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05x36 - The Final Journey

Posted: 08/20/22 14:29
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

Your reign
ends now, pharaoh.

Diabound, destroy him.



Aah! Oh!


The time has come to call
a new pharaoh to the throne,

who can save us,

Someone like you, seto,

But you cannot
lead this empire alone.

You will need an army
of powerful creatures

Whose might rivals that of
the egyptian gods themselves.

Guards, lead our next prisoner
to the b*ttlefield.

She harbors the most dangerous
shadow creature we've ever seen.

This girl may be the key
to the survival of egypt.

Seto, please help me.


there is no other way.

Now let the battle begin.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh


Man: ha ha ha!

She's our opponent?

Surely, they jest.

I could defeat her with
my arms in shackles.

I'll teach these fools
to mock me.

Get her.

[Men laugh]

Don't hold back
your rage, my dear.

Show us the beast
that dwells within.

[Thinking] I have never seen
master aknadin behave this way.

Bringing harm upon the innocent?

Man: I knew she
wouldn't fight back.

Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] I was told
this child possesses

The most powerful creature
ever imagined.

So why does she not call it
forth to protect herself?

Yaah! That light.

It's blinding.


Man: now finish her off.

She's wasted
enough of my time.

I must see her power.

why does she hesitate?

Perhaps she is not
who I thought.

No. I cannot allow this
madness to continue.


Show yourself...

Almighty duos.

If you want to fight,
then fight me.

Get back here.


Fear not.
You are safe now.

Thank you, sir.

All right.
Call off your beasts.

Ha ha ha!

You have a lot of nerve
showing your face here.

You're the reason we
were forced to live

In this dungeon
in the first place.

Now it's time
to return the favor.

Let us show this
sacred guardian

How things are done
below the palace.

Ha ha ha!

Seto, for the last time,
don't do this!

old man!

The pharaoh's
servant wants
to be a hero.

So who are we
to stand in his way?

Go ahead, seto.
Save her.

You leave me
with no choice.

Then let's duel.then let's duel.

Duos, aura sword att*ck.

Uh! No! Yaah!
Uh! No! Aah!

Kisara: help! Oh! Aah!

What have you done?

I'm slipping.


Hang on to me
with all your might.

Man: it's no use.

I'm afraid my soul has been
spared from the shadows,

Thanks to my creature,

But you, however,
won't be so lucky.

Prepare yourself, my beast,
for it's feeding time.



Enjoy your journey
to the shadow realm.

Rrgh. Huh?


Oh! That's it,

The creature I saw
when I was a child.


so it was true.

No. It's the white dragon
with the blue eyes.

But I thought
it was only a myth.

Please, you must
use your power
to protect us.

This isn't over.
att*ck them.




Uh! Aah!

I've never seen such power.


Is this the work
of the egyptian gods?

See that she
gets some rest.


do you have any idea what
we now hold in our hands?

That girl wields a beast
with enough power

To annihilate bakura's
diabound with one blast.

Of course, we would need
to take it from her,

Which would mean sealing
her soul away in stone.

So I would sug--
have you
lost your mind?

Don't let your emotions
cloud your reason, seto.

That girl is your key
to the throne.

We already
have a pharaoh,

And I intend
to find him,
not replace him.

Don't waste
your time.

Rumor has it,
he lost his spirit
in the pit of shadows,

And egypt cannot survive
without a king.

Do what's right
for your country
and take the throne.

That is enough.

I refuse to listen
to another word of this.

You have disgraced
the name of the pharaoh,

And I won't be
a part of it.

My place
is beside the throne,
not upon the throne,

And when I
locate the pharaoh,

That is where
I shall stand.

Now, if you'll
excuse me...

Seto, wait.


Aknadin: if you will not
seize your destiny,

Then I have no choice
but to seize it for you, my son.

Now millennium stone,
I give you two offerings.

First, the pharaoh's puzzle,

A treasure
around which the other
millennium items revolve.

This I obtained
from the king of egypt himself--

Once I cast him
to the shadows, that is--

And next, I offer up to you
a personal favorite of mine--

The millennium ring.


Ha ha ha!

It's working.

As soon as all
millennium items

Are returned to their
final resting place,

The doorway
between this realm

And the world beyond
will be unlocked.

Only then can zorc the dark one
be released.

The very being who created
the shadow realm eons ago

Will return to envelop the world
in darkness.



What have I done
to anger you?

Bakura, find me
the eighth key.

But what is
the eighth key?

Aah! Uh!

Aah! Ugh!

Find it.

The eighth key.

What could he have
meant by that?

Yes, of course.

When the pharaoh
defeated zorc,

He couldn't destroy
the darkness,

So he locked it away.

There's only one way
to resurrect this beast,

And for centuries, only
the pharaoh knew the answer,

And that do-gooder
didn't tell a soul,

And now he's gone.

Still, I thought
I figured it out.

I was under the impression

That the secret
to unlocking the darkness

Is to return
the millennium items
to this stone,

But apparently,
there's another element,

An eighth key,

The identity of which exists
only in the pharaoh's mind.

Unfortunately, his majesty
wiped his own memory clean.

So now not even he
knows the answer.

Wait. That's it.

It was in front of me
the whole time.

The eighth key.

It was removed
from that tablet.

All I have to do is find it.





Come on, guys.

Whatever you do,
I beg you,

Do not let go
of bobasa.


Tea: can't breathe.

Have you ever
thought about a trip
to the gym?

Oh? Looky, looky.

Now what?



the nile river--

So cool,
so refreshing,

So thirst-quenching.

I'm starting
to think

We'll never find
the pharaoh.

I have a feeling he's somewhere
along this river, yugi.

I mean, come on.
A guy needs food
and water right?



And speaking of food
and water, let's go.

Tea: whoa!

Joey: bobasa, whatever you do,
do not do a cannonball.

I know I have what it takes
to be an elite spell-caster.

I just need
a little more practice.




Up high.

Down low.

To the side. Now go, go, go.

Oh, yeah.
Practice does make perfect.

Ha ha ha!


Let's go.

From river, lake, sea, or pond,

Fish, obey my magic wand.


Uh, huh? Ow!

Ohh, I guess it's back
to the spell book.

How am I s'posta do this without
master mahad to guide me?

Tristan: check it out.

Hello? Ma'am?

Can you see us?

I doubt it,

Me, too.

Huh? Pharaoh!

What happened
to you, my king?

You shrunk,

And you're dressed
in strange clothing.

you all are.

I love
this outfit.

Guess it's
safe to assume
she sees us.

She must be
like bobasa.

Bobasa: whoo hoo!

Bobasa has been
a very busy man, my friends.

While you were
making small talk,

I was catching
big fish.

You're s'posta
be searchin'
for da pharaoh,

Not for lunch.

I found a clue. See?

Hey, dat looks just like
the pharaoh's cape.

Where'd you get dat?

It was floating
in the nile
next to my lunch.

Yeah. Well, there
wouldn't happen

To have been a person
attached to it,
was there?

No, but there were some
yummy fish next to it.

Will you stop thinkin'
with your stomach
for once?

the important
thing is,

We found
something of
the pharaoh's.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

That means he
must be around here
somewhere, right?

So let's
find him.

If you're
not the pharaoh,

Then this must mean
that the king
is missing.

All: we just said that.

Sometimes it takes
me a little while
to catch on.

Yugi: will you help us
look for him?

I'm assuming
you and the pharaoh
are friends, aren't you?

Actually, he's
my closest friend.

Yeah. Me, too,
the poor guy,

But I know that we're
gonna find him soon.

You're his friend?


As a matter of fact,
we all are.

The of us have been pals
with the pharaoh for years.

Then why don't
I know you?

It's a pretty
long story.

You can tell me all
about it on the way.

Hey, did you
hear that?


Tristan: I take it
they're not friendly.

Those guys
are a lot of things,

But friendly
is not one of them.

So you promise
you're friends with
the pharaoh, right?


That means you're
my friends too.

Hah! Ha!


Howja do dat?

There'll be plenty of time
to explain later.
Let's go.


Can you hear us?

My king,
are you out there?

Master shada,

Our men have combed
the entire desert,

And there's still
no sign of his majesty.

I'm not sure what more
we can do, sir.

We can't stop.

He is out there,
and we shall find him.

Man: good news, master.

We have picked up
bakura's trail.

Let's go.

It's spiria.

She must be helping
!sis locate the pharaoh.

Best of luck.

I hope you see
what we cannot.

my millennium puzzle,

It's gone.

It's in bakura's
hands now.

Oh, pharaoh,
how 'bout a history lesson

About your father?

He destroyed my village
when he fashioned
the millennium items

In a selfish attempt to further
his own power.

Of course, he went on
to lie to everyone

About how he planned
to use the items to restore
peace and harmony.

Of course, I knew better
than to be fooled

By a ruthless
dictator like him.

All your king really
desired was power.

He wanted to control the world.

could his words be true?

Did my father really bring
harm to innocent people

In order to create
the millennium items,

Or did he rule justly
and restore peace to egypt?

I wish I remembered
more about him.



Shimon: what a great blessing
this day has brought us,

For unto you is born the new
prince of egypt, my king,

And one day, he shall
lead us as pharaoh.

This is just
wonderful to see.

Oh, the king.


[Crowd cheering]




There's no need
to cry, my son.

That's right.
You can do it.


It's all right,
my boy.

Remember, everyone falls
once in a while.

That is what
makes us stronger.

Must I go with
you, father?

I don't
like this place.

What are we
doing here, anyway?

This is something you
need to witness, my son.

Now follow me.

Why is it so dark
down here?

You needn't be afraid.

This sanctuary is protected
by the egyptian gods themselves.

As long as you
show your respect,

Nothing here
will harm you.

No. I won't go
any further.

This is not
a matter of choice.

Father, wait!

Stay close

And be aware of your
surroundings at all times.


Father! Help!

Lift yourself up,
my boy.

Who are
all these people?

Pharaohs that
came before.

Egyptian gods,
hear me.

I have committed
a crime beyond atonement,

And for this,
I am truly sorry.

By bringing the millennium
items into this world,

I have destroyed
the lives of thousands.

I bear full responsibility
for these actions.

Please spare my son.

Do not punish him for
the misdeeds of his father.

Are you
all right, dad?

Why is it
you're crying?


Oh! Ohh!

My son, fear not.

You are safe now.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
yes. I remember now.

My father surrendered
his own safety

To ensure mine.

Who's there?

I am he who
is known as hasan.

I have come to warn you
of an impending danger,

Zorc the dark one
will soon awaken.

Who is zorc?

The embodiment
of pure darkness.

Please tell me
what I can do to stop him.

When the time is right,
you will know.

I must warn the others.

I shall protect all that
my father struggled to build.

Boy: ha ha!
We did it, dad.

Yes. Now pull.



Well done,
my boy.

Yugi: that was so cool.

I've never met
a real magician before.

Well, I'm
really only
half a magician,

Considering only
half of my spells
actually work.


Ya know, back
where I come from,

There's this card game
called "duel monsters."

I'm sure you've
never heard of it,

But there's
this character in the game
that looks just like you.

So you're saying
I'm a character?

Uh, that's not
what I meant.

Uh, her name
is dark magician girl,

And she's really powerful,

And I bet if you keep
practicing your spells,

You can be just as strong
as she is.

By the way, you never
told us your name.

It was mana,

But now I'm thinking
about changing it,

Ya know, to dark
magician girl.

you guys think?

Perhaps you would like
to practice your spell-casting

By conjuring up
an enormous sardine sandwich,

Hold the pickles,
of course.


Hey, why doncha
watch where you're
goin', ya big oaf?

Next time, use
your brake lights.

Huh? Wait a sec.
Isn't that--

All: pharaoh!

Huh? Huh?

Yoo hoo!

yugi? Is that you?

You bet it is,

Hey, long time no see,
you king of egypt, you.

What's up, man?

Hi, pharaoh.
Good to see you.

Come on. What're we
standing here for?

Yeah! All right!

Oh, it's so great
to see you.


Ha ha! Yeah!


All right!

It's so great
to see you.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!