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05x39 - The Final Duel, Part 3"

Posted: 08/20/22 14:31
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh,"

Bandit-bakura, voice-over:
before long all millennium
items will be mine,

Allowing zorc
the dark one to rise.

This time he won't
be defeated--

Thanks to my newest servant,
that is.

Once bakura gets hold
of the millennium items
and sets that thing free,

I bet the pharaoh
can only stop it
if he knows his real name.

No way!

If we go back to the palace,

There's bound to be
some records there

That'll lead us
in the right direction.

Then let's go!

Time's running out!

Diabound, end this!


fear not.

We're here to
protect you.

Mahad, attack now!

Strike down his diabound
while it's weak!

Dark magic attack!

Your evil reign ends now.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Joey: there better be
a bathroom
in dat palace.

Tea: let's focus on
getting in first.

Did you forget what
happened last time?

How was I supposed
to know we couldn't
walk through doors?

Yugi: hold on, guys.

Maybe this time we can.

Yugi, voice-over:
pharaoh, I know why
we were sent here.

We have to find out
what your name is

In order to beat bakura
at his own game.

Now, please, let us in.

It worked!

We can go through.

It worked!


You sure?

Oh, happy day!

This place is known
for its delectable food.

Bobasa's going to eat
a -course meal.

Come on!

Let's get in there
and start hunting for clues.


Palace pork chops,
here I come.


Joey: dis is some crib.

It's good ta be da king.

Tea: focus, joey.

We have to find clues.

Bobasa: bobasa will
check the kitchen.

Let's meet back here
in one hour.

Good call, yuge.

This is not over.

Your empire shall crumble,

Your millennium items
will be mine,

And zorc the dark one
will return!

Mark my words!

I'm afraid
it's all over, bakura.

Your plans
for destruction will
never come to pass.

So let it be written,
so let it be done.

The land of egypt
shall once again
know peace.


That's enough!

Now, return
those items to me!

those items will stay
right where they are.


What is
the meaning of this?


I am responsible

For the creation
of the items

And I shall decide
their fate.

Oh, no.

He holds the key.

That item
belongs to shada.

Seto: what have
you done with him?

what's important is

That his millennium item
will be put to good use,

As will all of yours.

you've lost your mind.

Mana: look at bakura!

Where am i?

Who are you?

Tell me!

My hands--

What's happening to me?

I was just using that
fool as my pawn.

Who are you?

The shadows
are taking me!

Someone help me!


he's gone.

Voice: it's time
you learned the true nature
of this shadow game.

Explain yourself!

Shada: pharaoh,
you must stop him!

Yami-yugi: shada!

Ah, here we go.

This could be a start.

Maybe the pharaoh's name
is somewhere on this wall.

Of course, it would help
if I could actually read
ancient hieroglyphics.

S'cuse me, ma'am,
can I ask you
a question?


Aw, not again.

Dat's not cool.

These people treat me
like I don't exist.

I may've just
hit the jackpot.

It's like
the palace library
or something.

Oh, this is
just great.

We'll never
find that name.

Searching for clues...

Never tasted so good.

Voice: that's right,
my young friend.

Find me that name.



Careful, pharaoh,
aknadin is a traitor.

Now give me back
my millennium key.

Release me!


Anyone else?

what is the meaning
of all this?

Have you gone mad?

I don't know who's
controlling your mind,

But this ends now.

A new king shall soon rise!

Hold your tongue!

How dare you utter
such venomous words,

And in the presence of
the great pharaoh no less.



What have you
done to him?

Mana: seto can't move.

It's almost like he's--

Frozen in time?

Why, yes!

Just like this!

That ought to hold you
for a while.

At least long enough
for me to complete
what bakura couldn't.


I've done it!

As soon as I place
the items in the stone,

The dark one shall rise.

And together we shall
usher in a new age,

And your empire
shall crumble.

It all comes full circle,
doesn't it?

For now I shall return
the treasures
whence they came.

This necklace is number .

And now, the final piece,
my millennium eye!

Now, to finish
what I began years ago.

Voice: that's right.

Restore the treasures
to their resting place.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I thought bakura
was defeated.

But then how can I be
hearing his voice?

you've proven yourself to be
a worthy pawn, aknadin.

Now complete your task
and my ultimate shadow game
shall be nearly complete!


Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I saw bakura disappear
into the shadows

With my own eyes.

His so-called shadow game
should be over.

Wait! Unless....

The final piece!

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
is this all just a game?

[Echoes continue]

Leave it to you
to sleep through

The most important game
of your life pharaoh.

Where are we?

Tell me!

Why we're in
the shadow realm,
of course,

Sitting before
the playing field.

After all, I promised you
a shadow game, didn't i?

I'm always true
to my word.

I'm in no mood
for games!

Too late.

I'm afraid you're right
in the middle of one.

The field is the world
of ancient egypt.

The pawns are the people
of your past.

Are you saying that
everything we do affects
the events of the past?

Are you?

Just when I think you
can't sink any lower,

You prove me wrong,

the lives of others

Just so you can play out
some twisted game?

Not some game.

The game.

And as soon
as I resurrect zorc from
the millennium stone,

The final stage
of this game will begin.



So if I don't
defeat zorc,

That means
I lose the game?

You'll lose
much more than that.

Like what?

Like those meddling twits
you call friends.

They entered a world
where they didn't belong.

So when the playing field

They'll be trapped
in the shadows.

You'll never
see them again!


If you want to save
your friends,

You'll have to win
the game.

However, at the moment
all of your pawns
are frozen in time

Thanks to this handy device.

What's that?

Why, it's my
hourglass token,
of course.

Your hourglass token?


And as the game master,
I possess of them.

This one freezes time
for every character
in the game except for mine.

So you can
manipulate time?

That's right.

And it's not
the first time.


I used this one
earlier in the game.

Perhaps you recall
a little incident

During which time
went in reverse?

Now you know how.

So that was you!

Guilty as charged,

And he who controls
the hands of time
controls fate.

Thanks to these hourglasses,
I can rewrite history--

And not only once,
but times over
the course of the game.

You know what
that means right?

Your life is
under my control!


Tea, voice-over:
something's not right.

I can't move a muscle.

Yugi, voice-over:
bakura must be behind this.

I just hope
the pharaoh's all right.

Joey, voice-over:
I could think of worse
situations to be stuck in.

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
you're my pawn now,

So you're free
to move about.

What puzzles me is why
that buffoon is unaffected.

This is bad.

My belly is so big
I can't see my slippers.

Master zorc, hear me!

I now offer you
the treasures!

!sis, voice-over:
I sense the pulse
of pure evil

Beating below us.

The dark one
has awakened.

Zorc: so the mortal
responsible for creating

The millennium items
has returned.

Now denounce
your allegiance to egypt

And pledge
your loyalty to me.

Do this and everything
you desire shall be yours.

My only wish
is for a new pharaoh
to be named.

He shall be
my own beloved son,


Seto, voice-over: no.

This cannot be true.

Master aknadin is my father?

Zorc: very well.

Your transformation
from sacred guardian

To lord of darkness
is now complete.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
no! Aknadin!


My aknadin game piece
has just doubled
in overall strength.

I give you
the great shadow magus!

What've you done
to aknadin?

I haven't done a thing.

All of these events
are reoccurring

Exactly as they did
, years ago--

With some small modifications,
of course.

Thanks to this
shadow game of mine,

I'm able to influence
certain events.

You see, pharaoh,
in the old days you managed
to lock away your own spirit

In order to seal zorc away.

But you won't be
so lucky this time.

There are still
some holes in your memory.

I mean,
let's face it, pharaoh,

You don't even know
your own name,

A single word with
the power to both resurrect
zorc and lock him away.

However, I discovered a way

To bring back the dark one
without that word

By simply using this--

My third and final

Oh, no!

Just what are you
saying, bakura?

Let me spell this out
for you.

When the last grain
of sand falls,

The ruler of
the darkest shadows
shall rise!


Yami-bakura, voice-over:
the pharaoh's name should be
located in this room.

Now find it
before the others do
and destroy it.

Every pharaoh in history
must be listed here.

So the name
I'm looking for's

Gotta be written

On the last tablet.


This doesn't make
any sense at all!

This stone tablet
is completely blank!

Zorc: now,
great shadow magus,

Banish the pharaoh
to the darkness

So that your son
may take the throne.


Aknadin: this is what
I have always wanted
for you, seto,

Ever since you were
a young boy.

For your own protection,

No one must ever know
I have a family.

Seto, voice-over:
how could he leave me

And then lie to me
all these years?

There's something else
you should know, my son.

The former king, aknamkanon,
was my brother.

That means
should anything happen to
the current pharaoh,

You are next in line
to inherit the throne.

Shimon, voice-over:
why, after all these
years of loyalty,

Would he turn on
his own family?

Bakura must have preyed
upon the hidden jealousy

Aknadin always felt
towards his brother

And the incredible guilt
he must have harbored

After giving up
his family.


Seto, my boy,

No longer shall
we live in the shadow
of my brother!

The time has come
to rise up

And claim our rightful place
on the throne of egypt!

Heed my words!

The era of king seto
has begun!


farewell, pharaoh!

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
someone is deflecting
the attack, but who?

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
this isn't part of the game!

Who has interfered?

Yugi: did you forget?

There are two people
playing this game,

And I have a token
as well.

Where did you get that?

Aknadin: who dares stand
in the way of my destiny?

Identify yourself!

Voice: I am hasan,

of the pharaohs.

For centuries I have
defended the honor
of egypt's kings,

So fear not,
your highness.

I shall shield you
from the darkness

Just as I shielded
your father

And his father before.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:

Who's there?

Hasan: I have come
to warn you of an impending
danger, pharaoh.

Zorc the dark one
will soon awaken.

I remember him.

He came to me
in a vision
when I was stranded,

But I thought
I was just

Aknadin: if you truly are
the protector
of the pharaoh,

Then you should be
protecting my son seto,

For he is
the true king of egypt,

Not that imposter
cowering behind you.

Hasan: darkness be gone.


My time-freezing hourglass!

Oh, well, it seems
time marches on.

My friends are now free.

Mana: I can move.

Aknadin: what?

But I rendered
those fools immobile!

They were prisoners
in their own bodies.

Hasan: not anymore.

Your shadow spell
has been broken.

It's only a matter of time
before the shadows
claim your spirit, pharaoh.

and everything you've ever
cared about crumbles.

Your poor friends are all
running out of steam.


But how?

Attached to everyone's
duel disks is a sensor that
measures their life energy.

My great shadow magus
is at full power,

But the same
cannot be said
for your friends.


I'm afraid once
an individual's life-force
sensor goes dark

Their spirit is banished
to the shadow realm
for all eternity.

That goes for you, too.

When you lose in the past,
you lose here as well.

Now then,
are you beginning

To understand
the brilliance

Of this shadow game
I've created?

You and I are
the game masters,

the fate of people

Who lived on this earth
, years ago.

At times, we're merely
observing events

Exactly as they were
played out in the past.

Other times we intervene,

certain actions

In order to change
the outcome in our favor.

So, you might say
we're like two sides
of the same coin,

And we're playing out
the ultimate battle between
light and shadows.

Bakura, this must end!

Of course.

Every game has an end,

It's just a question
of who the victor will be

And who will
spend eternity roaming
the shadow realm.

Now do you see why
I called this
the ultimate game?

Here we both sit
high above the rest
of the world

Deciding the future
of mankind.

The fate of the world
rests in our hands!


That's enough!

You may fight for greed,

But I fight
for something else

The safety of my friends
and that of the world.

I defeated you once
and I'll do it again.

That's all in the past,

But here in this shadow game
I have all sorts of advantages

I didn't have
in our first encounter,

And since your memory
is sketchy at best,

You'll never remember
how you won.


I still have time!

That's where you're wrong.

Time is one luxury
you don't have,

For the countdown
to destruction has begun!


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh