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04x17 - It Gets the Worst at Night

Posted: 05/22/07 19:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill

DEREK :Hi, Peyton.

BROOKE : Peyton, 8th-grade cheer camp.

BROOKE : Now it's hoes over psychos.

PEYTON : You saved me.

BROOKE : You saved me, too.

RACHEL : You want to come with me?

MOUTH : I'm coming with you.

DAN : Do you think it's impossible for you to ever have feelings for me again?

KAREN : It's not impossible.

DAN : You lost your phone.

LUCAS : That's not my phone.

DAN : What are you doing here, Lucas?

LUCAS : I keep feeling like Keith's trying to tell me something.

DAN : Keith's dead. Open your eyes.


LUCAS (voiceover) : William Blake once wrote, "There are things that are known and things that are unknown. And in between... there are doors."

We see Lucas, Peyton and Brooke sleeping in Lucas’ bed. Skills enters the room.

SKILLS : Hey, yo, Luke. Damn. Nice work.

LUCAS : No. No, it's not... It's the attack last week. Neither one of them wants to be alone.

SKILLS : Hey, if that's your story. Look, we got to go.

LUCAS : What?

SKILLS : It's Mouth. He needs our help.


JOE : You wanted to see me, Mr. Mayor?

DAN : Yeah. Come on in, Joe. I need you to access this phone's calling history.

JOE : Sure. Whose phone is it?

DAN : That's what I want you to find out.

JOE : With all due respect, Mr. Mayor, I can't do that. That's illegal.

DAN : You got a performance review coming up, don't you, Joe? Not to mention a sexy little thing going on with... what's her name? Darcy in public relations? But wait a minute. Your wife's name's Jill, isn't it?

JOE : It might take me a day or two.

DAN : Works for me. Oh, and, Joe? Say hi to Darcy for me.


Skills and Lucas discuss about Mouth

SKILLS : So, it's been what, about a week since Mouth skipped town with Rachel? Then, all of a sudden, I get this cryptic message. Sounds like he's in trouble.

LUCAS : Okay, what kind of message? Like voice mail?

SKILLS : No, a text, actually. Check it out.

LUCAS : "Honey Grove, Texas. Please come. Need ass"?

SKILLS : I was thinking he would've typed "assistance" but his battery died.

LUCAS : Why didn't he just write "help"? "Need help"?

SKILLS : Maybe he need ass.

(Haley and Nathan enter the café)

HALEY : Hey.

NATHAN : Hey, Skills said Mouth was in trouble.

SKILLS : Yeah, he sent this.

NATHAN : "Need ass"?

LUCAS : We're thinking it's "assistance."

HALEY : I'm gonna find Honey Grove online.

(Haley leaves, Peyton and Brooke arrive)

NATHAN (to Lucas) : Hey, how are they doing since the attack?

LUCAS : Some days are better than the others. But it gets the worst at night.

BROOKE : Hey, you guys, what's going on? Is Mouth okay?

LUCAS : It doesn't sound like it.

PEYTON : "Honey Grove, Texas. Please come."

BROOKE : "Need ass"? I don't get it. He left with Rachel. Why would he need ass?


PEYTON : Well, if Mouth needs help, then one of us needs to go down to Honey Grove, Texas.

HALEY : I think we should probably all go. It's about 90 miles from Dallas, which is like a 20-hour car ride.

NATHAN : Hales, I love you for caring, but you're pregnant and we got finals.

HALEY : Come on. We're all graduating soon. It could be a last hurrah. Hopefully, Mouth is okay and it turns into a great road trip. But if not, there's safety in numbers, right?


Everybody is ready to go on the trip

HALEY : Okay, Karen and I made sandwiches, and I got chips and drinks, and we're all set.

SKILLS : I brought red vines. You can't have a road trip without red vines.

LUCAS : I brought old yearbooks... might give us a laugh. What did you bring, Nate?

NATHAN : I brought Haley, who brought the food. Brooke?

BROOKE : I brought my hot body and Rachel's Denali. She might have left, but at least we have her car.

HALEY : Sure it's not stolen? Oh, wait. That's just calculus exams.

NATHAN : My girl's not a big Rachel fan. Peyton, what did you bring?

PEYTON : Road mix.

HALEY : Okay, let's go.

LUCAS : You seem rather excited, considering Mouth might be in a lot of trouble.

HALEY : Well, I'm choosing to believe that he's fine. Besides, it's Mouth. How much trouble could he actually get into? He's probably having fun.


Mouth is put behind bars and see lots of creepy guys in the cell with him.




Brooke is driving, Haley opens the yearbook

HALEY : Okay, Brooke, freshman year. Lance Bass? Really?

BROOKE : He was cute, okay?

NATHAN : I'm not sure I'd go there, Hales. Check this out. "Luke, stay cool forever! Haley."

HALEY : So, what's wrong with that?

LUCAS : You think that's bad? Check this out. Peyton wrote to me in my sophomore yearbook... "Peyton Sawyer."

PEYTON : Come on! I didn't even know you then.

LUCAS : You know how hard I worked to get my yearbook in front of her? And then she signs her damn name. I was crushed.

HALEY : Okay, how about this one? "Lucas, you know you want me! Taylor James."

LUCAS : I wonder what she wrote in Nathan's yearbook.

SKILLS : Hey, look. "Luke, you're a great friend. Thanks for looking out for me. See ya around."

BROOKE : Who wrote that one?

SKILLS : Jimmy Edwards. Sorry.

HALEY : How about we just try and let go of all the pain on this trip and only focus on the good things in our lives? Okay, who's with me?

PEYTON : Ready for that.

BROOKE : Definitely.

HALEY : Okay, Luke?

(Lucas recognizes the girl from his vision in the yearbook, Abby Brown)

HALEY : Lucas? Lucas?

LUCAS : Yeah, sure.


One of the convict is playing Check with a police officer

POLICE OFFICER : I don't know why you do it, Conrad. We keep playing. You keep losing.

(all the others convicts come to talk to Mouth)

MOUTH : Um, hiya, fellas. I'm Mouth.

LEE : Mouth, huh?

MOUTH : I mean, uh, Marvin. Marvin. Listen, guys, I don't want any trouble. I mean, I like girls, really. See?

(Mouth shows a picture of Rachel and he, Conrad take it))

MOUTH : Um, if I could just get that back..

(Conrad grab Mouth)

CONRAD : Or what?

MOUTH : Listen, I know you could probably k*ll me right now... I mean... definitely k*ll me right now, but you're only three moves away from winning your chess match. Knight to G7. I'm sure you were just about to do that anyway... Sir.

(Conrad returns to his chess match)

CONRAD : Guard.

(They start playing again)

CONRAD : Checkmate.

(The guard leaves upset)

CONRAD : No one touches the kid.


It’s night, everybody is asleep in the car. Nathan pull over.

NATHAN : Skills. Hey. Come on, man, it's your turn to drive. We're each taking four-hour shifts.

(Skills take the wheel, drive just a few seconds and pull over)

SKILLS : Hey, Brooke. Yo, B. Davis. It's your turn to drive, baby.

BROOKE : Already?

SKILLS : Four hours.


CONRAD : So, let me get this straight. You slept with Shelly.

LEE : The Clean Teen with the leather pants?

MOUTH : Yep.

GINO :My man!

CONRAD : But then you took Brooke to the prom... Brooke Davis.

LEMMY : Is Brooke the one with the clothing line?

CONRAD : But then you left town with Rachel and all of her fine plastic parts. So, what happened, Mouth?

MOUTH : You guys ever had your heart broken?


Brooke is driving, an alarm starts beeping that awake everybody and the car break down.

HALEY : What's going on up there?

BROOKE : I don't know.

LUCAS : How long has that light on the dash been on?

BROOKE : Um, just a little while. It was kind of a pretty color, and I liked it. Bad call?

(Brooke pull over)

BROOKE : Bad call.


Lucas is looking to fix it up

LUCAS : I don't know. It's all electronic. I can't figure it out. But I do know we should have stuck to the interstate and not taken the back roads just so Haley could see the sandwich shaped like Elvis.

HALEY : Hey!

PEYTON : Hold on a second. I, too, wanted to see the sandwich shaped like Elvis. I'm pretty sure we all did.

HALEY : Thank you.

PEYTON : And, Lucas, admit it. You wanted to see the Elvis sandwich, too, didn't you?

LUCAS : Fine. I wanted to see the Elvis sandwich, okay? But that still doesn't change the fact that we haven't seen a car pass by since we stopped.

(Brooke see a bus coming)

LUCAS : Until now.

NATHAN : It's a bus.

BROOKE : That's a tour bus.

PEYTON : Please be the Foo Fighters.

SKILLS : Please be Kanye.

(The bus stops and Chris Keller comes out)

CHRIS : Well, well.

HALEY : Stupid Elvis sandwich.


CHRIS : Let's see here. Slept with you... kissed you... got slapped by you. Just like any other night on Chris Keller's tour bus.

LUCAS : So, they can tow the car to Honey Grove, but we're on our own.

CHRIS : Honey Grove. We're rolling right through there. You guys should just crash with me. Come on. It'll be like old times. You know, without Nate trying to k*ll me for singing duets with Haley.

SKILLS : I'm down for all that. Yo, you got some gin in this joint?

CHRIS : Full bar in back.

SKILLS : I'm loving Chris Keller.

CHRIS : Look, I got plenty of room. I'm going your way. Haley can sleep in my bed. Though you're looking a little plump, Hales. What the hell? I've had bigger trunk in my bunk.

HALEY : I'm pregnant, you idiot.

CHRIS (looking at Nathan) : Dude, totally not mine.


Karen is coming home but find the door open. Scared, she takes her phone...


Later, Dan is there with Karen.

DAN : Well, everything seems to be okay. Are you missing anything?

KAREN : I... I don't think so. I'm sorry. It's just that Lucas wasn't here, and the door was open, and I just... I'm so embarrassed that I called you.

DAN : No, no. Don't be. I would've been upset if you didn't call me. Now I'm gonna make you some tea. I want you to relax and take it easy. That stress isn't healthy for the baby.


Chris and Nathan are talking alone

CHRIS : So, what's up? You been good?

NATHAN : Yeah, I'm all right. Just dealing with some stuff.

CHRIS : Like what?

NATHAN : Nothing, really. I can handle it.

CHRIS : Same old Nathan Scott.

NATHAN : What about you? What's your story?

CHRIS : Oh, you know, just driving blue highways, looking for that life you already got. You know, for the luckiest guy I know, you worry too much. And contrary to popular belief, most of life's problems don't get solved on a tour bus in the middle of Texas. Turn your mind off and relax.


Dan is bringing some tea to Karen who’s already asleep. He put a blanket on her and turn off the lights.


Everybody get off the bus

CHRIS : Well, this is it... Honey Grove, the sweetest town in Texas. Get it? 'Cause of the honey part?

LUCAS : Now we just got to find Mouth.

CHRIS : I guess I'd just ask a cop if I were you guys.

SKILLS : Right, let's just walk up to the first cop we see and say, "hey, have you seen our friend Mouth?"

CHRIS : Why not? It's a small town.

(A police officer is just there)

CHRIS : Excuse me!


CHRIS : Top of the morning, officer friendly.

SKILLS : Shut up. Excuse me, sir. We're looking for a friend of ours. Kind of goofy-looking kid, big lips, spiky hair?

CHRIS : Needs ass.

POLICE OFFICER : Marvin McFadden.

CHRIS : Damn. Our guy's name is Mouth.


POLICE OFFICER : Marvin McFadden?

MOUTH : Luke! Guys! Man, am I glad to see you.

BROOKE : Mouth, what happened?

MOUTH : It's kind of a long story. Let's just get out of here.

(Mouth says friendly goodbyes to his cell mates)

MOUTH : Conrad. Gino! Lee!

(Lemmy hugs Mouth)

CONRAD : Let him go, Lemmy.

It’s morning, Karen awakes on her couch, Dan is sleeping in the armchair.

KAREN : Dan?

(Dan awakes)

DAN : Oh, hi.

KAREN : You spent the night?

DAN : Yeah. Yeah. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm sorry. I must look like hell. I should go.

KAREN : Or I could make us some breakfast.

DAN : I'd like that.


Nathan is on the phone

NATHAN : I understand. You have to do what you have to do.

(He hangs up and joins Haley, Skills and Chris))

HALEY : Everything okay?

NATHAN : Yeah. Just checking on my mom.

(Brooke, Peyton and Lucas joins them too, with Mouth)

BROOKE : Hey, we found him.

HALEY : Hey, Mouth!

MOUTH : Now I'm really embarrassed. You guys didn't all have to come.

NATHAN : We wanted to, man.

CHRIS : Yeah, man, definitely. Who are you again?

MOUTH : I'm the idiot who got arrested for sleeping in the park.

BROOKE : Wait. What? You didn't tell us what happened. Where's Rachel?

MOUTH : Uh, it's kind of a long story. She's just, um... She's gone.

CHRIS : Damn it.

MOUTH : Anyway, I tried texting you guys, but my phone died. I just want to go home.

(Lucas hangs up his cell phone)

LUCAS : Unfortunately the car won't be ready till tomorrow. But there are rooms available at a motel.

MOUTH : Sorry, guys.

HALEY : No, don't be sorry. We wanted to come. We're just glad you're okay. Besides, I'm sure we can find something fun to do in this town.

CHRIS : Yeah, right. What? Look at this place.

(Haley looks at a bulletin board which says " Honey Grove prom night”)

HALEY : We'll go to prom.

BROOKE : Prom?

HALEY : Yeah, Honey Grove's prom is tonight. We should go. Come on, our prom sucked. Our car broke down.

BROOKE : Yeah, and we got att*cked by a psycho.

MOUTH : What?

PEYTON : Long story.

LUCAS : We're just gonna crash the Honey Grove prom?

HALEY : Yeah, why not?

BROOKE : Okay, hold on. Where are we gonna get tuxes and dresses by tonight?

SKILLS : We go old-school. Check it out.

(Skills shows them a store across the street)

SKILLS : I see what I'm wearing tonight.

MOUTH : Dude, not if I beat you to it. Come on!

(They run toward the store)

HALEY : It's good to see you and Peyton getting along.

BROOKE : Yeah. You know, we've been staying together at Luke's every night since the attack. It works out 'cause I'm basically homeless, now that Rachel's gone, anyway.

HALEY : Right. Speaking of that, I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to take the apartment back. Nathan and I are gonna go stay with his mom, at least until the end of the school year. And you still have all your old stuff in there. What do you think?

BROOKE : Yes. I mean, definitely. Thank you. That's great.

HALEY : Yeah, yeah. No problem. I mean, also, besides, the sooner you cut your ties with that lying thief Rachel, the better, right?

BROOKE : Yeah.


Mouth and Chris are getting ready for the Prom

CHRIS : Can't believe I'm going stag. Dude, so what happened to you, anyway, with Rachel?

MOUTH : I just wanted Shelly back.

CHRIS : Shelly?

MOUTH : She was the girl I'd just started dating. Actually, we, uh, never really got started.

CHRIS : She blew you off, huh?

MOUTH : I just felt so... not good enough, you know? Like I wasn't good enough to make her stay. I wasn't enough to amaze her. I just wanted to amaze her.

CHRIS : b*tches.

MOUTH : And then Rachel... She made me feel special. And there's such a power in that, especially with a girl who looks like Rachel. And even though I kind of knew we were a lie, it was like a pain reliever. I mean, the pain was still there, but... I didn't feel it for a while.

CHRIS : So what happened?

MOUTH : Well, we flew to New Orleans and we rented a car and we just started driving. And Rachel was telling me how I was good enough, how I was dangerous. And then one night, as this amazing sun was setting, she called me worthy.

CHRIS : Okay. Oh, fine. Fine, Mouth, but tell me... what about the sex?

MOUTH : So we get to this hotel, and we're in the bar. She kind of starts flirting with this guy. And then she said something.

CHRIS : What did she say?

MOUTH : She told him he was worthy. Hearing her say it to someone else, I knew that there would always be a someone else with her, 'cause that's who she is. Anyway, I went for a walk, and I ended up on the town square... you know, where you guys were today? I started thinking about how much I was throwing away, how tanking my finals would crush my parents and how I'm not that guy. I'm not dangerous. I'm Marvin McFadden. I'm solid. I'm dependable. That's who I am.

CHRIS : Tell me you at least slept with her.

(Mouth shakes his head)

CHRIS : You suck, man. Where is she?

MOUTH : I don't know. I called her and told her I was going home, and when I got back to the room, she was gone. This picture of us was all she left behind.

(Chris takes the picture and read the note behind)

CHRIS : "I could've loved the boy in this picture." I hate you, Mouth. You know that? You sure you didn't sleep with her before your lame-ass epiphany?

MOUTH : No. But I did see her naked.

CHRIS : You really suck, man. You know that?


Nathan and Haley are getting ready

NATHAN : Anybody ever tell you that you're kind of pretty, Haley James Scott?

HALEY : Does Chris Keller count?

NATHAN : You know what's great about being a married couple going to a prom?

HALEY : What?

NATHAN : You get to use the hotel room before the dance.


Brooke and Peyton are getting ready

PEYTON : Penny for your thoughts?

BROOKE : I'm not sure they're worth that much. Just thinking about Chase.

PEYTON : I'm really sorry, Brooke. You miss him?

BROOKE : Yeah, I do. Plus, I'm not really a fan of being alone these days.

PEYTON : Oh, well, I was thinking maybe you could move in with me.

BROOKE : I can't. I'm moving back into the apartment.

PEYTON : Okay, cool. I just... yeah.

BROOKE : But maybe you could move in, too?

PEYTON : You mean that?

BROOKE : Yeah. Look... I know I said we could never be friends like before. But... maybe we can be better. You look beautiful.


Lucas is looking at the yearbook.

LUCAS : Hey, Skills, you know this girl?

SKILLS : Yeah. That's Abby. She was in the tutor center. You know. You know, it just never made no sense to me.

LUCAS : What's that?

SKILLS : Jimmy. See, Abby had diabetes, so he let her go. Look, I know Jimmy was all distraught and not his self, but... I could never understand how he could just have it in his heart to let Abby go, but with Keith, that was somebody he knew and loved.

(Peyton walks in)

SKILLS : Luke.

PEYTON : Lucas Scott, will you go to prom with me?

LUCAS : Absolutely.


They are all inside when a bench of girls come to see them

GIRL 1 : Nice outfits. You guys crashing?

LUCAS : Who, us? No.

GIRL 1 : Honey Grove's a small town. We know everybody in our school.

BROOKE : Okay, look. Here's the deal. We got stranded here, and our prom really sucked, so we figured maybe we could come to yours. You won't tell anyone, will you?

GIRL 1 : No, it's cool.

GIRL 2 : You guys have fun.

(The girls leave)

HALEY : Anybody want to dance?

(Each girl throws her coat in Chris face)

Some girls are listening to everyone story, one at a time.

LUCAS : So nobody has a fatal heart condition and a father who was purposely set on fire?

(Girls shake their heads)

NATHAN : You probably have classmates who are married, right? Wife's pregnant? Got married as juniors?

(Girls shake their heads)

BROOKE : I started the clothing line after Peyton and I shoplifted my designs back and got arrested.

GIRL : Arrested? What did your parents say?

BROOKE : Oh, I haven't seen my parents in like a year. I live with my friend Rachel. She's so funny. She's had all this plastic surgery, and she just got suspended, and... Now she's kind of missing.

MOUTH : You ever had your heart broken?

GIRL : Yeah, I think that happens everywhere.


The café is closed. Karen is with Dan

KAREN : You know, I really appreciate the way you've been lately since my pregnancy.

DAN : But?

KAREN : Well, you can't blame me for being cautious. 17 years of misery is a long time. Why now?

DAN : I was lying to myself, Karen. I was also married. I'm single now, for the first time since I was 17, and truly in love. You're still in my heart, Karen. That's why now.


Nathan and Haley are dancing a slow dance

NATHAN : What?

HALEY : We've just been through so much.

NATHAN : You've been through so much. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me.

HALEY : I gave you my heart. When you fall short... when we fall short... I know we're gonna be okay. You're my forever. You're my always. God, the way you look at me sometimes.

(She kiss him)

At the same time, Peyton and Lucas are dancing

PEYTON : Thanks for being so good to me this week, Luke... and to Brooke. It means everything.

LUCAS : I'd do anything for you.

(She kiss him)

HALEY : Uh, could you get a room?

PEYTON : Do you want to?

(Lucas nod and they leave the Prom)

Brooke is pouring some punch, Haley joins her

HALEY : Hey lady

BROOKE : I'd avoid the punch. It's more vodka than punch.

HALEY : Great. Thank you for the tip.

BROOKE : You having fun, tutor girl?

HALEY : Yeah, I am. Although I think you mean ex-tutor girl, thanks to that hag Rachel.

BROOKE : Haley, it was me.

HALEY : What was?

BROOKE : I stole the test. I cheated. Rachel just took the fall for me.

HALEY : Are you kidding me? Brooke, I got fired for that. Not to mention the fact that I trusted you and you lied to my face.

BROOKE : I know, and I'm sorry. It's just... I wasn't gonna graduate, and then she told me I'd lose my clothing contract, and I panicked and...

HALEY : Unbelievable.

(Haley starts leaving)

BROOKE : Haley, wait. Don't go. I feel terrible.

HALEY : I'm sure you do. You know what? That tape with you and Nathan really hurt me, but I decided to let it go because that was a Brooke I didn't know. This is worse. My friend did this.

Two girls come to see Chris, sitting on a chair

CHRIS : You girls want to dance?

GIRL : No, thanks. Wait. You're Chris Keller, right?

CHRIS : That's right.

(Girls laugh)

GIRL : How old are you?


Dan is leaving

DAN : I had a great evening, Karen. Thanks. I can see myself out.

KAREN : Well, maybe we could do this again. Soon.

DAN : Sure. But just friends, right?

KAREN : We'll see.


Peyton and Lucas are inside, starting to make out

PEYTON : You've got protection, right?

LUCAS : Have you met my father?

PEYTON : Of course you do. Sorry. Luke. I'm really glad we waited. Last year would have been just sex, and now I... I am so in love with you.

LUCAS : I love you, too, Peyton.


Brooke, Skills and Mouth are walking to the rooms

SKILLS : So, B. Davis, you have fun tonight?

BROOKE : Oh, I have a good time.

MOUTH : You seem a little drunk.

BROOKE : I said I have a good time.

SKILLS : After-hours in my room?

MOUTH : Yeah. Come on

(Skills opens the door and everybody see Peyton and Lucas in bed, after the make out)

SKILLS : Damn, I got to stop doing this.

PEYTON : Oh, god. I'm so sorry, really.

(Skills shut the door)

MOUTH : That was uncomfortable.

BROOKE : You know what, guys? I think I'm gonna take a walk.

SKILLS : You sure? You been drinking.

BROOKE : Trust me, I'm sober now.


Nathan and Haley are sitting on a bench

NATHAN : How's my girl feeling?

HALEY : Okay.

NATHAN : Is your leg bothering you?

HALEY : No, my leg is not bothering me. It's Brooke that's bothering me. I'm trying to let it all go and just be here with you, but...

NATHAN : Anything I can help with?

HALEY : No. Not really. Tell me a secret.

NATHAN : Risky. Okay. For the past few months, I've been pretty freaked out about being a dad. But lately, I, uh, I know it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be great, actually.

HALEY : You are so sexy when you talk like that. I'm so glad we made this trip. I'm always gonna remember this.

NATHAN : Honey Grove?

HALEY : No. How much I love you right now.

Brooke is walking and stop in front of Chris

CHRIS : Well, well. Took you long enough.

BROOKE : Don't flatter yourself.

CHRIS : Want to come inside? I get really good-looking after a few drinks.

BROOKE : Oh, but I've already had a few drinks.

CHRIS : And how do I look? As good as the last time I got you wasted?

BROOKE : Listen. My last couple relationships have been screwed up big-time. And I also have a terrible fear of being alone. So if we slept together, it would just mean that I'm drunk and trying to k*ll the pain. It wouldn't have anything to do with you.

CHRIS : Works for me.

BROOKE : No... No. I got to stop all that. I'm graduating soon. And god forbid I end up like you.

CHRIS : So you just want to talk?

BROOKE : You just want to talk?

CHRIS : Sure. Chris Keller gets lonely, too, sometimes.

BROOKE : I heard that.

(They go inside the bus)

BROOKE : Tell me something.

Skills and Mouth are sitting on a bench

MOUTH : I can't believe you guys came all this way to get me.

SKILLS : You're our boy, dog.

MOUTH : You know how I've been complaining about being everyone's friend? No more. I'm lucky to be that guy. And I have a lot of great things because of it and a lot of great friends because of it.

SKILLS : See, there you go. I call this a good road trip.

MOUTH : Yeah. So, graduation soon, huh? It's a little intimidating. I mean, I only spent a few days in the real world, and I got to say, it was kind of scary.

SKILLS : You'll be a'ight, dog. I mean, we all gonna be. And if you ain't, your good friends gonna get you through it, right?

MOUTH : Yeah.

SKILLS : My dog.


It’s morning, Peyton is standing by the window, Lucas awakes

LUCAS : Hey, you. You okay? Wow. You look beautiful. You seem sad.

PEYTON : No. I'm not. It's just... I really love you, Lucas. And it's a big deal.

LUCAS : I love you, too, Peyton. I promise.

PEYTON : I need to go see Brooke. It's our first night apart since the attack.


Brooke is sitting on a bench, Peyton joins her

PEYTON : Hey. I'm sorry about last night.

BROOKE : It's okay. Life's too short, you know?

PEYTON : So, does the roommate offer still stand?

BROOKE : Yeah. If we're gonna live together, we need to come up with a system, 'cause I don't want to see that again.

PEYTON : Yeah.

(Chris joins them)

CHRIS : Did someone say threesome? 'Cause I'm a little sore, but I could be real up for that.

BROOKE : Sore from what? Staying up all night, talking about your feelings and crying?

CHRIS : You said you weren't gonna tell.

(Brooke goes to see Haley who’s sitting in the car, next to them)

BROOKE : Haley, can I talk to you? I'm gonna tell Turner the truth.

HALEY : Don't. So I lost my job at the tutoring center. It's not as important as you not graduating or losing your clothing contract.

BROOKE : Thank you, but none of that is as important to me as us. I mean, maybe my clothing contract but... No, seriously, none of it. I'm just so sorry that I didn't tell you, Haley. Can you forgive me?

HALEY : You are on notice, Brooke Davis. Clean up your act and be the girl I love.

(Chris goes on his bus)

CHRIS : Well, Chris Keller's work here is done.

BROOKE : Okay.

CHRIS : Okay. I'm leaving.

(No one is answering)

CHRIS : Okay.

(The bus leaves)

HALEY : I think I'm gonna miss Honey Grove.

MOUTH : Yeah. Me too.

(Everybody is inside, ready to leave)

BROOKE : So, what do you want to hear, P. Sawyer?

PEYTON : I'm feeling the road mix.


Lucas is on his computer, looking for Abby Brown when Nathan walks in

LUCAS : Hey.

NATHAN : I need to talk to you.

LUCAS : Yeah. What's up?

NATHAN : I've been getting calls from this federal investigator. He's asking questions about point-shaving, Luke.

LUCAS : Yeah, but we won the state championship.

NATHAN : Not state. Semifinals.

LUCAS : What are you gonna do?

NATHAN : They're not asking about me, Luke. They're asking about you.


JOE : Mr. Mayor, the phone was prepaid. The only calls were made to you. After the school sh**ting, we fingerprinted all the students. I found a match.

LUCAS (voiceover) : William Blake once wrote, "There are thing that are known and things that are unknown. And in between... there are doors."


Lucas is knocking at the door, Dan is watching him from his car