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02x13 - The Hero Dies in This One

Posted: 02/22/05 05:27
by bunniefuu

(Brooke is sitting on her desk, hair tied up in a bun, legs crossed and holding a blue flag that reads; ‘TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL’ with their ‘R’ and mascot raven.)

(The camera zooms in and a series of snapshot sounds are heard. The picture turns black and white. Three are taken of Brooke on her desk and four are taken of her behind her desk, holding her pen and looking much like a female president.)

(The shot returns to colour and the camera zooms out of a close-up of her holding a Latin book – upside-down. She’s holding more books in the other hand and posing.)

(She looks at the Latin book for a beat before smiling for Felix and his camera.)

FELIX: (Scoffs and lowers the camera.) I think the Latin book’s upside-down.

BROOKE: Like I could read it if it was right-side-up. (Lowers the book and moves away.)

(Felix grins and looks at the pictures on the screen of the digital camera.)

BROOKE: How long’s it gonna take you to get these fliers done?

(Brooke pulls her hair tie out and ruffles her hair loose.)

FELIX: Just gotta download the pics to my computer. You got a slogan in mind?

BROOKE: Yeah, ‘Brooke Davis for President’. (Smiles) Short enough for even the stoners to remember.

(Felix smiles and turns around.)



(Dan walks around with some papers. Lucas enters the building and walks straight to Dan.)

LUCAS: You gonna leave Keith and Jules alone?

DAN: (Looking at a car.) I’m thinking about it.

LUCAS: Look, he’s happy for once. (Pause) He’s getting married. Don’t screw that up.

(Dan looks up, genuinely shocked.)

DAN: They’re getting married?

(Lucas didn’t know that Dan hadn’t been told. Dan smirks again.)

DAN: I’ll tell you what – I’ll leave them alone… if you give me a chance to prove that I can be a good father.

LUCAS: (Smiling) Well, how you gonna do that, huh? Get a lobotomy?

DAN: No. (Walks up to him.) You move in with me.

(Lucas looks at him and scoffs disbelievingly. They hold gazes for a while.)



(Clothes are strewn all over the place. Nathan walks into the kitchen in only a lilac towel.)

NATHAN: (Sighs) Haley, we seriously have to hide the matches from your pyro sister.

(Taylor exits the bathroom, not completely dressed as she dons a top. Nathan blows out candles.)

TAYLOR: (Taunts) Be grateful it’s just candles. When we were kids, I set fire to our bunk beds.

NATHAN: Look… where is Haley and, does she know that you’re wearing her shirt?

TAYLOR: (Gets things out of the fridge.) At school (For, like, the third time this season.) and no, I needed a beach cover-up. (Puts things into her bag and lifts the bag.) Hey, I borrowed some cash, for beer, I hope you don’t mind.

(She walks off-screen. Nathan watches her exit the house and sighs.)

(The laptop pings.)

NATHAN: (Looks at it.) And, she left the computer on.

(He walks to the laptop and sits in front of it with a massive sigh.)

NATHAN: (To no one.) Love having you, Taylor. (Waves) Come visit anytime.

(He looks at the message: ‘HellInKeller: Got your message. Don’t think I can leave you alone.’. Nathan frowns at it and clicks on Haley’s ‘sent items’ folder. He sorts the messages by name order and sees many messages to Chris. The titles are:



Don’t waste your talent

Got a great gig… you should be here!

I had a dream about you


The worst bus ride ever

I’m glad you are thinking about me

You are too talented… be with me

Come sing with me! Your audience awaits!

The camera zooms in on the titles.)

(Nathan is shocked by what he sees and exhales hard.)



(Students roam around the grounds before school begins. Camera pans to follow Mouth as he runs across to Lucas.)

MOUTH: Hey, Luke(!) I’m taking a poll for the next issue of the paper. (Flips open a pad. Brooke appears behind them.) What is your biggest concern for the upcoming student government election?

(Brooke runs up to them cheerfully but they haven’t spotted her yet.)

LUCAS: Having to answer polls.

BROOKE: (Links arms with both boys.) Well, well, well. If it isn’t my favourite two voters in the same place. You two can be the first to know I’m running for president. (Lucas looks at her.) Do I have your support?

LUCAS: Well, do I have any choice?

BROOKE: Ah, let me think about that – no(!) (To Mouth.) And if you’re still doing you newspaper dig, Mighty Mouth, I’ll give you an exclusive on my campaign.

MOUTH: (Somewhat reluctantly.) Um… yeah, we should set that up.

BROOKE: Good. (She smiles.)

(Nathan walks up to them – also in school for the first time in a while.)

NATHAN: You guys seen Haley?

LUCAS: (Squints as he looks around.) Uh… I think she’s tutoring.

(There’s a blurry shot of Jake as he’s seen in the background over Lucas’ shoulder.)


(Nathan looks behind himself.)

NATHAN: (Turns back.) I gotta go. (Walks off.)

LUCAS: Alright.

(Mouth looks back as Brooke and Lucas continue to watch Nathan.)

MOUTH: No way(!) Is that… Jake?

(Lucas and Brooke turn in the direction Mouth is looking. Jake and Peyton walk to them.)

LUCAS: (To Jake.) Hey!

(Brooke is obviously pleased to see him. She smiles widely and holds her arms out. Mouth grins.)

LUCAS: When’d you get back?

JAKE: Couple days ago.

BROOKE: (Walks to him.) How’s Jenny?(!)

JAKE: Hey.

BROOKE: Hi(!) (Hugs him.)

JAKE: She’s great. She’s getting bigger every day.

(Lucas and Jake shake hands in a manly way.)

LUCAS: You’re getting scrawny, man. You better hit that weight room before camp.

JAKE: Yeah. (Smiles and nods.)

MOUTH: Will you still be here then?

JAKE: (Nods) Yeah, yeah. I’m back for good now. I mean, I got some messes to clean up. (Brooke gives Peyton a look.) I gotta get a lawyer; see if I can… keep Nikki away, but… I’m done running. (Smiles)

LUCAS: (Seriously) Good. (Pause) We need you here.

JAKE: (Looks ay Peyton.) Thanks.

BROOKE: (Takes Jake’s arm and walks forward with him.) Oh, Jake, I’m so glad you came back. You can still vote here, right?

(Jake looks at her and they walk off-screen.)

(Lucas stands next to Peyton.)

LUCAS: You good?

PEYTON: (Smiling) Yes. Thank you, for calling him. (Hugs him.) You’re a good friend, Luke.

(She walks away but her parting words obviously pleased Lucas.)

(Lucas walks forward slowly, by himself.)



(Haley takes off her coat and puts in into the locker. Peyton walks up to her.)

HALEY: (Smiling) Hey(!) I heard you were out of town. Fill me in on all the dirt.

PEYTON: I… think you’re the only one who has any.

(Haley makes a face.)

PEYTON: Um… I have to ask you something.

HALEY: Yeah.

PEYTON: …Did you kiss Chris?

HALEY: (Smile drops and she exhales. She pauses before saying guiltily.) How did you know about that?

PEYTON: (Sighs and looks away for a second.) That is seriously not important.

HALEY: It was, like, a goodbye kiss.

PEYTON: (Voice deliberately low.) With tongue(!)? Haley, what’s going on with you? You know how ugly everything got with me and Brooke and Lucas and… there were no wedding rings in that scenario.

HALEY: (Looks around before shutting the locked.) Look, he just… (Whispers) he just kissed me. And… I let him and it was a really stupid thing to do. But… It’s-it didn’t mean anything, you know?


PEYTON: A kiss always means something.

(Peyton frowns at Haley. The school bell rings. Peyton walks away, leaving Haley to stew in her guilt. Haley sighs.)



(Camera is focussed on the window as Jake walks along on the other side. He knocks on the doorframe. Whitey’s at his desk – we’ve all missed him – in his dark office with only a lamp as a source of illumination. Whitey looks up and answers with his usual cutting remark.)

WHITEY: (Drops his pen.) Well, I never though I’d see you darken my door again, Jagielski. (He takes his glasses off and ends with a smile.)

JAKE: (Hands in pockets.) Yeah, I wasn’t so sure myself, coach.

WHITEY: Where the hell’ve you been, son?

(Jake smiles and takes that as an incentive to walk into the office.)

JAKE: Just looking for a safe place in a non-safe world.

WHITEY: You find it?

JAKE: I don’t think it exists. (Smiles) So I figured I’d just have to create it myself.

WHITEY: (Asses him.) How’s your game?

JAKE: Well, haven’t had much cause to use it. (Nods)

(Whitey gets off his chair and stands level with him.)

WHITEY: How bout your grades?

JAKE: (Looks down and sighs.) Well, I’ve been working a lot of hours; just to keep me and Jenny afloat so I sorta stopped going to school.

WHITEY: (Scowling to high heaven.) That’s a damn fools plan. (Walks around his desk to Jake.) Jenny deserves a whole lot better than a high school drop-out for a father.

JAKE: (Nods) I know, I know. That’s why I’m here. I was-I was hoping that you could speak to Principle Turner on my behalf coz… well he wasn’t really happy last time I talked to him.

WHITEY: (Pause) You gonna disappear again?

JAKE: (Shakes his head.) I don’t plan on it, coach.

(Whitey smiles – ever so slightly – and puts his hand on Jake’s shoulder.)

WHITEY: (Steers him to his door.) We got a faculty meeting tonight. I’ll corner Turner and see what I can do.

JAKE: I appreciate that.

(They stop at the doorway.)

WHITEY: Oh, and about that safe place you’re building; don’t do it alone. There’s a lot of people here ready to help.

(Whitey pats him on the back – hard – and sends him on his way.)



(Nathan walks to the benches with a lot of papers in his hand. Haley is sitting there working. He sits on the seat next to hers.)

NATHAN: Talk to your folks lately?

HALEY: Uh, yeah actually, my mom sent me an email. Said dad is dragging em all over Wisconsin looking for, like, the Gouda museum or something.

NATHAN: What about Chris? (Hands the papers over.)

HALEY: Did you go through my emails? (Takes the papers.)

NATHAN: What is this, Haley?

HALEY: Nothing. I sent him one email to say good luck on your music. (Flips through the papers.)

NATHAN: It looks like more than one email to me. (He waits for an explanation.)

HALEY: (Annoyed) Taylor, must have sent these on my account because- (Nathan looks away, smirking bitterly.) yeah, look at the dates; They all start after she got here. (About a particular email.) And this one was sent when I was at the café.

NATHAN: So you didn’t kiss Chris?

HALEY: (Lying pretty well.) Taylor is just stirring up trouble like always.

NATHAN: (Nods) OK. I’m gonna tell her to leave then. That cool with you?


HALEY: Yeah. She should go.

NATHAN: (Nods) Alright. (He stands and leaves.)

(Haley looks away guiltily. She’s just placed all the blame on her sister.)



(Whitey walks in.)

WHITEY: Good afternoon folks. (Closes the door.) Welcome to the first student government information session. I’m gonna pass out these sign-up sheets for the various offices.

(Shot of Brooke as she tries to look interested but is obviously out of her league. She’s nervous.)

WHITEY: And once you’ve filled these out we’ll talk about scheduling. (Hands them to a student.)

ERICA MARSH: Hi. (Holds out her hand.) Erica Marsh. (Brooke shakes her hand.) I never pegged Brooke Davis for student government.

BROOKE: Well, I am captain of the cheerleading squad… and a former homecoming queen. (Smiles) Can’t be that different, right?

ERICA MARSH: Actually, government is a lot more than just a popularity contest. Everybody, in this room, has at least a 3.8 GPA and a tonne of outside interest. (Brooke smirks to herself.) Take me; I’m president of the National Auto Society; head of the French club and co-chair of Tree Hill Big Sisters.

BROOKE: (Sarcastically) Wow(!) You do all of that and yet you still have time to talk to us little people?

ERICA MARSH: Maybe I can help you, Brooke. Have you thought about running for secretary? Nobody serious ever wants that job.

BROOKE: (Cattily) Actually, I’m running for president.

ERICA MARSH: President? You realise I’ve been president since seventh grade.

BROOKE: Really?(!) What’s was your name again?

ERICA MARSH: Erica Marsh.

BROOKE: No, doesn’t ring a bell.

ERICA MARSH: Don’t worry, it will.

BROOKE: (Holds out the form.) Will be in one, Vivica.

ERICA MARSH: (Takes the clipboard and pen.) Erica.

BROOKE: (Takes her pen back.) Whatever.

(Brooke smirks at her. Erica turns back around and Brooke’s smirk turns into a glare. She flips through her pad savagely.)



(Lucas enters the café.)

LUCAS: (To Karen.) Oh, hey.

KAREN: (Relieved) Oh, hey. You’re a lifesaver.

(They walk around behind the counter.)

KAREN: Deb’s out of town and I’m backed up on deliveries.

LUCAS: (He’s holding a piece of paper.) OK, uh… no problem, I’ll pack up the car. But first… (Holds out the paper to her and sighs.) the test results came.

(Karen unfolds and looks at it.)

LUCAS: I don’t have HCM. (Karen gasps in relief.) Keith’s OK too.

KAREN: (Hugs him delightedly.) Thank god(!) (Closes her eyes.) Oh, I don’t think I could take it if anything were wrong with you.

LUCAS: (Smiling) I know.

KAREN: Well, we should celebrate; anything you want.

LUCAS: (Nonchalantly) I wanna… move in with Dan.

KAREN: (Handing the paper back, thinking he’s joking.) Right, (Turns away to work.) and I wanna drive metal spike into my eyes.

(Karen puts things away and turns back to him.)

LUCAS: (Walks forward.) Look, I-I know it sounds crazy. OK, but college is gonna start in a few years-

KAREN: You’re serious?

LUCAS: (Pauses for a while as he looks at his mother sadly.) Yeah(!) (Pause) I wanna move in with Dan.

KAREN: (Exhales) Over my dead body(!) What’s this really about, Lucas? What’s going on?

LUCAS: Nothing(!) (With a shake in his voice.) And I know this comes as a surprise to you,… and I’m sorry mom, but… it’s what I want. OK?

(He walks past her and Karen watches him, confused and saddened.)





(Keith walks up to the entrance of the dealership. Dan walks up.)

DAN: (Pissed) You’re late!

(Keith opens the door and enters.)

DAN: Where the hell were you?(!)

KEITH: (Nonplussed) I… stopped by to check on Jules.

DAN: You should have called. Your office, right now(!)

(Keith follows him, kinda worried. Dan enters Keith’s office, a smile on his face.)

CO-WORKERS: (Holding glasses up.) Surprise!

(Keith’s office is decorated in celebratory style. They are candles up, plates and sterling silver food platters. The workers are holding up glasses of Champaign.)

(Keith is dumbfounded.)

KEITH: (Shocked) What?

DAN: (Laughs and puts an arm around Keith’s shoulder.) Congratulations, big brother. I hope Jules makes you as happy as Deb has made me. (Takes a glass and clinks it with Keith’s.)

KEITH: (Still stunned.) But, how did you know?(!)

DAN: (Evasively) Good news travels fast in this town. (Holds up his glass.) A toast; to Keith and to Jules. (Everyone holds their glasses up.) Two people lucky enough to find each other. (Looks at Keith.) And I hope your lives together… are filled with many more surprises.

KEITH: Oh no, this is just about the number of people we’re inviting to the wedding, so…

DAN: What’re you talking about?

KEITH: Oh, you know, we’re just gonna… do something small.

DAN: Out of the question(!) You deserve a big blow-out. No expense spared. It’s my gift. I wanna give you a day you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

(Keith smiles and everybody watching (us) starts to worry.)

DAN: Besides, it’s not for you. (Looks up and sees a very pissed off Karen striding up to the entrance and pushing the door open.) It’s for Jules. Every woman deserves to be a queen for the day.

(Dan walks out of the office so that he can greet Karen.)

KAREN: What the hell are you doing with Lucas?!

DAN: So he told you?

KAREN: Only that he’s moving in with you, not the real reason why!

DAN: He wants to get to know his father.

KAREN: That’s crap and we both know it(!) You’re manipulating him somehow!

DAN: No, I’m letting him make a choice. He’s a big boy, Karen. (He begins to turn away.) He may need something more than just his mommy(!)

(Walks back to the office.)

KAREN: (Following him.) DON’T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME, WE ARE NOWHERE NEAR FIN- (She quietens down as she sees the celebration.) –ished(!)

(Karen looks at Keith in bewilderment.)

KAREN: What’s going on?

DAN: It’s just a little party to celebrate Keith’s engagement.

(Dan smiles at Karen, knowing perfectly well what he’s doing. Karen looks at Keith, hurt.)

(Dan walks forward with a glass flute. Keith looks away.)

DAN: (Holds it out to her.) Champaign?

(Karen looks down at the glass but doesn’t move to take it.)



(Peyton’s walking down the pavement by herself. Haley runs behind her, trying to catch up. People are milling all around.)

HALEY: Hey(!)

PEYTON: (Stops and looks back.) Hey.

(Haley catches up.)

HALEY: So,… Nathan found out that I kissed Chris.

PEYTON: You told him?

HALEY: No, my idiot sister has been emailing Chris under my screen name because, apparently, the drama in her own life isn’t enough, and Nathan found the emails.

PEYTON: How’d he take it?

HALEY: (Sighs) I just told him Taylor made it all up.

PEYTON: So… you lied to him, again?

(They stop and look at each other.)

HALEY: (Running a hand through her hair.) Yeah, and I feel awful about it, but what’s the point of telling Nathan? Chris is out of my life, OK? Nathan would feel worse if he knew the truth.

PEYTON: (Raises her eyebrows.) What is the truth?

HALEY: That Chris… and I are connected through music. (Pause) He understands that part of me in a way that Nathan doesn’t.

(They start walking again.)

PEYTON: (Links arms with Haley.) OK, Haley, if… if Chris were in town… would you be into him? Coz I mean you-you-you kissed him(!)

HALEY: I know I kissed him and it was a mistake.

PEYTON: So this whole connection is strictly music?

HALEY: That’s all it is. I love Nathan.

(They continue walking.)



(The bell is heard and the door opens. Camera pans as Keith steps into the café. Karen looks at him for a beat before continuing with her cleaning. She walks to him as he steps up to the counter.)

KAREN: So I guess, uh, (Looks at the money in her hand.) congratulations are in order.

KEITH: I-I-I’m sorry about this morning. That’s not how I wanted you to find out.

KAREN: Why didn’t you just tell me?

KEITH: (Sitting at the counter.) You know, for as long as I can remember, Karen, (He looks at her.) I wanted to be with you. (Smiles) And then I proposed-

KAREN: Keith(!)

KEITH: No, really, it’s… it’s OK. (Pause) When you turned me down, I, uh,… I thought I’d never have any love in my life. (Pause) But now I’ve found the love of my life.

(They smile.)

KAREN: (Looks down.) Jules is a lucky woman.

KEITH: I guess I didn’t tell you because (Pause) I needed to say this first; I’m glad I loved you all those years. (Smiles as Karen’s face is overcome with a curious expression.) You know, even if it didn’t work out. My heart knew what it wanted. (Smiles) So I was ready when Jules came along.

(Karen nods.)

KAREN: Did you guys set a date yet?

KEITH: (Inhales) No, it’ll be soon though. Um… Lucas has already agreed to be my best man.

KAREN: Really? (The tension from the whole situation is apparent.) I didn’t know. (Coughs) We haven’t talked about anything but Dan since Lucas asked to move in with him.

KEITH: Hang on, what?(!)

KAREN: Yeah, there’s something going on that he’s not telling me.

(Keith nods, more to himself, and looks down.)



(Brooke is putting up posters of herself – looking like the president – at regular intervals along the same wall. There’s no space for anything else and she even puts them over fliers.)

(Haley and Peyton come walking down the corridor, smiling.)

HALEY: (To Brooke.) Hey.

BROOKE: (Turns her head.) Hey(!) Like my new campaign posters? (Points to them.)

(Shot of a poster with the heading ‘BROOKE DAVIS FOR PRESIDENT’. The pictures is of her holding the Latin book upside-down. The camera pans to one of her behind her desk with a pen and a smile.)

PEYTON: I have never seen you looking so-

BROOKE: Presidential?

PEYTON: Funereal.

BROOKE: (Puts her arm around Peyton’s waist and all three of them walk down the corridor.) Funny word coming from you; miss happy, goofy grin queen. What’s going on with you and Jake anyway?

(Haley and Brooke try to tickle her good-humouredly. Peyton gets embarrassed.)

PEYTON: (Trying to get away.) I don’t know, stop! (They laugh.) We’re playing it by the ear.

BROOKE: Is that all you’re playing?

(Peyton’s eyes widen at Brooke’s tactlessness. Haley smiles.)

BROOKE: OK, fine, don’t tell us. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and expect juicy details later.

(Brooke turns away from them and her smile disappears. She looks at her posters; they have all got a red banner stuck across them. One says ‘Want a President with a 2.3 GPA?’ another one says ‘Brooke Davis Skipped 4TH Period 30 Times Last Year!’)

BROOKE: Who did that?

(Sound is heard overhead from the TV.)

ERICA MARSH: In our great democracy, anyone can run for president. (A video segment she taped is playing on the school TV.) But you deserve a leader you can trust. I have evidence that Brooke Davis-

(A scene with Brooke stuffing ballots into the box – for homecoming queen - is shown for the whole school to witness.)

ERICA MARSH: -stuffed the ballot box to win homecoming queen.

(Brooke bends down and picks up more ballots, putting them into the box.)

BROOKE: (Outraged) I knocked it over by accident! I was just putting the ballots back in!

(Cut back to the TV.)

ERICA MARSH: And that might not be all she stuffs.

(A scene of Brooke walking down the corridor plays. The camera zooms on the region of her ‘chest’.)

BROOKE: (Pissed) Oh, please, I haven’t stuffed since puberty(!) I can’t believe that little @#%$ went negative(!)

PEYTON: (Pokerfaced) I can’t believe she beat you to it.

(Brooke spares her a tiny glance before looking back at the TV.)

ERICA MARSH: This election, choose honesty; vote for me – Erica Marsh.

(Erica smiles, Brooke glares, Peyton stares.)



(Lucas walks around the café, helping out. Karen is at the counter with Andy. She watches Lucas. Andy sits at the counter, eating.)

ANDY: Little frosty in here, today, no?

KAREN: You here to eat or give a weather report?

ANDY: (Confused) …OK, what’s going on? I-I-I thought Lucas took the HCM test and was fine.

KAREN: Yeah, but now he wants to move in with Dan,… and I haven’t been able to get him to budge so I’m gonna get Keith to try.

ANDY: Keith.

KAREN: Who’s getting married to Jules(!)

(Andy looks at her for a beat before sitting up straight.)

ANDY: Wow, that’s great.

KAREN: Is it? (Lowers her voice.) I mean, how well does he know this girl? What if he’s just blinded by a pretty face and a hot body?

ANDY: Well, (Shrugs) some would say the same about you. (Grins)

(Karen rolls her eyes and Andy laughs.)

(The door opens again and Brooke and Felix enter.)

FELIX: You can’t let Erica get away with smearing you like that. You leave this stuff unanswered, it becomes the truth.

(They find a place to sit. Lucas comes up to them – in a tight black top J - and hands out menus.)

BROOKE: (To Lucas.) So what do you think I should do about Erica’s ads?

LUCAS: Uh… are they true?

BROOKE: (Awkwardly) Some of them.

LUCAS: Well don’t deny it. (Smiles) Politicians always get caught when they lie.

FELIX: That’s brilliant, genius(!) Stick to slinging hash.

(Brooke gapes at Felix. Lucas laughs and holds up a hand to Felix.)

LUCAS: Look, people like you, Brooke. (Shrugs) Just be who you are.

(Brooke smiles, Felix looks on evilly and Lucas walks away. The door is heard opening again.)

PEYTON: (Enters with Jake, holding a flier and completely beside herself.) OK, it’s official, Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp are playing at TRIC tomorrow! (Jake walks up beside her, smiling.)

BROOKE: (Ecstatic) NO WAY!


BROOKE: That’s awesome! (Thinking.) That will be perfect for my campaign launch party!

PEYTON: (Answering before thinking.) YEAH! (Pauses as she processes what Brooke just said. Tilts her head.) Wait, what?



(Shot of the living room – strewn with clothes. Taylor is standing over them. Nathan enters and Taylor turns her head to him.)

TAYLOR: (Smiling) Hey, can you… zip me up, brother?

NATHAN: (Closes the door, walks to her, arms crossed and sighs.) You’re busted, Taylor.

TAYLOR: (Nonplussed) I’ll take that for a no. (Makes to zip herself up and turns to him fully.)

NATHAN: Where the hell have you been?

TAYLOR: I met some people at the beach and we partied all night. (Smiling) What’s your problem?

NATHAN: I know you pretended to be Haley and emailed Chris. And what kind of a sister does something that twisted?

TAYLOR: The kind who’s hoping the baby of the family doesn’t screw up like she did.

NATHAN: Oh, right. Is that why you made up all that stuff about a kiss?

TAYLOR: (Puzzled) You think I made it up?

NATHAN: I talked to Haley. There was no kiss. (Taylor breaks eye contact, understanding.) Make whatever phone calls you need to find a place to crash. You’re outta here(!)

(Nathan walks off-screen and Taylor watches him. She can’t believe her sister did that to her. She sighs.)





(Taylor opens the door and enters the apartment. She walks up to Haley who’s at the counter with a mug and in a robe.)

HALEY: I was beginning to think you’d skipped town and left all your stuff. (Drinks from the mug.)

(Taylor sits opposite Haley and puts a box down. Haley stands to get herself some coffee.)

TAYLOR: What do you care if I haven’t been around? You’re kicking me out, right?

HALEY: Drop the attitude, Tay. (Pours herself a mug.) you brought this on yourself. You’ve pulled a lot of crap over the years but emailing Chris as me… I just, I can’t believe you’d be such a conniving little @#%$(!)

TAYLOR: (Annoyed) Hey(!) You’re the @#%$ who’s kissing a guy that isn’t your husband. You need a scapegoat, fine, let Nathan think that this is all on me, but you and I both know the kiss happened. (She shuts up as Nathan enters the kitchen.)

(Haley gets up and kisses him.)

TAYLOR: Hey! Have a Bear Claw, brother. (Moves the box near him.) We’re celebrating. I’m leaving tonight.

(Taylor glares subtly at her sister. Somebody knocks on the door and Taylor gets up to answer it. Nathan reaches into the box.)

(Taylor opens the door to Dan, holding a box of Nathan’s things. Dan – with his weird haircut – looks Taylor up and down interestedly – gross.)

DAN: (Smirking as he makes a sound of approval.) Upgrade. I’m Dan.

(Taylor licks some syrup off her finger.)

TAYLOR: And I’m out of your league.

(Nathan walks forward. Taylor turns away.)

DAN: Wanna bet?

(Nathan walks to the door.)

NATHAN: What’re you doing here?

(Dan throws the box at him.)

DAN: That’s the last of your stuff. Need to make some room; Lucas is moving in.

HALEY: (Unable to keep quiet.) Lucas is moving in with you?

(Nathan just stares, wide-eyed.)

DAN: Yeah, guess I’m not the devil after all. Enjoy your breakfast.

(Nathan just stands there, wondering, as Dan leaves.)



(Brooke is sticking up posters of herself again, only this time; they are telling the truth and also quite amusing. One poster has a picture of her on a couch, laughing, with an empty cup in hand. The caption reads; ‘BROOKE DAVIS FOR PRESIDENT, ERICA MARSH NEVER PARTIES THIS HARD!’. She sticks another one up saying; ‘YES BROOKE DAVIS HAS A 2.3 GPA, AT LEAST SHE NEVER CHEATS!’ ‘Cheats’ is underlined three times. The picture is of her holding up an assignment with ‘D+’ in red on the top.)

(Erica walks up to her.)

ERICA MARSH: Are you implying that I cheat for my 4.0? (Smiles cattily.)

BROOKE: (Fake smile.) Absolutely not(!) Just like you weren’t implying that I have a double digit IQ(!)

(Erica smiles – Pleasantville style – and walks away. Brooke laughs and does the same.)



(Nathan is walking down the corridor, alone. Lucas is talking to somebody but says bye when he spots his brother.)

LUCAS: Hey, Nate(!) (Runs forward and catches up with him.) What’s going on, man?

NATHAN: …Is it true you’re moving in with Dan?

LUCAS: (Sighs) Yeah.

NATHAN: Great(!) What happened to ‘He can’t make me a substitute Nathan’?

LUCAS: It’s just… it’s more complicated than that.

NATHAN: Whatever, man. (Nathan walks off.)

(Lucas watches him sadly.)

BROOKE: (o.s) Lucas(!) (Brooke appears around the corner.) Hey, I have to write a k*ller platform speech if I’m gonna win this election… but I have no idea where to start.

LUCAS: Well why don’t you try asking Felix? (Makes to walk away but Brooke stops him.)

BROOKE: Because Whitey told us to read speeches by world leaders – and then he mentioned this Charles Dicko guy who I… thought was that exchange student that’s always… smelling his fingers in class… (Lucas laughs and looks away.) so obviously this is your area of expertise and not mine. (Looks at him pleadingly.) Can you help me?

(Lucas looks at her and smiles.)

LUCAS: How bout tonight, right before TRIC?

(Brooke smiles at him.)

BROOKE: You’re the best, Lucas. Thank you.



(Brooke’s voice is heard.)

BROOKE: (v.o) Maybe I should do a contest-



(Brooke is sitting, reading a book while Lucas lies on his side on her bed.)

BROOKE: -you know, ‘vote for me and win a date’ or offer a makeover. (Flips a page.)

LUCAS: (Sits up and scoffs.) You don’t need a gimmick, Brooke. (Brooke looks and listens to him.) Alright, just,… tell me why you wanna be president.

BROOKE: I am who I am… no excuses. But I’d like other people to know that there’s a lot more to me than just some party-girl.

(Lucas smiles and holds up a hand, silently asked for her to wait. He reaches down and picks up an ‘OXFORD’ book. He opens it and holds it out to her.)

LUCAS: This is from a speech, by John F. Kennedy. (She takes the book and reads it.) I think it could work for you.

(Lucas watches her as she reads.)

BROOKE: This is all about courage. (She looks up, amusedly.) Nobody is gonna believe this, coming from me.

(Lucas smiles and nods.)

LUCAS: (Sincerely) …I would.

(They look at each other. Brooke ‘seeing’ him for a moment… then the door opens and Felix enters. Lucas and Brooke continue to look at each other. The tension builds.)

FELIX: (To Brooke.) Hey. (He’s carrying a box.)

BROOKE: (Surprised) Hey(!)

FELIX: (Indicating the box.) Brought you some… campaign buttons.

(Lucas looks away.)

BROOKE: (Takes the box.) Oh(!) Wow thanks, Felix, these are great(!) (Picks one and looks at it.)

FELIX: Um… (Gives Lucas a glare.) you wanted me to pick you up before TRIC.

BROOKE: (Shocked) Is it that late already? (To Lucas.) I totally lost track of time.

LUCAS: Ah, (Brushing it off.) we’re done anyway.

(Lucas stands and walks for the door. He stops before he gets to it and turns his head slightly.)

LUCAS: Everything you need to say… (It really looks like he’s talking to Felix who is only refraining from thumping him because Brooke’s there.) is already in your heart.

(Brooke looks at him for a beat before smiling. Felix can feel the tension and closes his eyes. Sound of the door closing.)



(Taylor is dumping her clothes into her suitcase.)

HALEY: (Walks into the room.) Alright, we’re gonna go out to TRIC. Are you gonna be here when we get back?

TAYLOR: No. My ride’s coming tonight.

(Haley feels guilty again, like it seems to be the norm for her nowadays.)

HALEY: Well where’re you gonna go?

TAYLOR: I… met some guy starting a surf shop down in the Keys. I’ll crash there for a while.

HALEY: And then what?

TAYLOR: I don’t know, Haley(!) I don’t think that far ahead.

HALEY: Well maybe you should.

TAYLOR: Like having a plan has worked so well for you.

(Taylor continues to pack.)

HALEY: Well, listen, uh… (Takes money out of her clutch.) it’s not much but… here. (Holds out the notes to her.) It’s all I’ve got.

(Taylor stares at her sister and the money.)

HALEY: I want you to have it.

(Shot of Haley and Taylor’s hands as Taylor takes the money.)

TAYLOR: (Sadly) Thanks… but this won’t make you feel any less guilty about Chris.

(Haley looks down.)



(Loud music and strobe lights move around the club. The place is packed. The camera moves around as Jake appears, walking to Peyton.)

JAKE: Hey.

PEYTON: (Furiously flipping through the music and talking to herself.) Are you kidding me?! DJ Bobo? Where are The Executioners or-or The Chemical Brothers or anything(!) (Jake smiles at her.)

JAKE: (Takes the CD off her.) Peyton(!) DJ has got this under control, OK? (Puts the CD back, still smiling at her.) The night’s gonna be great. (Takes hold of her arm.) Come on.

HALEY: (Come on-screen.) Hey(!) (She’s looking at Jake.)

JAKE: Oh, hey!

(Haley laughs and hugs him – as everyone seems to love doing this episode.)

HALEY: Welcome back(!)

PEYTON: Where’s Nathan?

HALEY: Uh… Karen needed help with some boxes.

JAKE: Oh, well, I’ll go help them out. I’ve been wanting to say hi to Karen, so… (Points behind.) I’ll see ya.

HALEY: See you(!) (Jake leaves and Haley walks to Peyton.) Hi.


HALEY: So… OK, this is gonna sound really weird and groupie but… I’m a huge Michelle Branch fan-

PEYTON: (Not surprised.) Oh.

HALEY: -I was wondering if you could introduce me.

PEYTON: (Puts her arm around Haley’s shoulders.) Yes, I will introduce you.

(They laugh and walk off screen.)



(Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp are in the backroom, rehearsing before the go live.)

THE WRECKERS: # And I would like to think so,

But do you know that when you go #

(Peyton knocks and enters with Haley.)

PEYTON: Hey, guys, I’m sorry.


PEYTON: Um… I just wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. Michelle Branch, Jessica Harp (Points to Haley.) this is Haley.

(Haley smiles and shakes their hands.)



JESSICA HARP: Hey. Haley James?

HALEY: Haley James-Scott actually.

(Peyton is confused by the reception Haley just got.)

MICHELLE BRANCH: Oh, you know what, we’ve heard a lot about you.

HALEY: (Confused) Uh… I-I don’t think that’s possible. (Looks at Peyton.)

MICHELLE BRANCH: No, (Jessica Harp nods.) our opening act gave you rave reviews. (Looks at the doorway.) Didn’t you?

(Chris walks into the room, bag slung over his shoulder and acting like he owns the place.)

CHRIS: I said she was OK.

(Haley watches him. She looks like her life is passing before her eyes. Peyton obviously neglected to tell her that he was coming. Chris stops at the mirror, his back to them all. He turns his head and looks at them once. Haley’s smile is strained.)



(Peyton stands there, Haley beside her as she talks to Chris.)

PEYTON: So… you’re the opening act?

CHRIS: Not for long. I’ll be headlining soon.

MICHELLE BRANCH: So, Haley, um… Chris played us your duet and it sounds really great. (Jessica Harp nods.) You should join him on stage tonight.

HALEY: Oh, uh, thanks… but, (Looks down.) I don’t think, um… (Chris looks at her.) (Inhales) I’m just-I gotta head out, but it was really nice to meet you guys.

(Haley nods and exits.)

JESSICA HARP: (Nods) Nice to meet you too.

(They smile and walk off-screen, leaving Peyton and Chris in the room. Peyton heads to Chris, annoyed.)

PEYTON: What the hell do you think you’re doing?

CHRIS: Giving you the biggest break of your life. You’re welcome by the way.

PEYTON: (Quietly) No, no, no, no, no, (Points at him.) you did not do me any favours, OK? I busted my @#%$ to get The Wreckers here.

CHRIS: Yeah, but I sealed the deal.

PEYTON: Why? So you could see Haley? (Chris nods to himself.) I know that you kissed her.

CHRIS: Listen, it takes two, OK? (The camera focuses on their reflection as they turn to it.) She didn’t exactly push me away.

PEYTON: (Unsurely) You’re wasting your time, you know? She’s over you.

CHRIS: (To her reflection.) Then you got nothing to worry about(!)



(Peyton stands on stage as she talks into the mic. She is also now wearing one of Brooke’s buttons.)

PEYTON: Hey, you guys(!) Thanks a lot for coming out tonight to check out The Wreckers. We have a lot of great music coming your way… and, we also have… Chris Keller.

(There is some clapping in the crowd but also a lot of booing. They probably remember him from the last time he dumped on them. Peyton walks off-stage and Chris walks on, with his guitar.)

(Nathan looks down at Haley.)

NATHAN: What’s he doing here?

HALEY: (Defensively) I… I didn’t know he was coming, I swear. (She turns back.)

CHRIS: (o.s) You guys still aren’t ready for this. But I’m in a forgiving mood. (Just to stick it to Nathan.) This one’s for you Haley.

(Haley looks down and Nathan looks murderous.)

CHRIS: # I started up my hollow,

A piece of wood to follow,

A day that doesn’t come to the lucky.

And I realise there’s tomorrow,

But I would rather wallow in the rain,

Than moods that seem so potlucky. #

(Lucas walks to Mouth.)

LUCAS: You told Brooke about the windshield?

MOUTH: (Shakes his head.) I’m working up to it.

(Shot of Brooke giving out buttons.)

BROOKE: Vote for me.

CHRIS: # Well I’m cruisin’ El Paseo.

In my off-white coupe back ’65,

Oh, I'm cruisin' down my own street,

And my hoopty says to me,

"You better hang on to your benchseat,

I'm gonna take you for a ride",

And I'll let you know,

When it comes, when it comes,

I'll let you know,

But don't stay up for me,

Don't wait up for me if I'm not home, yeah,

So wait for fate to find me,

A ball of string unwind me #

(Haley looks away. Chris continues to sing in the background.)

HALEY: (To Nathan.) Maybe we should go.

NATHAN: No. No, I’m gonna waste that guy.

(Taylor steps up net to Haley.)

HALEY: (To her sister.) I thought that you weren’t coming.

TAYLOR: (Shrugs) My ride’s running late. (About Chris.) Who’s the stud?

NATHAN: (Stiffly, seeing if he can get a reaction out of Taylor.) Chris(!)

(Taylor gapes, laughs and turns back to watch.)

TAYLOR: Well this evening just got interesting.

(They stand and watch him.)

CHRIS: # Well, I'll be gone tomorrow,

Yes, I'm on the road tomorrow,

So, next time that I see you in school,

(Nathan turns around and leaves. Haley watches him and then turns back around worriedly. Taylor turns to see.)

It won’t be for too long,

And I'll let you know,

When it comes, when it comes,

I'll let you know,

But don't stay up for me,

Don't wait up for me if I'm not home- #




(Chris finishes playing his song as he strums his guitar.)

CHRIS: (Into the mic.) Thanks a lot guys, you’ve been… acceptable.

(The crowd cheers. He nods.)

CHRIS: The Wreckers up next.

(He looks at Haley and smiles. Taylor smiles, loving the tension. Haley isn’t impressed.)



(Chris enters the backroom, looking down. He looks up and sees Nathan standing there. A dangerous looking Nathan.)

CHRIS: (Smiling) Looking for an autograph?

NATHAN: No, actually, I was looking to kick your @#%$. (Pause as Chris looks around.) But then I realised; (Shrugs) why bother? There’s nothing here for you. Haley sees what you really are; pathetic poser. Just wanted to let you know.

(Nathan moves to the exit.)

CHRIS: You’re wrong(!) You’re just trying to silence that voice inside your head. Yeah, you know the one. (Nathan stops and turns to him.) That’s growing louder every day. It’s saying ‘we’re drifting apart’, ‘I’m losing her’.

NATHAN: Actually, it’s saying ‘shut this guys up, once and for all’(!) (Approaches Chris again.)

CHRIS: OK, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe she does love you.

NATHAN: She does.

CHRIS: What if that’s not enough?

(Chris heads to the exit, leaving Nathan standing there, thinking. Nathan turns, head shaking, and exits.)

PEYTON: (v.o) OK you guys, the wait is over.-



(Peyton leans on a stool as she talks into the mic.)

PEYTON: Please join me in welcoming, to TRIC, recording artists; Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp – The Wreckers!

(Peyton gets off stage and the crowd goes wild. The Wreckers get on stage.)

MICHELLE BRANCH: Hey, thanks you guys. It’s so great to be here in Tree Hill. (Somebody hands her a piece of paper. She reads it.) and (puzzled) vote for Brooke.

(Brooke stands there, next to Felix.)

BROOKE: (Yelling) Wooow.

(Felix and Lucas laugh, clapping along with the rest of the people.)

(The Wreckers start to play.)

(Camera pans to Lucas, behind the bar, smiling interestedly. Pan to Jake, sitting on a stool, also watching and wearing a button that says ‘BEING GOOD IS OVER RATED!’. Peyton walks up to him, smiling. He holds an arm out to help her onto the stool next to him.)

(Brooke and Felix watch, happily.)

THE WRECKERS: # Do you want to run away together.

I would say it was your best night ever,

Too bad I fell for it.

And I walked alone

Waiting for you to come along

Take my tortured heart by the hand

And write me off

(Haley nods along to the music.)

Do you know I cry

Do you know I die

Do you know I cry

And it's not the good kind

(Nathan watches Haley sing along to the song – from afar – with a heavy heart.)

Though you force me to become strong

(Lucas looks to the side, at Brooke. She looks back.)

Though you force me to become strong

When I just can't be that way

And you think you know

And I would like to think so

(Karen watches The Wreckers as Keith steps up to her.)

KEITH: Hey. (Smiles)

But do you know that when you go

KAREN: I have a confession to make.

I fall apart

KAREN: I’m jealous of Jules. (Smiles)

Do you know I cry

KAREN: (Keith looks away for a beat.) Ever since I’ve had Lucas - before that, even – you’ve… been the one person that I could count on.

Do you know I die

Do you know I cry

KAREN: It’s gonna be hard to lose that.

KEITH: Karen, we’ll still be in each others lives. That would never change.

And it's not the good kind

No it's not the good kind

KAREN: I know. It’s just… taking some getting used to.

I'm sick of living

behind these lying eyes

I'm tired of this fight

(Karen smiles and Keith hugs her. There is some underlying tension there too and Andy senses it as he watches them hug.)

Even I don't recognize


(Haley shuts the door to the backroom softly. The Wreckers can still be heard but it’s very low. Chris is putting his coat on.)

Do you know I cry

DO you know I die

Do you know I die

Do you know I cry

DO you know I die

Do you know I die

HALEY: Hey. (Walks forward.)

And it's not the good kind

HALEY: Um… you played a really great set.

CHRIS: Yeah, I know.

HALEY: (Smiles and shakes her head.) Alright, well,… good luck.

CHRIS: (Turns to her.) You wanna know about it, don’t you? The tour; the music. (Haley turns back to him.) It’s all happening for me now. (Walks up to her.) It could still happen for you, Haley.

HALEY: It will, someday.

CHRIS: Well, someday is here. (Pause) I talked to Michelle, she wants you on the tour.

HALEY: (Shocked) What?(!)

CHRIS: People love the duet. It’s real. You know, Jessica started off as Michelle’s back-up singer. Look at them now. The difference between wannabees and successes is grabbing opportunity.

(Haley looks down, sad.)

CHRIS: Our tour bus leaves in a couple of hours and you know you should be on it.

(Haley looks at him.)

CHRIS: You brave enough?

(Haley frowns, eyes bright, but she can’t answer.)




(Nathan and Haley enter the apartment.)

NATHAN: You know, now that Taylor’s leaving, maybe we’ll have enough hot water for our own showers.

(Haley smiles and closes the door. She eyes him a couple of times before climbing onto the counter with a sigh.)

(She hugs him sadly.)

NATHAN: Haley, what’s wrong?

(She lets him go.)

HALEY: Um… Michelle Branch likes my voice. She thinks I could be a singer. A real one.

(Nathan smiles.)

HALEY: …Chris said that she wants me on tour. (Nathan’s smiles drops.) I’m so far ahead with classes and I’d be back in time for finals.

NATHAN: (Nods but not in approval.) So says the great Chris.

HALEY: No, this isn’t about him, Nathan. This is about… opportunity. I have, my entire life, been the reliable one and the dependable one and I’ve always done… precisely what’s expected of me.

NATHAN: Till we got married.

HALEY: Exactly. And then I finally did something for me… something that I wanted… and the world didn’t end. (Smiles, sadly.) And I have that chance again.

(Nathan raises his eyebrows.)

NATHAN: If you leave me.

HALEY: This is not the end for us. This is my shot to find out if I am good enough to have a life in music. Or if nights at TRIC are all I get.

NATHAN: And this has nothing to do with Chris?

HALEY: (Quietly) No. Absolutely not.

NATHAN: (Snorts softly.) Then why haven’t you asked me to come with you?

(Haley can’t answer it because that’s the question, why didn’t she ask him?)

NATHAN: (Brokenly) Did you kiss him?

HALEY: (Pauses for a very long time.) Yes.

(Nathan is beyond hurt.)

HALEY: (Wraps her hands around his neck.) I’m sorry. You have to believe me. That’s not what this is about. Nathan-

NATHAN: Haley, listen; if you wanna go, you should go. (Pause) If you do… (He steps back.) we’re done.

(Haley gasps. Nathan turns and leaves the apartment. She’s torn by what to do.)



(Lucas is packing his clothes up. He looks at his top before putting it into the bag. Karen appears in the doorway. She walks in.)

KAREN: Unpack!

LUCAS: …I can’t.

KAREN: I said unpack!

LUCAS: (Waits for a long time before looking at his mother. He inhales and resumes packing.) …No.

(He closes the flap over his backpack and slings in over his shoulder. He begins to walk to his door.)

KAREN: (Rushing forward and grabbing his arm.) Lucas, Lucas(!) (Pulls him to a stop.) If you just tell me what Dan has said or done, we can fight him together.

LUCAS: No. (Pause) Mom, we can’t.

(He looks at her sadly before walking to the exit. Karen tries to say something but she can’t. He looks back once before closing the door. Karen looks around, desperately lost.)



(Peyton is asleep in bed. The room is dark and Jenny’s cot can be seen at the far end of the room. Jake finishes checking on her before standing straight. He starts undoing the buttons of his shirt and takes it off – revealing a very white wifebeater – he’s looking at Peyton. He smiles fondly.)

(Peyton opens her eyes and smiles at him. Jake smiles back. They don’t say anything and we have the distinct impression that Peyton’s looking him up and down. There is also a lot of sexual tension, which is going around this episode.)

(Jake laughs, softly, and Jenny starts crying. They both look at her cot.)

JAKE: Go back to sleep. I’ve got her.

(Peyton smiles and nods slightly.)



(Brooke sits in front of her mirror, rehearsing her platform speech. She has flashcards and is whispering the words. There’s a knock at her door and she looks up. Mouth enters.)

BROOKE: Hey, Mouth, you are just in time. I am so buzzed from the reaction to my campaign that I am gonna practice my speech.

MOUTH: (No trace of a smile.) I’m the one who threw the brick through your car window. (Brooke stares.) I was drunk and… I was angry.

BROOKE: (Politely confused, bordering on annoyed.) Angry about what?

MOUTH: Being a little brother to you. (Shrugs) And everyone else.

(Brooke’s buzz has left her. She looks down, dejectedly.)

BROOKE: …I’m not sure we can be friends anymore, Mouth.

(Close-up of Mouth’s heart-rending expression.)

MOUTH: Me neither. (Pause) (Shrugs) It’s too hard.

(He waits for a second before leaving. Brooke wants to say something but she refrains. She’s clearly sad.)

BROOKE: (To herself.) I thought I knew you. But I guess it’s easier… to see what we want, (Looks at the flashcard before looking back at the mirror.) than to look for the truth. (Pause) You think you know me but you don’t; and that means you don’t know what I can do.

(Camera pans and then fades.)



(Nathan is walking down the deserted streets, sad and alone.)

BROOKE: (v.o) You see me as someone who’s popular… and has all the answers; that’s not true.

(Nathan walks onto the pavement.)



(Haley is on their bed, hugging a pillow and crying. Taylor enters the bedroom, hands in her back pockets. She sits on the bed behind Haley.)

TAYLOR: (Rubs Haley’s shoulder.) I know what it’s like to search for something more, Haley. (Smiles) That’s why I’m always running. (Runs her hand through Haley’s hair.) But then, I’ve never had a Nathan to come home to.

(Haley stares ahead.)

BROOKE: (v.o) I may not always know what I’m doing…



(Nathan continues to walk.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …but I’ll try make things better.

(Nathan comes to a halt at the benches that look like the ones he and Haley sat at such a long time ago.)



(Nathan opens the gift and pulls out a bracelet. He looks up at Haley.)

NATHAN: It’s for you. Come on.

(Haley tries to protest but he takes her hand and slips it around her wrist anyway.)

NATHAN: (Smiling) Don’t say I never gave you anything.



(Nathan comes to his senses and turns, running back home.)

BROOKE: (v.o) And when I make a mistake…



(Andy opens his door to Karen.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …because face it, we all do…

(Karen looks at him, wretchedly.)

KAREN: He left. (About to cry.) And I don’t know what to do.

(Andy moves forward and hugs her.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …I promise I’ll ask for your help.

(Karen can’t believe it. She cries into his shoulder. Andy feels awful for her.)



(Nathan opens the door and rushes in. He stops, looking around. He sees a shadow move in their bedroom and makes for the door.)

NATHAN: (Expectantly) Haley?

(Taylor exits the bedroom, she looks at Nathan sympathetically.)

TAYLOR: I’m sorry Nathan… she’s gone.

(Nathan looks away. He looks at the lamp. The camera pans to the lamp and moves down to the table. The bracelet he gave her at the Market Street Dock is next to the base of the lamp. He picks it up and looks at it, lost and alone.)

BROOKE: (v.o) I can’t do this alone…

(Nathan’s head drops. Taylor stops at the front door, bag in hand. She turns to looks at him one last time before opening the door and leaving.)



(Peyton and Jake are asleep in bed. Jenny is between them and Peyton has a protective hand of her.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …But if you’ll take a chance on me, we can do great things together.

(Jake – in his sleep – moves across and puts his arm around Peyton’s waist and Peyton does the same. Jenny’s still in-between them and in fear of being crushed – I’m sure.)

(The camera zooms in on them slowly.)



(Chris descends the stairs and walks to the bus. He puts his bags into the luggage hold. Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp walk onto the bus.)

BROOKE: (v.o) I promise, if you believe in me, I’ll find the courage to reach for your every dream.

(Haley walks forward, laden down with two bags. She stops in front of Chris. He turns to her. She sighs and gives him her bags. Chris smiles at her. Haley puts her hands in her pockets and continues forward and onto the bus as Chris puts her luggage with his.)



(Lucas unpacks and takes out a pack of leaflets, the topmost one says; ‘LIVING WITH HCM’. There are two medicine bottles next to the pack and he takes out one more. Dan enters the room, about to knock but drops his hand instead.)

DAN: You got everything you need?

LUCAS: (Looks at him.) Yeah.

(Lucas drops the bottle of pills on the bed.)

LUCAS: Listen, uh… thank you for paying for my medication. (Smiles tightly.) I don’t want my mom to know, so… I need you to keep funding the bill.

DAN: Sure… it’ll stay our secret. (Walks forward.) But tell me something. (Lucas looks at him.) How did you convince her that you didn’t have HCM?


LUCAS: …I used Keith’s… negative results letter.

DAN: (Impressed) Really? (Pause) I wouldn’t have pegged you as being so… duplicitous.

LUCAS: (With what can only be described as an evil look.) Well I guess I’m your son after all.

(Dan smirks, turns and leaves the room.)

BROOKE: (v.o) John F. Kennedy said the courage of life is a magnificent mixture triumph… and tragedy.

(Lucas continues to look at his belongings dejectedly.)

BROOKE: (v.o) A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences…



(Camera pans across the wedding board that Brooke and Peyton made for Nathan and Haley at their after-wedding-party. It has snapshots of everyone on it.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …in spite of obstacles and dangers…

(Nathan stands and looks at the board.)

BROOKE: (o.v) …and pressures…

(Nathan looks at the pictures of himself and Haley as children. He’s breaking down.)

BROOKE: (v.o) …and that is the basis of all morality.

(He sighs and turns his head to look at the keyboard that he bought for her.)

(In slow motion, Nathan walks to the keyboard, lifts it and throws it at the board. It hits the board then the dresser where is smashes all the things on it and then breaks before hitting the floor. The board breaks completely in half – between himself and Haley - and falls forward, off the wall.)

(Nathan sits on a chair and the slow motion ends. The broken keyboard is at his feet. He looks around at his now empty life and puts a hand to his mouth before burying his head in his hands.)

(The camera pans out slowly through the window and we watch as Nathan shows the first signs of a breakdown and the return of the old.)