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03x14 - All Tomorrow's Parties

Posted: 02/21/06 21:20
by bunniefuu

LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(Haley turns around, smiling. Brooke is sitting at the counter, reading a letter she has just received.)

BROOKE: (shocked) Congratulations, your designs have been selected to appear at this years Rogue Vogue showcase(!)

(She looks at Haley in wonder. Haley walks to the counter.)

BROOKE: It’s, like, a competition for emerging fashion designers; in New York(!)



(Brooke confronts Rachel who is trying to take over her squad. Rachel and the team have been practicing routines without Brooke.)

BROOKE: It is my job to come up with a routine for the tournament!

RACHEL: The tournament’s the same weekend as Rouge Vogue. (smirks) You’ll be in New York City.



(Karen and Keith are sitting on the couch while the storm rages outside.)

KAREN: You made me realise I was ready for you.

(They kiss.)



(Lucas and Brooke resolve their problems in the storm.)

LUCAS: Coz I love you, Brooke. I wanna be with you, not Peyton.

(Brooke kisses him.)



PEYTON: (crying) I need you to talk to me about your cancer(!)

ELLIE: (smiles) It’s OK.

PEYTON: (sadly) No, it’s not OK(!)



(Ellie lies across her bed. She’s pale and clearly on her last legs. She sighs one last time before closing her eyes.)

PEYTON: (v.o) Ellie!?



(Peyton walks into the room holding her bag and the box of their benefit CDs. She sees Ellie’s arm, hanging out over the edge of the bed. She stops and stares. The box falls out of her hands and hit the floor; scattering the CDs.)

(Peyton cries hard as she sees Ellie lying there.)






(The camera pans down to the road. A few cars are driving past – including a big purple one.)

PEYTON: (v.o) I read a poem once… about a girl who had a crush on a guy who died. She imagined him up in heaven with all the beautiful angels… and she was jealous.

(The car drives past and the shot zooms lower.)

PEYTON: (v.o) Ellie is gone. (pause) I imagine her with all the badass angels now. Hanging out with them in their black leather jackets – causing trouble.

(The shot pans down to the front passenger seat window. Peyton is sitting there, daydreaming. Brooke is driving.)

PEYTON: (v.o) But I’m not jealous. (pause) I just… miss her.

(Brooke looks at her slowly.)

BROOKE: You ready to talk about her, yet?

PEYTON: (looks back) … I’m dealing with Ellie’s death the way she woulda wanted me to; by really living life. (pause) And what better way than road-tripping to New York in this… sweet ride and… (Brooke grins) and then hopping on a plane, nine hours later, and flying to Charlotte.

(Brooke laughs and pats her knee.)

PEYTON: (smiling) Ellie would’ve loved it.

BROOKE: And Rachel is gonna hate it. Win, win! Are we on schedule, navigation girl?!

(Brooke looks into her rear-view mirror. Haley sits up from the back seat.)

HALEY: Well, (coughs) yeah, except that, uh, we promised to switch seats once we hit Pennsylvania.

BROOKE: Hmmm,… so, James-Scott, what’re you more excited about? The fashion show or the cheerleading competition?

HALEY: Uh,… sharing a hotel room with Nathan.

(Brooke laughs.)

PEYTON: (groans) Erugh, you a so Brooke’s roommate!

HALEY: Whatever! Oh, slug bug! (punches Peyton on the arm)

PEYTON: (holding her arm) OW!

(Brooke laughs more. Peyton looks out of the window and sees an old VW Beetle driving beside them. Haley laughs and Peyton follows suit.)



(Whitey is standing in front of the team, half yelling.)

WHITEY: This year’s classic will not be a repeat of last year’s debauchery. There’ll be an eleven o’clock curfew. That means… there’ll be not late-night hot tubbing,… no spinning the bottle,-

(The players and cheerleaders are practically ignoring him as he walks up the middle of the bus.)

WHITEY: -no truthing or daring. And that includes the chaperones.

(He comes to a stop at the back where Karen and Keith are making out. They separate and look at him guiltily. The other people on the bus make noise. Whitey rolls his eyes and shakes his head.)

(Cut to Nathan and Lucas who are smiling embarrassedly.)

NATHAN: Your mom playing grab-ass on the bus isn’t as humiliating as Dan assaulting me in the locker room.

LUCAS: Yeah, where is Dan?

NATHAN: Official Mayor stuff in Tree Hill. He’s probably planning an invasion of Rawley.

LUCAS: Ohh, more pressure off you than.

NATHAN: Actually, I play better when Dan’s there.

LUCAS: What, some kind of twisted good luck charm?

NATHAN: (shakes his head) No, more like a g*n to the head.

(They laugh.)



(Close-up of the radio as Brooke fiddles with it. The shot pans across to her.)

BROOKE: OK, my turn. Oh, wise radio, what is gonna happen to me in New York at the Rogue Vogue fashion show?

HALEY: That was the first question you asked and you can’t ask the same question twice.

BROOKE: Well, I didn’t like my answer and it’s not like only one thing can happen at a fashion show.

PEYTON: Yeah, but it defeats the purpose of the radio game. It’s like magic eight ball; you have to take the first answer you get.

HALEY: Yeah, I didn’t get a do-over when the answer to my question: ‘What will happen with me and Nathan’ was ‘Highway to Hell’. OK?

BROOKE: Fine. I will accept that at some point this weekend, someone will pour some sugar on me.

(Haley leans back and laughs.)

BROOKE: My next question is: what is Lucas thinking about?

(She fiddles with the radio again.)

BROOKE: Right… (stops turning the dial) now.

(Torn Between Two Lovers by Mary MacGregor starts to play. Everyone’s spirit dies.)

BROOKE: OK, new game. (turns the radio off)

HALEY: How bout movie quotes?

BROOKE: Great.

HALEY: I’ll go first. Um,… (thinks) ‘if I ever start talking about these as the best days of my life-

(Peyton grins.)

HALEY: -remind me to k*ll myself’.

PEYTON: (points) ‘Dazed and Confused’.

BROOKE: (excitedly) Oh my god, you guys, look!

(All three look ahead as the skyline to New York emerges.)

HALEY: (o.s) Oh! Oh, it’s just like the movies!

BROOKE: Peyton, we need music; plug in the iPod.

(Peyton does.)

PEYTON: Cue the soundtrack.

(She presses play and the music starts. They smile as they look out at New York in awe.)





(Shot of the lobby as people mill around it. The camera pans across to Rachel who is standing before the cheerleaders.)

RACHEL: Alright, girls, one hour to check in. Everyone assembled for practice at three; break at six; final rehearsal, eight-thirty. Lights out at ten.

BEVIN: You know, Brooke was never this strict. She always let us do what we wanted before the competition.

RACHEL: Do I look like Brooke to you? Thank god, no. (turns away)

BEVIN: Well, I don’t feel good. (fake coughs)

(Rachel looks at her, annoyed.)

BEVIN: I’m gonna go try squeeze in a nap.

(The rest of the cheerleaders follow Bevin and Rachel gives up.)



(Brooke, Peyton and Haley walk into the area in awe.)

BROOKE: Howww, stinkin’ great is this?(!) Well, thanks for coming with me, team.


(Models walk down the catwalk, rehearsing for later. Camera pans to a woman holding a clipboard.)

WOMAN: Guys, guys, this is Rogue Vogue, not prom. Would you please, please get rid of those astounding, repulsive streamers before I hang you by them?

(Brooke walks up to the stage where the woman is standing and smiles.)


WOMAN: (fake) Hi. (turns away)

BROOKE: (rushing forward) Excuse me, I’m Brooke Davis and I just wanted to check on my time. I have a little bit of a schedule crunch coz we’re trying to hop a flight tonight back to North Carolina for a cheerleading competition tomorrow. (smiles at Peyton and Haley) My two best friends drove down with me (they wave) and I’m in love with them for it. But, we wanted to fly back together-

WOMAN: (turns and cuts her off) The schedule has changed.

BROOKE: (beat) OK, good change or bad change?

WOMAN: (consults her list) Your clothes aren’t shown until tomorrow. (smirks)

BROOKE: That’s a bad change.

WOMAN: (cattily) Yeah, looks like you have a cheersion to make.

(Brooke gapes after her. Peyton frowns and Haley looks at Brooke worriedly.)






(Brooke, Haley and Peyton are sitting on the end of the stage. Haley and Peyton are watching Brooke.)

BROOKE: I can not believe that director lady; I hate her. (Peyton grins) She was wearing white when it’s way after Veterans Day.

HALEY: (instantly) Labour day.

BROOKE: Whatever, almanac girl. (pause) You guys, what am I gonna do? Can you get me a radio so I can make up my mind?

PEYTON: OK, Donatella, get yourself together. (grins)

(Brooke looks at her in disgust.)

PEYTON: You’ve never worked so hard at anything in your life except your fake ID.

(Brooke smiles and Haley laughs.)

PEYTON: (nudges her) It’s you big chance!

(Brooke smiles sadly and nods.)

BROOKE: (whispers) Yeah. (beat) You guys should go without me.

HALEY: Are you sure?

(Brooke looks at Peyton and then Haley, nodding.)

BROOKE: Yeah. Peyton’s right. (smiles at Peyton) It’s my big shot. (pats their knees) So… (takes a deep breath) just go before I change my mind.

(She laughs. Peyton leans sideways and hugs Brooke. Haley does the same.)

HALEY: Have fun(!)

PEYTON: Good luck.

(Peyton and Haley pull back and stand. They wave goodbye and leave Brooke sitting there on the stage. Brooke watches them walk away apprehensively. She takes deep breaths as she’s left in the room on her own.)



(Keith opens the door and he and Karen enter. He looks in and sees the luxury basket he’s put on the bed and the champagne on the table. He looks back at Karen and smiles.)

KAREN: (seeing) Oh,… well,… Keith. (laughs)

(She looks around at the room and smiles.)


(She looks at the huge array of flowers on the table.)

KAREN: Those are gorgeous.

KEITH: (smiles happily) Look, and you should see the view. (points to the window)

(She looks at the window.)

KEITH: Oh, and the bathroom, it comes with a-with one-

(There’s a sound of flushing from the bathroom and Keith turns his head to look at the doorway. Whitey exits, zipping up his fly. He grins at them.)

KEITH: (more to himself) Crusty old man?

WHITEY: Oh, that Jacuzzi’s gonna do wonders for my back.

(Whitey walks to the bed and drops his newspaper. He sits on the bed.)

KEITH: (eternally confused) Whitey, what’re you doing in our room?

WHITEY: (looks up) Don’t you mean our room?

(He indicates himself and Keith. Keith doesn’t respond.)

WHITEY: Oh, the two of you shacked up together in sin; that’s a bad example to the children, (looks into the basket) you oughta be ashamed of yourselves.

KAREN: But, um,…

WHTEY: Well, don’t worry, Karen. I’ll take good care of him.

(He picks out a box from the basket and looks at it.)

WHITEY: (opens the box) Well, what’ve we got here? (grins)

(He takes out a chocolate.)

WHITEY: Mmmm, (grins broadly) truffles! (pause) Isn’t that romantic?(!) (eyes Keith)

(Keith smiles and nods. Both of them watch him stoically. Keith looks at Karen and Whitey laughs.)



(Nathan and Lucas walk into their room and Nathan shuts the door. They look up and see that their room only has a queen-sized bed. Lucas groans. Nathan whistles. Lucas sighs. Wordlessly, Lucas and Nathan play rock-paper-scissors. They stop, Lucas holds out paper and Nathan holds out rock.)

(Lucas pats Nathan’s clenched fist. Nathan sighs.)

LUCAS: (walking forward) Paper covers rock(!)

NATHAN: Two outta three?

(Lucas drops his bag on the floor and falls onto the bed with a groan. That’s answer enough. There’s a knock on the door. Nathan turns to it.)

TONY BATTLE: Room service.

NATHAN: (not moving to open the door) Wrong room, sorry.

TONY BATTLE: And if you don’t come open up this door before I kick it down?

(Lucas looks at Nathan and the door. Nathan waits a beat before walking to the door. He opens it to Tony Battle, his friend from High Flyers.)

NATHAN: (grins and slaps hands with him. They hug) Tony Battle, what’re you doing here, man?

TONY BATTLE: (stepping back) I live in the town next over, man. So now, I’m gonna beat your ass in the tournament, not just one-on-one.

(Lucas is just watching the exchange from the bed.)

NATHAN: (looks back a beat) Well hey, man, this is Lucas.

TONY BATTLE: Oh, what’s up, man? Heard about you. Jump sh**t, right? Then you were seeing this girl – lied about it?

LUCAS: (laughs to himself) God(!)

TONY BATTLE: (laughs) So, I know you’re all down to kick it tonight, right?

NATHAN: Uh,… I don’t know if we can do a wild night, man. We got a curfew.

TONY BATTLE: OK, cool, so then we’ll make it an early wild night. Get your stuff, let’s roll.

(Nathan glances back at his brother. Tony urges Lucas to come along.)



(A cheerleader walks down the corridor with purpose. She’s holding a key card in her right hand. She inserts it into the lock of one of the doors; it doesn’t work so she knocks.)

CHEERLEADER: Bevin, let me in.

BEVIN: (opens the door looking well) I can’t. I have an enormous fever – you’re gonna have to stay with someone else.

(Bevin tosses the girl’s bag at her. The cheerleader frowns, confused as Bevin shuts the door in her face and turns back into the room. She grins and walks to the bed.)

BEVIN: Thanks for driving up for the weekend.

(Skills is sitting on the bed, smiling.)

SKILLS: Damn, baby, you look hot.

BEVIN: Oh, no I don’t really have a fever. That was a lie.

(Skills frowns at her answer. Bevin just continues to smile, not getting it.)



(Models and designers are milling around the backroom. Many of the models are wearing garish clothes. There’s a model wearing a dress with black and white knives, forks and spoons stuck to it. Brooke walks through them, looking and feeling completely out of place.)

(One of the designers back into Brooke and Brooke looks at her; she doesn’t say a word and continues walking with apprehension. She walks to a random person and takes hold of her arm.)

BROOKE: Hi, excuse me. (pulls her away) It’s just a little crazy in here. Um,… I’m looking for the model for my clothes. I’m a designer. My name’s Brooke Davis. I have-

(A girl taps Brooke on the back.)

SOLARIS: I-I’m your model.

(The other woman walks away.)

SOLARIS: (holds out her hand after a beat) Solaris.

BROOKE: (shaking her hand) Solaris. Cool. Um,… sorry, I’m a little overwhelmed. I’m still in high school and this is all really new to me. (grins)

SOLARIS: Oh, I know, everyone here’s like thirty. I’m literally half their age.

BROOKE: (thinking) So you’re,… fifteen? Or just really bad at math, like me?

SOLARIS: (smiles) Both. I’m really bad at math and fifteen.

(Brooke gapes. The girl sitting in front of her looks nothing like a fifteen year old.)

BROOKE: I thought you were, like, twenty-five.

SOLARIS: Yeah, you and every bartender in the city.

BROOKE: (grins wickedly) Nice(!)

(Solaris leans back.)

BROOKE: (self-consciously) I’m really excited that there’s another kid here though. I totally miss my friends already.

SOLARIS: Well, you should be psyched. Your line is so awesome. I would actually wear it.

(Brooke laughs.)

SOLARIS: (looks over Brooke’s shoulder) Like, my friend, Jessica, has to model a shirt made of tacks.

BROOKE: … Ouch. (frowns and looks over her shoulder)

SOLARIS: Do you have plans tonight?

(Brooke shakes her head.)

SOLARIS: Well you do now.

(Brooke’s smile widens.)

SOLARIS: Get ready for a wild night, designer Brooke.

(Brooke looks at her speechlessly and laughs.)



(Nathan, Lucas and Tony are walking down the road.)

NATHAN: You took me to some wild parties this summer, Battle, but, uh, (laughs) I think you’re outdoing yourself here.

TONY BATTLE: (glances at Nathan briefly as the continue walking) Hey, you’ll see.

(They walk up the drive to the front of a house. The door opens and a young girl of about twelve and a boy of about ten step out.)

AJ: (looks at Nathan) He don’t look like he got game(!)



(The cheerleaders are practicing their routine. Bevin holds her hand out, making an ‘L’ shape with her fingers so she can remember which one is her left hand. Rachel comes up behind her and sighs.)

RACHEL: Bevin, quit making an ‘L’ before you do that move!

BEVIN: It’s the only way I can remember it’s left and not right.

(All the girls stop and watch the commotion.)

RACHEL: (glares) Well stop. It looks like you’re making the loser sign(!) (holds up her own hand)

(Rachel snarks and turns away. Bevin wait a beat before putting her left hand up to her forehead, making the loser sign at Rachel… with the wrong hand. Her former roommate walks up behind Bevin and holds up Bevin’s other hand to her head. Bevin gets it and nods.)

(Cut to the entrance as Haley and Peyton walk in, laughing.)

HALEY: Hey, you guys. I’m sorry we’re late.

(Bevin turns to them, relieved.)

BEVIN: Oh, thank god you guys are here(!) (hugs them) Where’s Brooke?

HALEY: Um,… Brooke got delayed at the fashion show. She’s not coming.

(Rachel is much to delighted by that.)

RACHEL: (smiling) Well, we’ll just have to forge ahead without her. (pause) Alright, team, everyone to your rooms. Let’s get some rest for tomorrow.

BEVIN: (delighted) Gotta rest, so sleepy!

(She backs away. Peyton frowns at Bevin, amused.)


(Bevin grabs her bag and leaves. Haley turns to Peyton.)

HALEY: Oh, hey, um,… gimme a call if you need anything at all. OK?

PEYTON: (nods) Thanks, Haley. I know you’re excited about spending time with Nathan, though, so… don’t worry about me.

HALEY: (backs up, still unsure) OK.

(Haley leaves to, leaving Peyton standing there with only Rachel for company. Rachel walks to her.)

RACHEL: Well, look, um,… (Peyton turns to her) I’m not much of a listener; but I do have some tequila in my room. (smiles and crosses her arms) You interested?

PEYTON: (smiling) Perfect.

(Rachel nods and they walk down to the entrance together.





(Shot of the yellow light before panning down to the people crowding the dance floor. Everyone is dressed in weird clothing. Solaris and Brooke wend their way through the throng, dressed in normal clothes. A woman walks up to Solaris.)

WOMAN: Solaris, I love you. (kisses her cheek)

SOLARIS: You look fantastic. (beat) Oh, (points to Brooke) this is Brooke Davis. I’m modelling her line tomorrow.

WOMAN: Do you have a cigarette?

(Brooke’s smile falls.)

SOLARIS: No, I quit.

WOMAN: Bitch. Love you. (walks away)

(Brooke and Solaris watch her.)

SOLARIS: It’s sad. Ever since she got a rib taken out a year ago and those horrible collagen injections, she’s totally washed up.

(Brooke’s eyebrows raise.)

SOLARIS: (shakes her head and smiles) Cheers(!) (clinks glasses)

(Solaris smiles and Brooke tries her best to return it but she’s rethinking the whole thing. She takes a sip of her drink.)



(Close-up of a slice of lime being cut. Fade to full-shot of Peyton on the bed and Rachel at the table, cutting up the lime.)

PEYTON: Kinda weird. (looks up) Us hanging out.

(Rachel ignores her and continues to cut up the lime.)

PEYTON: Nothing personal, I just never imagined the two of us kicking it.

RACHEL: (beat) We probably have a lot more in common than you think.

(Close-up of Peyton’s stoic face.)

RACHEL: Then again, we’ll probably never get the chance to find out. (pause) I mean, I’m not Brooke’s favourite person and you are.

(Rachel turns to Peyton.)

PEYTON: (smiling) She just doesn’t trust you.

(Rachel walks over with their drinks.)

RACHEL: (eyes narrowed) And you do? (holds out a glass)

PEYTON: (takes it) Not really. I just wanted a drink.

(Rachel smiles and her phone rings. She looks around before walking to it and answering it. She holds it to her ear and waits.)

BEVIN: (through the phone) Hey, it’s Bevin.



(Bevin is standing by the pool, in a dressing gown.)

BEVIN: Peyton’s not in her room right now, unlike me who’s, like, totally asleep. Anyway, if you see her, will you tell her she’s bunking with you?



RACHEL: (confused) What, why?

BEVIN: (through the phone) Because, Haley switched rooms with Lucas so she could be with Nathan.



BEVIN: Now, Lucas is in Peyton’s room because Brooke’s not coming. But of course, we can’t put a girl in with Lucas – especially Peyton-



(Close-up of Rachel’s scheming face.)

BEVIN: (through the phone) So, Lucas goes there; Peyton goes in with you.

(Rachel smirks.)

BEVIN: (through the phone) Chelsea’s staying with Ashley because-



BEVIN: -I’m really sick.

(She coughs forcefully. Skills can be seen on one of the deck chairs on the other side of the pool.)

BEVIN: Long story short, Peyton’s in with you; Lucas is alone in her room.



(Rachel grins evilly.)

RACHEL: OK, yeah, fine. I’ll tell her. Oh, and, uh,… tell Skills hi for me.

(She smirks and hangs up.)

PEYTON: What’s up?

RACEHL: (turns back to Peyton) Oh, Bevin wants me to remind you to bring your flat archer in the morning.

(She bites into a piece of lime, looking completely conniving.)



(Bevin walks to Skills.)

BEVIN: Rachel says ‘hey’. (pause) Wait a minute… oh well. (shuts her phone) You ready for a swim?

(She slips her phone into the pocket of her robe.)

SKILLS: Yeah, the Jacuzzi lookin’ real good.

BEVIN: (pouting) Well, let’s swim first.

SKILLS: (nervous) Nah, I’m-I’m good.

BEVIN: Skills, come on!

(He looks at her apprehensively.)

BEVIN: Oh my god,… do you not know how to swim?

SKILLS: What the hell kinda question is that?! Do I not know how to swim? Coz I’m black, huh? So you think all black people’re just scared of water.

BEVIN: I’m so sorry. Of course you can swim.

SKILLS: Actually, I can’t, but (shrugs) you know.

BEVIN: Well, I’m getting in.

(She unties the robe and takes it off. She’s wearing a blue bathing suit underneath. She puts her hands on her hips and looks at him.)

SKILLS: (nervous) Swimming, huh? (nods)

(Bevin smiles, pleased with herself.)

SKILLS: Well, hell, how hard can it be?

(She laughs and reaches out for his hand. He walks with her.)

SKILLS: Damn, baby, you smell like a candy shop or somethin’.

BEVIN: (getting into the water) Vanilla body spray. Sparkle Classic swag-bag.

SKILLS: (scared) Yeah, but you sure you wanna wash off all that sweetness, baby? I mean, we could go somewhere and just stay dry.

(Bevin rolls her eyes.)

BEVIN: Skills, come on. (walks down further) You have to trust me. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. Do you remember when we saw Titanic?

SKILLS: Um-hm!

BEVIN: I’ll never let you go. (looks back at him)

SKILLS: That’s easy for you to say; coz the girl lived. But the dude; (pause) (scared) his ass drowned.

BEVIN: Come on.

(Skills sighs and swallows hard as he follows her lead.)

BEVIN: (smiling) Come on.

(Skills continues down the steps into the water with a lot of trepidation.)



(Nathan and Lucas are sitting at the dining table with Tony Battle’s family.)

NATHAN: This food looks amazing Mrs. Battle.

MRS. BATTLE: Well, I hope you boys are hungry. If you’re anything like Tony, it’s not gonna be a problem.

(Tony’s dad laughs.)

TONY BATTLE: Mom! (smiles)

(She smiles back. Nathan reaches for the food.)

MRS. BATTLE: Nathan, we say grace in this house.

NATHAN: (pauses) Oh, I’m sorry.

(He lets go of the food and sits back slightly.)


CHUCK BATTLE: (looking at his daughter) Leah, would you like to say grace?

(Leah clasps her hands and closes her eyes.)

LEAH BATTLE: Thank you, dear God,-

(Nathan also closes his eyes and looks down.)

LEAH BATTLE: -for the lasagne… (smirks) thank you also for sending Lucas here-

(Lucas looks sideways ay her, grinning.)

LEAH BATTLE: -and having him sit next to me, because he is really… really fine.

(Leah’s little brother looks up in shock and there is scattered laughter around the table. Chuck laughs.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Nice. That was heartfelt. Let’s eat.

(Everyone laughs. Leah joins in.)

LUCAS: (leans closer to her) Best grace ever.

(Leah grins but doesn’t reply.)

TONY: So. Pops,… I was just telling these guys about how I’m gonna light ‘em up in the Classics tomorrow night.

(Lucas leans back.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Hmm, well, you know who holds the all-time record for points in the Classic.

MRS. BATTLE: Alright, here we go.

NATHAN: (helping himself to food) You played ball, Mr. Battle?

CHUCK BATTLE: Son, I lit ‘em up in high school.

(Tony smiles and nods.)

LUCAS: That’s cool, what happened? (takes some bread)

CHUCK BATTLE: Life happened. (points at Tony) I had this knucklehead.

TONY: (affronted) Hey, man(!)

(Chuck laughs.)

NATHAN: Was it hard – letting go? I mean, wondering what-what might’ve been.

(Lucas looks at Nathan, understanding what he means.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Not really. At a certain point, it’s not about what might’ve been but what might be. On the drive out, you see all those guys hanging out on… street corners, just then and…

(He passes the food to Leah. Leah holds it out reverently to Lucas. Lucas looks down at her.)

CHUCK BATTLE: what might have been-

(His wife cuts him off.)

MRS. BATTLE: Honey, you need me to get you your soapbox or you doing OK from your seat?

(Chuck holds a hand up and laughs.)

MRS. BATTLE: Let’s hear about you two. What’s your father do?

(Nathan’s stuck for words.)

LUCAS: Well, he hangs out with what might have been.

(He passes the food over.)

CHUCK BATTLE: (nods) Well it’s a… it’s a tough thing. But I bet, deep down, he wishes the best for both of you. Good education and uh,… (nods) the hope that you’ll… find your way. (pause) That’s what every father hopes for his child.

(Tony’s little brother looks sceptical.)

AJ: Not yours.

TONY: Whoa, (points and smiles) fall back, little man.

CHUCK BATTLE: My younger son is referring to the father I never knew. But I bet, somewhere out there, he’s thinking the same thing. (beams) That’s what fathers do.

(Lucas looks sceptical too. Nathan considers and looks at his brother.)



(Karen and Keith are sitting at a table, getting ready to eat. Whitey drops a heavy bowling bag on the table and the glasses shake and bang against each other. Karen jerks and looks up at him. Whitey is looking at them with a huge grin.)

WHITEY: You ready to hit the lanes?

KEITH: (confused) Well, uh,… I-I kinda hand plans, Whitey.

(Keith is totally thrown and Whitey’s smile falls fast.)

WHITEY: Oh. (looks down sadly) Disappear for four months and then you can’t find the time to take an old man bowling. (nods)

KEITH: (guiltily to himself) Alright.

(Whitey sighs and continues to look down. Karen looks at him expectantly. She smiles and shrugs.)

KAREN: Go ahead.

(Keith sighs.)

KAREN: You two have a great time.

WHITEY: (smiling) Thanks, Karen.

(Keith sighs again and Whitey walks past the table.)

WHITEY: (to Keith, indicating the bag) Carry that, will you?

(Keith frowns at him before standing. Karen looks away and smiles.)



(A guy called Travis is talking to a random girl. Brooke walks up to him.)

BROOKE: Hey, Travis, have you seen Solaris? I lost her.

TRAVIS: She’s in the VIP room.

BROOKE: No, I was just in there.

TRAVIS: Not that one. The real VIP room.

(Brooke frowns at him. Travis looks sideways.)

TRAVIS: Upstairs.

(Brooke nods and walks away. Brooke walks into the VIP room and sees all the people there. They all look completely out of it. She walks forward cautiously.)

BROOKE: Solaris?

(Brooke steps over people on the floor. She looks into another part of the VIP room.)

BROOK: (nervous) Solaris?

(Solaris is sitting on a couch, unresponsive.)

SOLARIS: (distant) Brooke?

(Brooke sits beside her and Solaris looks up at her.)

BROOKE: (concerned) Are you OK?

SOLARIS: I just… snorted too much ‘H’. I’ll be-I’ll be fine in a minute.

(She smiles at Brooke, completely stoned.)

BROOKE: As in heroin?

(Solaris doesn’t answer. She’s too out of it. Her head falls down slightly. Brooke leans forward, anxious. A guy has come up to them and sat behind Brooke. It’s Travis.)

TRAVIS: (amused) Oh, look,… (smirks) the princess fell off her pony. (laughs)

(A woman walks to them, also stoned.)

BROOKE: (turns to look at Travis) Is she OK?!

TRAVIS: She’s more than OK, sweetie. Trust me.

WOMAN: (touches Solaris’ hair) You’re so pretty.

TRAVIS: (looking down at Brooke) Isn’t she?

(He touches Brooke’s arm.)

BROOKE: (inching away) Oh, hey(!) I’m only seventeen.

TRAVIS: Didn’t know you were so old, sweetie.

(Brooke looks at him, scandalised.)

TRAVIS: Thought you were more Solaris’ age.

BROOKE: (revolted) That’s disgusting!

TRAVIS: (leans down) Watch yourself, little girl. (pause) You’re swimming in the deep end now.

(He tries to touch her again but Brooke aggressively moves away while glaring for all she’s worth. She stands up and rushes away. She continues down the corridor fast, never looking back. When she gets out, she leans against the wall and breathes hard. She looks sideways, depressed.)




(The shot is from inside the fridge as Rachel opens it. Peyton can be seen on the bed, lying on her stomach.)

RACHEL: It’s a nice jacket. I had one like it once that I got from this vintage store but… (takes out orange juice) I left it at this guy’s house one night.

(She stands and shuts the fridge.)

RACHEL: Loved the jacket, hated the guy. (pause) So I never went back for it.

PEYTON: It was my birth mother’s.

RACHEL: (shaking the shaker and frowning) Yeah, I heard about that. Sucks.


(There’s a long pause. Rachel pours the drinks. She turns back and walks to Peyton.)

RACHEL: I’m sorry, I’m not so good with the whole shoulder-to-lean-on thing.

(Peyton smiles.)

PEYTON: You’re in luck, I’m not looking for one.

(Rachel nods.)

PEYTON: I am, on the other hand, looking for another drink. (points at it)

RACHEL: (grinning) Works for me. (hands it over) Try this. I call it Sympathy.

(Peyton raises an eyebrow at her.)

PEYTON: (shrugs) Alright, well, (holds the glass up) here’s to Sympathy.

RACHEL: (clinks glasses) For the Devil.

(Peyton laughs and drinks.)

(There’s a knock on the door off-screen.)



(Karen is in her bathroom, rubbing her hands with lotion. She walks out to open the door.)

KAREN: (playfully) Uh-oh, someone is in trouble.

(She opens the door with a smile to Haley. Her smile falters.)

HALEY: (confused) Why? It’s not even past curfew.

KAREN: (gasps) Oh, Haley, oh,… you know, you’re always such trouble. (laughs nervously)

HALEY: (embarrassed) Oh my god, you though I was Keith(!) OhhK, um, Nathan’s MIA; I just thought I’d stop by of a girl’s night in with pay-per-view. But, if you’ve got big plans, (turns away) I’ll get o- (makes to walk away)

KAREN: No, of course, of course. (pause) Get in here.

(Karen steps aside and Haley walks in with a smile.)

HALEY: You sure?

KAREN: (shuts the door) I’d love the company. (walks into the room) Alright, uuuum, movie guide.

(Karen picks up the guide and gives it to Haley.)

KAREN: Romance, adventure. Nothing too scary.

(They both sit on the bed.)

HALEY: Yeah, I can’t really watch scary movies anyway. (gasps) Oh, I could totally be down for John Cusack: Must Love Dogs.

KAREN: Oh, yeah. (pause) That means you wanna watch it, right?

HALEY: (laughs) Yeah!

KAREN: Good, I like Diane Lane.

(Haley turns the TV on.)

TV VOICE-OVER: Press ‘select’ to start your movie.

HALEY: Me too. (not paying attention to what she presses) Did you see her in uh, Walk on the Moon…?

(She stops short when she sees that she hasn’t turned it on to the movie but on to porn. Karen’s eyes are as big as saucers. She gapes. Haley jerks around and looks at the guide again.)

HALEY: Must Love D-OH, I missed an ‘n’, I thought it said Dogs! I’m sorry. Ah!

(Karen makes a mad dash for the TV. Haley puts a hand to her head.)

KAREN: We can’t watch that(!) (she winces as she covers the screen.)



(Nathan and Tony are playing basketball while the rest of the family and Lucas watch.)

TONY BATTLE: What’ya got, Big Time? (tries to block him) How’s it going, buddy?

(Nathan jumps and throws the ball.)

TONY BATTLE: Shot, Big Time.

(The ball goes through. Tony’s mother and brother make noise.)

MRS. BATTLE: Wait, now don’t shame me out there, son.

(Tony turns his head and looks back at her.)

AJ: T is getting schooled!

MRS. BATTLE: (agreeing) You know!

TONY BATTLE: (to Nathan) Man, you see how I have the home-court disadvantage here? (tosses the ball to a laughing Nathan) My whole family, man.

(They start playing again.)

(The shot cuts to the wall where Lucas and Leah are sat. She’s brushing blue eye shadow onto his eyelids. She finishes and he looks into the mirror.)

LUCAS: Uh,… I’m not sure blue’s my colour, Leah.

LEAH: (smiles and nods) Trust me, it brings out your eyes. (smiles adoringly)

(Lucas smiles. Chuck runs out and to his son.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Come on AJ, let’s school these two, come on!

(He picks his son up and carries him onto the court.)

MRS. BATTLE: OK, now we got a game, now we got a game. (claps)

CHUCK BATTLE: (drops his son onto the court) Now it’s on. Me and my man. Alright? Me and my man.

(A phone rings.)

MRS. BATTLE: Let’s go, boys, let’s go, let’s go.

(Lucas flips his phone open, seeing who it is, and smiles.)

LUCAS: (talking into the phone) And how is the most beautiful girl in New York City doing?

LEAH: (to herself) Oh, that hurts.



(Brooke smiles sadly as she holds her phone to her ear.)

BROOKE: I’m great. (pause) But I miss you. (she’s close to tears) So much.



BROOKE: (smiling tearfully) Yeah, it’s crazy(!) (tries to laugh) Listen, I gotta go but I can’t wait to see you.



LUCAS: … I love you, babe.



BROOKE: (choked up) I love you too.

(She hangs up the phone.)



(Lucas hangs up with a smile and looks back to the court.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Show ‘em your move, baby, show ‘em your move.

(Chuck has the ball and is trying to block his son.)

NATHAN: I got it.

(Chuck throws the ball to his son.)

AJ: What’s-what’s the matter? Too low for you to grab the ball? (bounces the ball) Got a bad back, old man?

(Nathan frowns at his cheek. He looks at Tony and Chuck who laugh and he joins them. AJ gets the ball past Nathan, runs to the hoop, jumps and puts it through.)


(Nathan’s impressed.)

MRS. BATTLE: AJ, that’s my baby(!)

(Chuck walks to Lucas, laughing.)

CHUCK BATTLE: When you have finished your makeover, you should take over for me. (to his children) I’m headed out, kids.

TONY BATTLE: (walks to his father) Alright, pop. Don’t work too hard, man.

(They hug.)

CHUCK BATTLE: Hmmm, love you.

TONY BATTLE: Love you, pop.

(Chuck smiles and turns to Lucas and Nathan.)

NATHAN: (holds out his hand) Thanks a lot, Mr. Battle. (they shake hands) I appreciate it.

LUCAS: You got a… (shakes his hand) great family, sir. You must be proud of them.

CHUCK BATTLE: I am. (looks at Nathan) You boys go strong, now. (pats Nathan) Come on, sweet.

(Leah stands and follows him. Nathan, Lucas and Tony watch them.)

NATHAN: (awed) Battle, man, you have… an awesome dad.

TONY BATTLE: Yeah. You know, he coulda played D1 ball but, you know, just end up being a dad instead.

NATHAN: He’s not bitter about it at all.

TONY BATTLE: No, my dad’s in love with life, man. (pause) I mean, we’re doing good now. But… when we were little, man, we came up broke as hell.

LUCAS: … What changed?

TONY BATTLE: (shakes his head) Nothing. He just kept working the same two jobs. You know, he was happy then and he’s happy now.

(Nathan nods.)

TONY BATTLE: You know, he says… regret makes you old… and bitterness poisons the people around you.

LUCAS: (nods) Your father’s a smart man.

(Tony nods in return.)



(Birds-eye view of the lit up skyline of New York.)



(Brooke is looking out of the car window, desolate.)

BROOKE: Um,… excuses me, Mr. cab driver. (pause) What’s your name?

DAOUD: … You can call me Daoud.

BROOKE: … OK, I don’t think I’m gonna call you dad.

DAOUD: No, Da-oud.

BROOKE: (laughs embarrassedly) Oh(!) Sorry, Daoud. (pause) Do you mind doing me a favour and turning on the radio? I have some… (inhales) really important decisions to make.

DAOUD: Of course.

(He turns the music on and Brooke frowns at it. The song’s in Hindi and not something she can understand. She looks at Daoud.)

BROOKE: Would you tell me what he’s saying, please?

DAOUD: (smiles) It’s a story of a… young girl who’s very sad.

(Brooke smiles.)

DAOUD: (watches her briefly through the mirror) She’s torn between two men.

(Brooke listens.)

DAOUD: One man is… very rich… and offers to take her away from her home… and show her all the wonders of the world.

BROOKE: So why is she torn?

DAOUD: (smiles) Because the other man,… this man, she’s known all her life. (pause) She loves him very much. (watches her through the mirror)

(Brooke smiles sadly.)


(She thinks to herself seriously.)



(Close-up of the water. Skills swims into the shot, swimming on his back and looking unsure. The shot zooms out to show that he’s not actually swimming. Bevin is holding him steady in the water and he’s wearing wings.)

BEVIN: See, it’s not so bad, it is?

(Skills shakes his head.)

BEVIN: You wanna try it by yourself?

SKILLS: Uh, actually, I’m not ready for you to let me go just yet.

BEVIN: (laughs) OK, but we can go upstairs whenever you want.

SKILLS: You know what; I am kinda tired from all this floating.

BEVIN: Well, um, just so you know; there’s only one bed. (grins) I hope you’re cool with that.

SKILLS: (panicked) It’s not a water bed, is it?

(She laughs.)




(Lucas and Nathan walk back to the hotel.)

LUCAS: (looking down at his tie) So, AJ and I roughed you guys up tonight, huh?

NATHAN: (looks at him for a beat) Yeah? You might wanna wipe the eye shadow off before you start talking smack.

LUCAS: Nah, it’s working for me.

NATHAN: (sighs) I ate the food before saying grace. (struggles) How was I supposed to know?

LUCAS: You’re kidding, right? (Nathan shakes his head) You always say grace before dinner. I mean, granted, every time I did it, I was sitting at the counter at my mom’s café and every time, it was… thank you for the chicken fingers. (Nathan laughs) But still, I mean-

NATHAN: Yeah, well dinner for me was always a TV tray and whatever game was on.

LUCAS: Yeah, I guess we can both thank Dan for those solo dinners, hey?

NATHAN: Well, and then there’s Chuck Battle; (pause) never had a father in his life and one generation just changed everything.

LUCAS: (nods) Ah, you could do the same with Haley. (pause) Look, (slaps him on the shoulder) I’ll catch up with you inside, alright? And do yourself a favour, take a bath, dude. You stink.

(Nathan laughs and watches him go.)

DAOUD: (v.o) But I don’t understand how you think you can trust, uh-



(Daoud has pulled the cab over and is talking to Brooke.)

DAOUD: Lucas, this time around.

BROOKE: It’s… a long story that… frankly paints me in a really bad light.

(He nods.)

BROOKE: Hey, the… the meter’s not still running, right?

DAOUD: (looks at it) I shut it off when we parked. But, feel free to tip generously for my brilliant advice.

(Brooke laughs sadly and nods.)

BROOKE: I just don’t understand… why I’m so sad… when I’m so young and there’s great things happening for me(!)

DAOUD: You have a lot of life ahead of you, you know?

BROOKE: So, what’re you saying? Why rush it? (pause) I mean, I can be a fashion designer when I grow up. I don’t have to be one tomorrow.

DAOUD: (shakes his head) No, I’m saying the opposite. (pause) Time passes you by, young lady. You have a long life, and you can start by making it great right now. My life would be very different if I could have the chance you’ve been given.

(Brooke nods.)

DAOUD: Would you rather drive a cab or design clothes?

BROOKE: (nods) I see your point. (smiles happily for once) Thank you so much, Daoud. And good luck with everything. (reaches down for money) Here’s, um,… (holds out the money) here’s triple the fare.

DAOUD: You have a very generous heart, Brooke Davis.

(She smiles and reaches for the door, but turns back.)

BROOKE: Hey, what happens with that song? (pause) The one about the girl torn between two lovers.

DAOUD: Oh, there’s much happiness, I assure you.

(He starts the car again and Brooke gets out, still smiling. He looks at her. She waves and he drives off. Brooke smiles and spots a La Bouche poster with Solaris on the front. Her smile disappears as she remembers that world. The shot repeatedly cuts back and forth between her and it.)



(Brooke walks back into Rouge Vogue with a noticeable amount of reluctance. She stops at the stage.)

WOMAN: No cheerleading for you?

(It the same woman from before, speaking from behind. Brooke turns to look at her. She’s sitting at one of the chairs, looking as nasty as before. She’s holding a clipboard and pen.)

BROOKE: (quietly) No, I guess not.

WOMAN: Well, if you do well on this show, there won’t be time for things like that. You’ll be the talk of the town.

(Brooke smiles and nods.)

BROOKE: It’s just hard to let it go.

WOMAN: There are designers here who have been struggling in the fashion world for years and yet, over night, this could be the start of your career.

BROOKE: And the end of being a kid, right?

WOMAN: (laughs) Being a kid ends for all of us, Brooke. Trust me. Having an apprenticeship with Donna Karen and your own label, makes things easier.

(Brooke blinks but doesn’t reply. The woman shrugs and grabs her bag before standing.)

WOMAN: Good luck. (walks away)

(Brooke stays in place, not any happier than when she arrived.)



(Nathan walks into the room and shuts the door. He stops when he sees all the lit candles on the floor and the tables.)

NATHAN: (to the vacant room) Yeah, very funny, Lucas. Your ass is still sleeping on the floor(!)

(He turns and heads into the bathroom. He pauses when he sees Haley inside it. She’s in the bathtub with a lot of bubbles.)

HALEY: Surprise. (laughs) I switched rooms with Lucas. I don’t have to sleep on the floor, do I?

NATHAN: (laughs) How’d you manage to switch rooms?

HALEY: Well, believe it or not, Bevin, ‘mastermind’ maskey, arranged the whole thing.

NATHAN: Come here.

(Nathan kneels down beside the tub and kisses her.)

NATHAN: (looking at the bubbles) There room in there for me?

HALEY: (whispering) I thought you’d never ask.

(Nathan gets in, still in his clothes.)

HALEY: (gasps, shocked) Nathan! (laughs) Oh my god. Come here.

(He leans forward and kisses her again.)



(Shot of the carpet as Rachel and Peyton stumble across it. The shot pans up. Peyton’s singing off-key, completely drunk. Rachel is helping Peyton but she’s not drunk.)

PEYTON: (singing) And the stars are – what’re they doing? They’re crying! Come on; for what we could have had.

(Rachel laughs.)


PEYTON: No, no, I like that line! It reminds me of Luke-I mean Jake. (she corrects quickly)

RACHEL: (laughs) Are you sure you don’t mean Lucas?

(They stop outside Peyton’s hotel room.)

PEYTON: No, it’s Jake.

RACHEL: (smirking) Well, whatever you say.

PEYTON: (looking at the door) OK, well look, I have to go to sleep now, OK? But, oh (Rachel takes her key card) thank you. Thank you for hanging out with me.

(Rachel opens the door for her.)

PEYTON: You know, you’re not neighbour of psycho I thought you were.

(Rachel laughs and holds the door open.)

RACHEL: Well, enjoy.

(Peyton waves.)

PEYTON: Goodnight. (walks through the door)

(Rachel smirks to herself as the door closes behind her.)



(Peyton walks into the dark room and takes her jacket off. She sighs, rubs her face and walks to the bed. She climbs in and lies on the bed, breathing hard. The light suddenly snaps on and she frowns. She turns her head to find Lucas lying on the bed, just woken by her. He rubs his head confusedly.)

(She’s still breathing hard and he can smell her breath. He waves the smell away.)

LUCAS: Are you drunk?

(She laughs and looks at him for a beat.)

PEYTON: Are you wearing eye shadow?

(He continues to frown and Peyton turns her head away with a small moan.)

LUCAS: Working through the pain?

PEYTON: (sighs harshly) Kinda. (tearfully) Everything’s gonna be alright, right?

LUCAS: … Yeah.

(He doesn’t seem very sure. Peyton nods.)

LUCAS: (to himself) Yeah, it is.

(He keeps thinking.)





(Peyton is asleep on the bed. She rubs her eyes. The camera pans left to show Lucas is also on the bed. Unknowingly, she flings herself across the bed and hits Lucas with her arm. Lucas stops his reading of the newspaper to look at her questioningly.)

(Peyton, realising, turns back and groans.)

PEYTON: Oh, god(!) (sighs and puts her hands to her face)

(Lucas nods and resumes reading.)

PEYTON: How drunk was I last night?

LUCAS: (amused) Drunk enough to puke six times.

PEYTON: (sighs again) Let me guess; Rachel.

LUCAS: Yeah. (pause) Rachel’s probably not the best person to use the ‘buddy’ system with.

PEYTON: (groans painfully) I feel like you’re always rescuing me. (pause) Also, like there’s a giant elephant standing on my head.

LUCAS: Yeah, well, I can’t rescue you from the routine you have to do in three hours.

(She sighs again.)

LUCAS: I’ll wake you up in a half hour.

(She doesn’t argue. She pulls the covers up over her head.)



(Haley sighs in bed. She’s lying on Nathan’s chest.)

HALEY: Oh, god, this bed was so comfortable. (laughs)

(Nathan follows suit and laughs too. They look sideways at the floor they’re sleeping on. They have spread the covers across it. Her stomach rumbles.)

HALEY: Oh, (looking down) my. That was attractive. (looks at him) Room service?

NATHAN: Actually,… let’s have a proper sit-down breakfast somewhere. Family style.

HALEY: Family style sound perfect. (kisses him)

(He laughs. She hugs him hard and he returns it.)



(Peyton is still lying on the bed. Lucas is sitting on the end, tying up his laces. There’s a knock on the door.)

LUCAS: (glancing up briefly) If it’s the maid service, we’re good, thanks.

(Brooke walks in with a smile, wheeling in her luggage. She sees Lucas on the bed and Peyton, sleeping, and stops dead. Lucas looks at her, guilty as hell. She looks at him, nods and walks out, taking her stuff with her. Lucas rushes out of the room.)

LUCAS: Brooke!

(Brooke continues, not bothering to turn around.)

BROOKE: (to herself) I can not believe I flew all the way back from New York for this. I am the dumbest girl alive.

(Lucas continues to follow her as she turns the corner.)

LUCAS: Brooke, don’t freak out, OK?! Look, (pulls her to a stop) hey. Peyton was drunk. She crashed in my room by accident. It wasn’t her fault. The rooms… got switched; she… didn’t get the message, OK? I slept on the floor!

(Brooke glares at him, wondering if she should believe him.)

LUCAS: By the way, (pause) thrilled to see you. (grins) Hey, come on. (pause) What’d we say about trusting each other?

(He puts a hand to her face.)

LUCAS: You know, Peyton needs both of us right now.

(Brooke frowns sadly and Lucas pulls her in for a hug.)

BROOKE: (whispering) I missed you.

(Lucas smiles.)

BROOKE: (louder) I missed you.



(All of the cheerleaders are already gathered in the lobby. Peyton walks in wearing sunglasses to block out the harsh sunlight.)

RACHEL: (hands on hips) Well, well. (still smirking) Looks like somebody had a rough night.

(Haley scowls at Rachel.)

PEYTON: Says the girl who poured drinks down my throat and then dropped me off in my best friend’s boyfriend’s bed.

RACHEL: (laughs) Look, I just lead you to the door, sweetheart. (crosses her arms)

PEYTON: We’re not giant pandas, you know? You can’t just put us together and expect us to mate. And, do me a favour; talk soft – you’ve got a terrible voice.

RACHEL: (mock sincere) Look, I was trying to help you out. I’m s-s-sorry if it’s not what you wanted.

PEYTON: You know what, you can’t see it, but underneath my sunglasses, I’m rolling my eyes.

(Peyton’s phone rings and she scrambles to answer it.)

PEYTON: (looks at the screen) Oh, speak of the devil.

(Peyton shows Rachel the screen. It’s Brooke.)

RACHEL: Look, don’t take that. We have to get ready. Brooke is not a part of this.

(Peyton happily ignores her and answers the phone.)

PEYTON: (into the phone) You are so happy you’re not me, right now.

(Rachel looks away, exasperated.)

BROOKE: You sound level 10 hung over.

(Brooke walks across the shot, at the back where no one can see her.)

PEYTON: Yeah, well, you should see me.

(Brooke turns, smiling.)

BROOKE: Yeah, you look like ass too.

(Confused, Peyton lowers the phone.)

HALEY: (shocked) Brooke, what the heck?!

(Brooke grins and shuts her phone. Peyton turns around, delighted.)


(Peyton walks to her and they hug.)

HALEY: What about the fashion show?!

BROOKE: (walks forward smiling) Got the rest of my life for that stuff. Not so much to be seventeen with my friends.

RACHEL: How sweet. (walks forward) Unfortunately,… my routine only needs nine girls. Not ten.

(Brooke nods uncaringly.)

RACHEL: Which means… you’re gonna have to sit this one out, captain.

BROOKE: Well, I think we can manage, right girls? (asks the rest of the team)


(The rest of the squad nod.)

HALEY: Yeah! (laughs)

(Rachel looks at them, annoyed.)

BROOKE: (to Rachel, mocking) And watch me for the changes.

(Rachel realises she’s lost them.)

BROOKE: (still mocking) Come on, girls. Let’s stretch(!)

(Brooke smirks at Rachel and the cheerleaders follow Brooke. Rachel stands there, hands back on her hips as she fumes.)



(Some guys walk past the door. Peyton opens it and steps out. She takes the glasses off, puts a hand to her eyes and lowers herself onto the top step. She slips the sunglasses into the inside pocket of her jacket. She takes out the picture of Ellie holding her when she had just been born. It’s the same picture Ellie was looking at just before she died.)

(Peyton gapes and turns the picture around. Written on it is ‘First day with Peyton’. She looks at the picture sadly. Lucas runs up the steps and sits beside her. She spots him and hides the picture, sighing.)


PEYTON: You can’t be out here with me.

LUCAS: Nah, it’s OK. (pause) I talked to Brooke. She knows what happened.

PEYTON: It’s not OK. (pause) I mean, it is, but,… it’s hard on Brooke so s- (pause) (nods) I’ll be fine. (smiles)

(Lucas looks down. He doesn’t believe her. He reaches over and looks at the picture.)

LUCAS: You know, (pause) Peyton, you could learn a lot from Ellie. I mean, she… struck me as… tough.

PEYTON: (laughs and nods) Yeah.

LUCAS: And that’s important, but… I also think you could learn a lot from her mistakes. Don’t (shakes his head) live you life alone.

(She looks away.)

LUCAS: Let us in.

(Peyton finds it difficult but still nods. Lucas touches her shoulder before standing and walking back inside. Peyton looks down and cries. She holds the picture up and looks at it again.)





(The basketball players and general people are sat in the crowd, cheering.)

COMMENTATOR: And how about a warm welcome for the Palmeadow Panthers?!

(The crowd cheer and clap. The shot cuts to Karen and Keith.)

KEITH: You know, I’m still trying to figure out which was more fun last night: sleeping on the floor, or, uh,… Whitey snoring the theme song to Mash.

(Karen looks at him and smiles.)

KEITH: Top that.

KAREN: Well, let’s see, um,… I took a bath, uh,… I hung out with Haley and watched an adult movie.

(Keith looks at her, eyebrows raised.)

KEITH: Hm, Haley is a bad influence.

KAREN: Most of all, I missed you.

(Keith looks at her and smiles. The cheering suddenly starts up again and Keith and Karen join in.)

(Cut to the cheerleaders who are huddled together backstage.)

RACHEL: OK, Peyton, focus.

(Peyton scowls at her, disbelievingly.)

RACHEL: Brooke, try to keep up. Bevin, don’t be an idiot.

(Brooke watches Rachel, arms crossed.)

RACHEL: We’re winning that trophy. Alright, let’s go.

(Rachel makes to walk away.)

BROOKE: And one last thing, girls.

(They all wait for her.)

BROOKE: (smiles) Have fun.

(The cheerleaders sigh with relief. The lights dim and they run out onto the stage.)

COMMENTATOR: And, next up, this years Secret Sparkle Classic – when you’re strong, you sparkle, the Tree Hill Ravens Cheerleaders!

(The crowd is also in complete darkness. Karen and Keith are still clapping. Lucas and Nathan are also clapping. The lights come back on and the girls perform their routine.)

(Lucas is grinning but it falls when the empty seat beside him is filled… by Skills.)

LUCAS: (amused) What’re you doing here? (sniffs and touches Skills’ top) And what the hell do you smell like the surf for?

SKILLS: Vanilla body spray. (grins) Plus, (points) Bevin teaching me how to swim.

LUCAS: (laughs, confused) Skills, you’re the best swimmer I know.

SKILLS: (nods, smiling) Right, I swim-lessoned her, dawg. Had to get her back for Notebooking me. You know.

(Shot cuts back to the stage.)

RACHEL: (looks back, glaring) Dig it up, Peyton!

PEYTON: (still doing the routine) Can’t help it, someone got me drunk last night.

(They continue.)


(Bevin waves at him and loses her place. She stumbles back into place. Peyton loses her balance and falls into two cheerleaders. A cheerleading team in the crowd gasp. Brooke looks around, lost. Bevin helps one of the cheerleaders up.)

(Rachel drops her arms and looks back.)

CHEERLEADER: (looking at another cheerleader) I’m sorry.

(Peyton looks back at the rest, distressed. Brooke just smiles wider and jumps to the front of the stage. She starts a robot-dance. Peyton grins at her and Haley gapes. Bevin laughs and so does Peyton.)

(Rachel glares and walks off-stage. Haley does her own silly little dance. The Ravens basketball players can’t understand what’s going on. Each cheerleader starts dancing, acting silly and enjoying it.)

(Nathan laughs from where he’s sitting. Rachel looks back briefly. The crowd start clapping again.)

KEITH: (clapping) Go, Ravens!

(Lucas and Skills stand. Lucas hits Nathan on the shoulder and he also stands. They walk onto the stage and join in with the dancing. The crowd stand and clap. Brooke hugs Lucas.)

(Suddenly, other cheerleaders also run onto the stage. Rachel stands there, arms crossed. Other players also run onto the stage. There’s a mad scrum. Skills dances with Bevin. More people continue to run on.)



(Solaris is at her vanity, putting random boots on.)

WOMAN: Solaris, you’re wearing two different shoes, you moron.

(She’s standing with Travis.)

WOMAN: You might wanna lay off the dr*gs, considering you don’t have that many brain cells to begin with.

TRAVIS: It doesn’t matter anyway. Brooke Davis checked out this morning.

(Solaris looks away and the shot zooms in on her.)

TRAVIS: Can you believe she walked away from all this?

(Solaris smiles, happy for Brooke.)



(Brooke has her arm around Haley, laughing and having the time of her life. She puts her other arm around Peyton and they continue to jump.)

(Fade to Karen and Keith who are just watching it all with shock and awe.)

KEITH: You know, if the rest of my days are like this,… (nods) I’m gonna die a happy man.

(Karen looks at him wordlessly. He looks back at her.)

KAREN: … Marry me.

KEITH: … You can’t… propose to me – I was gonna propose to you-

(She cuts him off, kissing him.)




(Whitey is at the desk, angry. He bangs his fist on the counter.)

WHITEY: -I DID NOT ORDER ANY… (scowls, embarrassed) pornography.

(The shot continues panning across.)



(Nathan and Haley dance.)

LUCAS: (v.o) Most of our life is a series of images. (pause) They pass us by like towns on the highway.

(Nathan twirls her.)

LUCAS: (v.o) But sometimes, a moment stuns us as it happens.

(Fade to Lucas and Brooke on the stage together, having fun.)

LUCAS: (v.o) And we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image.

(Fade to Skills and Bevin together.)

LUCAS: (v.o) We know that this moment… every part of it… will live on forever.

(Fade to Haley, Brooke and Peyton, back together again.)

(They’re laughing and jumping and enjoying themselves.)

(The shot fades to a birds-eye view as all the cheerleaders throw their pom-poms into the air. The shot, the moment freezes.)



(Lucas empties all of the shredded paper from the shredder in Dan’s office. He cleverly replaces it with a different bag of shredded paper from his backpack and exits the office; looking back for a few moments.)



(The camera pans to the front door and it opens to show Nathan. He enters, drops his bag and plays the answer phone message.)

ELECTRONIC VOICE: You have one new message.

(Nathan looks at it. Haley’s voice can be heard.)

HALEY: (Answer message.) Nathan, it’s me. (Nathan looks away from it.) I… I just needed to call because I want you to know-

(He presses delete on the machine.)

ELECTRONIC VOICE: Message has been erased.

(He takes his wedding ring out of his pocket and looks at it. He sets it on the speaker of the answer phone and walks away, to his bedroom.)



(Peyton walks into the room. She sits at a booth with a phone and a glass front, blocking her from the person at the other end. She lifts the receiver and Jake does the same at the other end; in a bright orange shirt.)

PEYTON: (Looks at him, almost crying.) Why didn’t you tell me?

JAKE: I knew you’d talk me out of it.

(They laugh sadly.)

PEYTON: So, where’s Jenny?

JAKE: She’s safe.

(He nods and so does Peyton. She’s trying not to cry.)

PEYTON: (Just looks at him for a while.) … I love you.

JAKE: I love you, too.

(Peyton smiles sadly and they touch the glass with their fingertips, unable to feel each other.)



(Whitey is sitting in his car, driving away. The camera pans to the back seat where Jenny is sitting in her carrier, awake and quiet.)