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03x11 - Return of the Future

Posted: 02/01/06 19:51
by bunniefuu

LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(Brooke stands in Lucas’ doorway with a box in her arms.)

BROOKE: There are eighty-two letters in here.

(Lucas frowns at her slightly.)

BROOKE: And they’re all addressed to you.

(She gives the box to him.)



(Haley is consoling Brooke who is lying dejectedly on the couch.)

HALEY: So they stole a couple of designs – they didn’t steal your talent. We’ll put together a website. We’ll sell them ourselves.

(Brooke holds her fist out.)

BROOKE: Clothes-



(Bevin walks out of the bedroom and down the corridor in one of Brooke’s dresses.)

BROOKE: (v.o) Over Bro’s?

HALEY: (looks at Bevin, amazed) Oh my gosh!

PEYTON: You made that?

HALEY: (in awe) Brooke!

BROOKE: Uh-huh.

(Bevin twirls.)



(Brooke holds up one of her red dresses that Rachel’s just finished sewing.)

BROOKE: It’s actually kinda perfect.

RACHEL: (stands and snatches it back) But it’s mine.

BROOKE: You came over here to make your own dress!?



(Dan stands on the stairs with his arms out.)

SPEAKER: Mayor of Tree Hill, North Carolina – Dan Scott!

(The crowd claps and cheers. Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling.)



(Close-up of the note with the alcohol that sits on Dan’s desk.)

DAN: (v.o) I believe that’s the same brand of booze used to poison me-



(Close-up of the TV screen which is playing a security camera tape.)

DAN: (v.o) and wait for it, this is the good part;-

(Cut to Dan hanging over Karen’s shoulder as he pauses the tape.)

DAN: that’s someone you care about, buying it.



(Karen is alone in the café and on the phone.)

KAREN: I need to ask you something; did you try to k*ll Dan?



(Close-up of the burned note that Lucas’ just handed to Deb.)

LUCAS: (v.o) That’s the last shred of evidence.

(Cut to Lucas on the steps beside her.)

LUCAS: Maybe this can finally set you free.



(Deb is driving away from Tree Hill at night, while talking on the phone.)

DEB: It’s me. (pause) Lucas knows.



(Peyton stands next to Ellie’s vast collection of music and talks to her.)

PEYTON: If you are gonna help me with… Haley’s record… -



(Ellie stands in the doorway, smiling.)

PEYTON: -well, you could,…-



PEYTON: -maybe move into the house with me.



(Ellie is still standing there.)

ELLIE: It’s a business arrangement.



(Haley is lying on Nathan’s bed, looking at him.)

NATHAN: (v.o) Stay with me tonight.

(Haley smiles and Nathan hovers over her. She pulls him to her by taking hold of his wedding ring.)

HALEY: (v.o) Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

(They kiss.)






(The camera pans slowly across the messy and deserted locker room.)

LUCAS: (v.o) H. L, Mencken wrote: ‘every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.’

(Lucas walks into the locker room, dejectedly. He is closely pursued by Nathan and the rest of the team.)

NATHAN: Great, oh and two. What the hell’re you doing out there? (throws his towel aside)

(Lucas faces him, pissed off.)

LUCAS: Me?! Why don’t you try passing the ball sometime!

NATHAN: It’s called carrying you! I might as well be out there alone!

WHITEY: (walks in) Alright! (takes out his glasses) Let’s see who won tonight’s pissing contest. (puts the glasses on) Lucas Scott:

(Lucas looks up at him.)

WHITEY: Sixteen points. Nathan Scott: twenty-two points.

(Nathan looks down.)

WHITEY: (takes the glasses off) Combined desists: TWO! I guess we skipped the part about sharing the ball. Basketball is a team game and there’s no ‘I’ in team!

(Lucas and Nathan are aptly ashamed of themselves.)

WHITEY: I assume you morons can spell.

(He looks at them for a moment before walking away. The team don’t move.)

RACHEL: (v.o) S-U-C-K, what’s that spell?



(Rachel is standing at her open locker.)

RACHEL: Ravens.

(She shuts her locker door.)

(Brooke steps over the bench to a grinning Haley who is brushing her hair.)

BROOKE: (sighs) OK, I know you’re new at this, but the cheeriness stops when we lose.

HALEY: (still smiling) Hey, I’m sorry we lost but Nathan’s gonna need ‘consoling’.

(Brooke gapes at her.)

BROOKE: And you’re the consolation prize?

(Haley turns her head partially and smirks.)

BROOKE: (nudges her) Oh, I like the way you think, roommate.

HALEY: (turns to her fully) Good, because, um,… I’ve got dibs on the bedroom tonight.

BROOKE: (surprised and impressed) Are you issuing a pre-emptive scrunchie?

(Haley’s smile says it all.)

BROOKE: Anything for love.

HALEY: (pleased) Thank you, you’re the best. See you guys later.

(Haley stands and walks out of the locker room. Peyton looks at Brooke accusingly.)

PEYTON: I think you’re rubbing off on her.

BROOKE: Why? Is being desperately horny contagious?

(Peyton frowns at her.)

BROOKE: Guess I’ll just have to sleep with Lucas.

PEYTON: Oh, you mean sleep at Lucas’s.

BROOKE: (frowns too) Unfortunately, that’s exactly what I mean; no sex till our hearts catch up with our hormones, (grabs her bag) but,… there’re other things we can do. (stands behind Peyton)

PEYTON: (humouring her) Oh really, under Karen’s roof?

(Brooke stares for a moment – open-mouthed.)

BROOKE: (nodding) Being in love sucks.

(Brooke pats Peyton and they walk to the exit of the locker room.)



(The camera pans down from the sign above the gym. Nathan walks out of the boy’s locker room and sees Dan standing there, waiting for him.)

NATHAN: (spots him) And the worst part about losing is seeing you afterwards.

DAN: (walks with him) So then stop losing.

(Nathan sighs and shakes his head.)

DAN: By the way, I think I isolated your problem – it’s your ex-wife.

(Nathan looks at Dan.)

NATHAN: For your information, she’s still my wife. You leave her out of this.

DAN: I would but I ran into her in your bed the other day.

(Nathan frowns at him.)

DAN: I know you usually pull ‘Cs’ in history so I’m gonna give you a little help here; it has a way of repeating itself.

NATHAN: What’s that supposed to mean?

DAN: You wanna bounce a basketball on the court or a baby on your knee? Haley gets pregnant, you stick around. How convenient for her.

(Nathan scoffs disbelievingly.)

NATHAN: It didn’t work for Karen, did it?

DAN: It worked for your mom.

NATHAN: Whatever, dad, Haley would never do that.

DAN: I hope you’re right. But you gotta ask yourself – how far is she willing to go?

(Nathan looks away at Dan’s knowing look. Dan spots Haley approaching.)

DAN: Haley, wow, look at you; you’re absolutely ‘glowing’.

(Dan smirks at Nathan before walking away. Nathan gives him a warning look.)

HALEY: (looks at Nathan) OK, (pushes Nathan) hi(!)


HALEY: I’m sorry you lost. You looked good, though.

NATHAN: (laughs) Yeah, thanks.

HALEY: Uh, listen, I-I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to come over and I could cook dinner and… maybe (pointedly) breakfast. (laughs)

(Nathan shifts uncomfortably and looks at his father who is talking to a couple out of hearing range. Dan looks back at him.)

NATHAN: (deciding) I’d love to.

(Haley grins and they walk off together, their arms around each other.)

(Brooke and Lucas walk out of the changing rooms)

BROOKE: So, what if I start sleepwalking and my pyjamas accidentally fall off (Lucas frowns as her listens) aaaand, I end up in your bed(!)

LUCAS: Well, as long as you’re there in the morning.

(Brooke moans happily and hugs his arm which she’s holding.)

LUCAS: When the sun rises on my heart.

(Broke slaps him hard on said arm.)

BROOKE: Lucas Scott, that is so unfair, you are not allowed to quote from my letters!

(Lucas is looking the other way. Brooke turns her head in the same direction and spots it. She yells happily and runs into the car park, skipping delightedly.)


(She jumps into Keith’s arms. Keith gets off the car bonnet and catches her in a hug.)



(Keith imitates the noise. Lucas, recovering from the shock, finally walks to the pair.)

KEITH: Hey, you.

BROOKE: Hi. (turns to Lucas) Oh my god(!)


KEITH: Oh and two; can’t you do anything right without me, huh?

(Lucas laughs and hugs his uncle.)

LUCAS: Keith.

KEITH: Hey, nephew(!)

LUCAS: Oh(!)

(They let go.)

BROOKE: (still in shock) It is so great to have you back(!) (frowns) Is Jules with you?

KEITH: Uhh, no.

BROOKE: Good. I never liked her, by the way.

(Keith laughs and Lucas shakes his head.)

BROOKE: I’m, um,… I’m gonna… crash on my couch – give you two some catch-up time. (smiles and hugs Keith again) It’s so good to see you.

KEITH: (hugs her back) Hmmm, you too.

(Brooke turns to Lucas.)

BROOKE: You, on the other hand, I never want to see again(!)

(Lucas laughs.)

BROOKE: (to Keith) Bye(!)

(She bounces away.)

KEITH: I guess that makes you… oh and three, (puts his arm around Lucas’ shoulders) huh?

LUCAS: Yep(!)

(They start walking.)

KEITH: So, how is it?

LUCAS: Not bad. Oh, it’s good to see you.





(Lucas and Keith walk together down the street – drinking coffee that isn’t Karen’s.)

KEITH: OK, so, what’s the story with Brooke? You’re back together and… (amused) and she says she never wants to see you again?

(Lucas laughs.)

LUCAS: Yeah, we’re back together. (pause) But she wrote… letters over the summer and I’ve been reading one a day and kinda teasing her.

KEITH: Hmmm, love letters. Well, that’s uh,… one step up from tattoos.

(Lucas points at him and they walk half way up some steps to a fountain. They stop.)

LUCAS: (suddenly serious) Look, um,… I know you were upset with me when you left. I shoulda told you about Jules.

KEITH: Yeah, you should have. (pause) But,… you know, that’s a tough one.

(They sit on the steps.)

KEITH: (laughs) Keith, your, uh,… lunatic brother hired you fiancé to sleep with you and break your heart. Up for a game of horse?

(Keith smiles good-heartedly and Lucas laughs.)

LUCAS: I know, but, I-

KEITH: (heads him off) Hey, look, Luke,… I forgave you a long time ago. You were protecting me, you know? And… messed up as it was, you did what you thought was right.

LUCAS: (smiles) So where you been? I mean, why’d it take you so long to find Jules?

KEITH: Oh, it didn’t. (sighs) Once I knew her real name, it wasn’t that hard. (pause) But the woman that I found wasn’t Jules. (pause) Emily wasn’t the person that I thought she was. (pause) More importantly,… she wasn’t your mom; took me longer to deal with that.

LUCAS: (nods) That why you came back?

KEITH: … I came back because… Deb told me everything.

(Lucas nods.)

KEITH: You know, pulling Dan out of the fire was a brave thing, Luke. Stupid,… but brave. A lotta guys would’ve never gone in there.

LUCAS: Sometimes, I wish I hadn’t.

KEITH: Yeah,… who else knows what you did?

LUCAS: Well, you, me and Deb… and Dan. He kinda choked it outta me.

(Keith’s eyes widen angrily.)

LUCAS: No, its fine, it’s… it’s OK. (pause) And Peyton! (pause) Knows too.

(Keith scoffs)

KEITH: You kept the Jules secret for two months. (grins) Nice work.

(Lucas laughs.)

KEITH: So, how’s your mom?

LUCAS: She’ll be happy to see you.

KEITH: (hastily) Oh, do me a favour,… let me surprise her.

(Lucas laughs again and thumps him on the arm.)

KEITH: (holds the cup up) Yep?

LUCAS: Got it. (knocks cups with him)

(They drink.)



(The camera pans up from the foot of the bed. There is a lot of music lying on the bed. Ellie is looking through it all. Peyton walks in and stops at her doorway. Ellie looks at her.)

ELLIE: Hey! How was the game?

(Peyton’s still shocked that Ellie’s living with her. She just smiles and enters.)

ELLIE: Oh, that bad, huh?

PEYTON: No, it’s just… this is odd, right? Like… I don’t know, just odd having somebody else here.

(Ellie nods and looks down at the music again.)

PEYTON: It’s a good odd, though.

(Peyton’s put her foot in it and knows it.)

PEYTON: (cautiously) We got any bands yet?

ELLIE: (shakes her head) I have calls out to everyone.

(Peyton turns her head and looks at the door of her closet. The door she normally writes the names of bands on.)

ELLIE: Nobody wants to be the first to commit… but all it takes is one band – the rest will fall in line.

(She picks up a newspaper and stands from the bed.)

ELLIE: Check this out. Nada Surf is playing in Charlotte tomorrow night. (grins) They’d be great for the album, don’t you think?

(Ellie shows Peyton the ad where she’s circled Nada Surf’s name.)



(Close-up of a large bowl of pasta which Haley’s stirring.)

HALEY: OK, just try a little bit of that.

(She holds out a huge spoon with pasta on it for Nathan to try. He tries it.)

NATHAN: Hmm, (pause) too much mac, not enough cheese.

(Haley dumps the spoon back into the bowl. Nathan pulls a photo album towards him.)

HALEY: So, uh, what were you and Dan talking about after the game?

NATHAN: (avoiding eye contact) Oh, um,… just the, the usual – Dan trying to control my life.

(He looks at a picture of a couple holding a baby and the same baby on her own, dressed in pink with a pink wand.)

HALEY: (smiling fondly) Look how cute she is.

(She is grating more cheese. Nathan looks at her worriedly. Haley continues to grate the cheese and gets a finger in the way.)

HALEY: Ow! Oh!

(She turns away and moans in pain.)

NATHAN: You OK? Let me see.

(He stands up and walks to her. She holds her hand out to him.)

NATHAN: Oh, yeah, you just grazed it. Let me get you a band aid.

HALEY: OK, in the bathroom. Kiss first.

(He kisses her. She turns and walks away, sucking her thumb. She turns on the tap and runs her thumb under it.)



(Shot from inside the cabinet. Nathan opens the door and looks inside. He opens the one next to it and looks inside there too. He lifts out a pill tub and frowns at it. Brooke walks in and spots him.)

BROOKE: What’re you doing? (smiles suspiciously)

NATHAN: Oh, I was just… (looks back at the tub)

(He smiles and replaces it.)

NATHAN: looking for band aids.

BROOKE: Well, buddy, you found my birth control patches. Those… fix a whole other problem. (points) Next cabinet.

(She leaves the bathroom. Nathan opens the next door and finds the band aids but no more birth control. He reaches up and keeps on rummaging.)

(Brooke is at the kitchen counter, looking through the mail.)

BROOKE: OK, the bedroom is all yours! I’ll be sleeping on the couch all night; praying I don’t hear the boring married sex(!)

(She pulls out a letter and reads it. Haley turns to her with a grin.)

BROOKE: Oh my god!

(Haley turns back to Brooke and listens.)

BROOKE: (reading the letter) Congratulations, your designs have been selected to appear at this years Rouge Vogue showcase(!)

HALEY: (impressed) Cool, what’s Rouge Vogue?

BROOKE: It’s like a competition for emerging fashion designers in New York! ‘Your designs will be modelled for all the major labels.’ Shut up!

HALEY: (shocked) Brooke, that’s so awesome! I didn’t even know you applied.

BROOKE: I didn’t. That’s why this is so bizarre!

HALEY: Wait a second. Remember last year; Lucas submitted Peyton’s artwork to THUD magazine?

BROOKE: Oh, you’re right. (shakes her head and smiles) This has Lucas written all over it. He is so sweet!

(She reads the letter again.)

BROOKE: Unless, of course, he’s being a total jerk and quoting my letters to me which I am getting back, by the way! I’m gonna Google this. (holds the letter up)

HALEY: OK, but not in the bedroom-

(She stops and sighs when Brooke ignores her.)

HALEY: Still bleeding, here.

(Nathan walks in with the band aid and strips off the plastic backing.)

HALEY: What took you so long?

NATHAN: I, uh, I couldn’t find it. (pause) Haley, um, the other night when we were together, um,… (puts the band aid on her finger) I mean, we’re good with birth control, right?

(She looks at him sharply.)

NATHAN: You’re still on it?

HALEY: Well, of course I am, but I wasn’t that night.

(Nathan looks away.)

HALEY: I’m sorry, I know it was stupid, I just, um,…

NATHAN: (sighs) Yeah, I g-I gotta go.

(He turns and walks away.)

HALEY: What?! What-why-what is this?

NATHAN: I can’t believe my dad was right.

HALEY: You talked to Dan about this?!

(Nathan opens the front door.)

HALEY: Nathan! Nathan, please don’t walk out! You do it all the time!

NATHAN: That’s because it keeps me from saying things you don’t wanna hear!

(He slams the door shut and Haley sighs; throwing her arms up and shaking her head.)



(Lucas walks around the school bus, to the rest of the team who are all tired. Whitey steps out of the bus.)

WHITEY: (grinning) Good morning, gentlemen! (looks around at them) Well, five am comes awful early, especially when you’re oh and two!

(He frowns at his co-captains who seem to stand awfully close to one another more often than not; even though they don’t like each other.)

WHITEY: Get on the bus! Now!

LUCAS: Where’re we going?

WHITEY: To our gym. (smiles coldly)

NATHAN: Coach, you’re getting senile – this is our gym.

WHITEY: Not anymore. Come on, load up, go!

(He blows the whistle very close to Lucas’ ears. Lucas puts a hand to his ear and winces as he follows the other players.)



(Focus on a broken basketball hoop. There’s an ungodly squeal as the door opens. Pan down as Whitey and the team enter.)

WHITEY: I hope you boys have had your tetanus sh*ts. (smiles to himself) Because you’re gonna be spending a lot of time here.

(Lucas frowns as he walks in.)

RANDOM PLAYER: What’s wrong with the other gym?

WHITEY: Got my name on it, (walks in and turns to them) and I’m tired of you all disgracing it. (pause) So it’s either… find another gym or change my name… (pause as he glares at them) and I like my name.

NATHAN: You really expect us to practice in this dump?

WHITEY: (laughs) Oh, not only practice; till further notice, you’re gonna play all your games in here.

(Nathan sneers at it. Whitey picks up a broom.)

WHITEY: But first, (pause) you’re gonna clean it up.

(There’s a squeal before a shot of the biggest rat in the world running across the other end of the court.)

WHITEY: Here you go. (throws the broom at Nathan) Co-captain(!)

(Whitey smirks and laughs. The guys look around at their ‘project’. Lucas nods and sighs.)





(Lucas’ bed is a tip. There are books and clothes everywhere. Pan across to Brooke going through his drawers. She has turned his room upside-down in search of her letters. Lucas walks in and stops when he sees her. He coughs.)

BROOKE: (looking at him) Where are my letters, I want them back!

(He’s not bothered about what she’s done to his room, at all.)

LUCAS: Oh, Brooke, seeing you like this makes… the sun go down on my heart.

(She throws a piece of clothing at him.)

BROOKE: Oh, I hate you!

(He catches it and laughs.)

BROOKE: This is not fair. You don’t get to tease me!

LUCAS: (throws the socks back) OK, I’ll stop! (walks to her) You know, I missed you last night.

(He corners her against the chest of drawers.)

BROOKE: Well, I was gonna invite you to spend the night, tonight. You know, (he tries to kiss her and she puts her hand over his mouth) reward you for doing a little writing of your own.

(Lucas thinks about her response, confused.)

LUCAS: Reward me?

BROOKE: But now there’s price for admission.

LUCAS: (sighs) Let me guess; the letters.

BROOKE: Yep. Bring them… (brings him forward slightly) or you’ll find out what it’s like to be teased.

(She walks out of his room. Lucas looks around at the mess his room has become.)

LUCAS: (yelling behind him) Oh, don’t worry, I’ll clean up!

(The front door opens and closes.)



(Brooke scowls and stomps across the grounds to where Rachel’s voice can be heard.)

RACHEL: (o.s) So the guy told me he was twenty-six.

(Pan across to Rachel talking to a group of girls.)

RACHEL: But he was really twenty-two – big mistake.

(Brooke takes her by the arm and drags her away.)

BROOKE: You think that’s funny, don’t you? Wearing my clothes.

(Brooke crosses her arms and so does Rachel.)

RACHEL: Well, I made it. Besides, it’s free advertising.

BROOKE: Oh, really? I thought you charge by the hour(!)

(Brookes continues walking and grabs hold of Haley who’s at the notice board.)


(Haley turns.)


(They walk together.)

BROOKE: I’m officially confirming my room reservation for tonight. Lucas is coming over for his ‘thank you’ for submitting me to Rouge Vogue.

HALEY: You, you do know there are other ways to paying someone, right?

BROOKE: Oh, none so fun.

HALEY: Well, I hope you guys have more fun that I did last night.

BROOKE: Yeah, what caused the Naley Interruptus anyway?

(Haley sighs harshly and indicates the bench so that they can sit down and talk. Both girls sit.)

HALEY: OK,… when Nathan and I slept together, we kind of,… weren’t protected.

(Realisation dawns on Brooke.)

BROOKE: No wonder he was snooping through the bathroom(!) Haley, you’re usually little miss responsible. I am all for the sex part, but I kinda wanna slap you for the lack of protection part.

HALEY: (grinning) Brooke, I know about birth control, OK? My mum sat me down a long time ago and asked me what I was more afraid of getting: herpes or pregnant.

BROOKE: And what’d you say?

HALEY: I said ‘I haven’t even kissed a boy, I’m only seven’.

BROOKE: (impressed) Your mom was progressive.

(Haley looks away. Brooke leans forward.)

BROOKE: You’re not… pregnant, right?

HALEY: No, and I’m on the pill now.

BROOKE: OK, so what’s really the problem?

HALEY: That’s what I said(!)

BROOKE: You told him?

HALEY: Yeah, well hence the walkout.

BROOKE: Well, Haley, what’d you expect? There are deal breakers for seventeen year old boys, even married ones. There’s a time to keep your mouth shut and there’s a time to lie; that was a lie-time.

HALEY: (shakes her head) I don’t wanna lie to my husband.

BROOKE: (frowns) I guess that’s in the vows, huh? I wonder if you knew that when you signed up at the ripe old age of, like, twelve.

HALEY: OK, the point is, I think Nathan thinks that I did this on purpose – like I was trying to trap him into something.

BROOKE: … Did you?

HALEY: Brooke, no.

BROOKE: Look, I’m just saying, if you didn’t stop him then… maybe… somewhere, on some level… it’s what you wanted.

(Haley’s eyebrows draw together and she frowns.)



(Keith is seen walking to the door through the glass. He looks inside, smiles and stops. He opens the door and enters. Karen’s at a table, pouring coffee.)

KEITH: Still got the best cup of coffee in town?

(Karen looks at him and then immediately drops the jug of coffee, eyes wide. She jumps back and looks down before looking back at him with a gasp.)

KEITH: Guess not anymore.

(He walks forward and so does Karen. They hug and laugh.)

KAREN: (delighted) Oh, you shouldn’t have come back! Dan still thinks you tried to k*ll him.

KEITH: (laughs) Yeah. Well, like I told you on the phone; he’s wrong.

(They bend down to pick up the mess she made.)

KAREN: Dan doesn’t care about what’s right or wrong. He cares about winning.

KEITH: Well, don’t worry about that.

(Karen dabs up the spilt coffee with a towel.)

KEITH: I’m gonna see Dan, (she looks back at him) and I’m gonna straighten things out. (pause) He may be the mayor, sorry about that, by the way.

(Karen grins.)

KEITH: But I’m still his big brother.

(They smile at each other for a bit.)

KEITH: You know, I thought about you every day I was gone… and you’re even… prettier than I remembered.

(Karen’s smile widens.)



(Nathan bounces a ball and looks at the hoop while the rest of the team clean up. He gets the ball through the hoop. Lucas catches it and bounces it angrily.)

LUCAS: (looking at Nathan) What,… too good to clean like everybody else?

(He leans on the broom. Nathan watches him unwaveringly.)


LUCAS: What is your problem anyway?!

NATHAN: My problem is you and Whitey are both screwing up my shot at playing college ball. (walks to Lucas)

(Lucas walks forward also and holds out the ball. As Nathan reaches for it, Lucas rethinks and throws it aside, hard.)

LUCAS: What, you think NO ONE else wants to play in college?!

NATHAN: No, I think I’m the only person who needs to! With my grades, if I don’t get a scholarship, I’ll end up playing in gyms for a living.

LUCAS: Yeah, right!

(Whitey spots them.)

WHITEY: (approaching them) Well, well, I see my captains are setting another stellar example.

(Lucas and Nathan continue to glare at each other.)

WHITEY: Get back to work!

(Nathan looks at Whitey, scoffs and turns around. He walks to the exit.)


(Nathan doesn’t answer; he continues walking without a hitch. Whitey looks at Lucas briefly but isn’t spared a glance. Lucas shakes his head and continues sweeping.)



(Dan is sitting at his desk, writing. His door opens and Keith enters. Dan looks up.)

DAN: … Well, well. The booze-hound returns. (leans back in his chair)

(Keith smiles and walks forward.)

DAN: Never thought you’d show your face around Tree Hill again. (pause) I guess you finally grew a pair.

KEITH: Well, I always had a pair, Danny. (smiles) Just ask your wife.

DAN: Hm. Hey, did you ever find Jules? I need an address to send her W2s

KEITH: I, uh, hear you think I tried to k*ll you. (walks forward) Trust me, if I did,… you’d be dead.

DAN: Oh, I doubt it. In fact, the attempt on my life has all the markings of the Keith Scott operation. Starting with the fact it was a failure.

(Keith laughs.)

DAN: You know, (gets out of the chair) I should have run for this office a long time ago; with it’s privileges, I get access to things. For instance -

(He walks to one of the side drawers and pulls the top one open.)

DAN: the official investigation into the dealership fire. It was ruled an accident.

(He takes out a box and walks back behind his desk.)

DAN: (sighs) But I know someone gave me a drugged bottle of scotch that night.

(Dan holds up an evidence bag.)

DAN: So it stands to reason – whoever bought the bottle,… also set the fire.

(Keith smiles and laughs a bit. Dan puts the bag back in the box, takes the TV remote and plays the same tape he played for Karen. The screen switches on and Keith is standing there, the bottle of scotch in front of him on the counter. He’s getting ready to pay for it.)

(Keith nods. Dan turns his head and looks at him.)

DAN: I guess that means you.

(Cut back to the screen as the sales assistant gives Keith his change.)

KEITH: Man buys booze – call the FBI(!)

DAN: I haven’t even started yet.

KEITH: (uncaring) Well, you can’t find something that’s not there, Danny. Like, uh, your heart, for instance.

(Keith walks to the door.)

KEITH: Oh, (looks back, deadly serious) by the way,… (pause) you ever touch Lucas again,… you’ll wish I’d k*lled you.

(Dan stands motionless as Keith exits, looking back once.)

(Focus on Dan’s set face as the door slams off-screen.)




(There’s a shot of the basketball net from underneath as the basketball goes through. Nathan catches it and looks at the ball with a frown. He turns around and walks up the court.)

DAN: (walking up) What the hell is this?! Why doesn’t my key to the front door work?

NATHAN: (walking to him) I changed the locks… and the alarm code so don’t even think about it.

DAN: Funny. Almost as funny as a mother who deserts her son. (pause) At least your father checks in on you. (holds his hand out for the ball)

NATHAN: (passes the ball) Mom’s better off without you. So am I.

DAN: Really? Then why aren’t you at practice?

(Dan throws the ball at the hoop, and as always, it goes in.)

NATHAN: Whitey kicked us out of the Field House. (Dan picks up the ball again) Now we gotta play in that crappy old gym.

DAN: Don’t worry. I’ll get my people to figure out some sort of health code violation.

NATHAN: I don’t even know why you care.

DAN: Because you’re a high calibre player; you deserve the best. (tosses the ball)

(Nathan catches the ball.)

NATHAN: You mean, like, Oak Lake Academy?

(Dan looks down.)

NATHAN: Yeah, mom told me they made an offer and that you kept it a secret from me.

DAN: Ah, it’s nice to see your mother’s still using her mouth. (pause) There’s a reason I didn’t tell you about Oak Lake.

(Nathan scoffs.)

DAN: Listen, if you play there, you’re a small fish in a big pond, but at Tree Hill, you can shine for the scouts and that’s been the plan all along.

NATHAN: Dad, the plan’s not working(!) There are no scouts, not with the way we’re playing.

DAN: I can exert some leverage; get the offer back on the table! It’s not too late!

NATHAN: Dad, that’s not the point. The point is, it should have been my decision, not yours.

DAN: … You’re absolutely right. No one should determine your future but you. Not me, not your mom, not even your wife. (pause) By the way, is it just me or has she put on a little bit of weight?

NATHAN: You’re wrong about Haley. She’s on the pill.

DAN: (laughs) Is that what she told you? Well, it sounds like Deb. Well, you know what they say; we marry our mothers.

(He grins and walks around Nathan.)

DAN: (looking back over his shoulder) And trust me,… don’t take anything for granted.

(Dan leaves and Nathan turns back to his basketball hoop. He misses the shot.)

(He sighs.)



(Karen walks down the steps to Keith who’s fixing her car.)

KAREN: How’s it coming?

(Keith shuts the hood and shrugs.)

KEITH: It’s done.

(Karen smiles and walks to him.)

KEITH: You know, uh,… Andy could’ve probably hired a couple of guys to do this for you. (opens Karen’s door for her)

(Karen smiles.)

KEITH: How is he anyway?

KAREN: Andy? Well, he’s handsome, generous, wealthy.

KEITH: Ah, well, three out of the three ain’t bad.

KAREN: Well, he wasn’t the one for me. (looks at Keith steadily) I travelled half way around the world and figured out that… everything I ever wanted was here all along.

(Keith doesn’t reply.)

KAREN: You know? (smiles)

KEITH: (nods) Yeah, I do. (smiles)

KAREN: (flustered) Well, I should,… get to the café.

(She gets into the car and Keith shuts the door for her.)

KEITH: I’ll see ya.

(She starts the car and drives away. Lucas rounds the corner and watches his mother. As she disappears, he looks at Keith.)

KEITH: When was the last time you gave that car an oil change?

(Lucas winces and Keith picks up a ball.)

LUCAS: I’ve been very busy.

(Keith throws the football at him.)

KEITH: You busy now?

(Lucas catches it and drops his bag.)

KEITH: (somehow ending up with the ball again) So, how was Brooke’s letter of the day?

(Keith throws the ball hard and Lucas catches it.)

LUCAS: Angry. (looks at the ball) Just reminded me of how much I hurt her last time, you know? (throws the ball back)

KEITH: Well, that’s understandable. (pause) You know, you want your relationship to move forward; at some point, you gotta let go of the past. (pause) Start writing a new future (tosses the ball hard)

LUCAS: (catches it again) Wait a second. Are we still talking about Brooke? Or you and mom? (throws the ball equally as hard)

(There’s a loud thud as Keith catches it.)

KEITH: (grinning evilly) Go long.

(Lucas runs and Keith hurls the ball. Lucas runs and watches it. He jumps and catches it before pointing at Keith and throwing it back.)



(Nada Surf are on the stage, singing ‘Concrete Bed’. There’s a large crowd listening.)



(Shot of the wet ground as Peyton and Ellie walk across it.)

PEYTON: So, considering the show’s sold out and we don’t have tickets, how’re we supposed to get in?

ELLIE: Oh, relax. Follow my lead.

(She pulls out her phone and holds it to her ear, pretending to talk to someone.)

ELLIE: (into the phone) No, Maurice, you’re not hearing me, I said room temp water for Matthew.

(Looks at the bouncer.)

ELLIE: (indicating Peyton to him) She’s with me.

(The bouncer reaches over to open the door for her.)

ELLIE: (into the phone) Well tell them to make it right or I’m gonna come down and crack some skulls.

(Ellie and Peyton walk in.)



(Nada Surf are still on the stage, playing.)

(Ellie and Peyton move to the back area and Peyton still can’t believe it.)

PEYTON: OK, how’d you know he wouldn’t stop us?

ELLIE: First rule of a rock tour; nobody knows what anybody else is doing.

(They climb over the barrier.)

(Cut back to the stage and the band continues to perform.)

(Cut back to Peyton and Ellie.)

ELLIE: See that guy down there who’s on two cell phones at one time?

(Peyton looks and sees for herself.)

ELLIE: That’s the band’s manager. Go get him.

PEYTON: (shocked) What?!

ELLIE: I got you in here – the rest is up to you. (turns Peyton back to the manager) You can do this. Go!

(Peyton looks ahead apprehensively. She turns her head to look at Ellie before turning back around and walking to the manager with a nervous smile.)

(Cut to the stage where Nada Surf are still performing.)

(Cut back backstage where the manager is hanging up his phones.)

MANAGER: (into the phone) Look, I gotta go.

PEYTON: (quickly) Excuse me, my name’s Peyton Sawyer. (he looks at her) Um,… I-I work a lot of bands for the club I work for; like, you know, Jimmy Eat World, and I’ve gotten Fall Out Boy and.. and now I’m putting together this compilation CD.

MANAGER: That sounds cool, but the label doesn’t like the band to compete against themselves, you know? Record sales.

PEYTON: OK, but,… this would actually be really good for the band coz all the proceeds are gonna go towards breast cancer research. (he looks at her) And, besides, when have you guys cared about the label anyway, right? (grins)

(The manager looks to the side where he can see the band on the stage.)

PEYTON: The band has a history of following their hearts and their own creative instincts. I mean, look at their second album, when the label wouldn’t release The Proximity Effect you guys just… you know, you put it out yourself and you were right, it was a great album.

MANAGER: Benefit album, huh?

(Peyton nods, her expression hopeful.)

MANAGER: Alright. I’ll talk to the guys. No promises.

(Peyton accepts that and nods, smiling.)

(Cut back to the stage Nada Surf finishes the song and the crowd cheer.)



(Brooke opens the door to Lucas and her box. He hands her letters over.)

BROOKE: (taking it with a smile) You may enter.

(Lucas walks in and pushes the door slightly. Nathan walks up and stops it from shutting.)

NATHAN: (peeking in) Is Haley home?

BROOKE: (walking to the bedroom with Lucas) You mean the Haley that promised to get the hell outta here?

(Nathan shuts the door. Lucas sighs and turns.)

LUCAS: Whitey told me to tell you to get your butt back to practice.

NATHAN: Tell Whitey I’ll be back when it’s practice – not spring cleaning.

(Lucas opens the door, Brooke walks in and Lucas scoffs at his brother; shaking his head.)

HALEY: (from inside the room) Wh-!

(She’s shoved out of the door. It slams behind her and she sighs, looking at Nathan.)

NATHAN: Did you think about it? Having a baby to stay together?

(Haley glares at him before closing her eyes on it. She sighs and shakes her head slightly. Laughing to herself, she walks forward.)

HALEY: Nathan, I am seventeen years old; we’re still in high school; you and I are totally in limbo. (opens the fridge door) No, I don’t want a baby.

(She grabs a bottle and shuts the door.)

NATHAN: You knew you weren’t protected that night.

HALEY: Well, first of all, it takes two; guy without a condom. Second, the only thing that I was thinking about that night was being with my husband. The fact that you think I was trying to trap you into something is really insulting. (opens the bottle)

NATHAN: Then why’d you go off birth control?

HALEY: (annoyed) Because I was on tour and you weren’t with me, and contrary to what you were thinking, I wasn’t sleeping with Chris Keller!



(Brooke and Lucas are making out on the bed.)

LUCAS: You know, (thinks) I just promised myself the next time I had sex, that I’d be in love.

(Brooke looks at him steadily. Lucas looks away.)

LUCAS: (looking back) Well I guess it’s a good thing I’m in love. (kisses her)


(She laughs and falls on top of him on the bed. She starts to unbutton his shirt. Nathan can be heard through the door.)

NATHAN: (o.s) I never said that!

(Brooke and Lucas stop and look towards the closed door.)

NATHAN: (o.s) You still should’ve told me, Haley.

HALEY: (o.s) Told you what?! That when you have sex, (Lucas groans and drops his head back) there’s a risk of pregnancy?!

(Lucas winces and Brooke stops the unbuttoning, patting him lightly on the chest.)

NATHAN: (o.s) Haley, I know!

(Brooke and Lucas get off the bed.)



(Nathan and Haley are having a heated argument.)

HALEY: You should have told me that having sex turns you into an ass!

NATHAN: Haley, what if something would’ve happened,… huh? That would’ve changed our lives forever!

HALEY: Like what, marriage?!



(Lucas and Brooke have their ears pressed against the door, eavesdropping.)

BROOKE: Ohhh, she’s good(!)



NATHAN: I know we’re married. I’m talking about basketball, my career.

HALEY: Oh, OK, so let me get this straight: you’re the one with goals and dreams and the only thing I want, apparently, is you back!

(Nathan puts a hand to his head and looks down.)

HALEY: I’m not that desperate, Nathan.



LUCAS: Sounds about right.

BROOKE: (frowning) I know.

(Nathan and Haley continue to yell at each other.)

BROOKE: Makes me feel like I’m still living at home with my parents. Without the… drinking and the death threats.



HALEY: And if you’re so worried about it then-then why didn’t you stop us that night. It’s just as much your responsibility as it is mine!

NATHAN: You’re right; it is my responsibility. (pause) Let me see the pills.

(Haley looks at him for a beat before sighing and walking around the counter.)

HALEY: I can not believe you still don’t believe me(!)

(She rummages through her bag and pulls out the tub.)

HALEY: Here! (holds them out to him and slams them into his chest) Take em! (tearfully) I don’t need them anymore.

(She turns and walks to the door.)

NATHAN: Haley!

(She opens the door and turns back.)

HALEY: Your future as a basketball player is totally secure; you’re future as my husband, not so much! (slams the door)

(Nathan looks at the door regretfully.)





(The front door slams off-screen)

LUCAS: (o.s) Second door slam – you think they’re gone?

(Pan right to show Lucas and Brooke sitting on the floor, leaning against the foot of her bed. Brooke looks at him.)

BROOKE: Unless she’s coming back to k*ll him.

(Lucas laughs.)

BROOKE: (pouting) I just wanted to have a special night with you to thank you for getting me into Rouge Vogue.

(Lucas looks at her and his eyebrows crease. He looks at her, completely lost.)

LUCAS: What’s Rogue Vogue?

BROOKE: That fashion show in New York. (grinning) Hello, I know you sent my application in.

(Lucas turns away from her and thinks. It’s obvious that this is the first time he’s heard of it.)

BROOKE: … Unless you didn’t.

(Lucas doesn’t reply.)

BROOKE: But if it wasn’t you, who else would it be?

LUCAS: I wish it was me. It sounds pretty cool. I should know you well enough to do something like that.

BROOKE: (distracted) Well, don’t feel bad – I guess I’m not exactly encyclopaedia Luketannica – I thought it was you.

LUCAS: You know, if you wanna get to know each other better, we could always talk about those letters. (looks at her)

BROOKE: Or, we could cut out my heart and you could stomp on it(!)

(Lucas laughs.)

BROOKE: Luke, it’s embarrassing, you were never meant to read those.

LUCAS: Brooke,… I love (looks at the box on her bed) those letters. The girl in them is so open and honest.

BROOKE: I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to get naked one way and not the other.

LUCAS: I do. (pause) I hurt you pretty bad.

(Brooke smiles and nods.)

LUCAS: I’m not gonna do it again.

(Brooke smiles and kisses him. She takes a deep breath and pulls the box down from on top of the bed. She puts it on his lap and lets the breath out. He looks at her hard, eyebrows drawn.)

LUCAS: You’re sure?

BROOKE: (nods) Um-hm.

(Lucas smiles and she puts her hand on his.)



(Peyton’s car drives up.)

ELLIE: (o.s) Peyton, you were great back there.

(Shot cuts inside the car where Ellie is sitting, looking at Peyton.)

ELLIE: Whatever happens, you should be really proud.

(Peyton nods, barely proud at all. Ellie smiles to herself.)

ELLIE: Your mom would be too.

(Peyton spares her a glance as she drives.)

PEYTON: Thanks.

ELLIE: She was great – she’s the reason I picked your parents to be your parents.

(Peyton listens.)

ELLIE: Day you were born,… was fourteen hours of labour. You kicked through the whole third trimester but then you didn’t wanna come out.

(Peyton smiles.)

ELLIE: You were stubborn even back then. (pause) When you finally did,… the nurses took you away; that was the policy of adoption.

(Peyton nods sadly.)

ELLIE: But your mom was there… and she bought you back to me. (pause) She wanted us to spend some time together. (Peyton doesn’t speak) She was kind.

PEYTON: (hesitates) Can I ask you about the cancer?

ELLIE: (thinks) Never had the surgery. I had chemo… it made me really sick… but the cancer went away… (nods) for a while.

PEYTON: (tentatively) So what’re you doing now?

ELLIE: (smiles) I’m spending time with you.

(Peyton’s phone rings and she looks down at it. She frowns at the screen – completely taking her eyes off the road – and answers it.)

PEYTON: Hello?

(She listens.)

PEYTON: Seriously?! (pause) No, you-you won’t regret it. No, I promise. (listens) OK. Thank you so much(!) (nods) OK, bye.

(She hangs up the phone and waits a beat before looking at Ellie.)

PEYTON: (silently pleased) Nada Surf is in.

(Ellie yells happily.)

ELLIE: Yeah!

(Cut back outside as Peyton’s car zooms past.)



(Nathan is outside again, playing basketball by himself. He gets the ball through the basket repeatedly. Lucas slowly walks up to him. Nathan grabs the ball after getting it through the hoop again and turns around. He spots his brother.)

NATHAN: If you’re here to get me back in that gym, you can forget about it.

(Lucas doesn’t say anything, he just nods slightly. Nathan looks away uncomfortably.)

LUCAS: I heard your… fight with Haley last night.

NATHAN: (annoyed) Why don’t you stop interfering with things that you know nothing about?

LUCAS: (breathes deeply) You know Brooke and I had a pregnancy scare? (looks at Nathan hard) Yeah, your future flashes in front of your eyes; (Nathan looks down) everything you’ve always planned on… changes… and for a second… it puts you in Dan’s shoes.

(Nathan doesn’t reply and Lucas waits a beat before continuing.)

LUCAS: The team needs you back, Nate. You know, you and I aren’t the only ones with futures riding on this season. You know, but if we get a streak going,… if we take a run at state, these guys will feel what’s it’s like to win and that’s something that they will strive for long after high school basketball’s over.

(Nathan keeps quiet but bounces that basketball once – hard. Lucas shrugs.)

LUCAS: Think about it.

(Lucas walks away. Nathan bounces the ball again)



(Lucas is standing at the broken basketball hoop. He straightens it and Whitey holds out a tool to him. Lucas takes it. The door opens and Dan enters.)

WHITEY: (glaring at Dan but addressing the team) Thought I told you boys to k*ll all the cockroaches.

DAN: Whitey, you’re practically begging me to come in and take this team away from you.

WHITEY: Well, since you’ve lost every game you’ve coached, it’d be a perfect match. (smirks)

DAN: Go ahead, make jokes. I hope you’re laughing when Nathan transfers.

(The door opens a second time.)

DAN: Coz I made a few calls and we’re outta here.

(Nathan enters.)

DAN: You really think he’d play in a crap-hole like this?

(Dan turns and looks at Nathan.)

DAN: Come on, son, time to go.

(Nathan looks at Lucas, Whitey and finally Dan.)

NATHAN: For you maybe.

(Dan stops on his way to the exit and looks at Nathan. Nathan spares another glance at Whitey. Whitey laughs at Dan.)

WHITEY: Get outta my crap-hole, Danny.

(Nathan smiles at Whitey and he returns it with a discreet wink. Dan catches it but follows commands and exits. Nathan turns and starts painting the wall a dark blue. Cut to Lucas at the hoop with his spanner. He grins amusedly.)





(Karen and Keith are sat at the counter, smiling.)

KAREN: You know, I shoulda told you about Jules when I found out.

KEITH: Nah, (shakes his head) isn’t your fault.

KAREN: We shouldn’t have secrets.

(Keith lowers his mug and nods.)

KAREN: I saw you the day of the fire – across the street. Didn’t I?

(Keith hesitates and doesn’t meet her eyes. He looks back down at the counter.)

KAREN: Why were you here that day?

KEITH: … Well, I, um,… I came back to see you… and… (shakes his head) then I heard that, uh,… you were on your way to New Zealand to be with Andy… and so I, uh, did something I hadn’t done for a long time… I had a drink. (looks at her and nods) Then I had a few more.

KAREN: Is that why you were buying the liquor?

(Keith nods.)

KAREN: The one that Dan thinks is some kind of evidence? (laughs nervously)

KEITH: Yeah. (nods) After that, everything just… spun outta control. And that’s where… Dan’s half right.

(Keith looks up at Karen.)

KEITH: You know, I was in a drunken haze and… I did have a broken heart… and I wanted revenge.

(Karen looks away, upset. Keith shakes his head.)

KEITH: So, all my problems pointed right toward Dan Scott. (pause) And so I, uh,… decided to k*ll him.

(Karen looks at him sharply.)

KEITH: But, I didn’t do it.

KAREN: What stopped you?

(Keith turns away from her and faces forward. He exhales harshly.)

KEITH: Deb. (nods)

(Shot pans down to his mug as he holds it.)



(Close-up of a glass. The alcohol’s almost gone. Keith drinks most of it and sets it on the bedside table. There is a very shiny, silver g*n in the table. Keith gets off the bed and walks to more bottles of alcohol on the table in the middle of the room. There’s a knock on the door. He looks at it and it opens to Deb.)

DEB: (shocked) What’re you doing?!

KEITH: First, I’m gonna k*ll this bottle of scotch and then I’m… (looks at the bottle after uncorking it and laughs) gonna k*ll my brother.

(Deb takes her bag off her shoulder. Close-up of the g*n as Deb grabs it off the table. She stuffs it into the bag.)

DEB: I can’t let you do this, Keith. (turns to look at him) You’re better than this.

KEITH: It’s the only way. He’ll never stop, Deb.

DEB: This is not your w*r.

KEITH: You know, (walks to her) Nathan’s next, Deb. (pause) Nathan’s next.

(Deb looks away, fraught, as she understands that he’s right.)




KEITH: (turns to Karen) She, uh,… (sighs hard) she came back later that night.



(Deb frantically shakes Keith awake from his sleep. He turns to look at her.)

DEB: Wake up! Wake up! (sobbing) Dan’s in the hospital. He’s been burned.

KEITH: (tired) What’re you talking about?

DEB: Like you said; it was the only way.

(Keith sits up in bed.)

KEITH: (quickly understanding) Deb, what’d you do?

DEB: It wasn’t your w*r, Keith(!) It was mine.



(Deb walks into the office and sees Dan there, struggling.)

DEB: (v.o) I drugged him

(There’s a chink of the lighter being flicked on. Close-up of it as the flame jumps to life.)

DEB: (v.o) I set the dealership on fire.

(Deb throws the lighter onto the alcohol and the fire spreads quickly.)

(Cut outside where the flames burst through the glass window of Dan’s office.)



(Deb looks at him desperately.)

DEB: But, somehow, he got out. He’s alive(!)

KEITH: Did-did Dan see you?

(Deb sighs, she doesn’t know.)

KEITH: Did anyone see you?

DEB: No, I don’t think he remembers. Oh god, what should I do?

KEITH: They’ll-they’ll think it was an accident. (pause) Just, uh, just let it go, Deb.

(He touches her face.)

KEITH: I’ll leave town again and we’ll… we’ll both pretend nothing ever happened. (pause) OK?!




(Karen is looking away, trying to digest it all.)

KAREN: It was Deb! (pause) She did it.

(Keith sighs and nods.)

KAREN: (looks at him) You’re talking about m*rder! I-I-I can’t believe that Deb would do this and that you would help her get away with it(!)

KEITH: Deb’s been in prison. (pause) Seventeen years with Dan. I mean, she’s done her time.

KAREN: (shakes her head) I don’t know what to say.

KEITH: Look, I know this is hard to take. (pause) I’ve made a lotta mistakes in my life but I can honestly say… that giving Deb a second chance isn’t one of them.

(Karen frowns at him, unsure if she can accept that.)





(Close-up of the newly varnished court floor. Shot pans across it to Lucas and Nathan who are standing in the center of the well-cleaned gym.)

LUCAS: (looking around) Cleans up… pretty well.

(Nathan looks at him.)

NATHAN: It’s still a pit.

(Lucas laughs and Nathan snatches the basketball that Lucas’ holding.)

NATHAN: Let’s see how it plays. (smiles)

LUCAS: (shrugs) Alright.

(Nathan bounces the ball and Lucas advances on him, forcing him into the side corner of the gym. Lucas manages to easily grab the ball off him. Nathan looks at him, wordlessly.)

LUCAS: (whistles) You wanna know how I did that?

NATHAN: (grinning) Luck?

(Lucas laughs and walks to him. He holds the ball out to the spot where he and Nathan were standing when he stole it. He drops the ball. It doesn’t bounce properly and stays exactly in place before stopping.)

LUCAS: It’s a dead-spot. I forced you into it. I found it when I was sweeping the floor. (bends and picks the ball up)

(Nathan smiles at it and nods.)

NATHAN: Just like the old Boston Garden.

LUCAS: And the Rivercourt. (looks at the ball) You see, I know every square inch of that black-top. It gives me an edge.

NATHAN: It didn’t last time.

(Lucas laughs.)

LUCAS: Just think about it – we map out this entire court, use it to our advantage,… it’s like the ultimate six-man.

(Nathan considers and looks at Lucas.)



(Close-up of Peyton’s closet door. It’s painted black and red and is headed: ‘Bands We Have’. The names written under it are ‘Strays Don’t Sleep’, ‘Nada Surf’ and ‘Jimmy Eat World’.)

HALEY: (looking at the door) Peyton, you got these bands to play on the CD? That’s incredible!

PEYTON: Yeah, well, we still have a few slots to fill.

(Peyton joins Haley at the door.)

PEYTON: In fact, we’re expecting an answer from one musician a day.

HALEY: Who’s that?

PEYTON: (grinning) Haley James-Scott.

(Haley smiles.)

PEYTON: Whaddaya say?

HALEY: I say hell yes! (laughs)

PEYTON: Alright. (writes Haley’s name on the door)

(Haley smiles.)



(Karen is sitting on the swing chair alone. Lucas walks up the steps and stops when he spots her.)

LUCAS: Hey, ma.

(She looks at him.)

LUCAS: (walking to her) Everything OK?

KAREN: Not for you.

(He frowns at her and sits beside her.)

KAREN: Skills called looking for you the other night.

(Lucas winces.)

KAREN: Hmmm… you could at least do me the courtesy of tightening your own alibi before you decide to check into hotel Brooke.

(Lucas looks down.)

KAREN: You are almost eighteen years old and I am almost thirty-six years old. Now, if you do the math, I think it’s pretty obvious what my concerns are.

LUCAS: Mom, we didn’t do that.


LUCAS: We’re being careful – more careful than you know.

KAREN: It’s more than being careful with a chemistry, Lucas. (pause) It’s about being careful with your heart.

LUCAS: Like you are with Keith? (she doesn’t answer) Look, I know… you’re right mom, and I get it. (pause) But,… I mean, if you’re always looking for reasons not to be with somebody… you always find them. (pause) And I guess, at some point, maybe you should… let go and… give your heart what it deserves.

(Karen smiles at him.)



(Nathan walks past the huge sign at the entrance to the school. Haley’s sitting at a table, working. He walks around her and sits down.)


(She looks at him.)

NATHAN: I’m sorry,… Haley. We lost two games and my dad was making me crazy.

HALEY: You know, I am… really sick of hearing you say that. (pause) Here’s an idea – if you don’t wanna be like Dan, don’t. I don’t know what hurts worse, Nathan – that you think I was trying to trick you into having a baby with me or that having one with me is, like, your worst nightmare.

NATHAN: It’s not like that… alright? I’m just not ready for-

HALEY: Of course not, neither am I(!) I would like to think that if something happened—

(They continue to talk.)



(Brooke is sitting on her bed, reading the Rogue Vogue brochure. She looks at the letter and grins before reaching into the transparent folder and pulling out pictures of her designs. She gets to the picture of her red dress and her smile falters. The shot half fades and Rachel, in Brooke’s dress, merges into the shot. The scene’s silent as Rachel talks to Brooke and shrugs.)

(Brooke looks sideways, open mouthed. Her eyes narrow and she looks back at the picture.)



(Ellie scrawls ‘Fall Out Boy’ across her door.)

ELLIE: Fall Out Boy is in! (looks back at Peyton) How great is that?

(Peyton’s on her bed, on her stomach, looking off sadly. Ellie walks away from the door.)

ELLIE: And you should be bouncing off your artistically angry walls.

(Ellie gets on the bed too.)

ELLIE: Aren’t you excited?

PEYTON: Yeah, I am, but… I want you to be here when the album comes out.

ELLIE: (puts a hand to Peyton’s head) I will be here, Peyton. (nods) I promise.

(Peyton smiles but can’t believe her.)



(Brooke walks up and looks to the notice board. Rachel is sitting beside it, writing. Brooke walks to her.)

BROOKE: It was you, wasn’t it? (pause) The dress I designed. (pause) The one you made. It got me into Rouge Vogue. (pause) Why’d you do it?

RACHEL: You know the winner’s almost guaranteed an offer to design their own line.

BROOKE: Yeah! (pause) But why would you help me?

RACHEL: (sighs) Because… despite issues of quality control, your clothes are good. (nods)

(Brooke looks at her confusedly.)

RACHEL: But if you’re afraid to go-

BROOKE: Oh no, I’m gonna go… and I’m gonna win.

(Brooke shrugs.)

BROOKE: So, thanks, I guess.

(Brooke walks away and Rachel smiles to herself, none too kindly.)

RACHEL: No, thank you.



(Lucas stands in front of the mail box, looking at the letter he has written to Brooke. He turns it around. On the back, he’s written ‘LETTER #1 PLEASE DO NOT BURN’. With a smile, he posts it.)



(Keith knocks on the door. Karen opens it and steps out.)

KEITH: (smiles) Hi. I’m glad you called.

KAREN: I have something to say.

(Keith waits and Karen takes a deep breath.)

KAREN: We’ve known each other a long time… and every time that we have gotten close, I have been… stubborn and scared and have found ways to let things get between us. And I… I-I can’t let that happen again.

(She kisses him. They let go, she smiles and they kiss again.)

(Blue flashing lights glance off them and fill the screen. Two cops walk up the steps.)

COP1: Keith Scott?

(Karen and Keith break apart and look at the cops.)

KEITH: (confused) Yeah?

COP1: Put your hands behind your head.

(The second cop aims a g*n at Keith. Keith does as he’s told.)

KEITH: What the hell is this?!

COP1: (stands behind Keith) You’re under arrest for the attempted m*rder of Dan Scott.

(Keith closes his eyes and exhales.)

COP1: (handcuffs Keith) You have the right to remain silent.

(Keith doesn’t speak.)

COP1: Anything you do say can be used against you.

(The cop continues to spout of his speech as he leads Keith away. Karen’s lost, not knowing what to do. The cops put him into the car. Shot pans left to another cop who grins and turns around. Dan is parked well behind and nods at the cop. Karen sees him and steps forward, angry. Dan smirks at her and continues to nod.)

(The shot zooms in on Karen’s fuming face before cutting back to Dan’s evil expression.)