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05x13 - Sinister Secrets, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Lovely day
for a duel, isn't it?

Leon: zigfried? What are
you doing here?

Giving you this.

Here. Take it.

[Zigfried chuckles]

Mr. Kaiba, you've got
to take a look at this, sir!

Something was
fishy in leon's profile.

Leon wilson is in reality
my younger brother--

Leon von schroeder!

Your biggest rival
is about to reign

In your own
herr kaiba!

Get ready to step down,

'Cause there's a new
champion in town,
and his name is

Leon von schroeder!

Now I summon my iron knight!

I knew you wouldn't
let me down, leon.

You have one monster,
and I have three!

So before this turn
is done, your former
title will belong

To schroeder corp!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

You're looking

At the next
international champ, yugi!

Now watch this!

My iron cage sends
any monster I choose
to the graveyard.

Joey: there goes yugi's
only monster!

The monster I
choose to crush is

My iron hans!

He just
destroyed his
own monster!

my iron hans goes
to the graveyard,

The true power
of my iron knight
is released.

That's a thousand
extra points.

Oh, man! Yugi's
monster is toast!

Now, iron knight,
attack his obnoxious
celtic guardian.

little fortress is
the perfect place

For a joust,
don't ya think?

[Horse neighs]

And now,
forest hunter, attack

Yugi's life points

Joey: off
to a bad start!

No joke!

Yugi just lost almost
half his life points!

I'll give you
a break for now.

Well, he certainly is
a talented lad.

Not only does he have
impressive skills,

He also has a great
deal of respect

For the cards
in his deck.

And as we both know,
that is the mark
of a true duelist.

You're right.

And I'm sure when
push comes to shove,
leon's gonna do

The right thing.

Yes, but don't

The schroeder-kaiba
rivalry is a bitter one,

And the anger
and jealousy between
the two families runs deep.

Zigfried, thinking:
he'd better not
let me down.

Well done, leon.
I'm impressed.

My deck of fairy tale cards

Has always come through

For me.

In fact, there was
a time when these cards

Seemed like
my only friends.

I guess it started when
I began reading folk tales

And fables
to pass the time.

It sounds weird,
but I used to pretend

That I was a part
of the stories.

The characters
were so cool,

And the adventures
they went on were awesome!

And I wasn't the only
one who thought so.

Maximillion pegasus
felt the same way, so he
created a whole series

Of duel monster
cards inspired by
these fairy tales.

I suppose that's
when my passion for
dueling first started.

And ever since then,
I dreamed about
being a champion.

But this isn't
about my dreams.

It's about
finally paying my dues
to the schroeder family

By making sure kaibacorp
falls into ruins!

All right.

The only way
to get through
to you is

To duel you with
all of my strength!

Here goes!

I'll begin
by playing

My queen's knight
in attack mode!

Now attack his
forest hunter

With majestic
sword swipe!

next I'll place
one card face-down,

And that ends
my turn.

I was hoping
you'd say that!

All right, thanks
to the special ability
of my iron cage,

I'm able to bring an old
friend back to the field.

Of course, now
that hans is back
in the action,

My iron knight's strength

Drops back to .

But that doesn't
worry me one bit,

'Cause iron hans also
lets me play this--

Another iron knight!

And next I'll activate
my spinning wheel spindle.

How's that?

What can he
possibly do to yugi with
a giant roll of string?

Wait! I know
that card.

I saw it in leon's
deck when I
dueled against him.

It's a monster
destruction card.

Time to reenact the story
of sleeping beauty

With your queen!

What have you done?

She's had a long day.

So now your queen's
knight is gonna take
a little snooze

In the graveyard.

Don't worry. She'll be
back in three turns.

Of course by then,
I'll have already won
your championship title.

And now that you're
defenseless, I'll
attack you directly.

Reveal face-down card!

Mirror force!

Your attack is
reflected back
to your side,

Destroying all
of your monsters!

So who's

Nice one, man!


So...tough break, huh?

Give him time.

We schroeders have
a habit of toying
with our opponents

Just before
our opponents.

Zigfried, thinking:
it's almost time to
reveal the final secret.

Let's move on.

I activate a magic card
known as water of life.

It's overflowing
with power,

Including the ability
to bring back monsters
from beyond the grave,

And I choose iron hans.

And he lets
me play this--

My iron knight
in attack mode.

That knight keeps
coming back for more!

It's da deck
that won't quit!

Yup, and that's why leon's
so hard to defeat.

He built his deck
with the perfect
balance of magic,

Trap, and monster cards.

Well, I just hope
yugi can find
a weakness

it's too late!

Me, too.

Let's see
what you've got!

Very well.

I'll start
with this--

The magic card
pot of greed!

This allows me
to draw two more
cards from my deck.

Oh, well.

for you I drew this.

Your watapon?

Yes. And since I
moved it from my deck
to my hand using

A magic card,
I can summon my watapon
directly to the field!

Then I
sacrifice my watapon

In order to summon
my dark magician girl!


This is so awesome!

She's one of your
most famous monsters.

That's not cool.

'Cause now I have
to destroy her.

not if she destroys
you first.

Now, dark magician
girl, attack!


I end my turn.

I gotta say it
was nice meeting
your dark magician girl.

But as the saying
goes, all good things
must come to an end.

And your end is here.

Zigfried, thinking:
all right, leon,

We've toyed with these
fools for long enough.

The time has come
to unleash the final
phase of our plan.

Kaiba, thinking: what are
you up to, zigfried?

My move!

What do ya know?

It's the same card
you drew.

Some might call that
a coincidence,

But I call it fate.

And thanks to pot of greed,
I can draw two cards.

Leon, thinking:
that's the card!

Make your
family proud, leon,
and activate that card!

Zigfried: lovely
day for a duel,
isn't it?

I hope you brought
everything you need.

Zigfried? What are
you doing here?

[Zigfried chuckles]

Here. Take it.

It might bring you luck.

That-a boy.

[Zigfried chuckles]

I've never
even heard of this card.

That's probably because
it's one of a kind.

I've been saving it
just for you, leon.

When you draw this card,
I want you to
play it immediately.

Do that and the entire
schroeder family
will have you to thank.

Really? Wow.

I promise I won't
let you down.

Zigfried, thinking:
we've done so far

Has been leading up
to this moment.

Don't screw it up.

Go on, leon.

Do this for our father

And his father before him.

Make "schroeder"
a household name.

All right. This is
for my family!

I play golden castle
of stromberg!

anyone know
what that is?

Hawkins: I do.

Me, too.

Zigfried, how did you
get your hands on that?

Yami-yugi: I've
heard stories
about that card,

But I thought it
was never released.

Hold on!

What's wrong?

I'm getting
some interference.

Strange. The mainframe's
running fine.

Signal strength
looks fine, too.

That makes
no sense.

Oh, well. Whatever it
was, it's over now.

I activate the special effect

Of my golden castle now!

It lets me summon
any monster
to the field

With stars or less.

So I play cinderella
in attack mode!


Leon: and where
would she be without
her pumpkin carriage

And her glass slippers?

Hey, watch out!

That princess
is tougher
than she looks!

Did I mention,

Whenever pumpkin carriage is

On the field,

Cinderella's allowed to go

Straight for your life points?

Now, cinderella,
attack him directly!

After cinderella
she transfers

Her glass slippers
to one of your monsters.

But that footwear
doesn't come cheap.

She's gotta cough up

, Attack points.

Duke: yugi's
getting crushed!

he's da king
of games!

Ya think
he's scared of
some princess?

Rebecca: that's no princess,
that's a monster in heels!

Zigfried, where did
he get that card?

Ha ha! And what
card would that be?

I'm not in
the mood for games.

Is that really it?

Sure is.

Tea: what's
going on here?

Rebecca: yeah.
What are you two
whispering about?

Wait. It's that
castle, isn't it?

Yes. You see, kids,

There are several
duel monsters cards
that pegasus created,

But never
fully developed,

And therefore never
officially released.

And the golden castle of
stromberg is one of them.

Joey: then how
did leon get
hold of it?

I recall a tournament
several years
ago that offered

The golden castle card
as the grand prize,

But it was never
meant to be used.

Hawkins: that's right.

Because it was only
a test sample, it
was forbidden

From tournament play.

And since only
one copy was ever made,

It remains one of
the most sought after cards

In the game.

I just can't believe
that leon has it
in his deck.

Zigfried, you realize
your brother just played

An illegal card, right?

I beg to differ,
herr kaiba.

If that's really
a non-registered card,

Leon's duel disk
shouldn't have
recognized it, right?

So what's the deal?

The card limiter
must've been

And I think
I know how.

Hold on!

So that means that
leon is cheating!

I am?

That's the real reason

You hacked into
my computer system,
isn't it?

How dare you?!

The king of games
is about to be

By a schroeder,

So you accuse
me of cheating?

Leon simply played
a strong card.

Don't blame me
'cause your cheap
computer network

to malfunction.

Blame your
poor excuse
for a company.

Face it! Kaibacorp's
heyday is over!

Come on. No one's
gonna buy that.
It's a fact

Leon broke the rules.

He played a non-registered
card in an official duel.

Fine. Then why
don't you just
go right ahead

And cancel
the match,

Even though you
promised the world
a winner?

No matter what,
this duel will go on!

Zigfried, thinking: perfect.

Kaiba knows if he
disqualifies leon,
his entire tournament

Was pointless and his
reputation will plummet!

Is this really
a forbidden card?

No way.

My brother would never
lie to me like that.

Zigfried: leon,
just continue
your move!

The golden castle
of stromberg was

By your duel disk,
so it can't
be illegal!

Now show these
people what it means
to be a schroeder!

All right.

How could you?

I knew you were
a jerk, but lying
to your own brother?

Poor guy.

Don't listen
to them, leon!

They don't care
about you.

These friends
of herr kaiba just
want to tear

Our family apart!

Now who are you
going to believe:
these strangers

Or your own flesh
and blood?

It's just I don't
wanna win by cheating.

I told you
that card is legal.

Don't trust him.

Why not?

He's just using you.

He reprogrammed
dueling system,

Forcing our duel disks
to accept an illegal card.

Is this true?

Well, it looks like
I've been figured out.

But it's too late
to stop me now!

The most powerful card
never released is

Already on the field!

And no one can stop it!

only one true victor here

And that's schroeder corp,

For when my brother leon
is crowned world champion,

We'll be the number one
gaming company on earth!

Not if you
force him to win
by cheating.

Heh heh!

You say
"cheating," I say
"creative dueling."


I was supposed
to win fair
and square!

That was the plan,
don't you remember?

It turns out the rules
didn't fit my needs.

Now use the card I gave you,
and let me handle the rest.

All your dreams are
about to be realized.

Don't let them
pass you by!

You're right.
My dream has always been
to win in a duel

Against yugi.

But I refuse to do it
by breaking the rules.

Now I activate
mystical space typhoon.

And I'll use it
to destroy my golden
castle of stromberg!

Joey: way
to go, leon!

You don't need
that hunk of junk
weighin' ya down!

Tristan: that's right!

Especially a hunk
of junk that's illegal!

[Zigfried chuckling]

Zigfried: I had a feeling
I couldn't trust you.

Therefore I've taken
matters into my own hands.

You see, since
the castle of stromberg card

Was never finished,
I was able to add
a few twists of my own.

But a duelist can't change
the attributes of a card.

Unless he's able
to rewrite the file
and alter the data.

Hey, freak!

What have you done?


Witness, if you will,
the final phase
of my revenge.

Oh, man! Look!

What's up
with the reception?

No fair! This
is the best part!

Spill it!

Well, if you think
I hacked into your
dueling program

Just to strengthen
one card,
then you're wrong.

In fact,
that card was
nothing more than a key,

If you will.

And as soon as it
was played,
it unlocked

The most devastating
virus ever constructed.

Launch the antiviral
program immediately.

Yes, sir!

too little, too late.

Every one of kaibacorp's
program files

And data banks are being
deleted as we speak.

And when your
empire crumbles,

Maximillion pegasus
will have no choice

But to negotiate
a partnership
with me.

You snake!

All right.

He must be stopped.

It's all my fault.

I never should have trusted
him, and now it's too late.

No, there's
still time!

I just wanted
the chance to face you
in a fair duel.

But that chance is gone.

So I quit!

it's not that easy!

You should know
me better than that!

My virus can't
be stopped
by surrendering.

It can't?

Come, now, there's
only one way you

Can put an end
to all this.

And it's right

Destroy the golden
castle of stromberg

And the virus
will cease!

Tea: how? Magic and trap
cards are useless

Against it, right?

Joey: yeah.
And who knows what
other abilities

Zigfried added
to that thing!

Now what?

We continue the duel,
that's what!

But, yugi,
it's no use.

My brother made that
card indestructible.

What happened
to the leon I met

When this tournament
first began?

He wouldn't
be giving up.

He'd be fighting
for his dream.

Now duel against
me with everything
you have

And show zigfried
what the heart of
the cards

Is all about!

And together
you and I
will put an end

To your brother's
selfish scheme.

Are you sure?

Just trust me.

Every card
has its weakness.

We just need
to figure out
this one.

And we don't have
much time.

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh