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04x02 - Things I Forgot at Birth

Posted: 10/18/06 21:41
by bunniefuu
LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill

[GATINA Cabin-Docks-Day]

(NATHAN down on one knee puts a ring on HALEY’s finger)

NATHAN: Marry me, Haley (HALEY smiles, touched) Marry me again …

[Outside Church Chapel-Day]

(NATHAN and HALEY are walking towards LUCAS’ car, everyone throws rose petals at them and they laugh and smile)

NATHAN: (v.o) … In front of all our friends and our family

[Tree Hill Road-LUCAS’ Car-Day]


HALEY: I can’t believe your uncle Cooper slept with Rachel

[Tree Hill Road-NATHAN and HALEY’s Limo-Day]

(RACHEL crying with COOPER driving)

RACHEL: (voice breaking) I’m pregnant

(COOPER stares at RACHEL in shock, then looks down at her stomach)

[Molina Bridge-Day]

(Limo and LUCAS’ car heading towards each other)


(NATHAN turns the wheel dramatically)

(Cut to RACHEL pulling the wheel from COOPER, the limo looses control, heads towards the side of the Molina bridge and falls in the water upside down with both COOPER and RACHEL still in it)

(Cut to NATHAN diving into the water where the limo fell, HALEY walks towards the bridge watching him)

(Cut to NATHAN under water as he clicks the seatbelt off of COOPER)

LUCAS: (v.o) You’re the one who saved everybody …

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-Emergency Room]

(NATHAN on bed, LUCAS and HALEY at his side)

LUCAS: … you’re a hero, Nate

(NATHAN looks forward and thinks)

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-Emergency Room]

(DAN pushes DEB to the wall holding her by the neck)

(DEB screams)

DAN: You tried to k*ll me …

[DAN SCOTT Motors-Night]

(Flames heading towards a passed out DAN, shot of the outside building as it bursts in flames, DAN lying on the ground with LUCAS attending him)

DAN: (v.o) … in the dealership fire

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-Emergency Room]

(DEB and DAN)

DAN: So you be afraid, DEB. Be more than afraid

(DEB looks at DAN, intimidated and scared)

LUCAS: (v.o) It’s pretty cool that you and Keith …

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ Bedroom]

(LUCAS on bed, KAREN by door)

LUCAS: … are having a baby (KAREN listens) it’s kind of like a part of him’s coming back to us

[Tric-Stage- Post NATHAN and HALEY’s Rehearsal Dinner]

(PEYTON and BROOKE sitting on stage)

PEYTON: (teary) I think I still have feelings for Lucas

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]


BROOKE: (angry/points) You’re a back-stabbing, two-faced (points) bitch, Peyton!

(PEYTON looks slightly down, sad)

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ Bedroom]

(LUCAS stands across, BROOKE walks towards him)

BROOKE: I know it’s been difficult for you (LUCAS listens) losing Keith and your heart condition and giving up basketball

LUCAS: (heartbroken/whispers) Brooke

BROOKE: (whispers/almost in tears) I’m sorry (motioning to heart) I can’t do this anymore

[DOCTOR’s Office]

(DOCTOR walks up with a folder)

DOCTOR: (smiling) You’re definitely pregnant

(Camera moves to a shocked BROOKE who turns to look at an equally shocked HALEY)

[Tree Hill High-School Hallway]

(Day of school sh**ting: KEITH, with a mixture of sadness and shock, looks at DAN who’s holding a g*n)

DAN: (v.o) You are no longer my brother

(DAN sh**t KEITH and the camera fades in white, as it fades back DAN is at his home, as he walks in he sees that on his wall in big, bold red letters someone painted the word “m*rder*r”)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON and LUCAS look at each other, sadly, for a moment before they share a hug. As they hug LUCAS is looking down upset and PEYTON closes her eyes, the camera sh**t to the computer where you can see them hugging from her web cam. An IM pops up from “WATCHMEWATCHU” who writes “Welcome back”)

End of “Previously on”

[Molina Bridge-day]

(The camera is slightly above and under the water, it’s looking towards the bridge. NATHAN, underwater, swims in the limo from the windows and heads towards COOPER and RACHEL who are passed out sitting in the car. NATHAN tries to move COOPER and he fiddles with his seatbelt, as NATHAN tries to click the seatbelt off, COOPER’s hand grabs him. Scared, NATHAN looks up and sees COOPER facing him, a bright light behind him. COOPER’s eyes suddenly open as NATHAN stares)

COOPER: We’re both dead

(NATHAN screams, he’s underwater so it’s not loud, and swims backwards away from the front and passenger seats)

(White flash)

(Cut to NATHAN lying down he opens his eyes and gasps he looks around to realize it was just a dream then drops his head back down. Camera is in birds eye view from him as it zooms out)

LUCAS: (v.o) There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at crossroads …

(Camera zooms more out to show NATHAN lying down on the floor at the Molina bridge [night]

By the broken guard rail)

LUCAS: (v.o) … the choices we make in those moments (NATHAN begins to get up) can define the rest of our days …

(NATHAN stands up completely to look at river. Behind him are these big orange booey looking things constructionist use with “caution” crime tape tied to them)

LUCAS: (v.o) … of course when faced with the unknown (camera fades to a close up of NATHAN’s face) most of us prefer to turn around and go back

[PEYTON’S Bedroom]

(PEYTON sitting on her bed, LUCAS sitting on the floor leaning on her wall of records)

PEYTON: (looking at floor by feet/confused) She broke up with you (looks at LUCAS) Well, did she say why she broke up with you?

(LUCAS lowers lip with a “who knows” expression)

LUCAS: She said she loved me but she didn’t miss me anymore (sighs) I don’t know--she said it was because of you

PEYTON: Because of me?

LUCAS: Our kiss in the library (PEYTON looks away realizing BROOKE didn’t tell him about her feelings towards him) she said it wasn’t that but if that’s true then there’s something that she’s not telling me

PEYTON: You know what? Lucas, um … (LUCAS looks at her) the night of Nathan and Haley’s rehearsal dinner I said something to--

(The electricity crackles and the power shuts off, LUCAS looks up and moves his eyes from side to side. Camera quickly sh**t to the computer where “WATCHMEWATCHU” has the message “Welcome back” and the computer turns off)


PEYTON: (sighs) It’s the fuse box

LUCAS: (groans as he stands) Or maybe Brooke cut the power and she’s come to k*ll us both

PEYTON: (laughs) Funny, It should kick back on in a second

LUCAS: (looking around) Uh-huh

PEYTON: Yeah, this (chuckles) this happens once in a while it still kind-a freaks me out

(PEYTON leans a little forward to look out the window, she’s still sitting on her bed)

LUCAS: (mixture of sigh and laugh) It’s okay, I’m right here (walks up to PEYTON and holds his hand out, shot of his hand reaching out) gimme your hand

(PEYTON’s hand reaches out and holds LUCAS’ as he pulls her up off the bed. They stand a couple inches from each other and he stares at her and smiles, she smiles and stares back at him. LUCAS stares at her a second more before he speaks)

LUCAS: (shakes his head) I’m gonna get her back

(PEYTON, realizing LUCAS was thinking of BROOKE, looks down, disappointed but trying to hide it and nods. They still continue to hold hands)

PEYTON: Lucas are you sure? … ‘Cause I mean, I--I know you’re really hurt right now but--

LUCAS: --You can’t … help who you love, Peyton

(The electricity crackles and it turns back on. LUCAS looks around and PEYTON stares at there hands for a moment before they let go)

LUCAS: (looking up then at PEYTON) You should probably get that checked

PEYTON: Yeah (looks back at her bed and notices the clock) Oh, do you know what time it is?

(shot of clock by PEYTON’S bed flashing “12:00”)

LUCAS: (v.o) Oh, yeah, uh … (cut to LUCAS looking at his watch/squints) midnight

PEYTON: (looking at clock/thinking) Uh … You know what that means, right?

LUCAS: (confused/whispers) No

PEYTON: (looks at LUCAS) It’s officially Brooke’s birthday

(LUCAS and BROOKE stare at each other before he looks away)

[RACHEL’S Bedroom]

(Close up of a clock that shows “12:00” then changes to “12:01” There is a couple of suitcases by the bed and BROOKE stands by the bed and grabs her “Posh” mug which is a mug with a face that resembles her and the word “Posh” written on the handle. BROOKE stares at the mug for a second, sadly)

BROOKE: Posh, it looks like it’s just you and me

(BROOKE puts her “Posh” mug back in the suitcase and pulls out a photo album book, pink of course. She stares at it for a moment the camera points to album cover which is a picture of her as a child, black and white, smiling and underneath reads “Brooke” which looks designed on the album, there are also two butterflies by the upper left side. She opens the album to the first page where there is a birth certificate with a new-born baby picture on the lower right side and on the bottom of the certificate are to baby feet imprints circled in pink

BROOKE: (inhales) Happy birthday, Brooke (exhales) Welcome to 18 … and you’ve certainly made a mess of it

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Living Room]

(NATHAN walks in, morning, holding a jacket. HALEY lying on the couch in front of the TV with a blanket around her holding the remote control)


HALEY: (tired) Hey … I was worried about you

(NATHAN puts his jacket on the seat by the couch and stands behind it)

NATHAN: Well--I went to visit Cooper

HALEY: How is he?

NATHAN: There’s no change--still unconscious

(HALEY looks away)

HALEY: I saw Rachel grab the wheel from Cooper and if he doesn’t-- … If he doesn’t make it, she’s to blame

NATHAN: (hesitant/looks down) Did you see anything else?

HALEY: (looks at NATHAN) What do you mean?

NATHAN: Like, maybe, uh …. someone else in--in the water?

(HALEY turns the TV off and positions herself more towards NATHAN’S direction)

HALEY: I don’t … I don’t understand. I mean, other than Rachel and Cooper you and Lucas were the only one’s in the water, why?

(NATHAN looks down, telephone rings, NATHAN picks it up)

NATHAN: Hello?… Yeah … (surprised) Oh, okay, great, thank you … (HALEY looking away looks at him when he hangs up) … (smiles) Cooper’s awake

(HALEY changes her serious expression to one of relief and sighs happily, NATHAN smiles again)

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-COOPER’s Recover Room]

(COOPER is awake and looking out the window, thinking)

REEVES: Mr. Lee? (COOPER turns to look) I’m Detective Reeves

(DETECTIVE REEVES is standing in front of the bed with Rachel behind him, she has am expression of worry on her face)

REEVES: Welcome back (COOPER stares at them) Look, I--uh, I know you’re still weak, so I’ll, uh, keep this brief (takes out pad and pen from coat) we’ve been told that you were behind the wheel of the limousine when it left the bridge (shakes head) Is that true?

(COOPER’S eyes move from REEVES to RACHEL and he stares at her in anger, she quickly looks at REEVES, who doesn’t notice, then she looks down, guilty)

COOPER: (barley heard) Yeah

REEVES: What happened?

(RACHEL, scared, looks at REEVES then at COOPER )

RACHEL: (v.o) I said PULL OVER!

(COOPER looks at RACHEL)



*Flashback-Tree Hill Road-Limo-Day*



(As COOPER starts to speak RACHEL grabs the steering wheel)


(RACHEL pulls on the wheel as COOPER tries to take control of it as well. Camera moves out to show the limo pulling of the road and it quickly skids back on to the road. The limo drives towards the Molina bridge and LUCAS’ car is seen heading towards it but the limo is using there lane. Since the cars are both heading towards each other they spin there wheels to avoid a collision and as LUCAS’ car moves to the other lane, the limo hit’s the guard rails on the side of the bridge and it falls upside down into the water. RACHEL is seen on the passengers side, she is passed out with water filled all over the limo, COOPER next to her)

*End of Flashback*

(COOPER continues to stare at RACHEL then looks at REEVES)

COOPER: It was my fault

(RACHEL looks down)

REEVES: (looks away) Mr. Lee--

COOPER: --We were going to fast … and I lost control

(RACHEL, teary, looks up at COOPER who has been looking at her)

COOPER: I’m the one to blame

(REEVES looks at COOPER with a feeling like he knows he’s covering RACHEL’s ass)

REEVES: (to Cooper but looking at RACHEL) Okay

(REEVES looks at COOPER once more then glances at RACHEL and exits. RACHEL, uncomfortably looks at COOPER unsure of what to say)

RACHEL: (sadly) Hi

(COOPER looks at her and then quickly looks out the window. RACHEL walks up to him)

RACHEL: Cooper, I’m so sorry

(COOPER doesn’t bother to look at her)

COOPER: (cold-heartedly) Is everything okay?

RACHEL: (smiles) Yeah, I’m fine. I was just scared that you--

(COOPER quickly turns to RACHEL annoyed that she didn’t understand his question)

COOPER: --The baby … Rachel? I meant is the baby okay?

RACHEL: (teary/sighs) Cooper, when we were arguing I was … (voice breaking) I was so angry, and I was hurt. So when I said I was pregnant, I was just …

(RACHEL tries to speak but doesn’t know how to say it)

COOPER: (cold-heartedly) Get out

RACHEL: Cooper--

COOPER: I said, get out!

(RACHEL, with tears in her eyes, looks at COOPER for a second before she begins to walk out. COOPER looks out the window. She turns to tell him something but she sees him take a big sigh and close his eyes with a mixture of hurt, angry and disappointed. She shakes her head negatively to herself and walks out)

[City Hall-DAN’s Office]

(DAN is at his desk looking through a pile of papers. A package delivery man, MESSENGER, walks in and stands by the door holding a package and under his arm is the electronic thing that companies like Fed ex, or the US mail use to sign away packages-sorry, I don’t know what it’s called)

MESSENGER: Package for Dan Scott?

(DAN motions for the MESSENGER to come in)

DAN: (barley heard) Yeah

(MESSENGER walk in and pulls out the electronic signer from his under arm and holds it out to DAN as he also hands him the package)

MESSENGER: Here you are (DAN takes package) And sign this Mr. m*rder*r?

(DAN grabs the electronic signer to sign and as he’s about to he quickly looks up at the messenger)

DAN: (paranoid) What’d you say?

MESSENGER: (confused) Uh, you need to sign for it, Mr. Mayor?

(DAN begins to sign)

DAN: (mad) From now on I want you to leave all packages up front with one of thee assistants … (looks up) You got that?


(The MESSENGER walks out and DAN stares at him leave then looks away)

[The River Court-Basket Ball Court-Day]

(Close up of basketball net, basketball makes it and LUCAS catches the ball and throws it to SKILLS, who was the one that made the shot)

SKILLS: So Brooke just broke up whi’ ‘chu?

(LUCAS is leaning on the basketball pole)


SKILLS: Man, that’s cold, dawg

LUCAS: Oh, yeah

SKILLS: Although you did kiss Peyton

(SKILLS makes a shot and LUCAS grabs the ball)

LUCAS: You want me to get you a try-out with the Ravens, or what?

(LUCAS throws the ball to SKILLS)

SKILLS: Yes, I do, but that still don’t mean you didn’t kiss Peyton

LUCAS: (sighs) I love Brooke, Skills

SKILLS: I know you love her--so what? You gonna try and get her back?

(A car is heard approaching the court)

LUCAS: (looks away for a second) Yeah

SKILLS: (looks a little farther from LUCAS) Mmm

(PEYTON drives up and parks. LUCAS turns to look at her)

SKILLS: Well, I’m not to sure that’s the way to do it, but hey

(PEYTON walks out of the car. LUCAS and SKILLS watch her)

SKILLS: (not meant in a rude or mean tone) WHAT’S UP, HOMEWRECKER?!

PEYTON: (smiles) Hi, Skills

(SKILLS winks and tosses the ball up)

PEYTON: (walking towards LUCAS) I see words out

LUCAS: Yeah, sorry about that (PEYTON laughs and stands in front of him) What’s up?

PEYTON: Well … I have a question to ask you--but before … you give me an answer, I just want you to know there is a point to it, okay?

LUCAS: (laughs while speaking) Okay

(It seems like it’s hard or maybe hurtful for PEYTON to say the question but finally musters up the courage to say it)

PEYTON: All right, uh … imagine a future moment in your life where … all your dreams come true, you know? It’s--it’s the greatest moment in your life (LUCAS looks away and thinks) and you get to experience it with one person (LUCAS looks at her)… who’s standing next to you?

LUCAS: Hmm (smiles) Kate Bosworth--

PEYTON: --Shut up! I’m serious (laughs)

LUCAS: Well, so am I (smiles)

PEYTON: Luke … (looks down for a second) come on, I mean--It could be anybody, you know--your mom, Haley

SKILLS: Yuh boy, skills

(SKILLS, who has been by the court , motions to himself. LUCAS and PEYTON turn to look at him and SKILLS just smiles and plays around with the basketball)

PEYTON: Who’s it gonna be?

LUCAS: (turns back to PEYTON) Brooke?

(For a split second PEYTON looks hurt like if she had wanted LUCAS to say her name)

PEYTON: (smiles) All right … If that’s what you really want then I have away for you to get her back

(LUCAS looks down then looks up and raises his eyebrow unsure of what she’s is up to)

THEME SONG - Gavin DeGraw “I Don’t Want to Be”

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]


SKILLS: (referring to room) Niiiice … a little psychotic but … nice (notices wall of Records) ooh, you got some hip-hop in here?

(PEYTON leans by her computer, SKILLS and LUCAS stand by her wall records)

PEYTON: Um, just some old school stuff there’s (points towards SKILLS) “Public Enemy” and then uh, (points by door)“A Tribe Called Quest” (points a little more down) De La Soul

SKILLS: (looking PEYTON up and down) Peyton Sawyer, (smiles) gettin’ sexier by the hour, mind if I look?

PEYTON: Have at it (says next part like a run on sentence) But if you find a led Zeppelin album from my second dead mom telling me about a biological half brother (LUCAS closes his eyes and shakes his head negatively) I’ve never met--just go ahead and skip that one (smiles)

SKILLS: You know? That sound like a whole lotta white-girl drama I really don’t understand but (looks her up and down) … okay

(SKILLS starts skimming through the records)

LUCAS: Speaking of that half brother, did you call him yet?

PEYTON: Yes! But I hung up before (scrunches face) he answered

LUCAS: (slightly stern) Peyton?

PEYTON: Look, I was gonna call him back but you came in here crying like a school girl, (LUCAS looks down) So I just … (folds arms/shrugs) I haven’t

(LUCAS folds his arms and starts pacing towards SKILLS and then back towards the bed)

LUCAS: Look, Ellie--she was pretty sharp, Peyton, and there’s probably a reason she left you his number and there’s probably a reason that you called him (PEYTON looks down) and I did not cry like a little schoolgirl

PEYTON: (laughs) You find anything good over there, Skills?

SKILLS: Oh, I’m actually just pretending to be looking so I can … hear all yuh business (PEYTON laughs) I’m just waitin’ to hear the plan, how you gonna get Brooke back for this (looks at LUCAS) cryin’ little school girl here

LUCAS: (inhales) Yeah, I’m waitin’ to here that plan too, (looks at SKILLS) and-I-was-not-crying-like-a-school-girl

(At same time)

SKILLS: Yes, you were

PEYTON: (stands) Okay, all right, Hey

(PEYTON walks towards both boys)

PEYTON: Check it out, so, ever since Brooke turned nine we’ve kind a had this ritual on her birthday (SKILLS and LUCAS listen) where we go to her favorite store at the mall-half an hour before closing, (inhales) she picks out a gift and … I steal it for her

LUCAS: You-shoplift … Brooke’s birthday present?

PEYTON: Yeah, sort of, that’s-- … okay, my dad’s friends with the manager so I would just come home and tell him … what we took and then we’d pay for it--but we never told Brooke (slightly crosses eyes) she was all crazy for the juice so (inhales) I just figured, maybe if you go in my place this year (exhales) and you’re not a complete (bulges eyes out) bonehead in the romance department (smiles sadly) then maybe you’ve got a shot

LUCAS: And you’ve done this every year for how many years?

PEYTON: This would’ve beennnnn (thinks) thee tenth

LUCAS: (thinks) Bet she’s pissed at you … (walks towards SKILLS) So “A” … why would you help her? And “B” (walks back to bed/claps hands) What makes you think she’s even gonna show up?

PEYTON: (softly) I’m not helping her I’m helping you (normal) besides if she does show then not only is there hope for the two of you but maybe there’s some hope for me, too

LUCAS: What’d you think Skills?

SKILLS: … Man, you lost me at Led Zeppelin

(PEYTON laughs)

LUCAS: (to PEYTON) It’s worth a try

(PEYTON looks at LUCAS and SKILLS, smiles then slowly looses her smile)

[RACHEL’S Bedroom]

(BROOKE is standing in front of the full length mirror wearing a pillow inside her blouse making her look pregnant [sort of] she turns side-ways to looks at it from a side angle as she holds the strings, that come down her blouse, back. RACHEL enters [holding a gym bag and flowers] but her image is seen through the mirror, she’s standing by the door, and BROOKE turns around in shock)

RACHEL: (chuckles/confused) What are you doing?

(BROOKE takes the pillow out)

BROOKE: Seeing what it was like to be you before the surgeries (smug fake laugh)

RACHEL: (fake smiles) Huh (serious face) You’re funny

BROOKE: (throws pillow on the bed) No, I’m actually thinking of doing a maternity line for Clothes over Bro’s, you know, all the singers and starlets are preggers right now (shrugs) it’s very in

RACHEL: (barley heard) Right

(RACHEL walks into the room towards her bed by mirror as BROOKE stands there hoping she bought her little story. RACHEL drops the flowers and her gym bag on the bed and BROOKE notices the flowers)

BROOKE: (touched) Rachel … you shouldn’t have, wow


BROOKE: (points to flowers) My birthday, You’re the first one to remember

RACHEL: (smiles) It’s your birthday?

BROOKE: (smiles fades) Or not remember (looks away)

(RACHEL looks at the flowers, sighs, and sits on the bed)

RACHEL: There from my parents (sighs)(BROOKE sits on chair near bed) they came with a card that basically said “Glad you didn’t die, the Italian Riviera misses you”

BROOKE: (shrugs) At least they sent flowers … (fake smiles) My parents forgot my eighteenth birthday (looks away angry)

(RACHEL picks up the flowers)

RACHEL: Here you go (throws BROOKE the flowers) Happy birthday … and you didn’t even have to almost die

BROOKE: (bitchy/smiling) Second hand dead flowers, thanks (serious face) sh**t me now

[KAREN’s Café-Register]

(DEB is looking through her purse, she moves a sliver g*n to the side and slightly pulls out a bottle of prescription pills and takes one. A women, slightly heavy, walks up to DEB who is behind the counter, holding a plate of food)

WOMEN: Excuse me?

DEB: Yeah

WOMEN: (hands her food) No one’s waited on our table in about fifteen minutes (DEB has a “Oh, sorry” expression) I ordered the Ruben not the Tuna Salad

(HALEY walks up behind DEB)

DEB: (apologetically) Oh, gosh, I’m sorry (HALEY begins to leave with a plate of food, women smiles like it’s not a problem) but, um, judging from the size of your ass (HALEY quickly turns back) maybe you should try the tuna salad (WOMEN listens) and consider it a favor

(WOMEN looks disgustedly at DEB and walks away and looks over at her friends)

DEB: To go, then?

WOMEN: (grabs her purse/to friends) Let’s go

(As WOMEN exits, DEB grabs the sandwich and takes a bite out of it)

DEB: Mmm (looks up/mouth full) To bad, the Tuna salad’s delicious! (laughs) Come again, fat ass!

(DEB leaves smiling and laughing towards the back. HALEY stands there for a second and closes her eyes then opens them to look at the women who left)

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-COOPER’s Recovery Room]

(NATHAN enters and knocks on the door to announce his presence)


(COOPER who had his hand over his face takes it away and sees NATHAN)

NATHAN: How you doin?

COOPER: (chuckles weakly) Guess I’m still alive (NATHAN smiles sadly) Come here


COOPER: Thank you (end embrace) They told me you saved both of us

(NATHAN looks away and hesitates to talk)

NATHAN: I, uh … I didn’t save anyone (COOPER groans like “alright then silent hero”) I tried to help you, Coop but, I couldn’t get you out of there … and then I-- … I ran out of air and I panicked … then everything went black just like it did for you (COOPER looks at him, then down) I didn’t save you, Cooper. I couldn’t even save myself

COOPER: (weakly) That’s okay

NATHAN: (upset) No, it’s not (COOPER quickly looks at him) People think I’m a hero but there wrong, you’re the hero

(COOPER sighs and looks up)

NATHAN: Look--I heard you told Reeve’s that it was you’re fault … and it wasn’t

COOPER: (looking away) Sure it was

NATHAN: Haley saw Rachel grab the wheel

(COOPER looks at NATHAN)

COOPER: Listen to me, no matter what happened on that bridge … it was still my fault (NATHAN listens) I knew how old Rachel was and I didn’t walk away--it’s not very heroic, is it? (NATHAN sighs) Anyways, I wouldn’t even be alive to say anything if it wasn’t for you

NATHAN: Hey, I told you I didn’t--

COOPER: --Even if you don’t remember it, Nate, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen (NATHAN looks down) you jumped in that river and you tried to save both of us … we’re here, we’re still alive. Isn’t that what really matters?

(NATHAN looks at COOPER for a long pause and then nods)

NATHAN: (softly) Yeah

COOPER: (softly) Yeah

(NATHAN and COOPER continue to look at each other)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(A shot of her wall where ELLIE’s “Hello, Goodbye” article hangs. The camera moves to the computer where you can see the web cam is on and on the screen you see PEYTON sitting in front of her desk holding a phone as she dials. The camera moves over to her as she closes her eyes until she hears a voice from DEREK, her brother)


(PEYTON, nervous, doesn’t speak right away then gathers her courage)

PEYTON: Hi (closes her eyes) Um … I’m looking for Derek?

DEREK’s VOICE: Who’s calling?

PEYTON: (smiles) This is Peyton Sawyer … I’m sorry, this is gonna sound (laughs) so strange, um … my mom’s name was Ellie Harp and she---

DEREK’s VOICE: --Don’t call here again

(The receiver clicks and PEYTON, realizing what happened, turns of the phone almost on the verge of tears)

[The River Court-Parking Lot-Day]

(Shot of a flat tire, WHITEY is standing by the car leaning on it looking towards the basketball court. LUCAS drives up and goes behind WHITEY who hears the car and sort of smiles)

LUCAS: Hey, coach, you need a ride?

(Shot of the basketball court where SKILLS is playing with FERGIE. LUCAS’ car is parked and WHITEY is now sitting on the passengers side as LUCAS stares at the guys play and WHITEY faces the other way)

LUCAS: (looks at WHITEY) He’s quick, coach., He’s a great first step

WHITEY: (not looking at LUCAS) You flattened my tire

LUCAS: Look, just give him a look. All right--he’s a good guy, he can score off the dribble (shot of SKILLS making a basket) he’s way quicker than me on defense (WHITEY looks over) and you know defense wins championships

WHITEY: You’re gonna change that tire

LUCAS: (sighs) Look, state rules allow for roster moves until Friday--I looked it up. Look, coach (looks at SKILLS for a second) come on, he wants to go to college, this could really help him with that--Nathan’s a little banged up

WHITEY: (looking away) Your hard-selling me and I don’t like it

LUCAS: (shakes head) Just think about it, okay? (shakes head as WHITEY looks over) Please

WHITEY: I don’t even have a damn spare for that car

(LUCAS half smiles and sighs and looks down)

[KAREN’s Café]

(BROOKE enters to what looks like a very busy café and walks towards HALEY who is behind the counter)

BROOKE: (whispering) Hey

HALEY: (surprised) Hi

(BROOKE starts heading towards the register and HALEY follows)

BROOKE: I need to talk to you

HALEY: Uh … Okay, well, things are a little crazy right now (takes out pad and pen)

BROOKE: (leans in/quietly) Rachel caught me making maternity cloths

HALEY: (looks up) Brooke!

(HALEY and BROOKE quickly walk over to the back as HALEY grabs a firm grip of BROOKE’s arm)

HALEY: On the list of people who know about this pregnancy (lets go of BROOKE’s arm) I’m thinking Rachel’s not really on the top

BROOKE: I know!

HALEY: Okay, well, calm down and …does she suspect anything at all?--

BROOKE: --No, I don’t think so

HALEY: (relieved) Okay, so it’s just you and me that knows (BROOKE shakes her head) Good, so lets just keep it that way, I think that’s best don’t you?

BROOKE: I think I’d feel better if I didn’t even know about it

HALEY: (whispering/bitchy) It’s a little late for that, isn’t it? … (BROOKE looks away) Look, did--did you and Lucas ever talk about what would happen if you …

BROOKE: (shakes head) Yeah … last year, um … you know? He--I mean, he said he’d be there for me and the baby but … I could tell he was scared and--and felling trapped and he’s just--he wasn’t ready

HALEY: (looking up/softly) Yeah, I know

BROOKE: And did you and Nathan ever talk about it?--

HALEY: --Yeah, don’t you remember, it was that night that--that we spent together and then he found out I wasn’t on the pill and he freaked out, it was the worst fight we ever had--Brooke, I got to get back out there, I’m sorry--It’s crazy and Deb’s out to lunch

(HALEY starts to head back)

BROOKE: This is an awfully late lunch

HALEY: (scoffs) She’s here, she’s literally (hits head with pen) out to lunch, I’ll call you later

(HALEY starts walking away)

BROOKE: Haley (HALEY turns) It’s gonna be okay, right?

HALEY: (sympathetically) Yeah, Brooke, it’s gonna--it’s gonna be okay

(HALEY walks over and gives BROOKE a hug, BROOKE leaves as HALEY watches her)

HALEY: I hope

(As BROOKE leaves HALEY goes back out and walks over to DEB who is by the other side of the counter)

HALEY: Okay, Deb, I don’t know if--

(DEB accidentally slides her hand across her purse and the g*n flies off the counter, DEB gasps as the g*n hit’s the floor and a b*llet sh**t towards the customers but misses them and hit’s the glass window which shatters and the customers, DEB and HALEY, scream and everyone ducks down. DEB stands and half smiles, HALEY stands with her mouth wide open)

DEB: Oops

(HALEY exhales sharply as she stares at DEB who is smiling)

[City Hall-Lounge Room]

(On the TV screen is an anchorwomen and on the small TV screen by her is the footage of the limo being pulled out of the river)

ANCHORWOMEN: The car crashed at a guard rail, rolled over and was completely submerged that’s when Nathan Scott came to the rescue

(Camera moves to show DAN is watching the TV)

ANCHORWOMEN: Nathan is the son of recently elected Tree Hill Mayor Dan Scott (screen changes from limo pulling out to Nathan playing a basketball game) who touted family as one of his campaign staples as you’ll see here

(The screen changes to DAN in an office, DAN watches)

DAN ON TV: I’m Dan Scott, local business man, school-board member and m*rder (Dan’s eyebrows rise) family first--that’s my motto, making a better--

(DAN quickly grabs the remote and rewinds the segment)

DAN ON TV: I’m Dan Scott, local business man, school-board member and father (DAN looks down) Family first--that’s my motto making a better Tree Hill for all of us

(DAN looks away)

ANCHORWOMEN: Now authorities tell us that if it wasn’t for Nathan Scott …

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital Building-Day]

ANCHORWOMEN: (v.o) … this accident could’ve been much worse
[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-COOPER’s Room]

(RACHEL walks in and walks up to someone standing by the bed)

RACHEL: Cooper …

(RACHEL, surprised, realizes that it’s not COOPER, it’s NATHAN when he turns around)

RACHEL: Nathan

NATHAN: Cooper’s gone

RACHEL: (chuckles) You mean released

NATHAN: Gone from Tree Hill, Rachel

(RACHEL looks down and NATHAN looks away)

RACHEL: I’m really sorry (NATHAN turns to her) … Nathan, For the way I acted at the reception and … with everything else (NATHAN looks down) I know that you saved my life (NATHAN looks at her, then down) and I’m gonna find a way to thank you

NATHAN: (slightly smiles) You don’t have to do that--

RACHEL: --No … I want to

(RACHEL stays staring at NATHAN and his smile fades. RACHEL leans towards him and kisses him on the cheek. When she pulls back NATHAN stares at her with guilt as she stares into his eyes)

RACHEL: (half smiling) You have Cooper’s eye’s

(NATHAN looks at RACHEL and she watches him then she starts to leave, she turns around and stares at him this time looking at him as if she realized something then smiles and exit’s the door. NATHAN stands there thinking then looks over at the door as it closes)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON is fixing her web cam as she focuses it for her podcast. She is seen in her computer screen as well as the voice recorder she has set up for sound. Once she has it just right she sits on her bed)

PEYTON: (to webcam) Hi, guys, Peyton here, uh, if you’ve been listening to my podcast’s then … you know a lot about me (leans head to side) But did you know I had a brother? Yeah, well, neither did I, um … his name’s Derek … same father, different mom, it’s kind of the Tree Hill way of life, (laughs) I guess. Anyway, I tried calling him today but he hung up on me--which is cool … You know, I, I fully understand inability to let people in because that’s exactly how I was with (looks at her wall with picture of her and ELLIE the reflection) Ellie at first (turns back around) But you know what? It does lead me to believe that Derek and I probably have some things in common. So anyway (stands and walks towards computer, computers eye view of her) Uh, Derek, from St. Flora North Carolina … maybe you’ll reconsider, you know? Maybe you’ll, um, you’ll listen to my podcast’s or you can go to my Myspace page, you know? It has everything you ever want to know about me there … except maybe this (camera to her) I would really like to talk to you sometime … about anything you want (smiles) and I hope your world is good to you

(PEYTON stays staring at the computer)

[ROE Residence-Front Of House]

(KAREN is throwing pieces of a baby crib in a trash can, HALEY walks up to her)

HALEY: (smiling) Spring cleaning?

KAREN: Oh, no, just pieces from Lucas’ old crib (HALEY “Aw’s” and walk towards trash, KAREN holds her stomach) I was feeling sentimental and I thought I’d try and use them again and then I realized that thing is (thinks) third hand seventeen years ago

HALEY: Well, congratulations, I haven’t seen you (they hug, KAREN “Aw’s”) and things have been crazy

KAREN: Thank you so much (laughs) I know, I can’t believe I’m gonna have a child

(HALEY laughs)

HALEY: Um, well, it’ll be easier this time, right? (KAREN looks at her) I mean, being pregnant at seventeen was probably really difficult for … you and your family and your friends you had to confide in and …

KAREN: (worried) Listen, Haley, um (exhales sharply) Normally I, I wound’s go behind Lucas’ back but … he found a pregnancy test in Brooke’s purse at the wedding--and he claims that she’s not pregnant but … (softly) you would tell me if you new other wise, wouldn’t you?

HALEY: Um … I don’t (KAREN shakes her head relieved) but, um, listen, I came to talk to you about Deb

KAREN: (confused) What about Deb?

HALEY: Well, we had a little, um (puts arm around KAREN and they walk in the house) … we had a little accident at the café, today

KAREN: (barley heard) What kind of accident?

(The camera moves to the pieces of LUCAS’ old crib then to a car where DAN is sitting in and he stares at the pieces through his side mirror)

[KAREN’s Café]

(KAREN is walking in and notices the smashed door then walks up to DEB who is sitting at the counter in one of the stools)

KAREN: (worried) Deb! What happened?! (DEB turns) Haley came by and told me that the--

DEB: Haley (laughs) I knew that little bitch couldn’t keep her big mouth shut (clears throat) I need the g*n for protection, Karen

KAREN: (shocked) g*n? (Obviously HALEY left that part out, DEB shakes her head) Tell me you didn’t sh**t out the window … with customers?

DEB: Karen--

KAREN: --(mad) You could’ve k*lled someone other than your ex-husband--what the hell is wrong with you?!

DEB: (smiling) It was an accident

KAREN: (holds hand out) Give me the g*n?

DEB: (chuckles) I can’t

KAREN: Deb, I’m not playing games with your wacky ass, give me the damn g*n!

(DEB gives KAREN a look and moves her purse next to her away from KAREN)


(KAREN quickly grabs DEB’s purse, DEB quickly tires to reach for it and as they struggle all the prescription pills fall on the floor. DEB’s mouth drops upset but then changes when she realizes that KAREN saw them)

KAREN: (looks at empty bottle) Huh, okay, now I get it, how long?

DEB: (closes eyes) It’s not what you think

KAREN: Really?! ‘Cause you know what I think?! (slams purse down) I think you’re a recovering addict (DEB laughs and turns away) who’s returned to her former life of popping pills and brandishing firearms!

DEB: (laughing it off) I just had a little slip

KAREN: IT’S NOT A LITTLE SLIP! (DEB laughs and mouths “Oh, my god”) Little slips happen! … but getting wasted and sh**ting up the café during the noon rush is NOT A LITTLE SLIP! (DEB looks away not really caring) … Deb, you need to get back into rehab

DEB: (taking it as a threat) Or what?

KAREN: Or I will dissolve our partnership

DEB: Karen--

KAREN: --No, I will not have a g*n-toting junkie destroy a 17-year-old business

(KAREN and DEB stare at each other for a second)

DEB: (angry/whispers) Fine … you can have your little café … (whispers) I quit

(DEB grabs her purse, her prescription bottle and pathetically picks up all of the pills)

KAREN: (in a “don‘t be pathetic” tone) Deb?

(DEB stands up and looks at the floor to see one more on the ground. She looks at KAREN and then goes down to pick it up and stands to walk away)

KAREN: It’s an Altoid

(DEB stops but drops it in her purse and exits)

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Living Room]

(NATHAN is sitting by the chair near the door. LUCAS opens the door as he knocks to alert his presence. LUCAS walks in and notices NATHAN’s expression)

LUCAS: Hey (walking across to couch) You okay? You sounded a little cryptic when you called

NATHAN: Yeah, yeah

(LUCAS moves a pillow and sits on arm of couch)

NATHAN: Look, uh, I guess there’s no easy way to do you this, so I’m just gonna do it … I need to know what happened at the bridge

LUCAS: Okaaay, but you saw a lot more than I did

NATHAN: (looking down) I’m not sure about that (LUCAS looks confused) Look, I swam into the car and I got trapped

*Flashback-Molina Bridge-River-Underwater*


(quick clip of NATHAN in limo swimming up to the roof of car gasping for what little air was left)

*End of Flashback*

NATHAN: I panicked

*Flashback-Molina Bridge-River-Underwater*

(Limo underwater)

(quick clip of NATHAN once again gasping for air)

*End of Flashback*

<Note: These two flashbacks are really quick and missable>

NATHAN: All right? I didn’t save anybody as a matter of fact, somebody saved me

(LUCAS looks away then down)

NATHAN: It was you wasn’t it?

LUCAS: Oh, Nathan, I wish it was but it wasn’t

NATHAN: It had to be. Look, I was trapped in that car, okay? I ran out of air and my lungs gave out--Now, unless we’re both dead right now there’s n--

LUCAS: --Nate, Nate … look, people black out all the time in situations of, like, crisis or terror of high stress situations … You know, it’s some kind of an adrenalin overload--okay, but that doesn’t mean that you didn’t somehow pull Cooper and Rachel from that car--even if you don’t remember (NATHAN tires to say something) doing it … there was no one else there, Nathan … (points to both of them) It was just us

NATHAN: What if I saw someone in the car?

LUCAS: You mean Rachel and Cooper

NATHAN: (softly) No, someone else

LUCAS: (chuckles) Who?

(NATHAN looks at LUCAS)

*Flashback-Molina Bridge-River-Underwater*


(COOPER under water, trapped in limo unconscious then a close up of NATHAN completely running out of air as a white light shines over his face and he opens his eyes)

*End of Flashback*


(LUCAS has a mixture of confusion and hurt in his face as he looks at NATHAN like he didn’t like that he brought his deceased uncle/father figure up)

[Department Store Parking Lot-PEYTON’s Car-Night]

(PEYTON in drivers seat, LUCAS in passengers seat parked in front of a store)

PEYTON: Well you’ve been quite (LUCAS sighs and smiles) Gettin’ your game face on?

LUCAS: (laughs and shakes his head) No

PEYTON: (playfully) Working on your Brooke Davis mojo?

(LUCAS, who has been smiling, sighs and starts to frown)

LUCAS: I was thinking about Nathan … you know, he told me he saw Keith in the river (PEYTON’s smile drops) He says he was trapped in the limo and Keith saved him (looks away)

PEYTON: Wow … Keith, huh? … what’d you say?

LUCAS: (serious) Keith’s dead, Peyton (PEYTON doesn’t know what to say) It’s unbelievable how much our lives have changed since freshman year

PEYTON: Yeah (little sad) it’s all gonna end soon, too

LUCAS: (looking forward) Or begin

(PEYTON looks at LUCAS for a moment before looking down)

LUCAS: (cocky/folds his arms) You know, I use to watch you? (raises eyebrow)

PEYTON: (smiles) When?

LUCAS: Oh, Freshman year, (thinking expression) Ssssophomore yearrrr uh, both summers actually

PEYTON: (smiles and closes eyes) Stop it …. (curious) What did you watch?

LUCAS: (looks at her legs) Your legs mostly

PEYTON: (smiles) What?!

LUCAS: Nooo, I’m serious (playfully points) From up close, they’re a little chicken-y

(PEYTON playfully hits LUCAS, insulted in a good-humored way)

PEYTON: Shut up!

LUCAS: (trying to block hit) But! I’m! Form where I was hiding they were pretty awesome

(LUCAS laughs as PEYTON stares forward smiling)

PEYTON: (looks at LUCAS) I’m not sure that’s a compliment

LUCAS: Ooooh it is, trust me (PEYTON smiles and looks away) I think it sucks that your … brother hung up on you, Peyton

PEYTON: (sighs) Yeah … I get it though. You know--the fear of letting people in (swallows) getting close to somebody and then it just not working out (LUCAS and PEYTON stare at each other) … anyway, um, … (playfully/sing-song voice) almost time for Brooke, (normal) you ready?

LUCAS: (looks at store) You know, I’ve been thinking … (looks at PEYTON) why don’t you just go instead? You know, patch things up with her (PEYTON tries to speak) you guys have a lifelong friendship that’s at stake here

PEYTON: Yeah … but you looove her

(LUCAS laughs and shakes his head)


PEYTON: (shakes her head) Well you said it yourself, you can’t help who you love, so … thank you for thinking of me but this is my birthday present for Brooke

LUCAS: Are you sure?

(PEYTON shakes her head and it seems like she’s trying to convince herself more than LUCAS that it’s all right)

PEYTON: Yeah, go ahead, I’ll wait

(LUCAS looks at PEYTON as he opens the door then turns away to head to the store. PEYTON smiles and stares at him then looks forward)

PEYTON: (smile fading/softly) I’ll wait

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Bedroom-Night]

(NATHAN is sitting on the bed putting his shoes on [he seems to have something wrapped around his right knee] and HALEY walks in and leans by the door holding her bag)

HALEY: You think your mom’s a spy? (NATHAN looks up for a moment then continues with his shoes) Or a pimp, maybe?

NATHAN: (chuckles) What?

HALEY: She’s got a g*n (NATHAN looks up in shock) Yeah, she’s packing heat

NATHAN: What are you talking about?

(HALEY walks inside the room and puts her stuff down)

HALEY: Your mom! Brought a g*n into the café today--oh, and it went off!

NATHAN: What? Was anybody hurt?

HALEY: No, thank God

NATHAN: Unbelievable

(HALEY grabs a piece of clothing or some kind of a towel and begins folding it, well more like trying to keep busy with it)

HALEY: (barley heard) I know

NATHAN: I’ll talk to her

(NATHAN finishes putting on his shoes)

HALEY: Now?!


HALEY: Okay, but she’s acting really wired and she’s strapped with a nine

NATHAN: (tying laces) I get it Hales, but … playoff’s are next week and my mom’s an adult--both my parents are, supposedly

HALEY: Well-where are you going then?

NATHAN: (sighs/stands) The River court

(NATHAN grabs a jacket)

HALEY: Nathan, you’re knee’s all--you mom’s totally freaking out!

NATHAN: (putting jacket on) I’m the kid, Hales and I’m sick a dealing with my parents problems. If it’s not my dad with a restraining order, it’s my mom with a glock, they’re unbelievable … (HALEY listens sympathetically) my one saving grace, my one way out is that if I play halfway decent in these playoff’s, I can get a scholarship and get the hell away from both those lunatics

(NATHAN grabs the ball that has been sitting on the bed and walks towards the door where HALEY has been standing and he leans on the door frame as she moves closer to the door as well)

NATHAN: Should my mom have a g*n? No … but am I gonna let her stupidity or anything else stand in the way of my dreams? (shakes head negatively) Not a chance

(NATHAN kisses HALEY on the forehead as she closes her eyes and smiles then rubs his shoulder)

NATHAN: See ya

HALEY: (softly) Bye

(NATHAN walks out and HALEY leans by the wall a moment before giving a big sigh and then sits down)

[ROE Residence-Kitchen]

(DAN opens the door and walks in as KAREN is writing some checks, her back facing the door)

DAN: Knock, knock

(KAREN looks up more annoyed than startled and looks back towards DAN, but not completely, only to turn back around and continue with her checkbook)

KAREN: Dan, you can’t keep doing this

DAN: Doing what?

(KAREN sighs, turns to look at him, then turns her back on him again)

KAREN: (continues writing) Coming around like this (stops) Look--I know you said that you intend on being there for me with this pregnancy but the truth is, Dan, you’re not that guy … You were not that guy the first time with Lucas and you’re never gonna be that guy … You have to know that

(DAN looks down then he walks away from the kitchen as if he’s about to leave. DAN comes back in pushing a baby rocking crib and we realize that it’s the same crib KAREN threw out in the trash only it’s put together and it’s painted blue and a wood color [it looks very cute] KAREN, who hears that something is being pushed in turns around and sees the crib as DAN pushes it in, she stares at it in shock for a moment before she walks up to both DAN and the crib)

KAREN: (eyes never leaving crib) That’s Lucas’ crib (looks up) Dan, I--

DAN: --I did it myself (looks up at KAREN) I hope you like it

(KAREN stares at DAN and he exits and closes the door. She looks at the crib and inside is a little teddy bear)

[Some Bar]

(People are drinking and having a good time there is a mechanical bull and a girl is on it and she’s wearing a cowboy hat as she hoots and hollers next to her is a sign that reads “Say, Hell YEAH” camera moves to were RACHEL and BROOKE are sitting. BROOKE doesn’t look like she’s having a fun time but she brought her “Posh” mug and there is a little umbrella in it, she looks around moody)

RACHEL: (sighs) Okay, I bring you to this club (BROOKE sort of roll her eyes towards her) I fill your kitschy but hideous spice girl cup with alcohol and you haven’t touched it …Is this how you spend all your birthdays?

BROOKE: (bitchy) Actually, no, I usually spend them with Peyton (frowns with an attitude) but not this year

RACHEL: (smiles) What’s going on with that anyway?--I mean, I missed a couple things when I was hanging out at the bottom of the river

BROOKE: (bitchy smile) Peyton likes Lucas

RACHEL: Did she try to sleep with him? ‘Cause I did that, too

BROOKE: She kissed him (RACHEL drinks from “Posh”) The day of the school sh**ting she kissed him in the library

(RACHEL gives BROOKE a stiff look and puts the mug down)

RACHEL: (scrunches face) Well, by default--if your about to die, or at least bleeding to death … I think you get a free kissing pass (BROOKE dramatically rolls her eyes away) what else did she do?

BROOKE: Well, she had the nerve to say she’d back off if I loved him (smiles coldly)… can you believe that? She wanted me to declare my love for my own boyfriend

RACHEL: Why didn’t you?

(BROOKE looks at RACHEL for a couple seconds before she looks away not really trying to respond to her question)

RACHEL: Okay, let me get this straight … You don’t have feelings for Lucas anymore … Peyton does (BROOKE looks at her) yet she’s willing to hide those feelings if you ask her to … (lowers lip/shakes head) sounds like a pretty great friend to me

(BROOKE rolls her eyes and sighs, RACHEL looks away. Camera goes back to the girl who’s still riding the mechanical bull as two guys walk in front of the bull ride and RACHEL notices)

RACHEL: (face lights up) Check it out, your birthday presents here (BROOKE looks at the guys for a second and the guys looks at them) well, at least one of them, you pick

BROOKE: Isn’t that a little soon for you? I mean, is Coopers tux even dry yet?

RACHEL: (inhales) Cooper’s gone, Brooke … so I’m using your birthday as an excuse to drown my sorrows in alcohol … and boy

BROOKE: Rachel, a one-nighter is just gonna make it worse

RACHEL: (thinks) Tomorrow it’ll make it worse. But tonight, trust me, it’ll make it much better (smiles and looks at the guys) So which one do you want?

BROOKE: (looks down/sad) I can’t

RACHEL: Suit yourself (grabs purse/smiles) Don’t wait up

(RACHEL stands and walks away from the table to go to the guys. BROOKE sits there and sighs obviously not the best birthday she’s had. The guys looks at RACHEL who walks up to them, they smile and begin to talk. BROOKE looks around and thinks)

[Department Store-Cosmetics]

(LUCAS is leaning on a counter staring at his watch, the lights start turning off, the store is closing)

LUCAS: (looking at watch/to self) Come one, Brooke

(As more lights turn off footsteps are heard and then there’s a shot of someone’s legs walking up towards LUCAS [It’s suppose to make us all think for a second it could be BROOKE] LUCAS quickly turns, hoping that it’s BROOKE, the camera sh**t up to show it’s PEYTON who looks at him sympathetically. LUCAS stands straight and smiles at her sadly. The lights in the store turn off leaving only the display lights on)

PEYTON: I’m sorry, Luke. I really thought she was gonna show (LUCAS walks up to her and shrugs) but look at it this way she didn’t know you where gonna be here so (shrugs) there’s still hope for the two of you (laughs sadly) just not so much for me and her

(LUCAS laughs sadly and looks at PEYTON like if he feels more sorry for her then him since she and BROOKE have been life-long friends. He puts his arm around her and she does the same and rubs his back as they walk out together)

[Department Store-Outside Entrance-Night]

(LUCAS opens the door for him and PEYTON who is reaching into her purse and she pulls out a bottle of cologne and hands it to LUCAS but looks ahead)

PEYTON: (smugly) Here (LUCAS takes cologne) I stole this for you

(LUCAS looks at it confused for a moment then throws his head back and silently laughs. PEYTON smiles as he puts his arm around her and they cross the street to walk to the car, he holds the cologne near him as he and PEYTON stare at it, laugh and walk)

(The camera moves a distance away from the store and BROOKE is standing there and has been watching them. As she hears them joking around with each other, she looks like she’s trying to fight back tears and tries to control herself)

PEYTON: (v.o)(laughs) It smells good

(PEYTON voice is heard giggling)

LUCAS: (v.o) try it on

(PEYTON voice is heard laughing)

[Department Store Parking Lot-PEYTON’s Car-Night]

(LUCAS and PEYTON sitting still waiting for BROOKE. LUCAS is looking away and PEYTON looks at him)

PEYTON: (points) Best birthday ever

LUCAS: (looks up/thinking expression) …. (inhales) When I was twelve (PEYTON makes a “really?” expression) My mom and … Keith surprised me with tickets to the Duke-Caroline game (PEYTON laughs in a “Oh God” way) I wuh--no--no--no, we drove up, made a weekend out of it … It was cool because it was the first time we were ever a real family (PEYTON smiles) and I’d give anything to have that back … you?

PEYTON: My eighth birthday, my mom was still alive, that’s the last time we were a real family (LUCAS nods) I’d give anything to have that back

(LUCAS looks away and PEYTON stares at him a moment)

PEYTON: (sighs) You want me to drive you by Rachel’s? Maybe Brooke’s there?

(LUCAS ponders for a moment and makes a thinking face)

LUCAS: (v.o) There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at crossroads …

LUCAS: (frowns) No, it’s okay … would you drop me by the river court? That’s were I do my best healing

(LUCAS looks up at PEYTON)


(PEYTON starts the car and LUCAS looks away thinking)


(Back is facing the camera as a girl puts on her bra having only had on a pair of jeans. A guy is laying asleep, legs by headboard, in the bed as she grabs her blouse from under his legs and tugs it a little to get it out and walks away)

LUCAS: (v.o) There are moments in our lives …

(The girl walks over to where the guys head is and grabs her shoes, the guy is one of the guys RACHEL and BROOKE saw at the bar)

LUCAS: (v.o) …when we find ourselves at a crossroads …

(The camera sh**t up and it’s RACHEL who goes to the counter, grabs her bag and looks at the guy for a moment, like if she’s ashamed of herself and leaves the room)

LUCAS: (v.o) … afraid … confused … without a road map

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE is on her bed looking at her “Brooke” photo book looking at the first page with her certificate, footprints, and baby picture)

LUCAS: (v.o) The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days

[Tree Hill Intersection-Streetlight]

(The light turns red and DAN, in his SUV, stops and looks around to see a big delivery truck, on the box part of the delivery truck painted in red is the word “m*rder*r” DAN stares at it in shock and walks out of his car)

(As the truck pulls out to make a left, DAN sees it was only in his mind because “m*rder*r” is not written there this time)

LUCAS: (v.o) Of course when faced with the unknown …

(DAN mouths “what” camera changes to birds-eye view of DAN standing in the middle of the intersection and looks down, the lights still red)

LUCAS: (v.o) … most of us prefer to turn around and go back

[The River Court-Parking Lot-Night]

(LUCAS walks up to WHITEY’s car and leans by the passenger window which is rolled down)

LUCAS: Doing a little scouting

(WHITEY, who has been sitting on the drivers seat has also been looking at SKILLS who is playing basketball but doesn’t notice either LUCAS or WHITEY)

WHITEY: I’m puttin’ him on the team

(LUCAS looks over at SKILLS, shot of SKILLS making one of those lay-up sh*ts)

LUCAS: (v.o) Really?!

(LUCAS looks at SKILLS again then at WHITEY)

LUCAS: Well that’s great, coach. What made you decide that?

WHITEY: (looks at LUCAS) You did (LUCAS listens) Not long ago (points to court) I found a kid out on that very same court. If that young man (camera moves to SKILLS who spins quickly and makes a basket) turns out to be the kind of player and person (back to WHITEY) that scrawny kid turned out (LUCAS laughs) to be (laughs) It’s a no-brainer

(LUCAS holds his hand out to WHITEY who shakes it. LUCAS looks at him with a “thanks, coach” expression. WHITEY smiles and looks back to SKILLS, LUCAS walks away)

[The River Court-Basketball Court-Night]

(SKILLS makes another lay-up shot and runs with the ball from the basket but stops playing when he sees LUCAS coming. LUCAS walks up to him with a serious expression on his face and they stare at each other for a moment)

LUCAS: … (serious face) You just became a Raven (smiles) HA! HA!

(SKILLS and LUCAS do the “Shake hug” where they grab each others hands and then lean in for a shoulder hug)

LUCAS: (v.o) But once in a while people push on to something better …

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE is still sitting up in her bed looking at her “Brooke” album. She flips the pages and actually starts smiling. Camera changes to show what she’s looking at which is a page where it shows a picture of a bunch of kids, then another one below of PEYTON and BROOKE in middle school both drinking. Next to those is a flyer that obviously looks like it was done by PEYTON that reads “Extreme” “In the zone” “Rend dent” “Kickin’ kickin”)

(The next page shows a picture of BROOKE by herself and below is a picture of BROOKE and Peyton at her birthday “17 ” BROOKE has her head slightly turned and has one of those “Showin off the grillz” grins, PEYTON is frowning with a thumbs up)

LUCAS: (v.o) … Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone …

(BROOKE looks at the album and sighs sadly)

[SAWYER Residence-Front Porch-Night]

(PEYTON is walking up to the door but she’s looking in her purse trying to find her keys. As she walks up to the porch she doesn’t notice that a guy, DEREK, is sitting there. He’s a blonde-haired guy, her age)

DEREK: Are you Peyton?

(PEYTON looks up shocked)

DEREK: (stands) I’m Derek

(PEYTON stares at him with a mixture of happiness and sadness. DEREK hesitates to talk)

DEREK: I guess I’m your brother

(DEREK stares at PEYTON)

LUCAS: (v.o) and just beyond the bravery (PEYTON stares back) and courage it takes to let someone in …

[ROE Residence-Kitchen]

(The baby crib is rocking and the camera moves up to see KAREN staring at it intensely)

LUCAS: (v.o) … or to give someone a second chance

[ROE Residence-Front Porch-Night]

(LUCAS with laptop on his lap as he sits and types)

LUCAS: (v.o) Something beyond the quiet (shot of his screen which is everything he’s written which are the voiceover’s, typing the following line) persistence of a dream

(Camera moves back to LUCAS and then to the lamp)

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(There is a pink cupcake on a plate with a white candle that is lit. The shot is just of the hand holding the plate and walking into the room. RACHEL is the one holding the plate and also holding her purse, she walks up to BROOKE and stands in-between there beds. BROOKE now has a white blanket on her)

RACHEL: Happy birthday, you boring old shrew

(RACHEL puts the plate down on the table in between there beds)

BROOKE: (half smiles) You said “Don’t wait up” (RACHEL sits on her bed) And you call this late?

RACHEL: (shrugs) I wasn’t into it (opens purse/pulls out digital camera) the boys in Tree Hill are so boring compared to Cooper

(RACHEL begins to fidget with her camera)

BROOKE: Isn’t there anybody our age you think you could fall for?

(RACHEL gives BROOKE a smile like if she’s up to something. Close up of her digital camera and there is a picture of HALEY and NATHAN at there 2nd wedding. It’s zoomed in so you can only see HALEY and NATHAN’s chest. RACHEL scrolls the picture up and focuses it on NATHAN then looks at BROOKE)

RACHEL: (smiles) Maybe

(BROOKE looks at her for a moment and smiles)

[Molina Bridge-Night]

(NATHAN is standing in the same spot he was in the begging of the show and he just stands there and looks out in the water. HALEY walks up to him)

HALEY: I found your ball at home

NATHAN: I was kind a hoping you would

(HALEY smiles and walks up to NATHAN then puts her head on his shoulder and they look at the river for a moment then she puts her chin on his shoulder and looks at him)

HALEY: I need you to talk to me

NATHAN: Haley (puts arm around her) I’m not trying to shut you out, okay? (HALEY closes her eyes as if saying “okay”) I just don’t understand it enough to let you in yet

HALEY: Whatever it is, we’re gonna get through it together (NATHAN looks at her) I’m right here, Nathan (touches his cheek ) I’m not going anywhere

(NATHAN and HALEY hug, birds eye view as it zooms out)

LUCAS: (v.o) Because it’s only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are …

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE is looking at her “Brooke” photo album and then grabs her “Posh” mug that was next to the cupcake)

(BROOKE turns the mug upside down and the writing on it that says “To my POSH Best friend, Love always, Peyton”)

LUCAS: (v.o) … and it’s only when you’re tested (BROOKE lightly rubs by the word “Friend” with thumb) that you discover who you can be

RACHEL: Hey (BROOKE looks up) I’m sorry about your birthday. Did anything memorable happen?

BROOKE: (thinks) … (smiles) Yeah, one thing

(RACHEL smiles at BROOKE because she thinks the memory is a good one)

LUCAS: (v.o) The person you want to be does exists (BROOKE puts mug by side of bed) somewhere on the other side of hard work (BROOKE flips album page) and faith (BROOKE grabs picture) and belief …

(BROOKE places picture in album and stares at it sadly for a moment. Close up of her album page and it’s a picture of PEYTON and LUCAS walking down the street, his arm around her, laughing as they both looks at the bottle of cologne she stole for him)

LUCAS: (v.o) … and beyond the heartache (BROOKE slams album shut) and fear of what lies ahead

(BROOKE grabs the cupcake and stares at the flame for a moment, cupcake inches from her face. Close up of her mouth and the flame, the camera is focused more on her mouth and as she inhales it focuses on the flame, she lets out a soft blow and the candle blows out)

The End