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05x08 - A Brawl in a Small Town, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:28
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

It looks like your luck
has run out.

Now, hilde, my dear,
end this duel.

No way.

He lost.

Herr joseph,
some things in life
just never change.

A rose is a rose,
and a loser is a loser.

Roland: and the winner
of this bout
is zigfried lloyd.

And with that,

The grand championship
is down to its
final duelists.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

the kc grand championship
is heating up.

After some incredible duels
and stunning upsets,

We're moving into
the semifinals,

Where rebecca hawkins,
balfry ginger, leon wilson,
and zigfried lloyd

Will duke it out
for a title shot against

The international
duel monsters champion
yugi moto.

Pardon me, sir.

As you requested,

We've conducted
an in-depth investigation
of mr. Zigfried lloyd.

This better be good.

It appears zigfried
has participated
in over tournaments

In the last years alone,

Each time ranking
in the top .

But our research revealed
almost nothing

About personal background
or family history,

And there's no record
of any connection

With that schroeder family
you mentioned.

So this zigfried
has been winning tournaments
around the world

And no one knows
anything about him?

he gains entry into
these tournaments

By receiving letters
of recommendation
from local politicians.

Yeah, like who?

I've compiled a list
with dozens of names,

But none were available
for comment.

They just need
some incentive.

Let me take a look
at this list of yours.

Yes, sir.

He has some
powerful people
in his corner.

Number .

Question that man again,

And if he still refuses
to make a comment,

I want you
to make him an offer
he can't refuse.

Yes, mr. Kaiba.

Kaiba, voice-over:
I've got you by
the tail, you rat.

Rebecca: oh, man,
joey lost.

Hold on a sec.


That means yugi
can cheer for me
from now on.


I was knocked
outta the tournament by
a guy with pink hair.

Yeah, a guy
with pink hair who's
an expert duelist.

I wanna be number one!

Will you grow up?

Trust me, there'll be
other duels.

You're not the one
who's a runner-up
every year.

Dat honor belongs to me.

He's got a point.

Think of it this way,
in the end,

Every match you lose
just helps make you
a better duelist.

Then he should be
the best by now.

Hey, yugi.

It's your

What's wrong?

Where is he?

Yeah, did he ever make it
to the medical center after
he threw his back out?

He was there.

Oy, my back.

The pain.

I'll get the doctor.

In the meanwhile,
try not to move.

Dr. Grossfeld?


Where'd he go?

Rebecca's duel.

Now, attack!

I haven't missed it.

Come on.


Now finish him off!

She's a true hawkins!

Oh, yes, the doctor.

[Knock knock]

Let's have a look here
shall we?

It looks like your
friend's been cured.

I'll send you a bill.

I just wish
I hadn't been

Don't sweat it.

I'm sure gramps is fine.

But he was
barely able to move
a muscle,

So he couldn't
possibly have gotten
out of that bed.

Maybe someone came
and helped him?

Yeah, but who?

Perhaps his secret admirer.

Could you be serious
for once?


You saying gramps
is unattractive?

Come on,
we need a plan, guys.

He may be in real trouble.

You got a point
there, duke.

He does have the worst luck
of anyone I know.

Let's just think

I'm sure
he's just fine, pal.

Me, too.


And his

You're right.

Thanks, guys.

Hey, no sweat.

Professor hawkins,
you should go
and cheer for rebecca.

Yeah, we'll
catch up later.

Just as soon
as we find
yugi's grandpa.

Best of luck,
and thanks.

Tell rebecca
we're all rooting for her
and we'll see her soon.

Of course.

Guys, let's split up
and find that grandpa!

All: right!

Rebecca, voice-over:
where is everyone?

I thought they'd be here
to cheer me on.

Rebecca, hey!

You made it!

Well done, rebecca.

Now you're in
the semifinals.

Yup, but I thought yugi
would be here to watch me.

Where is he?

Well, he had to deal
with a situation,

But I'm sure
he'll come back just
as soon as he can.

Right now you have
a duel to focus on.

But, gramps!

They'll all be here
before the match
is through.

I promise.


Oh, and yugi told me
to tell you that
he's rooting for you.

Wait, he did?

I mean, those were
his exact words?


Now let's go before
we're late.

This is awesome!

For the first time
in my life, I'm tall.

This place is so cute.

It's just like our town,
only everything's mini.

Except him.

The detail
on these statues
is incredible.

I must have dozed off.

And they speak, too.

That's leon wilson.

I was up all night

I suppose I just
needed a nap.


So when's yugi
gonna show up?

I was really hoping
he could watch
my next duel.

He'll be here,

But he's gonna be
rooting for me.

And what about your friends
and family, leon?

Won't they be here?

Nah, everyone
was too busy to come,

But I'm used to
being on my own.


Well, not this time.

Take a look.

Hey, look,
they're about to start!

This duel's gonna
totally rock.

[Crowd chattering]

Go, leon!

Over here!


Take it
all the way!

Now you see what I mean?

You two are
surrounded by fans
who came to cheer you on.

Now don't let them down.

Leon! Leon!

Leon! Leon!

Yeah, you're right.

Let's make this
the best duel
they've ever seen.

You're on,
but I still wish
my yugi-poo was here.

Joey: mr. Moto,
you out there?

Tristan: hello?


Woman, on pa: attention,
kaiba land guests.

A short, stocky, elderly
gentleman in overalls
and a black headband

Has been separated
from his loved ones.

If anyone has
lost a grandpa,

He's waiting for you
at the main gate.

Overalls and a headband?

That's my grandpa!

Hey, yuge,
did you hear that

Yeah, and I guess
you guys did, too.


And how many
elderly gentlemen
with overalls

Do you guys know?

All: one!

The only problem is
he's not here.

Good point.

Ya think we're at
the wrong gate?

Hey, check that out.

I wonder if grandpa
put it there!

Let's see.

It's some kinda a map.

It looks like
the whole layout
of kaiba land.

And look!

"X" marks the spot.

So, you mean,
if we find that spot,
we'll find grandpa?

I hope.

I don't like
the looks 'a this.

Why would yugi's
grandfather page us
to come here,

Run and hide,

And then
leave us a map

So we can find him,

What're you

That someone set
a trap for us!

Well, I'm not gonna
fall for any trap!

If we wanna
save grandpa,
we might have to!

All right, it's time to
begin our semi-final round!

Our first duel
pits zigfried lloyd
against balfry ginger.

These two dapper dans
will face-off in
kaiba corp's galaxy theater!

And now on to
our second match-up,

the two youngest minors

To ever join
a major tournament,

Rebecca hawkins
and leon wilson!

These small fries
will wage w*r
in small town, u.s.a.

Now, duelists, begin!

Both: let's duel!

Both: time to duel!

Rebecca's got
nothin' on you!

Crush this wanna-be!

I'll kick things off,
if ya don't mind.

So, the first thing
I'll do is activate
my graceful charity.

Now I can draw
new cards,

And then I discard
two from my hand.

So I'll send these two
to the graveyard.

Rebecca, voice-over:
and since one of 'em

Happens to be
marie the fallen one,

I gain an extra
life points
with every turn.

I'm not done yet.

Next, I play
fire princess
in attack mode.

Then I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

I'll start things off
by summoning forest wolf.

Now, attack rebecca's
fire princess

With fairy tale
fang attack.

What big teeth
he has, right?

Well, as the fairy tale goes,

"The better to devour
your princess with,
my dear."

So is that
the big bad wolf?

Wrong story.

Now I play a magic card,
so go, curse of thorns!

This stops marie
the fallen one from using
her special ability.

Not bad, kid.

Not bad.

Glad you liked it.

Nice round, leon!

All right, my move.

I summon
my luster dragon
in attack mode.

Hey, leon, if you think
your forest wolf
has a big mouth,

Then take a close look
at my dragon's--

The better
to blast you back to
fairy land with.

When my forest wolf
is destroyed,

Whatever monsters
he swallowed return
to the field,

So you got
your princess back.

Nice dueling.

Thank you,
and there's more
where that came from,

Like this direct attack!

That should do for now.

Wow, you're just as good
as they say you are,

But if you think
that scares me,
you're wrong.

Look out!

I'll start by playing
glife the phantom bird
in attack mode.

Rebecca, voice-over:
big deal.

As soon as I activate
my face down magic card,

His oversized
chicken'll be useless.

In case you hadn't noticed,

When my phantom bird
is summoned to the field,

He destroys
one of my opponent's trap
or magic cards.

And now,
glife the phantom bird,
attack her princess.

Next I'll activate
a magic card known as
gingerbread house,

And if you think
my fairy tale is good now,

Just wait till
the happy ending.

Come on, rebecca!

Let's see whatcha got!

Don't mind if I do.

I'll start by--

Hey, what's going on?

Hawkins, voice-over:
how strange.

He just raised
the attack points of
rebecca's monster.

It's just like my mom says,
don't fill up on sweets.

I know
my gingerbread house

Seems like
a good thing at first,

But once you go inside,
there's a price to be paid.

Sure, you get points,

But if your monster's total
is , or more--


It's destroyed,
and then I'm rewarded with
extra life points

Rebecca, voice-over:
leon's cards are so...


And I've never seen
any of them before.

Enough games!

Now I activate
the shallow grave!

So we each choose
one monster to transfer
from our graveyard

Back to the field
in defense mode.

So how 'bout
a warm welcome for
my luster dragon?

And let's give it up
for the return
of my forest wolf.

Now I'll sacrifice
my luster dragon.

That lets me summon
luster dragon number two
in its place!

All right, l.d.,
It's time to show that
overgrown pigeon of his

What you've got.

Emerald flame attack!

Had enough yet?

Well, I gotta admit,
you're pretty good, rebecca,

But this story
is not over yet,

So sit back and enjoy!

First, I'll switch my wolf
into attack mode.

Then I'll summon a girl
you might remember
from your old bedtime stories.

And thanks to her
fairy godmother,

She'll be able to go
to the ball!

You guessed it,
it's cinderella!

And her special ability

Let's me automatically
summon pumpkin carriage
to the field.

And what princess is complete
without her glass slippers?

Huh? Gimme a break.

Here's the deal.

As long as that
pumpkin carriage
is on the field,

Cinderella is able
to bypass your dragon
and attack you directly.

Now, cinderella,
kick off those slippers
and let's party!

But cinderella
never takes away
someone's life points

Without giving
something back in return!

A perfect fit!

My dragon's
wearing slippers?

Yup, and as long
as your dragon sports
that stylish footwear,

It can't attack cinderella.

Oh, and did I mention
your dragon loses
, attack points?

Is that all?


We can't forget
about my wolf
in grandma's clothing.


And of course,

Whenever a monster
wearing glass slippers
is destroyed,

Cinderella receives
a brand new pair

That she can use
for her next attack.

And this second pair
gives her a , point boost.

Oh, and last,
but not least,
one face down card.

Rebecca, voice-over:
how am I supposed
to fight against

Leon's deck of
fairytale rejects?

They're driving me nuts.

And I gave up
these lame stories

When I threw out
my teddy bear!

Here goes.

My move!

And I think
it's about time

One of us played
a real card
for a change--

Tribute to the doomed.

So who's afraid
of the big bad wolf?

Not me, thanks to this.

Next I'll activate
the magic card
stamping destruction.

It destroys
one magic card
on the field

And delivers
points of damage to
that card's owner.

And finally,
I'll give your princess
a royal butt-kicking.

Well, not if
I can help it.

I activate
my mirror force trap card,

So your attack is deflected,
and bounced right back.

No! Not him.

Fine. Your move!

You seem upset.


Dueling's supposed
to be fun, rebecca.

Just look at cinderella.

She's having a ball.

Rebecca, voice-over:
I can't believe

I'm fighting against
princesses and fairies,

And losing.

a victory just wasn't
in the stars for you.

Roland: here is your winner,

The trendy, yet tasteful,
zigfried lloyd!

Zigfried, voice-over:
come and get me,
herr kaiba.

Kaiba, voice-over:
I'm on to you, zigfried.

Are you guys sure
we're going the right way?

Assuming we can
trust that map,

Yugi's grandpa
should be right
around that corner.

Let's just hope he's ok!

He better be.

That's it.

he's in a chinese

You mean,
while we were running
around like lunatics,

Grandpa was eatin'
wonton soup?

Tea: wait.

Yugi, be careful.

Yugi: grandpa,
you in there?


Yugi, voice-over:
no matter what
it takes,

I'll save you.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh