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05x34 - The Dark One Cometh, Part 4

Posted: 08/20/22 14:28
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Hey, guys,
I think we found it--

The world of
the pharaoh's memory.

And so,
my work here is done.

Now you must continue
on your own.

Joey: how do we
get outta here?

All: yugi!

I was afraid a dat.

We meet again,

Only this time
you didn't bring along
any of your friends

To fight by your side.

I, on the other hand, did.

I could seize
your millennium eye
in an instant,

But I have something
more amusing in mind.

Perhaps you recall
a little incident

Occurring in
the village of kul elna
a few years ago?

You crushed my people
and abandoned your son--

A young boy named seto!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Comfy are we?

Release me at once.

From where I'm standing,

It looks like
you're in no position to
be making demands.

You won't get away
with this.


I've already destroyed
one of your cohorts,

And I have
the millennium ring
to prove it.

Then it's true.

It's painful isn't it,
old man,

To lose someone
you care about?

Well, try losing
your whole village.

Please, if you'll just
let me explain.

You destroyed my homeland,
took away my family,
and left me with nothing.

Now it's time
to pay the price
by serving me.

I know that you have
a dark side.

It just needs
to be brought out,

And I'm just the man
to do it.


Yami-yugi, voice-over:
my millennium puzzle
is sensing a dark presence.


What is it?

A village along the nile
was att*cked
a few moments ago.


Look, one of our

But whose?


There's only
one person capable

Of an act of treason
like this.


Guards, after him!

We mustn't let him
get away, men!

Surround the palace
at once!

Let no stone
in the courtyard
go unturned!

He could be

he must be stopped.

what happened here,

Speak to me.

Who did this?

Pure evil.

Are you all right?

Yes, he's going to
be fine.

He's just been under
incredible strain.

We cannot let that rogue

Continue to get away
with these
despicable acts.

Let us take him down
once and for all.

He shall pay.

Man: he's taken
the captain's horse!

Man: don't let
him escape!

Halt, in the name
of the pharaoh!

I'm warning you!


And face the wrath
of diabound!

So the mighty pharaoh
has taken my bait.

This madness ends here!

Gods of egypt, hear me!

slifer the sky dragon!

Well, it seems we have
an unexpected guest.

The ultimate battle
for the future of mankind
shall begin once again,

Only this time,
I shall prevail.

stop running like
a coward

And face up
to what you've done.

It's the pharaoh!

Bobasa: and that is
a big, red dragon!

This sort of thing
used to surprise me,

But now, not so much.

Did anyone ge
t a good look at who
he was chasing?


C'mon, guys,
we gotta help!

[Bandit-bakura laughs]

I know all of
your secrets aknadin.

I know what you did
at kul elna.

These events
may have occurred
long years ago,

But time doesn't heal
all wounds.

Man: my pharaoh,
we've lost our
stronghold to the north

And the enemy continues
their march towards
the capital.

Anknamkanon: with our
remaining armies,

How long can
we withstand
their att*ck?

If all goes well,
perhaps a week.

So the end has come.

With all due

Giving up is not
an option, sir.

This conflict
will not just decide

The fate of our

But that of
the entire world.

If we were to allow
the enemy to advance
much further,

They would seize
our millennium spell book.

They must not succeed.

It is said that whomever
deciphers the book's
ancient text

Will be able to control
a power

Known only
by the egyptian gods

Yes, and perhaps
we can tap that power
to defeat the enemy.

We've been through this
before, aknadin.

No one has been able
to decode those spells.

That's not true, sir.

We have had a breakthrough.


Are you saying
that you've decoded
the book?

Not quite,

But I have managed
to decipher
one of its spells.

It's a ritual of sorts,

Allowing the spellcaster
to forge mystical treasures.

These millennium items
could eliminate the invaders

And bring tranquility
to egypt once again.

And just how long
will it take
to create them?

According to the spell,
the task will take days.

I've already begun

Experimenting with
the shadow magic necessary
to fashion these items.

If it will bring peace,


Go forth and create
these millennium items
in the name of egypt.

The fate of this kingdom
rests with you,
my brother.

Make our father proud.

In order to save our kingdom
I must do the unthinkable,

And if my actions
are discovered,

People may seek revenge.

So, for your own

No one must ever know
I have a family.

You must run
as far from here
as you can.

It's for your own good.

I wish there was another
solution to this.

So do i.

And please remember,

It is essential
that seto never learn

The truth about who I am
as long as he lives.


Aknadin, voice-over:
farewell, my love,

And my dear son seto.

I've called you here
today for one reason.

You are the pharaoh's
strongest soldiers,

And the very
future of our land
depends on you.

Now listen closely.

You must never repeat
what I say,

And now I shall
make sure of that.

Let my voice penetrate
your very core.

Yes, master aknadin.

Gentlemen, my voice is
the voice of reason,

The voice of peace.

The only voice
you will obey.

You have been
hand-picked to take part

In a ritualistic
experiment to save
the land of egypt.

There is no
turning back now.

Our mission
begins tonight in
a small village

On the outskirts
of our kingdom.

To kul elna!

To kul elna!

Aknadin, voice-over:
the pharaoh must never learn

Of the events
that are about to follow.

According to
the book of spells,

Evil spirits
must be captured

In order to create
the millennium items.

Of this, my brother
would never approve.

We stand before
the evil village
of kul elna.

The inhabitants
are possessed

With the darkest spirits
known to man.

That's why
they have been raiding
our royal tombs

And stealing our riches
for years.

But tonight
we shall put an end
to their evil ways.

Capture those spirits, men!

your evil spirits!

Leave our
village at once!

This is an outrage!

Down with
their evil ways!

It's time
to put your souls
to good use!

Spirits of darkness,
I command thee!

Offer up your power,
your very essence,

So that
the millennium items
may be born!

Aknadin, voice-over:
it is not from gold

That these treasures
are forged,

But from the darkness
that lies within
the hearts of men.

It worked!

the millennium items!

What's going on?

Swen: master aknadin,
perhaps we've
angered the gods.

It looks as if
the items fit
inside that stone.

What have I unleashed?

What do you want
from me?

Return those treasures
to their resting place.

These items
belong to us.

Shadow creature,
unhand me at once.

Master aknadin,
we must leave now!

Not without this.

It's gone!

I made it.

I'm home.

It seems the king of egypt
has given up.


Those fools!

They all ran away!

Men, those cowards have
abandoned their kingdom,

Which means that egypt
belongs to us now.

Let's go!

Look at these poor fools.

They face us
with an army of .

Show no mercy, men!

In the name of egypt,
millennium items,
activate now!

Mighty spirits,
protect our kingdom.

Aknadin, voice-over:
I shall never
forget that day.

It was both
my greatest achievement
and my darkest hour.

My efforts
had saved egypt from

But I deserted
my family to do so.

And my only son seto
would never know of
his noble ancestry.

on behalf of king

Let us welcome
the new guardian
of the millennium rod,

Master seto.

Though raised by peasants,
he has risen to excellence,

Passing his tests
with the highest scores
we've ever seen.

Welcome to
my sacred court.

Many thanks
for this great honor,
my king.

I'll serve thee well.

From this day forth,
I am your humble servant.

As the youngest
royal guardian,

You will sit at the
right hand of my son,
the future king.

Thank you, your highness.

You have been
unusually quiet,

Are you all right?

Aknadin, voice-over:
I was in shock.

There, kneeling
before the pharaoh,

Unbeknownst to anyone
in the room,

Was my own son.

The boy I abandoned
and stripped of his
royal heritage

Had now overcome
every obstacle
and risen to greatness,

All on his own merit.

At that moment I realized
it is you who
should be pharaoh.

My son deserves to be king,
and mark my words,

King he shall become.

Alright, diabound,

I think it's about time
we showed off
your newest ability,

Illusionary shockwave.

Diabound steals the abilities
of the enemies it defeats.

That last att*ck
came courtesy of mahad.

That can't be!

Slifer, lightning blast!


Sorry, pharaoh,
but you're not in
the clear just yet.



You'll pay for that.

You've forgotten
who you're dealing with!

And you seem
to have forgotten

That this battle isn't
one of your little
card tournaments, pharaoh,

And as you're about
to find out,

In this arena,
I have the advantage.

destroy the city!

Look! In the sky!

What is that thing?

What thing?

There's nothing there.

Oh, no!

Make way for his majesty.


This fight is
between you and me.

Very well.

Then it's time to decide,

Continue to fight me,
or save your people!

I think that red monster
just saved us.

Quick, run!

Slifer, protect
these villagers.

How noble of you
to use your monster

As a shield
to save these fools.

But how much abuse
can slifer endure?

I guess we'll see.

Looks like a dead end,

So much for rescuing
those precious
villagers of yours.

No harm shall befall
the people of
my kingdom, bakura,

Mark my words.

Slifer, att*ck!


Those are definitely
not holograms!

Uh, no.


I refuse to let you
put this city
in any more danger.

Slifer, take this fight
to the skies!

My people are safe
from your att*cks.

Your egyptian god
may control the skies,

However, my diabound
commands the darkness,

Making him infinitely
more powerful
than your dragon.

It's gone!

What have you done?

My creature has the ability
to move in shadow,
completely undetectable,

And by the time
it reveals itself,
it shall be too late.

Your bond with the gods
is so strong

That when they feel pain,
so do you.

Now how shall I conclude
this battle of ours, pharaoh?

Shall I destroy
your slifer or this city?

Or perhaps I'll have
diabound crush you.

Of course,
there is a simpler way
to spare yourself

And your city
from destruction.

Just surrender
your millennium puzzle to me.

If you do,
I promise to leave you

And your precious
villagers alone.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
if I hand over
the millennium puzzle,

Bakura will become

But I can't let him
harm my people.

A wise decision,
your highness.

This just might work.

If I can distract him
for long enough,

I may be able
to defeat him.

It's my only hope.

Now, get off your high horse
and kneel before me,

I command you.


Slifer, now!

All right,
call off your diabound

And I shall call off
my egyptian god.


Two can play at this game--

Just look behind you.

Well, this is quite
an interesting predicament,
isn't it?

What to do now?

It looks like a draw,
but looks can be deceiving.

Diabound, destroy him!

Hold on!

That's seto's creature!

we shall save thee!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh