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02x12 - Between Order and Randomness

Posted: 02/15/05 03:18
by bunniefuu
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(The door opens to show Haley’s sister, Taylor, soaking wet with a low-cut halter top on.)

TAYLOR: (Hands on hips.) You’re Nathan, right?

NATHAN: (Squinting as he tries to recall.) Yeah, do I… do I know you?

TAYLOR: Well you should; I’m your sister-in-law.



(Nathan is standing with Lucas on the court as they have a brotherly bonding session.)

NATHAN: Dude, the thing is… when I saw her; I got that déjà vu thing.

LUCAS: So you probably saw her around school.

NATHAN: She was kinda the first girl I ever had sex with.



(Jules and Dan have just finished listening to the recording of Keith declaring his love for Jules.)

DAN: (Smiling smugly.) Nice work, Jules. Just like we planned. (Takes a sip of his lighter fluid *alcohol*.)



(Lucas is sitting at the dining table. Jules is standing on the other side as Lucas grilles her about her connection to Dan.)

LUCAS: What did Dan ask you to do?

JULES: Make Keith fall in love with me; (Pause) TheN break his heart.



(Karen is standing in Lucas’ bedroom having a screaming match with him as he refuses to take a test for a disease that could k*ll him.)

KAREN: Dan’s heart condition; is it genetic?

LUCAS: (Laying on his bed with a book.) Yes.

KAREN: You are taking the test(!)



(Anna is confessing to Lucas about her feelings for girls and guys.)

ANNA: There were these… rumours that got started. (Off Lucas’ face.) But the thing is, they were true.

LUCAS: What were the rumours?

ANNA: That I like girls.



(Anna sits on Peyton’s bed as she kisses her.)



LUCAS: (Sincerely) I won’t say anything.



(Chris and Haley stand on the platform; kissing.)

HALEY: I can’t do this.

CHRIS: (Annoyed) You’re not ready.

(Haley watches him leave and closes her eyes.)





(The camera zooms into the closed door, pans up and through the window. Lucas is in bed in his surprisingly empty bedroom. The clock radio turns on; signalling his need to wake up. Lucas moans and covers his head with his covers. Its 8:30am. A woven basket bangs onto the tabletop beside the clock radio and Lucas jumps slightly, turning.)

(Karen yanks the clock out of the wall and winds the cord around it.)

LUCAS: Mom, what’s going on?

KAREN: You wanna live in my house - against my rules?

(She and dumps it unceremoniously into the basket next to all of his other things which she has stripped the room of.)

KAREN: (Looks back at him and takes his CDs off the shelf.) You’re sure as hell not gonna be comfortable doing it. (Dumps the CDs in too.)

(She takes the basket and walks to the door.)

LUCAS: (Sighs) The heart test? (Sits up.)

(She turns to him.)

LUCAS: Look, I’m sorry mom, but this is my life.

KAREN: You know, if I’d been that selfish at your age, you might not be here right now(!)

LUCAS: (Scoffs) You can’t make me take this test, mom.

KAREN: (Walks to him with purpose.) Yeah, well we’ll see about that. (Pulls his covers off and walks away.)

LUCAS: Hey, Mom!

(He’s left with his mattress, in his t-shirt, boxers and thermal socks.)

(Karen exits the room without a reply.)




(Camera focuses on a crab before panning to show Brooke, sitting at a table, talking with a would-be employer.)

CARL: You seem like a decent kid… but most of the applicants at Carl’s Crab Shack have um… (Lifts her resume to show how blank it is.) have some work experience.

(Camera pans to show one line sentences for each question.)

BROOKE: OK, fair enough. But I make up for my lack of experience in other ways; I am really good with people. I mean, my friends really like me and I know my crustaceans; lobsters, crab, shrimp - they’re all very… tasty.

CARL: (Looking at her resume.) OK, now um… I have your number-

BROOKE: Look, Mr… (Looks at the embroidered name on his top.) Crab Shack Carl, I need this job. My car insurance is due, I am on my own and I can not lose my mode of transportation.

CRAL: (Nods) OK, I’m gonna give you a chance. You can start today.

BROOKE: (Pleased) OK.

CARL: But, I don’t have any waitress slots open right now. This is more of a, um… a PR job.

BROOKE: (Smiling) PR, oh PR is perfect for me.



(Brooke stands outside in a red and white crab costume with a sign around her neck that says: ‘I GOT CRABS AT CARL’S’. She looks ridiculous. Horns beep.)

BROOKE: Come get the crabs at Carl’s Crab Shack.

(She tries to contain her embarrassment as a group of laughing girls pass.)

BROOKE: Crab cakes, crab steaks and creamy crab shakes. (Holds her arms out. A woman walks past and looks at her.) Come get the crabs at Carls Crab Shack.



(Dan is playing basketball by himself as Lucas walks up the footpath. Dan sees him.)

DAN: (Trying for wit.) If you came by for a game, Lucas, you know I can’t let you play. (Throws the ball again and misses.)

LUCAS: (Pissed) What’re you doing to Keith?

DAN: (Holds the ball and looks at Lucas.) You mean Keith Scott; the new VP at Dan Scott motors? Company car, six figure salary, Keith Scott?

LUCAS: With Jules?(!)

(Dan’s smile drops.)

LUCAS: She told me everything. Don’t deny it. (Dan looks down and Lucas shakes his head.) And I wanted to believe that you’d somehow changed. (Walks away.)

DAN: Keith slept with Deb!

(Lucas Stops and looks on, frowning, before turning back to an approaching Dan.)

DAN: What kind of man sleeps with his brother’s wife?

LUCAS: (Defensively) You’re lying.

DAN: Am I? Ask him. The night I walked in on them was the night I had my heart attack. (Stops in front of Lucas.) And I wanted revenge; just like any man would. (Lucas shakes his head.) But after a few weeks I came to my senses; I couldn’t do that to my own brother, no matter what he did to me. That’s why I gave him the job – out of guilt… and I told Jules to leave town quietly.

LUCAS: Whatever, why should I believe anything you say anymore? (Tries to leave again.)

DAN: Because it’s the truth. I don’t know what she’s still doing here. Maybe she’s seen his paycheque. (Turns and throws the ball; this time he sinks it.)

(Lucas turns and walks away.)



(Taylor puts a CD into the laptop drive and plays it. ‘Glad’ By Chris plays and she turns the music up.)

HALEY: (Coming into the room.) Shut that off(!)

TAYLOR: Is this the infamous Chris? (Nods, impressed. Haley slams the laptop shut and the music cuts off.) Sounds sexy(!)

HALEY: Nathan is in the bedroom; do you wanna start World w*r Three? (Takes the laptop and puts it on the counter.)

(Taylor smiles and turns to watch her sister, getting a glimpse of Haley’s tattoo.)

TAYLOR: (Amused) Nice henna tattoo.

HALEY: It’s not henna.

(Taylor runs up to her and looks at it closely.)

TAYLOR: It… is real!

(Haley shoves her away.)

TAYLOR: 23? That how many tequila sh*ts it took you to do it?

HALEY: (Walks into the kitchen.) Stop it(!) (Opens a cupboard door.)

TAYLOR: (Sits at the counter.) Hey, what happened to the whole; tattoos are for sluts and burnouts sermon that you gave me?

HALEY: Uh, 23 is Nathan’s jersey number and you permanently marked your body with some random… spider.

TAYLOR: The scorpion paralyses its victims. (Smiles) Nothing random about that.

(Haley rolls her eyes and turns away.)

HALEY: (Peels a banana.) Yeah, I bet. (Bins the skin.)

TAYLOR: You got a tattoo. (She doesn’t quite believe it.) And, conveniently, it’s… in the exact same spot as me. (Haley peels her banana some more.) I guess you don’t disapprove of your older sister so much after all.

HALEY: Don’t flatter yourself. (Sits)

TAYLOR: Does this mean you didn’t wait for the ring to give it up either?

HALEY: I waited, until I was in love.

(Nathan enters the kitchen.)

TAYLOR: How about you, Nathan? Were you in love the first time you had sex?


TAYLOR: What?(!) We’re family now, we shouldn’t… have secrets.

(Taylor waits and Nathan looks at her, guiltily uncomfortable.)

NATHAN: It’s not really any of your business but the truth is… whoever my first was, (Looks at Haley.) wasn’t nearly as important as my last.

HALEY: (Looks at her sister before turning back to Nathan.) Thank you. (Kisses him.)

(Haley walks further into the kitchen and Nathan’s expression clearly tells Taylor that he’s not happy with her. Taylor smiles contentedly. He looks back at Haley for a beat.)



(The front door opens and Karen walks in with a bag, followed by Andy who’s carrying and even bigger bag.)

ANDY: Now you’re sure that my staying here isn’t an inhibition?

KAREN: Of course not (They walk down the hall.) we’ve got plenty of room.

ANDY: Well, the last time I had my hardwood floors refinished (Puts his bags down.) it, uh, it took almost a week.

KAREN: Oh. (Takes her coat off.)

(The back door shuts and Lucas enters.)

ANDY: Hey, Lucas.

LUCAS: Hey, Andy. Uh, OK, um… if you need anything, you know, stereo, Playstation… clean underwear (Karen’s not smiling.) (Points behind him to the back door.) check the garage.

ANDY: (Miffed) …Thanks, I will.

(Lucas nods, smiles and looks at his mother before slowly turning and walking away.)



(Brooke and the other crabs are standing in line, waiting for their paycheque of the day.)

BROOKE: (Pouting) (Turns to the girl behind her.) Stupid little kids. One of them poured a soda down my hole and now I’m all sticky.

GIRL 1: Honey, that’s nothing. One time a g*ng of eight year olds pushed me into the fountain. Wanted to watch the lobster swim. (Brooke gapes.) I’m Marla.

BROOKE: (Sympathetically) I’m Brooke, and you are so not a lobster(!)

(Marla shrugs and they try to shake hands but their costumed hands impede them.)

BROOKE: (Struggling) Um… (Gives up.) Hi. (Waves her crab claw at Marla.)

MARLA: (Waves back.) Hi.

BROOKE: Yeah. So how long have you been doing this?

MARLA: Um, six weeks. I used to be a giant beaver down at the lumber yard so at least I’m moving up. (Brooke nods.) It’s a sucky job but I really need the money, so.

BROOKE: Tell me about it. (She moves up to the counter where Carl is counting money.)

CARL: Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. (Puts the money in front of her.)

BROOKE: That’s it? (Carl looks at her and takes his glasses off.) The six most humiliating hours of my life and I made fifteen dollars?(!)

CARL: I deducted the usual fee for costume rental and dry-cleaning.

BROOKE: (Gapes at him.) That is a total racket(!) We bust our butts out there all day. I have a blister from this thing, OK? We should be getting hazard pay.

CARL: (Holds up the money.) Any of you other crabs feel this way?

(Camera pans around to the other crabs. They are uncomfortable, shaking their heads.)

CARL: (To Brooke.) Well then, if you don’t like it, I guess it’s, uh… goodbye car insurance (Holds her money out to her.) hello city bus.

(Brooke gapes at him for five seconds before snatching the money and stepping away. She looks at the money, depressed, and walks off.)



(Dan is sitting at the counter, in front of a cookbook. Deb walks past behind him and hands him his post.)

DAN: Hey, thanks.

DEB: (Looks at the book.) Dan Scott (Smiling) looking for recipes? (Laughs and walks off screen.) I have officially seen everything. (Opens a cupboard door and takes out a mug.)

DAN: (Looks up and smiles.) I was thinking about inviting Keith and his girlfriend over for dinner. (Deb stops.) They’re getting serious; time she met the family.

BED: (Pours coffee into the mug.) Well, wouldn’t that be a little awkward?

DAN: (Assessing her.) Why should it be? (Deb doesn’t need to explain.) You and Karen both slept with me and you still figured out a way to be friends.

DEB: Well, (Puts the jug down.) That’s what I mean. She seems like such a nice person, (Takes milk out of the fridge.) one night with our crazy family, she might skip town.

DAN: Ah, I don’t think so.

DEB: A-and this isn’t just another opportunity for you to… rip Keith apart?

DAN: It isn’t. (Deb gives him a look.) Promise. (She puts the mug down.) I’ll call Keith and set it up.

(Deb smiles and walks off. Dan looks at her retreating back, evil grin in place. He flips another page of the cookbook.)



(Haley is sitting at the kitchen counter, typing on the laptop. She is looking very shifty. Camera cuts to the computer screen and we see that she’s writing an email to Chris. It reads: ‘Chris, how are you? How’s New York? Wondering how the showcase went.’)

(Her phone rings. She looks at the screen and answers it.)

HALEY: (Cheerfully into the phone.) Hello!

NATHAN: Hey, it’s me. Uh… what’re you doing?

HALEY: Oh, nothing, just… thinking of you. (She presses a button on the laptop and the message sends. A box on the screen says ‘You’re message is being sent.’)

(Haley looks at the screen, torn.)





(Anna and Lucas are walking down by the river, enjoying a good old chat… with drinks.)

ANNA: So, Keith slept with Nathan’s mom?

LUCAS: (Holds his hands out.) I don’t know. I mean, can’t really trust what Dan says. (Laughs sardonically.)

ANNA: But you know Jules and Dan set Keith up? (Lucas shrugs.) Are you gonna tell him?

LUCAS: I mean, if I don’t, I’m basically lying to my uncle.

ANNA: And if you do, it’ll crush him.

LUCAS: Yeah. (Sighs) I mean, I just can’t believe Jules. I mean, she says she loves Keith (Pause) but, I mean, what kind of a person would do something like this in the first place? You know?

ANNA: Maybe Jules was a bad person when she went into it… but now her feelings for Keith are real.

LUCAS: Or (Wags a finger and laughs cruelly.) maybe it’s all just part of the lie.

(Anna doesn’t know what to say so she settles for nodding.)

LUCAS: Thank you (Pause) for talking to me about this, Anna. It feels good to… have at least one person in my life that knows the truth.

ANNA: Well, you’re that person for me. (Lucas smiles.) Although, there is… one other person who knows.

LUCAS: (Nods knowingly.) Felix.

ANNA: Not hardly. Peyton.

LUCAS: Ah, you told Peyton?

ANNA: No… but she… kind of found out when (Pause) I kind of kissed her.

(Lucas chokes on his coffee and wipes his mouth. Anna laughs weakly. Lucas makes a few shocked noises.)

ANNA: Luke.

LUCAS: Hold on, hold on. (Holds up a hand.) I’m picturing that.

ANNA: (Smacks him on the arm.) OK, don’t be such a guy! (He laughs.) It was only the single most embarrassing moment of my life!

LUCAS: (Holds his hands up.) Sorry.

ANNA: Let’s just say – it didn’t end well and… now she’s avoiding me.

LUCAS: No, no, it’s not that at all. (Pause) She just… took a little road trip. She only told me and Brooke.

(Lucas laughs.)

ANNA: What?

LUCAS: Nah, it’s just kinda funny. Last time I kissed Peyton, it didn’t end well either.

(They laugh and Anna shoves him. They continue walking.)



(Keith is dressed in a suit and walks to the stairs. Jules is climbing them and looking worried at his expression.)

KEITH: We have to talk. (Jules just stares.) You didn’t call me back.

(Jules smiles as he takes her bucket. She kisses him and they walk to the table.)

KEITH: So we still on for tomorrow night?

JULES: Definitely.

KEITH: Well that’s good, cos I just got a call; we’re invited to dinner – at my brother, Dan’s, house.

(Jules’ face is guilt ridden as she continues walking.)



(Taylor walks into Haley and Nathan’s closet and takes out one of Haley’s tops. She walks out and puts it on the bed as she starts to unbutton her ridiculously small sweater. Nathan walks into the bedroom, arms crossed.)

NATHAN: What the hell are you doing?

TAYLOR: (Turns to him.) Shopping. But, apparently, I’m the only James that got the good taste gene.

NATHAN: You know what I’m talking about. (Taylor turns to look at him.) We agreed to keep what happened between us a secret.

TAYLOR: (Brushing it off.) Relax, Nathan, Haley doesn’t have a clue. (Grins and turns back around so she can continue to unbutton the ‘bandage’.)

NATHAN: I went out on a limb for you.

(Taylor looks at him as she takes the bandage/sweater off. Nathan looks away and sighs.)

NATHAN: I said you could stay here because I knew you didn’t have anywhere else to go.

(Taylor, in a black bra and hands on pockets, walks up to Nathan.)

TAYLOR: And I… really appreciate it. (Nods)

NATHAN: (Completely serious.) If you keep this up, I’ll throw you out on your ass.

TAYLOR: (Catty) Or maybe I should tell Haley about our history; (Pause) (Smiling) and then you’ll be the one out on your ass. (She smiles some more and then turns back to the top. Her smile vanishes.)

(Nathan leaves the bedroom, arms still crossed. Taylor turns back for a second.)



(Camera pans to Brooke standing outside of a shoe shop and looking longingly at some shoes on display at the window. A boy of around eight runs up and taps her on the shoulder. Brooke turns to him.)

BROOKE: How’d you like a crab leg up your ass?!

(The boy runs away.)

(Brooke’s pouting when Felix comes up.)

FELIX: (Grinning) Nice claws. (She looks at him sadly.) I though you said you had a crappy new job.

BROOKE: Why are you here; to make fun of me?

FELIX: No, I came to have lunch, and give my waitress girlfriend a big tip.

BROOKE: Well surprise, I’m not a waitress, I’m a crab.

FELIX: Trust me, that’s no surprise.

BROOKE: I applied everywhere OK? This was the only job I could get. (Shrugs) At least I look good in red.

FELIX: (Nods) Um-hum. (He takes his phone out and aims the camera at her.)

BROOKE: (Wining) Oh, Felix, come on(!) Felix, come on, NO!

FELIX: (Smiling) Just one. Just, come on. Come on!

BROOKE: (Waving her claws about.) No, don’t take a picture of me. NO! Enough! Enough, OK?

(Felix takes the picture anyway.)

BROOKE: Enough! Stop!

FELIX: (Smiling) Wait a minute.

CARL: (o.s) Hey!

(Brooke turns around to Carl who is standing across the street.)

CARL: Snap to it, Crabitha! (Felix looks at Carl.) And no flirting with the sailors!

(Brooke walks across the road with purpose.)

BROOKE: (To herself.) OK. (Watches for oncoming traffic before returning her attention to Carl.) Hey, Carl, I’m just curious. I’ve been at this for three hours, so, when do I get a break? (Stops in front of him.)

CARL: State law says I don’t have to give you a break. (Brooke glares.) A shark stops swimming; it’ll drown. (Felix is crossing the road. Carl turns to walk away.)

BROOKE: But I’m a crab!

CARL: Whatever. It’s all fish! (Leaves)

BROOKE: (To Felix.) I HATE (Jabs a claw.) that guy! I don’t know why any of the rest of the crabs put up with him.

FELIX: (Walking with her.) They probably need money, like you. Otherwise, you could all band together and pince him to death. (Puts his hand on her shoulder.)

(The wheels in Brooke head start whirring.)



(Keith opens the door to Lucas.)

KEITH: Hey, Luke(!) What’s up?

LUCAS: I need to talk to you.

KEITH: (Frowning) Is everything OK?

LUCAS: Remember when we were in Charleston? And you said you’d done some things you weren’t proud of? (Shuts the door.)

KEITH: (Nods) (Almost whispering.) Yeah.

LUCAS: (Puts his hands in his pockets.) Was it Deb? (Pause) You and Deb?

(Keith pauses before sighing and turning around.)

KEITH: It’s, um… it’s kinda complicated, Luke.

LUCAS: No, not really(!) I mean, there’s some lines you just don’t cross!

KEITH: It was a mistake, I know. I know it’s no excuse but… I was lonely. Your mom had just turned down my proposal and… and it just… sorta happened.

LUCAS: (Angry) Look, its bad enough it was someone’s wife but Dan’s wife?! He’s never gonna let that go!

KEITH: I know you’re disappointed in me, Luke. I’m never gonna make a mistake like that again. (Lucas looks away and shakes his head.) I’m with Jules now. (Lucas squints at his.) And I’m not gonna do anything to mess that up.

(They look at each other. Lucas tries to cover up his curiosity.)

LUCAS: So… things are going well? With you and Jules?

KEITH: (Nods) Yeah. I never thought I’d feel this way again; after your mom. But… she’s the one Luke.

(Lucas nods.)

KEITH: Look, I-I’m not proud of what I did with Deb and… that’s the only reason that I kept a secret from you. (Lucas broods.) You understand that, right?

LUCAS: (Nods and backs towards the door.) Sure.

(Keith moves forward to stop him but Lucas holds up a hand and opens the door - walking through it without a word. Keith sighs.)





(Lucas is sitting on his bare bed, writing in a book. Andy enters and knocks on the wall. Lucas looks up immediately.)

ANDY: (Examining the room.) You know, I’ve been to Turkey; they have prisons more comfortable than this. (Lucas laughs and shakes his head. Andy pulls a small box out of his shirt pocket.) Here, I swiped you some saltines. (Throws the box at him.)

LUCAS: (Catches them.) Oh(!) (Smiling) Thank you.

ANDY: (Sits on his bed.) Ah, just don’t tell the warden.

(Lucas smiles and puts them on his bedside table.)

ANDY: You know, at least she’s creative. Single moms are the toughest. I guess they have to be.

LUCAS: I think I kinda lost her.

ANDY: Or you could just take the test. (Lucas smirks at him.) I had to try. (Laughs) I mean, you know she’s just worried about you, right?

LUCAS: Yeah, I know, but at a certain point, she needs to just… you know, trust me to do the right thing.

ANDY: (Throws up his arms and stands.) Alright. (Sighs) just… (Sighs again.) don’t be too hard on your mom. (Pause) Sometimes, people do crazy things when they’re desperate.



(Jules is moving around behind the bar, on the phone.)

JULES: Family dinner was never part of the arrangement.

DAN: (Through the phone.) It was my wife’s idea.



(Dan is walking at a steady pace on a treadmill.)

DAN: Couldn’t talk her out of it. Just a simple dinner. Consider it overtime.



JULES: I told you, I’m not doing this anymore. What Keith and I have is real.

DAN: (Through the phone.) If that’s the case, why don’t you come over to dinner and convince me?



DAN: Maybe we’ll discuss a change of plans.



(Jules looks at the phone and shuts it. She looks off to the side.)



(Haley is waiting tables and pouring coffee for people. The door opens.)

HALEY: (Looking towards the door.) Hey. (Pan to show Nathan.) So, ah, I was thinking about asking Karen if we could live here till Taylor’s gone; maybe like, put a mattress behind the counter or something. (Continues to walk.)

NATHAN: Yeah, um… we need to talk about her.

HALEY: Ah-ha! Yeah, I warned you about her. Give Taylor and inch and she’ll take whatever the hell she wants. I know her a lot better than you do. (They sit on a couch near the window.)

NATHAN: (Pauses for a long time.) Alright, Haley… we got married… so quickly, we never really… had the talk that most people have when they get engaged. (Haley waits.) About… you know, past relationships, (Pauses before saying uncomfortably.) sexual history.

HALEY: Ah, (Puts the coffee jug down.) well that’s probably because I can give you mine in under ten seconds while yours is catalogued in the Library of Congress. (Laughs) (Nathan doesn’t smile.) What’s (Hits him with her dishcloth.) going on?

NATHAN: (Sighs) Alright. My first time… was at this party at my parent’s beach house. (Inhales deeply.) I was pretty wasted and I… never… really saw the girl again. (Pause) Until now. (He looks at her.)

HALEY: Until now…?

NATHAN: (Sighs again.) Haley, listen, I swear, I hadn’t even heard of you (Haley’s getting it.) when this happened, OK?

HALEY: Taylor?

NATHAN: I’m sorry, I just, look (Pause) she threatened to tell you and I just thought you should hear it from me.

HALEY: (Visibly upset.) You slept with my sister?

NATHAN: This was like two years ago! I (Sighs) look, I didn’t know you; I didn’t even know there was gonna be a you.

HALEY: (Quietly) I should go. (Stands)

NATHAN: (Stands also.) Haley?

(She walks off with the jug and plate.)

(Nathan sighs.)




(There are candles situated all over the apartment again. Taylor is at the laptop, doing god-knows-what. A beep sounds and an instant messenger window pops up. It’s from Chris and says: ‘HellInKeller: I’m thinking about you.)

(Taylor frowns and replies: ‘Who is this?’)

(Chris replies: ‘Chris’.)

(An evil grin crosses Taylor’s face as she types back: ‘I’m thinking about you, too.’)

(Chris replies: ‘I want to kiss you again, Haley.’)

(Taylor looks at it and gapes. The front door opens and Taylor closes the IM.)

TAYLOR: (To Haley.) You’re home early.

HALEY: (Shuts the door and takes her bag off.) You’re home all the time. What’re you doing on my laptop? Cruising for jailbait? (She hangs her coat up.)

TAYLOR: Excuse me?

HALEY: Well I heard your speciality is deflowering freshmen(!) (Drops her keys on the table.)

TAYLOR: So the Boy Scout told you. (Haley stands in front of her sister, glaring.) Quite a coincidence, huh? Eh, but look, look at it this way; now we can compare notes.

HALEY: (Grabs her hair.) IT’S NOT FUNNY TAYLOR!

TAYLOR: (Screams and gets off the stool.) Ow! (Grabs Haley’s hand.) Would you… (Struggles) let GO!

(Haley back off and glares at her sister. Taylor looks at the laptop.)

TAYLOR: If you wanted to find someone I hadn’t slept with, you could’ve moved to Alaska.

HALEY: You know what, (Tries to attack her again.) do you think my relationship with Nathan is just a big joke?!

TAYLOR: (Pushes Haley away.) NO! Of course not! But I think that Chris is a laugh riot.

HALEY: (Pauses) What are you talking about?

TAYLOR: I’m talking about you, bitching about your husband’s past when you have a present! I was online and I got an IM, or rather, you did. You’ve been kissing Chris.

HALEY: I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.

TAYLOR: Are you sleeping with him?

HALEY: (Faces Taylor.) No!

(Taylor’s seeing her sister in a new light.)

HALEY: (Looks down.) It’s not what it looks like, OK?

TAYLOR: (Hands on hips.) Oh, really? Cos it seems to me like Saint Haley is just as bad as the rest of us(!)

HALEY: (Pause) Taylor, Nathan can not find out about this.

TAYLOR: (Pauses before she nods.) Fine, Hay – but you have to let me stay here. At least until I figure out what I’m doing.

(Haley doesn’t say anything. She shuts her laptop harshly and walks away. Taylor sighs.)



(Brooke struggles out of the crab costume.)

GIRL 2: (Walks past, behind Brooke.) That costume is so sweaty. (Brooke manages to pull it off.) I had a rash all over my. (She stops at her locker and stops talking.) Well anyways, I got a rash. (She reaches into her locker.)

(Girls laugh.)

MARLA: I’ve got carpal tunnel from snapping my pincers all day long.

(Girls are getting changed all around the locker room.)

BROOKE: OK, you guys, we can stand around the break room and complain and… be crabby, or we can figure out a way to protect ourselves from that guy. But if we wanna change things, we have to do it together.

GIRL 2: (Laughs) So you wanna form, like, a Crab Union?

BROOKE: I’m thinking more along the lines of a Crab Sorority. We make a list of our demands and we take them to management.

MARLA: OK, look, it’s not a bad idea… but I’ve got a two year old at home. I really need this job. Besides, I’ve seen Carl fire people who make trouble.

BROOKE: OK, but what if I can find a way to guarantee that none of us get fired? Are you all on board?

(A girl in the back nods.)

MARLA: Yeah.

GIRL 2: (Nods) Yeah.

BROOKE: (To some other girls.) You guys?

GIRLS: Yeah.

BROOKE: (Nods) OK. (Claps her hands together.)



(Lucas is in his bed with a horrendous black throw with blood red roses as patterns. He pulls it over himself and his shoes stick out of the end. He’s just too tall for it. Keith enters. Lucas is looking at his shoe.)

KEITH: (Confused) What’re you doing?

LUCAS: (Laughs) Nothing. What’s up?

KEITH: Well, I didn’t know how soon I’d see you again after yesterday so, uh.

LUCAS: (Sits up and gathers the throw, taking it off himself.) Yeah, I know, I- (Puts the fabric aside.) I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I came down pretty hard on ya. (Pause) Yeah, you weren’t the only one running away to Charleston.

KEITH: Yeah, well, don’t worry. You weren’t any harder on me than I was on myself. (Walks to his bed.) But, um, that’s not what I wanna talk to you about. (Sits on the bedside table.) (Sighs) This, um, HCM thing. (Lucas looks away, annoyed.)

LUCAS: Look, I don’t care what mom told you. Right, I’m not taking the test.

KEITH: Yeah, that’s what I said. (Lucas blinks at him.) You know, we’ve got the same genes, Luke. I’m just as at risk as you are. And I’ve been putting off the test too. You wanna know why? (Lucas looks at him.) Because I’m scared.

LUCAS: (Understands) Yeah. (Inhales) Me too.

KEITH: But I’ve decided I’m gonna take the test; if it’ll give Jules piece of mind.

LUCAS: (Squints) Jules wants you to take the test?

KEITH: Ah, she’s been bugging me about it for three weeks. You know, just like your mom. You know, that’s what people do if they care about you, Luke.

(Lucas nods.)

KEITH: How bout we go together? Not for us, (Pause) for them. (Puts a hand on Lucas’ shoulder.) Just give it some thought, huh? (Sighs and looks at his watch.) OK, I… gotta get going. (Stands)

LUCAS: Hey, Keith. (Keith turns to him.) Thank you for being here for me.

KEITH: Always.

LUCAS: And I just want you to know, I’m here for you, too. (Pause) No matter what happens.

KEITH: Don’t worry about the test, Luke. Everything’s gonna be OK.

(Lucas’ worry returns as Keith exits.)



(Nathan is on the court, playing basketball when Lucas approaches. Nathan sinks the ball twice.)

LUCAS: Don’t worry, Nate. You don’t have to throw the ball at the river. (Holds up a hand.) Just here to watch.

(Nathan bounces the ball once and looks at Lucas.)

LUCAS: What’s going on with you?

NATHAN: It’s a long story. (Pause) Actually, it’s not a long story; uh… (Sighs) I kinda told Haley that I slept with Taylor.

LUCAS: Oh! Wow. Guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t wanna go home.

(Nathan sighs and throws the ball again… it goes in. Lucas catches the ball.)

LUCAS: You know, I’ve been thinking lately. (Throws the ball at Nathan.) Maybe it’s OK to lie, (Pause) if you’re doing it to protect somebody.

NATHAN: (Grins) Now you tell me.

LUCAS: (Laughs) I mean, look, when you got together with Haley, you were just doing it to screw with me, right?

NATHAN: Yeah, (sh**t the ball again.) pretty much. (Lucas catches the ball again.)

LUCAS: But… when she found out (Gives Nathan the ball.) she was able to forgive you.

NATHAN: Yeah, but that’s all Haley. (Lucas shrugs.) Why? What’d you do wrong?

LUCAS: Nothing, really. I mean, at least I didn’t sleep with Taylor.

NATHAN: (Smiles and shakes his head.) Yeah, well, I better go home and try to get Haley to forgive me again.

(Lucas laughs and the nod.)

NATHAN: Alright, man. (He turns and bounces the ball off the court as he walks.)



(The camera pans across the laptop screen. Chris’ website; ‘Keller Instinct – the Chris Keller blog’ is up and Haley is looking at it. She scrolls down and smiles, fondly, at it. She shuts the laptop and the front door opens. Nathan enters.)

NATHAN: Am I in the right apartment? Where’s that… nasty incense smell?

HALEY: Oh, Taylor, went out for a jog. (Smiles at him.)

(Nathan seems to enjoy sighing this episode.)

NATHAN: Does this mean you’re talking to me again?

HALEY: (Smiles) I’m really sorry, Nathan. I… (Shakes her head.) overreacted. What happened with you and Taylor was a long time ago and I just don’t… have any right to be angry.

NATHAN: (Exhales) Wow, I am in the wrong apartment.

HALEY: (Sighs and stands.) Besides, (Walks to him.) the things we did in the past don’t mean anything, right?

NATHAN: Well, (Takes her hands.) you don’t have to worry anymore. I, uh, went through your family album and I haven’t… slept with any of your other sisters.

(Haley hits him playfully. He hugs her.)

NATHAN: Listen, Haley, (Looks down at her.) look, I don’t wanna hurt you. I don’t wanna lie to you either. I know how honest you are with me. (They kiss.)

(Haley turns her head away and looks completely guilty.)



(Keith and Jules walk up the drive to Dan and Deb’s front door.)

JULES: Keith? (He looks at her.) Promise me we can talk later.

KEITH: We’ll have dinner first and then we’ll see if you’re still talking to me. (Jules smiles and Keith kisses her on the cheek.)

(The front door opens to show Dan, already looking at where Jules is standing.)

KEITH: Danny! This is Jules. (Looks at Jules.) Jules, this is my brother, Dan.

(Jules smiles tightly at Dan.)

DAN: Nice to meet you Jules. Come on in

(Jules glares at him as she steps through. The door closes.)





(Deb passes the tiny bread buns to Jules; she passes it to Keith who passes it to Dan.)

KEITH: There you go.

DAN: (Takes a tiny bread bun.) So, Jules, how does someone like you end up with someone like my brother?

JULES: (Smiles at Keith.) Just good luck I guess.

(Keith smiles at her. Dan has his ever-present smirk in place.)

DAN: Oh, come on, it’s gotta be more than that. (Breaks the tiny-bread-bun in half.) What’s your story? Where’re you from?

JULES: Texas.

KEITH: (Looks at her confused.) I thought you said you were from the mid-west. (Dan watches the pair.)

JULES: We’re from all over, really. Army bred. (Keith makes a noise of amusement and Dan tries to hold in his smirk.) Deb, this chicken is fantastic. And I’m not just saying that cos you’re… kinda my boss. (Smiles widely.)

DEB: Well thanks but, actually, Dan made dinner.

(Jules chokes. Dan is loving it. Keith watches her with concern.)


JULES: (Nods) Yeah.

DEB: So how are things going, down at the club?

JULES: Great! We’ve been really busy.

DEB: Well good.

(Jules smiles and nods.)

DAN: So, Keith, you’re dating a bartender. It’s like a dream come true for you, huh boozy?

(Deb sighs and closes her eyes. Jules glares at Dan and Keith doesn’t reply.)

DAN: Must be fascinating work though; get to hear everyone’s dirty secrets. (Pause) We all have them. (Looks between Keith and Deb quickly.)

(Keith looks at Deb but she’s not looking at them.)

JULES: I guess every bartender has to be part therapist.

DAN: Well sure, but it’s gotta be tough; pretending to care about the poor bastards.

JULES: (Scandalised) I don’t have to pretend.

(Dan looks at her closely.)

KEITH: (Breaking the uncomfortable silence.) Uh, Deb, you did a, um. You did a beautiful job – the table looks… just great. (Jules nods agreeably.)

DEB: (Smiling) Thanks, Keith.

KEITH: Um-hum. Um…

DAN: You know, Jules… Deb and Keith have always been very close. (Deb looks at him, disbelievingly.) They have a very special relationship. Not just in-laws, more… (Searches for a word.) loving(!) (Smiles and raises a glass.) Hopefully, you and I can carry on the tradition. (Raises his glass before drinking form it.)

DEB: Geez, Dan. Put it away and help me with desert.

DAN: Sure, but first a toast. (Holds his glass up.) To Jules and Keith. And to honesty. (Looks directly at Deb.) The foundation of every good relationship. (Looks at Keith.)

(Everyone takes a drink. The tension is obvious.)



(Lucas and Anna are walking down a pavement and past a fountain – which they stole money out of during ‘Dare Night’. The posts and trees are covered in tiny fairy lights.)

ANNA: (Indicating the couples.) Look at these people. They all know what they want and… they manage to find it. (Lucas looks at her.) makes me kinda jealous. (Lucas smiles and looks at a couple.) OK, (Pointing behind.) maybe not them.

(The couple are kind of old and the man is feeding the woman.)

(Lucas and Anna laugh.)

ANNA: You probably think I’m weird, huh?

LUCAS: Well, yeah. But I’ve thought that since I first met ya.

(They sit on the bench. Anna smiles.)

ANNA: It’s just that… you like girls, or you like guys. (Lucas laughs silently and looks away.) Trust me, I wish it was like that for me. (Lucas looks at her for an explanation.) Be a lot easier if I could just… pick a team.

LUCAS: Well, not necessarily. Look, maybe you shouldn’t… feel so much pressure to define yourself.

ANNA: (Looks down.) So… are you gonna take this HCM test, or what? (Lucas squints.) Your mom tracked me down. (Lucas looks away.) Look, Luke, for selfish reasons – I think you should. I mean, as far as friends go, you’re all I’ve got. I can’t risk losing you. (Lucas smiles and gives up the retort he was going to hit back with.) But what if it was your mom that was supposed to take this test? She’s the only mom you’ve got. Would you let her take that for granted? (Lucas looks at her and nods understandingly.)



(Brooke is sitting on the floor, leaning on the end of her bed as she types away on the computer. Felix jumps onto her bed and leans over. He grabs her shoulders but Brooke takes his hand off.)

BROOKE: No, I do not have time right now. And just because we’re dating does not mean that you get a sexual season pass.

FELIX: What’s going on?

BROOKE: (Concentrating on the computer.) I promised the other Crabs I’d figure out a way to make things better at work so I’m gonna look up dirt on this Carl guy.

FELIX: (Looks at the laptop.) That, or you could go after him legally.

BROOKE: (Raises an eyebrow interestedly.) How do you mean?

FELIX: Try looking on the state employment website. I mean, a guy like that’s bound to be breaking some type of small business law. (Brooke smirks.) I’ll get us some coffee and we can work all night.

(Brooke grins up at him.)

BROOKE: You’re gonna help me?

FELIX: Of course, Brooke. You’re my girlfriend. (Kisses her.)

BROOKE: Hm, thanks. (She turns back to the laptop.)

FELIX: Besides, I’d have to if we’re ever gonna have sex again.

BROOKE: (Hits him.) Hey(!)

FELIX: (Laughs) Just kidding. (He gets off the bed and Brooke continues researching with a smile.)



(Jules is looking at Dan’s basketball trophies. Dan enters. Jules is putting one back when Dan speaks, making her jump.)

DAN: Those trophies are all for first place.

(Jules looks at him.)

DAN: Expect that (Points) one. (He walks over.) Second place. (He picks it up and looks at it.) My junior year against Malpilot. (Puts it back.) We would have won the game too… (Looks at her pointedly.) except the team tried to change the offence in mid-play.

(Jules watches him as he walks away slowly.)

JULES: Is that what this dinner was all about?

(He turns to face her.)

DAN: The dinner to remind you who you’re working for. I pay you; I give you a place it live. In exchange, you do exactly what I say.

JULES: I don’t wanna do this anymore(!) (Walks up to him.) I love Keith.

(He stares at her for a while.)

DAN: You know, I’m as romantic as the next guy – and ordinarily, I’d let you guys ride off into the sunset together… but you told my son.

JULES: He found out!

DAN: Well, from now on, you leave Lucas to me. Your only job is to finish what we started.

(Jules frowns, upset.)

DAN: Come on, Jules. It’d be different if you were gonna spend the rest of your life with him. (Walks around and says over her shoulder.) Do you really think Keith would forgive you if he knew the truth? (Walks away.)

(Jules watches him, depressed.)



(Taylor walks out onto the balcony.)


(Haley is standing on the edge of it, looking out.)

HALEY: (Not meaning it.) Sorry about your hair.

TAYLOR: (Nodding) Sorry I slept with your husband. (Leans on the balcony.) If it’s any consolation, I’m not that memorable. (Haley makes a sound of disgust as she shreds some foliage.) OK, that’s a lie. (Smiles)

HALEY: (Sadly) What am I gonna do, Taylor?

TAYLOR: Hang in there, (Tugs her arm reassuringly.) Eventually, he’ll forget about me.

HALEY: No, I’m serious. (Taylor looks serious too.) I love Nathan and this is all really confusing. (Looks away.)

TAYLOR: Because you kissed Chris?

HALEY: No. (Almost crying.) Because I’m… just jealous of what Chris has(!) (Sniffs.) You know, his music; the freedom to pursue his dream… and that… kiss just made it a lot messier. I really don’t know what to do.

TAYLOR: (Smiles and sits on the balcony.) I am… the wrong girl to ask for advice. (Sad) You wanna know why I really got the tattoo? When the scorpion’s caught in a fire, (Pause) it stings itself to death.

HALEY: That’s a myth, actually.

TAYLOR: Not in my life. When things get bad, I always… find a way to make them worse.

(Haley smiles - tear tracks down her cheeks - and sits on the balcony edge too. Their tattoos show, in the same place. Taylor takes Haley’s hand.)

TAYLOR: Truth is, Hay, (Pause) you’ve always been miles ahead of me. (Haley looks at her.) And most of the time, I feel like the little sister. (They smile sadly.) You’ll do the right thing, Haley-bub – you always do.

(More tears fall and Taylor wipes them away for Haley, with a laugh.)

(They hug.)



(There’s a knock on Keith’s door. Keith opens it to Lucas, again.)

KEITH: Hey, Luke. (Lucas smiles and enters.) What’re you doing here?

LUCAS: (Looking around.) Nah, I just… wanted to see how you’re doing.

KEITH: Well actually I’m, uh, I’m glad you stopped by. Something happened tonight; with Jules.

(Lucas looks at Keith, thinking he knows what Keith’s going to say. He nods. Jules walks up to the pair. Lucas looks between them, wondering what Keith means.)

KEITH: (Smiles) I asked her to marry me. (They smile.)

(Keith kisses her cheek and Jules laughs. Lucas does not look happy.)

KEITH: Hey, don’t look so worried. (Lucas’ laugh is fake.) She said yes.

(Keith hugs Lucas who laughs back.)

LUCAS: That’s great.

(He looks at Jules over Keith’s shoulder and she is looking worriedly at him.)





(Carl puts a plate of food on the counter and walks to his Crab employees.)

CARL: (Annoyed) What are you standing around here for? (The Crabs are standing around, socialising and laughing.) Get back to work!

BROOKE: (Turns to him with a piece of paper in her hand.) Oh, we will, (Pause) soon as you agree to our list of demands.

CARL: Demands? What is this?

BROOKE: (Holding up the paper.) I’ve been doing some research. It turns out that uniform maintenance can not be deducted from our hourly wages. (Carl smiles disgustingly.) And these crab suits are not flame retardant which is a violation of O.S.H.A.


BROOKE: (Turns to Marla for a second.) Trust me. (Back to Carl.) And there is plenty more where that came from. We are not singing our Crabby songs until you comply.

CARL: (Pathetically) Oh, OK, (Nods) You win. (Brooke smirks.) Turn in your crabby suits. You’re all fired! (Brooke raises and eyebrow.) I can snap my fingers, (Snaps them.) and get crabs whenever I want to.

BROOKE: (Eyebrow still raised as she looks ‘down’.) OK.

(She turns and picks signs off the counter.)

BROOKE: Girls, here you go. (Starts to hand them out.) That’s for you. (Hands one to girl 2.) And you. That’s for you.

(Carl turns and walks back.)

CARL: And what the hell is this?

BROOKE: Well, since you’ve fired us, you’ve given us plenty of time to pick it.

CARL: And, um, what do the signs say?

BROOKE: (Shrugs) Nothing your entire crab staff doesn’t already know; that your so-called ‘fresh crabs’ (Shakes her head.) aren’t fresh at all. (Calls out loud.) They’re frozen. (To the crabs.) Now girls!

(They all turn their signs. Each saying different slogans about how the crabs are not fresh.)

CARL: (Slightly panicked.) That’s a lie.

BROOKE: (Loudly) Really? They’re supposed to be flown in daily; from Alaska. They come in on a truck… from Jersey.

CARL: Listen, you can’t prove any of it(!)

BROOKE: Oh, really? In the case of ‘Carl’s Famous Crab Bisk’ – you use imitation crab!

CARL: O-o-ok-k-k-k. (Walks forward. Some staff laugh.) (Quietly.) Negotiate.

BROOKE: A dollar more per hour (looks around.) per crab.

CARL: (Nods and looks at her nastily.) Right, fine!

BROOKE: Two fifteen minute breaks.

CARL: (Holds up a finger.) One(!)

BROOKE: Hey, Marls, did I say two… twenty minute breaks?


BROOKE: (To Carl.) Hm…

CARL: You said fifteen. Alright, two. Get rid of the signs and you’ve got a deal. (Hold his hand out.)

(Brooke shakes it, pleased.)

CARL: Damn crabs.

MARLA: YES! (All the girls jump around, delighted.)



(Felix is sitting at his computer, tired and rubbing his head. Brooke enters. He turns around to look at her.)

FELIX: (Stands) Hey, how’d it go?

(Brooke shuts his door.)

BROOKE: (Waits for a moment.) …We won! (Charges at him.)

(He laughs and hugs her.)

FELIX: So, what’s gonna be your first act as an organised crab?

BROOKE: Actually, I quit.

FELIX: Seriously?

BROOKE: Yeah. I put in my two weeks notice because by then, I’ll have enough money to pay my car insurance… and as it turns out, I’m not so (Shakes her head.) big on the working thing. Felt really good to do something nice for the little guy though.

FELIX: (Smiles) Well, you must be pretty tired. How bout you get some rest, and I’ll come by later.

BROOKE: How bout you get some rest with me now, boyfriend? (They kiss.)

(They fall off camera.)



(Lucas and Keith are a little way off, talking as they walk.)

KEITH: So what d’ya think about your uncle being engaged?

LUCAS: Honestly, I think it’s a little fast.

KEITH: Ah, well, you know, this HCM thing… it reminded me that, you know, every day might be the last and that… I wanna live them all with Jules.

LUCAS: … I know, but… I mean, what do you really know about her?

KEITH: You know, I know that you wanted me to marry your mom. But… life doesn’t always work according to plan and I-I had to move on, you know. I don’t wanna miss a second chance. (Pause) And trust me, once you get to know Jules, you’re gonna love her just as much as I do. (Let’s hope not.)

(Lucas nods and they continue walking. They look up.)

KEITH: You know, I’m glad you’re taking the test, Luke.

LUCAS: Well, like you said; for my mom, right?

KEITH: (Nods) Look, before we go in, there’s something I wanna ask ya. (Smiles) I know this whole thing is still… sinking in… but it would mean a lot to me (Smiles) if you’d be my best man.

(Lucas smiles happily, even if it is a little strained.)

LUCAS: (Nods) Sure.

KEITH: (Smiles delightedly and claps Lucas on the shoulder

(Camera pans up to the ‘Tree Hill Memorial Hospital’.)



(Anna is on her laptop – decorated with flowers. She is signing on for a dating website. The picture of her is from the Formal. She leans on her arm as she looks at the screen, wondering what to click when it asks her who she is seeking: ‘Male’, ‘Female’ or ‘Either’.)

(She puts the cursor on male before moving down to female, then back up to male. She pauses for a long time before moving the cursor down to ‘Either’ and clicking it. She smiles.)



(Haley and Nathan are walking down by the river, hand in hand. He kisses her hand before kissing her properly. The shot fades to a full shot of them. They continue walking off screen. The camera pans up to the lamppost and comes to stop at the bright bulb.)



(Camera focuses of the lampshade before panning across to Taylor who is packing her cosmetics into a bag. The laptop pings and she pauses. She gets up and walks over to it. It’s Chris again; saying: ‘Hey, gorgeous.’)

(Taylor looks at it with a frown before typing: ‘I’m in love with Nathan. We can’t talk anymore. Please stay away. –Haley’.)

(She shuts the laptop without waiting for a reply. She smiles slightly.)



(Karen is putting Lucas’ things back onto his shelves. She places the CDs straight. A door clicks and Lucas enters.)

LUCAS: (Leans against the doorjamb.) Mom?

KAREN: (Pauses but doesn’t turn to him.) I don’t agree with your decision. (Shakes her head.) I don’t understand. And I’m not going to.

(Lucas nods and walks into his room. Karen continues putting things back.)

LUCAS: (In need of a hug.) I took the test. (Karen turns to him.) We’ll know in a couple of days.

(Karen walks to him and hugs him.)

KAREN: (Whispers) Thank you. Thank you. (Lucas really looks on the verge of crying.) Thank you.



(Jules and Keith are kissing outside of the car. The camera pans to show her engagement ring. She looks at it and loses her smile, worried about Dan’s interference.)



(Brooke and Felix walk hand in hand. Brooke laughs as Felix looks at her. They turn a corner and pass a form on the notice board. It’s calling for THHS student council officer elections: ‘SECRETARY – TREASURER’, ‘VICE PRESIDENT’ and ‘PRESIDENT’. Brooke stops and looks at it before walking to it, taking the pen and scrawling her name across it; using up at least 3 lines and she doesn’t write her home room down.)

(She puts the pen back and walks to a smiling Felix. She takes his hand and smiles back at the board for a second before she continues walking.)



(Lucas is playing some single basketball when Dan walks up to the court. Dan holds his hands out for the ball, smiling, but Lucas doesn’t give it to him.)

LUCAS: (Shaking his head.) What d’ya want?

DAN: You and I are the only ones who know the truth about Jules… and I’m willing to keep it a secret – Keith never has to know.

(Lucas scoffs and nods.)

LUCAS: What d’ya want from me?

(Dan takes the ball – which Lucas just gives up – and starts bouncing it.)

DAN: (Smirking) I’m sure we can work something out.

(Lucas frowns at him. He doesn’t trust Dan at all.)

(Dan throws the ball and it goes into the basket. Lucas looks at Dan’s smirking face. The ball continues to bounce on the spot.)