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05x27 - Village of Vengeance, Part 3

Posted: 08/20/22 14:23
by bunniefuu
And where do you think
you're going?

This can't be happening!

Not again!

I should be safe in here.

[Evil laughter]

Ah! Stop it!

Stay away from me!

I can't do that.

We still have
a mission to complete.


How quickly
we forget.

Allow me to remind you.

Does the term
"millenium items"millennium
sound familiar?

Well, you promised to help me
obtain all seven.

And at the moment
we only have one.

But not to worry.

I know where
the others are.

I just need someone
to take me to them.

And that's where
you come in.

After all, you're the vessel
that allows me to exist
in this world.

Now stop resisting
and join me!


What makes you think
I'm giving you the choice!?

You will help me!

And the most powerful force
that ever existed will be mine!

You can't force me!

That's where you're wrong,


I've waited long enough!

The darkest shadow game in
five millennia will now begin!!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

There it is.

Valley of the kings.

There's only
one thing
to do now.

Turn back!

No one's interested
in your opinion.

Our guest is
anxious to move on.

Isn't that right
doctor muto?

"Anxious" was
an understatement.

I was on the brink of the
greatest discovery of my life.

Over sixty ancient tombs have
been discovered in that valley.

But the pharaoh's tomb
that you seek,

Well let's just say
no one's ever dared to enter
its inner chambers, doctor.

There was one,
but he was driven mad

And now wanders our village
repeating the same phrase
over and over...

"The shadow game. Beware."

Shadow game, ey?

That's exactly what
I'm looking for.

It's only fair to warn you,
this tomb is loaded with traps.

Built by the ancients protect
the great treasure within.

we're just guides.

We can only lead you as far
as the entrance to the tomb.

Once we get inside
it is you must lead us.

After all it is
your expertise that will
lead you to the riches you seek.

You're mistaken.

It's not riches I came here
to find.

I'm after something
much greater than that.

I'm not sure I follow.

I wouldn't expect you to.

Come on, it's late
and I'm hungry.

[Animal howls]

What better time
to enter a tomb than
the stroke of midnight.

Let's go.

Right now!?

Is there a problem?

No but I do have
a question for you.

What is it you're
looking for?

You came in search of the tomb
but you seek no treasure.

That's not
what I said.

I'm not interested
in becoming rich.

But that doesn't mean
I'm not looking for
a hidden treasure.

You see,
I like to play games.

And I believe that tomb
out there

Contains the secret
of the greatest game
ever played.

Doctor muto, I don't know
what lies in that cavern,

But I'm sure
it's no game.

Now let's go.

And if I were you,

I'd start taking
this expedition
a bit more seriously.

If you're not careful,

You just might end up
in a tomb of your own!

Grandpa: and so, at the stroke
of midnight, our journey began.

A journey into a world that
would change my life forever...

The tomb of
the nameless pharaoh.

What's this?


But I thought no one
ever entered this tomb!

No one in the last
five thousand years anyway.

Ah. Aah!

Ahmed, have a look.

Huh. Ah!


I bet you've never seen
any snake eyes like those

In any of your games
doctor muto.

We're rich!


Don't move.

Hands off!

Those jewels belong
to us understand!

Well, it seems like
the game has already

This pathway
leads nowhere.

He's right.

It's a dead end.

Not necessarily.

He passes up priceless
rubies to stare into
an empty picture frame.

Let's move on,
there's no treasure here.


What a waste
of time.

Don't be so sure.

Beyond here...
Lies the resting place...

Of the great pharaoh.

Only those who show respect
may enter.

All others will be engulfed
by...the pit of shadows.

And you expect us
to believe that?

Look...all I know is
this spot is the entrance

To the pharaoh's tomb.

Well I don't see
any entrance do you?

Looks like an entrance
to me.

Boys meet horus--
egyptian god of light

And gatekeeper of
the pharaoh's tomb.

It's some sort
of maze.

Well it's not
a terribly difficult one.

Any child could solve
this puzzle.

Don't be so sure.

These fellas seemed
to have failed, right?

We found
our pit of shadows.

Now who'd like
to go first?

I vote for you.

After all
you seem to be
the expert here.

Let's just leave.

It's not worth it.

Knowing my luck I'll end up
in the pit of shadows!

Listen up.

We stay.

We've come too far
to turn back now.

He'll clear the maze
and then you and I
will claim the prize.

Uh yeah but--

There's nothing
to worry about.

Just trust me.

If you say so.

We're trapped!!

It's worse than that.

Do something
doctor muto!

Clearly, the nameless pharaoh
wanted us to enter that maze.

It was time to play
the pharaoh's game!

Told you!

There's more to this maze
than meets the eye!

There's got to be some way
to stop these things!

Well then do it!

I knew I was playing a game

And therefore
there had to be a solution.

We're running
out of time!

Stop those statues
or we'll never
make it out!

Let me think.

It stopped...
When my foot moved!

Then it occurred to me.

In ancient egypt, pharaohs
were respected and revered

As much as the egyptian gods

That's why every statue
in the pharaoh's palace

Was carved with
the left foot forward.

This was considered
a symbol of respect.

You see, the heart is on
the left side of the body.

So ancient egyptians
always faced their hearts
towards the pharaoh.

I found the answer
to the riddle!

Walk with your
left foot forward!

Just like the sign said!

We must pay our respect!

Our left foot?!

And if your theory
doesn't work,
then what!?

Just do it!

Just a little further.

Careful now.

[Evil laughter]


I'm sorry.

But those are the rules
of the shadow game.

You'll pay for that!

I'd suggest
taking my advice

If you wanna make it
out of this tomb.

What have we here?

Ye shall now be judged by
the creatures of the stone.

Only the pure of heart...
Are permitted to pass.

All others will lose their souls
to the darkness.

Why should I believe
all this ancient

What choice
do you have?

Look at that.

It must be the
pharaoh's treasure!

And based on these traps
I'm sure it's valuable!

Go on.

Your move.

I felt a strange sensation.

It was as if there was another
presence in the room.

What are you
waiting for?!

Go and get it!

One mustn't be
too hasty.

We're dealing with
a powerful force here.

now I knew my guide was
blinded by his own greed...

But what I didn't know was just
how far he was willing to go.

Thanks for doing all
the work doctor muto...

But I can take it
from here.

You snake!

If you'll excuse me
I have a prize to claim.

I'll never want
for anything again.

All this talk of creatures
and shadow games is nonsense!

What's happening?!

I can't hold on.

I close.

I've been waiting for you.

when I regained consciousness
something felt different.

It was as if the darkness
had somehow lifted.

Is anyone here?

and that's when it happened.

That artifact seemed to be
calling out to me.

I'll always keep this safe.

and I always did.

And now the millennium puzzle
is yours.

Wow grandpa!

You really did all that!?

Ha ha ha!

I might've exaggerated
just a bit.

Now tell me...

Does this
sudden interest
in my old adventures

Have anything to do
with tomorrow's trip?

Of course.

Before I head off
to egypt

They may have moved
that stone tablet back
to where it came from...

But that's not gonna
stop me from seeing it.

And this time, when I hold up
the three egyptian god cards,

The pharaoh's lost memories
are gonna be released!

Gramps...i don't suppose
you still remember

Where the pharaoh's tomb
was, do you?

Can't say that I do.

I hired those two guides
to find it for me,

The valley of the kings
is bigger than
you think.

And most of those caves
look exactly the same.

Oh well.

It's just that I was looking
forward to seeing the spot

Where you found
the millennium puzzle.

Not a chance!

Stay out of that place!

But if you don't mind...

May I have one last look
at those egyptian
god cards?


It's like your fifth time.

But the thought of
being without them
for so long...

It makes me...
So sad.

Okay, okay.

Thank you.


How do I love thee!?

Let me count
the ways!

Alright that's enough!

Can't you just
leave them with me?

Be a pal!

I'll take care
of them!

You can trust me yugi!


You know better than that!


The pharaoh needs
these three cards!

Without them he'll
never be able to unlock

All the mysteries
of his past!

Sorry yugi.

This is what
the pharaoh's
been waiting for.

It's why
he saved me.

I've been waiting
for you.

For some reason when
the pharaoh's spirit was
sealed away in that tomb,

His memory was wiped clean.

So he waited for
five thousand years

Until fate brought him to yugi.'re
the one person with
the power to help him

Regain everything
he lost.


He who holds
the millennium puzzle

Holds the legacy
of the pharaoh.

And believe me that's
no small task.

I know.


My adventure's done...

However yours
has just begun.

There's something else

I want you to keep
in mind out there.

What is it grandpa?


Treat every challenge
you face like a game.

Trust your instincts and
you'll come out on top.


Playing games is
what I do best.

Ah, a boy
after my own heart.

All right.

Get some rest.

You've got a big day
ahead of you.

Night gramps.

Is everything alright yugi?

I'm just thinking about
what grandpa said.

You know, about fate
bringing the two of us

He said
I was the only one
who could help you.

That's true.

But ever since we met

It seems like you've
helped me much more
than I've helped you.

I mean think about it.

Before you came
into my life...

I spent all my time

I barely spoke
to anyone.

But the minute I put
the millennium puzzle

My entire life changed!


You gave me
the confidence I needed

To be myself...
And to make new friends.

Friends that I'll have
for the rest of my life!

And that's not all!

I wouldn't be
the duelist I am
without you.

Face it...
Teaming up with you

Is the best thing
that's ever happened
to me in my whole life!

Thank you.

No thank you.

I don't know where
I'd be without you.

I just hope I can
return the favor.

But you already have.

I was alone for nearly
five thousand years
until the day we met.

And then your friends
became my friends too.

I never thought of it
that way.

Well it's true.

Besides, you're about
to do something for me

That I could never do
on my own--

Regain my memory
and unlock the mysteries

Of my past!

Well it's the least
I can do.

We make an excellent team.

This is it rex!

The egyptian god cards'll
finally be in the hands of
someone who deserves 'em!

Ah ha!

So you do admit
those cards belong
with me!

Dream on!

Oh no!

He's awake!

Run for it!

Yugi: stop!

Come on!

Come back!

You won't get away
with this!

If that bag falls into
the wrong hands,

The whole world
could be in danger!

That was a joke!

I gotta have a look
at these things!

Hey! Wait a sec!

Those aren't
egyptian god cards!

Ha ha ha!

Who's there?!

It hasn't been that long
has it?

I know you!

You used to tag along
with yugi right?

Listen pal.

You better not be
after those god cards!

I already have what I'm after
thanks to you fools.


What was that?

Who are you?!

And what did you
do to them!?


Is that you!?

Guess again!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!