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01x01 - Night of the Sentinels: Part 1

Posted: 08/23/22 09:30
by bunniefuu
Today the downtown area was rocked

by another outbreak of v*olence.

The fact that the perpetrator
is believed to be a mutant

has fueled current anti-mutant hysteria
now growing nationwide.


Though one witness said
only one isolated, big, hairy...

She's one of them, Martha.
She needs help.

But how could you register her
with that Mutant Control Agency

as if she were some sort of criminal?

The agency isn't a prison, Martha.

It's an outreach program
to help these unfortunate people.

It's for her own good.
You know I love her.

-But what will happen to her now?
-I don't know.

Let's just hope
the neighbors never find out

our beautiful Jubilee's a mutant.
They'd never understand.

Why is this happening to me?
I used to be a normal kid.

It's not my fault!



FOSTER MOTHER: What if we were
wrong? What if she isn't a mutant?

Are you kidding? Look what she did
to the VCR just by touching it!


Tell me the truth.
Are you sorry we took her in?

FOSTER FATHER: Of course not.


Identification error. Non-living objects.

Begin tracking program.

Jubilee? Is everything all right?


They're ashamed of me.

I thought they loved me.

Come on.
I'll teach you to invade my universe.

Mommy, buy me that! Buy me that!


Can't you do something?

What do you want me to do,
arrest him?

SENTINEL: Closing on assigned target.

What's so wrong
with being a mutant, anyway?

No! Not again!

Hey, you! Do you know
how much that game costs?

Yeah, a quarter!

Hey! You're one of them, ain't you?

We don't want you lousy mutants
around here!

Stupid jerk arcade manager!


Hey! Watch where you're going!


What bug crawled up her shorts?


Do not be alarmed.
I am here to serve and protect.

GAMBIT: I'll take these.

You must like to play cards.

I like solitaire okay,
unless I got someone

to play with.


Hey! You dweebs, watch it!

you're just mall security.

Target identified. Initiate capture.

Target? Capture?



MAN: Run!

Must be a sale.

Help! Put me down!




Storm, Mistress of the Elements
commands you to release that child!

Lighten up on the speeches, sugar.

Hey, lady!
Keep talking to him some more!

Unidentified mutants. Ignore.



You're flying.

SENTINEL: Mutant, stop!

-Did you see what she did?
-Yes, Rogue has a way with men.

They feel great. I...

Like anything else?

Don't go away. I'll be right back.


Just wait here.


GIRL: What's that?

Don't worry, ch?re.
Your insurance can handle it.

What is that thing, anyhow?

A robot, I believe.

-Halt, mutant!
-Who's a mutant?

Don't answer that.


-Where you going, petite?
-Anywhere but here!

Stand aside.
I must apprehend that mutant.

Hey, apprehend this.

-How did you do that?
-With style, petite.

With style.

I'm out of here.

Wait! Gambit will help you!
I'm a mutant, too.

JUBILEE: I must be going nuts.

Everybody's gone,
people flying everywhere...

The mall's turned into some creepy,
for-real video game.

Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please.
He doesn't see me.

I hope he doesn't see me.

Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no!

Unregistered mutant. Expendable.


JUBILEE: Get away from him!

I mean it!

I don't believe this.

Run, girl! Run!

What did I ever do to anybody?

I didn't ask to be a mutant.
I'm just a kid.


-Who are you?
-Cyclops. Get down!

I don't have a whole lot of choice.

CYCLOPS: Energy blast, huh?

Here's one from a pro.



Where am I?

What is this place?


Shh. Be quiet!

I hate machines.


Okay, zap it!

Oh, come on, I know you're in there.

That's better.

Mutant powers
definitely have their advantages.


It would be quite disconcerting
if this were to detonate.

Disconcerting, yet provocative.

How do I get out of here?

KELLY ON TV: This shocking incident
at New Salem Mall

is just part of the growing menace
of mutant v*olence.

My fellow Americans, I am an idiot.


Aggression, a new scent for men.

Aggression, by Calvin Clone.

TV ANNOUNCER: Was this girl
kidnapped by mutants? Film at 11:OO.

Mall v*olence! Film at 11:OO.


VOICE 1: I'm gone!
VOICE 2: Where you going?


A strange woman was spotted

near the scene of the v*olence...

High above City Hall,

an amateur video caught a glimpse of...


It's time we recognized that all mutants
are potentially dangerous to mankind.

Get a life.

XAVIER: What happened at the mall
was inevitable.

Jean, I knew the existence
of the X-Men

would be revealed
to the public one day,

but not like this.

JEAN: Wait a minute.
Those monitors were on.

It's the girl, Jean.
She's trying to escape.

This is Professor Xavier. Code three.

We have an intruder.

MORPH: Check down that way, Beast!

The intruder will not elude me.

JUBILEE: Come on!

Oh, just do it!

Gambit-Wolverine training sequence.



I was better off with the giant robot!

Petite? This is no place for you.

There you are, Wolverine!


Piston sequence initiated.

Tag. You're it.

This game is over.

Had enough, Cajun?

Just say, "Oncle!"

-JUBILEE: Don't hurt him!


STORM: Is the child all right?


Not for long.

They were fighting,
and I wanted to help him, and boom!



Don't worry, petite. You just hurt
Wolverine's pride, that's all.

What is this weird place?

BEAST: One part gymnasium,
one part survival course,

affectionately referred to
as the Danger Room.

Come with me, child.
I shall explain who we are.

All of us here are mutants like yourself.

Well, tell me this. What is a mutant?

No one knows
who will be a mutant at birth.

We discover our extraordinary powers
at about your age.

Professor Xavier is our leader
and he has named us the X-Men.

Don't worry. You are safe here.

Because I can control the weather,
they call me Storm.

At least your name makes sense.
My name's Jubilee. I blow stuff up.

You've come to the right place.

This is Professor Xavier's
School for the Gifted.

Gifted, huh? I get you.

That's a nice way
of saying "mutants", "weirdos".

-Like me.
-Like all of us.

Aren't you guys a little old for school?
Or did you all get held back?

We X-Men learn something
very special here, Jubilee.

How to control our mutant powers
for the benefit of mankind.

All right, already!

But then why do people hate us?

STORM: People fear
what they do not understand.

XAVIER: I managed to retrieve
part of the robot's visual memory.

Take a closer look as I replay it.

Howdy, Wolverine. Take a load off.

Anybody notify the kid's parents?

We gave them a holler,
but nobody hollered back.

XAVIER: There!

That ID photograph

is from the Mutant Control Agency
registration files.

That's how the robot found her.

Professor Xavier, could the government
be plotting against mutants?

No, the Mutant Control Agency
is a private organization,

occasionally supported
by the government.

Someone at the agency
appears to have a hidden agenda.

Does your daughter
have any mutant friends?

These women, perhaps?

We don't really know much
about her friends.

She's only been with us a year.
She's a foster child.

She always kept her secrets to herself.

I gotta make sure they're okay.


What the...


Oh, no!


Not again.

Target mutant apprehended.

GYRICH: Good work.

That building is the headquarters

of the Mutant Control Agency.

Somewhere in there

are the registration files
of hundreds of mutants,

innocently duped
into revealing their identities.

So we get them and we shred them!

I'd get in there alone, easy.

No, Storm will take three X-Men
in with her.

Wolverine and Beast and Morph.

If it makes you feel any better, Gambit,

I'll go in like this, huh?


XAVIER: Cyclops, you will be
in overall command.

CYCLOPS: Professor Xavier.

We've been together for a long time,
and I strongly believe, as you do,

in the peaceful coexistence
between humans and mutants.

But when you formed the X-Men,
was it not to teach us to use our powers

to benefit mankind, so ordinary people
would learn not to fear us?

Professor, aren't we...

I know what you're going
to say, Cyclops,

but I'm afraid we have no choice.

What's the matter?

Teacher's pet got cold feet?

Anytime, pretty boy.

JEAN: Cyclops!

I just went to check on Jubilee.
She's gone.

-I'm going after her.
-No way, Wolverine.

We've got a job to do first.


I go where I wanna go.

Out of the way, gumbo.

Gambit! Let him go.

He's not worth it.

Rogue, everybody, stay close.

ROGUE: Not too close.

You know, I remember when I was 13.
I had me a boyfriend,

till I kissed him.

Poor boy was in a coma for three days.

That was when I first realized
if I touched anybody,

I absorbed their strength right into me.

Some power, huh?

That's when the boys quit calling.


Consider yourself fortunate.
I had dandruff.

Hey, whenever I got,into trouble
at school,

I used to turn myself into the principal.



It like to k*ll my daddy
when he found out I was a mutant.

We all had to face that problem.

STORM: Hold it. We are here.

You're supposed
to know everything, Beast.

What makes us like we are, anyway?

Gamma rays. Pollution.
Ozone depletion.


WOLVERINE: Lousy luck.

You sure make a lot of noise.

-You decide to join us, eh?

Did you find the child?

Her trail went cold outside the house.

Got bit by a dog, too.

Okay, Storm, do your thing.


Hey, can you guys boost me
over the fence, Beast?


WOLVERINE: Looks like we can.

GUARD: Are you all right?

-Never better.


They're inside the perimeter.



-The guard's keys?
-So I'll buy them a new door.

Hold it. Electronic beams.

-You can detect the infrared spectrum?
-I can smell them.



You will see them as well,
as the mist rises.

"With faint heart, averted feet
And many a tear

"ln our opposed path to persevere"

A minor poet for a minor obstacle.

I wonder. "Security."

Are any of us ever truly secure?

You look nervous as a long-tailed cat
in a room full of rocking chairs.

I just wish I knew
what was happening in there.

We got trouble.

It looks like clear sailing from here.