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03x05 - Phoenix Saga, Part 4: Starjammers

Posted: 08/25/22 09:39
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

I've come for
the Princess Lilandra.

She's still a bit
under the weather,

but you didn't specify
what condition
she had to be in.

Tell me where
the M'Kraan Crystal is.

You must
save Lilandra.

Our job
is to find Lilandra
and get out fast.

Anybody know
what she looks like?

She's from
another galaxy.

You see a woman
you don't know,
rescue her.

Forget these freaks!

We must get Lilandra
to my ship.


Let Lilandra go.


I have Lilandra.

But where is
the M'Kraan Crystal?

Why do you serve
a madman
like my brother?

Take her
with my respects
to the Emperor.

I am sorry, Princess,
but you must give
your brother the crystal.

No! For the sake
of the universe, no!

PHOENIX: Phoenix must go!

Lilandra is under
my protection.

Learn the power
of Phoenix.

Are you the child
of the crystal?


You must help me
to keep the crystal

from falling into
the hands of my brother,
the Emperor!

The crystal is here.
I can feel its power.



XAVIER: Do not fear, Lilandra.
The X-Men
will do all in our power

to help you safeguard
the crystal.

But I must return
to my ship at once,

and my transporter
is not strong enough
to bring you with me.

I am.

you don't look it.

This body is young
and strong.
It recovers quickly.

(GASPING) A ship!

It isn't
your brother, Lilandra.
It is a friend.

Where's Jean?

Searching the skies.

She's all right, Cyke.
Best I can tell.

Jean? Jean?

It is good that you
are here. Help me
to prepare the others.

-For what?
-For the battle
to save the galaxy.

I can help!
Just tell me how!

I will tell you
what I can.

But there is much
I do not know,

and there is much
I must do alone.

I was heartened
to discover
that you were not

a figment of the Professor's
unbridled imagination.

I am anxious
to learn more
about your people.

Looks like you'll
get your chance.

Listen up, people.

Jean has
something to say.

In our hands
lies the fate

of a billion star systems,
of lives beyond measure.

Just what
I wanted to hear.

It is time to go.



Jean! You must not
leave me behind!

It's no use,

The way she said goodbye,
it's like they're
not coming back, ever.


Next time
I'll take the bus.

-I've got you!

No, I'll be all right.

Thanks to you,
we have arrived
before my brother.

That's what
all the fuss
is about?

How you fit
a whole galaxy
in there?

Its faceted configuration
gives the crystal

infinite storage capacity
for refracted light energy.

there had to be
a simple explanation.

You like it, chere?
I'll get you one
for Christmas.

We must move quickly
to safeguard the crystal.

Take evasive action!



Who knocked?

It was some sort
of stun ray.

Lilandra's out colder
than a leftover
hush puppy.

The ray may have been
specifically attuned
to Shi'ar life forms.

Aliens, Corsair!
Ugly ones, too!

Who are you calling ugly,
lizard lips?

Get the crystal!

Interesting weaponry.

Effective, too.


There ain't hardly room
to swing a cat in here!

These are not
the Emperor's troops.

They are intergalactic
pirates who call
themselves the Starjammers.

Pirates? Where do
they keep their swords
and eye patches?

-Aye, captain.

the stun ray for humans!

But, Captain...

Just do it!

or I'll fire!

No, Scott!
You can't!

Fire, Raza!


Come, Hepzibah.


Who turned out
the lights again? Jean.

They took
the crystal, Logan.

They took Scott, too.

Jean, why did you
stop Cyke when he was
about to blast that joker?

I can't tell you.

That he's Scott's father.

Why have you taken him,
my captain?
As a hostage?

No, Raza.
Not a hostage.

He's a w*apon.
The last one
we'll ever need.

Identify yourself.

Scout ship of Imperial Agent
Davan Shakari, Majesty.

Code name
Eric the Red.

He wishes permission
to report to you.

Shakari, I ordered you
to intercept Lilandra

and recover
the M'Kraan Crystal.

Why have you not done
as I commanded?

You say a group
of pathetic Earth creatures
defeated you?

You, an Imperial
Shi'ar agent? Fool!

Gladiator, tell me
what has happened.

My lord, is it not
said that the crystal
is protected

by a guardian of
immense power?

The Phoenix
is only a legend.

My lord,
I have seen her.

Impudent rebel dog!

Pirate traitor!

I'm glad you haven't
forgotten me, D'Ken.

Do you remember this?

The M'Kraan Crystal.
Name your price, thief!

I know you'd give
everything you've got
to get your hands on it,

but I'm only asking half.

Half the
Imperial treasury.

My lord,
he insults you!

By the sacred ancestors
of the Shi'ar,

I agree to your price.

I'll bring you the crystal
and a present
for your amusement.

One of the Earth creatures
who've been helping Lilandra.

Though your forces failed,
I was able to deal with them.


Yes, my Emperor?

As soon as
the crystal
is mine,

you will destroy Corsair
and his Starjammers.

But, my lord,
you swore
the Sacred Oath!

You will do it!

Yes, my Emperor.

Imperial Guards,
your Emperor honors us
by sending us against

the rebel Starjammers
in battle.

The leader Corsair will
be taken and destroyed.

The Emperor and I
had a friendly chat.

What are you to him?

A festering wound
in his side.

He calls me
a pirate and worse.

I think he's right.


But today,
I'm D'Ken's best friend.

Today I'm selling him
the M'Kraan Crystal.

You can't do that!
Don't you know
that if that madman

unleashes the power
of the crystal,

it could destroy
the entire galaxy?

D'Ken will never
touch the crystal,

because you are going
to end his miserable existence.

The only way I can
get close to D'Ken
is to offer him the crystal.

Why are you so determined
to destroy him?

D'Ken has destroyed
millions in his quest
for power.

One of those millions
was my wife.

Does he know
what he's done
to you?

He knows.

Then he'll expect
an attack.

From me, yes.
But not from you,
a helpless prisoner.

You should have one
clear shot from your eyes
at full strength.

I won't take a life
in cold blood.

If D'Ken lives
and gets his hands
on the crystal,

and eventually he will,
billions of lives
will be lost.

Is your sense of honor
worth so much?

Is one woman's life important
enough to risk the fate
of an entire galaxy?

It was to me.

The Starjammeris too fast.
We cannot overtake it.



How can we fight something
we can't catch?

Don't worry, we'll fight
little green men
soon enough.

You must transport us
to the Starjammer,

just as
you brought us here.

I'm still weak,
but be patient.
I will recover.

Each time I use my powers,
I grow stronger.

The time has come.
Will you help me
destroy the Emperor?

You know that, for the sake
of the galaxy,
I have no choice.

If we fail,
get the Starjammer
to safety.

We shall not
abandon you,

As long as I'm captain
of this ship,
you'll carry out my orders.

If we fail,
someone has to
carry on the fight.

I come
from your planet.

How is that


That's a long story.

We're so close to Earth now.
I would've liked
to have seen it again.

Do you have
any children?


I wouldn't know mine
now if I saw them.

Except I remember
my oldest boy.
He had his mother's eyes.

If I can contact Cyclops

I can use the mind-link
like a homing beacon.

Emperor, the prisoner
is the leader
of the X-Men.

So? Such a pathetic
creature is of
no interest to me.

Scott, Scott.


It's Jean!

He's on D'Ken's ship.

I'm coming, Scott!

The crystal is here.
I can feel its power. Corsair!
Show me the crystal!

It is mine!
The greatest power
in the universe.

Do it now!

Imperial Guards!

It is the Phoenix!

D'Ken! You've
lived too long!



Corsair, you fool.

A shape-shifter!

Destroy them all!

Start the ball,

Get the crystal!


Drop it, bub,
or I'll drop you!

Out of my way,

Get out of
your own way!

Thank you, Rogue.

I enjoyed it.

Cut off their retreat!

Everyone! Head for
the Starjammer!


Let's move it!

The bigger
they are...



What's cooking?

Come, my friend!

Stop fooling around,
Gambit! We gotta go!

"Our safety is our speed."
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I'll help you, Beast!

It was the thought
that counted.

I got it, Beast.

Is that everyone?

It is now.


Let's go!

You don't have to
tell me twice!

Corsair to Starjammer.
Get ready to... D'Ken!

One false move, X-Men,
and Gladiator
will crush Lilandra!


No, Logan.
It's up to me now.

In the name
of Sharra and K'ythri,

and the sacred ancestors
of the Shi'ar...

D'Ken! No!


I call upon
the nine dying stars, and
the world that has no name!


I am the guardian
of the crystal.

Unlock the power
of the M'Kraan
and make the galaxy mine!

You are too late!

I was not yet
strong enough
to stop him.

It has begun.
By opening a breach
in the crystal,

D'Ken has unleashed
the power of
the negative galaxy inside.

You mean
it might get out?

I mean we
and everything
we know

may soon be pulled in.