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04x08 - Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye

Posted: 12/06/06 16:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill...

LUCAS : This is Peyton's brother, Derek.

SKILLS : Who'd have guessed that Peyton's brother... was a brother.

NICK : I'm your new english teacher... Mr. Chavez.

BROOKE : Nick?

BROOKE : Well, I don't know who I hate more, Mr. Chavez... you for being a lying bastard or me for believing your crap.

GIGI : I'm gonna ask you out.

MOUTH : Like on a date?

GIGI : Just wanted to let you know.

LUCAS : There's nothing going on between me and Peyton.

BROOKE : And there's nothing going on between us, either, so why are you still here?

LUCAS : Give me your hand. I'm gonna get her back. You can't help who you love, Peyton.

HALEY : I want to go to Duke with you.

NATHAN : Oh, Haley.

NATHAN : Daunte, I don't have your money yet.

DAUNTE : I could forget the amount. The Ravens are favored to win by 10 points tonight.

NATHAN : We're a lock to win by a lot more than that.

DAUNTE : Well, not if you want your debt to go away.

MOUTH : The Ravens have won by 9! They're heading to the state championship!

NATHAN : I wanted to say thanks. I know how hard it was for you to throw those points away.

LUCAS : You know I'll always be there for you... but never again.


Nathan is playing alone when he receives a visit from Daunte and Bear

NATHAN : There's no reason you guys should be here anymore. We're done.

DAUNTE : Hear that, Bear? The kid says we're done. Maybe we should leave.

NATHAN : I made sure that we won by less than 10 points. That was the deal.

DAUNTE : Yeah. Well, I thought about it. I think I'm gonna extend our partnership.

NATHAN : What are you talking about?

DAUNTE : State championship... a lot of people think we're gonna win tomorrow night.

NATHAN : Those people are right.

DAUNTE : No, they're not.

NATHAN : I'm not gonna lose that game.

DAUNTE : Think about next year, Nate. You're gonna be a Duke Blue Devil, get to play on TV. Wonder what Duke would do if they found out that their star recruit shaved some points in a high school basketball game.

NATHAN : Like anybody would believe you.

DAUNTE : I got proof. Your last game was your worst game of the year. Eight turnovers? You missed three lay-ups in the fourth quarter. Even Bear thought that was a bit much. All it takes is a whisper, and your future's over. Would you risk your future and the future of your pretty little wife for a meaningless trophy?

(Nathan doesn’t answer)

DAUNTE : Yeah. That's right. Think it over. I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

(Daunte and Bear leave)


Rachel goes get the mail and find a mid-term report. It looks like she got an F in calculus

RACHEL : F... Mean...


Lucas is packing his school bag when it knocks at the door. It’s Brooke

BROOKE : Hey, stranger.

LUCAS : Hey. Brooke, what are you doing here?

BROOKE : I thought maybe we could ride to school together.

(Lucas just stand there, looks surprise)

BROOKE : You gonna invite me in?

LUCAS : Yeah. Yeah. Come on in. Sorry.

(She comes in, Lucas closes the door, still surprises)

BROOKE : Lucas, I miss you.

(Lucas sighs)

BROOKE : Okay, I guess I thought you were gonna say you miss me, too.

LUCAS : Oh. Brooke, of course I miss you. I'm just a little confused. You show up on my doorstep out of the blue after ignoring me for the past month.

BROOKE : I've just been thinking a lot about you and us, and I thought that was enough.

LUCAS : Brooke, I... I don't know.

BROOKE : Because of Peyton?

LUCAS : You're never gonna let that go, are you? For the last time, Peyton and I are just friends, okay?

(Peyton enters the room, brushing her teeth)

BROOKE : "Just friends"? Well, at least you're enjoying the benefits.

(Brooke leaves the room)

LUCAS : It...

(Brooke slams the door)



Peyton arrives at school and walks by Lucas

LUCAS : Cutting it kind of close, huh?

PEYTON : I overslept.

LUCAS : No, you didn't. Are you forgetting? We sleep in the same bed.

PEYTON : I know one person that's not gonna forget it anytime soon.

LUCAS : Oh... Brooke. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. That must have been really weird for you.

PEYTON : It's okay. I actually have bigger news to report. They caught him... Derek, or whatever his name is. He's in jail. It's over.

(Lucas hugs Peyton)

LUCAS : Oh, my god. Oh, that's great, Peyton.

PEYTON : Thanks.

LUCAS : Hey look, you can, uh, sleep in your own bed now, huh?

PEYTON : Lucky me. Why did Brooke come over this morning... some kind of morning-dew booty call?

LUCAS : She said she misses me.

PEYTON : Do you want her to miss you?

LUCAS : I don't know.

PEYTON : Look, I know you can take care of yourself. Just be careful, okay?

Rachel joins Brooke at her locker

RACHEL : What happened to you this morning?

BROOKE : I... kind of went to see Lucas.

RACHEL : Should have seen that coming.

BROOKE : Should have seen what coming?

RACHEL : Well, it's obvious that you're rebounding from Nick. It's perfectly normal to want to re-tap an old keg after a breakup.

BROOKE : That is not what this is about, and I don't even like beer. I'm just worried that I might have screwed up a good thing. You know, I do miss him. What if I made a mistake?

RACHEL : Trust me, Brooke. You didn't.

BROOKE : How I am supposed to be sure? What if I only broke up with him because I was mad at Peyton?

RACHEL : What if you just realized you didn't love him anymore?

(Brooke sighs. They start walking)

RACHEL : Okay, look... what you need to do is focus. You are organizing tonight's basketball awards banquet.

BROOKE : I can't wait to get out of here. I'm so excited graduation's coming.

RACHEL : Yeah, for some of us.

BROOKE : Hey, don't forget that you promised to help me decorate for the banquet today.

RACHEL : Yeah, remind me to quit making drunken promises. I'll meet you there after school. I got to deal with something.


(Rachel walks by Mouth when leaving)

RACHEL : Hi, Mouth. Bye, Mouth.

MOUTH : Hey, Rachel.

(Gigi joins Mouth and squeeze his butt. Brooke sees it and smiles)

MOUTH : Gigi, hi. Didn't see you coming.

GIGI : I'm sneaky like that.

MOUTH : Good to know.

GIGI : I just wanted to tell you I had a great time on our date.

MOUTH : So did I. It was definitely not boring.

GIGI : Walk me to class?

MOUTH : Yeah.

(Mouth take her hand and they start walking)

Nathan arrives at Whitey’s office

NATHAN : You wanted to see me, coach?

WHITEY : Yeah. Come on in, Nathan. Have a seat. I just wanted to tell you that, uh, you're getting the most valuable player trophy at tonight's banquet. I'd like to ask Lucas to present it to you.

NATHAN : Okay.

WHITEY : I also found out the alumni are giving me some kind of a lifetime-achievement thing.

NATHAN : Coach, that's great. You deserve it.

WHITEY : I don't know. "Lifetime achievement"? Sounds like an obituary to me. It still hasn't sunk in that... tomorrow night's game is the last one I'll ever coach.

NATHAN : Yeah.

WHITEY : Can you keep a secret? I really want this championship.

In the tutor center, a teacher is talking with a tutor. Rachel is watching from behind the door.

TEACHER : Here, take Mr. Kelly's english quiz down to the tutor center and file it. Then bring me back my key, okay? Thanks.

(The teacher sees Rachel)

TEACHER : Miss Gatina? A little early for you to be at school, isn't it?

RACHEL : Kind of. Um, quick question... if someone was failing calculus this late in the year, what would that mean?

TEACHER : Well, calculus is a part of the school's core curriculum. So if one were to fail it, that student would not graduate with their class.

RACHEL : That's what I thought. Thanks.

(Rachel starts leaving)

TEACHER : Can I give you some advice, Rachel? It's no secret you flirt your way through high school. You're a pretty girl, and you can bluff a lot of people. But you can't bluff math. Study for your final, okay? And graduate with your friends.


Haley is working

HALEY (shoving a customer) : Oh, I'm sorry.

(Nathan walks in)

NATHAN : You know, some people actually eat lunch during their lunch break.

HALEY : Well, good for them. Unfortunately, we need money. I just figured I'd pick up a few extra shifts at the café. It might give us some extra breathing room. Check this out.

(Haley shows him a $100 bill)

NATHAN : What is this?

HALEY : Breathing room.

NATHAN : You made all this today?

HALEY : Yeah, on one table. That's them leaving now. Hey, guys! Please come again.

(It’s Daunte and Bear)

DAUNTE : Count on it.

NATHAN : Hey, uh, I'll see you back at school, okay?

(He kiss her and leaves)

HALEY : Okay. See ya.


Daunte and Bear are walking and talking, Nathan arrives behind them

NATHAN : Hey! This is over! Stay away from me, stay away from my wife, and forget about the state championship. It's not gonna happen. You can tell Duke whatever you want. Now we're done.

DAUNTE : You really think all we're gonna do is tell Duke?

BEAR : Come here!

(Bear grabs him and push Nathan to the wall while Daunte grabs a steel bar)

NATHAN : What?! No! Aah!

DAUNTE : You want to mess around, huh?!

DAUNTE (to Bear) : Hold his leg up!

NATHAN : Wait! No!

DAUNTE : Say goodbye to basketball! You won't play anywhere. Hell, you'll be lucky to walk again. It didn't have to come to this.

(Daunte fakes hitting his leg with the bar)

DAUNTE : Here's my final tip to you. Lose that game!

(Daunte and Bear leave)


Peyton is sitting on her bed, eating lunch and thinking, while Derek is painting her room

DEREK : You sure about the color? 'Cause this is starting to look like that scene in "The Shining" with those creepy little twins.

(Peyton doesn’t answer)

DEREK : Oh, am I boring you? Just say the word, and I can stop painting your room.

PEYTON : I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with some stupid high school boy drama.

DEREK : Lucas, huh?

PEYTON : Is it that obvious?

DEREK : Only to everyone.

PEYTON : Everyone except Lucas.

DEREK : So make it obvious to him. I don't understand why you're so afraid of your own feelings.

PEYTON : Well, those feelings are what destroyed my friendship with Brooke. And I don't want to lose Lucas, too.

DEREK : What have I been trying to teach you? You can't live in fear. Life is about taking risks, not being afraid to go after what you want.

PEYTON : I'm just not sure this is the right time.

DEREK : It never is. That's why it's called a risk. You got that banquet tonight. Ask him to go with you.

PEYTON : Maybe I should. Look, I got to get back to school. But the room really is looking so much better.

DEREK : I'll tell you what... I'll promise to have this room done by the time you get home if you promise to take a risk today. Deal?

PEYTON : Okay. Deal.

DEREK : All right. No fear!


Nathan comes back to school and walks by Lucas

LUCAS : Hey, Nathan.

NATHAN : Luke, not now, okay? I'm not in the mood.

LUCAS : Look, Whitey asked me to present you with the MVP award at tonight's banquet.

NATHAN : If you have a problem with that, just say no.

LUCAS : No, I'll do it, but before I do, I need to know if I'm presenting Nathan Scott the MVP or Nathan Scott the point shaver.

NATHAN : Lucas, I don't need another lecture, okay? I didn't ask you to miss those free throws. If you don't want to give me the stupid award, then just don't.

LUCAS : You told me this was over, Nathan. Just promise me that it is.

(Nathan doesn’t answer and leave)


Brooke is walking with a to go box in her hand and stops in front of Peyton

BROOKE : Peyton, I brought you something. Thought you could use it.

(She gives Peyton the box who open it. It’s empty)

PEYTON : Am I missing something?

BROOKE : It's a to-go box... you know, since you're screwing my leftovers.

PEYTON : Really, Brooke? You seriously went through the trouble of bringing me an actual to-go box?

BROOKE : At least you're a dedicated bitch.

PEYTON : Says the dedicated slut. For the record, I'm not screwing Lucas. I know you have trouble comprehending two people in bed together actually just sleeping.

BROOKE : Remember, Peyton, I gave Lucas to you, and I can take him back whenever I want.

PEYTON : Brooke, are you listening to yourself? If you decide to get back with Lucas, you better mean it, 'cause he deserves to be with somebody who loves him.

BROOKE : Someone like you?

(Brooke leaves her and walk to Lucas)

BROOKE : Luke, can I talk to you?

LUCAS : Well, that depends. You're gonnna bite my head off ?

BROOKE : Uh, sounds like fun, but probably too many people around for that.

LUCAS : Look, about this morning...

BROOKE : Listen, you don't have to explain. It's none of my business. I shouldn't have interrupted.

LUCAS : Well, you weren't interrupting anything. Peyton's been sleeping over 'cause that crazy stalker guy's been missing. But they finally caught him, so she's safe now.

BROOKE : So she won't be sleeping over anymore.

LUCAS : No. But even if she was, you know, why would you care?

BROOKE : Luke, the reason that I came over this morning was to ask if you wanted to go to the banquet with me.

LUCAS : You mean, like a date?

BROOKE : Or as friends. We should be able to be friends, right?

LUCAS : Yeah, I kind of remember asking you that same question once.

BROOKE : And you were right, okay? I know that now. So, what do you say?

LUCAS : Yeah. I'll go to the banquet with you.

BROOKE : Okay. I'll see you later, then.


Rachel enters the tutor center and finds Haley

HALEY : In case you were wondering, the nurse's office is still the best place to treat a venereal disease.

RACHEL : That's good to know. Actually, I was looking for you. I need you to tutor me.

HALEY : Oh, god, she's serious.

RACHEL : I'm failing calculus, and if I don't pass, I won't be able to graduate with my friends.

HALEY : Remind me who your friends are again.

RACHEL : Look, Haley, I know we've had our differences.

HALEY : You think?

RACHEL : I've seen what you can do with some of those brain-dead losers at our school, and I'm actually smart. I've just skipped too many classes, and I can't catch up on my own.

HALEY : Well, if you're really committed to this, I will be happy to recommend another tutor to you. But I can't help you personally. It's not possible.

RACHEL : Oh, I figured you'd be all booked up.

HALEY : No, no. I have plenty of time. I just can't stand you.


Karen is working, Dan arrives

KAREN : Five visits in one week... I think you've just become my most loyal customer. What can I get you?

DAN : Actually, I came by to see if you were going to the awards banquet tonight.

KAREN : Yeah, I wouldn't miss it.

DAN : Well, in that case, how about we go together?

(Karen seems surprise)

DAN : Not as a date... just two people attending the same event, riding in the same car, possibly sitting at the same table.

KAREN : Look, Dan, I appreciate everything that you've done for me lately, but I can't. I'm sorry.

DAN : No, I understand. I'll see you there.

(Dan leaves)


Peyton is in front of her locker, Lucas joins her

LUCAS : Hey, Sawyer. Thanks for diting me at lunch.

PEYTON : Sorry. Derek's repainting my room. I figured the least I could do is keep him company.

LUCAS : You two are getting pretty close, huh?

PEYTON : Um, I guess so. He's still annoying as hell. He seems to have an opinion about everything.

LUCAS : Remind you of anyone?

PEYTON : Uh, if you mean you, then, yes... So, look, I was wondering. Do you want to go to the banquet tonight, like, together?

LUCAS : I'd love to, Peyton... but I... I don't know. There's some weirdness going on between you and Brooke right now.

PEYTON : What does that have to do with us going to the banquet together?

LUCAS : I already told Brooke I'd go with her.

PEYTON : Oh...

LUCAS : I feel bad. It would just be great if we could all go together.

PEYTON : No. No. It's... it's cool. Really, it's not a big deal. I just didn't know you two...

LUCAS : No, no, no, no. I don't know if we are. I guess I'll find out tonight. Wish me luck.

Rachel and Brooke are there for the organization

BROOKE : Look at this thing.

(They look at some flowers)

BROOKE : These are ugly.

RACHEL : Yeah, they're pretty ugly. Who cares?

BROOKE : I do. I don't want tacky flowers sucking the energy out of the room.

RACHEL : Why are you so concerned about this stupid banquet?

BROOKE : 'Cause I asked Lucas to go with me.

RACHEL : Brooke, what are you thinking? Go sleep with him if you're horny. Don't go to the banquet with him. What you're feeling isn't real.

BROOKE : Well, maybe you're wrong. These are wrong.

RACHEL : You know what this means, don't you? You have a date for tonight, and I don't.

BROOKE : Well, you may not have a date, but you have a seating chart you can help me with.

RACHEL : Oh. Well, you've got a problem. Do you realize who you have sitting at this table?

BROOKE : I know exactly who I have sitting at that table.

RACHEL : Then we are in for a fun night.

BROOKE : Yeah.

(Mouth arrives)

MOUTH : Hey.

RACHEL : Oh, Mouth. I need you to be my date for the banquet tonight. I'll pick you up at 6:00. And don't wear the drakkar.

MOUTH : Sorry, Rachel, I'm going with Gigi. In fact, um, I better go home and get ready. But the room looks really great, you guys. Those flowers are awesome.

BROOKE : Okay, we are losing the flowers. And it looks like you're going solo. Sorry.

(Brooke leaves)

RACHEL : Or not.

(Rachel writes something on the seating chart)


Derek is alone, his cell phone rings

DEREK : Hello? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I understand. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

(He hang up, Peyton enters and watch the room, done painting)

PEYTON : Are you kidding me? This place looks great! I can't believe you finished.

DEREK : Just holding up my end of the bargain. The question is, did you?

PEYTON : Yeah. I took a risk.

DEREK : Are you gonna leave me hanging?

PEYTON : He's going to the banquet with Brooke.

DEREK : I'm sorry, Peyton. At least you put yourself out there. I'm proud of you.

PEYTON : Thanks. So, I kind of need a favor. Um, will you go with me? And I'm not sure I can handle another "no."

DEREK : I'd be honored to.

PEYTON : Cool.

DEREK : You got a special place for this?

(Derek shows her her drawing “People always leave”)

PEYTON : I used to. I don't think I need it anymore.


Lucas enters, Haley is there, Karen too

LUCAS : Hey.

HALEY : Hey! I heard you're presenting Nathan with the MVP award tonight. That's awesome. Do you need a ride? We could swing by and pick you up on our way.

LUCAS : Uh, actually, um, I'm going with Brooke.

HALEY : Rewind. When did this happen?

LUCAS : She asked me today.

HALEY : Are you guys back together?

LUCAS : You guys think I'm crazy.

HALEY : No, I...

KAREN : I don't think you're crazy, Luke. I mean, maybe Brooke thinks she's made a mistake. Everybody deserves a second chance.

HALEY : I agree. I think you guys are good together.

(Lucas laughs)

HALEY : Oh, hey... Rachel asked me to tutor her.

LUCAS : You're tutoring Rachel?

HALEY : Hell, no. I said she asked me.

LUCAS : Wait, wait, wait... What happened to second chances?

HALEY : Uh, Rachel's had plenty of second chances, and every time, she's proven her true colors.

LUCAS : I'm just saying. Look, people make mistakes. But if they're willing to put the past behind them, then maybe we should, too. Right, mom?

(Karen is thinking)

KAREN : Right. Right.

(Karen leaves)


Karen rings the bell, all dressed up. Dan opens the door

KAREN : It's not a date.


Dan and Karen arrive, Tim’s mom sees them

SHARI : Wow! Déjà vu! Dan Scott and Karen Roe, together again. I hear you're pregnant, too. It is just like our high school prom.

KAREN : Shari, is your son Tim even on the basketball team anymore?

SHARI : Actually, Timmy is doing really well. He's at a private institution that focuses specifically on each student's strengths and weaknesses.

DAN : Just say he's slow, Shari.

Inside the room, Mouth walks to his table with Gigi, Rachel is there

MOUTH : Rachel, are we at the same table?

(Mouth find Rachel’s name right beside his)

RACHEL : Sort of.

MOUTH : I think there's been a mistake. Where's Gigi supposed to sit?

RACHEL : Oh, Gigi, I'm sorry. You were a last-minute add, so I had to seat you at another table.

GIGI : That's okay, 'cause now I've got the best seat in the house.

(Gigi sits on Mouth lap)

RACHEL : Let me get you a chair.

Peyton arrives with Derek

PEYTON : We're at table five.

(They walk to their table, where everybody is already there, Lucas, Brooke, Nathan, Haley, Mouth, Gigi and Rachel )

DEREK (whispers to Peyton) : No fear.

Later, everybody is seated, nobody is talking. It seems awkward

PEYTON : Everyone, for those of you who don't know, this is my brother Derek... the real one.

MOUTH : Hey.

DEREK : How you doing?

NATHAN : Nice to meet you.

DEREK :What's up?

HALEY : Hey.

(Brooke and Peyton look at each other, Brooke doesn’t say anything)

DEREK : So, guys, is Tree Hill gonna win the state championship this year?

LUCAS : I don't know. Hey, Nathan, are we gonna win tomorrow?

NATHAN : We're gonna try.

(It seems awkward again)

PEYTON : Anybody else need a drink?

(Gigi raises her hand, Peyton stand up and leave with Derek)

BROOKE : Well, he seems nice... Derek.

LUCAS : Yeah, he's a good guy. You should really get to know him.

BROOKE : What's the point? Besides, tonight's about us, right?

Dan and Karen are at their table, watching Nathan and Haley

DAN : How's Haley doing?

KAREN : She's, uh, grown into a strong woman. I can't believe she's gonna be a mom. It seems like yesterday that she was coming and asking Lucas to come out and play.

DAN : You know, they're definitely young. But at least they have each other. Nathan's gonna be a great father. Karen, I realize you have no regrets, but I do. I just need you to know that.

Everybody applause as Lucas starts his speech

LUCAS : Good evening, everybody. Tonight, I've been asked to present a very important award to a very important person. The most valuable player award honors not only the best player on the court, but also a true leader off the court. An MVP leads a team not only in points or rebounds, but also leads by example. And we are very proud to follow in the footsteps of our leader and our most valuable player, Nathan Scott.

(Nathan stand up and goes get his award

LUCAS : You're our leader, Nate.

NATHAN : I'm, uh, I'm not very good at speeches, so I just wanted to thank my teammates... guys... and, most of all, coach Whitey Durham for, uh, giving me a year that I'll always remember. Thanks, coach. I appreciate. Thanks.

Later, Brooke comes to see Haley

BROOKE : Hey, proud wifey.

HALEY : Hi. Did Nathan look nervous to you at all?

BROOKE : Well, he looked like the star of the basketball team.

HALEY : Yeah, he did, didn't he?

BROOKE : Yeah. Um, okay. Rachel told me she asked you for tutoring help, and you turned her down.

HALEY : Yeah. Can you blame me? She's been hitting on Nathan for a month.

BROOKE : I know. I know. She has flaws... big ones. But, deep down, I promise you, she's a really good person.

HALEY : Oh, my god, you and Lucas with your second chances. I cannot help her!

BROOKE : Okay. I'm not saying you have to tutor her. I'm just saying she's been really good to me lately. So think about it, okay?

Outside the room, Peyton is sitting alone, Derek joins her

DEREK : Hey, private, you hanging in there?

PEYTON : Trying my best. Thanks for coming with me tonight. Without you, I would have left a long time ago.

DEREK : Peyton, I need to tell you something. My unit is deploying in 24 hours.

PEYTON : "Deploying"? I take it that's Marine for you're leaving?

DEREK : I leave for assignment tomorrow.

PEYTON : How long have you known?

DEREK : I got the call today. I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I'm supposed to be back at the base by now.

PEYTON : Why aren't you?

DEREK : Because my little sister needed me.

PEYTON : I guess I should have let you hang that drawing.

Inside the room, Principal Turner is making a speech

TURNER : As most of you know, tomorrow night is coach Whitey Durham's final game. And to show our appreciation for his dedication and excellence, we present him tonight with a lifetime-achievement award. So, without further ado, I give you your coach, Whitey Durham.

(Whitey stand up, as everybody in the assistance, to give his speech)

WHITEY : You do realize we have one more game to play. Let me tell you... this award means an awful lot to me. I might have given a lifetime to this team... but the players... the players have given me so much more. You know, basketball was my first love. And, as most of you in here realize, you don't forget your first love. My only regret is that I can't share this wonderful moment with the other love of my life... my late wife, Camilla. Camilla was the only person who ever fully understood me. Being with her made everything else seem less important. The moment I met her, I knew that I was looking at my future. And I knew no person could ever come between us. I know Camilla would have liked this group of boys. I want to thank them. And I want to thank all of you for allowing me... to spend a lifetime with my first love. Thank you.

(Whitey is crying)

(Nathan goes to see Dan)

NATHAN : Dad, I need to talk to you.

DAN : Excuse me.


Dan joins Nathan

NATHAN : I'm in trouble, dad.

DAN : How bad is it?

NATHAN : Bad enough that I need you. I borrowed some money from these guys, and I couldn't pay them back, so... they asked me to shave a few points in the last game.

DAN : Tell me you didn't do it.

(Nathan doesn’t answer)

DAN : How could you be so stupid?!

NATHAN : I came to you for help! I needed you, and you said no! I didn't have a choice! And now they want me to throw the state championship tomorrow night. You got to help me, dad.

DAN : Tell me their names.

NATHAN : Daunte and Bear.

DAN : Damn it, Nathan. Go back inside. I'll take care of this.

(Nathan starts leaving)

NATHAN : Dad... I'm sorry.


Dan comes back inside to see Karen

DAN : I'm sorry, Karen. Something urgent came up. I have to go.

KAREN : That's okay. I can find another ride home.

DAN : Are you sure?

KAREN : Yeah. I'll be fine. It's not like this was a date or anything, remember?

DAN : If you say so.

(Dan leave)

Peyton is pouring some punch, Brooke joins her

BROOKE : I just have one question.

PEYTON : What, no props?

BROOKE : If you're sleeping in Lucas' bed, why haven't you told him how you feel?

PEYTON : Brooke, I told you I was not gonna say anything to Lucas until it was over between the two of you. So, yes, if you had moved on, then I probably would have said something by now, but... you haven't dated anybody since Lucas.

BROOKE : You had your chance, Peyton. You should have said something.

PEYTON : It doesn't matter now, does it? Looks like the two of you are getting back together.

BROOKE : I was mad at you when I asked him to come with me tonight.

PEYTON : So you invited him out of spite?

BROOKE : No, not at first. Now I don't know anymore.

(Brooke leave)


Dan comes to see Daunte and Bear who are with hookers

DAUNTE : Mayor Dan Scott.

BEAR : Are we sitting at your table, Danny?

DAN : I understand you've had a little misunderstanding with my son. Now, we're all businessmen, so, uh, how much is it gonna take to make this all go away?

(Dan takes his checkbook)

DAN : Take a hike, b*tches.

BEAR : Daunte?

DAUNTE : All right. Go on. Go on.

(The hookers leave)

DAUNTE : Let me ask you a question, Mr. Mayor. Where the hell do you think you are? Think you can settle this with a checkbook? Unless you're prepared to write a check for all the money that the gamblers stand to win tomorrow night when your son loses... or, rather, your sons.

DAN : You don't scare me. You're just a couple of punks. And this is what's gonna happen. You stay away from my son, whether I give you money or not. Do you understand?

(Two bodyguards approach the table, Daunte stops them with a sign)

DAUNTE : It's awful comforting having so many people close to you, isn't it? For example, your ex-wife, your cute little daughter-in-law...

BEAR ; A couple sons.

DAUNTE : Oh, and let's not forget Karen Roe and her baby. Be an awful shame if the ground next to your brother Keith started getting real crowded, don't you think? Here's a tip for you, Mr. Mayor. Bet against the Ravens tomorrow night. Make yourself some money. Get the hell out of here.

(Dan leave)


The banquet is done, Nathan and Haley are talking

HALEY : I'm so proud of you.

NATHAN : I wish people would stop saying that.

HALEY : Why? What is going on with you? You've been so distant all day. Is it the game?

NATHAN : No. I'm fine. I'm just... I'm feeling a lot of pressure lately, I guess.

HALEY : I'm sorry.

NATHAN : Yeah, you know what? For the first time in a while, I think everything's gonna be okay.

HALEY : Good. So, uh, I got to ask your advice on something.

NATHAN : All right.

HALEY : Rachel asked me to tutor her.

NATHAN : And...

HALEY : I just wanted to know what you thought I should do.

NATHAN : Well, I remember, not too long ago, I needed a tutor, and you set aside your feelings and agreed to help me.

HALEY : Do not compare yourself to Rachel.

NATHAN : Well, we all make mistakes... all of us. Look, you do what you want to do. But I think you should know that, when I was freaking out about the whole pregnancy thing, Rachel was the one that got through to me.

HALEY : Oh, god. I'm gonna have to tutor Rachel, aren't I?

NATHAN : Yeah.

HALEY : Yeah.


Peyton is alone, Derek joins her

DEREK : I better get back to the base before they think I went awol. I'll drop you off on the way.

PEYTON : It's actually a really beautiful night. I was thinking maybe I'd walk.

DEREK : You sure you want to do that?

PEYTON : "No fear," right? I haven't walked by myself since psycho Derek disappeared... the other one. It would be nice to walk home by myself.

DEREK : Peyton Sawyer, wanting to be alone. Look how far you've come.

PEYTON : It's because of you. So I'm... I'm kind of a pro at this next part, the "goodbye" part. People always leave. Remember? You'll be careful, right?

DEREK : Don't worry about me. I won't go trying to be a hero or anything.

PEYTON : Sure, you will.

(Peyton starts crying)

PEYTON : Come here.

(They hug)

DEREK : I'll be back, Peyton.

PEYTON : I believe you. Thanks.


Lucas escorts Brooke to her doorstep

BROOKE : Lucas, don't hate me, okay? But I think that this was a mistake.

LUCAS : So do I.

BROOKE : You do?

LUCAS : I... I missed you so much... when you broke up with me, Brooke. I mean, I spent every day hoping that maybe we'd get back together. But... listening to Whitey describe his life with Camilla, I just realized that...

BROOKE : He wasn't describing us.

(Lucas nods)

BROOKE : Do you think that even exists anymore?

LUCAS : What?

BROOKE : A love so strong that no person can come between it.

LUCAS : I sure hope so.

BROOKE : Yeah. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. So, where does this leave us?

LUCAS : Friends?

BROOKE : Friends.

(They shake their hands, then hug)


Haley come to find Rachel

HALEY : Rachel?

RACHEL : Haley.

HALEY : Look, I will tutor you on three conditions. The first one is that you have to work around my schedule. I'm working a ton of hours right now, and I really don't care if it disrupts your social life. The second is, if you miss one session, it's over. Got it?

RACHEL : Got it. So, what's the third condition?

HALEY : No matter how nice I seem, you have to remember... that I can't stand you. Okay?


Dan is sitting on his couch, Nathan arrives

NATHAN : Did you talk to them?

DAN : Yeah.

NATHAN : What are we gonna do, dad?

DAN : You're gonna lose the state championship.


Peyton is alone, sad. Lucas enters

LUCAS : Now, this is more like it. Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together tonight.

PEYTON : How'd it go with Brooke?

BROOKE : I realized tonight that it's over between me and Brooke. And... she realized it, too.

(After a blank)

PEYTON : I love you, Lucas.

LUCAS : I love you, too, Peyton.

PEYTON : You don't understand. I've been holding this in for a really long time. And you just need to know. I love you. I'm in love with you.