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05x25 - Village of Vengeance, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 14:22
by bunniefuu
Narrator: previously,
on yu-gi-oh...

Well, by the look
of things, I'd say
we're back!

I'm so glad you're alright.

I've been worried sick about
you since the moment you

Disappeared into that map.

So, did you find anything?

Is this what you meant?


No grandpa,
it's a trick!

It's time to complete what
I began centuries ago!

I've stared at this
doorway hundreds of times.

However, this time
I hold the key.

At long last!


Dude, we worked too
hard for that thing!


Yugi: look guys!

It's shadi!

Joey: but what's
he doin' here?

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

You now stand at
the threshold of a power

Greater than anything
you could imagine.

Yeah but all we really
want is to is go home.

Then go!

I've been waiting for that
power for two thousand years

And now it's mine!

We're the ones that
did all the work!

Dat's right!

So whatever's in here
belongs ta us, pal!


I see no one told you that
I already passed these five

Trials centuries ago!

I reached the pyramid's secret
chamber just as you did.

But the doorway wouldn't open.

I was robbed of my prize!

My lord.

Perhaps this
wasn't meant to be.


You lack faith
in me?

We have done
all we can sir.

They're right,
your highness.

I have
a strong feeling

That this test
was just a trick

And the power you seek
doesn't belong

In the hands of any man

Regardless of how strong
a leader he may be!

I see.

So what you people are
saying is that I'm not worthy

Of the power I was promised!!

What we're saying is that
power is too dangerous

For a mere mortal
to control.

You are a great leader,

And the fact that
you passed these trials

Is testament to that.

But please, let us
leave this place

Before it's too late!

You have already amassed
a great empire, my king.

Isn't that enough!?

It's never enough!

Are you alright!?

King alexandros!

Alex, voice-over:
as my rage grew,

The two sides of
my soul began the struggle

For control.

I awoke to a startling scene.

The souls of my vassals
had been taken...

Trapped within
the pyramid.

And I was next.

My very spirit was
then split in two!

My weak half entered the
world of the capsule monsters,

While I was trapped
in this pyramid...

Where I waited
for a chance to escape.

Two millennia later,

That opportunity arose.

Are you sure about this?


Alex, voice-over:
fate had sent a distant
descendant of mine

To rescue me.

I would finally get
a second chance!


Ha ha ha ha!

At last I had the body
necessary to finish

What I began.

All I needed now was someone
capable of clearing the five

Tests, just as I had.

So I waited.

For I knew if the power that
had eluded me for so long was

Truly meant to be would arrive.

Tristan: that was
enough excitement
to last the whole trip.

Tea: the pilot sent
a distress signal

But he said it may
take a while

someone shows up.

Alex, voice-over:
now everything was in place.

So all that stuff
happened by

No. These events were guided
by the hands of fate.

You gotta be outta
your turban bro!

There's no way that
fate wants that guy
to win this!

He doesn't deserve
jack squat!

There is but one way to
determine which of you is

Deserving of the
game's ultimate prize.

You must both participate
in one final test!

Another challenge!?

Yes. Dr. Alex brisbane,

Who bears the soul
of king alexandros
the third,

Shall face yugi muto,
who bears the soul

Of the great nameless pharaoh,
in an all-out capsule

Monsters w*r!

Only the true king
shall prevail!


[Echo] begin!

This isn't going to
take very long.

Soon I'll have what's
rightfully mine!


Well not of the five
musketeers can help it!

That's right!

You're out-numbered


I need to do
this alone guys.

I'm not gonna put you in
any more danger than I

Already have!

Tristan: you really hafta get
yourself a new line, dude!

Face it.

You're stuck with us
'til the bitter end!

I guess if I'm gonna stop this
creep from taking over

The world I need all the
help I can get.

It's time to teach him
how the game is played!

Now, let the battle commence!

Tristan: ah, joey!?

What was that you said about
him being out-numbered!?

He brought
his royal guard!

Well...guess it's
five on five.

The rules of this
trial are simple.

You may summon any and all
capsule monsters you managed

To collect on your journey.

You lose...when
they're all destroyed.

The victor will then claim
the power necessary to control

The world!

If he wins

The whole
will suffer!

Then it's a good
thing he won't!

Good call!

Now let's do this!

Load capsules!

I summon my magician
of black chaos,

My celtic guardian
and my black luster

And I
swordsman...and baby dragon!!

Plus my thunder dragon, shovel
crusher and thunder kid!

Don't forget seiyaryu...dark
witch and happy lover!

Curse of dragon come forth!

I call my garma sword...
Makyura the destructor...

Dark jeroid, and lekunga!

Total defense shogun!

Manticore of darkness!!

And big-tusked mammoth!

I call forth my
reflect bounder!

Along with demoness knight!

Come out fire wing pegassus!

And stealth bird!

And finally reshef
the dark being!

Ah, they have more
monstas than we do!

With weirder
names, too.

The stage has been set.

Best of luck to you all.


Activate duel armor!

Merge with black
luster soldier!

Two can play at that game!

Merge with reshef
the dark being!

Somethin' that big's gotta
be against the rules!

Who said there were rules!?

Front line!
Attack, now!

Tea: he's surrounded!

Not for long!



Hey, fancy meetin' you here!

On the other hand...not
so fancy meetin' him!

That purple pachyderm
looks pretty peeved!


Next time watch out
for those potholes!

I guess it pays to have your
own personal demolition team,

Right dudes?

Looks like we've got company.


Oh man!

Now our company's
got company!


No way!

Those freaks
didn't flinch!

It must be an illusion!

Dark witch!

Time to shine a
spotlight on these divas!

Only one should cast a shadow!

Now will the real
demon please blow up!

I gotcha!

So ya like to play games?

Well I was the hide-and-seek
champ back in my day!

Of course my eyes aren't what
they used to be, but this

Should help!

Tag. You're it!

Ha ha ha!
I still got it.

You fools were never
any use to me.

Now be gone!

My loyal
and your monsters are

Now dismissed!

That's strange.

Why would he launch an
attack against his own team?


Ha ha ha!

I sacrifice you all to
summon my seven armed fiend!

Yami-yugi: wait!!

That's the monster
from our nightmare!

Any idea how to handle
this thing?

Well in the board
game it's practically

Tristan: but if we've
learned anything from
playing this game

It's that every monster
has its weakness.

As a wise man once said,
"the bigger they are...

Da harder they fall!"


Joey, no!
It's too dangerous!

Seven-armed fiend...


Aah! Uh!

Yami-yugi: joey!

You think ya
so tough!?

Just 'cause ya got
thirty five fingers!?

Now I remember
why that monster

Is so hard to

Each one of its
seven arms

Has its own
special ability!

Right you are!
And I shall introduce
you to them one by one!

with a personal
favorite of mine

Known as...
"Arm of the skulls!"


Curse of dragon...

So much for
your friends!

Trust me you haven't
seen the last of them.

Activate "arm
of regeneration!"

They're back!

Oh no he's been hit!

Alex: and now it's your turn.

"Arm of entrapment!"

Tea: hey let go!

Yami-yugi: tea!


Now what?!

Grandpa: we have
no choice

But to battle this
fiend from the ground!


It looks like we
hafta get past

The zombie
patrol first!

Fine with me!

Flaming sword
of battle!

Shining blizzard!

Thunder kid,
shock blast!

There's more!
Shovel crusher,
attack nooow!

Dragon flame!

Yugi, we'll deal
with the brute squad

And you take down
the big guy!


Chaos blade strike!


Defense arm!


Ha ha ha!

I've toyed with you
children for long enough

So allow me to put you
out of your misery!

By unleashing my
seven-arm fiend's

Most devastating ability!

"Arm of destruction!"

Look guys!

He's aiming
for mr. Muto!

Just my luck.

Don't you dare lay
a finger on him!

How 'bout an entire hand!?

Watch out!

Please hurry!

Run while you can!

he seems to be alright!

You three saved me!

You sacrificed your own protect

An old man.

Goodbye, pal!

Thanks thunder kid!

We'll miss you guys!

There's not much time.

If we don't act quickly

All of our monsters'll
meet the same
fate as those guys!

Alright! Enough
of this nonsense!
The w*r is over!

My thoughts exactly!

Now celtic guardian...

And magician
of black chaos!


You're more foolish than
I had thought.

Have you forgotten that each
of my monster's arms has its

Own unique ability?

Activate "arm of

What's going on?

My fiend allows me to read
your mind and therefore

Anticipate your every move!

I've got a plan!

We must divide and conquer!


Clearly you don't understand.

My monster can see all!

Front! Right! Left!


You alright yugi!?

Flame swordsman!

Now that's what I
call a bull's-eye!

Alex: no one likes
a backstabber!

Ha ha ha!

Hey red-eyes!

Attack with
inferno fire blast!

Thanks pal.

We couldn't 'a done
this without ya.

Those g*ons...are gonna pay!

Watch your back!

Rapid-fire flame strike!

I told ya, yuge...we can
handle this g*ng 'a ghouls...

You concentrate on that
over-sized scrap heap!

He's right!

You go!

Good luck!

Alright yugi.

We mustn't
let them down.

Any idea what to do?


To start with, we
need to figure out

A way around that
"defense arm."

The only problem is
he can read our minds

And therefore
predict our strategy.

Maybe there's a way
to confuse him?

I think you may be on
to something, yugi.

You fools are
wasting your time.

You can't win.

Seven-armed fiend!

Prepare to attack!

Alex: looks like we have
our first victim.

Yami-yugi: wait!

I'm the one you
want, not him!

Wait pal!

Go! This is our chance!

Let's hope this works.


Now...why don't we see what's
on your mind, shall we?


Where am i?

This can't possibly be
the pharaoh's mind!


You were right!

Since your mind is linked to
the millennium puzzle

You were able to
trap him inside it!

Now he can't
predict our moves!

And we can bring
down this behemoth!

This labyrinth
is never ending!

Each doorway leads to
hundreds of others!

I'm trapped!

If I don't find a way out of
this maze I'll lose the game!



Magician of black chaos and
celtic guardian...


Chaos blade!

Yugi actually did it!


That's my grandson!

Way ta go, dude!

My fiend is gone.

But how?

That's impossible!!

it's time you stopped
hiding like a coward!

Now let's settle this
once and for all.

Come down here and
fight me face to face.

If you want your precious
reward then prove that you

Deserve it and defeat me!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh