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03x20 - Everyday is a Sunday Evening

Posted: 05/03/06 06:55
by bunniefuu
Nathan (voice over) : Stepping up, it’s a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself to do a little more, to show you’re something special. Something like this.

It is involved in the gymnasium. Then, it is during a match where it marks.

Nathan (voice over) : Lucas is gone, but that doesn’t mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I’d say it’s just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while. It marks

Mouth : Another ferocious dunk by Nathan Scott and this crowd is on their feet !

Nathan (to Haley) : You sure you don’t want to sleep with me until the ceremony? I know I look pretty sexy right now. Haley laughs.

Nathan (voice over) : Life’s funny sometimes. It can push pretty hard. Like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back. Like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone. Like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can’t take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this stepping up. In life, I call it pushing back.

At Jake's, in the morning, Peyton awakes in Savannah.

Jake : Hey.

Peyton : Hey.

Jake : Jenny didn't wake you up, did she?

Peyton : No. I mean, not … Not really. So what happened to you last night?

Jake : Jenny was a little fussy, so we slept on the couch.

Peyton : Oh. I didn’t get a chance to thank you before I crashed for getting in touch with me after the whole sh**ting thing. It’s a pretty good deal, right? You know, take a b*llet, get a call from Jake.

Jake : I really wish I could’ve been there for you Peyton.

Peyton : I know.

Jake : So listen, this is all kind of last minute, but I actually sort of had plans today.

Peyton : Oh, yeah, of course, you did, I’m sorry, I …

Jake : No, it’s just that Jenny and I, we usually spend Saturday mornings in the park. So I though maybe you’d like to come.

Peyton : That sounds perfect.

In Tree Hill, Haley awaits when a boy accoss it

Boy : Excuse me. You’re Haley, right?

Haley : Yeah.

Boy : You look good in blue. It suits you.

Haley : Thanks.

Boy : You know what else would look good on you? Me.

Haley : Oh.

Boy : I’m Damien West.

Nathan : I think you’re out of your league.

Damien : Nathan Scott.

Haley : What, you two know each other ?

Nathan : From High Flyers. You still missing your free throws, West?

Damien: Who cares? They don’t show free throws on Sports Center. You know what else they don’t show? Ravens. Hey, I heard you guys lost your sh**t. So I guess your season’s over, huh?

Nathan : No, I don’t think so.

Damien : Well, unless you win this tournament, you’re not making post-season. And you’re not gonna win this tournament, beacause we are. And we’re underfeated.

Nathan : For now. Let’s go, Hales.

Damien : See you on the court, Scott. And Haley, I’ll see you in your dreams.

In Savannah, Jake, Peyton and Jenny are at the park.

Jake : Peyton Sawyer. It’s so crazy that you’re here.

Peyton : I think when my dad told me to follow my heart, he didn’t anticipate me following it all the way down to Savannah for the weekend. How’s your life Jake ?

Jake : Well, twice a week it’s awesome. Those are the days I get Jenny.

Peyton : What?

Jake : Yeah, it’s a long story. Basically. (At Jenny). Hey, let’s go. Come on, let’s go. (At Peyton). Basically, when Nicki left Tree Hill, she took Jenny here to Savannah to be with her parents. But her parents finally had enough, of both of us. So they petitioned the court for custody of Jenny for a year. Just long enough for me and Nicki to prove that we can keep our lives together, you know. Like keep a job or stay out of trouble, Here’s a slide.

Peyton : So wait, Nicki’s here? (At Jenny). Hey, come on baby.

Jake : Yeah. She stars with her folks. She gets Jenny most of the time. It took me a while to be okay with that, but I actually think she’s really trying. Anyways, basically I can’t do anything. No drinking. They drug test me. I mean, not that that even matters, but … Like, I can’t get a parking ticket. I just sleep, work and hope that in a few months, I’ll get custody of Jenny and then I can stat my life again, you know.

At Deb's, Dan look a Keith’ photo when Deb go home

Deb : What are you doing here Dan?

Dan : Just dealing with the past. I heard you’re home. I wanted to see you. You look good.

Deb : You look terrible.

Dan : Well, I have’nt been sleeping ver well. The truth is, I’ve been struggling quite a bit ever since Keith … I’m trying here, Deb, okay ? I just thought, now that you’re back and Nathan’s moved out, maybe you’re lonely in such a big house.

Voice : She’s not.

Dan : Well, well. It’s the racecar-crashing brother. And you staying in my house now Cooper?

Cooper : Actually, I’m staying in my sister’s house. And because it is my sister’s house, I don’t think we’ll be seeing much of you around here. Unless, of course, you’re invited.

Dan : You have a problem with me, kid?

Cooper : No. But you definitely have a problem with me.

Nathan : What the hello is this? Dad, just go home.

Dan : I could say the same thing to you Nathan. Heard you moved back in with Hades. I meant, Haley.

Nathan : Dad, I’m serious. Let’s go.

Dan : Don’t be a stranger, Cooper.

Cooper : Yeah.

Nathan : Dad come on.

Dan (To Deb) : Welcome home. (To all). Oh, the kid’s finally playing well. Try not to almost k*ll him while you’re back.

Nathan : Just go, Dad.

Dan : I’m going. I’m going.

Dan leaves and Nathan follows it outside

Nathan : Dad ! What the hell is wrong with you ? Don’t you think maybe Mom’s had enough?

Dan : It’s my house Nathan

Nathan : No ! It’s not ! It’s not your house and she’s not your wife. Now, dam nit Dad ! You got to stop this crap.

Dan : Or what? I’m the freaking mayor of this town Nathan. I can go wherever the hell I want, and do whatever the hell I please. Do you hear me?!

Nathan : Yeah, I hear you. So do the neighbors, Mr. Mayor.

Dan : This my house. I worked hard to build it. And if I want, I’ll burn the damn thing down, and everything in it.

Dan gets into his car and from goes away while rolling like insane, while going up even on a pavement. Deb joined Nathan.

Nathan : He’s getting worse, Mom.

At Naley's, Nathan takes a bath while speaking to Haley.

Nathan : He’s never gonna change, my dad. I can totally see him resorting to the same old manipulative crap.

Haley : I’m sorry, I wish I could just take you away from all that.

Nathan : Have you heard from Lucas and Karen?

Haley : No. Lucas said they were just gonna get on the road and drive. I think probably just need a break at this point.

Nathan : Yeah.

Haley : Plus, Karen doesn’t really want him around the tournament when he can’t play, you konw.

Nathan : Yeah.

Haley passes the glove on the chest of Nathan

Nathan : Thank you.

Haley : You’re welcome. Does it ever hurt.

Nathan : No. The scar stopped hurting when my heart stopped hurting, right around the time you came home. Haley want to kiss Nathan but …

Haley : Okay.

Nathan : Where’d you go? Oh, I get it. This is the no-sex thing, right? I totally goy you didn’t I?

Haley : No.

Nathan : I told you I was sexy, Haley. Don’t lie.

Haley : Okay, maybe.

Nathan is inserted in the water of the bath while laughing

Rachel washes her car in mini shorts.

Micro : You know, that’s really not fair. I mean, it’s one thing to break my heart, but do you have to look like a beer commercial while you’re doing it?

Rachel : I’ve been calling you.

Micro : Yeah, I just figured you were busy with Old man River.

Rachel : He’s not that much older than us.

Micro : Come on Rachel. I’m not an idiot. Or actually, maybe I am, thinking you were into me. I mean, let’s see, we spent a ton of time together. We flirted, kissed a few times.

Rachel : Mouth, I didn’t mean to lead you on.

Micro : It happened anyway, didn’t it? I mean, I said I wasn’t gonna fall for you, but I kissed you and I woke up wanting to do it again and now here we are.

Rachel receives water of the jet, it is Brooke.

Rachel : Stop !

Brooke : I thought witches were supposed to melt.

Rachel : What the hell is wrong with you?

Brooke : What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not the freak with the plastic ass and the thin heart.

Rachel : No, you’re the freak with the fat ass and no heart !

Brooke : You know waht, girl formerly known as Orca, you led Mouth on and you know it ! So maybe it’s time you get back in touch with your inner sperm whale and realize you now have fewer friends than you did before.

Rachel : Really? Well, my new friend Lucas just called me. Call you lately? Didn’t think so.

Brooke : You know Rachel, I would punch you in your fake nose right now but you’d just go out and buy another one.

Mouth : Enough ! Just … never mind.

He goes away.

Brooke : I am gonna make you regret this.

Brooke follows Mouth.

In Savannah, Jake et Peyton

Jake : All right. So that building right there, that’s the courthouse. That’s where the judge scared the crap out of me and Nicki. Oh, and that alleyway right there, that’s where I threw up, before and after the hearing.

Peyton : Good work.

Jake : Yeah. And that building on the corner there, that’s the Savannah College of Art and Design. Didn't throw up there.

Peyton : I hope not. That place is awesome.

Jake : That’s what I hear. And then, every other building in Savannah is either haunted by some crazy ghost, or witch, or gremlin or something, I don’t know.

Peyton : And by a sarcastic goth angel?

Jake : What?

Peyton : Nothing. We all have our ghosts, right?

Jake : Yeah.

Peyton : So anyway, ths drink is like nectar from heaven. You need to try it.

Jake : Okay. (It drinks and puts milk on the nose).

Peyton : Jake !

Jake : Yeah.

Peyton : Come here.

Jake : Yeah, thanks.

Peyton : You’re a mess.

Jake : I know, I got it, I got it. (Their eyes cross and they are ready kiss, but Jake moves back). You wanna get some food with that drink ?

Peyton : Yeah.

Jake : There’s a place right around the corner actually. It’s pretty good.

They are constrained in Tree Hill, Mouth and Brooke.

Mouth : I can’t believe you squirted Rachel in the face with her own hose.

Brooke : She’s just lucky thant golf ball didn’t hit her. She probably sucked it out first. Mouth ! Nathan’s hot Uncle Cooper’s in town. Oh my god, how do I look?

Mouth : Like Lucas’ girlfriend. Wait a minute. Is that him?

Brooke : Nice huh? I’d love me some Uncle Cooper.

Mouth : Yeah, well, you’re gonna hate this. Uncle Cooper is Rachel’s new boyfriend.

Brooke : What ! No ! No ! That is not fair !

Mouth : Okay, can I just reiterate my whole broken-heart scenario?

Brooke : But if I had known that he would date a girl in high school, I mean, I would … He wouldn’t Mouth. I know Cooper. There is no way he would date a high school girl.

Mouth : But I’m sure that was him.

Brooke : I’m not saying it wasn’t him. I’m saying he doesn’t know how old Rachel is. Yet. I think it’s time Franken-Rachel felt a little of the heartache you’re feeling.

In a bar in Savannah.

Peyton : Hey Jake, can I ask you a question? Look, I know Nicki’s around now, and so I was just wondreing are you guys …

Jake : No. No, but one of the hardest things for me to accept was that Nicki and I are always gonna have Jenny in common, and that Jenny should know who her mother is. I mean, you can unterstand that, right?

Peyton : Yeah.

Jake : But, no, no, not together. How about you? Seeing anybody?

Peyton : Me? No, I mean, not really. I was, kind of, dating Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy.

Jake : Yeah. Well, I’ve been datin Shakira most nights, but she doesn’t really know about it.

Peyton : I'm serious actullay. I just … Its souds weird, but it just kind of happened.

Jake : That sucks. I mean, not that you dated a guy, just that you dated a rock star. Musicians, they’re trouble, you know.

Man : All right, well, we’d love to start playing for you all whenever our lead singer decides to stop flirting with those pretty girls. Come on man.

Jake : Second job. I’m telling you, you got to watch out for those musicians. (It rises and goes on scene) How you doing tonight? So, I wrote this song for somebody special. It’s called Someday.

He sings. Peyton look at him. In Tree Hill, Ravens win. Brooke look sat Rachel. Nathan marks. Damien’s team wins too. Nathan looks at display panel. Rachel changes in her car to find Cooper.
At Cooper's.

Cooper : You’re late.

Rachel : But I look hot enough to get away with it, right?

Cooper : Maybe.

He kisses her.

Rachel : Nice house.

Cooper : Well, thank you, but it’s my sister’s. You want the tour ?

Rachel : Mostly, I’m just interested in the bedroom.

Cooper : That’s so not fair. It’s upstairs.

She takes him along in the room, we see a picture of Nathan with Dan and Deb.

In Savannah, Peyton look at the street. Jake joined her.

Jake : Did you know that Savannah is literally built on the dead? They placed cemeteries all over the city, and then as it grew they just, kind of, built on top of them.

Peyton : Great, I can’t wait to go to bed tonight. But I guess you’re not gonna be there to protect me, right? You didn’t sleep on the couch last night because of Jenny, did you?

Jake : Peyton, you need to know that when I saw your face in the airport, I don’t think I’ve been that happy since I’ve been here.

Peyton : But?

Jake : Peaple always leave, right ? There’s this on-ramp that I pass every day on my way to work and every day I think, I could get on that on-ramp, and I’d be in Tree Hill in six hours, 24 minutes. And I’d be with you. But I’d be without Jenny. And I can’t do that.

Peyton : You know, you could’ve called on the phone and told me that. It’s not like you’re in hiding.

Jake : It would have been too hard to hear your voice Peyton. To feel us again. My life is here now. And as mush as I would love to, you’re leaving. And I’m the one that’s gonna be left with this dull pain in my heart. And that pain, it took me a long time to let go of. Sorry.

Peyton : It’s okay. I get it. Trust me.

Peyton from goes away and returns in the house. Jake follows her.

Jake : Peyton ! Peyton !

Peyton : You know what, every song ends, Jake. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music? Forget it. I’ll just … I’ll see you tomorrow.

She returns in the room and rests against the door, sad. She opens the door, Jake is still there. They are kiss and fall on the bed.

The next morning, Peyton awakes. Jake kisses her.

Jake : You okay ?

Peyton : Yeah. I’m just dreaming.

The alarm clock sounds.

Jake : Oh, I guess the world’s still out there. You know, I have a chance to make some overtime today, but I can call and cancel if you want.

Peyton : No, no, no, you should go, I can spend the day alone.

Jake : Or I could make a call and maybe I can get you Jenny for the day.

Peyton : Could you really? Jake, that would be great. I love that little girl.

Jake : I know you do. And I love you for that. Where’s your head at, Peyton?

Peyton : Me?

Jake : Yeah.

Peyton : I’m all over the place. I don’t know, it’s just like … Like, you know that feeling you get on a Sunday where you just had the whole day to yourself and it’s been great, and then you remember you have to go to school the next day, so it ruins the rest of the night? I have to go home tomorrow and so I’ve got that feeling. It’s like Sunday night.

Jake : You know, somebody once told me that every song ends but that’s no reason not to enjoy the music.

Peyton : Ellie told me that.

Jake : Well, she was right. Tomorrow’s gonna hurt like hell. We both know that. But we’re here together now.

He kisses her.

In Tree hill, Brooke and Mouth enters in Karen’s Café.

Brooke : Marvin McFabulous. I wasn’t sure you were gonna make it.

Mouth: Actually, I got early.

Brooke : Well, welcome to the dark side, my friend. Deception for lunch, payback for dinner, and pie for breakfast?

Haley : You guys want some breakfast.

Mouth and Brooke : Pie.

Haley (at Cooper) : Hi, there.

Cooper : Hi. Just a cup of coffee, please.

Brooke : Hot Uncle Cooper! Well, why don’t you come join us?

Cooper : Hey Brooke.

Brooke : Hi.

Cooper : Hey. I’m Cooper.

Mouth : Hey, I’m Steve.

Cooper : Yeah, you’re the flower delivery guy, right? How’s it going?

Mouth : Oh, I’ve been better.

Cooper : You know, my girl never did say who those flowers were from.

Brooke : She wouldn’t tell you? She sounds like a shady character.

Cooper : No, no. I just think it was personal, that’s all. All she’d say was that they were from somebody she really cared about. Look, we all have our histories, right? I don’t know, I just think ths guy must’ve meant something to her. Anyway, you guys don’t wanna hear about that. So this is like home court for you two, right? What’s good here?

Mouth : I ordered the pie, but I don’t think I have the stomach for it.

Brooke : But …

Mouth’s getting up : This new girlfriend, you care about her, right?

Cooper : Yeah, I do.

Mouth : That’s good. Take care of her.

Cooper : Okay.

Mouth back, Brooke join him.

Brooke : Mouth, what about the plan? Payback, pain, pie. She is lying to him.

Mouth : I know, but I got to talk to Rachel first, okay ?

Brooke : I really wanted pie.

At Naley's, Nathan arrives chest-naked.

Haley : Hey. How you feeling, sleepyhead?

Nathan : Like ass.

Haley : Sorry. Lucky for you, this cures that.

Nathan : I hope so. (Haley is used to him to drink). Oh, thank you. I am wiped out. We just got to win this one last game though, otherwise Whitey has to retire without making the playoffs.

Haley : Well, we can’t let that happen. (Haley is put behind him to massage him). Where does it hurt?

Nathan : Everywhere.

We see Dan arriving by the window.

Haley : You guys are playing Oak Lake tonight?

Nathan : Yeah. They’re undefeated.

Haley : And my boyfriend Damien West is he good?

Nathan : Yeah, he’s pretty good. He’s an ass though. Sort of like a young version of my dad.

Haley : You know, it’s actually hurt me to see what’s happened to your relationship with Dan. I just … Especially now that you’re playing so well, you should be able to enjoy that with your father.

Nathan : Yeah. It’s a little late for that though. Probably just as well. With the way I’ve been feeling, I don’t think I have another great game in me.

Haley : I don’t believe that for a second! Besides, I’m gonna help you. And Damien West doesn’t stand a chance.

Nathan : I love you, you know that?

Haley : I love you too.

Nathan : You always help me.

Haley : Damn it, you need to put a shirt on. Too sexy. God!

In Savannah, Peyton and Jenny are taking a walk.

Peyton : Take a look at this building right over here. That’s where Daddy fought for you and then he threw up in the alley. And then right over here is the Savannah College of Art and Design where maybe I’ll go one day. That way I can spend more time with you and Daddy. To Tree Hill, in gymnase. Haley say “bye” at Mouth but Damien West is here.

Back in Tree Hill.

Damien : How’s it feel knowing your man’s season ends tonight?

Haley : Don’t count on it.

Damien : You smell great. Can’t wait to see how you taste.

Haley, pushes him : Get off me.

Damien : It’s okay. Give in to it, baby.

Dan arrives behind him

Dan : Hey. Damien West, Dan Scott. (Damien tightens the hand to him, Dan abruptly brings back it towards him). That’s Mayor Dan Scott. And if you ever touch my daughter-in-law, Haley again, I’ll end your career. Have a good game.

Haley sees that.

In Savannah, Peyton comes home to Jake.

Peyton : Jake? We’re home.

Jake : Hey, there’s my girl. Oh Come on. Come to daddy.

Peyton : Go see Dada.

Jake : So, how was your day? Okay?

Peyton : Hun, hun. People always leave, right? I mean like, that’s why you and I can’t be together, because you have to stay and I have to go back to Tree Hill. But I was thinking, why do I have to go back? Jake, I wanna stay. I wanna stay here with you.

To the gym of Tree Hill High, Nathan is involved.

Dan : Hey, Nathan. Nathan!

Deb arrives

Nathan : Look Dad.

Deb tightens a paper with Dan

Dan : What is this?

Deb : You said you were gonna back off, Dan. With me and with Nathan.

Dan : A restraining order?

Deb : It requires you to stay at least 100 feet away from us at all times. Starting tonight.

Police officers: Sorry, Mr. Mayor.

Dan : You signed off on this, Nathan?

Nathan : Yeah. Actually, Dad, it was my idea.

Dan from goes away

The evening, with the match, Nathan marks. Damien too.

Damien : All night, Scott. You can’t stop me.

Nathan : Take a look at the scoreboard. In case you can’t count, it’s tied.

Oak Lake ‘s coach : Come on Damien. This guy owns you.

Damien pushes Nathan which jumped to mark, and landed close to the Ravens cheerleaders.

Damien : Oops.

Haley (pushes him) : You did that on purpose!

Damien (pushes Haley): Hey, bitch, get off me!

Brooke : Hey !

Referee : Hey. Break it up! Break it up!

Haley pushes back Damien, whereas Brooke tries to retain it. Nathan is able to defend it. And all starts to fight.

Referee : Break it up! You guys, break it up!

Brooke (at Haley): Are you okay?

Haley : Yeah.

Mouth : The refs appear to have it under control now. Nathan Scott steps to the line for two free throws.

Referee : Okay, gentlemen, let’s get set. sh**ting two, first one’s dead. Hold on, guys. I’ve got blood here. Coach !

Mouth : And it looks like Nathan has some blood on his jersey. Let’s hope it’s not serious.

Nathan goes on the bench so that the doctor examines it. It bleeds on the level of its scar

Doctor: He needs stitches.

Whitey : Sorry, son. You’re done for the night.

Nathan: What? No way, forget it !

Whitey : Nathan, you’re bleeding.

Nathan: Coach, there’s no way I’m leaving this game. Now, if I need stitches, then stitch me up.

Whitey : Nathan!

Nathan: Coach, if we lose this game, then you lose your shot at the State Championships, and so do I. And so does this team. Now we played in your crappy old gym, okay? We ran two-a-days until we puked. I let Tim shower with me. Come one. Don’t let a punk like Damien West take this way from us.

Coach : All right, take him back there and stitch him up, find him another jersey. If his mother says anything about this, it was your idea. Get in there!

Cooper arrives, which makes laugh Brooke.

Rachel : What the hell are you laughing at?

Brooke : Two things I know. One, you don’t deserve a guy like Mouth. And two, deception always catches up to you. Always.

In Savannah, Peyton listens to the comments on the match.

Mouth : It looks like Nathan Scott is gonna have to leave the game. We’ll take a break and be right back.

Jake : Hey. Who’s winning?

Peyton : It’s tied. Fourth quarter.

Jake : So, you wanna tell me about this master plan of yours? What makes you think that you can actually leave Tree Hill?

Peyton : Well, I’m gonna be out of high school in a couple months anyway, right? So, I can just get my GED now. And the college of Art and Design is a great school. And, I mean, my dad’s always gone. Haley has Nathan. And Brooke has Lucas. So, maybe I can stay.

Jake : You know, Peyton, there’s a reason that you’re listening to that game tonight. And I don’t care what you say, you’d miss it. All of it.

Peyton : Do you miss it?

Jake : Everyday.

Peyton : Jake? Do you love me?

Jake: Yeah, I do.

Peyton : I walked around Savannah all day today and I couldn’t shake that feeling of it being a Sunday evening. And it’s always gonna be without you. You’re the one that makes that feeling go away. So, yes, there are things about my life that I would miss. But I’d miss you more.

Jake hesitates .

To the match, Nathan returns under the applause.

Mouth: And the roar you hear is for Nathan Scott stepping back onto the cou t! And he’s wearing Lucas Scott’s jersey ! But is it too late? The ravens trail by nine, with just over a minute left.

Damien: Should’ve stayed in the locker room, Scott. Your season’s over.

Nathan: We’ll see about that.

He marks.

Damien, with his shoulder, types on the wound of Nathan, but this one does not move, Nathan takes the ball

Deb: Yes ! Yeah Nathan!

Mouth: Another three by Nathan and just like that the Ravens trail by three. Thirty-five seconds left ! Let’s hope there’s some magic still left in that jersey.

Nathan: What’s the matter, West? You don’t wanna tale the big shot?

Damien: Ball !

Nathan makes a fault on Damien.

Nathan: Well, well. Someone has to make their free throws, huh? Don’t brick it now. (Damien misses). Take it easy, man. It’s an old backboard. That’s right. Nice and easy. Don’t think about it. (He misses again). Wow. Nice touch.

In the car, Dan listens to the comments.

Comments : And the Ravens are gonna get the ball back, down by three with 18 seconds on the clock and Nathan Scott on fire. I’m telling you, folks, win or lose, you’re gonna regret missing this one. The two teams are huddled up now. We’ll get back to live action in a moment.

In the gym

Oak Lake’s coach: All right, listen to me. That Scott kid is having the game of his life so they’ll be going to him. When he catches the ball, you foul him. They’ll only get two free throws and they’re down by three.

Damien : I can’t stop him, Coach.

Coach : No way, it’s too risky. We foul him, we end their season, we get out here undefeated. Now, let’s go, fellas. Win on three. One, two, three!

Team : Win!

Whitey : Now, you listen to me. When you step out on that floor, take it all in. Because someday, you’re gonna look back on it and want it all again. When you do, make sure it’s for the right reasons. Win or lose, leave it all on the floor. Now, Ravens on three.

Guy: One, two, three.

Team: Ravens!

Nathan (voice over): You know, it’s been said that we just don’t recognize the significant moments of our lives while they’re happening. We grow complacent with ideas or things or people and we take them for granted. And it’s usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you realize how wrong you’ve been. That you realize how much you really need it. How much you love it. God, I love this game.

Oak lake’s coach : Foul him! Foul!

Damien : No way, nobody fouls him. He’s mine. Come on, Scott. You got nothing.

Nathan draws and marks, but Damien fouls him.

Referee: We got a foul here!

Damien: Foul? Come on, ref!

Mouth: Foul ! They called a foul! The shot is good, the game is tied and there’s a foul on Damien West ! Unbelievable!

Damien: Come on, ref !

Mouth: Nathan Scott will get one free throw to win it with no time left on the clock!

Comments (in Dan’s car) : So, Nathan Scott will have one free throw to win it for the Ravens.

Dan re-examines young Nathan, when it entrain it.

Dan : Okay, you need to make 20 free throws in a row. You miss one, we start over.

Young Nathan : But, Dad, I’m tired.

Dan : Nathan, I’m only trying to make you better. Someday you’re gonna thank me for this.

In the gym, Nathan is close with launching. It looks at Haley which makes him a smile.

Nathan (voice over): You ever heard the expression, “the best things in mu life are free”? Well, that expression’s true.

Comments (in Dan’s car): Okay, this is it.

The radio is scrambled.

Dan : Oh !

He leaves the car.

In gym, Nathan will mark, everyone looks at him

Damien : You got nothing, Scott. Nothing!

It launches while looking at Damien and marks !

Mouth: Ravens win it ! Ravens win it !

Mouth and Gigi hug. Haley jumps in Nathan's arms. Everyone applause him and surrounds him. Cooper applauses, but sees Rachel among the cheerleaders and she also sees him.

In Savannah, Peyton joins Jake

Peyton: So, you’ve been quiet tonight.

Jake: I’m worried about you.

Peyton: Why?

Jake: What if I say you can stay, and somehow we convince your father to let you do it? This life is hard, Peyton. You got all this fire inside of you. I just … I don’t want to be the guy that puts that out.

Peyton: Well, you already did that. The night you left Tree Hill. I spent a lot of time being miserable, Jake. It’s like misery’s an old friend. And it tricks you sometimes into thinking that it’s just always gonna be there, and that you can’t be happy. But you can. You can walk away from pain. And I think being love’s the best way to do it. What do you feel when we’re together?

Jake: Hope.

Peyton: I do, too. And we deserve that.

They kiss, then hug.

In gym, Rachel and Mouth start talking.

Mouth: You okay?

Rachel: Not really. I kind of got caught in a lie tonight.

Mouth: With Cooper? About your age? I didn’t tell him anything.

Rachel: Why not?

Mouth: Because if he makes you feel the way that I felt with you, then I want that for you.

Rachel: Brooke was right. I don’t deserve you. I’m sorry Mouth.

Mouth: Never say you’re sorry, Rachel. I mean that was one of your rules, right?

Rachel: It’s a stupid rule.

ilèges membre

Mouth: You know, one of these days you’re gonna have to quit lying and just be yourself. Maybe today’s that day.

Mouth go away.

Outside, Nathan and Haley walk together.

Haley: Hey. You were great tonight.

Nathan: Yeah, I think so.

Dan : Nathan. I know, I know. I’m not supposed to get close to you. But, tonight I walked into that gym the mayor of Tree Hill but I finished the night a father on the outside, looking in at a son who deserves better. I wanted to tell you, how proud of you I am. And this has nothing to do with basketball. I’m proud of you for the choices you’ve made with your life. I’m proud of you for the man that you’ve become. I love you.

Nathan (voice over): Every once in a while, people step up. They rise above themselves. (Cooper joined by Rachel). Sometimes they surprise you.

Cooper: Okay, you can’t be here.

Rachel: All right, Cooper …

Cooper: How could you lie like that, huh? How old are you? Please tell me you’re not a freshman.

Rachel: I’m 17. And just relax. In north Carolina, I only have to be 16 for us to be together.

Cooper: Yeah, maybe by law, but in my book, you gotta be a hell of a lot older than that. You have to go. I’m sorry.

Rachel: Cooper …

Cooper: Don’t.

She is strip.

Rachel: You know you still want me, Cooper. You know it, and I know it.

Cooper: You really should go.

She kisses him and he cracks.

Nathan (voice over): And sometimes they fall short. (Peyton to Savannah with Jenny). Life is funny sometimes. It can push pretty hard. But if you look close enough you find hope.

Jenny: Mama.

Nathan (voice over): In the words of children, (outside, jake plays of the guitar) in the bars of a song. (Peyton joins him).

Jake: What’s wrong Peyton?

Nathan (voice over): And in the eyes of someone you love. (See Haley, Nathan, Mouth, Rachel, Brooke). And if you’re lucky, I mean, if you’re the luckiest person on this entire planet. (see Jake and Peyton), the person you love decides to love you back.

Peyton: Do you wanna get married?
