screams fill the room.)

PEYTON: Oh my… god!

(they all collapse and Brooke looks up happily as feathers come down around her.)



(Lucas lies down on the bed. Nathan is in his own bed and the room is dark.)

LUCAS: (Sighs twice. Looks at Nathan) Sleeping?

NATHAN: (Pause) No.

LUCAS: I keep thinking about Haley. (Pause) She must be scared about all this.

NATHAN: (Pause) I haven’t told her yet.

(Lucas and Nathan look at each other before turning back and looking at the ceiling.)

NATHAN: (Sighs) Till I get the test results and figure out what I’m gonna do… I wanna protect her. She’ll probably be pissed about that but… I think it’s for the best.

(Birdseye view of Nathan and Lucas lying in their respective beds.)





(Nathan sits on the doctor’s chair as he sticks heart monitors to Nathan’s chest. Nathan looks down and watches him.)

DOCTOR: We’ll do this first, then you go for the blood test. (Nathan nods.) Just relax. (Turns to the monitor.)

LUCAS: (Worriedly) You OK?

NATHAN: Yeah, you?

LUCAS: (Looks away.) Yeah, just… thinking about my life. Basketball’s such a… big part Nate. I… I don’t wanna give it up.

NATHAN: (Shrugs) I felt the same way before I got married. Basketball was the most important thing to me… it was the only thing. (Pause) But now Haley is. (Smiles) And I owe it to her to find out.

(Lucas smiles.)

DOCTOR: (Turns back.) OK, go ahead and lie back. (Nathan lies back on the chair. The doctor is holding an internal scanner in one hand.) (To Lucas.) You’re next. (He puts the scanner right on Nathan’s heart and looks at the screen. Nathan looks down at it.)

LUCAS: (Anxious before saying, resolutely.) I’m sorry… (Nathan looks at him, startled.) I don’t wanna know. (Looks at the doctor and then at Nathan before turning to the door. He opens it and is half way out before he turns to look at Nathan for a long moment. He turns and exits, closing the door behind himself.)

(Nathan looks at the door.)




(Nathan and Lucas are back in the car and heading for Tree Hill.)

NATHAN: It’s a big risk, Luke, not taking this test. (Lucas is looking out of the window.) You know the odds.

LUCAS: And what about the risk of never feeling alive again?

NATHAN: As opposed to never being alive again? (Looks at Lucas.)

(Lucas shakes his head, smiling sardonically.)

NATHAN: There’s more to life than sports. Trust me.

LUCAS: After my accident I promised myself… (Shakes his head.) I wouldn’t be afraid anymore.

NATHAN: (Looks at him sympathy written all over his face.) Of dying?

LUCAS: (Looks at him.) Yeah(!) Dying… living too.

(Nathan looks at him. There’s no way he can argue.)



(Karen is in her bed, asleep. She turns around and bumps into Andy. He’s in her bed with his chest uncovered and his arms about his head.)

KAREN: Oh! I’m sorry. (Laughing) I’m not used to having someone else in my bed.

ANDY: (Smiles and sighs happily.) Sleep well?

KAREN: (Makes a noise of assent.) Like a baby. (Looks at him.)

ANDY: What?

KAREN: I dunno, you just… you seemed more attractive last night. Huh, must have been the wine. (Makes to turn around.)

ANDY: (Props himself up on an elbow.) Is that right?

KAREN: (Laughs) Yeah.

ANDY: That’s too bad, you’re stuck with me. (Puts his hand under the cover to tickle her.)

KAREN: (Laughing) No, oh. (Laughs) Oh I hope so! (They kiss.)

(The camera pans up to show the print of the painting in Andy’s house. It is from the ‘Leone Museum of Art’.)



(Jules opens Keith’s door and sneaks into his house, credit card and bag in hand.)

KEITH: (Coming into the shot.) OK, stop thief(!)

JULES: (Smiling) A thief break in to steal, (Ha laughs.) I break in with treats.

KEITH: Well… I’ve got something for you too.

JULES: I’m training you well.

(He pulls open a drawer and takes out a key, holding it out to her.)

JULES: Wow, a key.

KEITH: You can use it to come see me, or… burgle the place, (Shrugs) whatever.

JULES: (Turns slightly and smiles.) Big step!

KEITH: Oh well, it doesn’t have to mean anything. But it’ll keep my landlord from asking about the hot cat burglar who comes and goes. (Stops in front of her.) So to speak.

(Jules smiles and they kiss.)



(Birdseye view of Haley lying on the floor with feathers in her hair and on in her mouth. She fidgets and moans, opening her eyes and spitting the feather out disgustedly.)

HALEY: (Groaning) Oh… my gosh(!)

(Brooke sits on a stool at the kitchen counter, smirking at Haley, with a tub of ice-cream.)

HALEY: Urgh(!) Do you think there’s such a thing as a sugar hangover?

(Brooke shrugs and makes a slight noise before getting up.)

BROOKE: I think what you need is a little taste of the snake that bit ya(!) (Kneels in front of Haley, smiling.)

HALEY: Ice-cream for breakfast?

BROOKE: It’s Butter-pecan.

HALEY: (Smiles and gives in.) Alright. (Brooke gives her an extra spoon.)

(Brooke eats a bit.)

(Anna is standing on the balcony and Peyton approaches from behind with a cup of coffee.)

PEYTON: So… weird night, huh?

ANNA: Actually… it was fun. (Peyton smiles.) Thanks for inviting me Peyton. (Peyton nods) I was really worried about not making any friends here, but… I think… I might have made some good ones. (Peyton laughs.) And, if you ever need someone to talk to.

PEYTON: (Nods) Thanks Anna. I’m glad you came.

(Brooke and Haley also enter the balcony, Peyton sees them.)

PEYTON: Uh-oh(!) (Laughs)

BROOKE: (Walks to Anna.) So, neighbour girl… (Stops next to her.) Looks like we have a few things in common after all. I’m sorry I was kind of a witch before.

ANNA: (Smiles) It’s OK. It’s hard to let new people in sometimes. I’m used to it.

BROOKE: Well, don’t get too used to it. (Indicates Peyton and Haley.) You’re with us now.

(Peyton laughs and Anna smiles. Peyton pulls a feather out of Haley’s hair. She holds it out and blows it away. Haley blows too and Brooke uses her hand to waft it away. They laugh.)

PEYTON: (Messing Haley’s hair up.) You’re a mess!



(Nathan and Lucas are still on the road. There is a bit of tension between the two.)

LUCAS: (Frowning) I know you don’t understand what I’m doing, but I need to ask you a favour.

NATHAN: (Sighs and nods.) OK.

LUCAS: (Looks at Nathan.) If my mom ever asks, I got the test and I’m fine… and the same goes for Haley alright?

NATHAN: (Looks at him.) If that’s what you want.

LUCAS: Thanks.

(Nathan is obviously struggling with that. Lucas puts the music back on and Nathan smiles. They sing/talk along.)

SINGER: #Holiday,


It’s the best day,

It’s an ice0cream day,

(That camera pans up.)

NATHAN, LUCAS and SINGER: I am only happy,

When I have,

Holiday, holiday, holiday#



(Peyton and Brooke enter Peyton’s bedroom, laden down with games and whatnot. Brooke yawns. They groan as they unload onto Peyton’s. Peyton dumps her bag onto her computer chair and presses her answer phone button.)

ELECTRONIC VOICE: Saturday, nine thirty-two p.m.

RICK: Hey, TRIC, we need to talk. (Peyton’s eyes widen and Brooke’s head lifts.

ELECTRONIC VOICE: End of messages.

(Brooke looks at Peyton, Peyton turns away, mouth open.)



(Haley sits in the dark room with the laptop on, she’s listening to the song she and Chris recorded.)



(Chris and Haley stand in front of the microphone, singing.)

CHRIS and HALEY: #Where do you go when you’re lonely,

Where do you go when you’re blue,# (Chris snatches her papers and tosses it aside, pointing at the mic.)



(The song continues to play as Haley sits there, frowning, with her head propped up on one hand. The door opens and Nathan enters.)

HALEY: (Discreetly shutting the laptop.) My husband!

NATHAN: Hey(!) (Drops his bag and takes his shoulder bag off.) What was that?

HALEY: (Evasively) Oh, just a works in progress. (Waves it away.) I don’t want you to hear it yet. (She stands and walks around the counter.)

NATHAN: (Smiling) OK.

HALEY: Well? Did you have fun with Lucas? (Hugs him.)

NATHAN: (Pause) Yeah(!) Yeah, we had a great time.

HALEY: Good.

NATHAN: How bout you?

HALEY: Hmmm, good. (Kisses him and puts her head on his chest.) Really good. (She frowns, depressed, but he can’t see her.)

(Nathan smiles and rests his chin on her head.)



(Lucas walks into the kitchen, scratching his head.)

LUCAS: Mom!? I’m home! (He walks to her bedroom door and makes to knock but stops when he heard her inside, laughing. He frowns as he listens. He hears Andy’s voice inside and smiles while any normal kid would be emotionally scarred. He back away from the door.)

KAREN: (From inside the bedroom.) Roe. Yes professor?



(Felix stands in front if his mirror, messing with his gelled hair. Ana comes up behind him and he sees her in the reflection. She crosses her arms and stops at the doorjamb.)

FELIX: (Smiling) Hey, how was the slumber party?

ANNA: (Smiles) As a matter of fact, it was great. Not thank to you.

FELIX: (Frowning slightly.) What?(!)

ANNA: You caused a lot of problems Felix.

FELIX: Ah, they’ll get over it. (Looks down.)

ANNA: You know, Felix, you do this everywhere we go. (He turns to her.) And girls fall for it because they think that you’re cute… or funny or that they’ll actually… get something out of it… other than a bad reputation. (Felix scowls at her and turns back to the mirror.) I like these people. (Pause) I like Brooke. (He looks at his twin through the mirror.) And I really don’t like you for not caring about her. (She turns and starts to walk away.)

FELIX: (Softly but honestly.) I do care about her. (Anna stops and turns back to him. He’s still looking at her through the mirror. Long pause.) I really… like her Anna. (Pause) For real, OK? (Anna looks on.) But it’s against the rules. I don’t know what to do.



(Brooke walks tiredly into her bedroom with a red pillow in one hand and covers in the other. She drops everything, including her bag, and looks at her single bed. There’s a throw pillow and some cover on the bed. She sits on it and falls down, the rest of the way, miserably. Sighing, she turns and looks straight ahead.)

(Camera pans up to her see-through yellow curtains.)



(That camera pans down from the sky to Lucas who stands on the court, sh**ting hoops. Nathan walks onto the court and Lucas catches his ball, stopping. He throws the basketball at Nathan. They look at each other as Nathan walks up to him.)

NATHAN: I got the test results back. (Lucas nods once, waiting nervously.) I’m fine.

(Lucas continues to look at Nathan and nods. There’s a long pause.)

LUCAS: One in two right?

(Nathan nods slightly and Lucas loses even the tiniest of smiles. Nathan gives him his basketball back and Lucas accepts it.)