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04x05 - I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness

Posted: 11/08/06 00:11
by bunniefuu
[Molina Bridge-Day]

(Limo crashes through the guard rail)

LUCAS: (v.o) Previously (Limo falls in river) on One Tree Hill

[Molina Bridge-River (underwater)-Day]

(RACHEL is in the limo unconscious)

RACHEL: (v.o) I do remember something …

[Molina Bridge-Night]

(NATHAN and RACHEL looking towards the river)

RACHEL: … from thee accident

NATHAN: What did you see?


(NATHAN’s eyes widen in shock)

RACHEL: (v.o) The boys …

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(BROOKE lying on her bed, RACHEL sitting in her bed fiddling with her camera]

RACHEL: … in Tree Hill are so boring

BROOKE: Isn’t there anybody our age you think you could fall for?

(Close up of RACHEL’s camera, there is a zoomed in picture of NATHAN’s face)

RACHEL: (v.o) Maybe

[Tree Hill intersection-Streetlight]

(DAN is at a red light and he looks to his right and sees that a truck has the word “m*rder*r” written on it, DAN stares in shock and when the truck passes across him to make a left the words are no longer there)

[Breakfast Restaurant-Day]

(DEREK and PEYTON sitting at a table)

DEREK: Hi (extends hand) I’m Derek (playfully makes confused face) I guess I’m your brother

PEYTON: (reaches his hand) Hi, Derek


(PEYTON and DEREK are talking at the night of the concert)

DEREK: Lucas isn’t the guy you think he is

(PEYTON looks hurt)


(PEYTON is hugging DEREK and he grabs her hair to smell it, LUCAS turns to look at them, notices DEREK’s weird behavior, and stares at them suspiciously)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(PEYTON takes down her “AOD PEYTON” drawing from her “Where are they now?” wall)

PEYTON: Ellie brought us together and I want you to have it

[DEREK’s Hotel Room]

(DEREK is slowly taking off his shirt to reveal a tattoo that basically covers all his back, it’s the “AOD PEYTON” drawing)

DEREK: (v.o) I’m gonna find a really special place for this

[DEREK’s Hotel Room]

(The prost*tute is looking at DEREK’s “Psycho wall-Peyton pictures” then looks over at DEREK who is sitting on his bed)

PROSTITURE: You got it bad, don’t you, baby?

(DEREK licks his lips in a psychotic way and stares ahead intensely)

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ bedroom]

(HALEY is sitting on LUCAS’ bed and LUCAS stands by the side)

HALEY: It’s not Brooke, it’s me … (whispers) I’m pregnant

End Of Previously on

<Note: This is one of the more darker episodes of One Tree Hill, so instead of playing the theme song like they normally do they instead show the “One Tree Hill” words>

One Tree Hill

<Note: Scary, suspenseful music is played as the words are shown>

[Tree Hill Memorial Hospital-Waiting room]

(LUCAS and KAREN, reading a magazine, sit in a couch)

KAREN: Lucas, you know you don’t have to come to every check up with me

LUCAS: (½ smiles ½ laugh) It’s okay, mom, I want to

KAREN: Lucas, why are you coming to every check up with me?

LUCAS: Would Keith be at every checkup?

KAREN: Probably, yeah

LUCAS: Well then, there’s your answer

(LUCAS chuckles and looks away)


(LUCAS and KAREN look ahead)

NURSE: (holding folder and pen) We’re ready for you?

(KAREN puts the magazine down)

KAREN: (clears throat/pats hand on LUCAS’ knee) Go to schools, kid (frowns)You’re makin’ me nervous

(KAREN stands up and LUCAS chuckles)

(Cut to Hospital halls: LUCAS is walking out of the room and in the halls, without thinking, he quickly glances at a room and starts walking away then quickly stops himself when he sees the prost*tute that was with DEREK, only he doesn’t think it’s the prost*tute because he can’t see her face and she’s still wearing PEYTON’s jacket, the wig, and cloths similar to PEYTON’s the night of the LUPE FIASCO performance. Her face is pretty banged up, she has bad scratches under her eyes on her forehead and on her upper lip, then it cuts to her leg to show she’s bleeding in the same area where PEYTON got shot)

LUCAS: (worried) Peyton?

(The prost*tute doesn’t turn around right away but gets scared when she hears LUCAS’ voice, when she finally turns, she seems scared and anger)

LUCAS: (surprised) Uh--oh, I--I’m sorry, I thought you-- … (notices her jacket) That’s my friends jacket

(The PROSTITUE starts taking the jacket off)

prost*tute: (angry) Take it (throws jacket to LUCAS/voice breaking) Get out

(prost*tute takes the wig off and looks straight ahead. LUCAS stares at her thinking)

LUCAS: (suspicious) Who did this to you?

prost*tute: Nobody, I’m just clumsy, that’s all

(LUCAS knows she’s not telling the truth but just leaves it at that and heads out but looks at the prost*tute)

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Kitchen]

(NATHAN is sitting at the table eating breakfast)

(Cell phone rings)

NATHAN: Hello? … (shocked face) Yes, sir … (chuckles) a full scholarship, yes, sir, I, uh, tell Coach K. I won’t let him down, thank you (hangs up phone and takes it all in) Yes! (stands) Haley!

(HALEY comes out of the bathroom and NATHAN stands in front of the hall)

HALEY: (smiling) What?

NATHAN: (big grin) I’m going to Duke

HALEY: (shocked) I’m pregnant

(NATHAN’s smiles drops, he looks at her stomach for a moment not believing what he just heard, HALEY laughs nervously waiting for his reaction)

HALEY: (nervous) It’s not Brooke, it’s me

NATHAN: What? Well, how long have you known?

HALEY: (frowns) A few weeks

NATHAN: (upset) A few weeks?!

HALEY: I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you

NATHAN: (trying to take it all in) Oh

(NATHAN walks towards the kitchen and sighs not really paying attention to anything, only to what is going through his mind, then sits)

HALEY: Can you talk to me? Can you tell me what you’re thinking?

NATHAN: Do you still want to go to Stanford?

HALEY: (“where is this coming from” tone) What?

NATHAN: Stanford, for college?

HALEY: Um, yeah, I mean (cell phone rings) of--of course I do but I don’t--

(NATHAN checks his cell phone and it’s a call from “Rachel” ugh! NATHAN closes the phone)

NATHAN: (thinking) I have to go

HALEY: What do you--(NATHAN stands to exit) --Nathan, !Nathan!

(NATHAN turns)

HALEY: (smiles) I’m pregnant … (smile fades) were pregnant, at least just tell me how you feel about that?

NATHAN: I feel like you should’ve told me a few weeks ago (HALEY still waits for his response to her question) that’s how I feel

(NATHAN opens the door and exits, HALEY watches him leave and sighs disappointedly)

[Tree Hill High-School Parking lot-Day]

(LUCAS parks just as PEYTON starts heading to the school, when he gets out he’s holding her jacket and he spots her)

LUCAS: (worried tone) Hey, Peyton!

(PEYTON turns around, notices her jacket and gasps)

LUCAS: (throws her the jacket) I found your jacket

PEYTON: Luke! (searching through pockets) Oh, my God!

(LUCAS and PEYTON are heading to the school, away from the bridge, and get on the sidewalk)

PEYTON: Damn it, I kept a picture of Ellie in here, it’s gone

LUCAS: That is your jacket, right?

PEYTON: Yeah, where’d you find it?

LUCAS: Look, does Derek know about … the scar on you leg, were you were shot?

PEYTON: Yeah, why?

LUCAS: Uh, your jacket was on a girl in the hospital

PEYTON: What?!

LUCAS: Yeah, she was bleeding in the same place that you were shot in the leg

PEYTON: Okay, creepy and weird but what does that have to do with Derek?

LUCAS: The other night at Tric, when he hugged you good night, he kind-a … he sniffed your hair

(LUCAS touches her hair)

PEYTON: (finding it funny) HA!

At same time

LUCAS: No, look--

PEYTON: (smiling) Come on

LUCAS: And then your jacket goes missing

PEYTON: (smiling) Stop!

LUCAS: Ends up on some hooker wearing a blond wig who’s dressed like you?--

PEYTON: --Whoa, whoa, wait, how do you know she was a hooker?

LUCAS: I don’t know, she looked like a hooker

PEYTON: (playfully insulted) Thanks … look, I know you’re a little bit jealous of him and …

LUCAS: Whoa--whoa--whoa--whoa--whoa, I’m not jealous of Derek

PEYTON: Okay, fine, you’re not jealous oh him, so, instead of a girl stealing my jacket you think Derek stole it, put it on a women who may or may not be a prost*tute and then stabbed her in the leg? (finding it humorous) Is that what you think?!

(PEYTON and LUCAS stop walking)

LUCAS: Honestly, yeah

PEYTON: Luke, come on … this is important to me, okay? … having a family and having Derek and he’s been nothing but good to me so just don’t make me doubt him, please

LUCAS: I’m just trying to watch out for you, Peyton

PEYTON: (smiles) I know and I thank you but how about you just bodyguard me to English class

(PEYTON pulls LUCAS off the screen and when they move DEREK has been standing on the bridge watching them from afar, the shot changes to DEREK’s point of view were you can see LUCAS and PEYTON walking towards the busses and this scary, suspense music starts playing, the camera closes up to DEREK’s face, he doesn’t look to happy as he continues watching them)

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(RACHEL lights up a candle and places it by a drawer that has more candles lit up, she starts unbuttoning her blouse a little so she can show more cleavage and she fixes it, the blouse not her boobs, she sits on her bed [facing the door] and crosses her legs]

(RACHEL’s house door opens and she sits there very seductively, NATHAN enters and stands by the door)


RACHEL: (smiles) Hi

NATHAN: Well, you said to just come in so I did

RACHEL: Thanks for coming, I know we should be at school but, um …I really want to talk to you … about thee accident

(RACHEL pats the bed in a flirty way. NATHAN looks sad and walks over to sit on her bed and lets out a big exhale)

RACHEL: I feel … like we’re connected somehow, Nathan (he looks away) Like, we’re the only two people in the planet, you know, trying to understand this … and … well (moves closer) maybe we can help each other through it

(RACHEL looks at NATHAN’s lips)

NATHAN: Haley’s pregnant

RACHEL: …You mean, Brooke?

NATHAN: No … the rumors were wrong (inhales) It’s Haley

(RACHEL turns away upset)

NATHAN: You know, ten minutes ago I was (holds out index finger and thumb and inch apart) this close to my dream … for a moment, I actually knew exactly who I was gonna be and now (scoffs)

RACHEL: I didn’t see Keith (looks down) … (NATHAN looks surprised) I’m sorry (scoffs)

(RACHEL stands buttons her blouse and goes to blow out the candles)

RACHEL: I heard you talking to Peyton at the party and I just-- … I--I’m an idiot

NATHAN: (nods/stands) That figures

(NATHAN starts exiting for the door)

RACHEL: (sighs) Nathan (NATHAN turns) you’re gonna be okay

NATHAN: Sure, I owe thousands of dollars in hospital bills, my wife is pregnant and I think my dead uncle saved my life

(RACHEL rolls eyes, smiles and walks towards NATHAN)

RACHEL: Your parents have money (inhales) your baby’s gonna be beautiful … and maybe your dead Uncle saved your life because you were destined for greatness

(NATHAN smiles and starts walking away)

RACHEL: Nathan (he turns once again but this time just a tad annoyed) If Haley wasn’t pregnant … did I have a shot?

NATHAN: Not for a second

(RACHEL, upset, watches NATHAN leave)

[Tree Hill High-Quad-Day]

(BROOKE passes by the news board and walks over to HALEY who is sitting at a table, she puts her bag on the table and sits with her)

BROOKE: Haley (sees HALEY’s sad expression) … what’s wrong?

HALEY: (sighs) I told Nathan that I’m pregnant and, um … he walked out

(HALEY smiles sadly)

BROOKE: (sympathetically) I’m sorry, buddy (thinks) Hmm, um … listen, now that Nathan knows, it wouldn’t be horrible exactly if news of your pregnancy just somehow sort of slipped out, right?

HALEY: I don’t know, I,I guess not

BROOKE: Okay (grins) Great

(BROOKE stands up on top of the table)

BROOKE: (to students) Hey, people! Listen up! (points to self) I’m not the one who’s pregnant, okay? (points to HALEY) Haley is!

HALEY: (whispering) Brooke

BROOKE: Haley’s got the roast in slow cook, not me! Haley!

(The students gather around HALEY who just smiles at them, embarrassed, as the students congratulate her)

BROOKE: (holds hands out) Thank you!

(BROOKE gets down and HALEY smiles at people, humiliated)

[Tree Hill streets-Newspaper machine-Day]

(DAN puts some coins in the machine and opens it up to pull out a “Morning Examiner” paper, he closes the door of it then walks away looking at the paper and stops suddenly, scared. The paper reads in bold letters “Mayor Kills Big Brother” and there is a big picture of DAN, terrified, he looks around paranoid then looks back at the paper and is surprised once more, the title has changed to “Mayor Kills Big Budget” DAN makes a face followed by a “What?” expression, he starts walking and throws the paper in the trash)

[SAWYER Residence-Front of house-Day]

(PEYTON parks her car in front of the house and starts heading for the door, scary suspenseful music starts playing when she stops suddenly and looks at the door, it’s open and she pokes her head in a little, scared. She pushes the door open and it creeks as she continues looking inside the house from the outside, she looks around outside and walks in)

<Note: Just think, teen horror movie’s music>


(PEYTON proceeds upstairs with caution looking up, the music gets heavier and louder as she slowly walks to her room, she stares at it from the outside the looks away, the camera is now in the inside of the room as if it’s someone’s eye view and it moves from looking at her album’s wall to her looking away from the door as screeching terror violin music is played. PEYTON looks back at the door and screams in terror, the camera turns to the door and it’s … LUCAS, who holds his hands up with an “Calm down” expression)

LUCAS: It’s okay

At same time

PEYTON: Damn it!

LUCAS: It’s me

PEYTON: (hits him on shoulder) You jackass!

LUCAS: (laughs) I’m sorry, okay, I was worried about you. I wanted to check on the house before you got home

PEYTON: Luke, the only one terrorizing me is you (walks in and sits on bed) Sooo, you find anything out of place?

LUCAS: … No, everything’s fine

PEYTON: (trying to make a point) That’s right, everything’s fine

LUCAS: Other than your brother sniffing your hair (PEYTON makes a serious face) Okay, well maybe I saw wrong. I’m sorry … again. I’m going home

(LUCAS starts exiting the room)

PEYTON: (stern tone) Lucas Scott … (LUCAS rolls his eyes and turns around) thanks for caring

LUCAS: (smiles) You’re welcome

(LUCAS chuckles and exits, PEYTON watches him leave then laughs lightly to herself)

(Cut to outside of PEYTON’s bedroom: LUCAS stops, suspiciously, and takes something out of his pocket, it’s the letter ELLIE put in the Zeppelin album. He opens it and this is the only parts I could read from it “Tell you, because …he is your brother. His name is Derek. And knowing how courageous you are. I thought you should know his number is (LUCAS’ thumb covers it) Go into the storm brave angel that’s were life is. I love you--Ellie”. LUCAS closes it and walks away)

[RACHEL’s Bedroom]

(RACHEL is on her bed, belly down, on BROOKE’s lap top, since it has a “clothes/Bro’s” sticker, I assume it’s hers. Anyway, she is typing something and when it closes up to the computer screen it looks like a profile page for BROOKE, there is a main picture of BROOKE and under it reads “Home Town: Tree Hill” with and “edit” button next to it, at the bottom of that is age with an “edit” button but there is nothing filled out, at the bottom of that reads “Interests: FASHION, I design a clothing line called CLOTHES OVER BRO’s that you can check it out at” there’s a space and on bottom of that says “SECOND: BOYS” “THIRD: BOYS” there is a section titled “My Recent Pictures” with six photo’s, a couple by herself, one being NATHAN and HALEY’s wedding, a couple with her and PEYTON and some with her and HALEY at the bottom reads “Upload Additional photos” and it’s three pictures each with a different guy, lol. Camera zooms in closer to her main picture then moves down to the “Home town” and “Age” section, mouse arrow hits “edit” and RACHEL types in “23” she hit’s the edit button once more and smiles)

[PEYTON’s Bedroom]

(There is a close up shot of the “family photo” PEYTON and DEREK took together, PEYTON moves it away and looks at her computer screen, she’s sitting at the desk and her web cam is turned on and she receives an instant message from “LUKESCOTT3”)

LUKESCOTT3: “heyy, it’s lucas”

(PEYTON smiles and types …)

PEYTON: “what’s up?”

LUKESCOTT3: “just thinking of yyou”

(a second after that …)

LUKESCOTT3: “i love that smile”

(PEYTON smiles, raises an eyebrow and types …)

PEYTON: “what else do you love?”

(PEYTON waits for a response and up pops …)

LUKESCOTT3: “yyour ass”

*suspenseful music starts to play*

(PEYTON, worried, looks at the web cam a moment then stands to walk over to her cell phone which is on her bed, she looks at the computer for a moment before she dials)

(Phone rings through receiver)

(Cut to Police department-Outside entrance: LUCAS’ cell rings, he looks at it a moment then he answers)


(Cut to PEYTON’s Bedroom)

PEYTON: Hey, perv … did you just I.M me?

(Cut to Police department)

LUCAS: (laughs) No, why? (looks up)

(Cut to PEYTON’s Bedroom: PEYTON, worried, quickly glances at the computer)

PEYTON: Nothing, it’s okay, um … I’ll talk to you later

(PEYTON quickly hangs up)

(Cut to Police department)

LUCAS: Uh (realizes she hung up and pulls phone away) okay

(LUCAS frowns not understanding what just happened)

(Cut to PEYTON’s Bedroom: PEYTON walks over to the computer and turns off her web cam, sits on the chair and clicks on something, a box pops up that reads “Opening Mail Server” with a loading timer at the bottom the box changes to the title “Connecting” the loading timer is still empty, it changes to “Looking For Mail” and the timer looks about 20% full, as the timer fills up it changes to “Retrieving Mail …” an e-mail DEREK send her in Episode 403 with the picture attachment pops up “Had a great time 2nite. Thought yyou might like this pic.” it zooms in to the word “yyou” and then to the e-mail address section “dsommers86@” PEYTON stands up and walks away from the computer and the camera zooms in on the I.M “yyour ass”)

[Tree Hill Police Department-Outside Entrance]

(LUCAS stands out there a little worried mixed with impatience and DETECTIVE WILCOX comes out holding a pen and pad)

WILCOX: Lucas Scott?

LUCAS: Yes, sir?

WILCOX: (extends hand) Detective Wilcox (shake hands) we’ve met before, haven’t we?

LUCAS: Yeah, after the school sh**ting

WILCOX: Ah, I thought so (inhales) listen, they filled me in on this whole “long-lost brother” scenario--what else can you give me?

(LUCAS thinks but can’t come up with anything and frowns)

LUCAS: … Unfortunately, not much (worried) Look, I just have a really bad feeling about this guy (voice trembles) and I’m worried about my friend Peyton

(DETECTIVE WILCOX pauses a moment and realizes something)

WILCOX: … (points) You carried her out--Peyton Sawyer (nods) You’re the one who carried her out of the school

LUCAS: (nods sadly) Yeah

WILCOX: Okay (smiles) We’ll bring him in

(DETECTIVE WILCOX starts to exit to the building)

LUCAS: So, you believe me? (D. WILCOX turns) I mean, you don’t think this sounds crazy?

WILCOX: I didn’t say it didn’t sound crazy … (points/moves towards LUCAS) but that look in your eyes tells me that you believe it

(LUCAS stares at DETECTIVE WILCOX a moment before D. WILCOX goes back in the building, LUCAS looks away worried)

[City Hall-DAN’s office]

(DAN is sitting behind his desk, drinking coffee and looking through some papers)

(knock on door)

HALEY: Mr. Scott?

(DAN looks up as HALEY walks a little in)

DAN: Haley, what a surprise, come on in (motions to the chair in front of him and HALEY walks over) what can I do for you?

(HALEY stands in front of the chair)

HALEY: (inhales) Um, I’m just here because … I don’t know who else can talk to Nathan

(DAN looks at her as if he doesn’t understand, HALEY gathers some courage and sits)

HALEY: (leans towards desk) I’m pregnant

DAN: (taken back) … (nods) It seems to be going around

HALEY: You have to know that … I would never plan something like this or try and trap him especially now that he’s got a scholarship offer to Duke …

(DAN looks shocked then leans back on his chair and looks up)

HALEY: Which you didn’t know … (softly to herself) sorry

(DAN sighs happily holds his hand up as if to say “don’t apologize” then stands to sit next to HALEY)

DAN: (puts hand on her shoulder) First of all … congratulations (HALEY smiles)(playfully) although I’m far to young and handsome to be a grandfather (HALEY laughs) and second, don’t worry … it’s not healthy (smiles) … have you told Nathan?

HALEY: (nods/sadly smiles) He totally freaked out

DAN: Mmm, Been there (playfully raises eyebrows with a “know what I mean?” expression) but, hey, it’s all gonna be okay (HALEY looks at him like she hopes to believe it) … I’ll talk to Nathan (HALEY nods) … okay?

(DAN comfortingly touches HALEY’s cheek a little below her eye)

HALEY: (really appreciating it) Thank you

(HALEY looks at DAN for a moment, smiles and then stands up. DAN looks away and thinks, he may have seemed sincere but in the end he’s still DAN SCOTT)

[DEREK’s Hotel room]

(There is a knock on the door and PEYTON walks in, heavy scary music starts playing [like before something bad is about to happen] She looks over at DEREK’s bed which is messy with a blanket and some clothes, she looks over at his “psycho wall-Peyton pictures” but all the pictures that were on there are now gone, his camera is on the desk and PEYTON sees a chair with a table in front of it, there is a lap top on it that is slightly opened, she sits on the chair and slowly opens the computer and she taps a key, the picture DEREK took of her at the game in episode 403 is put as his computer wallpaper and PEYTON moves back, slightly horrified. She opens up “Document Composer v.11” and taps the “Y” button, when she does “yy” shows up on the screen. She exhales, scared and looks around and notices something under his bed, it’s the picture of baby PEYTON held by ELLIE that she kept in ELLIE’s jacket, Peyton stares at it horrified and looks around. Her back is facing the door and DEREK approaches the room)

DEREK: Hi, Peyton

(PEYTON gasps and quickly stands, scary violin screeches are heard as the camera moves closer to DEREK who stares at her. PEYTON tires to hide her fear and forces a smile)

(PEYTON quickly puts the picture in her back pocket, DEREK doesn’t really notice and walks towards her but stands in front of door)

DEREK: (suspicious) Who let you in here, Peyton?

PEYTON: Uh, your (points to door) door was open

DEREK: That’s odd

(DEREK looks at the door)

PEYTON: Yeah (laughs nervously) … so, um, here’s the deal (walks towards DEREK) You know, I’ve really enjoyed having you around … but schools gonna be really busy so (inhales) maybe you should just go back to St. Flora now (smiles)

DEREK: It’s Lucas, isn’t it (PEYTON’s smile drops and she swallows nervously) He doesn’t like me


DEREK: (upset/verge of crying) He’s, uh (swallows) sabotaging our relationship

PEYTON: No, Derek, it’s not Lucas (quietly laughs, scared) … it’s--I mean, it’s my dad. He’s back from sea now so I have to--I have to spend time--

(As PEYTON is saying “I have to” she starts to exit)

DEREK: --HE’S NOT EVEN YOUR REAL FATHER! (PEYTON stops in terror) Um, I’m--I’m sorry, Peyton, I just-- (PEYTON, terrified, gives him a “don’t worry” scoff/laugh) I’ve always imagined what it’ be like to know you … (psychotically) you know, to really get inside you (PEYTON forces a smile) Now I can’t ever imagine not knowing you …(PEYTON smiles and looks down) not mattering to you

(PEYTON starts to leave but in order to do so she must pass DEREK who is standing in front of the door)

DEREK: I--I--I matter to you … don’t I, Peyton

(PEYTON stands by his shoulder, mouths “yeah” and smiles, she starts exiting. DEREK’s back is now facing her)

DEREK: (angry) More than Lucas?

PEYTON: (soft, scared voice) Goodbye Derek

(PEYTON leaves and DEREK stands there and closes his eyes, two tears roll down his face and he stares ahead angry)

[DEB SCOTT (LEE) Residence-Stairs]

(NATHAN enters and looks around towards stairs]


(NATHAN looks in the living room and calls out “Mom” as DEB comes downstairs and NATHAN comes back to stairs)

DEB: Nathan … is this a friendly visit or is the D.E.A outside?

NATHAN: I’m not here to fight with you mom. You have a problem and you know that (DEB looks away) I’m here to tell you that, uh … Duke offered me a scholarship

(DEB looks up surprised)

DEB: (smiles) Oh, honey, oh (moves towards NATE) congratulations (touches his chest as he smiles) I’m so proud of you, Nathan

<Note: This is the first time this season she actually looks happy>

NATHAN: Well, there’s … gonna be a press conference tonight--I’ll let you know where but I-- … I really want you to be there, mom

DEB: I wouldn’t miss it

NATHAN: Sober … I want you to be there sober

DEB: (inhales) I promise you … I’ll be there

NATHAN: (smiles) Okay

(NATHAN heads to the door and DEB watches him, NATHAN turns to look at her and he smiles then exits. DEB leans on the stairs and thinks)

[SAWYER Residence-Outside of house-Day]

(PEYTON’s car pulls up, she parks behind LUCAS’ car and gets out of the passengers side holding ELLIE’s picture. LUCAS is standing by the house stairs and she runs up to him)

LUCAS: (quickly) Hey, hey--hey--hey, listen, don’t be pissed okay but I talked to the police and there’s not gonna be--(PEYTON, scared, hugs him) --whoa, hey, what’s wrong?

(PEYTON lets go)

PEYTON: No, you’re right, you were right, look (shows LUCAS the picture) it was in his hotel room

LUCAS: (takes picture) Okay, what happened?

PEYTON: Nothing, I lied and I said my dad was waiting but I haven’t been able to reach him

LUCAS: It’s okay, it’s okay (hugs PEYTON) Look, you come stay with me, all right?

(PEYTON nods and they head to the house)

PEYTON: (whispers) Okay

LUCAS: Lets go get your stuff

PEYTON: I’m sorry I doubted you

LUCAS: It’s okay

(LUCAS and PEYTON head inside the house and DEREK’s car pulls up next to PEYTON’s and he watches them go inside, he looks like he’s been crying … or sweating, and pulls away)

[The River Court-Basketball court-Day]

(NATHAN is sitting on top of the table with the ball next to him, DAN has parked in the grass and slams the car door which gets NATHAN’s attention)

DAN: Oh, for a second there I wasn’t sure I had the right son

NATHAN: (looks away) What do you want, dad?

DAN: I just came by to say congratulations … you’re gonna be a father (NATHAN turns) now get up and give thee old man a hug

(DAN holds out his arms, NATHAN stands and gives him a hug)

DAN: (still hugging) Oh, it’s a wonderful (NATHAN pats his back) thing son, sort of like a full ride form Duke

(NATHAN pulls away upset)

NATHAN: I knew there was a catch

DAN: Oh, hold on, there’s no catch. I’m thrilled for you and Haley but how long have you loved Haley (sits) … a year? And--you’ve loved the game most of your life you’ve worked hard and Duke recognizes that--it’s a hell of an accomplishment, son

NATHAN: Haley’s dream is to go to Stanford

DAN: Interesting, I thought her dream was to go on tour--oh, wait a minute, you already let her do that, didn’t you?


DAN: --I like Haley, I was wrong about her, okay? But if she insist on going to Stanford then you gotta let her go … alone

NATHAN: She’s pregnant

DAN: … (stands with ball) I understand that, but if she loves you--I mean, truly loves you--than Haley will put her second dream behind you first and follow you to Duke (it seems like his poison is working on NATHAN) Hey, I played ball and had you, you can do it, too. The day I sighed my national letter of intent was the greatest day of my life, this could be that day for you (NATHAN thinks) but if Haley takes that away from you after you let her go on tour … then she’s not the person either you or I thought she was … think about that

(DAN throws the ball to NATHAN who catches it and looks at it for a moment. DAN starts to head to his car but turns around)

DAN: You understand it now, don’t you, son? … I wasn’t a monster back then. (shakes head negatively) I was just a kid chasing his dream his whole life and finally earned it … just like you

(DAN walks away to his car, NATHAN throws the ball in the net just as DAN turns to look at him, the ball makes it in the net and NATHAN watches it)

(RACHEL, holding two margaritas-pink and green, walks up to BROOKE who is sitting at a table)

BROOKE: Okay, I know this is a little odd coming from me but don’t you think it’s a little early?

RACHEL: It’s never to early (puts drinks down, her green--BROOKE-pink) besides, you’ve been so unhappy lately I thought happy hour was the way to go (grabs drink) cheers

(BROOKE and RACHEL clink there glasses)

BROOKE: So, how did you find this place anyway? (drinks)

RACHEL: It’s where I met Cooper (drinks)

BROOKE: (sympathetically) Oh, I’m sorry, Rachel

RACHEL: No, it’s okay. I mean, actually we met online first, I posted some pictures and Cooper replied (BROOKE looks astonished) a little lie about my age, some great sex, a stolen limo--a bridge--and a brief hospital stay later and here we are

BROOKE: (shakes head negatively/smiles) I couldn’t do it, the whole lie-about-my-age-on-the-internet thing. Not to meet a guy, I mean …

RACHEL: (smiles) You already did

BROOKE: (smiles fades) What? No !No! Rachel, just because I am single does not mean you can pimp me out online. Is a guy coming here?

RACHEL: (frowns) No

(RACHEL turns around and an adorable guy, NICK CHAVEZ, comes in and looks around)

RACHEL: (smiles/turns back to BROOKE) He’s already here

BROOKE: What did you--

(RACHEL quickly looks at him once more, NICK notices them and starts walking up)

RACHEL: (leans to BROOKE) He’s a part-time model, you are a 23 year old fashion designer … (looks at NICK quickly) named Peyton

BROOKE: (gives RACHEL a look/whispers) Very funny

(NICK walks up to them and stands behind RACHEL, he can’t takes his eyes off BROOKE who gives him a forced smile, RACHEL, looking at BROOKE, tires not to laugh and very happy with her “internet hookup” matchmaking


BROOKE: Hi, I’m B-- … Peyton

(BROOKE smiles and quickly gives RACHEL a look)

NICK: I know, I’m Nick

(BROOKE smiles, scrunches her nose and has a smiley expression like “I’m going to k*ll this bitch”)

RACHEL: Well, I’ll be going

(BROOKE is still fake smiling but now it looks more like “ What?!” RACHEL stands and picks up her purse and drink)

RACHEL: Have fun, use condoms (to NICK/whispers) Bye

(NICK, looks slightly embarrassed and smiles)

BROOKE: She’s-- (chuckles) … Nick, as in Saint Nick?

(NICK leans in)

NICK: (smiles) Not really

(BROOKE laughs)

[NATHAN and HALEY’s Apartment-Living room]

(HALEY enters from the front door)

HALEY: Nathan?! (looks at there bedroom) Hi (smiles sadly)

(NATHAN comes out dressed up nicely fixing his tie)

NATHAN: I’m having a press conference … to announce that I’m going to Duke

HALEY: (sad/surprised) I thought we’d agreed that we’d make that decision together

NATHAN: (walks to couch) Well, things change, don’t they?

<Note: talking about baby>

(NATHAN fixes his cufflinks and HALEY stands by the kitchen)

HALEY: (sighs) You know, (smiles) everybody’s been congratulating me about the baby and telling me how wonderful it is, except you

(HALEY turns her back and walks to the sink)

NATHAN: (upset) A part of me thinks it is wonderful

HALEY: (turns slightly for a second) Part of you?

NATHAN: Haley, what do you want me to say?

(HALEY leans on the sink and faces NATHAN)

HALEY: I want you to say that, um … (inhales) whatever it is were gonna face it together and … you’ve never been so happy and everything’s gonna be okay

NATHAN: (upset) Haley, I don’t wanna lie to you. This whole thing scares me to death

(HALEY sighs)

NATHAN: (sighs/grabs jacket on couch) Look … (puts jacket on) do you want to come with me?

HALEY: (looks up) To Duke?

NATHAN: To the press conference

HALEY: (softly) No, I can’t (walks to counter) I can’t do it right now

NATHAN: My dad said you would say that

(HALEY, who has been leaning on the counter, stands as NATHAN starts heading to the door)

HALEY: (sighs) You know what, Nathan? (NATHAN turns) It is really not about what schools we go to … or what dreams we have (he looks away upset) because whatever you want, I want for you … I just really … thought that the news of your child would affect you more than the news of a scholarship

(NATHAN shakes his head negatively)

NATHAN: I’m not gonna feel guilty about this … I’m not

(HALEY, sad, tries to say something but can’t. NATHAN opens the door looks at her for a moment then exits. HALEY smiles sadly and watches him go)

[ROE Residence-LUCAS’ Bedroom-Night]

(PEYTON, with a gym bag, and LUCAS are entering his room)

PEYTON: Can you believe this? Derek, is it any wonder I have commitment issues?

(PEYTON stands by his bed near door to hall and puts her bag down on the bed)

LUCAS: Yep (closes door) you’re pretty much the Bermuda Triangle of relationships

PEYTON: Thanks (LUCAS looks out the window)(looks at watch) Crap, can you turn around

LUCAS: What?

PEYTON: Just turn around I have to change


(LUCAS spins around and sits on his bed facing the door that exit’s the house, back facing PEYTON who pulls out her cheerleading uniform clothes)

PEYTON: You know, I just--I can’t believe what a creep he turned out to be, you know (puts skirt on) and I just let him waltz into my house like (low raspy voice) “Hey, I’m crazy psycho can I come in” (normal voice) and I’m like (California valley girl voice) “Yeah, sure you wanna see my bedroom”

(PEYTON takes her pants off)

LUCAS: Peyton--

PEYTON: --And he’s still out there

LUCAS: (quietly) Oh, my God (normal) They’ll find him Okay? All right, the detectives--they said they’d call when they do and then we’ll finally have some answers. Until then, you’re safe with me, I promise

(PEYTON has put her whole uniform on while LUCAS was talking)

PEYTON: You’re always saving me (zips the side of shirt) Okay, you can turn around

(LUCAS turns around to see PEYTON wearing her cheerleading uniform)

LUCAS: (playful flirty-ness) Whoa (lies back on bed) is this, uh, you’re way of saying (raises eyebrows) “Thank you”

PEYTON: Nice try (taking earring off) a few of the cheerleaders have to be at Nathan’s press conference

LUCAS: (sits up) Oh, wow, I forgot about that … wouldn’t you be safer just to avoid the whole thing?

PEYTON: (putting earrings on) No, I’m not gonna hide out ‘cause of Derek, no way

LUCAS; Well, actually I meant because Brooke might be there

(PEYTON looks up)

[DEB SCOTT (LEE) Residence-bathroom]

(DEB is all dressed and brushing her hair in front of the mirror, she looks down at the sink counter and picks up the prescription pills, she stares at them a moment, looks away, stares at them once more then looks at herself in the mirror)

[ROE Residence-Living room]

(KAREN opens the door and HALEY is standing there, She walks in and smiles sadly at KAREN who hugs her sympathetically while closing the door, she closes her eyes knowing exactly what she’s going through and they walk more inside the house)

KAREN: (puts arm around HALEY) Welcome to my history, Haley James-Scott

(HALEY sighs sadly)

[City Hall-NATHAN’s Press Conference Room]

(People are standing around as some adjust TV cameras, LUCAS and PEYTON are about to enter until LUCAS’ cell phone rings, he takes it out from his pocket and quickly reads who it is)

LUCAS: (answers) Hello? …

WILCOX’s OVER PHONE: Lucas, it’s Detective Wilcox … we picked up Derek

LUCAS: (sighs relieved/to PEYTON) They got him

(PEYTON looks sad mixed with relief)

WILCOX’s OVER PHONE: Would you come down to the station …

(Cut to Police department)

WILCOX: … I’d like you to give a formal statement

(Cut to City Hall)

LUCAS: Sure (looks around) um, (looks at PEYTON) I’m on my way

(PEYTON waits to hear what he has to say as LUCAS hangs up)

LUCAS: They want me to go to the station

PEYTON: Should I go, too?

LUCAS: No, you know what? I don’t think so, um … would you apologize to Nathan for me?


LUCAS: I’ll call you

PEYTON: Why don’t you just come by my house when you’re done?

LUCAS: (smiles) All right

(They look at each other for a moment before PEYTON hugs him)

PEYTON: Thank you

(PEYTON hugs LUCAS a little tighter then lets go, looks at him and they smiles. He walks away and she watches him go)

(Cut to NATHAN who has just arrived at the conference room, he stands at the entrance and looks around. RACHEL is talking to three cheerleaders and notices him, she says something to the girls and walks towards him)

RACHEL: Are you all right?

NATHAN: (shrugs) No, uh … (fake smile) No wife, no mom

RACHEL: Just lying b*tches like me (smiles) … (NATHAN looks down for a moment) I really wanted to help you, Nathan and most of the time … that means sex in my world (he chuckles) but that wasn’t fair to you or Haley, plus, there’s all this Cooper stuff that’s gonna take years of therapy (deep sigh) … How’s Haley doing?

NATHAN: (shrugs) She hasn’t said it but I think she’s as scared as I am

RACHEL: She shouldn’t be … unlike the rest of us (smiles) this baby’s gonna have two pretty great parents (NATHAN smiles) … Good luck

(RACHEL walks away and NATHAN just stares. The room goes into an applause and cameras flash, when NATHAN looks on the other side, DAN has walked into the room waving, he walks up to the podium where WHITEY is standing with a few other people. People are sitting with cameras in the back and the Cheerleaders to DAN’s left and to the far right past WHITEY)

DAN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to City Hall. It’s my pleasure to host this press conference not just as your mayor … but as an awfully proud father (NATHAN listens) and now, without further ado, I’d like to …

(Cut to ROE Residence-Living room: HALEY and KAREN are sitting on couch watching the press conference)

DAN ON TV: … (v.o) present a young man with an enormously bright future

(Camera turns to TV where DAN is, below it reads “Mayor Scott’s son to play at Duke”)

DAN ON TV: … My son, Nathan Scott

(As the crowd cheers KAREN sympathetically turns to HALEY who smiles sadly and then looks back to the TV)

(Cut to City Hall: NATHAN is walking up and shakes WHITEY’s hand before heading up to the podium, when he heads to DAN they shake hands)

DAN: (quietly) The greatest day of your life (nods)

(DAN steps aside to the left)

NATHAN: As, uh, many of you know, I called this press conference (people take photographs) today to announce where (teammates, who sit in the audience, listen) I plan to play basketball in college. I’ve had a lot of great offers but it’s always been my dream to play at Duke University

(Crowd cheers, PEYTON claps and RACHEL smiles. DAN looks at PEYTON for a second, smiling and WHITEY smiles as well)

NATHAN: So, uh, that’s--that’s were I plan to go

(NATHAN sighs then looks over at DAN as he and PEYTON listen)

(Cut to ROE Residence-living room: HALEY watches)

(Cut to City Hall)

NATHAN: But (sighs) … you know, my, uh, my father … said that today would be the greatest day of my life (looks at DAN) and you’re right, dad, it is (to crowd) but it’s not because of basketball, you see, today I learned that my wife, Haley, is pregnant

(The crowd murmurs, WHITEY looks at NATHAN, shocked. PEYTON looks at RACHEL who smiles at her)

NATHAN: And while it’s an absolute honor …

(Cut to ROE Residence-living room: HALEY watches, touched and teary)

NATHAN ON TV: … (v.o) to be recruited by Duke University

(Cut to City Hall)

NATHAN: I guess what I have to say to you today is this … where I play basketball--if I play basketball (DAN looks upset) is no longer a decision for me to make alone … it’s a decision that I’ll make with my wife …

(Cut to ROE Residence-living room: HALEY slightly smiles)

NATHAN ON TV: … (v.o) and my family’s best interest at heart (KAREN watches HALEY) and when I do I’ll let you all know (on TV bottom reads “Scott announces College choice”) and my wife couldn’t be here today so I just wanted to say one thing to her

(NATHAN looks at camera so it can look like he’s talking to her)

(Cut to City Hall)

NATHAN: Haley (view point of recording camera) no matter what happens, we’ll face it together (NATHAN on podium) but I promise you this, I’ve never been happier (smiles) Everything’s gonna be okay, I love you

(Cut to ROE Residence-living room: HALEY has tears down her face)

HALEY: (softly) I love you, too

NATHAN ON TV: (v.o) Thank you

(Cut to City Hall: Crowd cheers as WHITEY walks up to NATHAN and puts his arm around him like if he’s telling him he’s never been prouder of him. RACHEL and PEYTON clap and DAN just looks at NATHAN who looks at DAN like he knows he disappointed his dad because he knows that’s not what “Dan Scott” would’ve done)

[City Hall-NATHAN’s Conference room-sometime later]

(DAN sits there next to the podium, the room is empty and he puts his head down)

[City Hall-DAN’s Office]

(DAN walks in to his dark office and when he turns on the lights he freezes because on the wall in bold red paint says “Genesis 4:10” he walks up to it and breaths heavily)

DAN: It’s all in your head

[Tree Hill High-Quad-Night]

(BROOKE and NICK are walking, holding hands)

BROOKE: So are you enjoying the tour

NICK: Almost as much as the hand holding

BROOKE: Oh, good, we’ll continue both … this is Tree Hill High, where I-- (catches herself) used to be a cheerleader like, years ago

NICK: Cheerleader, nice, any chance you, uh, still have your uniform

BROOKE: You know, I think there’s a pretty good chance I do

NICK: Mmm, excellent

BROOKE: What were you like, in High school?

NICK: (sighs) Horny, mostly for cheerleaders

BROOKE: (laughs) Well maybe we should get you back to high school


BROOKE: Come on

(BROOKE takes NICK to the school)

[City Hall- DAN’s Office]

(DAN is at his desk, reading and writing, WHITEY walks up to him)

WHITEY: You ought to be proud of Nathan today--puttin’ his dreams on hold so history wouldn’t repeat itself

DAN: (turns page) He acted like a child

WHITEY: No, Danny, he acted like a man

(DAN looks up and WHITEY smiles, WHITEY looks at the wall for a second and starts to leave)

WHITEY: (turns/looks at wall) I didn’t know you were a religious person (DAN freezes in shock) Genesis four, ten

(DAN looks at WHITEY and realizes it was not in his head, WHITEY smiles and leaves)

[Tree Hill Police Department-Outside interrogation room]

(LUCAS and DETECTIVE WILCOX are walking towards the Interrogation window)

WILCOX: That number you gave us led us right to him

LUCAS: Yeah, well I’m just glad he’s not out there

(DETECTIVE WILCOX points at the window to an interrogation room. Sitting, is a guy very different then PEYTON’s DEREK, this guy is a black guy, REAL DEREK SOMMERS, a little older than them with two police men behind him and a detective interrogating him)

LUCAS: (smiles) That’s not him

WILCOX: Son, that’s Derek Sommers from St. Flora North Carolina

(Inside it looks like REAL DEREK doesn’t look to pleased as the detective tells him things that can’t be heard)

WILCOX: Same phone number as the on in the letter you gave us

(Suspenseful music starts to play when LUCAS realizes what’s been going on)

LUCAS: (scared) That’s not him (looks at D. WILCOX for a moment) Peyton

(LUCAS runs out. DETECTIVE WILCOX looks at window)

WILCOX: He’s free to go

(The two policemen pick up REAL DEREK who gets mad and pushes there arms away)

[SAWYER Residence-Front of House-Night]

(PEYTON has gotten out of her car as her phone rings and she takes it out to looks at it before she answers and starts heading for her house, scary music gets a little louder)


(Cut to Police department: LUCAS walks out of the building on the phone)

LUCAS: They got the wrong guy!

(Cut to SAWYER Residence: PEYTON is walking to the house away from her car)

PEYTON: (smiles) What?

LUCAS OVER PHONE: Derek! He’s still out there! Don’t go home!

(PEYTON freezes when she realizes what LUCAS said, screeching violin sounds are heard as she turns around and DEREK is standing by her car, she gasps but tries to control herself)

PEYTON: (fake smiles) Hey, Lucas, I gotta go I just got home and my dad’s waiting for me, plus, Derek’s here

LUCAS OVER PHONE: No--no--no! wait, didn’t you here me!

(PEYTON quickly hangs up the phone and doesn’t take her eyes off DEREK)

PEYTON: (fake laugh) Hey, Derek

(DEREK walks up to her)

(Cut to Police department: LUCAS still on phone impatient)

LUCAS: PEYTON! (runs down the stairs as REAL DEREK follows) PEYTON!

REAL DEREK: Hey--hey--hey, I wanna talk to you

(LUCAS looks at REAL DEREK for a moment then runs off)

REAL DEREK: Hey--hey! (runs down stairs) Hey!

(REAL DEREK watches LUCAS run off)

[SAWYER Residence-Outside of house-Night]

(DEREK is slowly walking up to PEYTON, he looks very upset)

PEYTON: (smiles nervously) Look, you know what--I told you my dad’s home now

DEREK: No … he’s not

PEYTON: (scared) Oh

(PEYTON runs up to the door and tires to run in but the door is locked)

DEREK: I locked it

(PEYTON tries to grab her keys and open it, DEREK quickly runs up to her)

DEREK: Peyton

(DEREK runs up to stand behind her and he puts his hand on her arms a little below her shoulders and she screams as he smells her hair, sill behind her, he rubs his face through her hair and she stands still and terrified)

DEREK: (eye’s closed/mouth to her ear/desperate tone) Don’t you know how much I love you

(DEREK puts his face next to PEYTON’s upper cheek and closes his eyes)

PEYTON: (gasping) Oh, God (takes pepper spray out of her bag) look, Derek …

(PEYTON turns around and pepper sprays DEREK, he groans in pain and she grabs her keys and opens the door to quickly run in, she locks the door and he looks at it angry and pounds on door)

DEREK: Uh, that wasn’t very nice Peyton

(Cut to SAWYER living room: PEYTON runs to the phone, falls to her knees and starts to dial)

PEYTON: You better get out of here! (tears in eyes) I’m calling the cops!

(DEREK by window looking in, his face is red from the spray)

DEREK: I don’t think so … You see, you dropped your cell phone on the porch (PEYTON listens to the phone/scared) and the home line, well (PEYTON tries dialing) is dead

(She puts the phone down)


(DEREK moves away from the window for a moment, all of a sudden the glass on the window by the door breaks and you see DEREK’s hand with his wife beater wrapped around it)

(PEYTON screams in terror)

(DEREK’s hand turns open the lock and PEYTON stares with her eyes wide open as DEREK comes in, shirtless, he walks towards her and she scrambles off the ground)

PEYTON: Oh, God!

(PEYTON quickly runs up the stairs screaming in desperation and DEREK follows her with a psychotic look in his face. She runs to her Bedroom door and quickly locks herself in it just as DEREK’s hand slaps the door. He pounds on the door as PEYTON stands in her room crying. She starts panting really hard when she sees her door is plastered with nothing but her pictures when she turns around, in all seriousness, her walls are all covered with her pictures [its honestly very disturbing] even in her closet and on her window, the bed is basically a bed sheet of her pictures, there is not one inch on the walls that isn’t covered. PEYTON gasps harder and tries to open her window by her bed closest to the door but it’s jammed and she hits it)

(Cut to Outside PEYTON’s room)

DEREK: Don’t you know were suppose to be together!

(Cut to PEYTON slamming on the window impatiently)

(Cut to DEREK pounding on the door)

(Cut to PEYTON trying to lift the window up, crying as she hears the pounding, all of a sudden the pounding stops and she stays still. She quietly walks to the door and she puts her ear on the door)

(I.M chimes on her computer)

(PEYTON gets startled and on the computer screen is a message from “WATCHMEWATCHU” that reads “OPEN THE DOOR, PEYTON” she walks up to the computer and stares in terror to realize that it was DEREK all along. Another message pops up in the same window on the computer from “LUKESCOTT3” That reads “OPEN THE DOOR, PEYTON” another message from “WATCHMEWATCHU” pops up with the same thing and another one from “LUKESCOTT3” with the same thing. She starts crying out loud helpless and the door suddenly breaks open)

(PEYTON screams)

(WATCHMEWATCHU comes busting in and leans on the door, PEYTON’s eyes widen when she sees the tattoo on his back of “AOD PEYTON” and his wife beater is bloody from the glass breaking, she cries again)

WATCHMEWATCHU: Don’t cry, Peyton, I’m here now

(He walks up to her as she walks back towards her closet)

WATCHMEWATCHU: I came here for you

(He takes out a stun g*n and it crackles. LUCAS runs in (yay!) but WATCHMEWATCHU’s back is facing him. PEYTON moves back as LUCAS tackles WATCHMEWATCHU to the floor, they both fall and PEYTON screams and starts crying harder. Both the guys are wrestling on the floor and LUCAS manages to go on top of WATCHMEWATCHU and hold his hand that has the stun g*n and punches WATCHMEWATCHU twice)


(LUCAS tries to punch WATCHMEWATCHU again but he grabs him by the neck and tasers him in the neck, LUCAS gasps and falls to the floor, WATCHMEWATCHU continues to taser him over and over and LUCAS lies there in pain and helpless)


(PEYTON runs to grab a lamp and smashes it in the back of WATCHMEWATCHU’s head. He puts his head down but then picks it up like if nothing happened, he turns to PEYTON, very mad, she starts running and screaming but he chases after her, she bumps her knee and only manages to go out inches from her room until he grabs her by the legs and starts dragging her in the room, she cries and screams terrorized)

PEYTON: No! Stop!

(PEYTON goes on her back and tries to kick her legs loose, and cries harder. WATCHMEWATCHU picks her up by the back of her hair and she gasps and cries as he pulls her back into the room, slams her up against the side wall of albums and grabs her face and grunts as she continues to cry)

WATCHMEWATCHU: I watched you, Peyton (PEYTON gasps) I listened to you (she tires to fight back tears) everything that you showed me on your web cam, the things that you shared with me online (he presses his face against hers and she cries out loud) you were talking to me, I know you were

(PEYTON has her mouth open and WATCHMEWATCHU licks her upper lip, his thumb is a bit near her mouth and she grabs his thumb with her mouth and bites him, his bones crunch and he groans in pain. He holds her up by the neck and positions her to her bed, He head butts her and she falls to her bed on her back. WATCHMEWATCHU climbs on top of her and grabs her by both wrists with each hand. REAL DEREK comes up from behind and pulls WATCHMEWATCHU off of PEYTON and slams him up against the wall of albums, PEYTON scrambles onto the floor and hides on the opposite side of the guys, by her full length mirror and listens to the DEREK’s fight)

WATCHMEWATCHU: Who the hell are you?!

REAL DEREK: I’m her brother, bitch! Who the hell are you?

(WATCHMEWATCHU throws REAL DEREK up against the wall and starts kneeing him in the stomach over and over, when REAL DEREK holds his stomach in pain and is bending down, WATCHMEWATCHU hits him in the back and REAL DEREK falls to the floor. WATCHMEWATCHU walks up to PEYTON and picks up the stun g*n which was right by her, his back facing REAL DEREK and LUCAS)

WATCHMEWATCHU: (to REAL DEREK) It’s been real good meeting you

(WATCHMEWATCHU starts pushing the button so the electricity can crackle from the stun g*n. LUCAS and REAL DEREK both start to awaken from unconsciousness)

WATCHMEWATCHU: (mad) But there’s only room (talks through teeth) for one guy in Peyton’s life!

(PEYTON stares at the stun g*n in terror, and WATCHMEWATCHU looks at her. LUCAS stands)

LUCAS: No way

(WATCHMEWATCHU turns around and LUCAS with REAL DEREK charge at him and he falls out of the window by the computer, PEYTON sits gasping. WATCHMEWATCHU falls outside to the floor and turns over in pain. LUCAS and REAL DEREK watch and look outside the window to see him unconscious and the music returns to regular “One Tree Hill” broody music. PEYTON, with bruises on her face, quickly runs up and hugs LUCAS, scared and starts crying when she looks outside)

LUCAS: Hey--Hey, It’s okay

(They all look at WATCHMEWATCHU)

PEYTON: (notices REAL DEREK forces a small/weak smile) Who are you?

REAL DEREK: I guess I’m your brother

<Note: That is exactly what the WATCHMEWATCHU said in Episode 402 when she first met him>

(LUCAS and PEYTON stare in shock, but PEYTON looks scared realizing the other one was a fake, she gasps as the three of them watch WATCHMEWATCHU)

[City Hall-DAN’s office]

(DAN is sitting behind his desk with a bible in his hands)

DAN: “And he said, what hast thou done, the voice of thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground”

(DAN looks up, scared, and looks over at the wall that says “Genesis 4:10” then it moves over to his retired basketball jersey “33”)

[Tree Hill High-Dark classroom]

(NICK and BROOKE are making out and BROOKE is starting to unbutton his shirt)

NICK: (pulls away) Are you sure about this? I mean, other than a few e-mails we don’t even know each other

BROOKE: (smiles) I know, that’s half the fun

(NICK sits on something and he and BROOKE continue to make-out)

[DEB SCOTT (LEE) Residence-Living room]

(DEB is asleep on the couch and a blanket is placed over her. The camera moves up to show NATHAN lean from behind and look at her in disappointment, he stands and exits as DEB sleeps. Camera moves to a picture of DEB and NATHAN)

[Tree Hill High-Dark classroom]

(NICK is buttoning up his shirt and BROOKE starts walking to the door)

BROOKE: Sorry, I’ve gotta go but you can probably find your way out

NICK: (smiles) I want to call you, can I have your number?

BROOKE: (smiles) No (NICK smiles) But you can e-mail me

(NICK watches BROOKE leave then looks forward, obviously infatuated with her)

[NATHAN and HALEY’s apartment-Living room]

(NATHAN walks in and HALEY stands there waiting)

NATHAN: You know, I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And I guess I never really felt worthy of it. Now I know that miracle wasn’t for me, it was for us--all three of us

(HALEY looks at him like that’s the best thing NATHAN’s said all day and walks over to kiss him)

[Tree Hill High-Hallway]

(PRINCIPAL TURNER walks through the hall just as NICK walks out buttoning up his shirt)

TURNER: (upset) What are you doing in here?

(PRINCIPAL TURNER looks at the door then back at NICK)

NICK: I was just making sure I’m prepared for my first day

(PRINCIPAL TURNER eyeing NICK as he walks towards him)

TURNER: (chuckles) Relax, Nick … you’re a great teacher. I have a feeling the students are gonna love you

(PRINCIPLE TURNER walks away to one side of the hall, NICK smiles and walks the opposite way)

[SAWYER Residence-Front of House]

(Police cars, lights on, are parked by PEYTON’s car just as LUCAS, who has his arm around PEYTON, and REAL DEREK walk outside the front door)

OFFICER: Police!

(The officers point the lights to PEYTON, LUCAS and REAL DEREK who all put there hands up)

PEYTON: (crying) It’s okay, I live here (points) he’s right out here

(PEYTON walks to show the police were WATCHMEWATCHU fell but all she sees is broken wood and pictures, she quickly runs to it and so do LUCAS and REAL DEREK, who looks around)


(PEYTON is standing where WATCHMEWATCHU had fallen and landed but there is only broken glass. LUCAS hugs PEYTON as she looks at the floor horrified. REAL DEREK looks up to the broken window and so does LUCAS)

(The camera cuts to the window point of view, there are four officers that make a circle pointing lights to the window, both DETECTIVE WILCOX and the interrogating Detective are in the circle of officers looking up, LUCAS is hugging PEYTON who is the only one not looking at the window, REAL DEREK has his hands in his pockets, looking at the window)

(Fade out)

The End