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02x10 - Beauty and the Beast

Posted: 08/24/22 09:19
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

KELLY: My first act
as President

has been to issue a full pardon
to Dr. Henry McCoy. A mutant.

"That which
we call a rose

by any other name
would smell as sweet."


MAN: Come on,
blow up that mutant center.

ALL: No more mutants!
No more mutants!

Get out of here!

I'm just
an ordinary mutant.

I don't have
any special powers.

ALL: No more mutants!

-Perhaps you are unaware

that this is
a dangerous w*apon.

CREED: What we have accomplished
tonight is a warning
to all mutants

of what the future
holds for them.

No more mutants.

JUBILEE: Why do you hate us?
What did we ever do to you?

You were born.


You did it again, old buddy.

We did it, Alec.

The progress
of medical science,

much like the construction
of a great cathedral,

is the work
of many hands.

And I withhold my exaltation
until the treatment
is proved effective.

Shall we look in
on our patient?

Yes! Of course!



It's just me, Carly.
Dr. Bohlson.

Dr. Bohlson!
Is Dr. McCoy with you?


Good day, Carly.

Hi, Hank.

Everything is set
for the operation, Carly.

Your tests
look excellent.

What will it be like
to actually see?

Do you really think
I will?

Dr. Bohlson and I have
been working on this
treatment for a long time.

We are very hopeful.

You'll be there,
won't you, Hank?

Yes, of course...

-What the...

Alec! Shut the door!



What is it?
Tell me what's going on?

It's all right.
I'm here. Hang on.


What's happening?
Hank, why are they screaming?

It's all right.

There he is! Henry McCoy,
President Kelly's
favorite mutant!

Holding a human girl!
Get his filth away from her!

They're evil.
All of them.

MAN: Yeah,
let's go get them!

No more mutants!
No more mutants!

Alec, get her
out of here! Quickly!

Hank! Where are you going?
I don't want you hurt!


Yes, I am.

Perhaps you self-appointed
social engineers
don't realize

the crucial role
mutation plays
in species evolution.

Get him!

I'm sorry, gentlemen.
Your anger
at the inexorable alienation

of late-20th-century life
is sadly misdirected.

The cops!


Attacking a hospital
for the blind!

Just let me alone
with those clowns
for five minutes.

Just five minutes!


Wolverine! Stop!
You know that we can't...

"X-Men never seek revenge."
I know! So?

Do we just let them
get away with it?

No. But we have to
approach this delicately.


The Friends of Humanity
thrive on public hatred
of mutants.

We can't help their cause
by appearing
to be on a rampage.

All right, Jean, for now.
But I'm going after them!

And if we don't find
a kinder, gentler way
to shut them down,

there's going to be
a few less
Friends of Humanity around

stinking up
the planet.

Where are you, Professor?

XAVIER: I have
often thought about

what it would
be like to regain
the use of my legs.

But never once
did I imagine myself
wading through a swamp.

How the mighty have fallen!

MAGNETO: Amphibius!

Magneto speaks,
and the Savage Land

Release us.
We have done you no harm.


Were it up to me,
I'd feed you
to my friends.

But I serve the new ruler
of the Savage Land.


Never again will we be
our creator's slaves.

Our new leader
has given us great power.


This way, Charles!


Delicate, right!

Anybody home?




Over there!

It was
a filthy mutant.

Get him inside!

BEAST: "We spend
our mid-day sweat,
our midnight oil.

We tire the night in thought,
the day in toil."

Hank, I...

How's Carly?

Fine. She's fine, Hank.

I hate to say this,
but, well...

What is it?

After what happened yesterday,
the hospital board
told me that you...

They're worried about
the patients and...

(SIGHING) And having
a mutant around
will make matters worse.

Alec, isn't our work
more important than
catering to those bigots?

There's another problem.

My daughter means
everything to me!
I agreed to this experiment,

but I will not allow
some filthy mutant
to touch my daughter!

Carly's father?


I want to do
what's best for Carly.
I'll leave.

I'm sorry, Hank.

I know, Alec.

I just want to say goodbye.

Hank? Is that you?

How did you know?

Your aftershave lotion.

Do you like it?

Very much.
A girl could get used to it.

I'm so glad
you're all right.
I was worried.

That anti-mutant

But how did you know?

That you're a mutant?
Hank, just because I'm blind

doesn't mean I don't know
what's going on in the world.

And you don't care?

Of course not.

Not now, not ever.

Carly, listen. I'm sorry,
but I can't be here tomorrow
for your operation.

What? Why?

I'm needed
on another case.

It's OK.

Dr. Bohlson is
an outstanding surgeon.

You will have
the best of care.

I know.

I promise I will visit you
as soon as possible.

I'll be thinking of you
every moment tomorrow.

But it was you I wanted to see.

I thought you might
be hungry, Hank.

No. Thank you.


It's Carly, isn't it?

Why did this have
to happen to me?

Why can't I be normal?

It's not fair!

We must think
of how our gifts
can benefit the world.

Gifts? I can't be close
to any human!

I can't take a chance
of endangering them!

My parents!
My brothers and sisters!
And now...

Now the woman I love.


I had no idea
she meant that much to you.

It was so much easier
when I was consumed
with my work.

I could pretend that
what other people thought
of me didn't matter.

How does she feel
about you?

I think
she cares for me.

That's wonderful.


I won't allow her
to be with me.
It's too dangerous.

Maybe you should
let her decide
what to risk.

Talk to her, Hank.
Give her that chance.

DR. ALEC: It's time.

Excuse me a moment, Carly.

You can't be here.

CARLY: Hank!

Yes, Carly. I'm here.

How did you know?

She knows my aftershave.

You want me to get rid
of him, Doctor?

No. The man who designed
this treatment
deserves to be here.


You're beautiful.

So are you.

What about me?

(CHUCKLES) You're all right.

But why don't you have
soft fur like Hank's?

I have
a better razor.

Carly, how are you, my...
You! You animal!

I'll leave.

You bet you'll leave!
And now!

Don't do this!

I'll be in touch.

No, you won't!

I won't have my daughter
associating with

some disgusting
mistake of nature!

If it weren't
for Dr. McCoy,

your daughter's
operation would not
have been possible!

He's a mutant!

Father! Stop it now!

Today is a day of joy.
Carly can see.

Let's leave it at that.

DR. ALEC: Hank!

Thank you, Alec.

But I don't know
if it will ever be possible

to get through
to people like that.

I forgot to give this to Carly.

Would you give it to her
for me, please?

Of course.

Hank! Come quickly!


Carly! Carly!

Where is Carly?
Where did they take her?

Mutant! This is your fault!

It was intolerant, ignorant,
mutant-hating fools like you

who took your daughter!
If anything happens
to her, I'll...

I am going to find her.

I suggest that
if you want to see your
daughter alive again,

you will help me.


CREED: So, Mr...

Logan. John Logan.

How are you feeling?

That mutant beat me up
pretty good.

They're animals!
Totally unpredictable.

I'll say.

I was minding my own business
when that filthy
mutant bumped into me.

"Excuse me," he says.

I excused him
right in his face.

(LAUGHS) I like
your style, Mr. Logan.

What is this place?

We are the
Friends of Humanity.

We believe that mutants
have their place.

It's just not here with us,
if you know what I mean.

Like the rats they are?

Well, you'll never hear me
say that in public.

Say, you look familiar to me.


I knew a guy
about 20 years ago
by the name of Creed.

Could've been
your old man.


Working coal mines in Kentucky.

Oh! That couldn't have
been my family.

We were all in Canada then.

So was I, bub. So was I.

Hello, Cyclops?
This is Beast.

We're here, Beast.
What's up?

The Friends of Humanity
kidnapped Carly.
I need assistance.

Jean and Jubilee
are here with me.
We're ready to help!

BEAST: Jubilee, where was
the FOH headquarters
Morph sent you to?

It's the abandoned
Veteran's building.

Meet me there!

Let's go.

Hey! w*r room!

Can anybody hear me?

Where are you,

I'm babysitting a bunch of
mutant-hating gutter trash.

If you want them alive,

get everybody down here
to the old Veteran's
building right away.

Beast is almost there,
and we're on our way.

Beast thinks they're holding
a young woman he knows.

Beast has a girl?
Well, well, will wonders
never cease.

Don't worry,
I'll find her.

And listen, I need
the portable Cerebro
projector and a file disk

on an old buddy of mine.

So, how long
have you known
this Dr. McCoy?

You bigot!

I don't need to answer
any of your questions!

I understand
he was your doctor.

But he's more than that,
isn't he?

You're more than friends,
aren't you?

Leave me alone!

Don't you know what monsters
they are?

They're evil! All of them!

They and all
who associate with them
must be exterminated!


Come on!

Hey, fellas! Where's Creed?
I have a couple
of questions for him.

He's busy.


MAN ON PA: Intruder on 4!
All security report!
Intruder on 4!

Isn't that nice?

Looks like my new friends
will get to meet
some of my old friends.


What are you doing here?

New members
aren't allowed in here!

Let the girl go, Creed.

How dare you?
You have no right to...

These give me
plenty of rights.

You... You're a...

Stay back,
you mutant garbage!

What's the matter, Creed?

Daddy's boy
doesn't like claws?

I don't know what
you're talking about.


I don't have a familiar
look to you?

Shut up! Shut up!

MAN: Mr. Creed!

That mutant from
the hospital broke in!
He's busted up half the men!

Who are you?

Just say
Hank sent me.

(WEAKLY) Carly!


Look, this is all
very touching, but we
gotta get out of here.


Beast, you gotta
cut down on those
snacks, pal. Come on!


Looks like we took
a wrong turn.

CREED: Well, Mr. Logan.

Since you hate
mutants so much,

I think I'll let you watch while
I put one out of his misery!


Not until I take
a few of you joy boys
along with us.

I'd still like to know
what Wolverine
wants with a hologram.

Weird, Wolverine
using his head and
Beast going berserk.

What's the world
coming to? Got it!


The mutant Sabretooth.

Last seen in the Baffin Island
region of Canada.

No! Get it away!
Turn it off!

Stay away from me!

Home: Edmonton, Alberta.
Real name...


...Graydon Creed,

Graydon Creed, Senior?

Like father, like son.

What are you looking at?
I hate him!
I'm not like him!

I'm normal!
Get out of here! All of you!

I'm not like him! I'm normal!

I'm not like him!

You are not my father!
You are not my father!

You are not
my father!

Scratch one friend!

Now that you see
what my life
is like,

I hope you will
understand what
I have to tell you.

Hank, please don't...

We have to face it.

I am a mutant in a world
that fears
and despises my kind.

I thought for a moment
we could live
in that world together,

but I know now
that we cannot.

Someday, with work and hope,
the world will change.

Until then, if you care for me
as much as I care for you,

you'll understand
why we must part.

Carry my love with you always.

Honey! I'm so glad
you're all right.

I will be.

As for you, how can I ever
thank you, Dr. McCoy?

This is a beginning.