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05x21 - Birth of the Blue-Eyes

Posted: 08/20/22 14:18
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "yu-gi-oh"...

Let the final phase
of this trial begin!


Dark magic attack!



You have completed
level two.


He's right, guys,

The second piece
of the amulet lit up.

Three trials
now remain,

And the most
difficult tests
are yet to come.

Well, I guess
we earned
our wings.

So where are
we off to
next, guys?

Tea: I'm assuming that
big doorway in the sky?


All for one--unh--

And one for all!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Tristan: first we get
stranded in a desert,

Then we get trapped
on a floating island,

And now we get dumped-off
in some prehistoric
lava-covered wasteland!?


Tristan! How 'bout
payin' attention

Instead 'a complainin'!

Joey's right.

Now watch me
and do what I do!


Hang on!

Hey, yuge.
Lend me a hand,
will ya!?

I need a vacation.

This was supposed
to be a vacation.

Not some twisted
life-threatening game!

I want out.

We all do.

But the only way
to do that

Is to win by passing

The rest
of these tests.

Joey: right!
Now leave this one ta me!

I'm sure there's
a clue nearby.

So you guys take
a load off

And let me handle this!

I won't come back
without a clue!

That's impossible!

You're always clueless!

Maybe we should give
him the benefit

Of the doubt?

He's been making
rash decisions

Ever since
we've known him,

And things
always work out.

Yeah...that's because
we bail the guy out
every time!

Give him a break.

He's only trying
to help.

And the best thing
we can do

Is be supportive.

Like this:
you can do it, joey!

We're all behind you.
Now find that clue!

And when you do,
let someone
with a brain

Figure it out.

Yugi: remember guys...
It hadn't been
for joey's enthusiasm

We would never have found
the secret passage

That lead us to this world
to find my gramps.

And don't forget
that map.

If he hadn't found it,
we wouldn't know
our way around.

Those are good points.
I guess we all have our

Strengths, right?

That's what makes us
a good team.

And as the resident
historical expert

I suppose I have
a job to do, too.

It's why I came
in the first place.

To figure out who created
this world and why.

I've been wondering
the same thing.

And something tells
we're not gonna
like the answer.

I have a strange feeling
the secret lies

In the final stage
of this game.

Well, we have
a long way to go
before we get there.

Every one 'a these challenges
so far started off

With one 'a those
annoying riddles,

And I'm sure this one's
no different.

But finding it's
another story.



You better run!



Hold on a sec!

Dat's red-eyes black dragon!

Down, boy!



After all we've been through
this is how ya treat me!?


What seems to be on
your mind, yugi?

Well...i was just
thinking about
that weird guy

In the mask who
keeps popping up.

If you prove yourself
a true king,

The power you deserve
shall be yours.

But I don't want
any power.

There are those that do,

And you must claim this
power before they do.

Yugi: if what he
said is true,

That must mean there
are other people

this game also.

Yes. The only question
is where are they?

Well this place
is so big

I guess they could
be anywhere.

Let's hope
whoever they are

They're not
ahead of us.

Tea: hey, yugi!

Check it out!

Anything look familiar?

Yeah that's gotta be
our next clue, guys!

Too bad it's
on the other side
of a lava pit!

Leave that to me.

Load capsule!


Ok, dark witch!
Do your thing!

Hey not bad.

I guess it's time
for me to do my thing.


"To gain the prize
of thy desire,

"Locate the peak
that spits fire.

"The blade of chaos
thou must release,

To bring about
a lasting peace."

Well, I don't think
we need to look
too far

For "the peak
that spits fire."

I'd say all
fingers point

To that

Yes but what
about the rest?

Like this
"blade of chaos."

Is it some kind
of sword?

And when we find it,
how are we supposed
to "release" it?

Well can either
stand here all day

what it means...

Or we can climb
that thing

And see it for ourselves!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

It's go time!

Err! I can't!

Don't make me do something
I don't want to!


Huh? Dat's weird.

He doesn't wanna
attack either.

Tristan: I love how
joey "conveniently"

Right before we find out
we need to scale

Mount st. Helens!

More climbing
less complaining!

Didn't you learn
your lesson before?

People don't slip
into lava pits
twice in one day.


No! Tristan!


Oh, man.
That was close.


Ohh, ohh! Aah!

Oh, no!

Ohh, ohh, ohh!

Ohh, ohh, ohh! Ohh!


You're alright!
And you're sitting
on a dragon.

I figured why
exert myself...

When I can get there
in style.

Of course,
that's it!

Guys...we shouldn't
be climbing
this thing.

Oh, I think I know where
you're going with this.

let's do what we
gotta do, tea.

Load capsule!

I'll meet'cha
at the top, guys!

Load capsule!

Dark magician!
Activate duel armor!

Let's do this!

Hey is that what
I think it is?

If you're thinking
what I'm thinking,
then I think so!

Grandpa: oh just say it.

Some of us are
nearsighted ya know!

Well it appears to be
a sword...

in that volcano.

Perhaps it's
the same one

That was mentioned
in the riddle.

The blade of chaos!

Well according to
the riddle

We need to
"release" it

In order to
"bring about peace."

Get it?
The "chaos"

Must refer
to the molten lava

That's flowing from
this monstrosity.

Does that means if
we can somehow
figure out

How to remove
that sword

The volcano
will stop erupting?

Yup. And we ace
the test!

let's draw straws

To see who's going
to the top.

Tea: tristan!
We're all going!

No I'm afraid it's
much too dangerous.

Since I have
the armor, I'll go.

The rest
of you wait here.


Is that who I
think it is!?

Yami-yugi: joey!?

What happened
to you!?

Ha ha ha!

Don't play dumb
with me.

It's the same thing
that happened to you.

Unh! Aah!

I merged together
with my favorite monster!

And now that I've gotten
a little power boost...

I figure I'll be
finishing up this game

Without you losers.

Oh yeah!?

Easy now.

That's not joey

He must be
under the control
of an evil force.

Not again.

Snap out of it!

You're just jealous
'cause I'm stronger!

And now...i'll prove it!


My friends!

Why don't ya try
worryin' about yourself

For a change!


You don't know
what you're doing!

Unh! Aah!

You must stop this!

Believe me,
you're not

In your right mind!

We can't fight against
our best friend!

He isn't giving us
much of a choice!

Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry, joey,
but I have to do this.


So that's how
it's gonna be!

Big mistake!

Hyah! Unh!

Joey! I know you're
in there somewhere!

Face it! The joey
you knew is gone!

wait! What am I doing?

Something happened when
I fused with red-eyes,

And now I can't
control myself!

I gotta...break free!

Yugi! I don't wanna
fight ya, pal!

But I'm trapped
and this armor seems to have

A mind of its own!

Look! The sword!

That's not good!

It's sinking
even deeper now!

Oh no!

There isn't much
time left.

Someone's got
to remove
that sword now!

It looks like yugi's
got his hands full.

Then we have no
choice but to pull
that sword out

By ourselves.

Wish me luck!

Joey: looks like we've
got another hero.


That's for all
the cheap sh*ts

You've taken at me!


Take it easy!

Are you alright?

I think so.

C'mon! If we don't
pull that sword out now,

We'll never pass
this test.

[All groaning]

Great. It's stuck.

Ha ha ha!

Tea! Grandpa! Tristan!

Time for a change
of strategy.

Wait whatta ya mean?

Joey's too strong.

So now what?

We need to
take him down!

The only way to get
to that sword...

Is by getting joey
out of our way.


In order for this
to work, I need
your help.

The three of us
need to attack
him simultaneously.

Are you serious!?

He'll get hurt.


It's a chance
we hafta take.

Alright. Let's go!

Load capsule!load capsule!

Go, thunder kid!

And thunder dragon!

I call my dark witch!

Alright...don't fire at joey
until we have a clear shot.

I don't know if
I can go through
with this, guys.

I mean, if we defeat
joey, he could be

Trapped in this
place forever!

So we should
just stand here
and do nothing?

Then we'll never
complete this

And we'll all be
stuck here forever!

I know this
is difficult,

But it's the
only option
we've got left.

joey. I know the real you

Is in there somewhere,
and I'm gonna set you free!

Joey: yugi. You gotta
help me, pal.

Sure. But how?

What's going on?

Somethin' was wrong
with that dragon's mind.

So when we merged
together I got infected.

Wait, so now I
have to break
whatever spell

Was controlling
the red-eyes
black dragon?

Dat's right and
you wanna know how?

Destroy it.

It's the only way.

But...that means
I'd be destroying
you also.

I know, pal.

But you have no choice.

If you don't do this,
the game's over.

We have to pull
out that sword

Before it sinks
into the volcano!

Not on my watch,

It's now or never
so prepare to strike!

Wait! I can't do it.

There's gotta be
another way.

Yami-yugi: I'll do it.

Yugi. Are you sure you
wanna go through with this?

It's the only way.

Gimme a break.

You don't have
the guts, yugi.

You wanna see some
real moves watch this!

Joey, voice-over:
oh no ya don't!
It's over, pal!

Who's there!?

Why can't I move
my arms!?

Didn't your mother
teach ya not to
brainwash people!?

Stop! Let go!

Make your move!

Dark magic attack!


Are you alright, man!?


He's okay!

It worked, guys!

So he's back?!

Grandpa: hold on!

Don't start celebrating
just yet!

We failed!

The sword is sinking!

You're kidding!

The test is over?

We saved joey,
but we ran out
of time.

Now we'll
never get home.


It's red-eyes
black dragon!

He's still alive!

Go magic cylinder!

Redirect his attack!


It's time
to end this.

Joey, wait!

What're you doing!?

We haven't failed yet!

I don't understand.

The sword is gone.




Is that...
Another sword!?



I'll save you!

So that must be...

The blade of chaos!


Joey! That sword
is the source
of the curse!

We can still pass
this test!

The blade of chaos
must be destroyed!

Dark magic attack!

Check it out!

We cleared
the third challenge!

But how?

I'm not sure.

Yami-yugi: it's simple.

The sword in the volcano
was just a decoy.

The real blade of chaos
was in joey's red-eyes
black dragon.

Our challenge was
to remove this sword

And break
the curse it carried.

And thanks
to joey's bravery,

We were able to save
the dragon and restore
peace once again.

If you guys were
in my shoes,

You woulda done
the same thing.

Yes, but we weren't.

You were.

Nice job.

Please. It was nothin'.

Besides I couldn't a done
it without your help.

And yours, too,


Now get some rest.

I'm glad we're
together again old pal.

Now let's go kick some
butt on the next test.

But first, let's sleep.

Joey! Oh great.

Does this mean
I get stuck hauling
sleeping beauty

From challenge
to challenge now?

yugi? Are you ok?

I'll be fine.

Well on to
the next test
I guess.

Three down
and two more to go!

Let's move.

I'm guessing this
is the way out.

Gee, what gave
it away, yugi?

The sliding rock or
the glowing doorway?

Maybe our next trial
will be in outer space.

Thanks to the dead
weight on my back,

I'm not a big fan
of gravity right now.

I'll take six
chocolate glazed

And three
of the boston cream.

How much is that?

Ah, just put it
on my tab.

Ha ha ha!heh heh heh!

Race ya
to the portal!

Tristan: some of us have
some extra baggage!

What they say about
you is true, pharaoh.

You're as loyal as
you are courageous.

If anyone exists who can
complete these five trials

And finally set my
spirit free it is you.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh