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05x22 - Village of Lost Souls

Posted: 08/20/22 14:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

"To gain the prize
of thy desire,

"Locate the peak
that spits fire.

"The blade of chaos
thou must release,

To bring about
a lasting peace."


It's red-eyes
black dragon!

Go magic cylinder!

Redirect his attack!


It's time to end this!

Yami-yugi: so that must be...
The blade of chaos!


Dark magic attack!

Huh? Check it out!

We cleared
the third challenge.

Well, on to the next
challenge, I guess.

Three down,
and two more to go.

Let's move!

Race ya to the portal!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Tea: this is the most amazing
thing I've ever seen.

it's incredible!

I've never watched
someone eat twice
their own bodyweight

In tropical fruit!

Well he is a self-proclaimed

He definitel

The good news is
when he's eating,
he can't talk.

Yeah well I can
still hear, tristan.

So watch it!

What was that!?

A banana split?


Huh. Hey...check it out!

Ahh. We've found
our next challenge.

"Choose the apple
that gives you a raise...

Then offer it up
in the sacred maze."

Tea: this place is
full of apples,

So which is
the right one?

Hopefully I didn't
eat it already.

And whatta ya think
it meant by

"The apple that
gives you a raise"?

I'm not sure,
but I bet we'll know
it when we see it.

Yeah, but that
could take weeks.

This forest is huge,
and there's no end in sight.

Aigh! No way!

What's up, joey?
Do you see something?

No! Not a thing!

Well then what's
the problem?


Now ya see what I mean!?

Tea: I see it,
but I don't get it!

Grandpa: well this is
as far as our map goes.

So this world doesn't

Exist past this point!


Then I say we
about face.

Good plan.

The last thing we wanna

Do is lose our heads.

I found another
one of those
invisible barriers

That way, guys.

And there's one
over there, too.

Well the good news is
that means this jungle

Is a lot smaller
than it looks

So finding that apple

Just got
a little easier.

Tristan: I just hit
the mother load, dudes!

Isn't it beautiful?

A melon?

It's always been
a dream of mine to eat

A humungous cantaloupe.

Ok. That's the most
disturbing thing
I've ever heard.

I was the president
of the national
melon-lovers fan club

For four years!

Not somethin' you
wanna say out loud.

We don't have time
for this.

Joey's right.

We should get going.

Plus I doubt
anyone's gonna

Run off
with that thing.

You bet they won't.

There we go.

Now the world knows
this melon's mine.

So can we go now?

That's not supposed
ta happen!

Hey! Come back here
with my giant cantaloupe!



He's nuts.

See, if it hadn't
been for my melon,

We wouldn't have found
this secret passageway.

Hey look over there!

Joey: a light
at the end
of the tunnel!

Where are we s'posta
find an apple
in this place?

Up there!

Yugi: she's right!

Only problem is
there are three.

And we only need one.

the instructions
said to

the apple that
gives you a raise."

But they're, like,
a hundred feet in the air.

Well maybe
another clue

In here

Like up
those stairs.

It's worth a shot.

Unless anyone has
a better idea.

Hey wait a second.

See anything

That's my fruit!

Don't be so sure.

What's that mean?!

There's another giant
melon with my face on it!?

What I mean is I don't
think that's a melon.

You're right,
it's a bug!

This little
adventure just gets
weirder and weirder.

Tea: something
tells me he's not
a friendly melon bug.

Then let's teach it
a lesson.

Besides impersonating
produce is not cool!

Ready!? Load capsule. Huh!

Go, thunder kid!

[All gasping]

Uh, did I do that?

Look out!





Joey, tea!
Come back!

What's going on!?

Where are we!?

You ok, gramps!?

Just tired.
That's all.

What is this place?

It appears to be
a labyrinth.

Oh. Now I get it.

This must be
the "sacred maze"
we need to solve!

The one that was mentioned
in that riddle!

Yes. But before
we solve this thing

We should try
and reunite

With your friends
before someone
gets hurt!

True. There's no telling
what's lurking in here.

Right. And there's
no time to lose.

Great. Another dead end.

Oh. This is hopeless.

Not again!

Ohh. I give up.

wait a sec.

Have I learned nothing
from my friends?

Yugi and joey would never
throw in the towel,

And neither will i!

Joey: I'm throwin' in the towel.

I bet there's not even
a solution to this thing!

Now...i started here,
and then went there.

Ah, who cares!?

Let's face it I'm spendin'
the rest of my life here.

May as well have
my last meal, right?

Whoa talk about
an energy boost.

Either this fruit is magic,
or I'm goin' bananas!


Huh? Am I crazy or are we
walking in circles?

I swear we've been
in this spot before.

Ohh! I can't take this!

Every wall looks
the same.

I know!

Voila! Now if we see
that handsome face again

We'll know we were
already here.

I knew it!
We've already been here!

Let's try this again!


Huh? Err!

Third time's the charm.

Believe it or not,
I never wanna see
my face again.

Last time.

Hold on.
What am I doing?

Let's just be honest,
little dude,

We're never getting out
of here, are we?

I miss my friends!

I think I even
miss joey!

What's up?

Well, I guess
it couldn't hurt.


I hope this guy's

Oh. I'm getting
a little tired 'a this.

Who's there!?

My dark witch capsule!



Oh, man.

Happy lover wouldn't stand
a chance against that thing.

But whatever's
in there might!

Unh! Aah!

I...can't reach.

Load capsule!

Now, fire!

Happy lover, help me out!


Come on. I know
you can do this!



I get the feeling he
won't be needing this
anytime soon.

Not only is this magic fruit
helpin' my stamina,

It's boostin' up
my brainpower too.

Aha. So after
rotating degrees,

I remain perpendicular
to this.

Now these two lines
should intersect
at this point.

Hey, can't you see I'm doin'
some calculations here!?



Sorry if I was rude,

But that's no reason
to get physical!

So why don't you
walk away

And we'll pretend
this little incident

Never happened ok?

Otherwise I'm gonna
hafta start getting
physical myself.

Loading capsule!

Teach 'im some manners,





Looks like someone beat
us to da punch, pal.


Tristan? would it
k*ll ya to practice

A little
driving safety.

I get the feeling this
bulldozer doesn't care

Too much about
traffic laws, dude.



Wait! It's a dead-end.

Grandpa: whoa!
Did you catch
the license plate

On that thing!?

That was tristan
and joey!

Yugi! I found you!

Howdy, stranger!

Ya got room
for the two of us?

Yugi: nice job, guys!

Thanks to the new
capsule monsters you found,

The old g*ng is back together
and better than ever!

And with these
two powerhouses
in our corner

There's not a creature
we can't clobber!

Yeah! There's not
a brick wall

We can't clobber

I just hope we're

Through this maze
in the right direction.

Speakin' a that...
Don't you sorta think

That we're cheatin' our
way through this maze?

ah, fiddlesticks!

That riddle didn't
say we can't take
a shortcut, right?

For all we know this
was the only solution!

[All groan]

Hey look.
Up there!

Well how do ya like
them apples, guys!?

We made it back!

Joey: now what!?

We're back where we

And there's still
no way to reach

The forbidden fruit!

that's weird.

I only see two apples
up there,

And before
there were three.

I was just thinking
the same thing.

Well if we can
figure out
where it went,

It might help us
solve this thing.

Uh, have you noticed
some of us are missing?

Yeah the other
two fifths of our team!


[Tristan and grandpa groaning]

Hey, gramps!
Any idea how to
stop this thing!?

I'm too old
for this!

Oh please.

Knowin' your grandpa
he's on his way back

With the solution
right now.


What was that?

I dunno.
But somethin' tells me

It came from dat thing.

Hold on...

I recognize
that thing!

It's hatching!

No way!

I'm afraid so,

It's a great moth!

That giant
must have evolved!

Load your capsules!


Go, red-eyes black dragon!


I play my seiyaryu!


Dark magician,
come forth!

Activate duel armor!

Here we go!

Time for
a triple attack!!

No little butterfly
is gonna stand up
to all three of us!

Let's do this, tea!

Right! Attack
with razor fire blast!!

Inferno fire blast!

Dark magic!

Aw yeah!

That thing's bug juice!

Oh no! It's back!

I think it's worse
than that, guys!

You're right!
It grew!

Of course.
He evolved again!

Into ultimate
great moth!

Oh boy.

That's not good.

So now whatta we do!?

We swat this
mutant moth again!

Inferno fire blast!

Razor fire blast!!


Take cover!
He's too strong!

Oh no!

Unh! Aah!

He's been hit!

Yugi! No!

Yugi...that moth has
enough power to destroy

Every one of our monsters.

It can't end
like this.

We have to stop
that thing

And complete
this test!

But how?

Well, this may be
a long shot...

But do you think
the answer
to all this

Has something to
do with that
missing apple?

That's it!

What's it!?


Yugi! Watch out!


This is isn't
exactly a great time

To be takin'
a snack break!


Activate dark evolution!

Now I shall evolve!

For just as the riddle states,
I have chosen the apple

That gives me a raise!

Wait. So he figured
it out!?

It would appear
that way!

What is it?

It looks like
the magician
of black chaos!

Yugi's monster
evolved just like
that moth!

Now I activate
my duel armor!

Wow. I guess that
means yugi's duel armor
evolved also.

This ends now!


Now to finish
you off

With chaos scepter

Nice work, pal!

Yugi! I hope
we're not too
late to help.

Hey is it just me,
or is there

Something different
about you?

Isn't there
a melon

You should be

You kids have figured
out the meaning

Behind those
golden apples
have't you?!

Well could someone
share it with me?

'Cause I'm still lost.

When we first
arrived here...

There were three apples
resting upon three pillars.

But when we returned
there were only two apples.

Wasn't me!

I already had
a snack in the maze!

I knew all three apples
had to have been put
there for a reason,

But the riddle
only mentioned one.

We were asked to
"choose the apple

That gives you a raise."

Yes but how?

All three of those
apples looked

Exactly the same
to me.

They were.
Each one of them had
the ability to raise

A monster's strength.

But each had its own job.

The first apple was consumed
by that caterpillar,

Causing it to evolve
into a great moth!

I get it!
So that's why
it was called

The "apple that gives
you a raise" right?

Makes sense.
I kinda noticed

That all the fruit
around these parts

Packs a bit
of a punch.

That's right.
And I knew if I ate

The second apple
my strength would grow.

So that leaves one left.

That must be
the apple you need

To "offer up" to
complete the challenge.

So you aced the test!

There's only one thing
left to do now.

Give that golden
delicious back.

Nice work,
you guys.

By the way, tristan,
how did you guys miss
all the action?

And where's
your monster?

He's sleeping.

I guess careening
around like
a lunatic

And busting through
everything in sight

took its toll
on the big brute.


I have
a dumb question.

Whatta you think
the riddle meant

When it said
to "offer up"
the apple?

Grandpa: hmm.

So that's where
these stairs lead.


Well done!

I guess it's on to
level five, huh.

One more left.


Well what are we
waiting for?!

Let's finish this
thing and go home!

Right, guys!?


Joey: I can't wait
to get back
to the real world.

Yeah. Where you
can sit down
and eat a melon

Without it
running away!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!