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05x20 - Makings of a Magician

Posted: 08/20/22 13:36
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

Trial number one...

Silence the whisper that
rides the desert wind.

This must be
the first test.

Seems to
make sense.

Is this one
of the trials

That tablet
was talking about?

Joey: something
tells me the old
guy's not talking.

And now, dark magician,

Join with me to become one!

Now it's time to silence
the evil voice!

Never again
shall you utter a sound!

Farewell! Uhh!



That's weird.

One of the shapes
on this pendant just lit up.


One level down
and more
to go.

Yugi: time to move on
to level two!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Oh, man!

Someone wanna
tell me why the sun

Is burnin' a hole
in my retinas?!

It is a bit bright.

I guess that's
part of our
next challenge.

[All groaning]

Not another tornado!


Aren't clouds
usually in the sky?!

Tristan: not in
this world, I guess.

Yugi: looks like
we've been transported

To some sorta
floating island.

Any clue how
we might go about

Getting da heck off
'a this thing?!

I assume by
passing the test.



You a'right, pal?!

He needs
a doctor!

Grandpa: we have
something better
than a doctor!

Joey: we do?

Tea: of course!
Good thinking, mr. Moto!

I hope this works.


Joey: you had to
have felt something,

Right, pal?

As a matter of fact,
I feel like a new man.

Thanks, tea.

Aside from
the throbbing muscles
and migraine headache,

I think I'm cured.

I don't care what you say,
you're resting!

I appreciate
the concern,

But believe me,
I know when I need
to take it easy,

And this is not
one of those times.

Now...let's go--oh!

All: yugi!

Tristan: poor guy's
sleepin' like a baby.

I can't say that
I blame him.


he single-handedly
cleared the last level!

Plus, I have a feeling
that wearing that armor

Takes more of a toll
on his body
than we realize.

Then I say this is
our chance to pay yugi back

By passin' this next test
while he gets some rest.

But, joey...
No buts.

We can't afford
to waste any more time.

You're right.

Yugi sits
this one out.

It's the only way.

Rest up, pal.

What's the deal?!

Joey: another
special delivery!

Why don't you do
the honors, gramps?

As if
someone else can?

It says...

"Once a day,
the unbreakable stone

Appears in the valley
of light."

Oh, great.
Another riddle.

"To achieve
the impossible fight

With a power that's greater
than physical might."

Looks like we have
quite the challenge ahead.

Naaah. This sounds
like a piece
a' cake!

Ready, guys?!


Then come on!


Joey: tea?

You're worried
about yugi,
aren't ya?


Why don't you
stay here and keep
an eye on him

While we check
this thing out?

You really mean that?

Good luck.

With me leading
this group,

We don't need

No, we need prayers
and plenty of 'em.

Let's go!

Gentlemen, start
your engines.

Joey: hello?

[Echoing "hello"]

You here that,

There's somebody
down there!

that was you!

Whatta you
talkin' about?!

Can't you see
I'm right here?!

That's the problem.

We're right here when we
really should be down there.

I'm getting too old
for this.

Are you sure
this is the right place?

It's the only valley
for miles.

Well, maybe you read
that riddle wrong
or something.

I hate to agree
with tristan,

But according to you,
we had to find
the valley of light.

And this place
is so dark,

I can barely see two feet
in front of me!

All: uhh!

Tristan: once again,
you stand corrected!

This is starting
to make sense!

It is?

The message read, "once a day,
the unbreakable stone

Appears in the valley
of light,"

And it's only bright in here
when the sun is overhead,

Which means this becomes
the valley of light
once a day!

So where's this
"unbreakable stone?"

It's right there.

Come on.
We don't have much time
to solve this.

Joey: so now
that we found it,
whatta we s'posta do?

It's simple.

The ancient text called this
the "unbreakable stone."

Ah, I'm not
sure I know

Where you're goin'
wit this, gramps.

Well, if it's unbreakable,
the challenge must be
to break it.

Anyone got a hammer
and chisel?

That would take us
all year, bro!

Luckily, we have
somethin' better--

Our capsule

Yup. Now take
the first shot!


Loading capsule!


Thunder kid!
Zap that rock!

Aw, come on!
Not even a scratch!

There must be
somethin' we're not
thinkin' of, guys.

you hear that?

Hear what, man?

I have a funny feelin'
there's more

To this test
than just that rock.

I guess you were right.

but this monster
doesn't seem

Like much of a challenge
compared to the others
we've faced.

Yeah?! Well,
he's about ta
become even punier!

Once I cut him down
to size, that is!

Go, flame swordsman!

Thunder kid!
Shock blast!


Oh, yeah!

Dat runt is down
for the count!

let's hope so.

flame swordsman...

Crack this walkin'
window pane!

♪ Ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba


No! Slow down, joey!

Ah, relax.

Now...finish him off
with flamestrike!

Tristan: kinda hard to do
with you in the way.

Good point.

Only you
could screw this up.

Come on.
He's made of glass.



I cracked his jaw!
So what?

I weakened him.

Big deal.
I'll show ya how
it's really done.

Oh, no, ya don't.
This guy's mine!

We've already seen
what you can do.

Now leave it
to a real man! I do
all the work,

Then you step in
and steal the glory?

You call blocking
your own attack
"doing all the work"?!

You're on
the same team!

Now start acting like it!


Ready to do this?

Yup, on .


Help! I'm blind!

Me, too!

The sun's
way too strong!

It must be
directly overhead!

Block that blast!

I should have guessed this!

Guessed what?

That creature is able
to absorb the sun's light

And then focus it
into a laser beam!

And remember, this island
is floating above the clouds,

So the sun's rays
are extremely intense here,

Giving him extra power!

Hey, tristan!
That's me.

What's our plan?

scream for yugi?

You all right?!


Mr. Moto! Stay down!

Thunder kid! Attack!

Tristan, why don't you
and your little shock jock

Work on cracking open
that stone

And let me deal
with 'ol glass-face!

You can't fight
that thing alone!

This is no time
to argue.


Flame swordsman,


We're running
out of time!

Close call.
A few seconds later,

And that beam
would've put
a hole in me

of that stone!

Huh? Wait a sec.

It put a hole
in this stone.

This might work.

Just do what I do.

hey! Chandelier boy!

Let's see how good
your aim is!

Gimme your best shot,

Can't you do anything
better than that?!



You're pathetic,

That doesn't exactly
look productive, tristan!

I hear
your grandma's
a china cabinet!

He's stuck
between a rock
and a hard place!

Just one zap,
and he's done!

You'll never escape!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!


No! No!


That dream again.


That's not good.

Those guys left
in such a rush,

They forgot to take
the instructions.

What instructions?

You're awake!

I guess all you needed
was some rest.

I'm telling you,

A few z's, and I
feel like a new man!

Glad ta hear it!

where is everyone?

They went
to try and solve
the next challenge.

So whatta
they hafta do?


Any idea
what it says?

Not a word,

But I know someone
that does!

"The trial of light
and shadows.

"Once a day,
the unbreakable
stone appears

"In the valley
of light.

"To achieve
the impossible fight

With a power
that's greater than
physical might."

So, any idea what
all that means,

this is only half
of the riddle.


It's called
"the trial of light
and shadows,"

Yet this message
speaks only
of light,

So there
must be more.

Yeah, but where?

The second half
must be hidden
somewhere on this page.

Let's think about this
in the shade

Before I pass out.


you're a genius!

You solved it.


But remind me how?

All I really did was
complain about the heat.

That's not
all you did.

You suggested
we read this
in the shade,

Which revealed
the missing piece!

Oh, yeah.
Those symbols changed.

Yes. Out there,

Only the message of
light could be seen,

But blocking the sun
revealed the message
of the shadows.

So what's it say?

Oh, no.

Our friends
may be in trouble.

Let's find them!


Stay back!

But why?!

'Cause we're
almost there.

You're delirious,
aren't you?!

Look, man...
I need you
to do something.


Take your
index finger

And put it
below your eye.

Huh? Like this?

Now pull down!

Now what? Huh?

Great job!
Now you're officially
a distraction!

How do I let you
talk me into these things?

Aah! Aah! Oh!

Thanks, dude!

You just keep
on doin' what
you're doin'!

As for us,
old pal...

Let's finish
what we started.

All right!

It's working!

Ha ha!

Well done, t!

Thanks, man!

Told ya it was
under control!

I knew if I could
get that walking
science experiment

To put some cracks
in that rock,

My thunder kid and I
could easily handle
the rest!


Hey, thanks...

And don't forget
talented and charming!

And not to mention
really funny...

But, hey, looks aren't
everything, right?

Watch it, wheeler!

Ha ha ha ha!

We'll have to
continue this later.

Looks like our friend's
got his glass undies
in a bunch.

Then let's put him
out of his misery!


Wow. Two good ideas
in one day.

That's a new
personal record
for you!

flame swordsman,
sick 'im!



We passed
the test!



According to the second
part of the riddle,

Once the creature
of light is defeated,

A new, more dangerous
monster is born.

We hafta find
our friends before
that happens!

Oh. Huh?

Too late.

what's the deal?

I thought we cleared
this challenge.

You thought wrong.

How da you know?

Maybe he's here
to congratulate us.


Uhh! Or not!


No way!


Boys! Pull back!

It can't be stopped
by your capsule monsters.


Grandpa: run!

Look! They're
under attack!

Load capsule!

Now come forth...
Dark magician!

Activate duel armor!

Aah! Hold on!
It's too dangerous!


Let the final phase
of this trial begin!



Dark magic attack!

Flame swordsman,
end this now!



That's weird.

Why'd he stop it?

Don't we have to
defeat that thing
to clear this level?

Yami-yugi: no.
See for yourselves.

Look, guys.
What's with that box?

The second part of that
riddle explains it all.

We've already passed!


There was more!?

That's right.

The part you read
only described

The first half
of the challenge.

But when exposed
to the darkness,

The rest of
the message appeared.

And this final piece
of the puzzle

Was necessary
in order to solve it.

The riddle continued
as follows:

"When light
is extinguished,

"The true test begins
for a creature of
darkness it brings.

"But only the righteous
and peaceful shall pass

And receive
the endowment of wings."


Once this
treasure chest appeared,

The monster was
no longer a threat,

So I stopped
joey's attack,

Thus proving we were
"righteous" and "peaceful."

Voice: well played,
my young friends.

Who's there?!

This trial was a test
of your character.

Had you gone on to attack
the creature of darkness,

You would have failed.

But by choosing
the higher path,

You have proven
your worth once again.

Who are you?

And why do you know
so much about this place?

My name is of
no consequence, pharaoh,

But I assure you
I am here as a friend.

I oversee these trials.


You have completed
level two.


He's right, guys.

The second piece
of the amulet lit up.

Trials now remain,

And the most difficult
tests are yet to come.

Yami-yugi: wait!

You have a question?

Yes. What will happen
to us if we fail?

You will
be trapped here

Until the next
warrior comes.

And if we pass
these trials?

What will happen then?

You will have
proven yourself
a true king,

And the power
you deserve
shall be yours.

Wait! But I don't
want any power!

There are those
that do,

And you must claim
this power
before they do.

Well, I guess
we earned our wings.

So where are we
off to next, guys?

Tea: I'm assuming that
big doorway in the sky?

about right.

You birdies
ready to leave
the nest or what?


Are you sure
you've got

The energy
to do this?

I've never felt better.

I must say I wish
I had half the gusto
you have!

Hey, man...i'm sorry
we had to rely on you

To bail us out again.

I thought for once
we could give you a break

From always having
to save the day,

But I guess in the end,
we're helpless without you.

What, are you nuts?

That was a total
group effort
back there, tristan!

Did you forget
those brilliant ideas
you came up with?

Tell him, yuge.

Yup! We're a team, guys.


All for one...

And one for all!

It's only a matter of time

Before the greatest power
on earth belongs to me.


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh