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04x11 - Everything in Its Right Place

Posted: 01/31/07 17:58
by bunniefuu
The episode opens on a message of Sophia and Hilary who are in Lucas' bedroom.

Sophia : Hey, guys, it's Sophia Bush.

Hilarie : And Hilarie Burton. And we wanna wish you guys a very Happy New Year and thank you for supporting One Tree Hill.

Sophia : It's been a great season so far and we have some amazing new episodes coming your way so don't go anywhere.

Hilarie : It's all start right here, next on the CW.

Sophia looks at Hilary.

Sophia : Have you notice that Lucas has really weird stuff in his room?

Hilarie : Yeah.

Sophia takes a horrible green cup.

Sophia : I mean, who do think gave him this ?

Hilarie : Oh, I'd say Brooke.

Sophia : No, I'd say Peyton.

Hilarie: Really?

Sophia: hum.

Hilarie: Here we go again.

Summary of the previous episodes

In the street, Daunte and Bear threatens Nathan with an iron pipe.

Daunte : Lose that game.

Championship's finale, when Lucas shot for the victory.

Mouth's voiceover: Nathan Scott drives to the hoop! He passes to Lucas for a three and the win! The Tree Hill Ravens are champions at last.

Daunte turns darker by car at Nathan and Haley pushes him and she's knocked down.

Haley : Nathan, look out!

Nathan : Haley!

Daunte's car turns darker in the parked cars, Nathan catches up him and takes him out, then he knocks Daunte and Dan intervenes.

Dan : Nathan ! He's dead. Go!

Lucas stays meadows of Haley, he speaks to the paramedics.

Lucas : She's been hit by a car. You gotta help her.

Paramedic : How long has she been pregnant?

Lucas collapses, we hear his voice in background.

Lucas : I didn't take my pills.

Lucas is in Peyton's room with Keith.

Keith: You just had a heart attack.

Lucas: I'm dead?

Keith: Not yet. I'm dead.

Return on the scene of Keith's m*rder in Tree hill's high school.

Dan : You are no longer my brother.

Lucas is on the place of Keith's m*rder.

Lucas : I still don't believe that Jimmy k*lled you, Keith.

Keith : We gotta talk about what happened here, Lucas. There are things you need to know.

Beginning of the episode

Tree Hill's Hospital

Lucas is woken on his bed, he speaks in background.

Lucas' voiceover: Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real, when you woke up, you didn't know what to believe? (Haley is lying on her hospital's bed.) What would you do if you thought was true, wasn't?

High School's hall

Lucas is in the hall of high school. The ring bells and all students walk in the corridor.

Lucas' voiceover: And what you thought wasn't true, was?

Peyton : Lucas. Luke, what are you doing here?

Lucas : I go here. Remember?

Peyton : Yeah, I also remember you had a heart attack.

Lucas : Well, the doctor said it was okay if I did some light activity. I mean, I won't be training for a marathon anytime soon, but I can still come to class and daydream about my new girlfriend.

Peyton says yes with her head.

Lucas : Well, what happened in that daydream ? I slowly but very gently take her in my arms and I bring her in real close like this...

Lucas and Peyton kiss.

Lucas : Wow. The last time we kissed, it was so damn good I collapsed. I'm joking.

Peyton : Yeah.

Lucas : What's wrong?

She turns the glance, we see Brooke arriving with Rachel.

Lucas: Oh.

Peyton : Yeah, I... You just wanna walk me to class?

Lucas : Yeah.

Peyton : Ok.

They leave together, Brooke and Rachel walk in the corridors of high school.

Rachel : For someone who just had a heart attack. Lucas doesn't seem to be worried about getting his heart rate up. Questions? Comments?

Brooke : As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about not speaking to you.

Rachel : Why ? Because I did you a favor?

Brooke : Stealing the key to the Tutor Center so I can break in and pilfer test answers is not a favor. It's more like a betrayal.

Rachel : Okay. We both know you suck at math, but how do you figure?

Brooke : Well, I convince Haley to tutor you even though she's not exactly your number one fan. So me trusting you plus you using Haley equals betrayal.

Rachel : That's one way to look at it. The way I see it is, I suffered through tutoring I didn't need to steal a key for you. Sounds like a favor to me.

Brooke : Sounds dumb to me.

Rachel : Not as dumb as flunking.

Brooke : I'm not flunking anything. I stayed up all night studying for this quiz.

Rachel : Now that you mention it, you do look kind of bad today. Lipstick?

Brooke : Just return the key to Haley, okay? I don't need it.

Rachel : Fine.

Brooke : Trust me I never studied so hard for something in my life.

Rachel : Fine, but you better start making friends with the juniors because that's who you're gonna be hanging out with next year.

Brooke : Shut up.

Gigi comes to see Mouth who's next to his locker.

Gigi : Mouth ?

Mouth : Hey, Gigi. How's my girl?

Gigi : I'm gonna break up with you.

Mouth : Did you just break up with me?

Gigi : No, not yet, but I'm gonna to. Just thought you should know.

Nathan and Haley's apartment

Haley is in her bed and Nathan brings her a glass of water.

Nathan : You okay ? You look like you're a million miles away.

Haley : I didn't even know his name.

Nathan : Who ?

Haley : That poor man who hit me.

Nathan : « That poor man » ? Haley you were the victim. He ran you over.

Haley : I know, but it was an accident. And... And he's dead. And the way that he was k*lled, I... I don't know how your father could do something like that. Did you even know who he was?

Nathan : No. No, you were the only thing on my mind. Now, listen, I should get going, I'm gonna be late for school, but Karen's gonna come by later to check on you. And then I'll swing by at lunch and bring you some soup.

Haley: Okay. Chicken noodle with some extra...

Nathan in the same time.

Nathan : With extra noodles. I'm on it.

Haley : Thank you.

They take their hands.

Haley: I don't know how you turned out so sweet with a father like Dan.

Nathan goes out.

Tree Hill's prison

Dan is in the visiting room with his lawyer.

Lawyer: Good news or bad news ?

Dan : You're my lawyer. Do you ever have good news ?

Lawyer: Okay, bad news. You being charged with second-degree m*rder. Your arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow at which time we'll file a plea of not guilty. In a few weeks, we'll go to trial, so we need to be prepared for an investigation.

Dan : I don't want an investigation.

Lawyer: It's standard procedure.

Dan : I'm guilty. I wanna plead guilty.

Lawyer: Well, I wouldn't recommend that.

Dan cuts the conversation and asks to return to his cell.


Tree Hill's prison

In prison, Dan and Nathan are in the visiting room.

Nathan : You're not pleading guilty. You shouldn't paying for something that I did, okay? I'm confessing.

Dan : Don't be a fool, Nathan.

Nathan : What do you want, Dad ? twenty years to life? ‘Cause that's what you'll get. And not here. They'll send you to a state prison, and when you get out, if you get out, you'll be so old your life will be over.

Dan: Better mine than yours. Nathan, when you came to me asking for money, I looked at you and saw a kid in over his head. But what I should have seen was a son who needed his father's help. I should have given you the money. I could have prevented this.

Nathan : No offense, Dad, but so what? You're not guilty of m*rder.

Dan : I have sins to pay for, Nathan. I belong here.

Rehab center

In a lounge, Deb is with other people.

Deb : I don't belong here. I'm a good person. So I pop pills, I haven't k*lled anybody. Sure, maybe I started a fire once. And I... I did discharge a firearm recently, but it was an accident. The bottom line is, I don't need this place.

Woman : Deb, I've been in your shoes.

Deb : Gucci? I don't think so.

Woman: Denial is not your friend.

Deb: Oh, God.

Woman: Give this program a chance and you just might find that rehab can help you.

Deb :Help me? This place makes me want to take pills. All I hear around here is whine, whine, whine, whine.

Man : Don't say wine. I'm an alcoholic.

Deb : Oh my God. Get me out of here. God.

Deb sighs.

Tree Hill's high school

Peyton and Lucas walk.

Lucas: So, listen, there's something I haven't told anybody.

Peyton : Oh, I love secrets.

Lucas : Well, when I was unconscious, I saw Keith.

Peyton : Luke, you and Nate should really talk.

Lucas : Not in, like, The Sixth Sense sort of way, but it felt so real.

Peyton : Well, don't laugh, but anytime I have a dream about my mom or Ellie, I like to think it's their way of contacting me from the other side. Like dreams are e-mails for ghosts, it's their way of sending me a message.

Lucas : Okay. Well, look, if there's the remotest possibility that you're right, then what message was Keith trying to send me?

Peyton : Well, I don't know. What'd you guys talk about?

Lucas : You, mostly.

Lucas kisses her but Peyton stops him.

Lucas : What ? (He puts his hand in front of his mouth.) Does my breath stink or something?

Peyton: No, no, you smell really good.

Lucas : Okay, then, what ?

Peyton : I' m just not a really big fan of PDA.

Lucas : Since when ?

Peyton : Since whenever. It just makes me uncomfortable.

Lucas: Good to know.

Peyton says yes with her head.

Lucas : So, what, does PDA include holding hands? Hugging?

Peyton : Yeah, I guess so. Probably. I don't know. Maybe not. I... I have English, I should go.

Lucas : Okay.

Peyton : I'll see you.

Peyton goes away.

Lucas: What just happened?

Peyton turns around and makes him sign of the hand.

In mathematics' room, before the beginning of class, Mouth's cellular rings. He receives a visio call of Gigi.

Gigi: Hi, Mouth, it's me, Gigi.

Mouth : I can see that.

Gigi : Quick question, what do you like better, text or IM ?

Mouth : For when ?

Gigi : For when I break up with you.

Mouth : Gigi, I don't want you to break up with me.

Gigi : Then do you want to break up with me ? If so, I like IMs. You can even use emoticons.

Mouth : I don't want either of us to break up with either of us.

Gigi : But if we did?

Mouth : Face to face. I would want to break up in person.

Gigi talks in the same time.

Gigi : I'll make a note of that and get back to you.

Mouth : But I don't wanna break up.

The conversation is cut.

Professor: Okay, people, clear your desks, get your pencil ready.

Shot on Brooke and Rachel.

Rachel : I know you don't think you need it, but good luck.

Brooke : Just because you wanna resort to theft instead of hard work, doesn't mean I have to.

Brooke holds in the hand a leaflet of Clean Teens.

Brooke : Oh, look, pink quizzes ?

Rachel : Not quite. It's a flyer for that weirdo virgin club.

Brooke : Hum.

Shelly : That "weirdo virgin club" is called Clean Teens.

Brooke : Hi, Shelly. Still trying to save the school one Rachel at a time?

Rachel's sighs.

Shelly : We're meeting tonight in Room 104. Be there or be sluts.

Brooke crumples the leaflet and raises eyes in the sky with Rachel.

Shelly : Suit yourself. But if you change your mind, the door is always open.

Brooke : Just like Rachel's legs.

They laugh.

Professor: Okay, you've got 30 minutes to complete this quiz. When I call time, I want pencils down. Ready?

Brooke : I sure am.

Professor : And begin.

Nathan and Haley's apartment

Nathan and Haley's room, Haley looks news on TV.

TV news' voiceover: "Mayor Scott is being held without bail as the investigation continues."

In the same time, Nathan comes with Haley's chicken noodles soup.

Nathan : Chicken noodle, extra noodle.

Nathan turns the TV off.

Nathan : How you feeling ?

Haley : I was thinking about reaching out to Daunte's family. That's the name of the man that hit me.

Nathan : Who told you that ?

Haley : It's been on the news all day. Apparently he was some kind of bookie or gambler. But he was somebody's child, and now that I'm gonna be a mother... Who are we without forgiveness, you know? And now all these people not only lost the person that they loved, but they have to live with the fact that he almost k*lled a person. (She touches her stomach.) Two people. And I just thought maybe, if I could let them know that I'm not angry, it might ease their pain.

Nathan : It was my fault.

Haley : What was your fault?

Nathan : The accident, my father being sent to prison, everything that happened that night was my fault.

Haley : What are you talking about?

Nathan : I knew Daunte. I borrowed some money from him. Look, we couldn't pay our bills and my dad turned me away, my mom was on dr*gs, and all I had to do was just shave a few points off the spread. Just win by less. And I swear to God, Haley, I thought that it would be over after that, but Daunte wasn't finished. He wanted me to lose the State Championship.

Haley : Which you didn't do.

Nathan sits on the bed.

Nathan : Haley, listen, I'm so sorry, okay? But I was scared, and he threatened me. I was trying to lose the game, but then you told me we were gonna have a boy, and I just stopped being scared. All that mattered to me was you and our unborn son.

Haley : So my accident was just Daunte's revenge?

Nathan : Haley, I wish to God it was me.

Haley : I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Nathan : Look, there's something else. It wasn't my dad who beat Daunte. It was me.

Haley : Nathan...

Nathan : Haley, I saw you lying in the street and I just... I lost my mind, okay? Please, you have to forgive me. You've no idea how hard it is for me to see you like this.

Haley: Not as hard as it is for me to see you like this.

Haley starts crying.

Tree hill's prison

Dan's lawyer comes to see him in his cell.

Lawyer: You're a lucky man, Dan Scott.

Dan : I thought my arraignment wasn't until tomorrow.

Lawyer: Your arraignment's been cancelled. The coroner's report was just released. Turns out that good old Daunte wasn't beaten to death after all.

Dan (getting up): What do you mean?

Lawyer: Cause of death, internal injuries suffered during the car crash. Daunte died on impact before a single hand was laid on him. You're innocent, Mr. Mayor. How's it fell to be a free man?
Tree Hill's town hall

In town, during the press conference.

Dan : I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I couldn't be more relieved. I'd like to thank my lawyer and family for their support.

Journalist 1: Mr. Mayor, how do you think this is going to affect your political future?

Several journalists ask questions at the same time.

Journalist 2: Mr. Mayor, will you run for office again?

Dan : However, while I have been cleared of these charges, I can't overlook the fact that I responded to a dire situation in a violent manner.

Journalist 1: What do you have to say to the voters?

Journalist 2: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor.

Several journalists ask questions at the same time.

Dan : My pregnant daughter-in-law was seriously injured. But v*olence is never the answer. And for this reason alone, if the good people of Tree Hill feel that I should step down...

Rehab center

Dan: then I will resign.

Deb is watching Dan on TV.

Deb : Even when I'm away in rehab, you find a way of getting in my face.

Dan : No more questions.

She turns the TV off and a nurse arrives with pills by singing.

Deb : Oh, goody, my afternoon pills.

Deb takes her pills.

Nurse: What happened to the sheets?

Deb : The sheets?

Nurse: The bed sheets...

Deb : Hum.

Nurse: That go on the bed.

Deb : Oh, those sheets. I was wondering the same thing. About the sheets.

The nurse goes away from the room.

Nathan and Haley's apartment

Lucas and Nathan are talking.

Nathan : Thanks for coming over, man.

Lucas : Yeah. You sounded pretty messed up in your message. What's up?

Nathan : I screwed up, man. I told Haley everything. About shaving points and throwing State and what I did to Daunte.

Lucas makes a sign of the head to say that he doesn't understand.

Nathan: It was me, not Dan. I'm the one that att*cked Daunte.

Lucas: You?

Nathan : Yeah. I need you to come with me, Lucas. I think I'm gonna turn myself in.

Lucas : You haven't watched the news, have you?

Nathan says no with his head.

Lucas : Nathan, you didn't k*ll Daunte. He died in the accident, from the impact. Dan's out of jail. They dropped the charges.

Nathan : Really?

Lucas : Yeah. You're off the hook.

Nathan : It still doesn't change the fact that I betrayed Haley. Should've seen the way she looked at me, man. Like I'm a monster. And now she's gone.

Lucas : Wait, what do you mean she's gone?

Nathan : She's at your house. Your mom came over and picked her up.

Lucas : Look, I think you did the right thing, Nate. She's your wife. She needed to know. I'll talk to her.

Lucas gets up and goes to the door.

Nathan : Hey, Luke? I'm glad you're okay, man. I'm sorry for everything.

Lucas : It's okay.

Lucas gets out of the apartment.

Tree Hill's high school

In the high school corridors, Brooke goes to see the results of her duty of math. We can see she's got a F.

Rachel's house

Brooke arrives in the bedroom.

Brooke : Tell me you didn't return the key to the Tutor Center.

Rachel files her nails.

Rachel : I did. And you're welcome. Haley will never even find out.

Brooke : No. I failed. And you know what makes this so much worse? I missed an entire night of partying because I stayed up studying. You were right, okay, I'm not book-smart, I'm Brooke-smart, and there is a big difference.

Rachel : Lucky for you, Little Miss Cute-But-Not-So-Smart.

Rachel opens a small jar on her night table, and takes out a key.

Rachel : I made a copy.

Brooke shouts with enjoyment

Car park

Nathan goes to see the car smashed by Daunte; he revises in his head the accident.

Dan's office

Nathan comes to see his father, who's watching TV.

TV news' voiceover: Recent polls indicate that public support for Mayor Scott has actually risen since Scott was acquitted of m*rder charges earlier this afternoon.

Dan turns off TV.

Nathan : It's perfect. You buy your way out of my sins and your approval rating skyrockets.

Dan : Son, the only approval rating I care about is yours.

Nathan : I still can't believe you went as far as you did for me.

Dan gets up and faces Nathan.

Dan : I'd do it again if I had to.

Nathan : Thanks. It's good to see you out of the orange suit, even if you did have to pay off the coroner to write some false report. But we both know what I did.

Dan : Listen to me, Nathan. I didn't rig that report, and you didn't k*ll Daunte. If you believe one thing out of my mouth, one thing to the rest of your life, you believe this. You're not responsible for taking that man's life. Trust me, that's not the kind of guilt you wanna carry about.

Lucas' house

Haley is sitting on the couch and she's watching a magazine when Lucas comes.

Lucas : Hey, roomie. So I talked to Nathan. How you doing?

Haley : Why couldn't he have just been honest with me ?

Lucas : My guess is he didn't wanna let you down.

Haley : Well, look how great that turned out.

Lucas : Haley, Nathan would do anything for you. You know that, don't you? You know, he made bad choices, but you gotta know that he made them for you.

Haley : Bad choices ? Luke, a bad choices is, like, acid-wash jeans. Getting involved with a loan shark is a life-threatening, really stupid decision. Look at me, Luke. I'm a mess, I'm hurt. He was lying to me the entire time.

Lucas : Daunte's a bad guy. He tried to k*ll Nathan, and he almost k*lled you. But Nathan did what he thought was best at the time. But he didn't k*ll him.

Haley : I know. I've been watching the news all day. You know, this morning, I actually felt sorry for Daunte. Why is it that it's so much easier to forgive a stranger than it is to forgive someone you love?

Tree hill's high school

In the court of high school, Gigi sits meadows of a tree and Mouth joins her.

Mouth : Got your Evite.

Gigi : I was hoping you would come.

Mouth : How could I pass up an invitation to my own break-up ?

Gigi : Look, Mouth, I like you. A lot. The thing is, I'm a sophomore and you're a senior. Soon you'll be going off to college and I need to start hanging out with kids my own age.

Mouth : That all makes sense, Gigi,, but I still don't see why we need to break up. I mean can't we at least wait until the end of the year?

Gigi : No, because every day for the next few months, I'll know this will end. I can't do that, Mouth. I'm sorry.

Lucas' house

Haley is stretched out on bed and Peyton makes her a drawing on her plaster.

Peyton : You, my friend, are going to have the hottest cast of all of the injured people in Tree Hill.

Haley : Thanks.

Peyton : Hales, you okay?

Haley : Yeah. Fine. I just... I don't wanna talk about me right now. (Peyton says yes with her head.) How are things with you and Lucas?

Peyton : Really good. Not so good. Lately I've kind of been ducking him.

Haley : Why? You guys are in, like, that honeymoon phase. You should be all blissed-out and having three-hour-long make-out sessions and long talks about when you first knew you wanted to be with each other.

Peyton : I've been holding in my feelings because I'm in love with him.

Haley : Which makes no sense whatsoever.

Peyton : Well, it does to me. The last time Lucas and I kissed, like, really kissed, he had a heart attack and he almost died. I'm bad luck.

Haley : Oh, shut up, you are not.

Peyton : Yeah, I am. Think about every person I've gotten close to. My mom, Jake, Ellie, Dereck... Where are they all now? Even my dad works a thousand miles away.

Haley : Peyton, there's one thing that you're not considering in all of this.

Peyton : And what's that?

Haley : None of those people are Lucas.

Tree Hill's high school

In the evening, Rachel and Brooke arrive to steal the next subjects of exams in mathematics.

Brooke (whispering) : I am so rocking in this cat suit I could totally be a thief.

Rachel : Good, because a lot of kids who flunk out of school end up working as thieves.

Brooke : Shut up.

The girls look at a classroom where is held the meeting of Clean Teens.

Shelly : Okay, guys, we need two new volunteers for a movie night. And anyone with suggestions other than Forrest Hump, please tell Alexa.

Brooke (laughing) : Little late for a Clean Teen meeting, don't you think ?

Rachel : What else do virgins have to do at night ?

The girls enter in the Tutor Center.

Rehab Center

Shot on the window of Deb's room, we see her sheets assembled in rope so that she can escape from her cure. She tries to come down and crashes down, then the nurse arrives.

Nurse: Deb?

Deb (surprised): Look, I'm sorry, this place just isn't for me.

Nurse (Tightening a form of exit): Well, you do know it's a voluntary program? All you have to do is sign out.

Deb : Yeah, I knew that.

Deb signs, she takes her suitcases and leaves the establishment.

Tree Hill's high school- Tutor Center

Brooke looks in a drawer for its future duty of mathematics.

Rachel : Hurry up.

Brooke : I am going as fast as I can.

Brooke finds her exam.

Brooke : Got it. Let's get out of here. This thing doesn't have any pockets.

Rachel : I told you we should've worn cargo pants.

Brooke (Who slides the duty in her shoe.): Well, whoever designed this has no concept of functional thief-wear.

Rachel : Well, maybe you should design a line of clothing for criminals. Come on.

They go out of the room and fall on Principal Turner.

Principal Turner: Well, well, what do we have here?

Cut of

Principal Turner : Girls?

Brooke: Principal Turner. Hi.

Principal Turner: What brings you two to school so late?

Brooke and Rachel: hum...

Brooke: You know, we just stopped by for the...

Rachel: Clean Teen meeting?

Tree Hill's high school- Conference room of Clean Teens

Shelly: Clean Teens, please welcome our two newest members, Brooke Davis and Rachel Gatina.

The Clean Teens applaud them. Shelly takes something on a table.

Shelly: Brooke, Rachel, I'd like to present each other of you a gift. Brooke Davis, Rachel Gatina, do you promise to treasure and protect the sacredness of your virginity now and forever?

Brooke: Forever?

Shelly: Or at least until marriage? And do you promise to uphold the values of Clean Teens? To stay strong in the face of temptation and to keep man parts out of your lady business?

Rachel: Can we still brooke ourselves?

Shelly : Oh, yeah, that's totally allowed.

Rachel : Then I do.

Shelly : Brooke ?

Brooke : hum... Just one second.

Brooke takes aside Rachel.

Brooke : We have gotta get out of here.

Rachel : Yeah, sure, let's just pretend like Principal Turner didn't see us in the hallway dressed like burglars. Maybe he won't notice when you get an A in calculus. This is our alibi. We need to lay low. Besides, theses b*tches are crazy. It might be fun.

Brooke : Fine.

They turn around towards Shelly.

Brooke: Yeah, whatever, I'm in.

Shelly: Congratulations, ladies. I now pronounce you virgins for life.

They applaud.

Brooke (Whispering to Rachel): You still look like a slut.

Rachel (Whispering to Brooke): and you still smell like a whore.

Shelly : Oh, I almost forgot. (She turns around and fetches T-shirt.) Brooke, Rachel, welcome to Clean Teens. Hugs.

She takes them in her arms.

Shelly : Put them on.

Lucas' house

Mouth, Lucas and Haley are lying on Lucas' bed.

Mouth : This is crazy. I don't want to break up with Gigi, we're good together. I mean, who cares if I'm going to college? People have long-distance relationships all the time. Right?

Lucas : Well, I think if your heart's telling you to make it work then you gotta make it work.

Haley : No... Pay no attention to the man who's never been in a long-distance relationship. Trust me, distance is tricky.

Lucas : What's so tricky about it?

Haley : Out of sight, out of mind.

Lucas : Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Haley : Physical separation leads to emotional separation.

Lucas : Yeah, and technology closes that gap.

Mouth : Guys.

Lucas : Technology...

Mouth : Guys, this isn't helping. (He gets up of the bed.) I'm just gonna have to figure this one out on my own.

Lucas : Hey, Mouth, you remember when you asked me if we'd been better off if we never left the River Court?we

Mouth : Yeah, what about it?

Lucas : You still think that?

Mouth : I think it would have been better for Jimmy.

Lucas : You think about him much?

Mouth : All the time. You?

Lucas : Lately, yeah.

Nathan and Haley's apartment

Nathan comes in.

Nathan: Haley ?

Nathan finds his mother searching in the pharmacy.

Nathan: Mom, what are you doing out of rehab?

Deb : Exactly what it looks like, and I'm not proud of myself.

Nathan : You're not gonna find anything in there.

Deb : You're right, I'm sorry. I'm a disappointment to you, Nathan. I shouldn't let you see me like this.

Nathan : Mom. Haley left me.

Deb : Oh, God. I'm the last person who should be giving advice. But even in my drugged-up stupor, I can see that what you and Haley have is worth fighting for.

She leaves and lets Nathan alone.

Peyton's house

She stores vinyl when Lucas arrives.

Lucas : You busy ?

Peyton : No, just faking it. Sorry I was being a weirdo earlier.

Lucas : You mean when you didn't kiss me on the quad, or when you said, "Dreams are e-mail for ghosts"?

Peyton : Both.

Lucas : What's wrong, Peyton?

Peyton : I wanna kiss you, Luke, I do. I just don't wanna lose you.

Lucas : Hey, what makes you think you're gonna lose me?

Peyton : only the fact that I lose everyone I care about. Any time I open up to someone, they walk out of my life or they die or they move away or they get shipped off to Iraq or they turn into freaking Norman Bates or...

Lucas kisses Peyton.

Lucas : Not everyone.

Peyton : Look, the last time we kissed, you had a heart attack.

Lucas : And I didn't die. I couldn't die. Do you know why? Because I had to come back and look into those green eyes of yours and tell you I love you. I do. I love you, Peyton. You didn't push me away. I came back for you. And no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you.

Lucas' house

Nathan comes to see Haley.

Karen : Nathan.

Nathan : I need to see my wife.

Haley appears at the end of the corridor.

Nathan : Haley, we can't be apart like this. We need to be together. ( He shows his wedding ring.) Always and forever.

Karen looks at Nathan's hands.

Karen : I'll leave the two of you alone.

Nathan : I'm sorry, okay ? I never wanted to hurt you. And I'm sorry for all the ways that I did.

Haley : I know you're sorry. I know you don't wanna hurt me. But I need to know that you're gonna be honest with me.

Nathan : I promise...

Haley interrupts him.

Haley : I need to know that you're gonna let me in, Nathan. I mean, all the way.

Nathan : I will, okay? I'll let you in, if that's what it takes, I'll let you in. it's just sometimes I'm afraid that if I do, you'll see the real me, the guy I was before you. I'm not pride of that person, okay? The one that I used to be. But if I have to be that guy to keep you safe, then that's who I'm gonna be. Look, if you want me to apologize for defending you or for fighting back when somebody hurts you, then I can't do that. I won't do that, okay? Because the truth is, that's a guy I'll never be. A guy that just stands by and watches while the world hurts you. Can you understand that?

Haley : I can't.

Nathan : Haley, you have to...

Haley interrupts him.

Haley : No, I can't keep standing on one foot. So if there's more, I should sit down, but if you're done, then just take me home ‘cause I'm tired and I miss you and I love you, every version of you.

Nathan : Come here.

They take themselves in arms.

Dan's house

Dan returns at home and discovers full of papers of threat on its wall. Karen arrives and sees the threats.

Karen : Dan? What is wrong with people? Who could come into your house and do this? (She tears away the fragments of paper). They must've done it before they knew your charges were dropped.

Dan : I assure you, Karen, I had absolutely nothing to do with my release.

Karen : It was Nathan, wasn't it? I saw his hand.

Dan : Daunte was already dead, Karen.

Karen : Yeah, but you didn't know that then. And you still took the blame.

Dan : I had to protect my son. I had no choice. You're a mother, Karen, you would've done the same thing.

Karen takes Dan in her arms.

Dan : What's this for?

Karen : I thought I saw someone I used to know.

Tree hill's cemetery

Lucas is in front of Keith's graves.

Lucas : I took your advice and told Peyton how I felt. (He kneels down.) I gotta tell you something, you were right. It felt good to tell her.

He puts down a bouquet by smiling and he takes one flower in his hand.

Lucas: Thanks, Keith.

Lucas' voiceover : Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real, when you woke up, you didn't know what to believe? (Lucas is on Jimmy Edwards's grave, he puts down a flower there.) What would you do if you thought was true, wasn't?

Nathan and Haley's apartment

Lucas' voiceover : And what you thought wasn't true, was?

Nathan puts Haley's leg on pillows.

Haley : Thank you for telling me the truth. Now I know why they cal it true love.

Nathan kisses Haley.

Tree Hill's high school

Lucas' voiceover : Would you retreat into your dreams with the hope of finding a more perfect reality?

Mouth walks on the court of high school and speaks to himself. Gigi is sitting alone on a table.

Mouth: We can make this work. I'll come home on the weekends, we'll talk on the phone. Gigi, we can make this work.

Mouth sees Gigi's friends arrive next to her and have fun with her.

Brooke and Rachel walk on the court of high school.

Rachel : Look at this way. Yesterday you were a slut with an F. today you have an A in math and your virginity back. You should be psyched.

Brooke: Yeah.

Shelly: Brooke, Rachel. Over here.

Rachel sees principal Turner. Principal makes her sign, so the girls join the Clean Teens with a fake smile.

Lucas' voiceover : Sometimes, life is stranger than a dream.

Dan's house

Dan looks the threats on his wall.

Lucas' voiceover : And the only way to wake up is to face what lies hidden in your soul.

Tree Hill's high school

Lucas gets a flash back of his meeting with Keith when he was unconscious.

Lucas: I still don't believe that Jimmy k*lled you, Keith.

Keith: Well, then, why do you? Jimmy Edwards was your friends, Luke. You knew him. You were kind to him. After everything we've seen, don't you think that that kindness had an impact?

Lucas: But if it did, then you would still be alive.

Keith: Do you really believe that, Luke? Look, look into your heart, okay? It may be flawed physically, but it's a good one. And it's what makes you, you. Luke, you've changed other people's lives by opening it up. Don't close that off. :

Lucas' voiceover : And you can only hope that in those moments of dark reflection...

Lucas is in high school's corridor, he sees Peyton arriving.

Lucas' voiceover : That you are not alone.

Lucas : Hey. I've been waiting for you.

Peyton : I think we've waited long enough.

Peyton and Lucas kisses in public.