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01x10 - Come the Apocalypse

Posted: 08/23/22 09:38
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on X-MEN...

Dr. Adler claims his process
can reverse genetic mutations

within each cell of the body.


Some mutants might welcome
the chance to become normal.

Yeah? Who?

I hear you can change people, Doctor.

Change them
so they won't be mutants anymore.

I don't wanna live my whole life

without knowing what it's like
to touch another human being.

-In the mood for a hot date?
-In a bull's-eye.

She has great powers.

You will use the machine
to make her my sl*ve.

So your machine doesn't cure mutants.

It turns them into slaves of Apocalypse.

I'm looking for Gottfried Adler.

Of course, you are, old darling.

Don't call me "darling".

I know more of this world
than you have even dreamed.

That is why I must destroy it.

That is why I must destroy it.

A new way of life is beginning
for mutantkind, Mr. Worthington.

Free of the pain
caused by your mutantcy.

I can't thank you enough, Dr. Adler.

Your cure will give me
what I've always wanted,

the chance to be
an ordinary human being.

Not a mutant, not a freak.

It was your funding that made
the transformation process possible.

It's only fitting that you should be
the first to undergo the treatment.

I caution you there may be
some discomfort at first.

Whatever it takes, Doctor.
Make me a new man.

You will be surprised at just how new.





See, the transformation begins.


You serve me well, Mystique.

Such loyalty will be rewarded.

The rest shall be my slaves.

Increase the power.

I want to hear the cries
of a future being born!


KIEROS: Where's Adler?

I've been waiting a month.
I want my cure!

We all do, sweetie. Sit down.

Can't a girl have a cup of coffee
in peace?

They haven't learned how to live
at ease with their mutant powers,

so they are frustrated.

Some lash out
while some have turned inward,


letting their bitterness consume them.

But they all feel dissatisfied
with themselves and alone.

You've given us a place
where we belong, Professor.

Just takes us hard-headed ones
longer to realize it.

Forget about it, Rogue.

We've all had a hard time
accepting who we are.

I'm cured! I'm cured! See?

My wings are gone.
Dr. Adler's treatment works!

I'm not a mutant anymore!

You don't have to be mutants!
You don't have to be hated!

You can be cured!

We're mutants! That's what we are!

There's nothing wrong with us
that needs to be cured!

Look me in the eye and tell me that!

It'll be my pleasure!

XAVIER: Cyclops! No!

It's not our place
to tell other mutants what to do.

If Adler can really change mutants
into ordinary humans,

then each of us'll have to look
into his own heart and decide.

You won't be laughed at
or feared anymore!

You'll be like everybody else!


It's time we headed home.

Who wants to be normal?

KIEROS: Me! Take me next!


Cure me!

Mystique impersonates you very well,
Mr. Worthington.

Worthington is no more.

Now there is only Archangel.

Let the world beware.

The old world passes away.

Together, we shall forge
a new one in fire and blood!

The future is transformed!

I am the instrument to purify the world!

The evil of human and mutant
must be cut away!

You shall help me
tear down the old order!

Those who oppose me shall perish
through my agents of destruction.

Famine. Pestilence.


And my greatest creation.

Death, the Winged Avenger!

From the ashes of this world
I will build a better one!

Go forth, my Horsemen,

and let chaos cleanse the world!

Looks like you're behind
the old eight ball, Gambit,

and I'm about to sink it.

You not win the game yet, ch?re.
Could be you need incentive.

How about the winner
get a kiss from the loser?

That's not funny!
Or do you want to end up in a coma?

You can drain
my energy anytime, ch?re.

Gambit has plenty.


First, we charge the cue.

Don't let Gambit get to you, Rogue.

I'd like to wipe that smirk off his face.

Serve him right
if I did give that low-life a kiss.

Maybe Monsieur Gambit's
not as good as he thinks he is.

Looks like you nicked
the table, Gambit.

STORM: Gambit!

The term "rec room" does not
mean that you must wreck it.

Storm makes jokes now. What next?

Hopes are high as leaders
from around the world

meet in Paris this week

for the conventional
weapons disarmament talks.

But much tough negotiation lies ahead.

Wait, here's the
Conference Chairman now.

Good day.

The leaders of the world recognize

the desire of people everywhere
for peace.

But we must proceed carefully.

Can we disarm
when mutants walk among us?

Many questions must be answered

if we are to ensure a secure future
for humankind.


APOCALYPSE: Fools! You bleat
for the future like a herd of sheep!

I'll give you the future right now!


I'm not sure what's happening,

but it appears that a mutant t*rror1st
is disrupting the peace conference!

JEAN: Storm. What's happening?

Trouble at
the World Peace Conference.

Stop that mutant!

The weak and afraid shall be smashed!

Show them!


Looks more like
a World w*r Conference.

We must tell Xavier.

You can't run from a few mutants!

I am Apocalypse!

Look upon the future and tremble!

The army is counter-attacking!

w*r! Archangel!

Destroy the irritants!

Who can protect us
from these mutant t*rrorists?

No one can save you
from the touch of Pestilence!


All who oppose me

shall be crushed!

This is what I've feared the most,

a powerful mutant
driven completely mad by his powers.

This isn't like Magneto

or the conspirators
who produced the Sentinels.

They could be appealed to,
reasoned with...

We have to stop Apocalypse now,
or there will be no future for anyone.

Why can't I go with them, Professor?
They'll need all the help they can get.

I have another mission for you.

I recognized the mutants
with Apocalypse.

They were all on Muir Island,
hoping for Dr. Adler's cure.

But one interests me
more than the others.

This is the mutant who claimed
that Dr. Adler had cured him.

I want you to return to Muir Island.

Dr. Adler's cure could hold the key
to defeating this madman.

On my way, Professor.

If there's something fishy
going on up there, I'll find it.

Each generation has cried out
for a new world,

but has built the same old one,
corrupt and weak!

But the new world shall come to pass!

I will purge the earth
of these benighted humans!

Take the food from their mouths!

-(GASPING) No! Please!
-(GASPING) No! Food!

-Help! I need food! Please help.
-Food, please!

Turn their weapons against them!

w*r shall be their destruction!

Exterminate them.


They shall be purified
with fire and water!

I never thought I'd see this place again.

Looks like the doc's doing
a little remodeling.

Dr. Adler!

What a pleasure it is
to see you again, my dear.

You thinking
about putting in a skylight, Doc?

Experiments sometimes
have unforeseen results.

It's your results I'm interested in.

I discuss my treatment with no one.

You'll discuss it with me, Doc!

What are you doing? No! Don't!

What did your cure do
to those mutants?

What would it have done to me?

No! Please! I'll tell you!

Well, looks like we got
another mutant ready for the cure.

There is no cure.

Apocalypse uses the treatment
to turn mutants into his slaves.

It makes them hate everyone,
humans and mutants,

like Apocalypse does.

He wants to destroy everything.

I had to help him,
he would have k*lled me.

He has a secret command center
buried under Stonehenge, in England.

Old Apocalypse won't like
that you helped me.

You'd better find some place to hide.

Who's gonna tell him?



We needed that machine!

It might be the only way
to change those mutants back!

No one can stop Apocalypse!

I'm gonna try!



They cannot stop
what they cannot touch!

Remember, careful with the civilians.

WOLVERINE: Sure, Cyke.

I'll try not to bruise them
while I save their lives.

Even mutants may feel
the touch of Pestilence!

-WOLVERINE: Incoming!
-We can't let her touch them!

Rise, fog, and divert our enemy
from her path!

Storm, your master, commands!

PESTILENCE: I can't see!



It'll be a while
before you plague humanity again.

ARCHANGEL: Who dares oppose
the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

The X-Men do, bub!

Don't you think we're getting
a little carried away here?


Pig-faced runt couldn't take a joke.

Feel the horror of w*r!


Thanks, Cajun.


I think.

They are getting away!

And they'll lead us to Apocalypse.

I wonder what rock
that snake's a-hiding under?

Come on, big boy,
where's your hospitality?

You had your chance
to be the first of my creatures,

the first to serve my will.

Dang, and I missed it!


Weak and foolish mutant!

You are corrupted
by those who want peace!

You cannot oppose me!

You're corrupt like all the others.


You must be exterminated!

The Professor was right. You are crazy.

ARCHANGEL: Apocalypse,
a band of mutants has defeated us!

We are not worthy!


My creatures cannot be defeated!

I cannot be defeated!

We beg to differ.


Destroy them all!

Pestilence shall separate
the weak from the strong!

I gotta slow these folks down.

It is time to welcome Death, X-Men!

Let's see
if I can't improve your disposition.




What... What have I done?

Stop! There's been
enough destruction!




You are not fit!

You are not worthy!

You are only delaying the inevitable.

Wanna bet?

Cyclops! Jean! They're getting away!


Get clear!

I wanted to be normal

but all I did was prove
that I'm capable of terrible evil.

It wasn't your fault.

I wanted to deny myself, too, for a time.

That could have been me
helping that madman.

Don't worry. I took the evil away
when I touched you.

It's a part of me now.

I just hope you're strong enough
to control it.

I wasn't.