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04x12 - Resolve

Posted: 02/07/07 14:49
by bunniefuu
Summary of the previous episodes

Haley : Nathan, look out !

Nathan : Haley !

Doctor: There’s no reason to expect that this baby won’t be perfectly healthy.

Nathan: I’m having money problems, Dad. It’s serious and I need your help.

Dan: You’re not an investment I’m interested in.

Lucas: When I was unconscious, I saw Keith.

Keith: This is where I was m*rder*d, Luke.

Lucas: I still don’t believe that Jimmy k*lled you, Keith.

Keith: You still can’t see it, can you? You will.

Deb: I’m not leaving here till I get my damn pills.

Nathan: It’s either the pills or me.

Rachel: I could pass calculus in my sleep. You’re the one flunking out. And this is the key to the cabinet with the answers.

Brooke: Got it!

Principal Turner: What brings you two to school so late?

Rachel: Clean Teen meeting?

Shelly: I now pronounce you virgins for life.

Peyton: I love you, Lucas.

Lucas: I love you too, Peyton.

Beginning of the episode 4x12

Lucas (voice-off): Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t. But then, one day, you feel something else, something that feels wrong, but only because it’s so unfamiliar, and, in that moment, you realize you’re happy.

Peyton’s bedroom

Lucas: Hey, blondie.

Peyton goes towards Lucas and they kiss.

Lucas: It’s gonna be a good day.

Peyton: It really is, isn’t it?

In the highschool playground

Haley arrives with her crutches and walk beside a table where students sell tickets to the prom.

Haley: Oh, right, prom.

Nathan comes up behind her and helps her carrying her bag.

Nathan: Hey, can I get a kiss?

They kiss.

Haley: Just one?

Nathan: I’ll take as many as you got.

Rachel goes to a table in front of the school where Brooke is sitting reading a mathematics’ book.

Rachel: Hey.

She seats down.

Brooke: Oh, again with the Clean Teen shirt? Really?

Rachel: Well, good morning to you, too, sunshine.

Brooke: Why are you so happy? Did you do something slutty?

Rachel: You could say I started my day off with a bang. This shirt is like a guy magnet. I’ve never gotten so much attention with my clothes on.

Brooke: Nice.

Rachel: Why are you still studying? We have the key to the test files.

Brooke: I just feel bad about the last test, that’s all.

Rachel: Well, you won’t when you see the big, fat A on it. And speaking of big, fat As.

Shelly comes to them.

Shelly: Good morning, ladies.

Brooke and Rachel: Hi.

Shelly: Brooke, why aren’t you wearing your shirt? … How are boys supposed to know that you’ve chosen a lifestyle of celibacy if you’re not wearing your Clean Teen shirt?

Rachel: Yeah, Brooke. How are they gonna know?

Shelly: Lucky for you, I always carry extras.

Brooke: Awesome.

A boy arrives.

Boy: Hey, Shelly.

Shelly: Oh, have you guys met Chase? He’s our newest member. He just transferred from Westerberg.

Brooke puts her Clean Teen shirt on.

Brooke: Hi. Brooke Davis, Clean Teen.


In the school library

Chase is leafing through a book when Brooke sees him; she goes towards him and bumps into him.

Brooke: Oh, God, sorry.

Chase: It’s all right.

Chase gone; and Brooke goes join Mouth seated at one of the library’s tables.

Brooke: Mouth, why won’t Chase talk to me?

Mouth: Who?

Brooke: Chase. The new guy.

Mouth looks at Chase.

Mouth: Another new guy? Great.

Brooke: I smiled, I flipped my hair, I rubbed up against him, and that didn’t work, and that always works.

Mouth looks again at Chase.

Mouth: Well, rub all you want, but he’s immune to girls like you. He’s a Clean Teen.

Brooke: So? You’re a virgin. You’d sleep with me, right?

Mouth: Okay, what I meant was he’s a virgin by choice.

Brooke: All I need is an in, here, okay? What do virgins talk about?

Mouth: Well, let’s see. We like rainbows and kittens.

Brooke kicking Mouth: Mouth!

Mouth: Brooke, just talk to him. What’s the big deal?

Brooke: It’s not…

Shelly comes towards them.

Shelly: Brooke, just wanted to let you know we are having an emergency Clean Teen meeting after school today.

Brooke: Can’t wait.

Shelly and Mouth are looking themselves, Mouth is smiling.

Brooke: Sorry! Shelly, this is my friend Mouth. Mouth, Shelly.

They look themselves again.

Shelly: Okay, then. I’ll see you guys later.

Shelly leaves Mouth and Brooke.

Mouth: I’m Mouth.

Brooke: Smooth. That was very smooth.

Mouth: What just happened?

Brooke: It’s not that easy to talk to a hot virgin, is it?

Mouth: No.

In Peyton and Lucas’ classroom

Lucas tries to give Peyton a paper, but the teacher intercepts it.

The teacher: Well, well. Passing notes, Mr. Scott? How about we share this with the class?

Lucas: I’d be happy to. It just says that… “Peyton, you look amazing. And I can’t wait till class is over so I can look at those green eyes and kiss your perfect lips.” Did I miss anything?

The teacher: Nope, that that pretty much covers it. Peyton care to respond?

Peyton and Lucas kiss.

The teacher: Oh, young love. At least you’ll be together in detention.

Peyton (whispering): So worth it.

In the high school playground

Nathan looks at the classified advertisements. Skills comes towards him.

Skills: Yo, Nate. What up, dog?

Nathan: Looking for a job. My dad helped us out of debt, so I just got to make sure we stay that way.

Skills: Yeah. Hey, look, I got a way you can make some real quick cash. You know that club over there on Stinson Street?

Nathan: The strip club?

Skills signs yes with his head.

Nathan: Whatever you’re about to say, the answer is no.

Skills: Oh, come on, dog. Man, they have an amateur night tonight. A $1000 prize, man. Look, last year them girls went crazy over you at Boy Toy. I’m telling you, me and you together, dog, we can’t lose.

Nathan: No. The answer’s still no. I’m sorry. I’m just not that desperate.

Skills: All right, but we could have blew up the place, though. Look, man, I’ve been watching these new Usher videos on TRL. My moves is tight, dog. Look.

Skills makes a demonstration.

Skills: Look at this one. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it.

Karen’s Café’s kitchen

Dan: Here we go.

Karen: Thank you. Did you remember the cheese?

Dan: Right on top.

Deb arrives in the kitchen.

Deb: Karen!

She sees Karen and Dan together.

Deb: I used to have one of those. I tried to put it to sleep. Looks like you got yours neutered.

Karen: Good morning, Deb. What are you here for? Target practice?

Deb: You know, for a smart woman you’re being really stupid letting Dan into your life. The one who abandoned you when you were pregnant and left Lucas fatherless. The one who treated Keith horribly his whole life. You remember Keith, don’t you? The man whose baby you’re carrying?

Dan: That’s enough.

Deb: He would roll over in his grave if he could see the two of you together!

She goes away.

Dan: Maybe my being here is a bad idea.

In Brooke and Rachel’s classroom

Brooke (speaking to Rachel): This whole thing was a bad idea. I should have never cheated on the test.

The teacher distributes the tests.

Brooke: Or maybe it was the best idea ever! This is so going on the fridge.

Chase: Wow, good grade. I have the toughest time with calculus.

Brooke: Yeah, a lot of people do.

Chase: Maybe you could tutor me.

Rachel laughs.

Brooke: Sure, anytime.

Brooke (to Rachel): Check me out. I’m a smart virgin.

Rachel: Great, you’re the new Mouth.

In Peyton’s room

Peyton: Okay, look, just so you know, “Kid A” goes under “R” for Radiohead.

Lucas: And where did I put it?

Peyton: Somewhere in the middle of the Foo Fighters for some reason.

Lucas: You really alphabetize your collection?

Peyton: Yes. Alphabetized by genre and sub genre.

Lucas: Okay, music genius, can you tell me who sings this song on the radio right now?

Peyton: Oh. Watch and be amazed.

She takes her phone and opens an application which analyzes the song. And she shows the results to Lucas.

Peyton: How awesome is that?

Lucas: That’s pretty awesome.

Peyton: I know.

Lucas: Kind of like your smile.

Peyton: Oh.

Lucas: No, happy looks good on you.

Peyton: Yeah?

Lucas: Mmh…

Peyton: I feel like I’m living in an Air Supply song.

Lucas: Well, you know, if we’re going to go ‘8os, I’m more of a Van Halen fan.

Peyton: No, it’s just… Everything’s better now, you know? Pinks are pinker and blues are bluer, and even my favourite foods taste yummier.

Lucas: Yummier?

Peyton: Yummier. What’s your favourite food?

Lucas: Chocolate chip cookies.

Peyton: I’ll tell you what; they probably taste so much better.

Lucas: Well, if anyone can make a chocolate chip cookie taste better, I’m sure it’s you.

Peyton: Oh see? You’re so feeling the love.

Lucas: Oh, sure. Anything for a cookie.

Peyton: Come with me.

They leave the room and go to the cemetery.

Lucas: So, you know, if we’re both feeling the love, what are we doing in a cemetery?

Peyton: There’s somebody I want you to meet.

They go to Peyton’s Mom’s grave.

Peyton: Hi, Mom. It’s me. So this is Lucas, the boy I’ve been telling you about. Look what he’s done. He’s got me smiling. Can you believe it?

Lucas: Hey, Mrs. Sawyer. I just want you to know that Peyton’s the best thing I have in my life. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for her.

Peyton: Likewise.

They kiss languidly.

Peyton: Can I have a sec?

Lucas: Yeah.

Lucas kisses Peyton on her forehead. And he goes on Keith’s grave.

Peyton: So, what do you think? He’s cute, huh?

Lucas: Hey, Keith.

He seats behind the grave, takes his eyes closed and thinks at a scene with Keith in a corridor of the high school. Flash-back

Keith: Open your eyes, Luke.

End of the Flash-back

Lucas looks at Peyton and rethinks at the moment when he saw Peyton at the cemetery on his grave.


Lucas: I still don’t believe that Jimmy k*lled you, Keith.

Keith: You were here that day. What did you see? No!

Lucas sees Keith still alive on Jimmy’s corpse.

Fin Flash-back

Peyton join Lucas.

Peyton: Luke? Hey, you okay?

Lucas: You’re gonna think that this is crazy, but I don’t think Jimmy k*lled Keith.

In Nathan and Haley’s bedroom.

Haley is trying dresses when Nathan comes into the untidy room.

Nathan: Did the closet explode?

Haley: How do I look in this?

Nathan: Is there a right answer to that question?

Haley: Well, none of my dresses fit me anymore!

Nathan: Baby, you’re pregnant, they’re… They’re not supposed to fit you.

Haley: You know what else? The doctor said it’s gonna take six to eight weeks to heal, which means prom is four weeks away, which means I am gonna be stuck with these stupid crutches.

Nathan: No, hey, you don’t know that.

Haley: In a perfect world, I would just wear such a beautiful dress, and I would dance with the man that I love. But even if there was a dress somewhere in this world that fit me, we don’t even have any money for it anyway. It’s okay. You know what? It’s okay. I’ll just… I’ll go and I’ll be pregnant and gimpy and, you know, most likely wearing sweatpants.

Nathan: Hey. Hey, you’ll look great in anything, okay? It’s all right. Except maybe that dress.

Haley goes in the bathroom

In the high school’s body building room

Skills is making exercises when Nathan comes into the room.

Nathan: Just how naked do we have to get?

Skills: See? I knew you would come around. Don’t worry man. We’re gonna win this thing

Nathan: I don’t know man, you haven’t seen me dance. I’m terrible.

Skills: Man, you’ll be fine. We got the best choreographer in town.

Mouth arrives.

Mouth: Hey, Nate. Skills said you’d come around.

Skills: So, look, you can’t be that bad, so let’s see what you got.

Nathan makes a demonstration. It’s horrible. ^^

Skills: Is he as bad as I think he is?

Mouth: No, he’s worse.

Skills: Maybe it’s the song.

Peyton’s bedroom

Skills: Okay, so check it out. What I need is an off-the-hook hip-hop jam with a really easy beat to follow.

Peyton: Okay.

Skills: So, how everything going with you and Lucas? I mean, you happy?

Peyton: I’m happy.

Skills: That’s my girl. You know love sometimes don’t really make sense. I mean, look at me and Bevin. But you two make sense.

Peyton found the CD she’s looking for.

Peyton: Okay. Track number two on this. It’s gonna treat you right.

Skills: Oh, so you done went old school on me. I like that.

Peyton: So what do you guys need this music for, anyway?

Skills: Well, me and Nathan, let’s just say we entered a dance contest.

Peyton: Wait. Nathan Scott? No way! What aren’t you telling me?

Skills: Let’s just say you got to show some skin to win.

Peyton: You guys are stripping? Shut up! Please, can I tell Lucas?

Skills: Better than that, why don’t you tell some girls, ‘cause the way he moves, we’re gonna need all the home cooking we can get!

Clean teen’s meeting in a classroom

Chase: So, I was thinking, since you said you’d help tutor me in calculus…

Brooke: I did. But, what’s in it for me?

Chase: Well, I could feed you.

Brooke: What? Like a monkey in a cage?

Chase: Feed you like nice dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Brooke: That sounds nice, too.

Chase: How about tonight?

Brooke: Yeah. Definitely.

Shelly: Clean Teens, I called this emergency meeting because there is an imposter among us. One of you has soiled the Clean Teen name. And I think we all know who that person is. Charity’s older brother is in college. Why don’t we take a look at some footage he shot for us?

They watch a video of a party where Rachel takes off her Clean Teen shirt.

Shelly: I don’t think we need to go any further.

A boy: I think we do.

Shelly: Shut up, Sheldon.

Rachel: So, I took my top off. So what? It didn’t go further than that.

Shelly: Don’t make me black light you. It would be one thing if you felt a little remorse for your actions, but you clearly don’t. So you leave me no choice Rachel. You’re out of Clean Teens.

Rachel: Can I keep the shirt?

Shelly: No!

Rachel: Fine!

She takes off her shirt.

Rachel (to Brooke): Come on, we’re so out of here.

Brooke: Actually, I’m gonna stay.

Sheldon: I’ll go with you.

Rachel: Beat it, nerd.

At Karen’s Café

Lucas comes into the Karen’s Café.

Karen: Hey. I almost didn’t recognize you without Peyton attached to your hip.

Lucas: Funny.

Karen: Well, if it matters, I approve. You’ve had the biggest crush on her for years.

Lucas: Mom, guys don’t have crushes. Girls have crushes.

Karen: What do guys have? The hots?

Lucas: Oh, “the hots”? Seriously, where do you come un with this stuff?

Karen: Look, my point is that I’m very happy that the two of you have finally found each other. You know, with Keith, it was just… I just… I loved him. Very much.

Lucas: He said seeing you still takes his breath away.

Karen: What?

Lucas: Look, I didn’t know if I was gonna tell you this, but when I was in the hospital, I saw Keith.

Karen: What do you mean, you saw him? Like in a dream?

Lucas: Sort of. And it was just so real. You know, he showed me things, Mom. He took me to the school, and U saw Jimmy lying there on the floor, dead, and Keith was standing above him. And he was still alive, as if Jimmy didn’t k*ll Keith.

Karen: Look, Lucas, it was a dream.

Lucas: Mom…

Karen: I know that it is very hard for you to accept the truth because Jimmy was your friend. But he shot Keith, just like he shot Peyton. You should be thankful that you still have her here. Don’t ever take her for granted.
In the high school library

Principal Turner: Thank you all for coming. I… Miss Davis. Thanks for joining us.

Brooke: Sorry.

Principal Turner: I’ve asked all of the tutor staff to be here because we have a situation. Tests are missing from the Tutor Center files.

Brooke: Why am I here?

Principal Turner: As Student Council President, you should also be aware of what happened.

Brooke: Oh, yeah, right.

Principal Turner: Does anyone know who might have stolen the exams or had unauthorized access? I’d like to have a list of all current students who are being tutored. Whoever did this will be expelled. Or worse.

Outside of the school

Haley: I will bet you anything Rachel stole those tests.

Brooke: What?

Haley: When I was tutoring her, she tried to bribe me for them.

Brooke: Haley, I live with Rachel. If she’d stolen the tests, I’d know.

At Rachel’s

Brooke: Hey. We have a problem.

Rachel: Yeah, you stabbed me in the back from the front.

Brooke: Okay, we have two problems. Did you return the calculus exams that we stole?

Rachel: Maybe. Okay, I forgot.

Brooke: Rachel! Turner knows the tests are missing, and now he’s on a total witch hunt.

Rachel: Who cares, Brooke? He doesn’t know it was us. The bigger problem is how you left me hanging today.

Brooke: You said it yourself, Clean Teens was our alibi. Otherwise, we can’t justify why we were in the school that night.

Rachel: That is not what’s going on. You screwed me over for a guy who won’t screw you.

Brooke: Oh, please, like I couldn’t get Chase after a little chase.

Rachel: I think you’re forgetting something. You see, Chase is into smart, born-again-virgin Brooke, not stupid, slutty, “I cheated on the calculus test” Brooke.

Brooke: Fine. But have you seen me? Because I could easily have sex with him if I wanted to.

Rachel: Interesting. Care to bet on that?

In body-building room

Nathan: Took you long enough.

Mouth: Dude, these outfits rock. You guys are gonna win that £1000 hands down.

Skills: Or pants down.

Nathan: Hey, I don’t know. I still suck.

Skills: Look, man, we’re going to be fine. I just need you to look good. I’m gonna do all the dancing. Let’s see the outfits.

Mouth: Okay.

Mouth shows to Nathan and Skills their outfits.

Mouth: Oh, yeah!

Nathan: Hell, no!

Mouth and Skills laugh.

Skills: He just playing, man. Look, I thought we’d go with a different kind of uniform.

Nathan: Oh, okay. All right.

Mouth: Dude, you should have seen your face.

At Peyton’s

Lucas comes in and sees some smoke.

Lucas: Peyton?

Peyton: I’m sorry.

She shows him the burst chocolate chip cookies.

Lucas: Oh, this is messed up.

Peyton: Yeah, I know. The timer didn’t go off.

Lucas: No, I mean, like, I kind of expected it, you know? Like another day, another disaster.

Peyton: It’s like with everything that’s happened, we’ve become chaos junkies.

Lucas: So I told my mom about seeing Keith. I didn’t even think about how much it was gonna upset her.

Peyton: Luke, you didn’t mean to hurt her.

Lucas: I know, but I did. You know, I just… I just want to let it all go away, you know? I don’t want to be like this anymore. How’d you like to just be happy?

Peyton: I thought you’d never ask.

At the cemetery

Dan: It seems like I spend more time with Keith now than I did when he was alive. I’m sorry, I don’t wanna intrude.

Karen: Dan. I bought a roast for dinner, and I didn’t know Lucas had plans tonight. It’s gonna be too much for me. Would you like to come over for dinner?

Dan: I’d like that.

At Deb’s

Deb sleeps and Dan arrives and throws on her a glass of water.

Deb: Oh, God. I thought vampires had to be invited in.

Dan: And I thought water melted witches. Yet, here we are. That was quite the performance you put on today.

Deb: Why are you messing with Karen’s head? Hasn’t she suffered enough?

Dan: You don’t think my intentions toward Karen are sincere?

Deb: You don’t have a sincere bone in your body, Dan.

Dan: Do you remember the night before our wedding?

Deb: You pour water in my face and now you want to take a trip down memory lane? You disappeared after the rehearsal dinner and my parents were furious. Is that what you wanted to hear?

Dan: I drove to Tree Hill and spent the night parked in front of Karen’s house. I knew I was on the verge of making a huge mistake. You see, Karen was the love of my life, yet I was too proud to tell her. I never loved you, Deb. I settled for you. And I mean that. Sincerely.

Deb: You a miserable ass of a man! Nathan and I are so much better off without you poisoning our lives.

Dan: Nathan and I? Take another pill boozy. Nathan cut you out of his life long before I did.

At Nathan and Haley’s

Someone knocks at the door, Haley opens.

Haley: Jeez.

Deb: Where’s Nathan? I need to see him.

Haley: Not like this, you don’t.

Deb: Don’t keep me from my own son!

Haley: Deb, you’re the one ruining your relationship with Nathan. Don’t put that on me.

Deb: I need to see him!

Deb makes Haley falling down. Nathan arrives.

Haley: Oh God!

Nathan: Mom! Haley, are you okay? You all right? What are you doing? She’s pregnant, Mom!

Deb: It was an accident. I didn’t mean to hurt her.

Nathan: Why don’t you forget I exist and we’ll call it even, okay?

Deb: I’m sorry.

Nathan: No, Mom, you’re leaving. And do not come back. I’m not doing this anymore.

In a restaurant

Chase: You keep looking at me weird.

Brooke: I know. I’m sorry. It’s just really hard for me to believe that you’ve never had sex.

Chase: It’s not that I haven’t had the opportunity. I just wanna wait until I find the right person.

Brooke: But you’ve had girlfriends.

Chase: I’ve had one serious girlfriend, but it didn’t end well.

Brooke: Did you break up because she wanted to have sex?

Chase: Yeah. With my best friend. Turns out she was cheating on me pretty much the whole time.

Brooke: Wow, that… That sucks.

Chase: Yeah, I lost my girlfriend and my best friend on the same day.

Brooke: I didn’t know we had so much in common.

Chase: That happened to you, too?

Brooke: They didn’t have sex, but my best friend fell in love with my boyfriend. Twice.

Chase: You guys still friends?

Brooke: Not like we used to be.

Chase: I know people think that being in Clean Teens is weird. I mean, especially being a guy. And, trust me, it’s not ‘cause I don’t love girls. I do, but I just wanted to start over, you know? I mean the next relationship I get into is gonna be with someone I can trust. Someone who’s completely honest with me.

In the wings of the strip-club

Nathan is watching the spectators.

Nathan: Mouth, you did not tell me that Rachel and Bevin were coming.

Mouth: You guys need people cheering for you if you wanna win, and who’s better at cheering than cheerleaders?

Nathan: Please tell me you didn’t invite Haley.

Mouth: I didn’t invite Haley. But Skills told Peyton, who might have told Lucas. So there’s that.

Nathan: Right.

At Naley’s

Someone knock at the door.

Haley: Coming!

Peyton: Hey!

Haley: Hi!

Peyton: Turn around.

Haley: Why?

Peyton: Get dressed. Luke’s out in the car. You’re coming with us.

Haley: Oh, no, no. I really don’t feel like going out tonight.

Peyton: Haley, where’s your sense of adventure?

Haley: It probably got knocked out of me when I got hit by a car.

Peyton: Okay, well, seriously, you’re gonna want to see this. Trust me, it’ll be a night to remember. Go.

Haley: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

In Tree Hill, next to the river.

Chase: So, what do you think? You ready to study?

Brooke: Oh, well, what else do you have in mind?

Chase: We could dance.

Brooke: Oh, no.

Chase: Come on. Come on.

Brooke: I don’t know how to dance to this kind of music.

Chase: It’s easy. I’ll show you.

They start dancing in front of the orchestra.

Chase: This isn’t so bad, is it?

Brooke: It beats studying.

Chase: My parents would dance like this, you know, late at night after I went to bed. I used to sit at the top of the stairs in my footie pyjamas and just watch them.

Brooke: That was what? A year ago?

Chase: They were so happy and so in love. Your heart is beating really fast.

Brooke: Is it?

At the strip-club

A man is dancing.

Nathan: The guy’s gonna have a heart attack.

Mouth: I checked out all the other competition. There’s no way you guys don’t win. Did you get a load of the guy who looked like Chewbacca?

Nathan: Wait, I saw that guy! That dude is furry. Skills, check this out.

Skills looks inside the strip-club.

Skills: Man, there’s a lot of people out there. Man, is it hot in here or is it just me?

Nathan: Well, it’s gonna be even hotter on stage under those lights.

Skills: Yeah?

At Deb’s

She comes home, crying. She goes into the kitchen and takes some pills.

In Tree Hill

Chase: So tell me again why ice cream was a good idea on a cold night?

Brooke: It’s all part of my plan to get you cold so I can warm you up.

Chase: Pretty diabolical.

Brooke: That’s what I do, Chase. The boy’s can’t resist my cuteness.

Chase: I don’t know if I’d call you cute.

Brooke: No?

Chase: Nah. More like beautiful. Even with ice cream on your face. I got it. So tell me more about this plan.

In the strip-club

Nathan: Skills, this plan was your idea. What do you mean you can’t go on?

Skills: Man, you see all them people out there?

Mouth: Skills, you’ve played basketball in front of thousands of people.

Skills: Yeah, but they don’t be all up on you like that. Plus, I have my clothes on, man.

The animator: Our next act is Double Trouble!

Nathan: That’s us. What’s it gonna be?

Mouth replaces Skills for the show. They start their show. Bevin goes in the wings to see Skills.

Bevin: Mama came to see her man dance and her man’s not on stage.

Skills: Yeah, I know, baby, but there’s a whole lot of people out there.

Bevin: But if you don’t dance for me, then you won’t get to see me dance for you.

Skills goes on stage.

Nathan: What happened to your stage fright?

Skills: Mama came to see her man dance.

They continue the show together.

The show is finished, they leave the strip club.

Rachel: Nathan looked good tonight. No wonder you’re pregnant.

Haley: Oh, you’re funny. How’s calculus going?

Rachel: Fine. Why?

Haley: I just think it’s wild how you went from failing to fine with just a few tutoring sessions.

Rachel: You’re just good, I guess. Anyway, see you.

Haley: Rachel, someone stole some tests from the Tutoring Center and if I find out that it’s you, I’m turning you in.

At Dan’s Porch

His phone rings.

Dan: Is this important? I’m running over to Karen’s for dinner.

Deb: I messed up so many things. Things I can’t fix.

Dan: How long is this gonna take? I’m running low on minutes this month.

Deb: Please be good to Nathan. I’ve failed him too many times to count. He deserves so much better.

Dan: Deb, you gotta stop taking those pills.

Deb: It’s all right now. They’re all gone.

Dan: Deb? Deb?

In front of Deb’s house

Deb is on a stretcher and she is put into the ambulance. Dan is there, his phone rings.

Dan: Karen, I’m sorry. I’m running late. I should have called you. … No, nothing important.

In Chase’s car

Chase: Whoa, where’d you go?

Brooke: Well, this is one of the most notorious make-out spots in town.

Chase: It also has one of the nicest views in town.

Brooke: There’s a view?

She looks the view.

Brooke: Who knew?

Chase: I thought maybe we could talk.

Brooke: Okay. Sorry, I haven’t been a Clean Teen very long.

Chase: I know. I’ve seen your time capsule video. You don’t see too many topless virgins.

Brooke: I can’t believe you’ve seen that.

Chase: I don’t care about who you were, Brooke. I care about who you are.

Brooke: I didn’t think guys like you actually existed. Sweet and sincere and hot. You’re like a unicorn.

Chase: A unicorn, huh?

Brooke: Yeah.

Chase: How about a dragon? Yeah, a dragon sounds way cooler.

Brooke: Okay. Yeah, you can be the dragon.

In Peyton’s kitchen

Lucas arrives and tastes one of the chocolate chip cookies. He makes a strange head.

Peyton: What, too hot? What? What?

Lucas: A little salty.

Peyton: Salty? I put a dash of salt in there. That’s what it said to do on the recipe.

Lucas: How mush is a dash? Show me.

She shows him. Her dash is more like a handful. ^^

Lucas: Oh, that’s… That’s more like a handful. Oh my god.

Peyton: Okay, great. Well maybe this batch will be better. Try it out.

She let’s Lucas taste, she makes a mess.

Lucas: No. Still salty.

Peyton: Yeah.

Lucas: Yeah. You know what? Maybe I need a second opinion.

A funny fight starts.

Peyton: No!

Lucas: Oh, you better run!

Nathan and Haley’s bedroom

Nathan arrives with a gift. Haley comes out from the bathroom.

Haley: How you doing, hot stuff?

Nathan: Very funny. Get it all out.

Haley: How much for a lap dance?

Nathan: You done?

Haley: Not even close. I’m serious. How much for a lap dance?

Nathan: I needed some quick cash, okay?

Haley: What for?

Nathan: This.

He shows the gift to Haley.

Nathan: They actually have prom dresses in the maternity section. Who knew?

Haley: Nathan, this is really beautiful.

Nathan: Well, I’m just glad that we won tonight. Otherwise, I would have had to take that back. I just wanted you to have a great prom, Hales.

Haley: Whoa! Thank you. Maybe we should have waited to save the money until after you got a job.

Nathan: I’ll get a job. You said, in a perfect world, you’d wear a pretty dress and you’d dance with the man you love.

Haley: Well, I don’t think I’m gonna be dancing. I mean, you know, the doctor said it takes most people…

Nathan: You’re not most people. I’ve seen how you are when you set your mind to something. You can do this. I’ll help you.

They kiss.

On Rachel’s porch

Brooke: I had a really great time, but I feel bad we didn’t actually study.

Chase: Maybe we could try again tomorrow night.

Brooke: Yeah, I’d like that.

Chase: Looks like your diabolical plan is working.

Brooke: Well…

They kiss.

Brooke: Okay. That was amazing.

Chase: Well, when all you do is kiss, you kind of get good at it.

Brooke: Yeah.

They kiss again.

In Peyton’s kitchen, which became a real battle field.

Peyton: Oh, man, I’ve got cookie dough all over me. It’s even in my bra. Maybe I should take it off.

Lucas: What…

Peyton: Sucker! You surrender?

Lucas: I give up. I’m putting the lid down. Now if you are gonna be taking anything off, please, please, please, let me help you.

They kiss.

Lucas (voice-off): Happiness comes in many forms. In the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed.

In Peyton’s kitchen

Peyton: You know what? I think you missed some right there.

Lucas: Really? You know what? I take that back. This is the best cookie I’ve ever had.

Peyton: Really?

They kiss.

Lucas (voice-off): It’s okay to let yourself be happy.

At Karen’s

Dan: You’ve been quiet all night.

Karen: I’m sorry. It’s just that Lucas said something really unsettling today.

Dan: What’d he say?

Karen: He said he doesn’t think that Jimmy Edwards k*lled Keith.

Lucas (voice-off): Because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

Dan: Is that right?

End of the Episode