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04x21 - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone

Posted: 06/26/07 23:35
by bunniefuu

Brooke, Lucas, Peyton, Skills, Mouth are following Nathan and Haley, who is in labor, to the ambulance. Lucas receives a text message and leaves.


Dan walks in

DAN : My name is Dan Scott. I k*lled my brother.


Karen is in the operating room, unconscious

DOCTOR : Her heart rate's dropping.

OB : Come on, Karen. Just breathe.

Haley is in the labor room, with Nathan

OB : Come on, Haley, just breathe.

NATHAN : You're doing good, baby. You're doing so good. I'm right here.

Karen’s operating room, Lucas is behind the window, watching.

LUCAS : Come on, mom. I'm right here.

(we hear the monitor, her heart stops)

DOCTOR : She's coded.

LUCAS : Mom!


She is alone in a beautiful park when Keith arrives

KEITH : Karen?

(She jumps in his arms and they kiss, then a little girl arrives)


KAREN : Who's that?

KEITH : Don't you know?

KAREN : She's our daughter.

LITTLE GIRL : Mommy! Daddy! Come play with me!

(Both join the girl)

LITTLE GIRL : What flower is this, mommy?

KAREN : This is a lily.

(the girl goes play in the park)

KAREN : Oh, she's beautiful.

KEITH : Just like her mother.

LITTLE GIRL : Mommy, come with me.

KEITH : You should go watch over her. I'll wait for you. It's okay. I'll be right here.

(They kiss and Karen goes to see her daughter)

LITTLE GIRL : Come with me, mommy!

KEITH : Look for me in the lilies.

KAREN : There's my girl. These are for you. It's a beautiful lily.


Back in Karen’s operating room, they shock her and we hear her heart beating again

DOCTOR : Stats and vitals rising. We got her back.


Brooke is still where the ambulance was, she finds Haley’s valedictorian speech and reads it

BROOKE (voiceover) : Now is the time for us to shine, the time when our dreams are within reach and possibilities vast. Now is the time for all of us... to become the people we've always dreamed of being. This is your world. You're here."


Haley is giving birth to their child

OB : It's a boy.

BROOKE (voiceover) : You matter.

NATHAN : Just relax.

HALEY : You're a dad!

NATHAN : You did so good. You did so good. We have a son. We have a son.

HALEY : I want to see him.

(Haley takes the baby in her arms

HALEY : Hi. Hi, baby.

BROOKE (voiceover) : The world is waiting.

HALEY : Welcome to the world, James Lucas Scott. Look, that's your daddy.

NATHAN : He's so beautiful.

HALEY : That's your daddy.


Nathan is holding his son, watching basketball and listening rap music. Haley walks in

HALEY : Unbelievable. He's only mellow when we play rap music? What happened to the classical music I played for nine months?

NATHAN : I got a confession to make. Every time you fell asleep, I went to old-school hip-hop. That's my boy, isn't it? That's my boy. You like some old-school hip-hop, huh? Yeah.


Karen is sitting in front of Keith’s grave, holding their daughter.

KAREN : Hi, Keith. It's us. Her name is Lily. Lily Roe Scott. Hi. I'm gonna be seeing you in her every day.


Peyton is outside her car with the hood opened, Lucas arrives in his car

LUCAS : You've got to be kidding me. Again?

PEYTON : I guess.

LUCAS : Doesn't look like anything's wrong. You sure it won't start? Peyton?

(Lucas closes the hood, Peyton is sitting inside the car)

PEYTON : Oh, the car's fine. I was just feeling sentimental about the first time we spoke.

LUCAS : Feeling sentimental, or avoiding packing for your trip to Los Angeles with Brooke tomorrow?

PEYTON : I don't want to go. I mean, I do want to go. I'm just... I'm gonna miss you.

LUCAS : Come on, look. At least you know what you're gonna do.

PEYTON : You still haven't decided yet?

LUCAS : I just didn't see this other thing coming, you know?

PEYTON : Can I help you?

LUCAS : I don't think so. I just keep telling myself that... there will be some significant moment when I will know what to do. How about you? Can I help you?

PEYTON : Yeah. Remember when your mom was in the hospital, and you asked me just to lie with you and heal you?

LUCAS : Yeah.

PEYTON : I think I could use some of that healing before tomorrow.

LUCAS : I can do that.


NATHAN : So, you know, there's a big party tonight, kind of a last hurrah for all the seniors.

HALEY : I know, but what are we gonna do with the baby?

(Deb walks in)

DEB : Cue the crazy grandmother. And F.Y.I., if either of you ever calls me "grandmother" in public, I'll use my g*n. Which is at the range, safe from the most beautiful baby boy in the world. Next to you, Nathan, of course. Oh, who am I kidding? You are the cutest. You, you, you. Go. I'll watch him.

HALEY : Oh, I don't know.

NATHAN : We're underage, mom, and there's gonna be drinking, alcohol, probably some dr*gs.

DEB : You're going to the party, and you're going to have fun. We insist. Now go. Bring me home some dr*gs. Isn't grandma funny? Isn't she?


Lots of people are arriving at the party

BROOKE : Wow. So, what's the deal with this party, anyway?

MOUTH : At midnight, the Tree Hill high computers change over, and the juniors become seniors.

BROOKE : So, what happens to us?

CHASE : We're gone.

BROOKE : I don't want to be gone.

CHASE : Well, you got until midnight.

MOUTH : Hey, let me ask you guys something. Does it look like I'm wearing a blouse?

BROOKE : I like it.

CHASE : Uh, it's a little...

MOUTH : Great. I'm the blouse man. It looks like I'm competing in men's ice dancing, doesn't it?

CHASE : No, it looks like you're winning men's ice dancing.

BROOKE : Stop it. It's fine.

CHASE : I'm just playing. As long as you don't have wine coolers in that bag, you're good.

MOUTH : You know what? You guys go ahead. I'm gonna, uh, grab my jacket.

(Mouth leaves)

CHASE : Hey, listen. I'm gonna stay out of your way tonight 'cause you got a lot of people to say goodbye to before you leave tomorrow.

BROOKE : Thanks.

Lucas and Peyton arrive at the party

PEYTON : Maybe I don't even have to go. I mean, what do interns do anyway? They, like, answer phones. I already know how to answer phones.

Look... Hello?

LUCAS : You're going, and you're gonna have fun.

Haley and Nathan arrive at the party

HALEY : Okay, we'll have fun. I just saying, maybe I should give Deb one quick call just to check in.

NATHAN : Hales, come on, I miss the boy, too, but we're not gonna be those crazy, obsessive parents. You need to enjoy one last night with all your friends.

HALEY : Okay, I won't call.

NATHAN : All right. Tonight's gonna rock.

Brooke and Chase are walking all the way to the entrance

BROOKE : Tonight's gonna suck. I can't believe they're gonna erase us.

CHASE : No, I see possibilities in a night like this. It's your last chance to tell someone you love them, maybe apologize to an old friend, try something new. Tonight has greatness written all over it. I can feel it.

BROOKE : Okay.

GUY : Name.

BROOKE : Brooke Davis.

GUY : I'm sorry. I've got strict orders not to admit Brooke Davis.

BROOKE : Excuse me? Whose stupid party is this, anyway?

RACHEL : Mine, bitch. And your fat ass isn't invited.

BROOKE : Oh, my god.

Rachel finds Mouth

RACHEL : Well, if it isn't the only guy to ever leave me in a hotel room before the sex.

MOUTH : Well, well. Come here. Where you been? What are you doing here?

RACHEL : Well, where I've been's a long story. What I'm doing here's pretty easy. I missed you.

MOUTH : I missed you, too.

(Brooke arrives)

BROOKE : Hang out with her too long, you're gonna end up in Honey Grove. I need to borrow you. Come with me, boy and friend.

MOUTH : Where to?

BROOKE : Someone's playing spin the bottle.

MOUTH : Spin the bottle? What are we... 13?

BROOKE : Shut up. God. Look, if you ask me, it's really stupid that we all ever stopped playing spin the bottle, so quit being so grumpy.

MOUTH : Hey, you'd be grumpy, too, if a girl you had history with just showed up out of the blue.

(They both walk inside the house and find Shelly, already playing spin the bottle)

SHELLY (surprised) : Mouth.

BROOKE (to Mouth) : You were saying?

(Mouth leaves)


Haley is alone, on the phone

HALEY : Hey, Deb, hi. It's... It's me. I... I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to... check in, yeah. Everything's great? Great. Okay, good, good. All right. Thanks. Oh, also, can you just not tell Nathan that I called this time... or last time? Thanks. Also, uh, before you go, he really likes his little... giraffe.

(Rachel arrives behind her and flicks her in the back of her head)


RACHEL : That's for soaking me at the last party. The bitch slap, I deserved.

(Rachel starts leaving, Haley throws her glass at her back)

HALEY : That's for flicking me in the back of the head.

(Haley leaves)

RACHEL : I'm gonna miss this.

Nathan is on the roof, Lucas joins him

LUCAS : Is that Nathan Scott, big-time college basketball player?

NATHAN : Small-time college basketball player.

LUCAS : Well, whatever, but... congratulations, man... on everything. How's fatherhood?

NATHAN : It's awesome. How's brotherhood?

LUCAS : Awesome.

(they exchange pictures)

NATHAN : She's beautiful, Luke.

LUCAS : Handsome kid. Looks like his uncle.

(They stay in silence for a while)

NATHAN : We got to go see him.

LUCAS : Yeah, I know. But what do you say to your father the m*rder*r?

NATHAN : Whatever we say, we just get it over with. I'm tired of carrying it around and avoiding him.

LUCAS : Let's do it tonight. Let's stop running from him.

NATHAN : Okay. Okay, we'll go later tonight, then. May need a few drinks first.

(Nathan starts leaving)

NATHAN : Lucas... I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

LUCAS : I'm sorry I was right.

Brooke is looking at her cell phone, Chase sent her a video

CHASE (message) : Brooke Davis, look to your right, and you'll see the hottest guy at the party.

(Brooke looks at Chase, but Haley arrives)

HALEY : Hey.

BROOKE : Hi, tutor mom. How you feeling... you having fun or you worried about the kid?

HALEY : Um, I am... worried... about you, too. I'm gonna miss you this summer.

BROOKE : Okay, don't. Don't do that. Don't make me cry 'cause I'm barely holding it together as it is.

HALEY : Nathan and I want you to be James' godmother.

BROOKE : Okay, that's gonna do it. Haley. I would be honored to be his godmother, and I promise you that, unlike my ungodly mother, I will so kick ass at this.

HALEY : I know you will... as long as you don't say "kick ass" around him too much.

BROOKE : Right, sorry.

Shelly is alone, Peyton comes see her

PEYTON : Like your leather. You're Shelly, right?

SHELLY : Yeah. Uh, we had current events together, right?

PEYTON : Yeah. Hey, I just want to tell you, I think Clean Teens is really cool.

SHELLY : Thanks. I... kind of ended it.

PEYTON : Well, it's still really brave of you. I totally would have joined if I didn't love sex so much. That's a joke.

SHELLY : Yeah.

(Rachel joins them)

RACHEL : Man, Clean Teen wardrobe sure has changed. I want back in.

(Brooke and Haley arrive too)

BROOKE : Look at this. It's like a Clean Teen reunion. All we need now is Chase, but... honestly, he's not that clean. He appreciates the art of a dirty text message.

(Bevin arrives and grabs the girls to dance)

RACHEL : I don't suppose the Clean Teen dances much.

SHELLY : Oh, please. I was doing the whole slut thing long before you, bitch.

Skills is inside the house

SKILLS (singing) : "If you wanna be my lover You got to get with my friends"

(Lucas arrives)

SKILLS : What? It's catchy.

LUCAS : You believe in miracles, Skills? 'Cause there's no way in hell a couple of vagabonds like us walked off the River Court and won the State Championship.

SKILLS : Yeah. Hey, you know my joint ain't too far from U.N.C. this year, right? We gonna be boys for life.

LUCAS : Hey, you guys play Nathan and Whitey next season?

SKILLS : December 9th, 3:00, and I plan to score at 3:01, 3:02, and 3:03. You gonna be there, right?

LUCAS : We'll see.

SKILLS : "We'll see"? k*ll all that "boys for life" talk, dog. Matter of fact, we ain't even friends right now.

LUCAS : Right.

SKILLS : Be right back.

(Skills leaves when Nathan arrives)

NATHAN : Hey, Skills. All right. Let's go see Dan.

LUCAS : You sure?

NATHAN : Yeah, I'm sure. Why? Aren't you?

LUCAS : I don't know.

Dan is in his cell

POLICE OFFICER : Scott. Visitation.

(Karen arrives in front of his cell)

KAREN : I have a daughter. Her name is Lily. And someday, when she's old enough, she's gonna ask me where her daddy is... Who he was... and how he died. And on that day, I'm gonna look into her beautiful eyes... eyes that don't know of malice... and jealousy... and evil... and I'm gonna say... "Your father loved his younger brother very much, and that brother took him from you for your entire life. He made sure you would never know your father."

DAN (crying) : Karen.

(Karen spits on the window and leaves)


Brooke is watching everybody from a far, alone

SKILLS : You must be drinking, baby.

BEVIN : No, I don't wanna drink. I just wanna be upside down. This isn't funny.

(Lucas arrives)

LUCAS : So, you ready to leave tomorrow?

(He sees her crying)

LUCAS : Hey, what's wrong?

BROOKE : I don't know. I just, um... I know moving on is a good thing. I guess I'm just scared. You know? High school's safe, and I'm not sure I'm ready for the real world.

LUCAS : For the past few months, I've been writing this... I guess in part so I could remember it all. But, um... here.

(Lucas opens his book and gives it to her)

BROOKE (reading) : "She was fiercely independent. Brooke Davis... Brilliant and beautiful and brave. In two years, she'd grown more than anyone I had ever known. Brooke Davis is gonna change the world someday, and I'm not sure she even knows it."

LUCAS : You're gonna do great, Brooke. The world doesn't stand a chance.

BROOKE : Thank you.

Shelly is in the middle of the crowd

GIRL : Hey, Shelly. Nice moves.

SHELLY : Thanks.

GUY : Hey, Shelly... nice skirt. So, you gonna let me slide you out of that at church camp again or what? Come on... slut.

(Mouth arrives)

MOUTH : What did you say?

SHELLY : Mouth, it's okay.

MOUTH : No, it's not okay.

GUY : Oh, no? Whatever, geek.

(The guy pushes Mouth)

SHELLY : What are you doing?

GUY : Do you believe this?

(Mouth gets off the ground)

GUY : You know, I was gonna take it easy on...

(Mouth punches the guy in the face)

MOUTH : Yeah, me, too.

MOUTH (to Shelly) : He's sorry. You look great.

Nathan is showing some pictures of his son

REESE : Oh, my gosh. Nathan, your baby is so beautiful.

NATHAN : He is, isn't he?

(Haley arrives)

HALEY : Hi. Sorry. Can we just have a second?

REESE : Congratulations, Haley.

HALEY : Thank you, Reese.

(The girls leave)

HALEY : Um, we need to go home.

NATHAN : Why? What is it?

HALEY : I know we promised we wouldn't do this, but I called just to check in on the baby, and Deb's not answering the phone, there's no busy signal, no answering machine, and she's not answering her cellphone.

NATHAN : Okay, let's not freak out, okay? It doesn't mean my mom's not on top of it.

HALEY : Your mom the former drug addict, attempted m*rder*r, who dropped a loaded g*n in the café?

NATHAN : It wouldn't hurt to check.

HALEY : Right.

Mouth and Shelly are sitting on a couch

SHELLY : I thought about calling you a million times. Are you mad at me?

MOUTH : No. I just stayed away because you asked me to. No, uh, Clean Teen shirt, huh?

SHELLY : No. It was time to end it. I was just trying to find my place, you know?

MOUTH : Yeah. You'll always be important to me, Shelly.

(Mouth starts leaving)

SHELLY : Mouth.

(She hugs him)

MOUTH : I like the skirt.

Peyton finds Brooke alone

PEYTON : Hey, you. What have you been up to?

BROOKE : Flirting with Lucas.

PEYTON : Oh, yeah? How'd that turn out?

BROOKE : Meh. So, so. Love triangles are so high school.

PEYTON : Seriously.

BROOKE : We made it, didn't we? Through all the tragedy and jealousy and confusion... We made it.

PEYTON : Yeah. Hoes over bros, right?

BROOKE : I love you, P. Sawyer.

PEYTON : I love you, too, B. Davis.

Fergie, Junk and Mouth are sitting on the roof, Skills joins them

SKILLS : Almost midnight... end of an era. Four years of high school and zero girlfriends for Junk and Fergie.

JUNK : My girlfriend's canadian.

SKILLS : Man, whatever. What you thinking about, Marv?

(Mouth spins the bottle, which point Brooke)

MOUTH : I'll be right back.

(Mouth jumps from the roof, walks toward Brooke and kiss her)

JUNK, FERGIE, SKILLS (screaming) : Hey, Mouth, what's...

SKILLS : Yeah, Mouth! That's my dog!

MOUTH : I always wanted to do that.

(Mouth leaves and passes Chase)

MOUTH : Sorry.

BROOKE : Um... did you...

CHASE : I-I said you could hang out. I didn't say you could make out.

BROOKE : Do you see what happens when you leave me alone all night? I mean, seriously, thank you for letting me say goodbye to all my friends, but you're the one I want to finish the night with.

CHASE : I was hoping you were gonna say that.

BROOKE : How about you kiss me till I have to leave tomorrow?

CHASE : It's a start. Come on.


Deb is sitting with Jamie sleeping in her arms. Haley and Nathan walk in.

HALEY : Deb?

NATHAN : Mom? Mom, what happened to the phone?

DEB : I unplugged it.


DEB : Because the two of you were driving us crazy.

HALEY : The two of us?

NATHAN : I might have called a couple of times.

DEB : Six times.

HALEY : You crazy, obsessive parent.

DEB : You called eight.

HALEY : I missed him.

DEB : He's fine. But go back to the party and have fun. You have the rest of your lives to worry about children. Trust me.

(Deb leaves)

HALEY : All right. You want to go back?

NATHAN : Yeah. Hey, hold on a second. You're gonna be a great mom, you know that? Actually, you already are a great mother, and that's very sexy.

HALEY : Really? We don't have to go back right away.

NATHAN : You're absolutely right.


Brooke and Chase are in a car, kissing. Brooke starts to get undressed

CHASE : Did I mention this was the greatest night of my life?

BROOKE : Well, you said it was a night to be great and to try new things, so I figured we'd do both at once.

CHASE : You're gonna change the world someday, Brooke Davis.

BROOKE : Yeah, so I've been told.

CHASE : Be gentle with me.

Lucas and Peyton are alone, sitting on a bench, far from the party

LUCAS : I don't want you to go.

PEYTON : What?

LUCAS : I'm sorry. I just... I've been trying to put a good face on. God, I love you so much, Peyton.

PEYTON : So you want me to stay?

LUCAS : Yeah.

PEYTON : Then I'll stay.

LUCAS : No, you won't. I want you to stay. But I won't let you. And do you know why? Because I've told you before... You are destined for greatness. And it starts tomorrow morning.

PEYTON : It's not gonna matter anyway... whether I stay or I go... with us... 'cause I'm gonna love you forever, Lucas Scott.

(Nathan an Haley join them)

NATHAN : Yeah, so am I.

PEYTON : Hey, where have you guys been?

HALEY : I don't know. Around. Hey, um, you got a sec, Luke?

LUCAS : Yeah.

(Haley and Lucas go for a walk, Nathan sits with Peyton)

PEYTON : All right, let me see that baby. Oh, god.

NATHAN : Not bad, huh?

PEYTON : Good work, buddy.

NATHAN : I made that.

Brooke and Chase are still in the car

CHASE : So, tell me that was the greatest 60 seconds of your life.

BROOKE : Stop. It was great.

CHASE : So great you're gonna stay?

BROOKE : Mmm... not really that great.

CHASE : Suddenly I feel used. But it's okay, considering I've been used by Brooke Davis.

BROOKE : Shut up. You know I'm lying. I am gonna miss you. I already do. You've become such a big part of my life, sometimes I think it's strange that I didn't know you till now.

CHASE : It's okay. Put me in your heart and go see everything, Brooke. And then come back to me.

Haley and Lucas are walking

HALEY : I'm sad. I am sad. I... It just hit me today that you and I have been together pretty much every day of our lives, and we're gonna have to say goodbye soon. We're not gonna...

LUCAS : Hales.

HALEY : Look, I just... I really want you to know that I love you and there's a reason why our son's middle name is Lucas. You had Keith, and James is gonna have you. And, um... Nathan and I would like for his uncle Lucas to also be his godfather.

LUCAS : Thank you. I would love to.

HALEY : Good. I just... I hope he learns how to follow his heart like you do. I'm really gonna miss you, Luke.

LUCAS : No, you're not.

HALEY : What do you mean? What's so funny?

LUCAS : Do you want to hear a secret?

(Lucas whispers something to Haley)

HALEY : Oh, Luke.

Rachel is inside the house, Brooke comes to see her

RACHEL : Hey. Where you been?

BROOKE : Having sex.

RACHEL : You're funny.

BROOKE : I have something for you.

(Brooke gives Rachel her diploma)

BROOKE : Turner gave it to me. Happy graduation.

RACHEL : You told him the truth, didn't you?

BROOKE : Maybe.

RACHEL : You know, of all the schools I got suspended from... I'm glad I graduated from this one.

BROOKE : Me too.

Lucas joins Nathan who’s alone

LUCAS : I've been thinking about Dan.

NATHAN : Yeah?

LUCAS : Why should we go see him?

NATHAN : You mean tonight?

LUCAS : No, I mean... I mean at all. I mean... he's had control over us since we were born. These are our lives, not his. I say we go on without him. I say... we never go see him. Ever.

NATHAN : I know it sounds horrible to say, but, uh... I'm okay with that. I mean, I got a great wife, I got a beautiful baby son, and I got a hell of a brother.

LUCAS : Yeah... hell of a brother who's gonna be your coach. Whitey offered me an assistant-coaching job. I'm gonna take it.

NATHAN : What? When did you decide this?

LUCAS : About the same time I became a godfather.

NATHAN : That's great, man. We'll do it together.

LUCAS : By the way, make sure you play well on december 9th. If Skills beats us, he's never gonna let us hear the end of it.

NATHAN : Yeah.

Everybody is outside the house

EVERYBODY : 12...11...10...9...8...

LUCAS : What's going on?

MOUTH : It's almost midnight.

EVERYBODY : ...5...4...3...2...1! We're seniors!

BROOKE : Oh, high-school kids. Let's get out of here, you guys.

BEVIN : Where to?

SKILLS : I know a place open all night. Let's roll.


All the band arrive

PEYTON : Girls versus boys!

(They start playing)

HALEY (whispering to Nathan) : You give me that ball and I'll make it worth for a while.

NATHAN : Sorry, guys.

HALEY : Sweet!

Later, they all wrote their names down the court, and they stand all together.

BROOKE : Okay. We're not gonna do this. We're not gonna get sad. Nothing's gonna change now. We'll all be friends forever. I know it.

LUCAS : Look, in four years, we're gonna be right back here. You know, done with college or... wherever we go. Right?


NATHAN (to Lucas) : Hey. Ready for a rematch, or you afraid you're gonna get worked?

LUCAS : Do you really want to end your night with a loss?

MOUTH : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another historic night.

NATHAN : You sure you're up for this, old man?

LUCAS : I could do this forever, little brother.