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02x14 - The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

Posted: 03/01/05 01:18
by bunniefuu

(There’s a green towel wrapped around Lucas’ waist and he’s wearing a white t-shirt. He’s standing in front of a steamed up mirror and looking down into the sink basin.)

LUCAS: (v.o) Octavio Paz once wrote; Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition… (He wipes the steam off the mirror with a hand. He studies himself.) man is the only being who knows he is alone.

(Lucas continues to look at himself. His hair’s grown. He turns to exit.



(Shot of the table with breakfast on it. Dan is standing and reading the paper. Lucas walks in, rubbing his eyes.)

DAN: (Folds the paper and puts it away.) You know, if Bogans keeps drilling threes, the Cats will be tough to beat. How’d you sleep?

LUCAS: Fine.

DAN: Great, grab a plate.

LUCAS: Ah, actually, uh… (Points back.) I usually grab something on the way to school.

DAN: Come on, sit. We’re civilised here. (Smiles and raises his mug to drink.)

(The door opens.)

DEB: (Still outside. Lucas looks back.) Dan? (She walks in.) I’m home.

DAN: We’re in the kitchen, Deb.

(Deb sees Lucas as she walks in.)

DEB: Oh,… Lucas.

LUCAS: (Looking down.) Hey.

(Deb is extremely confused.)

DEB: Uh,… where-where’s Nathan?

DAN: Nathan’s not here, Deb. Lucas is gonna be staying with us for a while.

DEB: Wh-what?(!)

(Lucas glares at Dan.)

LUCAS: You didn’t tell her.

DAN: (Smirking) You better get to school.

(Lucas scoffs and turns to leave.)

(They wait until he’s gone before speaking.)

DAN: Nice work, Deb. That should make him feel right at home. (Drinks from the mug.)

DEB: This isn’t him home, Dan. (Walks into the kitchen so she can drop her bags.) What were you thinking? I’m gone three days and you invite Lucas to stay in our son’s room without asking me?(!)

DAN: Hey, Lucas is my son too, Deb. And before you start getting upset, there is some good news.

DEB: Like what, Keith’s moved into the guest room?

DAN: (Pleased) Haley left Nathan.

DEB: (Pause) When?(!)

DAN: A few days ago. Its happening, Deb. Just like we hoped it would.

DEB: Well, how is he? He must be devastated.

DAN: Well, ask him yourself. When he moves back in.

DEB: (Daring to hope.) He’s moving back in? He said that?

DAN: Not yet, but trust me,… it’s just a matter of time. (Smiles widely as he drinks.)

(Deb tries to hide her delight but it’s not working too well.)



(Brooke and Peyton walk toward the school.)

BROOKE: OK, I still can not believe Haley left Nathan for Chris.

PEYTON: She didn’t, OK? She left for herself. The tour is an amazing opportunity.

BROOKE: Yeah, to screw up her marriage.

PEYTON: OK, just because she is married does not mean she has to give up her dreams. OK? She’s really, really talented.

BROOKE: I know she is and that’s great but you don’t think Chris has anything to do with this?

PEYTON: (With certainty.) No, I don’t. She is not into him. She told me.

BROOKE: OK, let’s think about what Nathan was when Haley met him; (Ticks it off her fingers.) good looking, rude, sexy, arrogant and talented.

PEYTON: OK, right, like Chris.

BROOKE: Yeah, and then Haley changed Nathan, for the better, but I’m thinking maybe she misses that challenge.

PEYTON: You really think she changed Nathan?

BROOKE: Yeah(!) I mean, before Haley, Nathan was, like, the ‘bad-boy of Tree Hill’… and now he’s just… (Frowns) ‘Pod Nathan’.



(Nathan sits on the couch playing on his Playstation. He hasn’t shaved, the place is a pigsty and Nathan’s clothes don’t look very clean. He’s barely moving at all. The camera zooms in on him. His hair is lying flat for a change.)

(Nathan’s playing NBA sh**t.)

(The doorbell rings and Nathan looks back. He stops that game and stands to answer the door with a sigh. Lucas stands there, leaning on the doorjamb – his favourite position.)

LUCAS: (Gives him a once-over.) …Dude,… you look like @#%$.

NATHAN: You should smell me. (Laughs a little.)

LUCAS: Um… you know, I haven’t seen you around school lately. You mind if I come in?

NATHAN: Actually, Um… now’s not really a-a good… good time. (Looks up at him with a frown.)

(Lucas nods and looks around the apartment.)

LUCAS: You know, man, I… I’m really missing Haley. She aint even bothered to call me. (Nathan glares at him.) It must be harder for you.

NATHAN: Yeah, it’s twelve weeks. I’ll be fine. We’ll, uh… we’ll work it out when she gets back.

LUCAS: (Nods) I’m just concerned, man.

NATHAN: …Yeah, well don’t be. (Shuts the door right in his face.)

(Lucas looks at the door before walking away.)



(Jakes locker opens and he takes things out of his bag. Peyton walks up behind him.)

PEYTON: So, you left early this morning.

JAKE: (Turns to look at her.) Yeah, well I had to drop off Jenny at my mom’s and then… stop by the café, talk to Karen. What’s going on?

PEYTON: Well, um… Ted Leo is doing an in-store-run rally tonight; do you wanna go?

JAKE: (Regretfully) I can’t.

PEYTON: Come on, it’s gonna be fun.

JAKE: Yeah, well, fun’s not really an option these days. I mean, other than Jenny; school, finding a job, there’s not really room for anything else.

PEYTON: (Sadly) Yeah. (Nods) Sure. I understand, it’s cool.

(She nods and he turns and closes his locker.)

(Peyton looks down as Jake walks away. She doesn’t move. Jake stops and looks back.)

JAKE: You coming?

(Peyton smiles awkwardly, nods, and walks to him. They walk off-screen together.)



(Brooke walks down the corridor. She is not smiling.)

ERICA MARSH: (Sticking a CD in her face.) Campaign CD?

BROOKE: No, I’m more of an MP3 girl(!)

(Brooke rolls her eyes and walks away. The camera follows Erica. Whitey comes into the shot, looking down at some pages.)

ERICA MARSH: Coach Durham! (Whitey looks up.) I was wondering if the election week schedules were out yet.

WHITEY: (Smiling) Yeah, hot of the press. (Hands her a schedule.)

ERICA MARSH: (Taking it.) Thanks(!) (Looks at it.) Oh, if you want, I could give Brooke Davis hers next period. We have Health together.

WHITEY: Well, that’s nice of you, Erica. (Gives her Brooke’s.) I was afraid you girls’d be pulling each others pigtails by this time. (Whitey laughs as he walks past and Erica laughs forcedly.)

(She turns to his retreating back and her smile falls. She folds Brooke’s schedule up and puts it into her bag. With a last backward glance, she walks away, still handing out her CD.)



(Brooke and Peyton bump into each other at the door.)

BROOKE: Oh, (Takes Peyton’s arm and they walk.) I know I’ve been a little busy with the election but how could you hold out on me like this?


BROOKE: Don’t play dumb with me, blondie. You’ve been playing house with Jake Jagielski-


BROOKE: -and you weren’t gonna tell me?

PEYTON: (Dismissively) That, that’s nothing.

BROOKE: Oh! I would say that living in a house together, with a baby, is definitely something.

(Peyton laughs nervously.)

BROOKE: Next thing I know, you’re gonna tell me you two have been sharing a bed.

(Peyton stays silent, eyes open and trying to avoid Brooke’s eyes.)

BROOKE: (Shocked) P. Sawyer! (Peyton smiles to herself.)

(Brooke almost att*cks a young student.)

BROOKE: (Gasps) Hey, Freshman, hang these up for me, (Tosses her posters at him.) thanks.

(She takes Peyton’s arm again.)

BROOKE: OK, gimme details.

(Peyton laughs.)

PEYTON: Sadly, there aren’t any. Jake’s made very clear that he doesn’t have time for anything detaily.

(Brooke refuses to accept that and shakes her head.)

BROOKE: OK, no, forget what he says because I have seen the way that that boy look at you(!)

PEYTON: (Puts her arms around Brooke’s shoulders.) OK, don’t you have Health class?

BROOKE: I think I’m healthy enough(!) I have watched you mope over this guy for weeks; now you have him… in your bed. (Looks at her curiously.)


BROOKE: So take a chance.

(Peyton gapes and sighs as they walk off-screen. The bell rings)



(Lucas is sitting in his chair, looking down.)

TEACHER: OK, so we’re gonna pick up where we left off, discussing the process of mitosis. (She walks to the front of the classroom and Nathan’s standing in the doorway.) The-

(She stops when she sees him. He walks to his chair.)

TEACHER: Well, Mr Scott, long time no see.

(Nathan looks at her, smirks and sits in his seat in front of Lucas.)

TEACHER: OK, so as we discussed last time, mitosis is the process by which a single cell separates- (Her voice is drowned out as Lucas leans in to talk to Nathan.)

LUCAS: (Quietly) It’s about time you pulled yourself together.

NATHAN: (Goes through his bag.) Whatever. I’m only here coz my Playstation broke(!) (Pulls out a can of malt liquor and puts it onto the desk.)

(Lucas stretches forward and grabs at his shirt. Nathan pops the can open.)

LUCAS: Hey, man, are you nuts?(!)

(Girls near the front turn at the noise of the hissing can.)

TEACHER: (o.s) Prophase.

(Lucas looks at Nathan who takes a swig of his drink. Lucas looks up at the teacher, uneasily.)

TEACHER: (o.s) Pro-metaphase, anaphase and t- (She stops as she sees Nathan. Some people giggle.)

(She walks up to him, arms crossed.)

TEACHER: OK, please tell me you are not drinking beer in my class(!)

(Nathan looks down, into his bag.)

NATHAN: Technically, it’s malt liquor.

TEACHER: Nathan!

NATHAN: It’s OK. (Smiles up at her, another can in his hand.) I bought enough to share. (He sets it down onto the desk of a Chinese guy with very thick glasses.)

(The teacher stomps forward to grab the cans as Lucas covers his eyes.)

TEACHER: (Taking the cans.) Come with me please(!)

NATHAN: (Laughs and picks up his bag.) That’s a nice skirt Miss. Ham. You know, I bet if more teachers dressed like sluts, attendance in this place would skyrocket.

TEACHER: (Stiffly) Funny(!) Principle Turner’s gonna love that one.

(She turns around and walks out of the classroom. Nathan shrugs and follows her. Lucas watches them miserably.)





(Lucas is on the bed the phone to his ear, looking desperate.)

LUCAS: Haley, it’s me. (Pause) I don’t know if you’re even getting any of these messages but please call me. It’s… Nathan. I’m worried about him. (He shakes his head. Not knowing what else to say, he shuts the phone.)

(He sighs and looks at the screen.)



JAKE: (o.s) Hey, Peyton, you ready?

(Peyton is standing in front of the mirror, messing with her hair.)

JAKE: (o.s) Let’s go.

(She continues to mess with her hair.)

PEYTON: Yeah, just one second.

JAKE: (o.s) (Amusedly) I just saw you, you look great. Come on.

(Peyton stops messing with her hair and smiles delightedly. She looks at her reflection one last time before walking into her bedroom.)

(Jake is sitting on her bed with Jenny. She’s fussing and Jake is trying to calm her down. He looks up at Peyton. She watches the pair.)

JAKE: (Frowning) She feel a little warm here. (Stands)

(Peyton walks to them.)

JAKE: You think she caught something?

PEYTON: (Looks down at Jenny.) I don’t know. (To Jenny.) Hey, come here. (Jake hands her over, still worried.) How you doing, girly-girl?

(Peyton holds her up.)

PEYTON: (Smiling) How you feeling?

(Jenny throws up on Peyton’s jacket and top – which is kinda difficult seeing as how Jenny was facing away. Peyton gapes down at her clothes.)

PEYTON: OK, not good, I guess.

(Jenny grabs at Peyton but Jake takes her back.)

JAKE: Here. (Takes Jenny.) Here, here.

PEYTON: You’ve got her.

(Jenny starts to fuss again.)

JAKE: Oh, it’s OK. It’s OK. Here… uh… (Holds up a baby wipe to Peyton.) you-

(Peyton laughs and takes the wipe. Jake groans. Peyton wipes at her top.)

JAKE: You go ahead. She can’t go out like this. (Wipes Jenny’s mouth.)

PEYTON: (Still wiping the top.) Stop it, I will go with you. We’ll take her to the doctor.

JAKE: With what?(!) (Peyton looks at him.) I don’t have health insurance. (He looks back down.)

(Peyton looks before turning away and picking up a box on her desk.)

PEYTON: You know what, um,… (She opens the box.) here.

(She takes money out and walks to Jake.)

PEYTON: It’s the emergency money my dad left me. (Holds up the money.)

JAKE: Peyton, I can’t-

PEYTON: Jake(!) Come on, what’s a bigger emergency than a sick baby? (She smiles and waits for him to take it.)

(Jake doesn’t want to but he takes it.)

JAKE: You’re pretty great, you know that?

PEYTON: Yeah, I have my moments. (Smiles)



(Andy sits at the counter, grading assignments. Lucas enters the café. He looks around before approaching Andy.)

LUCAS: Hey, Andy? (Andy looks up.) Uh… you seen my mom?

(Andy looks to the back as Karen walks through, carrying a plate of washed glasses. She pauses briefly as she sees her son.)

KAREN: (Continuing forward.) (With reservation.) Lucas.

(Lucas watches her as she continues on her way. Andy, feeling uncomfortable, closes the assignments.)

ANDY: (Closing his pen.) I think I’ll grade these somewhere else. (Takes his things and leaves.)

LUCAS: (Forcefully polite as he indicates the glasses.) You need help with those?

KAREN: (Shakes her head.) Got em. (Looks up at him with hostility.) I didn’t expect to see you today. (Pause) Sit down, have a drink.

(Lucas smiles and leans over the counter. He’s not sure what to say.)

LUCAS: I just wanted to see how you were doing.

KAREN: What does Dan have over you?

LUCAS: (Sighs and looks away.) Mom-

KAREN: It’s gotta be something because I’ve gone over this a million times and there’s… not other explanation… as to why you would choose to live with that snake. So, unless you wanna tell me…

(Lucas tries to speak but he can’t do that to her so he struggles but keeps quiet. Karen gives up.)

KAREN: That’s two bucks for the soda.

(She turns and walks away. Lucas looks around, torn.)



(The doorbell rings incessantly and Dan answers the door. Jules stands there, a wedding dress in one had and a livid expression on her face.)

JULES: (Holding the bunched up dress up.) You wanna explain this?!

DAN: (Snarkily) Looks like a wedding gown.

JULES: No one asked you to pay for my dress!

DAN: You know, most women woulda just sent a thank you note, but if you’re gonna yell at me, at least come inside.

(He steps aside and Jules stomps in while throwing glares at him.)

(They walk into the living room and Jules turns to him.)

JULES: I want you to stay away from our wedding!

DAN: Speaking of your wedding, (Sighs) what exactly were you planning to do about guests? (Pause) I mean, considering this whole thing is just an elaborate ruse designed to bring down my brother. (Pause) I’m guessing that having your parents there might be a bit of a downer. (Pause) I could lend you mine but… nah(!)

JULES: I love your brother, Dan. Why won’t you just leave us alone?!

DAN: (With an evil look.) Because Keith slept with Deb. (Pause) Besides, I didn’t pay you to fall in love with him.

JULES: You know what? (Throws the dress behind.) Screw it! I’ll just tell him the truth. (She walks to the door.)

(Dan walks further into the room.)

DAN: Yeah, you could do that. Risky though. (She stops and turns to him.) Uh… Keith’s no catch but I’m guessing even he’d have trouble dealing with this one. (Smirks)

(There is a prolonged pause as Jules evaluates her position.)

DAN: Hm. (Nods) You like chess, Jules? (Walks to the chess set.) Keith and I used to play all the time; until he got tired of losing. (He sits in front of the set.) There’s a manoeuvre, it’s called the Fork. (Picks up a piece.) Where you take one of your pieces and attack two of your opponents’ pieces. (Smiles) Basically, forcing him to choose which way he wants to lose.

(Jules, arms crossed, closes her eyes. She knows that she’s stuck. There’s nothing she can do but see this through.)

DAN: Makes it fun coz you get to watch them squirm. Sorta like the situation you’re in now. I mean, you could tell Keith about our arrangement, break his heart… which of course, was my plan all along.

JULES: (Disgustedly) What is wrong with you?

DAN: Or you could go through with the wedding,… put on the pretty dress,… and spend the rest of your married life, knowing I have the luxury of telling him anytime I want. Either way, in the end, I win(!)

(Dan stares her down.)

(Jules waits for a beat before turning, grabbing the dress and walking out, without looking at him.)

DAN: (Looks at the chess set.) Checkmate.

(Zoom in on Dan’s evil face.)





(Shot focuses on Nathan’s notice of suspension before panning to show him rummaging through the underwear drawer. He takes out the clothing he bought for Haley at the lingerie shop when Brooke organised their serial date last year. He looks at it and sighs.)



(Lucas is walking around the side of Nathan’s apartment, intent on visiting his brother in his time of need.)

DAN: Lucas?

(Deb and Dan emerge from the back. Lucas turns to them.)

DEB: (Walking faster.) We got a call from the principle.

LUCAS: Yeah, I was just checking on him. Uh,… but since you guys are here. (Begins to leave.)

DAN: Stay(!) You’re his brother; you should be here for this. (Walks to the door of the apartment. Deb follows him after giving Lucas a brief smile.)

(Lucas shakes his head slightly as Dan knocks.)

(Nathan opens the door and looks at them all.)

NATHAN: (Snarkily) Look who it is; the Scott family.

DAN: Sorry, I thought my son lived here. Kinda looks like you, (Enters) only less pathetic(!)

DEB: (Trying to act like the caring mother.) We heard about Haley, honey. What happened? (She enters too.)

NATHAN: (Stops and turns around with a frown.) Like you care(!) (Lucas moves behind him.)

(The door slams closed.)

DEB: We do care, Nathan… all of us.

NATHAN: Right, mom, and you just showered Haley with hugs, didn’t you? (Deb looks away.) Well I hate to disappoint you guys but she’ll be back in a few weeks.

LUCAS: Look, Nate.

NATHAN: You can shut up(!) By the way.

DEB: How can you live like this, Nathan? This place is a pigsty(!) Eh, you’re skipping school, you’re drinking in class.

DAN: (Playing the fatherly card badly and knowing it.) It’s not worth it, son. Pissing your life away over some girl.

NATHAN: (Offended) Some girl?(!) (Walks to hid father.) She’s my wife, dad!

DAN: (Smirking) Really? Well someone may wanna tell her that(!)

(Nathan pulls back and punches his father hard in the face. Dan crouches in pain. Deb makes various sounds of distress and Lucas moves forward to stop Nathan.)

LUCAS: Hey, come on! (Puts his hands out to separate them.)

(Dan touches the blood that has appeared on the side of his mouth with equal parts interest and bemusement. He stands up straight and nods to his son.)

DAN: Nice punch, son. It’s good to see there’s still a man in there somewhere.

(Nathan sighs and leaves him own apartment. Lucas is caught in the middle of it all, not knowing what to do. He looks at Dan in exasperation.)





(Deb opens a pizza box and sees half of a pizza inside.)

DEB: (To herself.) Oh, Nathan. (She sighs and puts it into a big, black, garbage bag. There’s another one sitting by the door.)

(She cleans up after him, picking up all the mess he’s left behind. She picks up a picture of Nathan and Haley and looks at it before putting it in a picture frame of them at the beach on their wedding day.)



(Her face is set as she walks past people, many of whom are sporting stickers that read ‘I Slept With Brooke Davis But I’m Voting For ERICA MARSH’. Brooke walks forward to a guy in a letterman jacket – also wearing the sticker – and grabs him.)

BROOKE: Come here! (Pushes him against the grate.) First of all; (Takes the sticker off.) No, you didn’t, and second of all, (Waves it in his face.) where did you get it?

GUY: It’s a joke(!)

BROOKE: (Puts a hand under his jacket and twists.) Spill!

(He cries in pain and inclines his head to somebody behind her.)

(Brooke turns her head and spots Erica. She rushes to Erica angrily.)


(Erica stops and turns.)

BROOKE: (Stops in front of her.) Veeeery clever(!)

ERICA MARSH: Thanks, cleverness does come in handy in politics. Unlike, say, cheerleading which is about, what, short skirts and who can make the bitchiest pyramid? (Smirks)

BROOKE: (Scoffs) Oh, that is it. Tomorrow, you’re going down(!)

ERICA MARSH: (Mock worriedly.) Are you sure? Coz, from what I’ve heard, ‘going down’ is really more your style(!)

(Erica pauses as Brooke stares. Erica walks off.)

(Brooke screws up the sticker and walks the other way.)



(Jake enters Whitey’s office with Jenny. He knocks on the door. Whitey looks up.)

WHITEY: Oh, sorry. This is the athletic department. Mommy and me classes are around the corner at the ‘Y’. (Walks to his desk and takes his glasses off.)

JAKE: Good to see you too, coach. (Enters)

WHITEY: Jagielski,… for someone who’s eager to get back in school, you’ve got a funny way of showing it.

JAKE: Oh, sorry. Jenny’s been sick. I had to stay home with her.

WHITEY: (Looks at Jenny with concern.) Sick, huh? Here, do you mind? (Takes Jenny off Jake.)

(Jake frowns suspiciously.)

JAKE: You know anything about babies, coach?

WHITEY: Oh, I know more than they know bout me. (Looks at Jenny.)

JAKE: (With a laugh.) Right, look, I know that you’ve done a lot to get me back in here but… any mistake I make with Jenny could just make it easier for a judge to give joint custody to Nikki.

WHITEY: Mistake, huh? You mean like dropping out of school?

JAKE: (Smiles) I know. (Evaluates and sighs.) You’re right.

WHITEY: Hell yes, I’m right. Now get your- (Stops as he looks at Jenny.) A-S-S back to class, I’ll take care of little Miss. Jagielski here. (She starts to fuss.) Shush.

JAKE: (Thinking for a moment.) OK.

WHITEY: Go, get outta here.

(Whitey turns to his desk again.)

JAKE: Thanks. Thanks, coach. (Jake waves and leaves the office.)

(Whitey lowers himself into his chair.)

WHITEY: Well, I hope you didn’t inherit your daddy’s free-throw percentage. (Kisses her on the cheek.)



(Peyton is going through her records when Nathan enters. She looks at him.)

PEYTON: Nathan(!) (Looks down.) Hey. (She puts the record back.)

NATHAN: (Hollowly) You heard from her?

PEYTON: (Shakes her head after a lengthy pause.) No.

(Nathan walks into her room and sits on her bed. Peyton follows him and sits next to him.)

PEYTON: I would have never booked that show if I’d known that Chris was gonna be there.

NATHAN: (Shakes his head.) Not your fault. Haley’s a big girl; nobody made her get on that bus. (Sighs) Except for, maybe me.

(Peyton puts her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him, but he stands. Peyton looks away.)

NATHAN: So, uh,… you and Jagielski. (Peyton raises her eyebrows.) What’s the deal? You two, uh,… you together?

(Peyton’s uncomfortable discussing the topic with her ex-boyfriend.)

PEYTON: (With a strained smile.) No. W-we’re just… (Frowns) I don’t really know what we are.

(Nathan looks at her and picks up Jake’s shirt.)

NATHAN: Looks, uh,… looks pretty serious to me.

PEYTON: (Shakes her head.) Not really. I don’t… think there’s a possibility for me and Jake for… a lot of reasons.

NATHAN: (Nods) Yeah, trust me; you’re better off anyway. Love sucks.

PEYTON: Nathan.

NATHAN: No, think about it; Dan and Karen,… you and Lucas,… (Peyton looks away.) me and Haley.

(He sighs and looks at the drawing of the traffic lights she did last year. The caption above reads; ‘PEOPLE ALWAYS LEAVE’.)

NATHAN: You got it right, Peyton. People always leave.

(He leaves the bedroom. Peyton stares, open-mouthed, unsure of what to do. She contemplates and looks at Jake’s shirt.)



(Lucas is lying in bed, awake. A car horn beeps outside, repeatedly. Lucas looks to the side.)



(Nathan’s car is parked outside. Lucas walks out and finds Nathan, leaning against his car and waiting for him.)


NATHAN: I just had to see it for myself.

LUCAS: (Walking up to Nathan slowly.) See what?

NATHAN: This, you, here.

LUCAS: (Trying to explain.) Look, Nathan, it’s complicated.

NATHAN: You’re a fraud, Lucas. There’s nothing complicated about that.

(Lucas nods.)

LUCAS: Look, why don’t you just come inside, man?

NATHAN: Oh, so now you’re going to invite me into my own house?

LUCAS: (Trying to calm Nathan.) It’s not like that.

NATHAN: No, it is like that, Lucas. It’s exactly like that! (Pause) You realise I wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for you? (Lucas looks at him sadly.) If you would have stayed in your place at the Rivercourt, I would have never met Haley. (Lucas knows he doesn’t mean it.) …You ruined my life, man.

LUCAS: Nathan(!)

NATHAN: You better watch your back. (Gets into his car and drives away as Deb comes out of the house.)

DEB: (A little way from Lucas.) What did he want?

(Lucas watches the road for a while before turning to his stepmother.)

LUCAS: Haley.

(They exchange saddened looks. Deb walks back into the house as Lucas turns back to where Nathan drove off.)




(Brooke is handing out coupons for a free makeover if people vote for her. Girls are sitting in front of round mirrors with lights, putting on make-up and such.)

BROOKE: (Handing out coupons.) Vote for Brooke! Get a make-over. Let’s put a whole new face on Tree Hill High, people.

(She smiles and continues walking.)

BROOKE: (To a random student.) Here you go. (Holds out a coupon.)

(She smiles until she comes upon one of her cheerleaders.)

BROOKE: Damnit, Bevin!

(Bevin is talking to Erica who leaves quickly. Bevin looks at Brooke guiltily.)

BROOKE: (Watches Erica walk off.) What was that? Did Erica just convince you to vote for her?(!)

BEVIN: No, but… she made some good points.

BROOKE: (Hurt) Bevin(!)

BEVIN: She said that if you were elected president, that you wouldn’t have time for the cheerleading squad and you are… like the best captain ever(!)

BROOKE: (Smiling) So?

BEVIN: Brooke, the cheerleading squad needs you; so much more than America does.

BROOKE: (Frowning sympathetically.) Bevin, you realise I’m not running for president of the United States, right?

(Bevin straightens and walks away, clearly confused.)

(Brooke gapes at her, shaking her head. Lucas walks up to her.)

LUCAS: (Indicating Brooke’s campaign.) Wow, make-over… booth looks very popular.

BROOKE: Yeah, but it doesn’t matter because Erica is so much better at the dirty politicking than I am.

LUCAS: Oh, come on, you can get dirty.

BROOKE: (Shoving him playfully.) Lucas!

LUCAS: (Laughs) Don’t worry. (Brooke crosses her arms.) You’ll be great.

BROOKE: How do you know?

LUCAS: (Shrugs) Ah, it’s just a feeling.

(Lucas watches him as he leaves. Whitey walks up at the back of the shot and stops just before entering his office so he can talk to Brooke.)

WHITEY: Time to wrap up the beauty-bar Miss. Davis. (Brooke turns to him.) The Peer Endorsement Assembly starts in ten minutes.

(Brooke smiles.)

BROOKE: (Nodding) Will do, coach.

(She stops him as he turns to enter his office.)

BROOKE: Wait! (Whitey stops.) The what?

WHITEY: Peer Endorsement. You know, where you introduce somebody who, uh, speaks on your behalf. (Off Brooke’s bewildered expression.) Oh, you didn’t forget, did you? (Annoyed) It was in the schedule that Erica gave you! (Enters his office.)

(Brooke watches Erica trying to get a vote out of a guy in a wheelchair, completely flirting with him.)

ERICA MARSH: You’re gonna vote for me, right? (Guy nods.) OK. (She helps him with his books.) That is so-

BROOKE: (Fuming) Oh, it was, was it?(!)



(Andy walks into the dealership, set look in place. He’s wearing a suit and walks past a cardboard cut-out of Dan. He sees Dan in his office and walks to the door of it. Dan turns his head to look at him.)

DAN: (Flipping through papers.) It’s Andy, isn’t it?

(Andy is so completely dwarfed by Dan and it’s obvious. Andy is out of his league.)

ANDY: (No smile visible.) That’s right.

DAN: What can I do for ya?

ANDY: Well, it’s a little awkward, actually. (Sighs) Kind of a favour, I guess you’d call it.

DAN: (Smiles and puts his papers down.) OK. (Shrugs)

ANDY: Let Lucas go(!) It’s the right thing to do. And it needs to happen… now(!)

(Dan doesn’t know how to respond and smirks.)

DAN: (Walking forward.) You got some balls, kid. (Grins widely.) But this is none of your concern.

ANDY: Was none of my concern, until you hurt the woman I love.

DAN: Oh,… it’s love is it?

ANDY: (Nods) That’s right.

DAN: Well, congratulations. (Eyes the door.) Now get outta my dealership.

ANDY: Well, just so you know, mate, (Pause) I do tend to get what I want.

(Dan walks right up to him, clearly showing their height difference.)

DAN: Is that so?

ANDY: (Nods) Yeah. It’s the strangest thing; it just seems to happen that way.

DAN: (Raises his eyebrows.) Hmm. (Nods once.)

(Andy smirks and leaves. Dan suddenly doesn’t look so confident. He turns away slowly.)



(Erica stands up on stage, behind a podium, with the principle speaking on her behalf. A huge banner for council is hung behind them. A lot of students are sitting in chairs, listening to the speech. Many are holding signs.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (Into the mic.) It was a thrill to be asked by Erica to be her peer advocate. (Erica smiles widely.) Because, in addition to being her principle,… I also consider myself her friend.

(Camera pans to Brooke standing way behind.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: Now, of course there’s a considerable age difference between us-

BROOKE: That little @#%$(!) Double-crosses me and gets the principle to be her peer advocate(!) (Claps her hands and turns.) Great(!)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (o.s) -But in addition to being my friend, Erica is also a great friend to Tree Hill High. From organising food drives to raising money so-

(Brooke smiles as she spots a guy working behind the curtain. The camera travels up.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (o.s) -our folk dancing team could travel to the regional finals-

BROOKE: (To the guys behind-the-scenes.) Hi. (He looks at her.) I’m gonna need you to do me a… little favour.

(Cut back to the stage.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: And that’s why I encourage you to vote for this marvellous young lady… who wasn’t afraid to say; (With a cheesy smile.) hey world, get a load of me.

(Lucas and Mouth sit and listen.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: I’m proud to endorse, your president, Erica Marsh. (Steps back and claps. A lot of claps are heard. Erica’s smile hasn’t left her face at all.)

(Erica hugs the principle and people in the crowd hold up their signs. Lucas and Mouth clap politely.)

WHITEY: Thank you, principle Turner. (Whitey steps up to the podium as Erica and the principle step away.) Now,… to introduce her peer advocate; here is candidate, Brooke Davis.

(Whitey turns and waits for Brooke to step up. Brooke walks forward, waving with one hand while the other is behind her back. Bevin is in the crowd, clapping. Brooke steps in front of the podium, fake smile in place.)

BROKE: Hi. Due to an… unforeseen circumstance, (Looks accusingly at Erica. Erica smirks cattily at her.) I arrived today without anyone to speak for me. (Smiles) But,… luckily, I had a volunteer, backstage(!) (Looks at Erica again.) And that person… (Brings her other hand forward to show a sock on her hand with a face drawn on it.) is Erica; the backstabbing sock puppet(!) (Smiles some more.)

(The audience laugh sparsely. Whitey and the principle exchange looks. Whitey shrugs and Erica frowns, a little pale.)

BROOKE: (Imitating Erica.) Hi, I’m Erica(!) I sure do stiiiink(!) And did you know that I have to cheat to win my elections, too?

(Erica looks at the principle.)

BROOKE: (Gasping as she addresses the puppet.) Oh, really?

(The audience laugh more; Mouth and Lucas don’t.)

(Whitey walks up.)

WHITEY: (Covers the mic.) I appreciate the attempt, hun, but you’ve got to have an actual person.

BROOKE: (Hissing) I know that but I don’t, because of Erica(!)

MOUTH: (Standing up and walking forward.) I’ll speak for her.

(The crowd murmurs and Whitey turns to Mouth. Erica and the principle look around. Whitey asks Brooke, silently, if it’s OK. Brooke doesn’t know what to do; he smashed her window after all.)

(Whitey and Brooke walk to the side.)

RANDOM GUY: (From the crowd.) Do your thing, Mouth!

(Lucas listens, curiously. Mouth steps up behind the podium. Brooke shoves the sock in Erica’s face before dropping it.)

MOUTH: (Sighs) We just heard principle Turner read a list of Erica’s accomplishments. I could try to do that for Brooke but it would be kind of a short speech.

(There are a few scattered laughs and Brooke eyes Mouth. He looks at her before turning back.)

MOUTH: As you know, Brooke’s probably one of the most popular people in school. Something I’m definitely not… and yet, she’s my friend. (Brooke watches him.) She never cared what clique I was part of, the kinds of clothes I wore or… the fact that I have to ride the bus.

(Brooke smiles slowly.)

MOUTH: She looked past that stuff. (Pause) And when you think about it, isn’t that what we want in our president, someone who can see past the superficial differences and bring us together? (The camera slowly zooms in on Brooke.) (Pause) This year, Brooke’s had her share of ups and downs… just like all of us. (Pause) But most of you never saw it, coz even when life got hard, Brooke never let it in. (Lucas ponders Mouth’s words.) She was just… (Smiles and shrugs.) Brooke; tough, smart, one of a kind.

(Brooke smiles tearfully, Erica looks at her.)

MOUTH: And I don’t know about you but those are things that I look for in a leader. (Nods and looks at Brooke.) Brooke Davis is my friend. (She smiles happily. He looks back at the crowd.) But that’s not why I’m voting for her. I’m voting for her because of her heart… and her spirit… and because she’s the best person for the job.

(Mouth leans back from the mic. Whitey smiles delightedly and starts clapping. The crowd claps too and it’s deafening. Lucas smiles as he joins in.)

(Mouth turns to look at Brooke. She mouths ‘thank you’ to him. She looks around with a big smile before winking at Mouth. He nods.)



(Brooke is using a ladder to take down all of the campaign posters. She moves it from on side of the corridor to the other and climbs it. The school is deserted.)

(Erica emerges from around the corner. Brooke pulls at a poster.)

ERICA MARSH: (Walking forward.) You look pretty in that one.

(Brooke pauses briefly and rolls her eyes.)

BROOKE: Votes are in, Erica. You can stop bagging on me now.

(Erica stops at the foot of the ladder behind Brooke.)

ERICA MARSH: I mean it(!) You look pretty. (Brooke stops, holding her poster.) You always do.

BROOKE: (Turns to her, almost.) Thanks. (Puts the poster on the ladder’s platform.) What’re you still doing here?

ERICA MARSH: Just doing some work in the council office.

(Brooke makes a face.)

ERICA MARSH: Sometimes a job keeps you here late.

(Erica laughs and Brooke rolls her eyes some more.)

(Lengthy pause.)

ERICA MARSH: Do you know why, every year, I have a faculty member speak on my behalf?

BROOKE: Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’re a hideous suck-up?(!)

ERICA MARSH: Because I don’t have any friends that would speak up for me like Mouth did for you today. (Brooke looks at her.) I mean, after all the great things he said, I almost voted for you.

(Looks at her, eyebrow raised.)

ERICA MARSH: (Scoffs) I didn’t.

BROOKE: Please, Erica, you know a ton of people, I’m sure there’s someone.

ERICA MARSH: Council president is who I am(!) It’s all I am.

(They look at each other.)

ERICA MARSH: Anyway,… good luck tomorrow. (Smiles and turns.)

BROOKE: (Uncertainly) Thanks(!)

(Erica walks away. Brooke turns back, feeling slightly bad. She smiles a little.)



(Jake lowers Jenny into her cot. She’s sleeping. He puts a cover over her.)

JAKE: (Quietly to Jenny.) Looks like someone’s finally getting sleepy, huh?

(He stands up straight and turns to Peyton. She’s in bed, smiling. He takes his short off.)

JAKE: I guess we should try to grab some sleep while we can, huh? (Looks back at his daughter.)

PEYTON: (Shiftily) That’s probably a good idea.

(He starts to get into bed and Peyton panics.)

PEYTON: You know what, I’m… gonna spend the night in my dad’s room tonight.

(Jake stands back, confused.)

JAKE: Why tonight?

(Peyton can’t explain because it would be too much like forcing herself onto him.)

PEYTON: (Mouth open.) …Actually, from now on. (Looks away.)

JAKE: What, is Jenny keeping you up?

PEYTON: Yeah, it’s… not that. I’m just… really tired. (The tension is blatant.)

(She smiles stiffly.)

JAKE: You know what, this isn’t fair. We’ll go to my parents’ house, OK?

PYETON: No, don’t go. (Pause) Really, it’s fine. Please stay. I…

(She pauses for too long and Jake finally seems to be getting it.)

PEYTON: …I’ll see you in the morning. (She grabs a pillow and leaves the room.)

(Jake watches her. She closes the door. He looks back down at Jenny and sits at the end of the bed before looking back at the door again.)

(A phone rings.)



(Lucas is sitting on his bed, reading a book, as his phone rings. He looks at it, sees who it is as he picks it up and practically throws the book aside. He answers.)

LUCAS: Hey(!) What, you don’t call for… three days and then when you do it’s at (Quickly looks at his phone screen.) one in the morning?



(Haley walks around while talking on the phone. There are people everywhere backstage.)

HALEY: Oh, Luke, I’m sorry. I just finished my set. It’s-it’s crazy here, there’s so much to tell you(!)



LUCAS: Yeah, wanna start with why you left without saying goodbye?



HALEY: Ah, yeah, I fell awful about that(!) Um… everything just happened so fast. (She pauses as her guilty look puts in another appearance.) …How’s Nathan?



(Lucas sighs, shakes his head and sits up.)

LUCAS: …He misses his wife!



(Haley closes her eyes.)

HALEY: Lucas, don’t do this(!)

LUCAS: (Through the phone.) Do what?! He needs you.

HALEY: He said that we were done.

LUCAS: (Through the phone.) He didn’t want you to leave. He’s-



LUCAS: He’s so in love with you, Hales. (Shrugs) You gotta come back.



(Haley doesn’t say anything. A guy comes up behind her.)

GUY: Haley, Michelle wants to see you in her dressing room.

HALEY: (To the guy.) OK. (Pause) (To Lucas.) I gotta go. (Shrugs.)



(Lucas glares.)

HALEY: (Through the phone.) I’ll, um…



HALEY: I’ll call you later, OK?

(Smiles but Lucas doesn’t say anything. She hangs up, sighs, and turns away, walking off.)



(Lucas looks at his phone after Haley hangs up on him. He looks at it disbelievingly and shuts it, shaking his head. He sighs and puts his head in his hand.)





(Students walk around the school before first bell.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) Good morning Ravens,-



(Brooke walks the corridors with a smile until she hears Whitey.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) -The ballot has been counted; the results from yesterday’s student council election are in.

(Brooke stops walking and waits with a sickening feeling washing over her.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) In the race for council treasurer, the winner is Vaughn Leiberwich.

(Brooke can’t take it and exits the school so that she can hear the results outside, alone.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) Council secretary; Tina Stone.

(Brooke walks to the speaker, shaking he hands nervously. She leans against the nearest pillar.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) Council vice president; Salmon Sakajahari.

(Brooke waits, squinting.)

WHITEY: (Through the speaker.) And finally, your new council president;… (Brooke closes her eyes.) Brooke Davis.

(Brooke opens her eyes, lets it process, before yelling to herself happily. She does a funny little jig before righting herself.)

BROOKE: Oh! Thank you! (Rushes back to the school’s entrance.)

(She opens the door slowly and a lot of clapping and cheering is heard as students congratulate her. She slaps people’s hands as she walks past. She smiles ans looks around, delighted at the reception.)

(She sees Bevin and hugs her.)

(People chant Brooke’s name. Erica stands there, sad that she’s lost her position. She smiles at Brooke before turning away. Brooke feels bad but turns away and laughs some more.)



(Erica is loading her things into a red box. Brooke enters the office which is decorated to look a lot like a real president’s room.)

BROOKE: Erica. (Erica looks back at her.) Hey.

ERICA MARSH: I was just… packing up. (Laughs shakily.)

(Erica puts a lid on her box.)

ERICA MARSH: I’m sorry… about not giving you the campaign papers. I guess it worked out for you anyway, huh?

BROOKE: I guess. (Pause) Listen, I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday, how being the president is all that you have.


BROOKE: (Smiles) Well it turns out that I have some experience in that arena. (Pause) Trying to define yourself as just one thing.

ERICA MARSH: (Shakes her head, not understanding.) What d’you mean?

BROOKE: I was always the rich girl. You know, with the nice car and the expensive shoes and the fancy house with the pool. (Pause) So when my parents lost their money,… figured my identity would disappear with it.

ERICA MARSH: (Smiling) You mean, you’re not rich?

BROOKE: Eighteen bucks at Bargain Mart; my heels are practically bleeding. (Laughs sullenly.) I’m just saying, high school is not over. You know, there’s other things to look forward to. There’s friends and guys. And… (Raises her eyebrows.) the guys.

(Erica nods and turns away.)

ERICA MARSH: (Smiling at her.) There’s a proposal in the top drawer; wireless internet for the cafeteria. (Smiles) I think it’d be great. (Nods.)

BROOKE: (Nods along, expression puzzled.) Thanks.

(Erica takes her box and heads for the exit.)

(Brooke turns to her.)

BROOKE: To tell you the truth, (Erica looks back.) I’m totally intimidated by this job.

ERICA MARSH: (Smiling kindly.) It’s funny;… you’re scared of what’s in here, I’m scared of what’s out there.

(Erica smiles and leaves the room anxiously.)

(Brooke stands in the office - the desk behind her and pictures all over the walls. She sighs and looks around.)



(Karen and Andy are in bed.)

ANDY: You thinking about Lucas?

KAREN: What else?

ANDY: I’ve been thinking about what I can do to help you.

KAREN: That’s sweet, Andy. (She’s all but given up.) But I’ve looked at every angle… I’m gonna have to go through the courts. There’s no other way.

(Andy lies there, contemplating.)

ANDY: Actually,… there is another way.

(Karen looks at him but he doesn’t elaborate.)



(Jake is holding Jenny as Peyton enters her bedroom cautiously.)

PEYTON: Hey(!)

JAKE: (Looks up.) Sorry, the crying keeping you up?

PEYTON: (Shakes her head.) No. (Walks into the room.)

(Jakes puts Jenny down.)

JAKE: (To Jenny.) It’s OK. It’s OK. (Jenny continues to cry.)

(He straightens up and stands before Peyton.)

JAKE: You know, um,… I wasn’t entirely honest with you, before.

PEYTON: (Studies him.) About what?

JAKE: The reason I came back.

PEYTON: You said you were tired of running.

JAKE: …Yeah, but… that’s not the only reason. (Peyton waits, not replying.) See, the whole time that I was gone, I kept… thinking about all this stuff that I should have… done… when I had the chance, but didn’t.

PEYTON: (Expectantly) Well, like what kinda stuff?

(Jenny still cries in the background.)

JAKE: …I don’t know. (Peyton looks at him for a beat, hoping against hope with a gut wrenching look.) Mostly being with you.

(Beat before he leans in and kisses her. She puts her hands on his neck and it seems to go on forever. Peyton pulls back after some time, a happy expression crossing her face and Jake gasps a little.)

(Peyton looks down.)

PEYTON: Wow. (Laughs)

JAKE: (Slightly dazed.) Yeah(!)

PEYTON: No. (Jake frowns, hurt.) (Explaining giddily.) No-yeah-I mean, that too, um… Jenny. (Jake looks at her.) (Peyton puts a hand in her hair.) She stopped crying.

(Jake laughs. Camera pans to Jenny who’s lying there, all adorable and laughing approvingly.)

(Peyton laughs, as does Jake.)

(There’s another pause before they kiss again, just as long as the last, Peyton bites his lower lip.)



(Nathan is playing basketball by himself. Karen walks onto the court. Nathan runs to get his ball.)

KAREN: Nathan(!)

(Nathan walks to her slowly.)

NATHAN: Ms. Roe. What’re you doing here?

(They stop about three meters apart.)

KAREN: Looking for Lucas.

NATHAN: Why would Lucas be here? He’s got his own court in Dan Scott’s driveway.

(Karen looks away sadly. She didn’t need to be reminded of that. She lowers herself onto the bleachers. Nathan waits before sitting down next to her, putting the ball on the floor between his legs.)

NATHAN: (Sighs) Ms. Roe, I’m sorry my dad was such a d*ck to you. (Karen nods.) I haven’t really thought about it much until lately. (Sighs) I know that it must have really hurt you.

(Karen looks out desolately.)

KAREN: (Almost whispering.) I got over it.

(There’s a long pause as they sit there, contemplating. Nathan looks so lost.)

NATHAN: When Haley told me about the tour,… I got mad at her. (Karen looks at him, feeling her own and Nathan’s pain.) I told her that if she left with Chris, (Shakes his head, almost crying.) it was over.

(He looks down and sniffs.)

NATHAN: (Looks at her.) I didn’t really mean it. (Looks away.) She left anyway.

(Karen puts her arm around his back.)

KAREN: (Whispering) Nathan(!) (Rubs his back as he shakes his head.)

NATHAN: She’s not coming back. (Looks at Karen for guidance.) What am I gonna do?

KAREN: (Rubs his back some more.) Nathan, (Pause) I-I know what it’s like to have the person you love walk away. Trust me. (Nods) But I-I know Haley and she’s a good person. (There are tears in the corner of her eyes.) She’ll do the right thing. (Nathan nods, sniffing.) You just have to have a little faith.

(Nathan looks down and nods again.)

(The camera zooms out as Karen pulls him in to her and hugs him from the side. She rubs his shoulder and looks down at him.)



(Andy is sitting in his car as he talks on the phone.)

ANDY: (Into the phone.) Bob? It’s Andy. I’ve got a job for you.

(Camera zooms out slowly to show the dealership. Andy looks at it.)



(Lucas and Dan sit at the table, eating breakfast. Lucas reaches for his glass.)

DAN: (About the book near Lucas’ breakfast bowl.) ‘Call of the Wild’. You know, I’ve had that since high school?

LUCAS: I hope it’s OK that I borrowed it(!)

DAN: (Nods) Please, it’s nice to have someone around who cares about literature. (Lucas smiles and looks down.) London’s great; a man’s author.

LUCAS: (Smiles) k*ll or be k*lled.

DAN: It’s the way of the world.

LUCAS: You know,… if you ever need any help down at the dealership, I could… come by after school sometime.

DAN: (Nods) Thanks, son. (Pause) I’d like that.

(They smile and continue eating breakfast.)



(Mouth shuts his locker and Brooke is leaning against the one next to his, smiling.)

BROOKE: Hey, Mouth.

(Mouth smiles as he sees her.)

MOUTH: Miss. President.

BROOKE: (Giddily) I know, it does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

(Mouth laughs.)

BROOKE: But, you know what? (Shrugs) My friends just call me Brooke.

(Mouth smiles happily and Brooke takes his arm. They walk down the corridor together, talking.)



(Peyton sits on her bed. Jenny’s on her knee and they are playing with bricks. Peyton holds Jenny still as she shoves a corner into her mouth. Peyton looks up and Jake sits down on the bed on Jenny’s other side.)

(Peyton picks up a red brick and imitates eating it. Jenny reaches for it and giggles. Jake takes the brick and joins into the playtime. Jenny grabs the red brick and Peyton picks up a green one, laughing.)



(Nathan walks into the kitchen from the bedroom. He’s cleaned himself up and shaved. The apartment’s clean. He spots something on the floor and walks over to pick it up. It’s a brown envelope.)

(He opens it and takes out one of Peyton’s arts. It is of two hands, one on top of the other. One hand is a woman’s and the other is a man’s. They are both wearing wedding rings. The caption reads: ‘Sometimes they come back’.)

(Nathan studies it and the camera zooms in on the picture. He ponders for a while before putting it down and taking his phone out of his back pocket. He dials and holds it to his ear, sighing.)

(The phone rings once before an answer machine picks up.)

HALEY: (Recorded message.) Hi, this is Haley; I can’t get to the phone right now. Leave a message and I will call you back.

(Nathan closes his eyes dejectedly.)

(A beep sounds as the credits roll, the signal for Nathan to talk.)