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05x33 - The Dark One Cometh, Part 3

Posted: 08/20/22 14:27
by bunniefuu
Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh..."

Tristan: hey, pharaoh,

You out there, man!?

Joey: we'll never
find that door!

Not if we keep
walking in circles!

You must listen.

And if you do so
carefully enough,

You will locate him.

Then let's do this!

I bet if we all

At the same time,

We'll be able
to hear him.

So, let's stop yapping

And start listening!


Can you hear me?

Where are you?

Tristan: I think
it's working!

Joey: what's going on?!


I've already
destroyed you!

What sort of cheap
magician's trick

Are you playing on me?!

I used my
remaining power

To merge together

With my
illusion magician

And defeat you!

finish him off

With your
helical shockwave!

Dark magic att*ck!

my pharaoh,

Now I am able become
your eternal servant.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

[Horse whinnies]


So, it's true!


Please come back!



He's gone!

Please, pharaoh,
I beg of you,

Use your powers

And release him
from that stone!

Or can't you?!

Please tell me
it's not too late!


Mahad's spirit is
very much alive,

Existing deep
within that stone.

In fact, he's
even stronger now.


My millennium necklace
has shown me all.

He fused
himself together

With his most
trusted creature.


I'm confused.

Mahad has been

He will now be known
as the dark magician!

Dark magician?

But my training
isn't complete,

And I need
master mahad!

I want to become
an elite spell-caster!

I can't do it alone!

Hey, guys!

I think we found it!

The world of
the pharaoh's memory!

Man: yes, you
are correct.

And so my work
here is done.

Now, you must continue
on your own!

[All gasp]

I'm sorry...

But only those who
were called upon

By the pharaoh
may enter this realm.

So, go.

The king of egypt
is in need of your help.

And good luck.

You are going
to need it.

Joey: just
one question:

How do we get
out of here?

All: yugi!

Joey: oh, I was
afraid a that.



Seto: due to mahad's

That lunatic bakura

Is more dangerous
than ever.

For now he is in control
of the millennium ring.

Now, wait!

That is yet to
be confirmed.

For all we know,

Bakura was buried
under rubble

When the sacred
sanctuary collapsed.

Man: perhaps.

However my key still
senses his presence!

And, !sis,

What does your
millennium item

Tell you about this?

Can you see
bakura's future?

Sadly, I cannot.

Seto: on behalf of
the sacred court,

I apologize for
these failures.

Believe me...

I speak for every one
of us when I say

We will not disappoint
you again, pharaoh!

I am sorry, my king.

Apologies are not
necessary, !sis.

What we need
are solutions.

Of course, master shimon.

I shall do everything
in my power

To break through
the darkness

That conceals bakura
from my vision.

That is all
we can ask.


With all due respect,
time is of the essence.

Please allow me to lead
the hunt for bakura.

I already have
a plan in place.


To start...

All gateways to
and from the kingdom

Must be sealed
to keep him in.

Next, every citizen must
be carefully observed

Since no one
can be trusted!

He's right!

Until we have
more information...

Everyone's a suspect.

Very well.


So let it be written,
so let it be done!



Joey: is it me?

Or did we
just travel

Through some kind
of time-warp?


Just look at us.

We stand out like
sore thumbs!

Yeah, you're right.


But for some
weird reason,

Everyone's ignoring us!

not for long!

How ya doing,

Jumping joey
wheeler here!


I told you.

Hey, wait a sec!

I'm sure this
nice young girl

Knows who I am.



She's a ghost!

Did you see that?!


The millennium
puzzle is gone!

Hold on.

If we're in the world
of the pharaoh's memory...

Then it's no wonder

People can't
see us, right?

We didn't exist
, years ago,

So we're not really
a part of this place.

Wait a sec!

Does that mean when
we find the pharaoh,

He won't be able
to see us either?

Who knows?

But there's only one
way to find out.


We have to
go see him!

Man: seto...

Do you believe that bakura
still walks amongst us?

Of course.

He controls a monster

With powers equal
to an egyptian god.

You saw that
for yourself,

Did you not!?



Mahad was a fool
to face him,

And that is why his
spirit is now sealed.

Then what should we do?


We must strengthen
our own army

Of shadow creatures
and take him down!

We shall accomplish this

By extracting these
beasts of darkness

From the souls of
the egyptian people--

At once!


Are you suggesting
we punish the innocent?!

What would the pharaoh
say about that?!


The very reason
I am doing all this

Is to protect
the pharaoh

And the citizens
of egypt!


Guards, stop here!

And, no,

I am not targeting
the innocent.

It is the souls of
potential criminals

That I shall be
seeking out...

And punishing.

Guards, here is
your mission:

You are all to
scour the kingdom!

Any villager you
deem suspicious

Of criminal activity

Is to be brought before me!

All right...

One down...

And guardians...

To go.

And then...

The items...

Will be mine!


Man: there's been
a mistake!

what's going on?!



You must believe me.

I'm innocent!
I swear!

There's one way
to find out.

Prepare to be judged
by the millennium items!

Guard: go on!

We overhead
this vagrant

the pharaoh, sir!


That was certainly
foolish of you!

Shada, let us see
into his spirit!

Please, millennium key...

Show me what lies
within this man's heart.


[Shrieking laughter]

Shada: I sense an evil
spark beginning to grow.

He appears harmless now,

But he most certainly
shows potential

For greater evil,
master seto.

All right.

This vagrant
is useless to me.

Lock him up!

You're making
a mistake!

Why would you
waste your efforts

On the likes of me?!

There's a much
more serious thr*at

Among us, sir.

Believe me, we are all
well aware of bakura.

And we've already taken
actions to stop him.

I'm referring to
the white dragon!


Wh-white dragon?!


it can't be!

It's all true!

The white dragon
st*lks our town!

It emerges by night

And threatens us
while we sleep!

I've heard enough...

Take him away.

Let's go!


How can you
lock me up

And let the dragon
roam free!?

You'll be sorry
for this!


the more chaos I spark,

The faster my
diabound will evolve!

Joey: hey!

Can we take ?!

Or maybe ?

Aw, come on.

You're kidding, right?

You know I can't run
on an empty stomach!

You can't do anything
on an empty stomach!

Besides, we're here
to help the pharaoh,

Not to eat, joey!

I want a hot dog!


Did you say
"hot dog"?

Oh, great.

You, too,

Remember, guys,

It's like we
don't exist here.

You two aren't even

Going to be able
to touch the food,

Let alone eat it.

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

Say it ain't so!say it ain't so!



Hey, wait!

not right here!

What do you mean?

I mean
that guy's

everything in sight!

And no one's
saying a thing!

You're right,

Does that mean...

Both: hey!

You got some for us?!

Help me!

I am being att*cked
by hungry ghosts!

Both: wait!

Joey: hey!

He can see us!

Both: no!



Man: whoa!



We got him!



goes bye-bye!

Hold on!

That girl's
in trouble!

[Angry clamoring]


Oh, so you
guys want to

Pick on someone,
do ya?!

Then pick on us!

Both: and then
we'll pick on you!

Tea: are you ok?

Joey: she can't
hear us.

That's right!

None of these people
can hear us--

Or see us!

No wonder these
stones don't hurt.

Think, guys!

We have to
do something!

Seto: what is
this about?!


No way!

Joey: double no way!


It's kaiba!


Master seto...


What's this?!

The power within her--

It's too strong!




I've never felt...

Such a powerful
spirit before!



There's something
familiar about this girl.

Guards, she comes with us!

Give her all the food
and water she desires.

We must hurry, men!

Guards: yes, sir!

And as for
all of you...

Leave at once!

Or I shall place every
one of you in shackles!

[All screaming]

Way to go,
fake kaiba!

Look, yugi!

I know.

Kaiba has
the millennium rod!

And that guy
has the key!

It makes sense.

Kaiba was carved
on that ancient tablet.

He must work
for the pharaoh!

Not a word about
this to the pharaoh!

We needn't concern him

Until we have
a full understanding

Of what's going on here.

Let us return
to the palace now.

Hey, did you guys
here that?!

Yeah, those two guys

Are on their way
to the palace.

They could be our ticket
to see the pharaoh!

What are we
waiting for?!

To the palace!

I always wanted
to say that.

Look at the size
of this place!

It's good
to be the king!

We might want to
speed things up.

Take a look, guys.

Yugi: the doors
are closing!


Now what are we
supposed to do?!

Ha ha ha.

Come on. Don't sweat it!

We can walk through
everything here,

And I'm sure solid stone
gates are no exception!





I don't get this!

Are we invisible or not!


I hate to
say it, guys...

But I think
it's time for

One of our
famous plan bs.

Bobasa: perhaps
I can help you!

All: you again!

Hello, my friends!

You gave me
quite a scare.

Bobasa is not used
to people seeing him.

Let's start over!

After all...

We invisible folk
must stick together!

I'll be right down!


Both: aagh!
Don't crush us!

How about a snack?!

[Both gasp]


So, if you're
invisible like us...

Then why can you
touch things?

Let's see...

It's because...

I have no idea.



Both: hey!

Quit eating our food!

Where are you from?

Tea, stop!

No more questions!


You see, when
I get nervous,

I get hungry.

You heard him!

Stop making bobasa
so nervous!

I'm trying to get us

In to the palace,

What are we
going to do?!


Both: no!

Quit it, tea!

Tea: at least
I'm tying to help!

Joey: yeah!

And we're trying to eat!

I know you're in there, pharaoh.

And I'm gonna figure out
a way to help you!


Someone is
calling out to me!

Man: any suspicious
activity here?

No, sir!

Well, I thought
I heard something.

So, look alive!

The time has come.

On to phase two.

This shadow game has
taken an interesting twist,

As the past and the future
have begun to converge.

Take the egyptian gods.

The pharaoh can
only control them

Thanks to his knowledge
of the future.

However, I have
a power he doesn't.


Thanks to my newly
acquired millennium ring,

I can enter his majesty's
palace undetected.


Master aknadin!


Our mission
was a success.

We searched the land
for shadow creatures

Dwelling within our
citizens' hearts.

And our findings were

Greater than I could
ever have expected.

You should be proud.

Well, I am not!

Now, release
these innocent
people immediately!

You cannot be serious!


You must do as I say.

You are starting
to head down

A dangerous path seto.

You are a guardian!

And you must
act like one!

Free those people,

For you have disgraced
the name of the pharaoh!


I did this
to protect him!

It is the only way
we can defeat bakura!

I do not
regret it at all!

But, seto--

I'm sorry,

But there's work
to be done.


Seto, wait!

You're making
a mistake!


I should know.

Not long ago,

I made the same
mistake myself.



Who's there?!




Is she awake?

No, sir.
Not yet.

Very well.

her face is so
familiar to me.

Can this be the girl

I saw that day
so long ago?

The girl with the blue
eyes and white hair?

[Horse whinnies]


Woman: help!


Someone's in trouble.


Man: that prisoner's
been nothing but trouble

Since we captured her.

Yeah, we should've
run her out of town

Like the rest
of 'em.


Word of advice, men:

In the next village,
take no prisoners!


What are you doing?!


Saving you.

Let's go.



Come on!

After them!

The girl is getting away!

Anyone there?

They're gone!

Then my job's done.

Take this horse
to the next town.

Trust me,

The people there will
be able to help you!

Ride through
the night, if you must!

But what about you?!

Just go!

Who are you?!


Goodbye, seto!

Thank you!

I shall repay
you someday!


My village!

It must have been
those scoundrels!


They'll pay for this!


Who do you think you are!?

This land is ours,

And we're taking
it back!


Get out!

You don't
belong here!

Look, it's that kid
who freed our prisoner!

Tell us where she is!

Leave me alone!

Get back here!




Hey! Get your
filthy hands off!


Stop this!

How could you?!

My home!


What is that thing?

A monster!

[All screaming]



it is her.

After all these years...

She has returned!


We meet again.

Only, this time,

You didn't bring along

Any of your friends
to fight by your side.

I, on the other
hand, did.



You're not quite
as impressive

Without your younger

To hide behind, are you?

I could seize your
millennium eye

In an instant...

But I have something
more amusing in mind.

After all...

We still have
a score to settle.

Perhaps you recall
a little incident

Occurring the village of
kul elna a few years ago?

You crushed my people
and abandoned your son--

A young boy named seto!




♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!