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01x11 - Days of Future Past: Part 1

Posted: 08/23/22 09:38
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on X-MEN...

Could the government
be plotting against mutants?

You wanted to see me,
Madam President?

Stop all activities

involving your privately-run
mutant registration program.

Who is she?

Just a random name from the files.

-A test...
-JUBILEE.. No! see how easy it will be
to capture the rest of them.


MAN: Down with mutants!

Today the downtown area was rocked

by another outbreak of v*olence.


Ladies and gentlemen, the world
tonight is in the grip of a terrible crisis.

Since the President recklessly
rescinded the Mutant Registration Act,

those unfortunate mistakes of nature
are running wild.

As President
I intend to relocate every mutant

in this nation to internment camps.

Fighting for human-mutant peace

has just become more dangerous.



SENTINEL 1: Halt, mutants!

MALE MUTANT: Another one!

FEMALE MUTANT: Back the other way!

Gotta clear some trash.

Surrender, or be...

What a shame.
Now we can't surrender.


That was close.

Used to take those tin cans out
in half the time.

-Must be getting rusty.
-BISHOP: I'll say.



Scratch three rebels.


Awake already, Sleeping Beauty?


You heal up pretty fast for an old guy.

Thanks a lot! Hey, don't I know you
from somewhere?

Good try, rebel, but you're heading
to a mutant termination center

and the Sentinels there
don't care who you know.

Why can't you rebels stop
attacking those bucket heads?

All it gets you is termination.

Wake up, rookie.
The Sentinels want to k*ll all mutants.

Just you rebels, old man.
They treat the rest of us just fine.

ID, tracker, Bishop. Three recoveries.

So, where's my money?

Tracker Bishop
recovery quota reached.

Tracker Bishop no longer needed.

-What do you mean?
-Terminate them all.

So, what do you think
of their new retirement policy, rookie?

Shut up, old man.



The legendary X-Men.

Do not delay, mutant.


WOLVERINE: Move, rookie!
This ain't no dress rehearsal.


Watch the material.


-Thanks, kid.
-The name's Bishop.


Now what?

Party's over. Someone invited Nimrod.

-Wolverine, go! The mission!
-Yeah, yeah. I'm going, I'm going.

Open up! It's me, Wolverine!

This is Bishop. He's with me.
Bishop, say hello to Forge.

-We must hurry.
-BISHOP: Yeah, right.

-You are injured.
-Who, me?

You rebels have a working time portal?

Got the transponder?

The temporal transceiver.
It maintains you in time.

The transceiver should get you
where you need to go.

Take care. Without it,
you'll crash back to our time.

BISHOP: Where exactly is that?
Or make that "When?".

-The '90s.
-Why then?

The assassination.

We rebels have a theory.

If the assassination of the '90s
never occurred...

Then none of this misery
would have happened?

None of the Sentinels,
none of the camps,

none of the terminations?

As stated, it is only a theory.

Make sure he takes it out after I go.

I don't want anyone or anything
following me.

-But how are you planning to get back?
-WOLVERINE: I'm not.

Save some egg-sucking big sh*t,

and suddenly everybody loves
each other?

Yeah, right.

You got any better ideas,
we're listening.

You figured out a way
to stop that assassination?

Yeah, by stopping the assassin.

But that means you're going after...

I know who I'm going after.

You really think you'll be able
to pull the trigger?

Out of my way!


Sentinels. Sooner than anticipated.

I'd love to stay, but I've got
an assassination to stop.

No, you don't. I'm going.

You couldn't handle me, old man.
You'll never handle an X-Man.


Bishop is right,
and his youth is an asset.

WOLVERINE: You mean I'm too old?

With the transceiver
he'll have all the information he needs.

I'm gonna remember this, rookie!


Go in peace.






Big surprise. The portal didn't work.

Should have just taken the subway.


BOY 1: Come on, over this way.

Children? On the street? In daylight?

BOY 2: Come on, let's get out of here.

It did work! What year is this?

Why am I here? I can't remember!

Think. Think. Think!

Monday, the 11th, 19...

Man, I did go back in time,
but to do what?

"Professor Charles Xavier delivers
speech on recent mutant persecution."

I'm here to find Xavier?

I figured you read this one already,

but the cover looked pretty good.

Thomas Wolfe. An old favorite.
I thank you.

Beast here is easy to shop for, no?

Just buy the books
with the most dust on them.

Beast, really, how you doing in here?

"Stone walls do not a prison make
Nor iron bars a cage"

You're right. These days they use
concrete and titanium.

Please, Gambit, I must see this through
to the end, my way.

For the odd game of solitaire, is all.

Though I can't see
how you can stand it in here.

In fact, I'm getting out of here.

Gambit, though I am always in haste,
I am never in a hurry.

Rogue, I'll be outside.

What got stuck in Gambit's craw?

Everyone has his or her own demons
to battle.

It would appear our friend Gambit

may have encountered some
in prison before.

BISHOP: The legends live. The X-Men.

The unstoppable.


Why can't I remember?

Come on, let's play
your new cartridge, Assassin.

Cartridge? Assassin? What assassin?

What am I supposed to do
about an assassin?

Take target, target, target, out.

Take out, take out.

The assassin. The X-Men. Oh, man!

The X-Men are the assassins,

and I've come back to stop them.




Security check, everything clear.
Whoa, wait a sec.

Creepy-looking dude in sector G.




For the future!

I must stop you all!

For the future!

Okay, you, you're out of here!

Stop this!


I'm gonna remember this, rookie!

I'm gonna remember this, rookie.

Wolverine! It's me! Don't!

-Come on!
-XAVIER: Stop! Stop it!

Wolverine, k*lling him won't answer
any of my questions.

But I have to stop you!
Don't you understand, Wolverine?

It's the only way to save us all!

The guy's nuts!

Cyclops, check everyone for injuries,
then meet in the w*r Room.

I think we'll need
Cerebro's help with this.

This arm thingy is way weird.

I can't figure out how to cross-patch it.

-Wherever he's from,

if this is the next new w*apon,
we're in big trouble.

Be glad it was on stun.

The blast potential
in just one of these cartridges

reads right off the scale!

It's like nothing I've ever seen before.

It's got to be a setup.

We've got this thing hooked up.

Are you ready for me
to try to help you, Bishop?

Do I have a choice?

I'm getting a jumble of images,
dark, frightening...


JUBILEE: What are we
supposed to be seeing here?

STORM: I think it is the future.

This guy's a faker!

I can sense his feelings.
They seem genuine.

At least I don't lose my hair.


I have seen the future! We have failed.

All is lost. How can it be?

A world condemned to darkness.

And it's all our fault.

You can't mean you believe
this guy's really from the future.

It's some kind of trap.

I know what I saw.

The flake tried to k*ll us,

and you're willing to buy
his half-baked story

about some terrible future?

But what about this way weird w*apon?

Are any of you listening?

Mr. Terminator here claims

that an assassination's
gonna take place

that's gonna ruin the world,
and one of us X-Men is the trigger!


What's going on?

Someone in the future
stealing your car?

Someone or something has come back
through the time portal.

Check, please! Time portal?
Give me a break!

This is not open for discussion.
Cyclops, let him loose.

You're in charge of the team.

We have to help Bishop
piece together his mission.

I don't want their help.
Don't forget why I'm here.

WOLVERINE: You think I'm letting you
out of my sight,

you're even crazier than I thought.

This thing shows something glowing.

Looks kind of like a door.

Residual energy from the portal.

Temporal displacement
definitely took place.

Oh, yeah. I thought I felt a shift
in the planet's alignment there.

So, who came through?

Not who.



BISHOP: It's Nimrod!

You mean that itty-bitty soup can?
Give me five seconds, I'll...

-A new Sentinel?
-From my time, from the future!


-Bishop, help! Storm's claustrophobic!
-Nimrod can sense it!

JUBILEE: Back off, jerk!




What can we do?
It's impervious to our weapons.

He has not yet felt
the force of the elements!

Hail! Fill the skies with rocks of ice!

Increase the cold! Maybe we can cr*ck
the super structure!

From the ends of the Earth,
send limitless cold upon him!

We did it!

No! It's only restructuring!
We only got a few seconds!

JUBILEE: What happened to him?

I took out its temporal transceiver.

It's what keeps me here
now that I am here.

Anything happens to this,
I'll rip back through time.

Just like what happened to Nimrod?
Oh, man!

I believe him now.

Great. Then I want you
to tell me one thing.

Which one of us is the assassin?

I don't remember.
It could be any of you.

It couldn't be Jean.

Of course it could.
I've had my dark days,

or have you forgotten?

-But, Jean...
-STORM.. It could be any one of us.

We all have dark sides to our souls.

Speak for yourself, lady.

The only person I'm interested
in taking out is our man Bishop here

if he's lying to us.

My, my, don't you all look serious!

And we've got company, too.
What's up?

GAMBIT: Everyone can relax.

Gambit has returned.

You! You're the reason I've come back!

Mon ami, there has been,
maybe, a small mistake.

Traitor! Your future ends now!