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03x15 - Just Watch the Fireworks

Posted: 03/01/06 21:59
by bunniefuu

LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill.


(Whitey opens the blinds as he addresses the class.)

WHITEY: In nineteen fifty-five, students at Tree Hill High school,-

(Brooke, Nathan, Lucas, Peyton and Jake are listening to Whitey.)

WHITEY: -created a time capsule which was to be opened in fifty years.

(Nathan’s looking at Whitey, uncaring and bored. Cut to Peyton with her old, curly, hair – looking interested.)

WHITEY: Within the next week, each of you will video tape your thoughts.



(Mouth has rigged up his laptop to the A/V system and is playing Brooke’s recording.)

BROOKE: (on the screen) Ten years, I’ll probably be married to someone like Marvin McFadden.

(Mouth watches her and smiles.)

BROOKE: (grins) You all probably call him senator McFadden.



(Mouth and Peyton are standing on a balcony, talking.)

PEYTON: I bet you’re gonna have it all, someday.

MOUTH: (nods) Yeah, I’m thinking of running for senator.

(Peyton frowns at him.)



(Nathan and Haley are sitting next to the fireplace, talking.)

HALEY: When I look back on the tour, I’m not, like, proud of it coz I know that you weren’t proud of me.

NATHAN: (dumbfounded) Is that what you think?



(Mouth and Jimmy Edwards round the corner of the corridor to the gym. Mouth is holding a microphone and they are both smiling.)

MOUTH: Luke! (holds out the mic) Do you mind if we get a few words before your first game?

JIMMY EDWARDS: Yeah, we’re sports announcers. (points to his top which bares the logo ‘’)



(Mouth and Jimmy Edwards are sitting on the bench in suits.)

MOUTH: (into the mic) Jimmy Edwards – my partner and friend.



(Karen smiles at Keith.)

KAREN: … Marry me.

(They kiss.)



(Dan opens Keith’s safety deposit box and finds his own ledger of illegal dealings which should have burned down with his dealership. He flips through it to make sure it’s actually his.)



(Ellie has confronted Lucas as he is cleaning up.)

ELLIE: I have cancer.



(Peyton is lying on her stomach on her bed. She’s clearly upset. Ellie is lying beside her.)

PEYTON: I want you to be here when the album comes out.

ELLIE: (touching Peyton’s head) I will be here, Peyton.



(Peyton is standing in the hallway nervously. She’s holding the CDs.)

PEYTON: (uncertainly) Ellie?!

(She walks into the room and sees Ellie’s hand hanging off her bed. She’s not moving.)

(Peyton cries hard as she realises Ellie’s dead.)






(Pan left to Nathan who is sitting alone in a room in front of a black backdrop. He is looking straight at the camera.)

NATHAN: (sighs) So, you want me to tell you something about myself? (shakes his head slightly and shrugs) I don’t have anything to say. And, even if I did,… you’d be wrong to believe me. (pause) Trust is a lie. Nobody ever knows anyone.

(A locker door slams off-screen.)



(A whole group of students are walking around the corridor, looking up in confusion at the monitors hanging off the ceiling.)

NATHAN: (o.s) (on the monitor) You know, people think that if you-

(The shot pans up to one of the monitors where Nathan’s recording is playing for everyone to see.)

NATHAN: -love somebody hard enough, then everything’s just gonna work out.

(Cut to Haley who is looking up at the monitor, hurt.)

NATHAN: (o.s) (on the monitor) People are wrong.

(Cut back to the screen.)

NATHAN: (on the monitor) Fifty years from now, I hope you got what you wanted, Haley.

(Cut back to Haley who raises her eyebrows.)

NATHAN: (on the monitor) But getting married to you was the worst mistake of my life(!) (glares)

(The shot pans back down to Haley. She turns around, looking for her husband.)

NATHAN: (on the monitor) Here’s a little advice:

(The shot focuses on Nathan who’s standing at the other end of the corridor next to the lockers. He’s standing with a few of the basketball players and looking at her nervously.)

NATHAN: (on the monitor) Never get married.

(Haley looks at him, open-mouthed.)

NATHAN: (on the monitor) In the end, you’ll only be miserable.

(Haley’s had enough. Wordlessly, she walks away. Nathan doesn’t move to stop her. He just sighs sadly.)



(The capsule is playing on all of the computer monitors too. Now, it’s Tim’s recording.)

TIM: (on the screen) Pretty much dated all the hot girls.

(Students are just milling around and watching it.)

TIM: (on the screen) Freshmen, seniors. (nods) Yeah, it’s good times. Currently, I’m, uh,… (nods) dating Brooke Davis.



(Brooke is looking at the monitor, mouth agape.)

TIM: (o.s) (on the monitor) Let’s see, what else? Um,…-

(Camera zooms out to show Peyton standing with Brooke; looking at her.)

TIM: (o.s) (on the monitor) -there’s this new girl, Anna who’s into me.

(The playback continues as Rachel comes up behind Brooke and stops to gloat.)

RACHEL: Hmmm, and to think; I was this close to cutting school today.

(Everybody is standing around, laughing at the monitors. Brooke has her arms crossed and is glaring at the monitor.)

RACHEL: Tim Smith, huh? Score(!) (walks away)

(Brooke Looks sideways at Rachel as she passes. Tim’s recording continues to play.)



(Close-up of the pillar with a plaque that reads: ‘Tree Hill High School TIME CAPSULE. Sealed: April 2005, Open: 2055’.)

(Principle Turner and Whitey march down the cement.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: You’re sure it’s the time capsule from last year?

WHITEY: Damn sure.

(They stop at the pillar.)

WHITEY: Somebody uncorked it early.

(Principle Turner looks at the plaque closely.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: I don’t know, Coach. Looks fine here.

(Whitey touches the side of the pillar where Peyton’s Friends With Benefit poster is hanging. He pulls it off to show a huge hole in the side. Whitey glares at the principle.)



(Principle Turner and Whitey rush through the crowd thronging the corridor. Lucas’ recording is now playing.)

LUCAS: (o.s) (on the monitor) Just getting along… is kinda new to us. (pause) But I guess that’s how brothers are.

(They both stride to the A/V room and principle Turner reaches for his keys.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: Just shut down the feed.

(Principle Turner tries to open the door but can’t. The A/V room’s key has been broken off in the lock.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: Once we remove the door because whoever did this broke the key off in the damn lock!

WHITEY: I’ll call the locksmith. Maybe you better call out the SWAT team.

(He frowns and turns to the monitor.)

WHITEY: This could turn ugly.

LUCAS: (on the monitor) But that doesn’t change the fact that I need to get closer to my father. (pause) Because if I can get closer to him,-

(Cut to Lucas who is looking up at the monitor and shaking his head.)

(Cut back to the monitor.)

LUCAS: (on the monitor) -maybe I can find a way to beat him. (pause) Once and for all.

(Nathan is also looking at the monitors mutely.)

LUCAS: (on the monitor) And set the people that I love free(!)

(Nathan looks at the monitor with shielded irritation.)

LUCAS: (o.s) (on the monitor) I just hope I have the strength to tear him down for good.

(Nathan shakes his head before looking over his shoulder. Lucas is standing by the lockers, a hand to his mouth. Lucas looks at his brother but can’t find the words. Nathan turns and walks away. Lucas makes to follow him.)

(Lucas stops when Brooke comes onto the screen.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) Let’s see, in ten years, I’ll probably be married to someone like Marvin McFadden.

(People pat Mouth on the back.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) You guys probably call him senator McFadden. We just call him Mouth.

(Mouth looks over his shoulder at Brooke. She’s smiling while looking at the monitor, proud of herself for that.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) So, if you’re watching this in twenty fifty-five,-

(Peyton laughs and Brooke waves at him.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) -there really needs to be some (the camera zooms in fast on her) sort of record of my body at it’s peak!

(Brooke gapes as she realises what’s coming next.)

BROOKE: Oh no, wait(!) (looks at Peyton) We have to turn this off right now!

(Brooke, on screen, shrugs and lifts her top.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) What the hell.

(There’s cheering as she takes her top off, leaving her in only her bra.)

(Pan to Principle Turner and Whitey.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (scandalised) Cut the damn power!

(Whitey rushes off-screen.)

(Brooke looks back, panicked.)

BROOKE: Can somebody do something?!

(She turns and searches for something as the students make appreciative noises.)

BROOKE: Somebody has to do something. Excuse me! (shoves a student) Move!

(Peyton and Lucas look at the screen, drawn to it but not knowing what to do.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) Now,…-

(Cut to the monitor where Brooke is sitting there in a pink bra.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) -if you guys are space aliens, you probably have three of these, (takes hold of the front of her bra) but, I (Lucas looks around) haven’t gotten any complaints so far.

(A girl looks at Lucas, gaping. Whitey rushes to the power closet.)

BROOKE: (o.s) No, no, no, there’s nothing to see here, people.

(Whitey opens the door.)

(Brooke grabs a chair and advances on the monitors, intent on destroying them to keep hold of her dignity. She holds the chair up.)

(Whitey grabs the lever.)

(Cut to the screen as Brooke unhooks her bra.)

(Whitey pulls the lever down and the power goes out.)

(Brooke is still holding the chair. She disappears from the screen.)

(The crowd groan, Whitey puts a hand to his mouth and Brooke lowers the chair. She sighs in relief. Just then, the power cuts to autopilot and comes back on. The crowd cheer and Brooke gasps as she looks at the screen as it continues to play.)

(Lucas, completely embarrassed for Brooke, puts a hand to his eyes.)

(Cut back to the screen where Brooke’s hooked her bra back together.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) Actually, if you’re aliens-

(Brooke, humiliated, turns away, into Peyton’s shoulder. Peyton mouths ‘oh my god’.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) -you probably have eight sets of eyes which would mean I’d have sixteen boobs which would mean my lingerie bill would go through the roof(!)

(Principle Turner pushes through the crowd as they are still making a ruckus. He stops at Whitey.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: I’m cancelling classes and sending everyone home. (pause) In the mean time, find out who did this!

(Whitey nods.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) Regular, futuristic kids.

(Whitey takes his cap off and rubs his head.)

BROOKE: (on the monitor) I hope you enjoyed your retro-



(Close-up of the TV screen as Jimmy Edwards’ recording plays.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) So, you wanna know what things were like fifty years ago? Well, the truth is… there’s not a single person in this place worth remembering-

(Cut to some kids watching it.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) -in fifty years.

(Pan across the kids who are not looking too pleased.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) So don’t believe any of the other crap you’re hearing. Everyone at Tree Hill High is a liar.

(Shot pans down to a girl.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) Like I’m sure Russla Hodney, you know, the All-American wrestler, who everybody thinks is this nice, respectable guy; (pan to a guy shaking his head) I bet he forgot to mention the fact that he’s the king of slipping girls the date-r*pe drug.

(Pan across to more of the kids.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) Or, Miss Perfect, 4.0, Katie Rattison, (pan up to a girl watching the screen) Yeah, three g*ng bang abortion.

(All the kids turn their heads as one and look at Jimmy Edwards who is sitting at the back of the class, reserved. He doesn’t make eye contact.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) See, people here are fake.

(Jimmy Edwards looks down, ashamed and depressed.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) So they stick to their cliques to hide it.

(He can’t make eye contact or lift his head.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) I mean, the stoners are medicated, the honour student are afraid and the jocks, (shot slowly zooms in on him) well,…-

(Cut back to the screen where Jimmy Edwards is still talking.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) -they’re jocks, man.



(Lucas is still in the hallway with a lot of the other students, watching Jimmy Edwards’ recording.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the monitor) They’ll peak at seventeen and their cheerleader girlfriends will be fat-

(Brooke and Peyton look at the screen. Brooke is still humiliated by her previous display.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the monitor) -and lonely-



(Jimmy Edwards is still sitting in his chair, listening but not looking.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) By twenty-one.

(The shot cuts to a long-shot of the TV screen so that the back of the students watching can be seen too, as well as Jimmy himself.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) Losers!

(There’s a pause as random students turn to look at him again.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) Everyone here is a loser!

(Jimmy Edwards is still sitting there.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (on the screen) And the truth is, (pause) everyday I have to come to this school,… is one less day I have to come back.

(Jimmy Edwards lowers his head more and more.)

(Principle Turner’s voice booms over the tannoy.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (through the speaker) Attention, students. Classes are cancelled for the day.

(His voice drowns out what Jimmy Edwards says next.)

PRINCIPLE TURNER: (through the speaker) Please exit the school in a timely and (Jimmy Edwards rushes to get up) orderly fashion.

(Jimmy Edwards rushes to the door, moving through the crowd as he does so. His recording is still playing. All of the students glare at him. They shake their head and exit too.)



(Students are milling around outside. Mouth stops at Lucas. Jimmy Edwards rushes past them, ignoring them completely.)

LUCAS: (to Jimmy) Hey, Jim!

(Jimmy Edwards stops and turns to them reluctantly. They walk to him.)

LUCAS: Everything OK?

JIMMY EDWARDS: You don’t talk to me for a year and now you wanna be friends again?

MOUTH: We just wanna talk.

JIMMY EDWARDS: Well, forget it. You just heard everything I have to say.

(He turns away sourly and continues walking away.)





(Peyton is sitting in her room, at the computer. Brooke’s voice sounds from the speakers.)

BROOKE: (through the computer) I mean, there’s probably gonna be some great advances in plastic surgery-

(Brooke, desolate, walks slowly into Peyton’s bedroom.)

BROOKE: (through the computer) -but… there really needs to be some sort of record of my body at it’s peak.

(Peyton watches as Brooke dumps her jumper onto Peyton’s bed and then gets on to it.)

PEYTON: (o.s) OK,-

(Brooke covers her head with a pillow.)

PEYTON: -we’ve got a good news/bad news situation here.

BROOKE: What could be worse than the whole school seeing your boobs?

(Peyton looks at her screen where Brooke’s undressing is playing as a live webcam feed.)

PEYTON: (tentatively) … The whole world seeing them?

(Brooke pushes herself up and looks confused.)

PEYTON: Yeah, whoever decided to unleash the time capsule was also nice enough to upload it onto the web.

(Brooke gapes.)

BROOKE: (distraught) Oh my god, I’m internet porn?! Some creepy guy is watching me right now?!

(She groans and lies back down.)

PEYTON: Well, I’m guessing that’s not all he’s doing. (smiles)

BROOKE: Ewww! What’s the good news?

PEYTON: You did rank number twenty-three on Limewire.

(Brooke sits back up, interested.)

BROOKE: Really?

(Peyton nods. Brooke’s recording ends and Jake’s comes on.)

JAKE: (through the computer) So, I’m seeing this girl and… our experience levels-

(Peyton’s happiness fades as she watches Jake.)

JAKE: (through the computer) -are a little different, you know?

(Brooke watches Peyton carefully.)

JAKE: (through the computer) Even so, I’m doing something with her that… I’ve never done before; (smiles) I’m falling in love.

(Peyton looks away, upset. Brooke gets off the bed and sighs. She walks to Peyton as Peyton closes the window. She puts a hand on Peyton’s shoulder.)

BROOKE: I’m sorry, buddy. I know it’s not easy to relive all this.

PEYTON: (smiles bravely) No, it’s OK. (nods) Seriously. I’m not gonna have a Jake-down.

(Brooke smiles and laughs.)

BROOKE: Yeah, but hearing you talk about how in love you guys were…

PEYTON: We were in love. And it was amazing but… seeing it and hearing it again just makes you realise how happy I was, and, you know, I wanna (touches Brooke’s hand) be that happy again.

(Brooke puts her hand over Peyton’s.)

PEYTON: I do, so I’m just gonna… grow the hell up and focus on the good things in my life… and get ready for Ellie’s benefit concert. Alright?

(Peyton stands and walks to the other end of the room. She picks up her Friends With Benefit poster and shows Brooke.)

PEYTON: Ta da!

BROOKE: (takes it) Oh, this is gonna be great. (sits on the bed)

PEYTON: I hope so.

(Brooke studies the poster.)

PEYTON: Ticket sales haven’t exactly been through the roof.

BROOKE: And what are you worried about? You sold out the last Fall Out Boy show and this time you have Haley and Jack’s Mannequin a-

PEYTON: And more expensive benefit tickets. (pause) OK, yes, I mean, we do have great bands and Sunkist has been awesome by underwriting the whole event but… I just… I’d really love to do something great for the National Breast Cancer Foundation,… you know? It’s for Ellie.


PEYTON: Anyway, I just wish there was a way to get more people’s attention.

(Brooke nods.)

PEYTON: Too bad I didn’t put it on the time capsule – then everybody would’ve seen it, right? (laughs)

(Brooke gasps and stands up.)

BROOKE: How much do you love that your best friend’s a genius?

(Peyton looks at her, perplexed.)

BROOKE: Never mind. (gives the posters back) I know how to get the word out. I just need to call Mouth; he can help. And after my whole senator comment on the time capsule, he’s so thrilled with me; I think he’d donate a kidney if I asked him to. (grins)

PEYTON: Well, yeah but it’s not like it’s the first time you’ve ever told him that.

(Brooke tilts her head, confused.)


PEYTON: Yeah, he mentioned the whole ‘senator’ thing when we went on our ‘boy draft’ date.

BROOKE: (confused) But I never told him about it so…

(Peyton raises her eyebrows.)

BROOKE: How would he have known?



(Haley is on Lucas’ bed, watching the capsule. It’s on Lucas’ recording.)

LUCAS: (on the laptop) Wish I coulda talked to her about it. You know, not to… change her mind… or to tell her what to do (shakes his head) but… (laughs) just to say ‘I love you’… and ‘I miss you’.

(Haley looks up and smiles. Lucas puts his hand on the laptop and looks down at the screen.)

LUCAS: (on the laptop) Just to say goodbye.

LUCAS: (sighs) Great, it’s gone global.

(He sits in a chair.)

HALEY: Yeah, well at least now the whole world knows all the nice things you said about me.

(He puts his head in his hands and groans.)

HALEY: To go along with all the crappy things that Nathan said about me.

(He frowns and looks sideways at the laptop.)

LUCAS: Well, what’d he say when you talked to him?

HALEY: I haven’t talked to him yet.

(Lucas looks at her expectantly.)

HALEY: I know, I just don’t wanna pry open old wounds.

LUCAS: (amused) Yeah, well I think the time capsule did that for you.

HALEY: It just really sucks coz now I have to get back up on stage and sing for this benefit. It’s like the worst possible time for all this stuff to blow up again.

(Lucas sighs but doesn’t comment.)

HALEY: (smiling) What’d you say to, uh, hooter girl when she made her topless debut?

(Lucas grins and leans back.)

LUCAS: Ahhhhh, (shrugs) I told her she looked beautiful.

HALEY: Oh, god! (looks away and laughs)

LUCAS: Hey, you know what? If you get into trouble, just roll that one out.

HALEY: (sarcastically) Yeah, I’ll remember that, thanks.

(There’s a knock on the door.)

KAREN: (o.s) Uh, Lucas-

(Cut to the doorway as Karen and Keith enter.)

KAREN: -can we talk to you?

(Lucas narrows his eyes at them.)

LUCAS: (slowly) Why?

KAREN: (looking at Keith) Well, K-Keith and I have been doing some talking and-

KEITH: (smiles) We’re engaged.

HALEY: (delighted) What?! (gets off the bed.)

(Lucas stands, still trying to absorb it.)

HALEY: (rushes to them) THAT’S SO AWESOME!

LUCAS: (walking forward) Well, it’s about time!

(Karen holds her arm out and Haley hugs her. Karen and Keith are smiling widely.)

HALEY: Oh my god, you guys are really engaged? That’s so awesome.

(Lucas hugs Keith.)

(Nathan’s recording plays on the laptop.)

NATHAN: (on the laptop) Here’s a little advice; (pause) never get married. (pause) In the end, you’ll only be miserable.

(All four of them look at the laptop cover soberly. Haley looks away and Karen touches Haley’s head.)



(Nathan is on the computer screen. He gets up and walks away. The camera pans to show Nathan at the computer. He closes the window. Haley is at his doorway and knocks. He sighs before looks at her.)

HALEY: (walks in and crosses her arms) Um,… hi. (laughs self-consciously)

NATHAN: Listen, um,… about the time capsule.

HALEY: (quickly) Ah, you looked beautiful(!) (brushes it off with a laugh)

(Nathan frowns at her.)

HALEY: OK, I guess you had to be there. Sorry. Um,… listen (walks to his bed) I-I just wanted to apologise for… avoiding you; avoiding this. (sits on his bed) I just really don’t wanna ruin how we’ve been lately with another fight.

(Nathan stands and walks forward a little.)

NATHAN: I know. (pause) And look, I’m sorry about what I said in that stupid time capsule.

(Haley nods sadly.)

NATHAN: And you weren’t supposed to hear that. I mean this you wasn’t supposed to hear that.

(Haley nods again.)

NATHAN: Now when things have been going so good for us. You know?

HALEY: Yeah, um,… OK, so this is the thing; (pause) we’ve had some really great nights together lately. (pause) Really great. (laughs)

(Nathan smiles.)

HALEY: But you’re still living alone in this big house and… I’m still crammed in a one bedroom with Brooke and… I just… I don’t know. I don’t (sighs) maybe we’re not doing as good as we think we are.

(Nathan doesn’t reply.)



(Whitey paces across his office.)

WHITEY: Since you’re the head of the media club,-

(The camera pans slightly and Mouth’s head comes into view.)

WHITEY: -being as you’re the…

(Pan to show Brooke sitting next to Mouth in her own chair.)

WHITEY: president of the student council and all around social butterfly.

(Brooke’s face breaks into a smile.)

WHITEY: (sitting on his desk) I thought the two of you might know who caused all this mess.

(Mouth looks at Brooke briefly and shakes his head.)

MOUTH: Um,… no idea, coach.

(Brooke looks hard at Mouth and nods.)

MOUTH: Classes check out the keys to the media closet all the time. (shrugs) Anybody could’ve done it.

WHITEY: How bout you, Miss. Davis? Any ideas?

(Brooke waits a beat before looking straight at Mouth.)

BROOKE: Can’t think of anybody right now.

(She looks back at Whitey and so does Mouth. Whitey crosses his arms dejectedly.)



(Brooke and Mouth exit Whitey’s office. Brooke has her arms crossed and looks at Mouth, confused.)

BROOKE: I mean, what kind of horrible person would pry open people’s secrets by opening up the time capsule.

MOUTH: (beat) Yeah.

(Brooke turns to look at him.)

BROOKE: (mocking and nodding) Yeah. (pause) Hey, Peyton told me you were planning on running for senator; I think it’s a good fit - (glaring) since most politicians are liars.

(She gives him a hard look before turning and leaving him standing there. He sighs and shakes his head.)



(Lucas walks into the kitchen to find Keith at the cupboard under the sink.)

LUCAS: Hey, is it too late for my mom to get engaged to… a plumber?

KEITH: You better watch your smart remarks, pal. I think the engagement comes with full grounding privileges.

LUCAS: (points) Good to remember. Yeah, but seriously, you don’t have to fix this. (laughs) The disposal’s been broke for over a year. We’re kinda used to it.

KEITH: Yeah, well it’s never too late to try and fix things. (sighs) So why don’t you come down here and give me a hand? Tell me what’s bothering you.

LUCAS: (frowns) Well, (hands him some parts) you remember Jimmy Edwards?

KEITH: (takes the part) Thanks. (nods) Yeah. Why?

LUCAS: You know how the… time capsule thing got out? It’s just, his entry was… really dark. You know, he… was just a completely different person. He… just ranted about how much he hates everybody.

KEITH: Doesn’t sound like the happy-go-lucky kid who used to come to the auto-shop and quiz me on sports trivia.

(Lucas nods, agreeing completely.)

KEITH: What do you think made him say those things?

LUCAS: (seriously) Me. (pause) Maybe. I… I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since I… (thinks) joined the basketball team. You know, we just kinda… drifted apart.

(Keith stands.)

KEITH: Well.

(Keith flips the switch on the disposal and it works. Lucas claps.)

KEITH: Walla. (switches it off) There, you see? (pause) It’s never too late to try and fix things. (nods) Speaking of, (walks to the fridge) um,… (pause) I got a little proposition for you.

(He opens the fridge door.)

KEITH: It’s kind of, uh, off the subject… but I want you to understand that there is no wrong answer to this question, OK?

(He takes out two cans and shuts the door before walking back to Lucas.)


KEITH: (hands one can over) OK, well,… well, you know I love you.

LUCAS: (putting a hand on Keith’s shoulder) OK, Keith, I know. (grinning) What’s up?

KEITH: (shakes his head as he thinks.) Well, me and your mom talked it over and… well, if it’s OK with you,… I’d like to adopt you. (smiles)

(Lucas squints and leans back.)

KEITH: I-I want you to be my son.

(Lucas still doesn’t answer and looks down.)

KEITH: Well, would you just… sit with it for a while and talk about it later, OK?

(Lucas looks back up at him.)

KEITH: And, remember, (shakes his head) there is no wrong answer.

(Keith nods and so does Lucas.)


(Keith leaves Lucas in the kitchen and exits. Lucas laughs happily.)



(Peyton and Brooke are walking across the grounds, arm in arm.)

BROOKE: OK, P. Sawyer, all of your concert woes are so one trip to kinkozuto.

PEYTON: Oh, what’re you talking about? Are you planning on hand-delivering me a sold-out crowd?

BROOKE: Hmmm, sort of, but it’s not gonna be my hands that deliver them.

(They stop at the school notice board. A pair of girls stop and gasp. Brooke’s superimposed a picture of herself – topless – on the backdrop of the Friends With Benefit album cover and a slogan covers he modesty. It reads: ‘Fight Breast Cancer’.)

(A guy walks past it and can’t tear his eyes away. He walks straight into a bunch of parked bikes and falls over. Peyton and Brooke laugh.)

PEYTON: (awed) Brooke, you did all of this?!

BROOKE: (hands on hips) Me and a couple of horny freshmen.

(The camera pans around to show more of the posters hung up.)

BROOKE: I never thought I’d be able to say this, but by the end of the day, the whole town will have seen my breasts. (smirks) Now my mom and I have something in common.

(Peyton laughs.)

PEYTON: Have I told you lately you’re my best friend?

(They hug.)





(Dan is standing outside Karen’s house, looking down and thinking. He has his back to the house. Keith walks out and up to the car.)

KEITH: Whaddaya want, Danny?

(Dan turns around and smiles.)

DAN: Let’s go for a drive.

(Dan smiles and Keith looks at the car sceptically.)

DAN: What’re you doing?

KEITH: Looking to see if you bought along a hacksaw and shovel.

(Dan smiles.)

DAN: There was a time you and I could talk, Keith.

KEITH: I think the last meaningful conversation we had was… who would win in a fight – Chewbacca or the Six Million Dollar Man?

DAN: Chewbacca. (grins) Let’s go.

(Keith glares before following Dan and getting into the car. Dan locks the doors and Keith looks at him accusingly. Dan drives.)



(Lucas and Mouth are sitting on the benches.)

LUCAS: I’m telling you, he’ll be here.


LUCAS: (quickly) Hey.

(Lucas and Mouth turn to face him. Jimmy Edwards is standing on the court self-consciously. Lucas stands and spares Mouth a look.)

LUCAS: Sneaking up on us, Jim?

JIMMY EDWARDS: Not hard to do when you’re basically invisible.

LUCAS: (sighs and walks to him) Look, man, I’m glad you came.

(Mouth follows Lucas.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: Well, I almost didn’t come but,… I figured it was the only way to get you to stop calling my house. I mean, you don’t call for a year and then suddenly, it’s five times in a day(!) (pause) What’s up with that?

LUCAS: (frowning) Look, i-i-i-it sucks that we lost touch,… OK? And-and a lot of that’s (indicates himself and Mouth) on us (looks back at Jimmy) but it is a two-way street. You know, our phones didn’t ring either.

JIMMY EDWARDS: (nods slowly) Wow,… (scoffs) I forgot how much fun this was.

(He backs up, ready to leave.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (turns away) Sorry I came.

MOUTH: (walking forward) Come on, Jimmy,

JIMMY EDWARDS: (turning back) He speaks! (walks up to Mouth) Whaddaya ya got, Mouth? What words are gonna make up for a year of being left behind?! A year of being forgotten about.

(Lucas squints.)

MOUTH: How bout ‘I’m sorry’? It sucks but… it’s a start.

LUCAS: Look, Jimmy, you want a long, drawn-out, explanation for why things went down the way they did? I can probably find one for you, OK? But… we’re here now. You know, we wanna… we wanna make up for lost time. We don’t wanna lose any more.

(Jimmy doesn’t say anything but he considers it.)

MOUTH: There’s a concert tonight; this cancer benefit thing. We want you to come with us.

(Lucas looks at Jimmy expectantly.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (shaking his head) I can’t show my face around those people. (pause) Not after the way I went off on the time capsule.

MOUTH: Dude, everybody went off. (laughs) Some even took things off…

(He looks at Lucas and his laughter dies. Lucas sighs and pats Mouth’s shoulder and Mouth stands there uncomfortably.)

LUCAS: Look, you know what, Mouth’s right, man. Th-They’re not worried about what… you said. They’re worried about what they said. Come on.

(Jimmy still doesn’t reply but his resolve is cracking.)

LUCAS: Look, just say yes!

JIMMY EDWARDS: (silently pleased) Whatever, but… if it’s lame, I’m leaving.

LUCAS: Alright. (pause) Come on, man.

(Mouth grabs the back packs, hands Lucas his and all three of them walk off together.)



(Keith and Dan are walking along.)

KEITH: Alright, so what’re we doing here, Danny?

DAN: Do you remember what happened here when we were kids?

(There’s a pause as Keith thinks.)

KEITH: Well, I… remember I got to first base with Abby Hosford underneath that tree over there.

DAN: I was thinking a little further back. I’ll give you a hint – the Dunlop brothers.

(They stop at the foot of the bridge and Dan looks out, reminiscing. Keith looks out over the bridge and sees the past. The kid running across the grass vanishes to be replaced by a set of swings. Dan, as a child, is lying on the floor as the Dunlop brothers rummage through his lunch.)

OLDER DUNLOP: Danny Scott’s lunch. (pulls out a sandwich) No wonder you fight like a girl! (throws the food down next to him)

(Dan looks back up, nose bleeding.)

OLDER DUNLOP: Your mom sure feeds you like one!


OLDER DUNLOP: Eat it, or we’ll make you eat it!

(A younger Keith comes running up behind the older brother and viciously pushes him over.)

KEITH: You first!

(Keith advances on the younger brother and he runs. They both run away.)

KEITH: That’s what I thought! (holds his hand out to Dan) Come on.

DAN: (smiles and takes his hand) Thanks.

(Keith helps him up.)

KEITH: That’s what brothers do. They look out for each other. (smiles)

(Keith puts his arm around Dan’s shoulder.)

KEITH: Come on.

(They walk away and the past fades.)

DAN: It’s like those guys wrote a handbook on bullying. (they walk across the bridge) Picking fights, stealing lunches. (pause) But you stood them down; right here in this park, every other time they got into it.

KEITH: Yep, and then you got bigger than all of us, didn’t ya?

DAN: Back then, I knew no matter what, you and I would always stick together.

KEITH: (nods) Yeah, well that was a long time ago, Danny.

DAN: … I know. (pause) Think how far things have fallen for us. What do you think makes two brothers become such bitter enemies?

KEITH: (turns to Dan and shrugs) You?

DAN: (nods) You’re probably right.

(Keith scoffs.)

DAN: I’ll tell you what… (holds out a wrapped package to him) let me make it up to you.

KEITH: (grabs the package) What is this, Dan?

(Keith opens it and sees the ledger.)

DAN: This is how far things have come between you and me. I put that ledger in the safe before the dealership burned. Only two things came out of that fire – that ledger and me. (pause) And I know you didn’t pull me out. I guess you had your hands full with the ledger. Well, one anyway, since the other was holding on to a Zippo!

KEITH: (smirking) Is that what you think?

DAN: No, big brother. (pause) That’s what I know. (pause) You’re holding on to the smoking g*n.

KEITH: Well,… (walks forward) don’t forget what this is, Danny. (pause) This is the key to your jail cell. This ties you to years of money laundering,… fraud,… and embezzlement. You see, that’s the thing about a smoking g*n, Dan. It doesn’t care who it’s pointing at.

(Keith smirks and shakes his head.)

KEITH: Look at you. You’re still carrying around all this hate. Just like you’ve been carrying around this ledger. Well, if you don’t wanna go to jail,… you better get rid of them both.

(Keith walks forward and slaps the ledger on Dan’s chest.)

KEITH: I am marrying Karen, Dan. (pause) I’m moving on. You should too.

(Keith walks away.)

KEITH: (calls over his shoulder) I’ll find my own way home.

(Keith steps off the bridge and the camera pans back to Dan’s sour face. Dan looks back over his shoulder, watching Keith.)



(Lots of people walk up the steps to TRIC.)



(Brooke and Peyton are walking together. Brooke stops suddenly and gasps. She advances quickly and Peyton, with a similar expression, follows.)

BROOKE: Get out!

(They stop at a stunned Karen.)

KAREN: (confused) This is my club.

(Brooke grabs Karen’s left hand and looks at the ring on it.)

BROOKE: You and Keith are engaged? (gasps again while studying the ring) Wait, are you pregnant? No, of course not. You being pregnant twice outside of marriage would make you th-

(Peyton hits Brooke discreetly and Brooke gasps again.)

BROOKE: … Totally awesome!

PEYTON: Um,… I think that’s Brooke for congratulations.

BROOKE: Uh-huh.

(Peyton hugs Karen.)

BROOKE: (giddy) I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. (pulls her in for a hard hug) Oh god. You have to let me make your wedding dress! Please! Please, please, please. I love weddings.

(Karen is too shocked to form words for a few moments.)

KAREN: (stumbling) Yeah, a-um,… just promise me that it’ll be something more than what you’re wearing on the poster.

BROOKE: (nodding) Yes.

KAREN: And no feathers.

BROOKE: (shakes her head) No.

(Karen nods and smiles. Brooke squeals, jumps and hugs both Peyton and Karen. They laugh together.)



(Haley is sitting on the couch in the backroom and drinking from a bottle of water. Nathan opens the door before knocking. Haley looks at the doorway and stands.)

HALEY: Hmm, hey.

NATHAN: (entering with the flowers) How’re you holding up?

HALEY: (sighs) I’m good. Just a… few butterflies.

NATHAN: Well, good. (smiles)

HALEY: Actually, when I say butterflies, I mean, like, giant things the size of Mothra (laughs nervously) or whatever Godzilla fought.

NATHAN: Well, you’ll be OK. (indicating the green tissue paper wrapped flowers) I got you these.

(Haley groans happily.)

NATHAN: For good luck.

(She pulls the paper down and smiles as the flowers come into view.)

NATHAN: You know, we should find out what those flowers are called and order some seeds or something. (she laughs) The rate I’ve been screwing up, there’s not gonna be any left to pick.

(Haley smiles at him and lowers the flowers. Her smile falls.)

NATHAN: (holds his arm out) Come here.

(Haley walks into his arm and smiles as he hugs her and kisses the top of her head.)

NATHAN: (lets go of her) I’m so proud of you. And I love you. (pause) You’re gonna be great out there OK? (smiles) You got nothing to worry about.

(He smiles and walks to the door. Haley put a hand to her head, sighs and turns away. She smiles and touches one of the flowers. Nathan exits.)

HALEY: (to herself) Except us.




(Peyton walks onto the stage with a microphone.)

PEYTON: Hey, what’s up, Tree Hill?

(The crowd cheer.)

PEYTON: How are you, guys? (they continue to cheer) First of all, I really wanna thank you guys for coming out tonight. Some of you may know, Ellie Harp recently succumbed to breast cancer, so, tonight, we remember her life by trying to save many lives – because, for every ticket you guys have purchased, you all are helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation in their fight against cancer so give it up for yourselves.

(The silent crowd erupt into cheers again.)

PEYTON: Thank you. And, also, give it up for Sunkist who helped make all this happen tonight.

(Many people raise their soda cans.)

PEYTON: Alright, now you guys, this next performer had leukaemia, he fought leukaemia and he kicked leukaemia’s ass and tonight, he is here to kick yours! Please give it up for Andrew McMahon and Jack’s Mannequin!

(The crowd cheers loudly as Andrew McMahon walks onto the stage. The music starts up and Jack’s Mannequin begins to play ‘The Mixed Tape’.)

(Brooke and Peyton stand behind the curtain at the back of the stage, watching the band and smiling widely.)

(The band sing the song.)



(Haley is sitting at the lit vanity. The flowers are in front of her. Jack’s Mannequin continues to play in the background. She’s plucked one of the flowers out and is twirling it in her fingers as she thinks. She picks the petals off one by one with a happy smile.)



(Cut back to the stage where Jack’s Mannequin continue to sing the song.)

(Lucas is sitting at the counter of the bar. Mouth is standing beside him and enjoying himself. Pan right to show Jimmy standing with them and enjoying himself too.)

(Cut to the backstage where Peyton and Brooke are still standing and watching. Brooke hugs her.)

BROOKE: You did good, Peyton. (pause) Both your mom’s would be proud of you.

(Peyton puts a hand on Brooke’s arm and smiles back at her.)



(Karen is standing there, arranging things. Keith walks up behind her and puts his arms around her. She stops, smiles and kisses him.)



(Jack’s Mannequin are still playing the song.)



(Lucas enters the back room and shows his VIP badge. Mouth and Jimmy follow him, also with badges.)

LUCAS: (to both of them) Wow, backstage. How great is this, man, huh? (pats Jimmy on the back.)

(Mouth laughs.)

LUCAS: Look, I’m gonna go see if I can find Haley, OK?

MOUTH: Yeah.

(Jimmy nods. Lucas disappears. Mouth looks around.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: This is cool.

(Mouth grins widely and nods. It fades when he spots Brooke coming to a stop across the room at the drinks table. She flips through the napkins.)

MOUTH: Hey, um,… I need to talk to Brooke for a second, OK?

(Jimmy nods.)

MOUTH: You’re sure?

JIMMY EDWARDS: Yeah, man, go.

MOUTH: (relieved) Alright.

(Mouth smiles and leaves Jimmy standing there.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (to himself) I’m sure you’ll introduce me later. (looks around himself unsure)

(Mouth walks up to Brooke purposefully.)

MOUTH: (urgently) Brooke, you can’t possibly think I could release the time capsule. That I’d smash out the cornerstone?

BROOKE: Maybe you pretended it was my windshield.

MOUTH: (sighs) Alright,… here’s the thing; yes, I saw the time capsule before it was broadcast all over school. But I was only trying to do it to help someone out. (pause) Someone who wanted to erase something they’d said.

BROOKE: (arms crossed) Who?

MOUTH: (shrugs and shakes his head) I can’t say. I swore I’d keep it a secret.

BROOKE: And the time capsule wasn’t supposed to be a secret?

MOUTH: Brooke, I made a promise.

BROOKE: OK, let’s say you did just go in to try to save somebody from something they said; what does that have to do with my recording?! Why did you have to watch my time capsule?

(Mouth shrugs again but can’t find an excuse.)

BROOKE: (not surprised) That’s what I thought.

(She pushes past him as the crowd cheers again.)

MOUTH: (turning to her) Brooke, I didn’t watch enough of it to know that you took your clothes off. I-I didn’t see anything.

BROOKE: You think that’s what I’m upset about?! Mouth, there were private things on there. You violated a trust! (pause) You violated a friendship.

(Mouth looks at her and nods bitterly.)

BROOKE: I guess I was wrong about what I said on the time capsule; you’re not the guy I thought you’d be in twenty years.

(She turns and walks away and this time, Mouth lets her.)



(Jimmy is still there, by himself. He walks out of the VIP room and a girl notices him.)

GIRL: (rushes to him) Oh my god! (obviously drunk) Did you just get backstage? Who’s out back there? Oh my god. Do you think you could get me in?

JIMMY EDWARDS: (shocked) Um,… (shakes his head) I don’t know. I could try.

RUSS: (o.s) Hey!

(Jimmy turns his head to see the person who rudely called them. Cut to the group of students looking at the pair.)

RUSS: Don’t talk to him. (walks up to Jimmy) That’s the guy that was talking all that smack about me on the time capsule.

JIMMY EDWARDS: Look, Russ, (Russ shoves him back into one of his friends) I’m really sorry-

(Russ punches him in the stomach. Jimmy’s glasses fall off and hit the floor. Russ punches him in the face now as one of his friends holds Jimmy in place. Jimmy hits the floor.)

(Russ reaches to do more damage but Rachel runs in and sprays him with pepper spray. Russ yells and covers his face. Rachel continues to spray.)

RUSS’ FRIEND: (rushes to Rachel) Stay out of it!

(He struggles and finally pushes Rachel to the floor. Lucas spots it and runs to Jimmy and Rachel. He grabs the guy that pushed Rachel and punches him in the face. Another guy holds Lucas steady while the first one returns the favour and punches Lucas in the face – repeatedly.)

(Nathan comes up behind and sees what they’re doing to Lucas.)

NATHAN: (also rushes forward) Hey!

(Nathan grabs the guy holding Lucas and punches him, a lot. Jimmy’s still on the floor through all the commotion. The fighting continues until security personnel intervene and stop the fight. One pushes Nathan up against the wall. Jimmy reaches for his glasses but they’re broken.)

(Mouth rushes to the group and stops when he sees Jimmy on the floor.)

MOUTH: (to Jimmy) Are you alright?

(Lucas reaches down to help Jimmy up. Jimmy violently shakes him off and steps back.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (angrily) Leave me alone! (pause) Just forget about it.

(He pants sadly.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: (turning away) And forget about me.

(Jimmy walks out. Mouth looks at Lucas. Nathan stands in the background. Lucas and Mouth spare him a glance.)





(Jack’s Mannequin have started a new song. It’s ‘Dark Blue’.)

(Peyton watches them, standing off to the side. She’s smiling widely. Pete Wentz walks up behind Peyton.)

PETE WENTZ: (beat) You know who’s up next?

(Peyton continues to watch Jack’s Mannequin and doesn’t spare him a glance.)

PEYTON: (still smiling) Fall Out Boy.

PETE WENTZ: Yeah, I heard that band sucks. Bass player’s pretty cool.

(Pete eases around her and she sees him. She grins at him before laughing.)

PEYTON: Hi, Pete! Hey, I can’t thank you and the band enough for being here-

PETE WENTZ: It’s, uh,… no big deal, but thanks. And, (shrugs) we wouldn’t have missed it for the world, you know? It’s a great cause and… get to see you again.

(Peyton is too embarrassed to say much.)

PEYTON: … Yeah.

PETE WENTZ: So, (touches her shoulder) be right back, I’m gonna go save the world(!)

(The crowd cheers, Peyton laughs and Pete grabs his bass. He walks onto the stage. Patrick Stump stops beside Peyton.)

PATRICK STUMP: Did he just roll ‘I gotta go save the world’?

PEYTON: (nonplussed) Yeah.

PATRICK STUMP: That’s my line.

(Peyton watches him go with a grin. She laughs.)

(The camera switches to the stage where Pete is talking into his microphone.)

PETE WENTZ: What’s up, Tree Hill. We’re Fall Out Boy. We love your breasts so make sure you take care of them.

(There’s a beat before Fall Out Boy start playing ‘A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me’. They play the first part before the camera cuts back to Peyton.)

(Brooke stops beside Peyton.)

BROOKE: (too innocently) Ah-hem.

PEYTON: (grinning) Hey, Brooke. (nudges her)

BROOKE: Don’t ‘hey, Brooke’ me. What is up with you and Hottie McHottie?

PEYTON: (beat) Who McWhat?

BROOKE: Don’t even try it. Please, the Fall Out Boy. I can spy hitting on you from a mile away. And you were definitely returning fire.

PEYTON: We talked for like ten seconds.

BROOKE: So you move fast(!)

(She grins, amused.)

BROOKE: You should ask him to check you for lumps.

PEYTON: OK, not funny.

BROOKE: What? He’s a musician; he’s gotta have good hands.

(They look back to the stage. They watch him playing his guitar and giggle like school-girls.)



(Jimmy Edwards walks out of the club and puts his broken glasses back on. He notices they’re broken and throws them aside. He pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and takes one out – putting it in his mouth. He tries to light it but his lighter sparks but keeps fizzing out.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: Damn it! (throws it aside harshly)

(A lighter is flicked on and held in front of his face. Jimmy Edwards looks at the person before leaning in and lighting his cigarette. The camera pans left to show Rachel holding the lighter. She flips in closed and steps back, still watching him. He blows smoke out of his mouth.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: You’re the one with the pepper spray, right?

(She smiles but doesn’t say yes.)

JIMMY EDWARDS: Thanks for helping me out.

RACHEL: To be honest, it really wasn’t about you. I’ve just… always wanted to pepper spray someone.

(He looks at her. Rachel walks away. He watches her while smoking.)



(Nathan and Mouth are standing by Lucas as he washes his mouth out at the drinking fountain.)

NATHAN: Took one in the jaw, huh?

LUCAS: Yeah, it wasn’t one. It was, uh, three. (spits again)

(Lucas straightens and looks at Mouth.)

LUCAS: Any idea where Edwards went?

MOUTH: Nah, I’m gonna see if I can find him.

LUCAS: Well, I’ll come with you.

MOUTH: No, let me go alone. It might be better one-on-one.

(Nathan doesn’t interfere and Lucas relents.)

LUCAS: Alright.

(Nathan nods at Mouth and Mouth walks out. Lucas touches his jaw and groans.)

NATHAN: (shakes his head) You think we’ll ever have a function in this town that doesn’t end up in a brawl?

LUCAS: Why? Getting a little too ‘Outsiders’ for you?

NATHAN: (smiles) I never saw it.

LUCAS: Well, uh, you would’ve been one of the bad guys.

NATHAN: (nods agreeably) OK.

(There’s an uncomfortable moment.)

LUCAS: (walking forward) You know, about what I said in the time capsule; you know, with Dan, I-I-

NATHAN: (shaking his head) Whatever, man.

(Nathan holds his hand out and Lucas slaps it.)

NATHAN: (grinning) We’re cool.

(They hug. Nathan walks away and Lucas watches him. He groans and touches his jaw again.)



(Nathan knocks on the door of Haley’s dressing room and enters. The room looks deserted and Nathan walks in.)

NATHAN: (uncertainly) Haley?

(Cut to Haley who’s sitting on the floor. She wonders for a beat before realising it’s Nathan. She reaches up and pulls herself up from under the table.)

HALEY: (embarrassed) Oh, hey! Under… here.

NATHAN: (smiles confusedly) What the hell’re you doing?

HALEY: You know, just hanging out under the vanity; singing the finale to Les Mis.

(Nathan looks away, confused. Haley laughs.)

HALEY: Uh, right before the first time I had to play on tour, I got really nervous and (sits in front of him) so I ended up hiding under a desk and I just sang that song over and over again – it was kind of the only thing that would calm me down, so I- (points at the vanity)

(Nathan laughs and frowns.)

HALEY: What, you don’t have any pre-game rituals?!

NATHAN: No. Wh-what’re you worried about? I mean, you’ve got the home-court advantage. You’ve played in front of this many people before.

HALEY: I know, I’m… I’m not worried about playing in front of hundreds of people; that I can do in my sleep. (pause) I’m… (smiles) scared of playing in front of one (looks pointedly) in particular.

(Nathan looks away for a beat.)

NATHAN: (looks down) Oh.

HALEY: This is my first time playing out since… the tour and… it’s my first time playing since you and I have been us again… and I saw your time capsule and I just got scared.

(Nathan shrugs.)

NATHAN: Of what?

HALEY: Loving it again. (pause) Of you seeing me love it again. I just… I’m afraid that you’re gonna think that it somehow means that I love you less.

(Nathan smiles kindly. There’s a knock on the door and they both turn to look at it. One of the staff pokes her head in.)

STAFF: We’re ready for you, Miss. Scott.

HALEY: Thanks. (corrects) Mrs. Scott. (laughs)

(Nathan looks at Haley and smiles.)

STAFF: (flummoxed) Oh. (smiles) Sorry. (shuts the door)

(Nathan continues to smile at her.)

HALEY: (pointing) Well, that was my cue. (gets out of the chair)

(She walks over and hugs Nathan.)

NATHAN: (letting go and looking at her) Don’t be afraid to love it, Haley. (pause) Alright?

HALEY: (smiles) OK.

(She walks to the door and Nathan slaps her on the ass.)

HALEY: (laughs and turns back around) Hey(!)

NATHAN: (holds his hands up and grins) Sorry – pre-game ritual.

HALEY: Yeah, I bet.

(He laughs and watches her open the door. She turns back around briefly before closing the door between them. The camera pans back to Nathan as his smile falls and the worry creeps back over him. He sighs hard.)



(Haley is on the stage. She sings ‘Halo’.)



(Haley’s song continues to play in the background as Mouth walks across the parking lot alone; looking for Jimmy.)



(Haley’s still on the stage, singing.)

(Shot cuts to the back where Nathan is standing there with some guy.)

DALLAS: great song, huh?

NATHAN: (nods) Yeah.

DALLAS: You’re, uh, Haley’s husband, right?

NATHAN: (beat) (nods) Yeah.

(Nathan holds his hand out and they shake.)

DALLAS: I’m Dallas: Epic Records. (crosses his arms) She’s talented.

(Nathan smiles uneasily but genuinely.)

DALLAS: I gotta be honest though; (shakes his head) it’s a shame she’s not touring.

(Nathan looks at Dallas.)

DALLAS: (smiles) She must reaaaaally love you.

(Nathan frowns as he considers it. He nods after a beat and smiles.)

(Cut back to the stage where Haley is still singing the song.)



(Lucas walks around the back and nervously walks forward. Karen and Keith are sitting there.)

LUCAS: (stopping) Mom, Keith, you got a second?

(Karen looks at him.)

KEITH: (smiling) Sure.

(Karen puts her drink down and sits back.)

LUCAS: Or… (sits on the arm of the couch) should I say mom and dad?

(Karen looks between Lucas and Keith, shocked. Keith smiles slowly. Karen returns it eventually. Lucas looks down.)

LUCAS: I would love to be your son, Keith.

(The camera zooms in on Keith’s silently delighted face.)

LUCAS: (shakes his head) There’s nothing else I’d want more.

(Keith holds his hand out for Lucas to grab. Lucas does. They all smile. Keith kisses Karen on the cheek. They all smile some more.)





(Birds-eye view of the parked cars and the tour coach. The camera pans down to how Mouth walking into the shot, talking into his cell phone.)

MOUTH: (into the phone) Hey, Jimmy, I’m… trying to find you. Where are ya? (pause) Call me when you get this.

(He looks at his phone and continues to walk. Rachel stops in front of him.)

RACHEL: Are you coming back in?

MOUTH: I gotta find my friend.

RACHEL: (shakes her head) Why? (crosses her arms)

MOUTH: (scoffs) Because he’s my friend.

RACHEL: You know, Mouth, that guy’s either gonna stand on his own two feet, or he’s gonna fall. (pause) But he has to do it on his own. (shakes her head) That’s the scary truth, Mouth. (pause) We’re all alone.

MOUTH: (shakes his head) Not if we have friends.

RACHEL: But he doesn’t. (pause) And if you’re honest with yourself; you know there’s a reason you don’t hang out with him anymore.

MOUTH: And why is that?

RACHEL: Because you’re hanging out with me. (pause) (scowls) Or Brooke, or Lucas. Everybody can’t be popular, because if they were, nobody would be popular.

MOUTH: (bitterly) I wish this time capsule had never been opened. All it’s done is cause people pain.

RACHEL: (beat) The truth usually does.

(She turns around and walks away. Mouth looks back down at his phone.)



(Haley is back in the room, pinning her hair back. Nathan walks into the room again, this time forgoing the knocking. He walks to her with purpose.)

NATHAN: How awesome was my girl?(!)

(Haley turns to him delightedly.)


(They hug and laugh.)

HALEY: Thanks.

(She lets go, steps back and sighs. Nathan sighs and avoids eye contact. She smiles nervously.)

HALEY: What?

NATHAN: Look, I have a confession to make. (pause) I’m scared.

(Haley just listens.)

NATHAN: I didn’t wanna say anything to you because I know how much this means to you and you deserve to have nights like this, but,… the truth is, I’m afraid to go through all of it again.

HALEY: Nathan, I can walk away from the music, you know? It’s-

NATHAN: (shakes his head) No, it’s not the music, Hales. It’s the rest of it. I’m… I’m afraid to be vulnerable again. With you.

(Haley looks away.)

NATHAN: Look, I just don’t wanna be the guy on that time capsule. Not now and not fifty years from now.

(Haley looks down sadly.)

NATHAN: Hey. (tilts her head up) It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you.

(They smile.)

NATHAN: Coz I do.

(Haley laughs.)

HALEY: You know,… if I had recorded a time capsule, there wouldn’t have been one word in there about music. (he smiles) It all would have been about us. (pause) I’m sure of it.

(Nathan nods.)

HALEY: Just like I’m sure that I love you. And I guess… (shrugs and smiles) the rest we can figure out later.

(They smile widely and there’s a loud knock on the door. The same woman pokes her head back into the room.)

STAFF: They need you for the encore, Mrs. Scott. (smiles)

(Haley laughs and the door shuts off-screen. Haley turns to the mirror, groans and grabs her hair.)

HALEY: Eurgh, OK.

(She wills herself to be strong and takes a flower out of the bunch Nathan gave her earlier. She smiles, turns to him and slips it into her hair.)

HALEY: Just promise me that this time; you’ll be here when I get back.

(Nathan laughs and they kiss. She walks out of the door and Nathan watches her. This time when he turns around, his smile stays in place.)



(Pan across pictures and lamps in Whitey’s office, to him sitting at his desk. He has a drink with him.)

WHITEY: (v.o) It’s been fifty years, (pause) fifty long years-

(He drinks from his glass.)

WHITEY: (v.o) -since I’ve done this. (pause) Looking back on what I said all those years ago; all the hopes and dreams I had…

(The camera pans around Whitey to show that he’s watching himself on the time capsule that was filmed last year.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) I’ve come to the conclusion that… if having things turn out the way you wanted them to… is a measure of a successful life,…

(Cut to Whitey who is looking at the screen sadly.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) Then, some would say I’m a failure.



(Dan is sitting in the dark room, in front of the lit fire, looking down sadly.)

WHITEY: (v.o) The important thing is; (pause) not to be bitter over life’s disappointments.

(Shot of Dan through the flames as he holds the ledger up. He tosses it into the fire.)

WHITEY: (v.o) Learn to let go of the past.

(Dan sits back and watches it burn.)



(Close-up of Jimmy Edwards’ broken glasses lying forgotten on the ground. A shadow stops over them before the glasses are picked up. Mouth holds them up and inspects them sadly. The sh*ts cuts to birds-eye view.)

WHITEY: (v.o) And recognise that every day,… won’t be sunny.

(Mouth looks up.)

WHITEY: (v.o) But when you find yourself-

(Mouth stands up.)

WHITEY: (v.o) -lost in the darkness of despair…



(Everyone in the crowd is holding up their mobile phones and waving them side to side as all of the bands sing the encore together. The crowd cheer and jump. Keith holds up a lit lighter and looks down at Karen who is beaming.)

WHITEY: (v.o) Remember, (pause) it’s only in the black of night…

(Lucas and Brooke are standing with Karen and Keith, smiling and enjoying themselves.)

WHITEY: (v.o) that you can see the stars.

(Keith hugs Karen.)

WHITEY: (v.o) And those stars-

(Lucas kisses Brooke.)

WHITEY: (v.o) -will lead you back home.

(The shot fades to Haley on the stage, waving.)

WHITEY: (v.o) So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

(Haley looks back, smiling. Nathan is standing back there, clapping and grinning widely.)

WHITEY: (v.o) To stumble and fall. Coz, most of the time,-

(Haley laughs.)

WHITEY: (v.o) -the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most.

(Nathan stops smiling and looks on apprehensively.)



(The camera pans back down to the TV screen where Whitey is still talking.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) Maybe you’ll get everything you wish for…

(The shot pans down to Whitey’s framed picture of his wife; Camilla.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) Maybe, you’ll get more than you ever could’ve imagined.

(The shot pans across to pictures of various ages, all with the basketball players he’s coached. The camera finally stops at him.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) Who knows where-



(All of the bands that played that evening are standing on the stage with Peyton in the foreground.)

WHITEY: (v.o) -life will take you. The road is long, and in the end,-

(Everyone on the stage bows. Haley waves and claps.)



(Whitey is still sitting at his desk, watching himself.)

WHITEY: (on the screen) -the journey is the destination.

(Whitey smiles as the shot fades out on a low note of warning.)