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05x04 - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Posted: 02/05/08 12:10
by bunniefuu
LUCAS (voiceover) : My name is Lucas Scott. Four years ago, I graduated from high school with my friends, and we all went our separate ways. Recently, we've all come home. My ex-girlfriend Peyton is starting a new record label...

JASON : So we're gonna give you a chance. Don't let us down.

PEYTON : I won't.

LUCAS (voiceover) : ...and getting to know my new girlfriend, Lindsey... sort of.

LINDSEY : Peyton, hi. You just missed Lucas.

PEYTON : Yeah, actually, I came here to see you. But for the record, I'm not after Lucas, okay?

LUCAS (voiceover) : Haley just hired a nanny for her son, Jamie.

JAMIE : Look, mama. Me and daddy made mud.

HALEY : I'm sorry. Who am I kidding? How soon could you start?

LUCAS (voiceover) : Because her husband, Nathan's, been in a wheelchair, but now seems to be recovering in more ways than one.

HALEY : What is this?

NATHAN : I figure it's a start, right?

HALEY : I've really missed you.

LUCAS (voiceover) : Mouth started a job... and other things with his new boss, Alice. Brooke opened a local store for her fashion line, but she also found that sometimes your problems follow you home.

BROOKE : What are you doing here?

VICTORIA : Vacation's over. It's time to get back to work.

BROOKE : No. I'm not going back.

VICTORIA : Brooke.

BROOKE : Mother.

VICTORIA : I'll see you on the plane, my beautiful daughter.

LUCAS (voiceover) : Like I said, we're all home now, maybe hoping that the things we were looking for were right here in Tree Hill all along.



PEYTON : Heya, roomie. So, I've got a plan on how we deal with Victoria.

BROOKE : Really?

PEYTON : Ready? I'll get the shovel, and you get 10 feet of rope... Too much?

BROOKE : Maybe. And what about you? Don't you have a band to turn into rock stars or something?

PEYTON : Yes. Today is our first day in-studio. I've got to do some other stuff beforehand, though.

BROOKE : Okay. Good luck.

PEYTON : Brooke. You're doing great.

LUCAS (voiceover) : Much as some of us fight it, our parents have a mystical hold over us... the power to affect our thoughts and emotions the way only they can. It's a bond that changes over time but doesn't diminish, even if they're half a world away... or in another world entirely. It's a power we never fully understand. We're left only to wonder that when our time comes, what kind of hold will

we have on our children?


Nathan, Haley, Carrie and Jamie are in the kitchen for breakfast

JAMIE : Daddy, can we play ball again? Now?

HALEY : No, not right now, sweetie. Maybe later. Thank you.

JAMIE : I want to play every day. He sh**t. He scores. Straight to the hole, playas.

HALEY : Okay. I guess we got to stop leaving him with Skills.

CARRIE : Come on, champ. There's a bath with your name on it.

(Carrie takes Jamie and leave the kitchen)

HALEY : So how are you doing?

NATHAN : I'm trying. There's good days and bad days, right? It's a good thing we don't have to worry about money, but I got to figure out what I'm gonna do. Not all of us can have it together all the time.

HALEY : Please, if you only knew.

NATHAN : I thought you had those kids in line.

HALEY : You remember Quentin? The one that walked out after I threatened to fail him? Well... Next thing I know, he got cut from the basketball team and he stopped showing up at school.

NATHAN : That's not your fault.

HALEY : Yeah, but I'm a teacher. I'm supposed to be saving these kids, not running them off. I tried to talk with him, but he wouldn't listen to me. Oh, maybe if he... had somebody he could relate to.

NATHAN : Whatever you're thinking, stop it.

HALEY : Come on.

NATHAN : Haley, I'm the last person that should be giving anybody a talk.

HALEY : You're, like, a basketball God or something to these guys. And you're not a teacher, which will really help. I think he might listen to you.

NATHAN : All right. I'll think about it.

HALEY : Thank you. For what it's worth, I think it might give you another good day.

NATHAN : Really?

HALEY : Yeah... So, are you bringing back the mullet, or what?


Mouth is in his bed, Alice is dressing up

MOUTH : You know, you're really hot when you're not yelling about how much I suck.

ALICE : See you at work. Don't be late, okay?

MOUTH : Yes, ma'am.

(Alice leaves the room. After a while, Skills walks in)

MOUTH : Do you ever knock?

SKILLS : What's that?

MOUTH : I don't smell anything.

SKILLS : Perfume. Yeah, Chanel 5 elixir... choice of a classy older woman. Ooh! Claw marks! Somebody tussled with a cougar last night!

MOUTH : You're out of your mind.

SKILLS : It was your boss lady, wasn't it? Damn, I knew it! Office dragon lady by day, sex machine to entry-level chumps by night.

MOUTH : I don't know what you're talking about.

SKILLS : My boy, you need to ask for a raise!


BROOKE : Okay, guys. We open in a day, so how is it possible that the light panel doesn't work?

VICTORIA : I don't see luggage. So... this is why you disappeared from your work and your life and your family... for a half-built shop in the middle of a half-dead town.

BROOKE : Don't say that. Tree Hill's home.

VICTORIA : Not anymore. Get in the car.


VICTORIA : Brooke...

BROOKE : Just listen to me, please. For the last couple of years, you have told me what to do, who to date, what to say. And I've let you because you are the brains behind this whole operation.

VICTORIA : And the company didn't seem to suffer.

BROOKE : I agree, and I am grateful, but I've learned a lot, and I know that I can do this. Just give me a chance to prove it to you.

VICTORIA : All right. All right. I can't force you to go back to New York. If this is what you really want, I'll respect your decision.

BROOKE : Thank you.

VICTORIA : I should commend you for opening a shop yourself. Just dealing with the inventory, the catering, and the publicity... but I'm sure you've taken care of all that by now.

BROOKE : Of course.

(Victoria leaves, Brooke takes her phone)

BROOKE : Millicent? Hi. It's me. I need your help.


Quentin is playing alone. Nathan arrives

QUENTIN : What brings the great Nathan Scott around here, huh? Checking out the next big thing?

NATHAN : That crossover wouldn't work in the NBA or college, but it's not bad.

QUENTIN : Yeah. You got any suggestions?

NATHAN : Could try the fadeaway.

QUENTIN : The fadeaway's weak. So... I heard you mixed it up back in your day, huh? Girls. Bookies. A little point-shaving.

NATHAN : That was a long time ago, Quentin.

SKILLS : Oh, you ain't got to explain nothing to me, playa. People like you and me, man, we're just misunderstood.

NATHAN : Is that why you dropped out of school? Teachers didn't get you?

SKILLS : You should be thankful. One more year, I'd have broke your scoring record.

NATHAN : Maybe there's something we can do about that.


Lucas and Lindsey are kissing

LUCAS : Why do you always look extra sexy right before you're about to leave?

LINDSEY : Oh, because I'm mean like that. I'll be back from New York late sunday. Try and stay out of trouble while I'm gone.

LUCAS : Come on. What kind of trouble could I get in without you?

(Lindsey opens the door, Peyton is outside)


(Lindsey shut the door in front of Peyton)


Peyton is still in front of Lucas’ door and knock. Lindsey comes out

LINDSEY : Change of plans. That was a joke. Sorry.

PEYTON : It's okay. I deserve it.

LINDSEY : Lucas is getting dressed, but he'll be out in a sec.

PEYTON : Actually, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. You were being nice, and I got bitchy and weird, and I'm really sorry.

LINDSEY : Don't worry about it.

PEYTON : Okay. Anyway, Brooke's having her store opening tomorrow, and I didn't know if maybe you wanted to go together. We could go get dinner beforehand and... clean slate, you know?

LINDSEY : I'd love to, but I'm about to hop on a plane to New York. Actually, Lucas is going. You two should go together. He hates going to those things alone.

PEYTON : I couldn't. I'm sorry. Honestly, I would just feel way too guilty after how I behaved.

LINDSEY : I know. I'm counting on it. Besides, you'd have to be a pretty awful person to do what you did and then hit on my boyfriend while I'm out of town. Like you said, clean slate. You two have fun.


Skills is taking care of the practice, Nathan arrives

SKILLS : Nathan Scott... standing up and looking good.

NATHAN : How's it going?

SKILLS : You know... everybody expecting us to turn this thing around this season, so the pressure's on.

NATHAN : If anybody can do it, it's you and Lucas.

SKILLS : True dat. But we ain't miracle workers.

(Lucas arrives)

LUCAS : Hey, little bro. You look great.

NATHAN : Feel terrible. I just wanted to thank you for being there for Haley and Jamie.

LUCAS : Don't worry about it. So, you here to teach these kids how to win a championship?

NATHAN : I have an idea on where to start. You could put Quentin back on the team.

LUCAS : Haley put you up to this.

NATHAN : She's got a thing for lost causes. And I watched the kid play. He's really good.

LUCAS : I'm not saying the kid doesn't have talent. The fact is, I don't have time to coach him or deal with his crap or teach him to play an unselfish game.

NATHAN : Okay. What if I did?

LUCAS : You're gonna come to practice? Every practice? Every day, five days a week?

NATHAN : If that's what it takes.

LUCAS : All right. I'll do it for you, but not for him. Welcome back, Nate.

NATHAN : Thanks, man.

LUCAS : All right. Three-man weave. Line it up.


Peyton is working with the new band

PEYTON : He, guys! Guys! That's great. That sounds really good. Jason, maybe this time, let's play a little bit slower. I think it'll make it more intense, you know?

JASON : Sure thing.

PEYTON : Cool.

PEYTON : Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I think that's the same tempo.

JASON : Yeah, it is.

PEYTON : All right. Maybe I wasn't clear.

JASON : Look, these are my songs, Peyton. We play them my way. Nobody's gonna change that.


Haley walks in. Carrie and Jamie are there.

HALEY : Hi. I'm so sorry I'm late.

JAMIE : Hi, mom.

HALEY : Hi, baby. Ooh, I love you. I had a mountain of papers to grade. I just have a couple more rands to run, and then I'll take Jamie out of your hair.

CARRIE : Actually, I saw your to-do list on the fridge and thought I'd help out. I picked up the dry cleaning. Nathan's prescription's on the counter. And we baked dairy-free brownies for Jamie's playdate with Chuck.

JAMIE : He's lactose-intolerant.

HALEY : Yes, he is. I totally spaced about his playdate. I'm so sorry.

CARRIE : Don't sweat it. That's what I'm here for. Have a lactose-free afternoon.

JAMIE : Bye, mama.

HALEY : Bye.


Brooke is still working on the shop before the opening

BROOKE : All right, guys. Let's pick up the pace, please. We're shorthanded as it is. Thank you.

(Brooke turns around, and Victoria’s there)

BROOKE : Well, well... you know, this morning I was half expecting you to disown me.

VICTORIA : Oh, Brooke, I want what's best for you. Someday you'll realize that. So, what can I do? I'm offering my help if you want it. Good God. What is that?

BROOKE : That is my assistant Millicent.

VICTORIA : Tell me again why you have an assistant who dresses like a slavic bag lady.

BROOKE : Stop it. She's great. And what you can do to help me is do inventory with her.

(Brooke leaves and Millicent comes by)

MILLICENT : Hi, Victoria. I'm really excited to be here.

VICTORIA : Call the New York office. I want the latest couture line brought in.

MILLICENT : Absolutely. How many pieces?

VICTORIA : All of them.

MILLICENT : But why...



Peyton and Haley are sitting on the verge of the pool, talking. Nathan is exercising in the pool.

PEYTON : I just don't understand how someone who can write such soulful songs can be such a d*ck, you know?

PEYTON (talking about the brownies) : These are awesome.

HALEY : At least the band sounds good, you know?

PEYTON : Yeah, but something's not right, you know? I mean, they have magic, but... Anyway, I know you're super swamped, but if I can borrow you for like two hours...

NATHAN : Hales, you should do it.

HALEY : I don't know. I've got the housework and Jamie.

CARRIE : Oh, yeah. It's too bad we don't have somebody to take care of that, like... I don't know... maybe a nanny? Just go.

HALEY : Okay.

PEYTON : Cool.


Quentin walks in, Lucas is there

QUENTIN : You wanted to see me?

LUCAS : Close the door.

QUENTIN : Let me guess, huh? You want me back, right?

(Quentin makes himself comfortable and put his feet on the desk)

LUCAS : Take your feet off my desk.

QUENTIN : Oh, man, I get it. Local boy becomes coach, feels pressure to win big, needs a star player to make it happen. Yeah, I guess I could help you out.

LUCAS : Let me tell you how it's gonna go. I'm the coach. You do what I say, and I do not ask you twice. For instance, there's the matter of your feet on my desk.

(Quentin takes his feet off the desk)

LUCAS : I'm building a team. You play your part and do as I say or you are gone. Just so we're clear.

QUENTIN : Look, we both know I'm the best sh**ting guard in the state, so why don't we just cut the crap, huh? I'm not playing no zone defense. Matter of fact, I might not play no defense at all. And on offense, I need my minutes, so I'm'a play when I want and I'm'a sit when I want. And that weak-ass point guard? Find somebody that's gonna feed me the ball, man. You do that, you can stand on the sideline, hold your little clipboard, and watch me work. And when we win, I might even let you take the credit.

(Quentin starts leaving)

QUENTIN : Oh, you can call me "Q," coach. I like you, man, but, uh, that's how it's gonna go. Just so we're clear.


The band is still working. Peyton and Haley are in the booth

HALEY : Yeah. You're right. I mean, they're definitely raw, but there's something there.

PEYTON : Yeah.

HALEY : Do you mind if I...

PEYTON : No. Be my guest. Just watch out for Jason. He's... That's Jason.

(Haley goes talk to them)

HALEY : You guys sound amazing. The hook is really great. I think this might be a little repetitive, just... over and over, and if you try and alternate the verses with something just even as simple as...

(The girl at the piano, Mia, starts playing something)

HALEY : Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

JASON : That's great but if it's all the same to you, I think we'll do it my way.

PEYTON : Well, I'm really liking this.

JASON : Oh, you're talking now? Thought your lesbian girlfriend was calling the sh*ts.

HALEY : Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step on you creatively. I just have some experience...

JASON : Playing the church organ?

PEYTON : Actually, she's had a major record deal and a billboard hit and a sold-out national tour, whereas you are the lead singer of a band that plays for free beer in dive bars. So yes, you could benefit from her.

JASON : Whatever. I'm taking a smoke break.

PEYTON : No, Jason. You have one hour left in the studio.

Mouth is working, one of his co-worker comes in, Jerry

JERRY : So, Mouth, saw you coming out of Alice's office.

MOUTH : You did?

JERRY : Boy, she must have really worked you over. Hey, man, hey... don't let it get to you, okay? Alice hates everyone. Look, we got a good, solid crew here, but you'd never know it. Not the way she tears into us.

MOUTH : Yeah, she does like calling the sh*ts.

JERRY : Yeah, well, she's lucky she's so hot, huh? You know, I just wish someone would stand up to her someday.


Peyton and Haley are still there alone

PEYTON : I'm really sorry about Jason.

HALEY : It's okay. I've worked with self-centered musicians before. Chris Keller ring a bell?

PEYTON : Only his own.

HALEY : You know, if you're open to it, I'd really like to work with them.

PEYTON : Like produce the record? Aren't you kind of busy?

HALEY : Yeah, a few days ago I was. But then Carrie came around and I actually had time to think. You know what I realized? I'm 21 years old. Nathan and I got married and had Jamie so young, and it feels like we already lived our lives, but we're just starting out like everybody else is. And just because I'm a wife and a mother and a teacher, it doesn't mean I can't achieve some self-transcendence by doing something else that I love.

PEYTON : Well, guess what. Job's yours, so calm down, okay?

HALEY : Thank you very much.


Brooke is still working on the shop before the opening with Millicent, Victoria and also Peyton, Lucas, Mouth.

Millicent arrives with some pizzas

BROOKE : All right, guys. Come and get it. Now, words cannot express how much I appreciate you all being here on a friday night doing manual labor, so I'm just gonna say this... do not get food on the clothes. Millicent will be distributing handi wipes... use them. Break's over in 20 minutes, and I love you all.

LUCAS : It's good to see that success and fame hasn't changed her.

PEYTON : No really it hasn’t, you should have seen her at cheer camp.

LUCAS : Hey, how's the new band going?

PEYTON : I thought it was gonna be all good times and groovy tunes, and nobody warned me about obnoxious, elf-righteous musicians.

LUCAS : You've always been capable of a lot more than you've given yourself credit for.

(Brooke goes to see her mom)

BROOKE : So, what do you think?

VICTORIA : Truthfully, this afternoon I didn't think it could be done. But somehow, you have pulled it off. You should feel very proud.

BROOKE : I'm glad you're here for this.

VICTORIA : Me too.

(Brooke leaves and Peyton comes to see Victoria)

PEYTON : Hi, Mrs. Davis. I just want to tell you I think it's really great you're supporting Brooke's decision to stay. I know it means so much to her.

VICTORIA : Of course I support my daughter. But let's be clear. The only reason that Brooke returned to this backwater town is because her loser friend couldn't cut it in Los Angeles. That's why I'm here... to make sure that my daughter is not completely exploited by her parasitic so-called friend. So you get your little act together before you ruin her life, too.


Mia is playing. Haley walks in

HALEY : Wow, Mia. That's really great. Did you write it?

MIA : Oh, it doesn't matter. Jason writes all our songs.

HALEY : Has the band ever played it?

MIA : Really, it's... it's nothing, you know? Jason writes all our stuff, so...

(Mia leaves)


Practice. Quentin’s playing

SKILLS : Four passes before you sh**t. Four passes before you sh**t.

QUENTIN : What y'all gonna do about that? Yeah, that's right... nothing.

QUENTIN (to Nathan) : That's for you, playa.

LUCAS : He's all yours.

NATHAN : Jeez. Can I cut him?


MILLICENT : The store looks really great, Brooke. I can't believe your friends pulled an all-nighter.

BROOKE : I know.They're pretty wonderful. But I bet you have friends who'd do the same for you.

MILLICENT : I don't have a lot of real friends in New York.

BROOKE : Yeah. Well, neither do I. Now, I have a question. There's a lot more high-end stuff in the store than I remember ordering. Did we...

MILLICENT : Actually, Victoria...

VICTORIA : Victoria asked you to fix the window display yesterday. A little less chit-chat, a little more work, yes?

(Millicent leaves)

VICTORIA : She's very frumpy. We should fire her.

BROOKE : Stop.


There’re lots of people working in the recording studio, including Mouth when Alice walks in

ALICE : Hey, if you cannot fix this crappy feed, then pick up your next check at the unemployment office.

MOUTH : It's not his fault.

ALICE : What was that?

MOUTH : It's not his fault the feed's off. If you'd let people here do their jobs right in the first place, maybe things would run better.

ALICE (to Mouth) : In my office.

Mouth and Alice in her office

ALICE : Never talk back to me in front of the crew again. But that was kind of hot.

(They kiss)


Quentin is playing, Nathan arrives

QUENTIN : If it ain't my biggest fan.

NATHAN : You need to start listening to your coaches, Quentin.

QUENTIN : They need me more than I need them, man.

NATHAN : Only reason you're back on that team is because I'm vouching for you.

QUENTIN : I don't remember asking you for no help.

NATHAN : Hey... I get it, okay? I used to be just like you, Quentin.


NATHAN : But it's not gonna help you win games. More importantly, it's not gonna help your relationships with other people.

QUENTIN : Other people? Who needs other people when you got this?

(Quentin makes a dunk)

NATHAN : Keep thinking like that and you're gonna blow it. You listen to me, I'll get you to the State Championship.

QUENTIN : Look, man, I gave you respect 'cause you got game... had game. But now you're just an old gimpy-ass has-been trying to tell me what to do.


The band is there, Jason arrives.

HALEY : Jason, you can't keep doing this, man.

JASON : Doing what?

HALEY : Showing up late. Studio time costs money, and it's by the hour.

JASON : So? It's not my money.

HALEY : Okay. You're not gonna become a rock star by having a few decent melodies. You actually have to have hard work and dedication.

JASON : Whatever.

HALEY : All right. You know what? You can go.

JASON : I can go?

HALEY : Yes. I'm dismissing you from the band. You are not needed any longer.

JASON : You're dismissing me from my own band?

HALEY : Yes, only it's not your band anymore. I just kicked you out.

JASON : We'll see about that.

Later, Peyton and Haley are talking inside the booth

PEYTON : You cannot kick him out of the band! He is the band! Haley, Brooke put up a lot of money for this, okay? I quit my job. I asked you to produce the band, not break them up, and without Jason,

I have no band!

HALEY : Just hear me out, because you said that there was something magical about their sound and you couldn't figure out what it was, right? It's Mia.


HALEY : Mia... she's the keyboard player. She's the magic, Peyton, and I'm telling you, her spark is getting squashed by this ass of a singer.

JASON : I knew we shouldn't have signed with your crap label!

HALEY : Peyton, I know how important this is to you. I promise you I am not wrong.

PEYTON : Jason... you're fired.

JASON : What the...

Peyton and Haley come back into the recording room

JASON : Stupid, stupid label. Can't win. You know what? You can come with me or stay and suck. Thanks, dog. That's what I thought.

(The guys in the band follow Jason)

JASON : Mia, let's go.

HALEY : Mia, if you stay, you're gonna make a great record. I'll help you.

JASON : Mia, now.

MIA : I think I'm gonna stay.

JASON : You're an idiot.

MIA : Don't call me an idiot! And stop playing the ballads. Those are mine.

JASON : You know what? You just made a big mistake. All of you. Later, b*tches.

(Jason leaves)

HALEY : Everything's gonna be okay. I promise.


Lucas came to pick up Peyton for the store opening. They are on the terrace

LUCAS : You look amazing.

PEYTON : Okay. I'm sorry. Is this weird? Because it feels really weird.

LUCAS : Okay. Look. We had a relationship. Okay? We can't pretend that we didn't. But... before that, we were really close friends. There's no reason we can't have that again. Right?

PEYTON : Right.


Lots of people arrive for the opening

PEYTON : Brooke, how awesome is this?

BROOKE : I know. I think that the whole town showed up.

LUCAS : I can't blame them. There hasn't been a party here since... well, ever. Can't believe I got in looking like this.

BROOKE : Oh, stop. Where's Lindsey?

LUCAS : She's in New York. I came with Peyton.

Haley is looking some clothes

NATHAN : That is some dress.

HALEY : I don't know. You don't think it's too sexy? It's not something a respectable wife or mother would wear.

NATHAN : You should definitely get it.

BROOKE : The dress is on me.

HALEY : No. I can't let you do that.

BROOKE : I can do anything I want. It's my party. Think of it as a present for taking such good care of my godson. Sorry I don't have anything for you, Nate.

NATHAN : That's a present for me, too.

Victoria is talking to Millicent

VICTORIA : And these press kits look just... pathetic. Coming from you, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

(Victoria leaves, Mouth comes to comfort Millicent)

MOUTH : Hey, don't let it get to you. I have a bitchy boss, too. On my first day at work, she told me she hated my face.

MILLICENT : Victoria threw a snakeskin purse at me.

MOUTH : Mine threw me against the wall.

MILLICENT : You must hate her.

MOUTH : Yeah, kind of.

(Alice walks in with a guy)

MOUTH : I have to go.

Lucas walks by Victoria

VICTORIA : Oh, I know you. You're one of my daughter's ill-chosen love interests.

LUCAS : You must be very proud of Brooke. I can't believe all she's accomplished.

VICTORIA : Yes, and her taste has greatly improved. Thank God. If you'll excuse me.

(Victoria leaves, Peyton comes to see him)

PEYTON : Oh, don't take it personally.

LUCAS : She just...

PEYTON : Verbally punched you in the goodies? Yeah. That's how she says hi.

LUCAS : And I thought Brooke was being dramatic when she talked about her mom.

PEYTON : Nope. All true.

(Brooke arrives)

BROOKE : Hey, P. Sawyer, I need you.

(Brooke bring Peyton to the counter)

PEYTON : What's up?

BROOKE : I have a little something for you. It's a present to say thanks for helping me with everything.

PEYTON : Brooke, I love it, but you do not have to do this. You've already done so much for me.

BROOKE : So, how are things with Lucas?

PEYTON : What do you mean?

BROOKE : Peyton, you asked me to be honest with you about why I'm staying, and I need you to do the same with me, okay?

PEYTON : Okay.

BROOKE : Lucas seems really happy right now. And we like Lindsey, and... It's just not high school anymore.

PEYTON : It's not about Lucas, okay?

BROOKE : Okay. Good. 'Cause the cute bartender's been eyeing you all night.


Mouth is sitting alone, near the fitting room. Skills arrives

SKILLS : Hey. Man, I've been looking everywhere for you. Your sexy boss lady is here.

MOUTH : I know. I saw her... and her date.

SKILLS : Man, don't feel bad about that. Cougars go after all kind of prey. You can't change that, that's like telling a rainbow not to be colorful.

MOUTH : Yeah, well, I didn't sign up to be some meaningless plaything. I'm done with this. See ya.

SKILLS : Mind if I call her?

Peyton is talking with the bartender, Lucas arrives

LUCAS : Ready to go?

PEYTON : Actually, I think I'm gonna stay. So... good night.

LUCAS (whispering to her) : He's not good enough for you.

(Lucas leaves, Peyton follows him)

Lucas and Peyton are outside the store

PEYTON (yelling) : Don't do that!

LUCAS : Do what?

PEYTON : "He's not good enough for you"?! I don't want you saying things like that to me, Lucas! That's not fair to me! That's not fair to Lindsey, either!

(Peyton goes back in the store)


Everybody left. Only Brooke, Victoria and Millicent are still there

VICTORIA : How does it feel?

BROOKE : Oh, you know, before we opened, I could only think about the displays and the catering, and then the crowd came in, and I got to share what I do with the people I love, and it was...amazing.

(Victoria brings to glass of champagne)

VICTORIA : Well, here is to a job well done.

BROOKE : Thank you.

VICTORIA : So, how did the store do?

BROOKE : Let's find out.

(Brooke walks to the computer)

BROOKE : Well? We sold a couple scarves, some handbags.

VICTORIA : No gowns? A suit? Not even a dress?

BROOKE : Well...

VICTORIA : No. I don't think you sold one high-dollar piece all night. In fact, if you factor in the party expenses and all the pieces you gave away, I believe your store has run the biggest opening-day deficit in our company's history. At least it wasn't a complete disaster.

VICTORIA (to Millicent) : Where is she? You! Whatever your name is, pack up the inventory and ship it to our Houston store. They're expecting it.

BROOKE : They're expecting it? You knew this was gonna happen?

VICTORIA : Darling, you've never had a head for business. That's why I've tried to protect you from it. High-end lines don't do well in sleepy little towns. Beautiful things die in Tree Hill. Why do you think we left?

BROOKE : I don't believe this.

VICTORIA : I know how much this meant to you. And if you had sold just one couture piece... I'd consider letting you keep the store. But you didn't.

MILLICENT : Brooke? I'd like to buy this dress.

BROOKE : No. It's too much.

MILLICENT : I think it's worth every cent, and I want to pay for it.

VICTORIA : Oh, my goodness.

MILLICENT : I believe in you, Brooke. So you see, I'm not just buying a dress. What I'm buying is a whole lot more.

VICTORIA : This changes nothing.

(Victoria leaves)

BROOKE : Our first real check. I'm gonna have to frame this.

MILLICENT : But if you frame it, you can't cash... Oh, good, 'cause it definitely would have bounced.

BROOKE : Thank you.


Mia is playing alone. Haley arrives and Mia stops playing

HALEY : Sorry. Sounds great. You couldn't stay away either, huh?

MIA : Honestly, I think I'm gonna throw up. What if I'm not worth it?

HALEY : You are. I really believe that, but you've got to believe it, too, you know?

MIA : Yeah.

HALEY : Oh, don't worry. We'll face all of this... tomorrow. So, where's this song go after that? It goes back up to the "D."

HALEY : What if you go to the "E"? It might give it a little diversity.

MIA : Yeah. Yeah. Let me try that.


Haley is playing piano


(Haley stops playing)


NATHAN : When you get a chance, I'd love to see that dress on you.

(Jamie arrives)


JAMIE : Night, mama.

HALEY : Oh, going to bed already? I haven't seen you all day. Oh, I miss you. Okay. Go upstairs. I'll be up in a minute, all right, bud? I just want to talk with Carrie.

NATHAN : Oh, okay. Sure. All right, buddy. You ready to go to bed? All right.

CARRIE : Is everything okay?

HALEY : Actually, everything's great. I'm getting back into music, and Nathan's healing, Jamie's never been happier. And most importantly, I'm actually starting to feel like we're a family again.

CARRIE : I'm glad to hear that.

HALEY : You had a lot to do with it. So if I haven't said it a hundred times already, I just... thank you.


Alice is in her office

ALICE : What are you doing here?

MOUTH : I saw you at the Clothes Over Bro's opening. Who's the guy?

ALICE : My gosh. Are you jealous? My private life is my own business, but just so you know, he was completely boring. I'm here at work, aren't I?

MOUTH : What are you working on?

ALICE : I'm trying to find some new weekend segment reporters. I think I have some really good candidates. So let me ask you something. Your place or mine?


Brooke is sitting in the kitchen, eating ice cream and crying. Peyton comes home

PEYTON : Brooke, what's wrong?

BROOKE : The store is a total failure.

PEYTON : What are you talking about?

BROOKE : I didn't sell one real piece tonight. Well... I sold a dress, but it was a pity purchase and it doesn't count. And the worst part is that Victoria saw this all coming. My mother's right... when I'm left up to my own devices, I'm a failure.

PEYTON : No. Hey, listen to me. You were never a failure, okay? I mean, you won three cheerleading competitions, and what did Victoria have to say about that? Oh, wait. Nothing, 'cause she wasn't there. She also wasn't there when you won the miss June Bug title at the county fair or when you were elected student-body president. Brooke, if you're a failure, what does that make me?

BROOKE : Pretty lame, I guess.

BROOKE : Okay. I don't want to talk about my night anymore. Tell me about the dishy bartender. I wasn't really feeling it.


Lucas is lying on his bed and call Lindsey

LUCAS : Lindsey. Hi. I miss you.


Jamie is sleeping. Haley walks in and find a drawing which says "Me and nanny Carrie"