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04x10 - Songs to Love and Die By

Posted: 12/19/06 22:31
by bunniefuu
Black and white movie:

-Merry Christmas

-Merry Christmas, Georges

-Merry Christmas, movie house!

-Merry Christmas, Emporium!

Lucas's voiceover: "Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. In this case, just a few minutes."

We can see Nathan crying in the hospital.

Nathan opens the cafe's door to Haley.

Haley: Thanks

A black car all headlights off starts.

Nathan: So the doctor said you're fine? You and the baby?

Haley: Yeah. We're fine. We are all gonna be fine.

Nathan: Listen, there's a reason that I played so bad tonight at first.

The car turns on its headlights, speeds up and rushes at the couple.

Haley: What do you mean? (Screaming) Nathan look out!

Haley pushes Nathan from the road and she's knocked down by Daunte's car. She falls few meters far.

Nathan (realizing, screams): Haley!

Nathan runs toward his wife, while the car continues its race scratching an other car and finally crashes on a garbage truck.

Nathan: Haley! Haley! Haley oh god!

Lucas goes out of the cafe and runs toward them.

Lucas: What happened?

Nathan: They just hit her, man.

Lucas: I'll call 911.

Nathan looks the car in the distance.

Nathan: Lucas stay with her.

He runs to the car and takes out Daunte.

Nathan: Son of a bitch! What did you do?

He hits him until Dan comes.

Dan (keeping Nathan's wrist): Nathan!

Dan takes Daunte's pulse.

Dan: He's dead. You k*lled him, son.

Nathan doesn't realize what happened, we can hear police arriving.

Dan: Go on.

Nathan: Dad?

Dan: Haley needs you, Nathan. Your child needs you. Go!

Nathan gets up and runs toward his wife. Dan shatters his hand on the asphalt in order to pass for the attacker. Policemen arrive and Dan puts his hands up.

Lucas is around the paramedics.

Lucas: She's been hit by a car. You gotta help her. She's pregnant.

Paramedic 1: What's her name?

Lucas: Haley.

Paramedic 1: How long has she been pregnant?

Lucas: I don't know exactly. A few...

Paramedic 1: Come on, Haley.

Lucas: A few... (Then he faints)

Paramedic 2: He passed out. I got him. (He takes his pulse) Hold on. Heart's not beating. I got a full cardiac arrest, requesting backup. (Paramedic starts a heart massage).

Lucas opens his eyes, he's lying down in the deserted street. He gets up and looks around him. He sees a man who's moving away and he runs after him.

Lucas: Hey! Excuse me. Can you tell me what's happening?

Man turns over and we can see Keith.

Keith : Hi, Luke.

Tree Hill hospital

Keith and Lucas cross the doors.

Lucas: Keith. It's you, right? I mean, you're alive.

Keith: Not exactly.

Lucas: What do you mean, "Not exactly"?

Keith: All in good time, Luke, we don't wanna be late.

Lucas: Late for what?

Keith pins Lucas to the wall in order to let Haley's stretcher pass.

Lucas: Haley. What happened to her?

Keith: You don't remember?

Lucas: I... There was an accident.

Keith: No. It was no accident.

Lucas: I was right there with Haley. I was standing right there.

Lucas sees a new stretcher arriving on which he's lying down.

Lucas: My heart.

Keith: Your heart isn't the only one that's breaking right now. Come on.

Peyton's bedroom

She's gazing into space, a smile on her lips when Brooke is arriving.

Brooke: There's been an accident. Lucas and Haley are in the hospital. It's bad, Peyton. It's really bad.

Peyton starts crying.

Brooke: Come on, I'll drive.

Lucas and Keith were watching them.

Lucas: It's not fair. Peyton, all these bad things keep happening to her.

Keith: Oh, good things happen to her, too, Luke. Like you.

Lucas: Okay, look, I don't understand this. I mean, what are you, Keith? An angel? A bad dream?

Keith: More like a guide.

Lucas: A guide? To where?

Keith: Luke, you just had a heart attack. You're not even breathing right now.

Lucas: So what? I'm dead?

Keith: Not yet.

Lucas: Well, then you...

Keith: No, I'm... I'm dead. Sorry.

Lucas: And what about Haley?

Keith: Haley's not good.

Tree Hill hospital

Doctor: Nathan?

Nathan: What's happening? How's Haley?

Doctor: She's being prepped for surgery. She has multiple fractures of the legs, some head trauma, a possible collapsed lung, broken ribs, and a good deal of internal bleeding.

Nathan: What about the baby?

Doctor: Well, with kind of severe trauma... Look, we're gonna do everything that we can. But right now our priority is saving your wife, okay?

Lucas turns around toward Keith.

Lucas: So is she gonna be okay? Is she gonna lose the baby?

Keith: Well, that hasn't been written yet.

Lucas: No, you know what? This sucks, all right? All these decent people and bad things keep happening to them. I mean, you were a good guy, Keith.

Keith: So?

Lucas: So... You got shot for it. Peyton lost mothers. She gets shot and att*cked. Haley's now in surgery.

Keith: Meaning what?

Lucas: Meaning what's the point in being a good person if this is how it goes?

Keith: And so you're asking if, by being a good person, have you changed anything?

Lucas: You know, considered apparently I'm lying on my death bed right now, yes.

Keith (He pushes the elevator's button): Well, let's take a look.

The doors open and we can see the senior high. A young gothic girl is drawing on a table.

Keith: You recognize her?

Lucas: No. Is it Brooke? What happened to her?

Keith: Why don't you go ask her? It's okay, go on.

Lucas approaches her.

Lucas: Hey, Brooke. What's wrong?

Brooke: Get away from me.

Lucas: What's wrong?

Brooke (getting up and screaming to him): I said get away from me.

She's going and Lucas turns over toward Keith.

Lucas: Hey, what is this?

Keith: This is the world that would've been if you had led a different life, Luke.

Lucas: What about real life, huh?

Keith: Real life is still there.

We can see Dan enters his prison's cell and take his head in his hand.

Tree Hill hospital

Nathan is in the same position. Peyton and Brooke arrive and come toward him.

Brooke: Nathan. How's Haley?

Nathan: She's in surgery

Peyton: And Lucas?

Nathan: I don't know. It should've been me. It was all my fault.

Brooke: No, it wasn't. It was an accident, like the bridge...

Nathan: No, it wasn't. And now Haley's in surgery and even if she makes it, the baby could... She could still lose the baby. And Lucas could die. My dad's in jail.

Brooke: Nathan.

Nathan: I wish I would've died under that water. None of this would have happened.

Nathan gets up and goes away, leaving sadden Brooke and Peyton.

We can see Haley lying on a bed in a hospital room, her head stripped and her right leg raised. The camera shows the black and white movie on TV, a man is on a bridge, watching the break of water.

Nathan is also on the bridge and he remembers the wedding's accident. When he was into the car under the water, he heard Keith saying: "It's okay Nathan".

Nathan: Why'd you have to save me, Keith, huh? If I would've died, then there's no Daunte and there's no accident. And Haley and the baby are fine. Come on, Keith. You can save me, but you can't answer me? Thanks for nothing.

He passes between Lucas and Keith to join the other side of the bridge.

Lucas: So it was you.

Keith: No, it was him. Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes.

Lucas: It's my fault. I wanted to win the State Championship. I could've let him lose that game. I should've been more supportive of him and Haley.

Keith: Right. Well, let's take another look at that world. You know, the one you're a lesser guy? Come on.

Record store

Nathan goes into the shop.

Nathan: Do you have the new Haley James album?

The sales clerk shows him the CDs with his look.

Nathan: on vinyl.

Sales clerk: Nice. Yeah, I got a promo copy. Right here. You know she's from Tree Hill?

Nathan: Yeah I know. (He breaks the vinyl on the counter)

Sales clerk: So I take it you're not a fan.

Nathan pays and leaves the store.

Keith: she never went back, Luke.

Lucas: I don't believe it. They loved each other.

Keith: Yeah, they did. But you never went to New York to ask her to come back. That doesn't mean she didn't love him, or that they weren't meant to be, but without you, Haley stayed out on tour and by the time came home, well, Nathan's pride was just too much to overcome. Man, pride gets in the way of a lot of good things in this life, Luke. (He takes a vinyl) Journey. Man, I used to love Journey.

Lucas: Keith.

Keith: Oh, yeah. You remember when you went to that...the beach party? And how you took the time to go and talk to Nathan? That mattered, Luke. It all matters. Come on.

They go out and during this time, in the real world and in the same record store, Peyton is looking vinyl when Max arrives.

Max: All right, step away from the Cure albums.

Peyton: Hi, Max.

Max: Hi, Peyton. So I heard about Lucas. How's he doing?

Peyton: It's not so good. Haley's not so good, Nathan not so good. Nobody's good. I guess I should be in church or something, but somehow I ended up here.

Max: Hey. First time you ever came here, remember what you were looking for?

Peyton: No, and hopefully you don't, either.

Max: Like A Stone by Audioslave. At least that's what you said you were looking for. I kind of always thought you were looking for a little faith. Most days, I think you still are. Then again, I'm 32, I live with my parents. What the hell do I know?

Peyton (starting crying): I just wanna believe everything'll be okay. Lucas and Haley and the baby. I just really wanna believe it's gonna be okay.

Max: Yeah, I know. Hey I'll tell you what. Middle bin, four albums in. that's where your answer are.

Peyton: La Toya Jackson?

Max: All right, five albums in.

Peyton: La Rocca?

Max: Track ten. It's on me.

She's gonna leave the store...

Max: And Peyton, you're way too young not to believe it's gonna be okay

Peyton: Thank you.

Peyton is sitting on her bed listening the album that Max gave to her. Then, Nathan is sitting next to Haley in her hospital's room; he's holding her hand.

At last, Dan is in cell, gazing into space. Karen is in the hospital's chapel. Keith and Lucas pass next to Lucas' room, this one retraces his footsteps and stops to see himself through the window.

Hospital's chapel

Lucas and Keith are going to seat behind Karen and they admire her.

Keith: Seeing your mom still takes my breath away.

Lucas: Even though technically you don't have any breath? I do. I just saw myself in the hall. At least I'm still breathing for now.

Keith: She feels guilty for letting you play.

Lucas: It was my fault. I didn't take my pills.

Keith: Yeah, you know what? That was a pretty stupid thing to do, Luke.

Lucas: I was trying to win a State Championship. Anyway, are spirits allowed to call people stupid?

Keith: I'm dead. I can say whatever the hell I want.

Lucas: Yeah, well, it wasn't very nice.

Keith: Not taking your pills wasn't, either.

Lucas: Yes. I know that, but you don't have to call me stupid.

Keith: Oh.

Lucas: So what if I don't wake up?

Keith: I don't know, you tell me.

Lucas: You don't know. You know, for a spirit, you suck at this.

Keith: What do you want me to say?

Lucas: Well, I wanna know if there's a heaven. I wanna know about eternal life and all that stuff. I wanna know...if we're ever gonna see each other again.

Keith: Well, we're seeing each other now, right?

Lucas: Oh, man. You really suck at this, Keith.

Keith: All right, get out.

Lucas: Hey, what are you in such a hurry for?

Keith: We're running out of time.

Lucas: For what?

Keith: Reason I came here.

The chapel's door opens on the high school's corridor. Keith is going straight on without look back. Lucas follows him.
Tree Hill's high school

Lucas: Why are we in the high school?

Keith doesn't answer and carry on walking. Lucas speeds to catch him up.

Lucas: Keith.

Lucas sees Keith and Jimmy lying on the floor.

Lucas: Bodies. What is this? No, I don't wanna be seeing this. Take it away. Take it away. What is this?

Keith: This is where I was m*rder*d, Luke. You know that.

Lucas: But why are you showing this to me? I don't wanna see it.

Keith: We gotta talk about what happened here, Lucas. There are things you need to know.


Keith: Do you remember what you saw that day? When you carried Peyton out of the school?

Lucas: I saw Jimmy pointing a g*n at you. I still can't believe he k*lled you.

Keith: Then why do you?

Lucas: God. Yeah, I shouldn't have gone back into that school.

Keith: Luke...

Lucas: No. You would still be alive if I just stayed away.

Keith: No, Luke. I wouldn't.

Lucas: How can you say that?

Keith: You still can't see it, can you? That's okay. You will.

Keith is going to the high school's exit.

Tree Hill's bridge

Peyton is sitting her legs in the space. Brooke sees her and comes.

Brooke: Thought I'd find you here. I remember when I found you down here after your mom died.

Peyton: That was eight years ago. You know, Ellie used to watch us down here. She told me that once.

Brooke: It's not gonna be like that this time, Peyton. You're not gonna lose Lucas and Haley the way you lost Ellie and your mom.

Peyton: Or like I lost you? I missed you, Brooke.

Brooke: I'm still here.

Peyton: Can we be friends again? Please?

Brooke: Sure.

Peyton: Like before?

Brooke: I'm sorry, Peyton. I don't think so. "Like before" is gone.

Peyton: Yeah.

Keith and Lucas are standing on the bridge and they're watching the girls.

Keith: They should let it go. Trust me, life's too short. Besides, no one ever lost any sleep from being too kind or forgiving.

Lucas: That Brooke you showed me at the school. She was so angry. What happened to this Brooke?

Keith: You happened to her.

Lucas: What do you mean?

Cemetery of Tree Hill

The gothic's Brooke is standing at a grave where it's written the name of SAWYER.

Lucas: Whose grave is she standing at?

Keith: You never went back into the school that day, Lucas. At least, the selfish version of yourself never went back. Peyton died that day and Brooke never forgave herself for leaving her behind. So the next time you think that being the best version of yourself doesn't matter, you look into Peyton's eyes. And every time you do, you'll know that is has. And that it does.

Lucas: I don't like this world, Keith. I can't be here.

They quit the cemetery.

Tree Hill's prison

Nathan is talking with Dan.

Nathan: You shouldn't be here, Dad.

Dan: It is what it is, Nathan.

Nathan: Dad, I know what I did, okay? You don't deserve this. I'll turn myself in.

Dan: Nathan.

Nathan: We'll tell them about Daunte. He tried to run us down. It was self-defense.

Dan: Listen. Most of your life, I failed you as a father.

Nathan: Dad...

Dan: I had the best of intentions for you. But I haven't always set the best example. In many ways, I'm right where I should be.

Nathan: No. I don't believe that. You've made mistakes, Dad. We all have. But you didn't... You didn't k*ll anybody. Dad...

Dan: How's Haley?

Nathan: She's out of surgery.

Dan: And the baby?

Nathan: We don't know. It's a boy by the way. Supposed to be a boy.

Dan: A son. Go on, Son. Go be with your wife. I'll be fine.

Nathan: Dad, I love you.

Dan is smiling and he hangs up.

Dan: Guard.

Keith's garage

Keith: no place like home. God I miss this old garage.

Lucas: This place was pretty good to us.

Keith: Yeah. Seems like another lifetime ago. Actually, it was another lifetime ago.

Lucas: Peyton's car.

Keith: Yep. I remember I sent you on that service call. All you had to do was fill the radiator. You could have done that on-site.

Lucas: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see her again.

Keith: Then she caught you looking at her sketches, scared the hell out of both of us, all curly hair and venom. And you told her that her art mattered. And she needed that. She needed the quiet satisfaction of knowing that someone believed in her.

Lucas: I did believe in her.

Keith: Yeah, yeah, but you didn't have to say it. And you didn't have to send her sketches to thud. But you did. And because of that, Peyton's a better person. You know, Luke, it's an easy thing, saying "I love you" to people that matter. You never know when you might lose them. Or when they might lose you.

Lucas' room

Lucas is lying down, unconscious. Peyton puts him her headphones and watches him.

Peyton: You're always saving me. Please let me find a way to save you.

Haley's room

Nathan is sitting next to Haley's bed, hangdog.

Nathan: Hey, baby. You know how you're always telling me that you're not going anywhere? Well, I need to hold you to that right now, okay? I just need you to come back to me. Listen, just move one of your fingers if you can hear me, okay? Just move one of those beautiful fingers and let me know that you're still here with me.

He holds her hand in his hand and starts crying.

Tree Hill's prison- Dan's cell

Someone comes next to him.

Dan: You picked the wrong day to haunt me, Keith. Go away.

Keith: Well, I'm afraid I can't do that, Danny.

Dan: Well, well, it's about time you showed up. The kid version of you is just annoying at this point. You just gonna stand there or you gonna say something? (He gets up.) Suit yourself.

Keith: Well, you know, it won't go away, Danny. The guilt that you feel every second of every day, the shame, it's gonna keep on getting worse.

Dan: I made a mistake, okay? I'm trying to make it right by protecting Nathan.

Keith: From what?

Dan: He k*lled Daunte.

Keith: Are you sure about that, Danny?

Dan: I was there. I know what I saw.

Keith: I don't know, Danny, you've been seeing a lot of things lately. Painted walls and strange e-mails. Dead brothers. Except you know what? Maybe I'm not just in your head this time. You know, she's never gonna leave you, Danny. Hey do you remember that time Mom and Dad went out and left us home alone? And you went out in the backyard and you cut your hand? And Dad beat the crap out of me because I was supposed to be watching you? Do you remember that?

Dan: Stop it.

Keith: Or how about the time that you got Karen pregnant and you abandoned her? Do you remember that?

Dan: Shut up.

Keith: Or how about the time that you m*rder*d me? Do you remember that?

Dan (screaming): I said shut up. What the hell do you want? Just tell me what you want.

Keith: There's something I never had a chance to tell you. I forgive you.

Dan: Take it back.

Keith: Look, I forgive you, Danny.

Dan: You take that back.

Keith: I said I forgive you.

Dan: You take that back, you son of a bitch.

Keith: I forgive you, little brother. (He opens his jacket and he starts bleeding.) I forgive you.

Dan turns back quickly to the window and screams.

Dan: Guard!

Keith appears behind the window, with a bloody face.

Keith: But hell won't!

Dan: Aah, aah!

The action is transposing to the black and white movie.

Strange, isn't it?

Haley's room

Peyton enters and approaches her friend.

Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

I heard of things like this. You've got me in some kind of a spell or something.

Well I'm going to get out of it. I'll get out of it. I know how, too, I...

Peyton: Hey it's me.

She turns the TV off.

Lucas' room

In the same time, Brooke turns off the TV and stands next to Lucas' bed.

Brooke: Hey it's me. Look, I know you've got a lot going on right now, and just so you know, Karen is a mess.

Haley's room

Peyton: Nathan's a mess. Well, you gotta wake up soon ‘cause I need you to take care of Brooke.

Lucas' room

Brooke: You've gotta wake up soon because I need you to take care of Peyton.

Haley's room

Peyton: I just... I can't do it anymore. And it's not like we can live her with Rachel.

Lucas' room

Brooke: Besides, you're really good for her.

Haley's room

Peyton: And I'm not sure she can find her way without you.

Lucas' room

Brooke: What do you say? How about you wake up and help her out?

Brooke and Peyton at the same time: And could you not tell her...we had this conversation? Thanks.

Hospital's chapel

Nathan is sitting on bench, hangdog. He thinks about the wedding accident and he can see Keith, in a halo of light, saying: "It's okay, Nathan. Just breathe. It's gonna be okay."

Nathan: I know I did a horrible thing, okay? But I deserve to be punished for that, not Haley. She's a good person, and she'd be a great mother if... Look I know it must suck how people are always asking for things and never giving anything back. And I know that Keith saved me at that bridge. But Haley saved me long before the accident. There has to be a miracle left for her. Please. Please don't take her from me. Don't take our child from her.

Keith: It's okay, Nathan. Just breathe. It's gonna be okay.

Peyton enters into the chapel.

Peyton: Nathan.

Haley's room

Nathan opens the door and appears with tears in his eyes.

Haley: Hi.

Nathan: Hi.

He leans on Haley and kisses her on the forehead. He cries and then takes her in his arms.

Cemetery of Tree Hill

Keith: Jeez, what's a guy gotta do to get some flowers now and then?

Lucas: Sorry. You know, my mom really wants to come, but it's just hard for her.

Keith: What about you?

Lucas: I just figured it was a waste of time. Look, I didn't believe Nathan when he said that you rescued him because I didn't believe in you. When you died, I didn't believe in the idea of you.

Keith: It's okay Luke. I didn't come here to make you believe in me. I came here to make you believe in you. You know you got a lot of good things in this life, Luke. You got family, friends, love. Those are the things that are worth believing in.

Lucas: Is there a heaven, Keith?

Keith: I don't know, is there?

Lucas: You know you really suck at this.

They are going a little far away.

Lucas: Because if there is, it was kind of wondering if I could go with you.

Keith: Well, Luke, that's up to you. Your future right now is... It's unwritten. But I want you to understand, if you go back, there are gonna be tough times, you know? Some heartache and pain. But there's also gonna be love, laughter and life full oh accomplishment. It's up to you.

An old woman is standing in front of a grave with flowers in her hands.

Lucas: Who's the woman at Peyton's grave?

Keith: Someone who used to know her. But it's not Peyton's grave.

Lucas: What do you mean?

Keith: Well, peyton lived because you saved her that day.

Lucas: Then whose grave is it?

Keith: It's your grave, Luke. If that's what you choose.

Lucas: And the woman?

The old lady looks younger and we can see Peyton.

Lucas: Peyton.

Keith: She lived a good life, Luke. But she could never let go of you.

Keith's garage

Lucas: I have to go back.

Keith: Are you sure? I never told Peyton I love her. I wanna go back.

Keith: Okay. Well, I guess this is the hard part.

Lucas: Keith...

Keith: Luke, you know I love you. And I always will. But I'm afraid it's time for me to go.

Lucas: I don't want you to go.

Keith: Luke, it's okay.

Lucas: God. I am gonna miss you so much.

Keith: Why? I'm with you every day.

They take each other in their arms.

Keith: I'm with you every day. Besides, we'll see each other again.

Lucas: We will?

Keith: You believe that.

Keith takes two pliers.

Keith: Now, this is gonna hurt a little bit. I love you, kid.

Then he puts the pliers on Lucas' chest. Lucas is throwing back. We can see Keith on the top of Lucas' body who's lying on the street. Lucas takes a big breath.

Paramedic: We got a heartbeat.

Keith: It's okay, Lucas. Just breathe. It's gonna be okay.

Then Keith moves away. Dan is sitting on the floor of his cell.

Haley's room

A doctor makes an ultrasound to Haley.

Doctor: You understand there are no guarantees in medicine, but as long as we can locate a heartbeat, there's no reason to expect that this baby won't be perfectly healthy.

We can hear the baby's heartbeat and Nathan kisses Haley. Then Haley starts crying, so Nathan takes her in his arms.

Lucas' room

Brooke wants to come in Lucas' room but she sees Peyton whose sleeping next to him. She smiles and goes away.

Close up on Lucas.

Lucas's voiceover: "Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives. For better or worse."

Tree Hill's high school

Lucas: I still don't believe that Jimmy k*lled you, Keith.

Keith: Well, then, why do you? Jimmy Edwards was your friends, Luke. You knew him. You were kind to him. After everything we've seen, don't you think that that kindness had an impact?

Lucas: But if it did, then you would still be alive.

Keith: Do you really believe that, Luke? Look, look into your heart, okay? It may be flawed physically, but it's a good one. And it's what makes you, you. Luke, you've changed other people's lives by opening it up. Don't close that off. Luke, just look around this hallway. You were here that day. What did you see?

Lucas: I didn't see anything.

Keith: Open your eyes, Luke. Open your eyes the way you opened your heart. Open your eyes, Luke.

Lucas watches around him.

Keith's voice: Open your eyes, Luke. Open your eyes. Open your eyes, Luke. Open your eyes, Lucas.

We hear a shot and then Lucas wakes up.