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05x09 - For Tonight You're Only Here to Know

Posted: 03/11/08 13:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill...

PEYTON : I still love you, Lucas.

LUCAS : Peyton, I...

LINDSEY : Lucas asked me to marry him.

WHITEY : What the hell is this?

MOUTH : Well, we have this website.

JIMMY : Yeah, we're sports announcers.

JIMMY : Everyone get away from the door!

MOUTH : Jim, you can't do this.

JIMMY : It's a little late for that, Mouth.

LUCAS : You're bleeding. We got to get you somewhere safe.

PEYTON : No, I can't! I can't walk. I tried.

KEITH : Jimmy, please...

JIMMY : I'm sorry.


MOUTH : He was my friend. I... I miss him a lot.

PEYTON : Lucas, look me in the eye and tell me that that kiss did not feel exactly the same as it felt three years ago.

LUCAS : I'm in love with her, Peyton.


MOUTH (voiceover) : Take a look at this picture. What do you see? There's a high school basketball game tonight somewhere in America, and there's a great story there. But sometimes, to find it, you have to look away... into the shadows, on the fringe of the obvious. Can you see it? Look closer.


While we hear Mia singing, we see Haley with some student in a classroom. Then one of the student is actually Mia.

PEYTON : Cut! Cut! Great. Really great work, Mia. Excellent. Thank you guys very much. We can check that and move on.


PEYTON : How crazy is this? It looks just like your classroom.

HALEY : It's so crazy.

GUY: All right, it's good. Let's move on.

PEYTON : Thank you.

HALEY : I kind of need to get out of here. I don't know if you need me for closeups...

PEYTON : No, no, no. You're good.

HALEY : Okay. All right, see you.

PEYTON : Oh, Haley... Okay, about the whole Lucas engagement thing... I just...

LUCAS : You got to let him go, Peyton.

PEYTON : I know. It's just hard.

HALEY : It'll be okay. I'll see you at the game.

MIA : This is so awesome. What's next?

PEYTON : We go hand-held.


Mouth is alone in the empty gym. Skills walks in

MOUTH : Local boys make good. A new era dawns. Come on, find the story.

SKILLS : Tonight's the big night, baby. First game of the season and broadcasting debut for Marvin McFadden.

MOUTH : It's just a taped segment. I'm not even sure they're gonna run it.

SKILLS : Man, they gonna run it. Look, you gonna throw down so hard, they gonna have to run it. Got an angle, right?

MOUTH : Yeah, I'm thinking, "former state champions take over." Something like that.

SKILLS : Yeah, that's all good. Well, look, if you need anything, I got you. All-access, baby.

(Skills starts leaving)

SKILLS : Hey, Mouth. Relax, dog. You gonna do great, all right?


Haley is getting ready, Nathan arrives

HALEY : Hey, sorry. I'll just be one more minute. I've never seen Jamie so keyed up. He's so excited about this game.

(Nathan is looking at her, not saying anything)

HALEY : Everything all right?

NATHAN : I have to tell you something. It's about Carrie.

(Carrie walks in)

CARRIE : I should probably be the one to tell her. I have to give my two weeks notice.

HALEY : Why?

CARRIE : Because I got accepted to a graduate program that I thought I couldn't afford, but I got a last-minute scholarship offer, and I think I have to take it.

HALEY : Well, of course you do. Congratulations. We're gonna miss you. I hope Jamie doesn't take it too hard.

CARRIE : Yeah, I'm gonna miss you, too. More than you know.


Lucas is sitting in the dark, Mouth arrives

MOUTH : Hey, Luke. You working on the game plan?

LUCAS : Actually... I was just thinking about Keith. Wishing he were here, you know?

MOUTH : I've been thinking about Jimmy all week. What I wouldn't give to trade this day for that one.

(Mouth shows a picture of Jimmy and he)

MOUTH : I see they took Dan's jersey down in the gym. I'm glad.

LUCAS : Jimmy'd be proud of you.

MOUTH : Thanks. You too. Good luck, Luke.

LUCAS : Thanks, Mouth. You too.

(Mouth leaces)

LUCAS : Oh, Keith, please help me out tonight.


Quentin is getting ready and put a bandage on his right hand. Jamie is imitating him

QUENTIN : So, what you think, bro? It's good?

JAMIE : Yeah, good.



Mia is looking at the Friends with Benefit poster

MIA : Hey, Peyton, is that really who you used to be?

PEYTON : Yep, that's me. Come on.

MIA : Wow. You were really cool. What happened?

PEYTON : Watch it.

MIA : So, tell me again... we're going to see the team that your ex-boyfriend coaches, but now he's engaged to Haley's friend, right?

PEYTON : Okay. You want to see where I went to high school or not?

MIA : No, totally. I just want to know who we hate before we get there.

Peyton opens the big door in her office and we magically jump into Tree Hill gym.

We can see Lindsey and Brooke on the other side of the gym sitting on the bench.

PEYTON : You see the girl showing off her cheap-ass engagement ring to my best friend?

MIA : Yeah. Lindsey, right?

PEYTON : That's who we hate.


Peyton and Mia are walking in the school hallways

PEYTON (angry) : She knows exactly what she's doing. I cannot believe that Lindsey invited Brooke to the game. It's bad enough she's got Lucas, but now she's got to snake in on my friends, too?

MIA : I once put a hex on a girl I hated, and it totally worked.

PEYTON : Maybe you could give her a horrible rash or something for the wedding.

MIA : Totally. So are we gonna go back or what? I'm pretty excited about this catfight.

PEYTON : Do you want to see the place where I got shot and almost bled to death or what?

MIA : The catfight can wait.


Haley joins Brooke and Lindsey

LINDSEY : Hey, we saved you a seat.

HALEY : Thank you so much. Oh, I can't wait to get a good shot of Jamie... with my camera that I don't have. It's in my classroom.

BROOKE : Can we go with you? I'm dying to see teacher girl's classroom.

HALEY : All right. Come on.


SKILLS : All right, let's go. Listen up.

LUCAS : Four years ago, we won a state championship. And since then, there's been a lot of losing. But this is a new team, and this is your house. Good teams win at home.

SKILLS : Every game.

LUCAS : Every game. And this is a good team. Believe in that. Believe in each other. It all starts tonight, boys.

(the all team cheer)

LUCAS : A new team deserves a new look.

(Skills gives them new jerseys)

SKILLS : You should win half of your games just for looking so damn good.

LUCAS : Jamie Scott! You better suit up, too, son.

(Lucas gives Jamie a small jersey with the number 23)

LUCAS : If Q's hand isn't right, we might need you.

ALL PLAYERS : Go, Jamie! Go, Jamie!


Haley, Brooke and Lindsey are walking in the school hallways. They pass by the library.

BROOKE : This is so weird. I feel like I haven't walked these halls in 20 years.

LINDSEY : Hey. Isn't that Mia?

HALEY : Okay.

BROOKE : Yeah.

(They walk inside the library)

HALEY : Mia? What are you doing here?

(Peyton appears from the side)

HALEY : Oh. Hey, Peyton.

PEYTON : Hey, check it out. It's my old friends, Brooke and Haley, and their new pal, Lindsey.

BROOKE : Peyton, we made plans for tonight before you...

LINDSEY : Before you called me a bitch.

PEYTON : Bitch? No. No, I did not call you a bitch. I said I didn't like you.

BROOKE : Peyton...

LINDSEY : No, you don't have to make apologies to her, just like I'm not apologizing because I'm engaged to Lucas and she's not.

PEYTON : You know, I really was gonna try to be nice to you, but I think that's officially over.

LINDSEY : Works for me.

PEYTON : Great.

LINDSEY : I'm gonna head back.

PEYTON : Hey, if you get tired dragging that fat ass back to the gym, there is a water fountain down the hall.

LINDSEY : Whatever, you bulimic bitch.

(Lindsey starts to leave but can’t open the door)

LINDSEY : I can't. There's no handle.

(Brooke is finding a paper)

BROOKE : They're fixing them over the weekend.

LINDSEY : So what's that mean?

HALEY : I think it means we're stuck.

LINDSEY (screaming) : Help! Help! Somebody!

BROOKE (screaming) : Help us!

LINDSEY : Somebody, please!

Lindsey is still screaming at the door.

LINDSEY : Somebody get us out of here! Help!

HALEY : Lindsey, nobody's gonna hear you. They're all at the game.

LINDSEY : We cannot be locked in here. I am totally claustrophobic.

MIA : But it's, like, a huge library.

LINDSEY : It's the "locked in" part.

HALEY : Relax. You'll be okay.

BROOKE : Okay, they're fixing all the other doors. No handles.

PEYTON : And the phones seem to be out.

HALEY : All the calls will go through the office. Nobody's answering.

PEYTON : Does anybody have cell phone reception? 'Cause I got nothing.

HALEY : I don't.

BROOKE : Nobody ever gets cell phone reception in here. Except for me, 'cause the world loves me! I'm gonna call Mouth. I'll have us out of here in two seconds.

(We see mouth’s bag in Lucas’ office)

MOUTH VOICEMAIL : Hey, this is Mouth. Please leave me a message.

BROOKE : It went to voice mail.

HALEY : There's got to be somebody else we can call to get out of here.

LINDSEY : Call the police. 911.

PEYTON : Really ? There's someone out there getting m*rder*d, and we're gonna bother the police? No. There is somebody that we know who's not coaching or playing in this game.

BROOKE : Don't ask me. I just moved here.

PEYTON : Brooke.

BROOKE : I don't want to.

PEYTON : Brooke.

BROOKE : I don't even know his number.

HALEY : What are you talking about?

PEYTON : Brooke's gonna call Owen, her new bartender crush, to get us out.

BROOKE : I am not. It's too soon.

HALEY : Brooke, we're gonna miss the game.

BROOKE : I don't want to call him! It violates all the rules of dating etiquette. I am gonna look desperate, he has to do us a favor, and then he can make fun of me for it.

HALEY : Oh, my God.

BROOKE : Fine. I will call him, but if he does not sleep with me after this, it is your fault... all of you.

HALEY : I think I'm okay with that.

(Brooke looks at her phone and laughs)

PEYTON : What?

BROOKE : My battery just died! It's great! Isn't that great?

HALEY : Brooke, we're stuck!

LINDSEY : Uh, stuck is not good.

HALEY : Come sit down for a second, ok? All right, just breathe and close your eyes and try and think of a place that makes you happy and calm. You got it? Where are you?

LINDSEY : I'm with my dad. We're walking near Walden Pond. It's fall. The leaves are changing.

HALEY : You're not here. You're there. Better?


HALEY : Okay.

PEYTON : Hey, Mia, are you okay?

MIA : I'm great. I actually think this is kind of awesome. I can finally get to know you guys. I have questions.

PEYTON : No. Now is not the time.

MIA : Oh, come on. You guys totally fascinate me. Especially you, Brooke.

BROOKE : Really? Well, in that case, ask away, my dear.

MIA : Okay. Like, you're really successful, right? Like, really cool and rich?

BROOKE : Yes, yes, and yes.

MIA : So why do you let that horrible stink of a mom boss you around all the time?

BROOKE : You should quit being so nosy.

HALEY : Come on, Brooke. You know she's not nice.

BROOKE : I'm not talking about my mom.

PEYTON : She doesn't appreciate you.

BROOKE : She is my mother, all right?

LINDSEY : That doesn't make it right.

BROOKE : Okay. It's time for the two new kids to stay the hell out of it, and as for you two, I expect you both to understand.

HALEY : What's that supposed to mean?

BROOKE : You know what it means. Neither of your moms were around... at least not in all the time that I've been friends with you. I'm sorry for that, but what if you had a chance to have them back in your lives?

PEYTON : Brooke, I would love to have them back... both of them, all right? But I would hope that they'd be coming back because they love me, not because they wanted to run my label.

BROOKE : Oh, the label I financed?

PEYTON : Easy. I'm with you.

BROOKE : Now. You are with me now, Peyton, but for the last four years, my mom has been with me every day, helping me create a pretty great company.

HALEY : That's... not true. I was with you when you created that pretty great company, and so was Peyton. Maybe your mom made it bigger, but you created it all by yourself. You did. You made it great before your mom even stepped into the picture.

BROOKE : You guys don't know anything about it.

HALEY : Maybe not, but I do know that a mother's love is unconditional, and you don't have to earn it, you don't have to sign a fashion label to keep it. It just is.

BROOKE : You don't know anything about it.

Lindsey is watching the window, holding a chair. Haley comes to see her

HALEY : You okay?

LINDSEY : I'm thinking I can break this window.

HALEY : Lindsey, somebody's gonna come get us out of here.

LINDSEY : I can do it.

HALEY : No... oh! Okay.

(Lindsey brings up the chair above her head, but falls on her back)

LINDSEY : Jeez, that chair is really heavy.

Behind some shelves, Brooke is reading "b. davis" alone. Peyton comes to see her

PEYTON : Check it out. I found librarian Glaufelte's stash. We always knew she was boozy. Do you want some?

(Peyton shows her the bottle of whiskey, Brooke doesn’t answer)

PEYTON : Whatcha readin'?

BROOKE : "B. Davis"... She came up with this, Peyton. The magazine, the high-end clientele... Victoria did all of it.

PEYTON : I know. But it's not called "V. Davis", is it?

BROOKE : All those years growing up, I just wanted her to see me. To see me and appreciate me and maybe love me. And now that I have it, even if it's for the wrong reasons, it's hard to let it go. Can you understand that?

PEYTON : Yeah.

Lindsey is walking in the main room. Mia is using a computer and Haley is playing cards.

LINDSEY : This is terrible. It's Lucas' first game, we're stuck in this stupid library. Ah, I wish we knew the score.

MIA : Ravens down by 8. Wait, let me refresh. Ravens down by 10.

HALEY : Are you online?

MIA : Yeah.

HALEY : Brooke, Peyton, come here. We got internet.

MIA : Hey, you guys want to see me at Trick?

LINDSEY : Okay, there's got to be a way we can use this to get out.

MIA : Or at least order a pizza. I'm starving.

PEYTON : No, that's it.

BROOKE : Do we need to be thinking about food right now?

PEYTON : No, we order pizza online. We have it delivered here so we can get out. Okay, Blackwell's pizzeria... they are... open. You can order online, and they deliver.

BROOKE : Nice. So, what are we getting?

PEYTON : What?

BROOKE : What kind of pizza?

PEYTON : I don't know. Mushroom and sausage.

BROOKE : No mushroom, please.

PEYTON : Brooke.

MIA : I'm totally with Brooke. Canadian bacon?

BROOKE : Canadian bacon. Extra cheese.

HALEY : Guys, seriously

LINDSEY : Just order the damn pizza.

PEYTON : Do not yell at me.

LINDSEY : I'll yell at you if I want. Just order it! Freaking sausage, canadian bacon, freaking mushroom... I want to get the hell out of here!

PEYTON : We all want to get the hell out of here, okay? Don't yell at me!

HALEY : Calm down! God.

BROOKE : Just no mushroom.

PEYTON : There. It's ordered. Are we all happy now?

BROOKE : What'd we get?

PEYTON : No mushroom, Brooke, okay? No "mush," no "room"... no mushroom!

HALEY : Relax, okay? The pizza guy's gonna come, he's gonna let us out, and maybe we'll make the end of the game, so in the meantime, everybody calm down!

(Haley goes sit and nobody talks for a while)

MIA : You did a great job with my record, Haley.

HALEY : Thank you... Where did that come from?

MIA : I don't know. I just think we tear each other down enough, you know? And sometimes you should tell people the things that you love about them, like something they're really great at or a quality they have that you admire, and you did a really good job.

PEYTON : Courage. Haley's courageous.

BROOKE : And strong.

LINDSEY : And kind.

MIA : See, don't you feel like you're pretty awesome now?

HALEY : Yeah, I kinda do.

MIA : Okay, do me. What's great about me?

HALEY : Your voice is an amazing gift.

LINDSEY : The fact that you came up with this game.

PEYTON : Your boobs.

BROOKE : And your lips. I would k*ll for lips like that. And you've got good legs. It's like a whole...

MIA : Okay. Before this turns into a women-in-prison film, I think we should move on.

MIA : Lindsey. Your eyes are, like, not even fair.

HALEY : You're also one of the smartest people I know.

LINDSEY : I am not.

BROOKE : And you're classy.

LINDSEY : You guys...

BROOKE : Peyton, isn't there something nice you'd like to say about Lindsey?

PEYTON : She got decent taste in men.

(Peyton dinks some whiskey)

PEYTON : This game sucks.

(Peyton starts leaving but stops when Lindsey starts talking)

LINDSEY : I'm intimidated by Peyton. I spent a year editing a book that was basically a love letter to her. I watched how caring and meticulous Lucas was with the words he chose for her, like he was still holding on to her. Sometimes I think he still is.

PEYTON : Which is why he proposed to you, right? Yeah, I can see that.

(Peyton leaves)

PEYTON : God, I hate this library.

Haley and Lindsey are on the computer. Mia joins them

MIA : I found it.

HALEY : A way out?

MIA : No. Lucas' book. I never read it.

Peyton is sitting a the same place she was with Lucas the day of the sh**ting. Brooke comes and sit with her.

PEYTON : They replaced the carpet. This is where Lucas and I hid out during the school sh**ting, but they changed the carpet. It doesn't match.

BROOKE : I'm not gonna tell you how to be with Lindsey... but most of your life, I've known you to take the high road.

PEYTON : I know, Brooke. I'm so sick of looking at her and her precious ring.

BROOKE : You mean your precious ring?

Back in the main room, Haley and Lindsey are having fun and Mia is reading Lucas’ book.

LINDSEY : All right.

(Haley is trying to throw some peanut? Into Lindsey’s mouth)

LINDSEY : One more.

HALEY : Oh...

LINDSEY : Score me. Score me, Haley.

HALEY : Ravens are down by 9. Halftime.

MIA : Wait. Hold on. Are you telling me Lucas slept with Peyton, Brooke, and you, Lindsey?

LINDSEY : Yeah. Not all at the same time.

(Haley and Lindsey laugh)

MIA : Jeez, Haley, you sure you never got in on that?

HALEY : Ew, he's like my brother.

MIA : I'm just saying. Jamie looks a lot like him.

LINDSEY : Ah, they're like twins.

HALEY : They are not!

(Brooke arrives)

BROOKE : Yes, they are. And what inbred moron is taking so long with our pizza?

In the hallway we see the pizza guy arriving, it’s Tim. He stops when he sees Brooke inside the library

TIM : Well, well, well.

Inside, Mia is on the computer, Haley finds a guitar on a shelf. Lindsey is drinking the bottle of whiskey

MIA : Oh, my God, 4,000 hits for my video at Trick. Listen to these comments. "You rock. Where can I buy this?"

LINDSEY : That's really great, Mia.

MIA : "This song is awesome. I'd love to see this chick... naked." Ew.

HALEY : It's just one comment.

MIA : No, wait, there's more. "Another pop princess who can't sing or play, "She looks like she smells like dirty feet"? What's wrong with people?

HALEY : You need to stop. Do you know what people use the internet for?

LINDSEY : Porn and complaining.

HALEY : Yep.

MIA : But that's so not fair. They have to know there's somebody reading this.

HALEY : It's the easiest thing in the world to tear down somebody's work. The hard part is actually creating it. It's criticism versus creation. Do you love making music?

MIA : Yeah.

HALEY : Okay, so, the rest doesn't matter.

(Haley gives Mia the guitar)

MIA : Easy for you to say. They didn't say you smell like feet.

LINDSEY : Oh, sticks and stones, Mia.

(Brooke and Peyton arrive)

PEYTON : Right. This coming from the girl that couldn't handle it when I said I didn't like her.

LINDSEY : Okay. Let's just check the scorecard on this one, miss "pity me." You dated the guy two years ago, you disappeared, then you come back and expect him to drop everything for the love of your bony jobless ass. WTF?

HALEY : Okay, D.U.I.

PEYTON : Nice work, Haley. Better save ol' drinky here before I kick her spoiled ass all the way back to Walden Pond.

LINDSEY : Oh, yeah?

PEYTON : Yeah.

LINDSEY : Guess this is the second time you'll be bleeding all over this library.

(Lindsey and Peyton start a fight, Brooke and Haley try to stop themà

PEYTON : You think that's funny?!

(Tim walks in, everybody stops)

TIM : Tim Smith is in the lib-ra-zee!

BROOKE : Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

(Brooke sees the door of the library is almost closed, she starts running but Tim stops her by taking her in his arms)

TIM : Oh, my God!

BROOKE : Tim, put me down!

TIM : Brooke, it's so good to see...

BROOKE : You idiot! The door is locked!

TIM : No, it's not. I just walked in, Brooke.

BROOKE : From the outside, Tim. The door is locked from the outside. We cannot get out!

TIM : Girl, chill. I'll just call somebody at the pizza place and have them send someone... I left my phone in my scooter. Motorcycle. It's a motorcycle. Well, since we're locked in here all alone... who wants a piece? Extra sausage.


At the half-time, Mouth is alone

MOUTH : Ravens trail by 9. Sold-out crowd. Come on, Mouth. There's a great story here. Find it.

(Mouth find the picture of Jimmy and he in his pocket and looks at it)

They are all together eating pizza

BROOKE : Oh, my God.

MIA : If you had to eat any part of a person to stay alive, what would you eat?

BROOKE : What?

MIA : Like... I don't know... say we ran out of food and Haley died.

HALEY : Thanks a lot.

MIA : Okay, someone else dies, and we need to survive. What do you eat?

TIM : I know what I'm starting with.

(Tim is looking at Brooke’s boobs)

BROOKE : Don't say it, perv.

LINDSEY : Love handles. I'd make, like, beef jerky out of their love handles. You could snack for days.

BROOKE : Ew... I so would not eat someone's love handles.

MIA : Well, you're gonna starve, and we're all gonna eat you.

BROOKE : No one gonna's eat me, ther.

BROOKE (to Tim) : No!

PEYTON : You know, I could eat your neck like a vampire.

BROOKE : You guys, seriously.

PEYTON : What's the big deal? You're dead, and I'm hungry.

MIA : Yeah, don't you want us to live?

HALEY : We're hungry, Brooke.

BROOKE : Okay. Chow down, but I am gonna haunt each and every one of you.

TIM : I believe in ghosts.

MIA : Totally.

PEYTON : Yeah, don't even get me started.

HALEY : Do you believe in ghosts, Linds?

LINDSEY : I think if someone dies suddenly, especially before their time, maybe they get confused. They don't know to leave a place.

TIM : You think they're still here, then? Jimmy Edwards and Keith?


Mouth is sitting in the hallway, looking at the picture

MOUTH : I wish you were here tonight, Jim. We were supposed to do this together.


TIM : And this is a picture of my son. A lot of people say he looks like me, but I'm not quite sure he's that handsome.

HALEY : He's really something. What's his name?

TIM : Nathan.

MIA : Mine's a snow day. My happy place. Lindsey's is Walden Pond. Mine's a snow day in Ohio.

HALEY : No school.

MIA : I'd stay in bed under the warm covers, and my mom would bring me hot chocolate. How 'bout you, Peyton? Your mom ever bring you hot chocolate on a snow day?

PEYTON : No, I didn't have... I didn't have a whole lot of snow days. Brooke and I did build a pretty k*ller snow fort once.

LINDSEY : And you sat in it, and you worried that your lives were about to change.

PEYTON : Just because you edited a book about my life doesn't mean you know anything about me.

LINDSEY : I didn't mean anything by it. I was just... It's a beautiful story.

(Mia starts playing guitar)

HALEY : That's nice, Mia.

MIA : Thanks. I've had this melody forever and just don't have the lyrics yet.

HALEY : Why don't you keep playing it and maybe we can help you?

PEYTON : I think maybe we should probably just work on that in the studio, alone.

LINDSEY : Oh, for God's sakes. What am I gonna do... steal Mia's song?

PEYTON : I don't know. Songs? Friends?

LINDSEY : What about you, scraggly? I heard you stole Lucas from Brooke once. Pot, meet kettle.

PEYTON : Ass, meet face.

MIA (singing) : Pot, meet kettle Ass, meet face... I don't think that's gonna work, guys.

TIM : Wait! That's hot! No, drop that b*mb again! I got something.

MIA : Yeah? All right, ready?

TIM : Okay.

MIA : One, two, three, four...

(Mia starts playing)

TIM (singing) : Straight from the ghetto, Packing wood like Geppetto ain't gonna bathe till I look like Jared Leto

(everybody laugh)

TIM : What...

HALEY : Nice.

PEYTON : Don't laugh at him.

LINDSEY : You're right. Creation versus criticism. Let me try one.

MIA : Two, three, four...

LINDSEY (singing) : My name's Peyton Fake, blond Peyton I don't have a boyfriend 'Cause I'm a bitch

PEYTON : Play it again, Mia.

HALEY : Guys, we need to stop.


MIA : One, two, three, four...

PEYTON (singing) : Her name's Lindsey... man-faced Lindsey and her fiancé proposed to me first with the very same ring!

LINDSEY : You're lying.

PEYTON : Oh, you didn't know?

BROOKE : Peyton

PEYTON : No, is she gonna cry?

LINDSEY : Stop it.

PEYTON : Go ahead, let's cry, little rich girl.

LINDSEY : I said stop it.

PEYTON : Is daddy gonna throw you a great, big, huge wedding at Walden Pond for his little crybaby daughter?

HALEY : Peyton, you don't know what you're talking about!

PEYTON : It's fine. Daddy's gonna make everything better for the little rich girl that got everything she ever wanted!

LINDSEY : He's dead! All right, Peyton? He's dead. He died two years ago from cancer, but not until he couldn't walk or talk or even recognize me. Does that make you happy? Does that make you feel better? That his death is with me every day, that I was the one who had to turn off the ventilator because my mother was too destroyed to do it? You want to hear the sound he made before he took that last breath? Oh, 'cause I can still hear it exactly how it sounded. Oh, does that make you happy? Are you glad that my life isn't perfect?

PEYTON : Lindsey...

LINDSEY : I used to admire the Peyton from the book. She seemed so noble... kind. I wish she were here, Peyton. That version of you. What happened to her?

(Lindsey leaves and Haley follows her)

Some of the characters are over singing a small part of the song

MIA (singing voiceover) : I was true as the sky is blue But I couldn't soon Say the same for you, no, no So now I find denial in my eyes I'm mesmerized by the... the picture that's in my mind now So tell me when I finally see your shattered heart What it is, yeah 'Cause I don't want to keep on believing in illusions No, no, no 'cause I've seen your act and I know all the facts I'm still in love with you, I wish you were here And it ain't hard to see who you are underneath I'm still in love with you, I wish you were... I wish you were here I wish you were here


Brooke is with Peyton, Haley joins them

HALEY : God, the last time I was trapped in the school was the sh**ting. You know how Lindsey and I got so close? She was... editing Lucas' book, and I still wasn't really sure about her 'cause I was rooting for Lucas to be with my friend Peyton... or maybe even Brooke.

Anyway, she... she was working on the chapter about the sh**ting, and she said to me, "I want this to be Lucas' best writing... the best he has in him... because Peyton deserves it. Jimmy and Keith deserve it, and that day deserves it." And we've been friends ever since.

Lindsey is alone, crying, Peyton comes to see her

PEYTON : Can I please talk with you?

(Lindsey starts to leave)

PEYTON : I'm sorry. God, Lindsey, I'm sorry. I am so sorry for what I said about your father, okay? I lost my mom to cancer, and I... I'm sorry. I don't know what it is, but you bring out the insecurities in me, and I end up being the worst possible version of myself.

LINDSEY : Welcome to the club.

PEYTON : Haley told me what you said about wanting to get that chapter right in the book, the one about the school sh**ting. And I think that's what makes it so hard, you know... the fact that Lucas has found this person that's so great and that has such a big heart... And it was never my ring. I was just trying to hurt you. And the only reason I recognized it is 'cause that's the ring Keith gave Karen when he proposed to her, before he walked into this school and never walked out again. So you have to know how much Lucas loves you if he wanted you to have it.

LINDSEY : Why would you tell me that?

PEYTON : So you stop doubting it. So we stop doing this. God, you gave me a clean slate, and I said something dumb that I didn't even mean, and I was just too stubborn to take it back. I guess it's obvious that I'm not the Peyton in the book anymore. The truth is, I never was.

LINDSEY : I think you were. And I think you still are. It's just... you're not that couple anymore. And in a way, it breaks my heart, 'cause I really was rooting for them. But Lucas and I have written our own chapter now, and that's a chapter I won't apologize for.

PEYTON : No, you don't have to. And you don't have a man face or a big ass. The fact is, you have a pretty great ass, so...

LINDSEY : Okay. Before this turns into a women-in-prison film... maybe we should move on.

PEYTON : Moving on sounds... overdue.

Haley and Brooke are playing with some card, Tim is watching. Mia is reading

HALEY : "M"? Mono.

BROOKE : Monkey. Yes!

TIM : Well, guess it's time for me to get back to work.

BROOKE : But you're forgetting something, short bus. The door's locked.

TIM : No big deal.

BROOKE : What?

(Tim walks to the door and find an easy way to open it)

PEYTON : Oh, my God! Did you know how to do that this whole time?!

TIM : Yeah.

HALEY : Why didn't you say something?

TIM : I miss you guys. Nobody keeps in touch anymore.


The game is finished and the gym is almost empty.

LUCAS : Would you look at that? You can still see where Dan's jersey used to hang.

NATHAN : It's kind of eerie, huh?

LUCAS : You know, that's weird. I expected to see Lindsey here. Have you talked to Haley tonight?

NATHAN : Now that you mention it, no, but I've been trying to avoid her.

LUCAS : What's going on?

NATHAN : You kissed Peyton, didn't you?

LUCAS : Okay, I know you want to call me a d*ck, and that's fine...

NATHAN : I kissed Carrie.

LUCAS : You're a d*ck.

NATHAN : I know. Actually, she kissed me, but it still happened, and I feel terrible about it. I'm not that guy, Luke.

LUCAS : Are you sure? I mean, if you had another chance to do it, would you do it again?

NATHAN : No. Absolutely not. I love Haley.

LUCAS : Okay.

NATHAN : Luke, every time I try to keep something from Haley, it just makes it worse. I'm gonna tell her. She deserves to know.

(Jamie arrives with Skills)

JAMIE : Ready to go home now, daddy?

NATHAN (to Lucas) : I got to stop being my father and start being the father my son thinks I am.

MOUTH (voiceover) : There was a high school basketball game tonight somewhere in America. A team won, and a team lost. That's not the real story. The real story is about fathers and sons. It's about life and time. And change.


All the girls are leaving the library and say goodbye

HALEY : All right. I'll see you later.

MIA : See ya.

MOUTH (voiceover) : Girls and boys went to the game. They dressed up and hoped to fit in. Some did. Some didn't.

BROOKE : If it's okay, since I came with them...

PEYTON : Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go. I want you to. And you know why? 'Cause you are my best friend, Brooke Davis, and you always will be.

BROOKE : Yes, I will. Love you.

MOUTH (voiceover) : It's a story that has history and chapters yet to be written.

Haley, Brooke and Lindsey leave one way, Peyton and Mia another.

PEYTON : You ready, rock star?

MIA(singing) : My name's Peyton fake, blond Peyton I don't have a boyfriend 'cause I'm a bitch

MIA : What? It's catchy.

PEYTON : Whatever. You look like you smell like feet.


Lucas is sitting alone on a bench, Lindsey joins him


LUCAS : I was looking for you.

LINDSEY : I was here. Whatcha thinking about?

LUCAS : Keith.

LINDSEY : He'd be proud of you.

MOUTH (voiceover) : There was a high school basketball game tonight somewhere in America. Reporters will report. They'll tell you who the high scorer was and what the keys to the game were. But that's not the real story. As a matter of fact, that's not the story at all.