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05x17 - Memoirs of a Pharaoh

Posted: 08/20/22 13:34
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

is anybody out there!?

Tea! Tristan! Joey!

This place is more dangerous
than you think!

Whatever you do, do not let...



Yugi: it's a whole
mutant forest!

You're right!

Now, capsule monster,
come forth!

Yami-yugi: play with me,
and you're plying with fire!

Hinotama soul, attack!

This game is really
beginning to heat up.

Well, here goes.

Now come to papa!

Well, it's not a treasure,
but maybe it's a treasure map.


Got a plan "b"?

Grandpa: all right,
summoned skull!

Lightning strike!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Yugi, did you see
what I saw!?

You mean that big
lightning crash!?


I only hope our friends
are alright.

Oh, no!

That looks like tea!

And tristan!

Grandpa: not to worry.

They just needed
a little rest,
that's all.


Know where I can find
a headband around here?

You're safe!

Don't ever scare me
like that again!

Tea: so we entered
the pyramid,

And long story short,
we were here.

Same with me.

The important thing is
that we're all together

Not all.

Joey got here first,

Which means that
he's still out there.

I hope he's having
more fun than us!

Well, it's his fault
that we're stuck here!

Tea: tristan!

I'm starving.

And exhausted, too.

Look. It's a campfire!

And where there's a campfire,
there's people!

What do you think, old pal?

I say let's go in
for a closer look!


Hey! My buddies made
it out here after all!

Yo, guys!


Don't worry.

I'm sure joey's
doing fine, yugi.

Yeah, tea's right.

Sure, joey may be
a complete spaz,

But let me tell you,

He knows how
to take care of himself.

Good point.

In fact, if I know joey,

He'll be dropping by
to say "hi" any minute

Hi. What's up?


Ok. Now that's
just weird.

Hey, guys!

Hope I'm not too late
for dinner.

that's really attractive.

Now that
we're all together,

Don't you think
it's time

We started
looking for a way
out of here?

Since this is
all joey's fault,

Maybe he can
lead the way.

it may have been simple for us

To arrive in this world,
but I have bad feeling

That leaving is going to be
a bit more challenging.

Why's that?

For one, we don't know
our way around here.

And there's something else.

And whats that, dude?

Well, as strange
as this sounds,

I have a theory
that we've become part

Of some sort
of real-life version

Of the capsule monsters
board game!

And the only way out
may be to win!

But this place is enormous
and navigating through it

Could present
a bit of a problem.

Hey, hold on.

I found something
that just might help us.

It looks like
some kind of map.

Hmm. It matches the one
in the pyramid.

Joey: what do you think
the deal is with this house?


Tea? What's up?

Well, look, guys!

Those flowers.
They moved closer.

Tristan: you're right.
Those weren't here before.

Joey: come on. Flowers don't
just appear out of nowhere.

Tea: well,
apparently in this world,

They do!

Yami-yugi: we seem
to be surrounded!

[Wolf howl]

Ah, yugi. Look!

Since when do
flowers have eyes?

I don't know,

But I say we ask
questions later!

Tea: ok, so now
what do we do?

We play the game!

Fire capsule!

Celtic guardian,
come forth!

So that's what
these are for.

Then let's go!

Both: load capsule!

Now fire!

I play baby dragon!

and I call thunder kid!

My turn!

My capsule is silver
instead of gold!

I bet high level monsters
like my summoned skull

Need more time to recover.

Joey: how tough can these
pansy-puppies really be?


we're about to find out.


Celtic guardian!

Now show 'em
what you got, pal!

You're in for a shock!


Only to go!

Baby dragon!

Are you all right!?

Help him, little dude!

Thunder kid! Behind you!



there are too many of them!

Get back!!

We need a strategy.

You can't take them on
all by yourself!

Why not?


Grandpa! No!

Take this!

We gotta help!

I know!

We just need to blind them
long enough to escape!

Throw your sword!

Now, tristan,
fire at that sword!

Thunder kid!

Now run!!


Tea: next time
I see a garden

With man-eating wolves
growing out of it,

I'll know exactly
what to do!

Yeah, blind them,
then run for your life!


Hey! We just
won a fight!

Victory dance!

♪ We just kicked
a little can-can ♪

♪ Kicked a little...

So what exactly
was that!?

we kick some can--

We do a victory dance!

♪ Can-can,
kick a little can-can ♪

♪ Tell me
who's the man-man ♪

♪ We've got tons
of fans ♪

Ah, to be young.

♪ ...those can-cans

♪ Kick
a little can-can ♪

Pharaoh. Something
on your mind?

Yami-yugi: I'm just not
sure our friends realize

The dangers of this game.

Now that they've made
contact with a capsule,

They each possess a monster.

And when those monsters
are att*cked,

Our friends
feel the pain.


♪ You shoulda seen
the way they ran-ran ♪

♪ When we kicked
their can-cans ♪

We've got
to win this game

Before anyone else
gets hurt.

Like those two.


Ah, guys?
Are you ok?

Say something!

Ah, joey?

Can you hear us?

[Gurgling sound]

Please. Help us.
We need food.

Yeah. We're wasting
away to nothing!

Wow. You're right.
I can barely see you.

We're serious here,

Wait, I just thought
of something.


I packed
some snacks!

They're in
my suitcase!

That's not good.


All our stuff is back
at the campsite.

Oh, toughen up.

You can survive
weeks without
any food.


I don't know
about you,

But I'm getting
some grub.

Yeah, you can diet
all you want!



First come,
first serve, baby.

Find any food yet?

No. But when we do,

Don't expect us
to share with you!

That's right.
It's finders
keepers, dudes!

So that's how
it's gonna be?

Fine, then I guess if I
happen to "find" any food

I get to "keep" it
all to myself.



Can of baked beans?

Don't mind if I do!

You had a bag of food
all along!?

I never said I didn't.

All you boys had to do
was ask nicely.

Pretty please!

How do they pack
so much flavor
into one chip?

Come on, be a pal!

It's not fair!

We're the hungry ones!

Come on,
just one bite! you
guys hear that?

No. All I hear
is my stomach.

There it is again.

Sounds like an earthquake.

Hey! Guys! Look!

Who ever said ya can't
move a mountain!?

It isn't those mountains
that are moving, joey.

It's us!



Seems peaceful
enough now.

I guess.

I stand corrected!

This isn't
just an island!

It's an
island turtle!

This whole
island's a turtle?

I'm guessing that's
how he got his name.

All: uh-oh!

What're you
looking at!?

You want a
piece of me!?

Relax, guys.

Island turtles
are usually pretty
peaceful creatures

Who won't attack
unless they're

Sorry. Just
tryin' ta help.

Hey, this qualifies
as a victory!

How do ya

♪ Can can

♪ Kick a little can can

♪ Tell me who's the man man

♪ We've got tons of fans...

I need some female friends.

Something tells me he's
not a fan of your song.

Well, who asked?


Hang on! Our turtle
friend's goin' for a dip!

Look! Land ho!

Abandon ship!

Good call!


Tea: he left us
high and dry.

No, he left us
low and wet!

Well at least
we're not stranded.

It looks like that
turtle tossed us

a tremendous temple!

Joey: say that times fast.

Tea: we're not going
in there, are we?

Well, it seems like
someone wants us to.

So, now what?

Follow me.

If we truly have become
part of some ancient game

Then we need to play along
if we expect to escape.

Tea: we're trapped!

Tristan: great.
Why am I not surprised?

Joey: so what's with
the giant teapot?

That's no teapot.
Stand back!

It's la jinn,
the genie of the lamp!

But our monsters
aren't powerful enough

To defeat
the likes of him!

Leave him to me!

Yugi! Are you outta
your mind!?

I must do this alone!

And how do you
expect to do that!?

Trust me.

Are you sure
about this?

[Thinking] I can't
help but think

That somehow this
is all my fault.

And I refuse to put our
friends in any more danger.

This is not
your fault!

Be careful.

I hope he has a plan

Because that genie
is one tough customer.

Loading capsule!

Now fire!

Come forth!
Celtic guardian!



This genie fights dirty!
Watch out!

Yeah, but our guy's
got a sword!

Oh, no!

All: yugi! No!

Spiral sword attack!

Joey and tristan: let us help!

No stay back!

But, yugi...

I said no!

Are you all right!?

Just hang in there,

Joey: this is bad!

And it's about
to get worse!

I told ya!

It's a flood!

No! We're about to
become human popsicles!

Help me!

Tea! Grandpa!

Joey: they're frozen!

What!? Who could've done
something like this!?

Joey: I think we're
about to find out!

This guy gives me
the chills.

Gee, I wonder why.

We're cornered!

Know what time
it is!?

Go time!

Please go.
Leave these two to me.

No way.

I refuse to allow
anyone else to get hurt!

Oh, and you think
tristan and I wanna
see you gettin' hurt?

Well, i, uh...

Then why don't ya
stop tryin' ta be a hero

And let us
help you out, yugi!

Load capsule!

Now fire!

Go baby dragon!

Go thunder kid!

We'll handle jack frost's
evil cousin!

You deal with
the big green guy!

Thank you.


Celtic guardian!


They're much too powerful.

If I could just
find a weakness.

I don't have much time!

Aw, man!

We got ice in the front
and fire in the rear!

fire and ice?

Of course! Why didn't
I think of this before?

Don't even
think of trying
this alone.

But, yugi...

We need to work
as a team.

It's too--

Trust me. We all have
to to work together!

You're right.
It's the only way.

I know what we need to do.

But it won't work
without your help!

Each of these
monster's strength...

Is the other one's weakness!

I see. So we make
these two fight!

Sounds like a plan!

Then let's do this!





Pull back!

It worked!


Hey, grandpa!

Hey, guys.

Yugi: you're all right!

Thanks to you boys.

All for one
and one for all!

Well put.

Joey: not another
egyptian tablet!

Hey, gramps.

Aren't you the one
who always knows how
to read this junk?

Let's see.

Before the shadows
blanket the land,

Go to the fortress of fear.

Locate the place
where the spirit sleeps

And the pathway
you seek will appear.

But what does it mean?

You're askin' us!?

Well, it said,
"before the shadows
blanket the land."

I bet that
means sunset!

Now if only we could
figure out what it
means by the phrase

"The place where
the spirit sleeps."

Well...maybe it's
some kind of a casket.

Yes, but what about
this "fortress of fear?"

Well, let's think.


Yugi: that house.

Ya think that's
the place?

If that's true then
we find this fortress
before the sun sets!

Hopefully the pathway
mentioned on the tablet
means the passage home!

But dat building
doesn't look too close.

Joey's right.

And it won't be long
before sunset.

Come on, we've gotten way
too far in this game

To start doubting
ourselves now.

Now, let's find that fortress
so we can go home!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!