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02x05 - 3riana grande

Posted: 08/22/22 07:44
by bunniefuu


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Here, put this on.

- What?
- MAYSA: Put it on.

You need to pray so that
you can get your scholarship

for the law school.


I just prayed six Rakaat sunnah for you

and ten for your brother.

Why for Ramy?

He needs it. He always needs it.


Mom, you never pray.

You only do it when something's wrong

or when you're trying to get something.

God knows me. We have a thing.

But he doesn't know you.
There's no connection.


God goes, "Dena?"

They're gonna tell us tomorrow,

and praying tonight isn't
gonna affect anything.

The decision's been made.

MAYSA: No, Dena.

Allah makes the decision, right?


You see, even if the system says no,

the right prayer tonight
will make it a yes tomorrow.

- MAYSA: Pray, please.


♪ ♪


- FATIMA: Nothing, huh?
- No.

- Making dua for you, girl.
- DENA: Thanks.


- _
- Oh.




Hey, guys.

- Good night.

Where were you so late?

Uh, I was with friends.

They took me out as a congrats thing.

I know because it's all
over f*cking Facebook.

- Maysa.
- DENA: What?

Look. What's this?

You posted telling everyone
about the scholarship.

It has likes.

Yeah, I just wanted to
share it with my friends.

What's wrong with you?

You're showing off something

that you haven't even gotten yet.

- Mom, no, I got...
- MAYSA: You just got an email.

And you share it with friends
before you share it with God.

You're better off just, like,
post half-naked pictures.

- FAROUK: Maysa.
- MAYSA: What?

She's always walking around naked

like Eryana Grande
looking for attention.

DENA: Mom, stop.

I got the email and I'm happy.
Why can't I share that?



- Don't.
- MAYSA: Your Uncle Naseem got it once.

It runs in the family.

I'm not gonna get the eye, Mom.

It's Facebook. It's not serious.

Facebook is very serious, habibti.

You post something on it,
and the next thing you know,

the entire world knows about it.

Or just my friends.

FAROUK: You think they're your friends.

Like Uncle Okram when he posted
about his new house on Facebook.

Now he's a homeless man.

I can't believe this. Are you
guys even happy for me?

Any time something good happens,

you want me to just hide it
and act like it didn't happen.

Of course we are happy for you.

- We are even proud.
- Oh, really?

We just want you to humble yourself

before God humbles you.

MAYSA: You need to pray so
you don't lose everything.

Okay, um, look.

I don't believe in this
superstitious shit, so...

good night.



♪ ♪


INSTRUCTOR: Back up into vajrasana,

palms up to receive,

as we set an intention to today.

Whatever you want
right now, envision it.

Align it with the universe.

YOGI: Hey, congratulations
on the scholarship.

- Thanks.
- That's so huge.

Thank you.

INSTRUCTOR: Shift into downward dog.


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Hey, Dena, habibti.

Uh, I thought you had classes today.

Yeah, I just came home to...
to pick up some stuff.

Uh, the internet was down
at the office today.

They asked us to, uh,
come and work from home.


Hey, Dad, when did
you start losing hair?





♪ ♪

INSTRUCTOR: And for those who are ready,

let's enter into tree pose

and then hinge into warrior three.



Uh, class,

I know we like to wear
some interesting oils

and scents or, um, spices,

but let's try to wear
something more neutral.

It can be, uh, distracting to the class.

Okay, and then gently
release that leg back.


DENA: I just noticed this bump.

Do you feel anything?

DOCTOR: I can feel something
building up here.

Is it, like...

I don't know. Like, what is it?

I really can't say right now,

but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions,

and I think we ought to just
take this step by step.


How else have you been feeling?

Do you have any other symptoms?

Do you have a cold or a cough?

Um, well,

I've been noticing my hair
thinning just a little bit.

I don't know if that's related.

Let's see.

Oh, wow. Yep.

I see the spot right here.
The top of your head.

Wait, what? There's a s...

there's a spot on the top of my head?

I can refer you to a dermatologist.

She's very good.



HEBA: f*ckin' Dena, man. A full ride?

A full f*ckin' ride?

- I'm so f*cking jealous.
- FATIMA: Massive, Mashallah.

This is so big, Dena.


Why do we keep eating here, guys?

This place is f*cking disgusting.


♪ ♪


MAYSA: It has likes.


- _
- HEBA: I'm so f*ckin' jealous.

DOCTOR: I see the spot right here.

The top of your head.

FAROUK: The women in our family,

they all lost their hair.



All of them lost their hair.

Like Uncle Okram when he posted

about his new house on Facebook.

Now he's a homeless man.

- _
- [ECHOING] Now he's a homeless man.

He's a homeless person.


DENA: Look, I really need to
talk to you about something.


[CHUCKLES] I've seen this before.

Wild girl puts on the scarf.

She realizes she needs
to connect spiritually.

You're looking back at all
the events in your life,

and you realize that
you need to apologize

to your Uncle Naseem

for all the vulgar language,
the rudeness, the attitude.

Yeah, look, um,

Mom said that you dealt
with evil eye, hasad,

and I just need to know
how to get rid of it.

NASEEM: [LAUGHING] Come on, Dena!

I really thought you
were smarter than this.

You know, with your fancy "education."

Look, I'm going f*cking
crazy, Uncle Naseem.

Can you just help me for once?

I know you know all sorts of people,

and you've dealt with this.

You seem cursed.

Can you just help me, please?


Are you feeling things
you don't want to feel?


I know someone who can remove the hasad.

She's in South Jersey. Only takes cash.

You call her on your way, okay?

You tell her everything, and she
will have it all ready for you.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Does it work?

Mm. I was there once when
I was feeling, uh, confused.

Look at me now. I'm great.




Farouk, Maysa, Ramy.

Sarah Jenkins,

Nancy Brookshire,

Steve Russo, Nancy Highland,

Brandon Smith.





- Hello?
- DOCTOR: Hi, Miss Hassan?

This is Dr. Chava calling
with your test results.

- Sorry for the late call.
- Yeah, yeah, it's okay.

DR. CHAVA: It's fibroadenoma.
Very common.

Nothing to be alarmed about.

Basically just some folded
tissue in the breast.

It's not cancerous.

Nothing to do about it,

unless you want to do
something elective.

No, no, no, no, no.
That's fine. Thank you.

DR. CHAVA: Call if you need anything.

All right, thank you. Bye.







The f*ck?





minutes from the mechanic.


I mean, you're really
all the way down here.

Lucky you, huh?


So what do you do?

Uh, I'm a... I'm a grad student.

I'm going into law school.

That's cool.

A woman lawyer.

I'm sure that's a first
for your family, yeah?

I'd be the first person who's
a lawyer in my family, yeah.

DRIVER: Nice. Nice.

And you get to drive, hmm?
Very progressive.

I think you're thinking
about Saudi Arabia,

and women can drive there now.

DRIVER: No shit?


Is there a problem?


All I'm saying is, if you'd stayed
back in your homeland,

you would have been too busy
getting your clit sawed off

to do any of this law stuff, right?


I'm just making conversation.
I'm not blaming you.

But you know it's true.

Are you gonna act like they don't
cut clits off where you're from?

In Jersey? No, they don't.

I don't know about South Jersey, though.

You tell me.

Look, I get it. I'm Mexican.

Half my people are trying
to sneak into this country.

But I don't feel like
I gotta defend them.

I waited ten years to become a citizen.

If you don't do it right,
you gotta pay consequences.

Point is, we gotta try to belong here.

I'm not wearing a sombrero

walking around celebrating
their criminal activity,

and you don't have to
be wearing that thing.

It's a symbol of oppression.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

What I'm saying is, you can be you.

We're in America.

It's... it's the melting
pot, so f*cking melt.

Come on. Why... why are
you wearing that shit?

I'm losing my hair.

- What?
- DENA: I'm f*cking losing my hair.

I put this on because I wanted to pray

and then I just...
I left it to hide my hair.

I don't know. I'm a f*cking coward.

- I don't know what I believe.
- I mean, I...

And I don't... I don't know
why people cut clits off

or why this country
enslaves people in jails

and puts kids in cages.

The world is f*cked up.


So are you, like, balding underneath?


Yeah, you know what? I'm bald.

I'm gonna look like my dad
one day. You wanna see it?

- Oh, no, no. I'm good.
- No, no, no, let me show it to you!

Let me show it to you!
I'm f*cking cursed.

Here it is.

Here, since you're so
obsessed with head scarves.

This is what's underneath.

I mean, it's not...
you can barely see it.

DENA: No, just let me out!

Pull over and let me out!

Don't f*ck with my car!
Just drop it off!



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