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04x09 - Some You Give Away

Posted: 12/13/06 21:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill...

LUCAS : You want to join the Ravens?

SKILLS : If it's gonna get me a scholarship.

HALEY : I'm pregnant.

NATHAN : I'm having money problems, dad. It's serious, and I need your help.

DAN : You' not an investment I'm interested in.

PEYTON : I'm not screwing Lucas.

BROOKE : I gave Lucas to you, and I can take him back whenever I want.

BROOKE : Tonight's about us, right?

BROOKE : Why haven't you told him how you feel?

PEYTON : Doesn't matter now, does it?

HALEY : I will tutor you. You have to remember that I can't stand you.

NATHAN : There's no reason you guys should be here.

DAUNTE : State championship.

NATHAN : I'm not gonna lose that game.

WHITEY : Tomorrow night's game is the last one I'll ever coach. I really want this championship.

DAUNTE : Say goodbye to basketball.


DAUNTE : Lose that game.

NATHAN : I'm in trouble, dad.

DAN : How could you be so stupid?

DAN : How much is it gonna take to make this all go away?

DAUNTE : Be an awful shame if the ground next to your brother Keith started getting really crowded, don't you think ? Bet against the Ravens tomorrow night. Make yourself some money.

NATHAN : What are we gonna do, dad?

DAN : You're gonna lose the state championship.

LUCAS : I realized tonight that it's over between me and Brooke.

PEYTON : I love you, Lucas.


We see Whitey alone in the street, obviously after the game

SPORTS ANNOUNCER (voiceover) : And there is no joy in Tree Hill tonight because the Ravens have lost the state championship. Whitey Durham is the picture of a broken man, and you have to wonder if this opportunity will ever come around again for the Tree Hill Ravens.

We see Nathan sitting on the floor, crying

SPORTS ANNOUNCER (voiceover) : There are tears, and there are questions, starting with what got into Scott? I mean, he's got a lot of explaining to do.

We see Peyton crying in her room

SPORTS ANNOUNCER (voiceover) : No doubt about it... hearts are breaking in Tree Hill tonight.

Flashback to the end of the last episode

PEYTON : I love you, Lucas.

LUCAS : I love you, too, Peyton. We've been through so much together.

PEYTON : You don't... you don't understand. I've been holding this in for a really long time. And I need you to know... I love you. I'm in love with you.



Lucas is playing alone, Nathan arrives

NATHAN : You look like crap.

LUCAS : Yeah, just been dealing with some stuff, you know? Besides, I'm way too wired to sleep. Do you realize, in less than 24 hours, we're gonna be state champs?

NATHAN : I don't think so.

LUCAS : What? Come on, man. With you, me, Skills... no way Pontiac beats us, you know?

NATHAN : We can't win it, Luke. We're not going to. I needed the money, okay?

(Lucas gets angry)

LUCAS : You said it was over... that it was just one game.

NATHAN : It was just one game. They said it was just one game, okay? But... now we have to lose, okay ?

LUCAS : Nathan, what are you talking about? This is Whitey's last game ever. He's been chasing this dream for 35 years. What about Whitey? Or Mouth? Or Skills, with college? What about me, Nate? This is the last game I'll ever play.

NATHAN : I'm sorry.

(Nathan starts leaving)

LUCAS : You know... the night before I joined the team, we battled each other on this court. I guess we'll be doing the same thing tomorrow.

NATHAN : Lucas, you only play 15 minutes a game. You can't change this.

LUCAS : I can try. And I hated you that night we played. I thought you changed, but... guess I was wrong.


Mouth is recording a tape

MOUTH : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to what may be the biggest day in the history of Tree Hill Ravens basketball. 10,000 fans will pack the RBC Center tonight to see the Ravens battle top-ranked Pontiac high-school for the state championship. For coach Whitey Durham, only 32 minutes remain in a long and storied career.

(Whitey enters the room)

WHITEY : A little early, aren't you?

MOUTH : I know, coach, but... I've been waiting for this day my whole life.

WHITEY : Me too, son. Me too.


Lucas is getting ready, Skills is there

SKILLS : You said, "oh"? Hold on. Peyton say, "I'm in love with you," and you say, "oh." Nice work, player.

LUCAS : She caught me by surprise. What was I supposed to say?

SKILLS : Not "oh." Okay, what else did you say?

LUCAS : I mumbled something about us being friends, and then I left.

SKILLS : And you believe that... that you and P. Sawyer are just friends?

LUCAS : Look, you know what, Skills? For a long time, I thought that maybe we'd be something more. It just never seemed to work out. So at a certain point, you got to face the fact that it's not meant to be.

SKILLS : Even if she wants more?

LUCAS : She's just a little confused... she's had a hard year, and I happened to be there to rescue her a few times.

SKILLS : So maybe you're the one who confused... 'cause you didn't just happen to rescue her a few times. You didn't just happen to run back into school that day or save her from psycho Derek. Peyton happened to be there, but you chose to be there. So maybe you ought to think about that.


Haley is tutoring Rachel

HALEY : No, when the boy buys the balloon, it's a total volume of one cubic foot. So if he blows up the balloon at .1 cubic feet per minute, how fast is the radius of the balloon increasing when he only blows it up halfway?

RACHEL : I don't know about the balloon, but this blows. When am I gonna ever need to know this?

HALEY : I don't know. Probably when you're failing calculus and want to graduate. Oh wait, that's right now. Okay, let's take a look at Mr. Miller's last test.

(Haley takes a key from her wallet, and open a cabinet)

RACHEL : Why don't we take a look at Mr. Miller's next test? That's where they keep them, right?

HALEY : How do you know that?

RACHEL : I hear things. So, how come if you're a student, you have access to all the tests? It's no wonder you have a 4.0 GPA.

HALEY : Are you kidding me? It's called an honor system, and it's not like I can access tests to my own classes.

RACHEL : You and Nathan need a few extra bucks. I need a few answers. So how about you sell me the test? Name your price.

HALEY : Do you know the meaning of the word "honor"? Of course you don't. It's you. You know, I really... I just can't deal with this right now. Let's just pick this up at the game.

RACHEL : The game? The state championship? You really do hate me, don't you?

HALEY : Yep. See you later.

(Haley leaves and Rachel looks at the cabinet)


Deb is alone in her bedroom. Karen comes to visit her

KAREN : We missed you at the banquet. Your son was named the team's MVP.

DEB : Karen...

KAREN : Take a shower, get dressed, and see if you can find what's left of your dignity. Nathan is playing his last high-school basketball game ever, and you're going to it whether you like it or not.


The team his going to the game

SKILLS (to Lucas) : So, check it out. I got Scouts from three different schools coming to watch us play tonight. Man, we win this thing, I'm gonna have my pick of scholarships.

LUCAS (to Nathan) : So you gonna tell him he's not going to college or should I?

NATHAN : It's one game. It's one high-school basketball game. You think it really matters if we don't win?

LUCAS : I don't know. How about you ask them?

(They look at all the team and all the cars following the bus, honking)


Rachel, Brooke, Haley, Peyton and Bevin are going to the game

BROOKE : I can't believe Whitey wouldn't let us ride the bus. And thanks to Haley, we're gonna miss the game because you had to stop and pee every other mile. This sucks.

HALEY : Brooke, I'm pregnant, and I'm not feeling very well.

BROOKE : I don't mean it sucks because we're gonna be late, honey. I mean, it sucks because Peyton's here.

RACHEL : You guys seriously need to work things out. I mean, when I was in fat-girl therapy...

(There is a blank)

RACHEL : Maybe role-playing. It's when everyone speaks as someone else. It might help. It could make things really horrible. That could be fun, too.

HALEY : Okay, I'll go first. My name's Rachel, and I'm a dumbass who's failing calculus, and I really like to hit on married guys.

RACHEL : See? Fun. Kind of like when I slept with Nathan. Damn, that was good.

BROOKE : Okay. Peyton here. I like to steal boys, but I'm afraid to tell them how I feel.

BROOKE : Speaking of stealing... Hi, I'm Brooke, and I stole my friend Peyton's artwork so I could put it on my clothing line, and I never even said thank you.

BROOKE : Okay, Peyton here again. Have I mentioned that if you love me, you're probably gonna die soon? See mothers one and two.

HALEY : Brooke.

BEVIN : My name's Rachel, and I have red hair.

(Peyton hit Brooke and they start to fight)

BROOKE : Oh, I am gonna kick your ass.

HALEY : Hey, hey, stop it. Stop it!


Karen and Deb are going to the game

DEB : I never congratulated you on your pregnancy. Although you have to admit it's pretty strange.

KAREN : Strange? How?

DEB : How Keith was there for Dan's child and now Dan wants to be there for Keith's.

(Deb takes some pills)

KAREN : You really gonna do that to Nathan? It's one night, Deb. It's one night for your son.

(Deb swallows the pills)


The cheerleaders are waiting in a room. Rachel is studying with Haley. Haley doesn’t seem feeling well

RACHEL : You know, the pacing's not gonna make me any smarter. Besides, the stress can't be good for the baby.

HALEY : I'm not pacing for you. I'm pacing for Nathan. He's worked most of his life for this. I just want it to be perfect for him.

RACHEL : Just so you know, I wouldn't have slept with him, even if he wanted to. But we definitely would have made out.

HALEY : Can you just finish the exam? I have to go to the bathroom again.

Brooke is putting some make up and Peyton is listening to her I-pod not far from her

PEYTON : You were wrong. You said in the car that I was afraid to tell Lucas that I loved him, but I did. I told him last night. He doesn't want to be with me. You can smile now.

(Peyton leaves)


Nathan is listening to some music. Skills comes to see Lucas

SKILLS : You believe this, man? Me and my boy representing for the river court.

(Skills grabs Lucas’ pills)

SKILLS : Hey, how these pills work, anyway? I mean, how they keep you alive?

LUCAS : They slow down my heart rate so I can't go full-speed. That's why Whitey only lets me play part time.

SKILLS : Maybe he only play you part time 'cause he got me full time.

LUCAS : Listen, I got to talk to you. Nathan's gonna throw the game tonight. Remember when we saw him talking to that Daunte guy? He's going to.

SKILLS : We got to tell Whitey, man.

LUCAS : No, we can't. That'll break his heart more than losing this game.

SKILLS : What about my heart? What about your heart? What about the other nine guys on the team?

LUCAS : I know. And that's why we got to win this game... you and me.


LUCAS : We freeze out Nathan... and play the game of our lives.

(Skills leaves and Lucas chooses to not take his medication)


Haley is still in the bathroom

BROOKE : Haley? Come on, you've been in there forever. We got to go. Haley...

(Brooke opens the door and finds Haley on the floor, in bad shape)

PEYTON : Oh, my god.


THE CROWD : Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go!


All the team is sitting, Whitey enters the room

WHITEY : Let's go.


The girls are waiting with Haley to see a doctor. She’s really hurt

BROOKE : How you doing, Haley?

HALEY : Not so good.

PEYTON : I'm sure you'll be next. Maybe we should try to get in touch with Nathan.

HALEY : No, I don't want him to know, not during the game.

NURSE : Sara Lestage?

RACHEL : Okay, this is a bunch of crap. Come on.

(Rachel and Bevin stand up to go see the nurse)

RACHEL : Look, our friend has been waiting a long time.


BROOKE : So? She's pregnant, and she's in a lot of pain.

NURSE : Well, look, I know you cheerleaders expect special treatment, but guess what... I never liked the cheerleaders in my school.

RACHEL : It's probably because you looked like that.

NURSE : Guess who's gonna wait a little longer now.

PEYTON : Like hell she is. Come on, Haley.

(Peyton takes Haley and all the girls start to go inside the emergency room)

NURSE : Excuse me! I'll call security.

BROOKE : Yeah, call security. Why don't you call the police? And tell them you're discriminating against cheerleaders.

PEYTON : Can we get a doctor, please?

NURSE : Listen to me. I don't care how special you are in your little high school. You can't just barge in here.

(A doctor arrives)

DOCTOR : What's going on?

PEYTON : What's going on is that our friend is pregnant and she's in a lot of pain and this bitch is about to get her ass kicked.

DOCTOR : Okay, just calm down. I'll take a look at her. You can all wait in the lobby and cheer for something.

HALEY : Thanks, you guys.

BROOKE : You're gonna be okay, Haley.

PEYTON : Slut.

RACHEL : Bitch.

BROOKE : Whore.

BEVIN : Thank you.


Daunte and bear are walking by Dan

DAUNTE : Great day for basketball. Better day for making some money.

DAN : Thanks to you, Nathan's gonna carry the shame of this with him for the rest of his life.

DAUNTE : Maybe you should have helped him out when he needed it.


KAREN : Oh, we are almost there, Deb. Deb?

(Deb felt asleep)


Haley is with the doctor

DOCTOR : You're gonna be fine. Ligament pain brought on by stress is common. Your test results don't reveal anything abnormal. Here's your term of your pregnancy, your baby's sex. T-cell count is normal.

HALEY : My baby's sex.

DOCTOR : Um... I'm sorry. Did you not want to know?

HALEY : No, it's okay.


The game is about to begin.

MOUTH : Okay, folks, this is the one we've all been waiting for. It's the Tree Hill Ravens and Pontiac High School for the North Carolina state basketball championship, brought to you by Chili's.

GIGI : I want my baby-back, baby-back, baby-back... barbecue sauce.

MOUTH : Gigi Silveri, ladies and gentlemen.

TEAM : 1, 2, 3... Ravens!

(Nathan looks at the cheerleader and don’t see Haley)

NATHAN : Where's Haley at?

LUCAS : She's probably putting money down on Pontiac.

MOUTH : Pontiac's Jarvis Hays will jump it up against Tree Hill's Nathan Scott.

(The game starts)

MOUTH : And the Ravens win the tip.

NATHAN : Ball! Ball! Skills, give me the ball! Ball! Come on!

LUCAS : Give me the ball, men!

MOUTH : Lucas Scott with the first basket of the night. He looked a lot like the old Lucas on that shot. Another turnover by Nathan Scott, and Jarvis slams it home. Pontiac leads by 9.

NATHAN : Ball! Ball! Ball! Come on, give me the ball!

MOUTH : Skills takes it to the hoop and scores. The Ravens still trail by 10. Jarvis beats Scott again for another slam dunk. Lucas Scott with another shot in. He sure picked the right night to have his best game of the season. Still, the Ravens are digging a deep hole against this great Pontiac team.


Brooke and Peyton are waiting for Haley

BROOKE : So, what exactly did he say to you... Lucas, when you told him.


BROOKE : What?

PEYTON : He said, "oh."

BROOKE : Boys can be so dumb.

PEYTON : Yeah, well, I probably shouldn't have been surprised. I asked him once who he wanted next to him when his dreams came true. He said you.

BROOKE : Why would you tell me that?

PEYTON : I would have given anything to hear him say me.


The game is still on

MOUTH : Scott tries to double-team, but Hays beats it, and Pontiac scores again.

SKILLS : Hey, Nate how about you get off the floor, man?

NATHAN : Why don't you get off my ass?

SKILLS : How about I beat your ass instead?

NATHAN : Come on, I dare you.

(Skills and Nathan start fighting)

MOUTH : Just before halftime, and a fight has broken out between the Tree Hill Ravens... and the Tree Hill Ravens. Well, that's how we started this season. I guess that's how we'll end it. At the half end, Pontiac's leading Tree Hill, 36... to 21.

SPORTS ANNOUNCER (voiceover) : I have to say it's incredibly unfortunate how the Ravens have come apart at the seams. After hanging together through thick and thin, through good times and bad, for these Ravens to fall this far is stunning. And the worst thing about it all is this... I mean, after a stellar career, perhaps the best ever to wear a Ravens uniform, you find yourself questioning Scott's character. To walk away from the game on these terms is shameful. It's a disgrace, really. Whitey Durham is the picture of a broken man, and you have to wonder if this opportunity will ever come around again for the Tree Hill Ravens.


Whitey turn off the radio

WHITEY : That was 18 years ago. Most of you weren't even born yet. Back then, I didn't know that there'd only be one chance to erase those words... this chance. The rest of your life is a long time. If you lose, you lose. But don't lose this way... playing selfish, bickering with each other on the court. I promise you... it'll stay with you. It'll stay with you.


The team goes back to the game. Haley catches Nathan

HALEY : Six turnovers... that's not the Nathan Scott I know.

NATHAN : I got worried when I didn't see you. It's okay. Everything's fine. Everything's fine.

NATHAN : I need to ask you a question. If I don't go to Duke, if I don't play college basketball... I mean, if today is the best it ever gets for me... will that be enough?

HALEY : Of course. Nathan, as long as you're a good husband and a good father... to your son. It's a boy, Nathan. You're gonna have a son. Although, I have to tell you, someday he's gonna tease his father for playing like crap in the state championship. You might want to change that.

Later, the game is on again

MOUTH : And Nathan Scott has come out on fire in the second half, taking the ball to the hole on the Ravens' first three possessions. Pontiac's lead cut to 9.

LUCAS : What do you think you're doing?

NATHAN : Trying to win this game. You gonna help me?

LUCAS : No. But you can help me.

MOUTH : A steal by Lucas Scott, and the Ravens are heating up.

GIGI : Oh, they're already hot, Mouth.

MOUTH : Another dunk by Jarvis Hays, and the Pontiac team goes back to 11. Taylor knocks the ball away. Lucas Scott heaves a long pass to Nathan Scott, who slams it with authority. Ravens back within 9. Pass Skills to Scott, who lays it in. What teamwork. And the lead now only 5 with time running out in the third period. With just under six minutes left in the game... Skills to Scott, to Scott, and yes! Another basket and the Ravens strike back at Pontiac once again. We're early in the fourth quarter, and we got ourselves a ball game.

Deb is waking up in a room

SPORTS ANNOUNCER : Tree Hill has whittled the once-commanding Pontiac academy lead down to 5 now.

NURSE : It's okay, Mrs. Scott. Welcome back.

DEB : Back to where?

NURSE : You're in a chemical-dependency treatment facility. If it helps... your son is playing great.

(The TV is on)

SPORTS ANNOUNCER : Nathan Scott has really turned it on here in the second half, leading his team's comeback.


He left the game and decides to turn on the radio

MOUTH : Well, if you stuck around, you've been rewarded as Nathan Scott is leading the Ravens on what just might be the greatest turnaround in state championship history.

(Dan makes a U-turn)


The game is still on

THE CROWD : Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go!

BEAR : They won't win. The kid's just making it close.

DAUNTE : Bear, I sincerely hope you're right.

MOUTH : Pontiac trying to seal the victory. Jarvis' shot. Blocked by Lucas Scott! Out of bounds, but Pontiac's still in possession.

WHITEY : Skills, go back in for Lucas.

MOUTH : Looks like coach Durham's putting Skills Taylor back in the game for Lucas Scott.

LUCAS : Come on, coach, we're almost all the way back. I know I'm only supposed to play 15 minutes, but this is my last game.

WHITEY : Feeling good?

LUCAS : I feel great.

WHITEY : Good. Let's keep it that way. Have a seat.

WHITEY (shouting) : Let's zone up the inbounds!

(Karen enters the gym)

MOUTH : Skills Taylor with a deep 3! Wow! Ravens within 2 points with only 1:45 left in the game. Pontiacs with the ball. Clock winding down. Jarvis to the hoop! Rejected by Scott! Controlled by the Ravens. Oh, my, Ravens with the ball! Birds trail by 2, 23 seconds left!

Time out

WHITEY : You have made a hell of a comeback. You played as team. Even if we lose this thing, it's still a damn fine moral victory. Now, maybe that's okay with you. Maybe you want to look back and tell your grandkids about the state championship you almost won.

NATHAN : No way. We're winning this game, right, Luke?

LUCAS : You tell me.

NATHAN : We're winning this game.

WHITEY : All right. Lucas, by my count, you've played about 14 1/2 minutes. You got 23 seconds left in you?

LUCAS : Yes, sir.

WHITEY : All right. Listen up. Nathan...

With the cheerleaders

BROOKE : Okay, partner, just breathe. Can't have you popping out another cheerleader right now.

HALEY : It's a boy.

BROOKE : What?

HALEY : I'm having a boy.

PEYTON : Haley!

BROOKE : Haley!

MOUTH : You know, say what you will about the ravages of sports in this corporate age where overpaid athletes expect prima donna treatment, but there is still something so unifying about sport in its purest form... when athletes rise above themselves and touch greatness and, in doing so, remind us all that we also have greatness inside of us.

GIGI : You're sexy when you talk like that.

End of the time out

TEAM : 1, 2, 3... Ravens!

THE CROWD : Let's go, Ravens, let's go! Let's go, Ravens, let's go!

(Dan enters the gym again)

THE CROWD : Let's go, Ravens, let's go!

LUCAS : Hey... it doesn't mean anything if you can't hit the shot.

NATHAN : Sounds familiar.

LUCAS : Let's do this, little brother.

MOUTH : Okay, this is it. 10,000 people now stand in unison as the Ravens need a basket to tie and force overtime or a 3-pointer to win it. Nathan Scott has the ball out top. 20 seconds left. What's it gonna be?

DAUNTE : Okay, kid. What's it gonna be?

MOUTH : 10 seconds left on the clock now. Nathan kicks it out to Skills. Now 5 seconds! Skills passes back to Nathan. Nathan has it! Nathan Scott drives for the hoop! He passes to Lucas for a 3 and the win!

(Lucas makes the shot)

MOUTH : It's good! I don't believe it! Lucas Scott drains a 3-pat the buzzer, and the Tree Hill Ravens are champions at last! Gigi, can you... We win! We win!

Everybody comes to the field, confetti falls

SKILLS : Who the man, baby?

BEVIN : You're the man, baby.

NATHAN : Haley!

HALEY : You did it!

NATHAN : We did it.

(They kiss)

BROOKE : Luke!

LUCAS : Oh, my god! Oh, this is amazing!

BROOKE : Yeah! This is a dream come true. So who do you want standing next to you?

(He looks at Peyton)

BROOKE : Go. It's okay. Go.

(Lucas goes to see Peyton)

PEYTON : Hey! Nice shot.

LUCAS : Nice legs... a little chickeny.

(They hug)

PEYTON : Well, I'll be seeing you.

Flashback to the pilot, when Lucas won his game against Nathan

LUCAS : I'll be seeing you.

Come back to the present

LUCAS : Hey, Peyton! It's you.

PEYTON : What?

BROOKE : When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me... it's you. It's you, Peyton.

(They kiss)

Later, everybody left the gym. Daunte and Bear are still sitting in the gallery. Dan joins them

DAN : Look, I want to make a deal with you, try to make things right.

DAUNTE : You don't have that kind of money or power.

DAN : I'm not an idiot. I know you have people to answer to. But you built your plan on the shoulders of a kid with a dream. Can't blame him for going a little weak in the knees.

DAUNTE : Weak? You think he looked weak? 'Cause he looked pretty damn strong to me. I'll be in touch.

(Dan starts leaving)

DAUNTE : You know, I didn't pick Nathan because he was the star of the team. I picked him 'cause he was Dan Scott's son. Turns out the kid actually has a soul. Never would have bet on that.


After the game, everybody is at the Café. Lucas is sitting at the bar, Nathan joins him

NATHAN : You and Peyton together now? I saw the kiss.

LUCAS : Maybe.

NATHAN : It's about time, man.

LUCAS : Hey. You played like a champ tonight.

NATHAN : I played like half a champ. If you wouldn't have made that shot, I would have never forgiven myself, so thank you.

LUCAS : So what are you gonna do about Daunte?

NATHAN : I don't know. Deal with it, I guess. Whatever he does to me, I can take it. Besides, if this was the last game I ever played, at least it was a good one, right?

Brooke is sitting with Rachel. Haley comes to see them

HALEY : Hey, we're gonna take off. I'm getting kind of tired.


HALEY : Thanks for taking care of me tonight.

BROOKE : Yeah.

RACHEL : No big deal. I mean, if you died, who would tutor me?

HALEY : Actually, it reminds me I graded your quiz. You got a 94. Good job.

RACHEL : Thanks. Oh, hey. Don't forget your purse.

HALEY : There it is. Thank you.

(Haley leave)

BROOKE : 94. Nice job, Fondle-Me Elmo. Maybe you're not such a dum-dum after all.

RACHEL : Got a present for you. It's the transcript I got in the mail.

(Rachel gives her the mail)

BROOKE : Okay. Hey, you're getting a "B" in gym.

RACHEL : Look at the name.

BROOKE : What?

RACHEL : I could pass calculus in my sleep. You're the one flunking out, Penelope.

BROOKE : Then why are you getting tutored?

RACHEL : So I could get you this.

(She shows her a key)

RACHEL : And this, my dumb friend, is the key to the cabinet with the answers that we're gonna steal. Unless, of course, you don't want to graduate.

Lucas is with Haley

LUCAS : So how is my little nephew?

HALEY : Fine. How's his uncle's heart?

LUCAS : Ah, it's fine.

(Peyton joins them)

PEYTON : How you feeling, Haley?

LUCAS : Hales. You know my girlfriend, Peyton, right?

PEYTON : Oh, god.

(Peyton, embarrassed, leaves)

HALEY : What? You... since when?

LUCAS : Since now, I hope. Well, I'll let you know.

(Lucas goes after Peyton)

LUCAS : Hey, Peyton, can I talk to you for a second?

PEYTON : Yeah.

(Lucas takes her to the back shop, and starts kissing her)

PEYTON : Okay, I'm liking this conversation.

LUCAS : Would you like to have it exclusively?

PEYTON : Sure. With who?

LUCAS : By the way, I forgot how much of a good kisser you are.

PEYTON : Well, maybe you should come by later, and I'll remind you for a few hours.

LUCAS : I'd like that. This is good, isn't it? Us.

PEYTON : It's perfect.

(Peyton leaves)

Dan comes to help Karen

DAN : Whoa, whoa, stop it. You can't be doing this.

KAREN : Uh, I've been doing this for 17 years, Dan.

DAN : Then it's time to take a night off. Seriously, you're pregnant. It's been a big day. Let Lucas and me lock up. It'll get you off your feet and give me a chance to spend some time with our son.

KAREN : Okay.

(Karen leaves and Nathan joins Dan)

NATHAN : Hey, dad. Haley and I are about to leave, but I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I couldn't do it.

DAN : Don't be sorry. You be proud of that victory. I'll deal with Daunte.

(Nathan and Haley leave the Café)

Dan and Lucas are cleaning up

DAN : So, Lucas, how does it feel to win the state championship? Always wanted a second chance at that... and at this.

LUCAS : Feels surprisingly good.

DAN : Which one, being the state champ or talking to your old man?

LUCAS : Both. Just wish Keith were here, too.


Nathan and Haley are walking

NATHAN : So the doctor said you're fine, you and the baby?

HALEY : Yeah. We're fine. We are all gonna be fine.

(We see Daunte in his car, starting his engine)

NATHAN : Listen... there's a reason that I played so bad tonight at first.

HALEY : What do you mean?

(Daunte drives directly in their direction)

HALEY : Nathan, look out!

(Haley pushes Nathan but she’s hitting by the car)

NATHAN : Haley!

(Daunte loses control of his car and crash not far from them)

NATHAN : Haley! Baby! Baby! Haley! Oh, god!

(Lucas comes out of the Café and runs toward them)

LUCAS : Nathan, what happened?!

NATHAN : They just hit her, man!

LUCAS : I'll call 911!

(Nathan looks at the car)

NATHAN : Lucas, stay with her.

(Nathan runs to the car, finds Daunte unconscious, throws him out of the car)

NATHAN : Son of a bitch! What did you do?!

(He punches him several times until Dan stops him)

DAN : Nathan! He's dead. You k*lled him, son.

(They hear the police coming)

DAN : Go on.


DAN : Haley needs you, Nathan. Your child needs you. Go!

(Nathan leave and Dan hit the ground with his hand before the police arrive)

(The paramedics start taking care of Haley)

LUCAS : She's been hit by a car. You got to help her. She's pregnant.

PARAMEDIC 1 : What's her name?

LUCAS : Uh... uh, Haley.

PARAMEDIC 1 : How long has she been pregnant?

LUCAS : I don't know. A few... A f... a f...

(Lucas pass out)

PARAMEDIC 2 : Passed out. I got him. Hold on. Heart's not beating. I got a full cardiac arrest. Requesting backup.

(The paramedic starts CPR)

SPORTS ANNOUNCER : Time is running out now, and I tell you, you got to feel for Nathan Scott. I mean, sure, he has made some mistakes, but you get the sense that if this is how it ends, he's never gonna forgive himself. And Lucas Scott is being swarmed! I wouldn't doubt it if they didn't carry the kid out of here tonight and never bring him back. I have never seen some of these kids so happy. And can you blame them? They've been waiting a long time for this moment.


Peyton is smiling, listening to the radio. Brooke walks in

BROOKE : Lucas and Haley are in the hospital. It's bad, Peyton. It's really bad.

SPORTS ANNOUNCER : And there at the center of it all is Whitey Durham standing alone, taking it all in. Ladies and gentlemen, the Tree Hill Ravens are champions at last. And there's not a dry eye in the house.